House Calls

Why So Many Denominations? Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang, John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL110016

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's words together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:22 Welcome to another edition of House Calls.
00:24 We know that you are taking the time to tune in.
00:27 We hope you take the time to spiritually tune in.
00:29 Get your Bibles, your friend, your pens,
00:32 hit the record button and join John and John
00:34 for another edition of a very exciting program of
00:36 House Calls. I said that I am all,
00:38 all in one bread, is that amazing?
00:40 Good to have you here John. It's good to be here.
00:42 And I tell you we have a very exciting topic today.
00:45 We're gonna continue on why so many denominations,
00:49 why so many churches, why do people believe
00:52 so many different things when there is only one Bible.
00:56 You may have that question. Stay tune for that topic.
00:59 We're gonna dive into it today.
01:00 After we handle and answer some of your Bible questions
01:03 which you're so faithful, you take the time
01:05 to send to us but before we do anything
01:07 we're gonna go to the Lord in prayer.
01:09 John, have prayer for us today.
01:10 Okay. Father in Heaven,
01:12 we again ask for your spirit to be here
01:14 to guide and direct our words,
01:16 our thoughts as we go through the pages of scripture
01:19 we pray that you would make things very clear
01:22 as to what we should believe.
01:23 You promised us Jesus that the truth would make us free
01:27 and that's what we seek today.
01:28 We seek to be free and to be truly serving you
01:31 and worshipping you in spirit and in truth.
01:34 In Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
01:37 As you know we always have Bible questions
01:39 and you are a part of that part of our program.
01:42 If you have any Bible questions
01:44 you'll like us to respond to, send those Bible questions
01:46 to, that
01:52 and for the most part John's gonna download those,
01:55 I open up the snail mail, we have snail mail
01:57 not that as bad but it's just takes longer to get here.
02:00 If you want to be a part of the split second generation
02:02 send them on the internet but however you send them
02:05 we thank you for those and then we respond to them
02:08 and we'll get back to you as we possibly can.
02:11 So thank you for your faithfulness.
02:13 What do we have John for our first question today?
02:16 First question is, I didn't see actually who it's from,
02:19 I will share that with you but the writing is saying
02:21 that a friend who recently he was dialoging
02:25 about a certain subject with, subjects with asked,
02:28 if the rapture has to happen
02:30 during one of the Jewish holidays,
02:33 he acknowledged here that, you know,
02:36 the Adventist, some of the Adventist's view of the,
02:38 of the rapture in the Bible is the second coming
02:41 and return of Christ and Him bringing us
02:44 up as he brings the resurrected saints up
02:46 to meet him in the air, that is the rapturing. Right.
02:49 Today people talk about the secret rapture.
02:52 So I wanna distinguish between those two.
02:54 We don't see any evidence of a secret rapture
02:57 in the scriptures. But, you know the question is,
03:00 does it have to happen during one of the Jewish holidays.
03:03 No, there is no scripture at least that tells us
03:06 that it does or that it doesn't.
03:08 So it's really one of those things John where,
03:11 the question really can't be answered
03:13 that I can at least see from scripture itself.
03:15 Now that being said, it wouldn't surprise me
03:17 that we learn down the road later on
03:20 throughout the annals of eternity.
03:22 That there is some connection
03:24 as to the timing of God's second coming,
03:26 of Christ's second coming to meet us.
03:28 But connecting this specifically
03:30 to the Jewish holidays in the scripture
03:33 I don't find any evidence to that.
03:35 Very good point because sometimes
03:36 people try to nail things down to,
03:39 well this is when the feast of harvest happen,
03:43 well, this is the one the way the sheep occurred,
03:45 this is the day of Pentecost,
03:47 this is the Feast of unleavened bread,
03:49 and this is the Feast of Tabernacles.
03:51 Well if we lock those down to the Jewish calendar
03:53 we can figure it out.
03:55 Well, Jesus said, no man knows the day nor the hour no,
04:02 not even the angels of heaven but my Father only,
04:05 so therefore he hasn't told us what the date is.
04:07 You know, in effect the circumstantial evidence
04:09 actually points to the fact that it doesn't,
04:12 because we read in scripture that
04:14 there is a period of time that seems to be a tarrying.
04:18 A tarrying, exactly. A tarrying time
04:19 right before Christ appearance,
04:22 to, to call his resurrected saints and those who are alive
04:26 and remain to meet him and to take them to heaven.
04:29 There's also reference to in scripture,
04:33 talking about the hastening of the Lord's return
04:38 and so us being diligently being faithful
04:41 about our mission as a church to get the word out
04:44 so that the world might come to a knowledge of
04:46 Jesus Christ as their Savior, doing that and being affected
04:50 with that and being faithful to that
04:51 can hasten Christ's return, also tells you that,
04:54 that date is not fixed in history
04:56 or ain't fixed in the future.
04:58 So evidence suggest that no it isn't gonna be tied to
05:02 the feast but there's nothing in hard and fast
05:04 that actually confirms or denies that.
05:06 That's right exactly!
05:08 Well we have, have other questions here.
05:12 This one John, I tell you it was so long
05:17 that I have tried to pick something out of it.
05:24 Let me, let me summarize this question
05:26 and I'm gonna add statements that are my opinion
05:31 and I'm gonna give you some Bible verses.
05:33 The gist of this question John was each church
05:37 does something that is not supported by the Bible,
05:42 including the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
05:47 Well the things that this person pointed out
05:49 as earmarks of apostasy or nothing more than,
05:54 nothing more than actions or things done traditionally,
06:01 for example, let me just go ahead and read
06:05 what the person has said so I won't be adding my own words.
06:10 Pastor Lomacang, I am seeing where you are
06:12 looking for Satan this season and this year
06:17 and in another words Satan's deceptions.
06:20 But you need also look at the prayer circle
06:24 that we partake and also the prayer warriors.
06:31 The Bible does not talk about this
06:32 but there are roots in paganism.
06:36 I believe the churches are in apostasy as was also
06:38 the Israelites right before they run over the Canaan.
06:41 There's also a person that also talks about praying,
06:44 also the Bible does not talk about holding hands
06:46 when praying, it talks about kneeling,
06:47 standing, and falling on the face.
06:50 So, the question I wanna ask right now
06:52 at the very beginning, is there anything wrong
06:54 with the prayer circle?
06:56 Is there anything wrong with being a prayer worrier?
06:59 Now the one term I've always added to this expression,
07:02 what I've always added to this explanation
07:05 after the phrase prayer warrior,
07:07 I've made it very clear that anybody
07:09 could be a prayer warrior because you don't have
07:12 to be warrior, in other words
07:13 you don't have to be a soldier so to speak
07:17 in the military sense to be able to come before God.
07:22 Let me broaden that, people that go to
07:24 the army are soldiers.
07:27 You don't have to be a military person
07:31 in the spiritual sense, have qualifications
07:36 to be able to go before God and prayer.
07:38 So what is a prayer warrior?
07:40 A prayer warrior is anyone who gets on his or her knees
07:43 and pray before the Lord
07:44 and agonize before Christ in prayer.
07:47 That is the art of war through prayer.
07:50 So, people tell they are prayer warriors
07:52 and we are praying warriors and that that simply means
07:55 there are people that are wanting to go before God
07:57 and antecede in prayer for you which you can sometimes
07:59 do for yourself but there are persons sometimes who feel
08:02 that they are not strong enough to pray
08:05 and they want someone to go before God and intercede
08:07 through prayer for them, that's okay.
08:10 That's not something that's paganistic,
08:13 that is not something that causes people to be
08:14 in apostasy because I am a team of prayer warriors,
08:19 that's not at all, in any stretch of
08:22 the imagination a paganistic practice.
08:25 The other one is circle of prayer.
08:28 That's, this simply means when two or three
08:30 are gathered what are they doing?
08:32 There was a circle of prayer
08:34 in the upper room, they prayed.
08:36 Circle doesn't mean round circle,
08:38 it just means people gathering together
08:40 to pray, it's not pagan.
08:43 When the disciples gathered together,
08:44 when the apostles gathered together on the day
08:46 Pentecost the whole place was shaken,
08:48 what were they doing? They were praying.
08:50 That's the phrase that's often
08:52 associated with circle of prayer.
08:54 Not a round circle, in the sense of a paganistic
08:57 where all is praying around a campfire
08:59 or praying around a hexagram,
09:02 that's not the term we are using.
09:03 You know, when people hold hands together to pray?
09:06 That's in the same way we hold hands together
09:09 to walk or we hold hands together to make sure
09:11 that the person behind us doesn't break
09:13 the cadence of the line.
09:15 That's once again not a paganistic practice.
09:18 So by holding my hand or holding somebody else's hand
09:21 that's simply we are unified
09:23 and what we were praying for here.
09:24 Those are just simple mannerisms and acts.
09:27 So when you use those as an indication
09:30 that people are in apostasy you may also fall
09:33 into the category of people that say its apostasy
09:35 to raise your hands when you pray
09:37 but the Bible continually says lifting up holy hands.
09:41 See, so when you began to get into the point
09:43 where you have a certain qualification for prayer
09:46 or certain or certain posture for prayer
09:50 then you can't do as Paul suggest to pray
09:52 without ceasing because ideally to pray
09:54 while you're driving if you feel that the only time
09:56 you can do this by kneeling or by falling on your face
10:00 before God or by standing, you can't do standing,
10:03 kneeling or falling on your face in your car.
10:06 But you can't be in a constant attitude of prayer
10:09 that really makes a difference.
10:11 What do you say about this?
10:12 You know, a couple of things jump out of me there,
10:14 the term apostatize is used way too loosely.
10:16 Yeah. There's a difference between
10:17 apostatizing or apostatizing and with backsliding.
10:23 Just because someone is not living
10:25 according to what they -- what the truth is,
10:29 doesn't mean they apostatized.
10:31 Apostatize. So --
10:34 It's a tongue twister. It's a tongue twister.
10:37 So, we can't just say with everybody
10:39 that is not following those directions
10:41 and say they are in apostasy. Right.
10:43 You know, there are some that
10:44 backslide and don't do what God has directed them to do.
10:49 Apostasy in the Bible is very clear,
10:51 which you find is apostasy is something
10:53 that has rejected Christ.
10:56 They have rejected the system of truth.
10:59 They've sought not to follow in the ways of God
11:02 and they have made a conscious decision to do that --
11:05 It's true, yeah, yeah.
11:06 -- in most cases of the world it is a entire church
11:09 or group of people that have done that,
11:11 it's the leaders of those individuals.
11:14 Couple of references would be Jesus' own statement
11:17 in Matthew Chapter 23 where He looks upon his own people
11:21 who are about to kill him, who are about to crucify im
11:24 and He says "your house is left unto you desolate",
11:27 why is that because they have gone into apostasy,
11:30 they've rejected the Messiah and that is the course
11:34 that they'd chosen so they are now operating
11:36 in that specific separation from Christ
11:41 and the truth as it is in Jesus.
11:44 And so, we, I think there is a little too loose of a term
11:49 of that phrase being used here and so I just,
11:52 I will caution on that.
11:53 The other thing too is that sure we recognize
11:55 that there are paganism practices out there,
11:58 let me give you a, share an issue here with you.
12:03 The devil has counterfeits for what God has as truth.
12:08 Just because we see paganism doing things,
12:12 does it under the same that the church
12:15 or individual's might do does not mean necessarily
12:17 that they are practicing paganism things.
12:20 The question is, on some of these issues,
12:25 is the devil mimicking what Christ has asked us
12:30 or has given us permissive things
12:31 that God has given us to do, such as being prayer warriors
12:35 or being in a circle of gathering at prayer
12:37 and just because paganism practices the circle around,
12:42 you know, the star and things
12:43 that we shouldn't be gathering together around in prayer.
12:46 You know, you know, don't let the devil win
12:48 on these things. John, you know very well,
12:51 we hear about this year after year Christmas debate.
12:55 We shouldn't be doing anything to acknowledge Christmas
12:58 at all and it's like we let the devil win.
13:01 Every Christmas season, at least some of us do by,
13:04 by just failing to even recognize that Jesus
13:08 came as a babe to this world
13:11 and there's a message behind that. That's right.
13:13 We, some of the Adventist have a powerful message
13:15 behind Christ, the child who is our savior
13:20 and what better time is there that during Christmas
13:22 to share that story.
13:23 Well, people that are open and only receptive
13:25 during that time of the year.
13:26 Absolutely! We even have inspiration
13:29 that tells us that we should engage
13:30 in these kinds of discussions -- Right!
13:32 -- And then we should even, it's permissible to even have
13:34 a tree in the church during that time.
13:37 Yet, oh! You know its paganism.
13:39 You know, I, I am so tired of this constant
13:42 looking for the negativity in things. Yeah.
13:44 I think we should be concerned and be careful on guard
13:48 to not allow things that the enemy
13:50 is doing to come into the church.
13:53 But some of these things, we go way overboard on
13:55 and we're missing the entire principle of the thing
13:58 and I think to a degree what we have is
13:59 that in this question, John.
14:01 That's just my feeling about it.
14:03 I, I agree with you and what happens is
14:05 there are things and I wanna just give you
14:07 some point of, some point of support in this sense.
14:10 We do have to be very careful
14:12 with what we allow to be a part of our
14:14 Christian experience so, this is, this question is
14:17 not all bad but what I wanna do is
14:19 use the context of it to, to give support to you
14:23 in this particular area.
14:25 If you find that there are things that are seeping
14:27 into your life or pouring into your life
14:30 that are causing your, a Christian walk with Christ
14:34 to a road then, yeah, I would say avoid those things.
14:38 If you become focused more on the things
14:40 that are happening rather than the reason
14:42 why they are happening that is,
14:44 prayer warrior, prayer circle,
14:48 the lifting of hands whatever,
14:49 if you begin to look at all these things
14:51 as all indicators of apostasy then what happens is
14:54 you become a, a Christian police,
14:57 policing and looking for all the error
14:59 and not looking to Christ.
15:01 One of the examples you find in the Bible
15:04 is that Paul addressed traditions in the Bible.
15:08 Now, traditions and conflict with a direct command
15:11 are to be avoided.
15:13 For example, we're gonna talk about some of those today.
15:15 Traditions that exist in Christianity that,
15:18 that conflict with a direct command of God
15:20 are to be avoided because Jesus says,
15:22 matter of fact here, Matthew,
15:23 "why do your disciples transgress
15:25 the traditions of the elders?
15:28 For they wash not their hands while they,
15:30 when they eat bread."
15:31 That's what one of the Pharisees said,
15:32 why are they transgressing the traditions of the elders?
15:37 But Jesus said, "Why do you transgress
15:38 the commandment of God by your tradition?"
15:40 See, so we have to sometimes choose
15:42 between the tradition of the elders
15:44 and the commandments of God.
15:46 That's when it becomes an issue of salvation.
15:48 But if, mom, if mother turn the turkey
15:52 at a 45 degree angle and the daughter didn't
15:55 and grandmother didn't that's not an issue of salvation.
15:59 If, if everybody stood in church when the Pastor read
16:03 the Bible or people raise their hands
16:05 when they sing or sang those are not traditions
16:07 that are gonna cause a person to be lost.
16:09 We've to be very, very careful when your salvation
16:12 is based on something a person does or cannot do
16:15 then it ceases to be based on salvation by grace
16:19 through faith in Christ alone, to be very, very careful.
16:23 If a person around me raises his hand or kneels down
16:26 or has a prayer circle or is a prayer warrior
16:28 and they walked through the neighborhood in prayers,
16:30 they walk past people's homes
16:31 those are not bad things to do.
16:33 Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane.
16:35 He took his disciples and he says couldn't you pray
16:37 with me one hour?
16:39 Or do they have a prayer circle
16:40 in the garden of Gethsemane. No.
16:43 If I was, and if I was,
16:44 you know, really reaching I'd say you know what,
16:47 paganism, they practice going into the woods,
16:49 out into the open, into nature and to do those,
16:53 the ceremonies and the practices they do,
16:54 who I don't know, Jesus and his disciples
16:56 did that, doesn't look good.
16:58 And you know what -- I could,
16:59 you can find stuff like that.
17:00 I can make stuff up and people would follow it
17:03 and that's what we have found today.
17:04 You had to be very careful because in the Old Testament,
17:06 when the Bible says spiritual, wickedness and high places,
17:10 the altars of God were built in the mountains.
17:13 That's why when a woman met Jesus
17:15 at the well she said, she talked about my father
17:18 worshipping on that mountain and Jesus said that,
17:20 "hour is coming." Well, really
17:21 it wouldn't matter what mountain you worshiped on,
17:24 it really wouldn't matter and so what the paganist did,
17:26 what those who did not know Christ was,
17:28 is they set up altars in the same mountains
17:32 right next to the altar of God. Altars, yeah.
17:34 And so that's why the Lord says,
17:35 we have to breakdown spiritual wickedness and high places,
17:38 the high places were in the mountains and the groves.
17:41 So, John yeah, your point is very well taken,
17:44 we could say worshiping in nature is doing the same
17:46 thing that pagans do but it's not.
17:48 What I would say is pagans have corrupted things
17:52 that were done by Christians for the right reason
17:55 and have now given at the wrong labels,
17:57 in many senses that's exactly what happens.
17:59 So, once again prayer walking, prayer circles,
18:05 the holding of hands that's not any indication
18:09 of a person being lost to do that.
18:11 If that was their method of salvation
18:13 you can say them but it doesn't negate
18:16 or cancel their salvation --
18:19 It's right. -- by enemies.
18:20 John, I have a question in regard to the Sabbath and,
18:23 and you know we get a lot of questions about the Sabbath
18:25 and we try not to answer them all,
18:27 try and group them a little bit,
18:30 and so I just, I wanted to share this one
18:32 because it really haunts in one,
18:34 specific passage in the Bible that is often referred
18:37 to as a Sabbath passage
18:38 that has nothing to do with the Sabbath. Okay.
18:40 And so I'll just share this,
18:41 it's gonna be a brief question.
18:44 If you hand only the verses below to judge
18:46 concerning the Sabbath, would you still be convinced
18:49 that the Sabbath day could only be on Saturday?
18:53 I'm searching for truth and so anyway,
18:56 the text then that is provided is Romans 14: 5-6.
19:01 Okay. Alright, and then the comment
19:04 is made here, the entire sections of
19:06 Romans 14: 1-12 is worth careful study.
19:11 Nevertheless, he instructions here are that individuals
19:14 must be convinced in their own minds about
19:17 which day they observe for the Lord.
19:20 If the Seventh-day Sabbath were a requirement
19:22 then the choice would be not man's but God's.
19:25 I will think here, I will it is God's decision.
19:28 It is God's choice, it's His probity,
19:30 that's why we worship on the seventh-day is the Sabbath.
19:33 You know, that's one of the interesting things too
19:35 is that the commandments is very clear,
19:37 the seventh-day is the Sabbath.
19:39 Right. There...
19:41 Analytical, I've no argument.
19:42 And the seventh-day cycle is never changed
19:44 from the very beginning.
19:45 In fact, the only reason we have seven days in a week
19:48 is because God established it that way at the creation.
19:51 There's no lunar, there's no solar,
19:54 there's no cycle in space, in heavens that tell us
19:57 there is a week with seven days.
19:59 Is that God created this world on six days
20:02 and then the last one He rested and established,
20:06 blessed, sanctified, made holy the seventh-day Sabbath.
20:09 That's right. And so any way,
20:11 here's the thing that I wanted to do
20:13 with this question John. Turn to --
20:16 Romans. Romans 14.
20:17 I am there. And, does this passage
20:21 as is suggested here, be an easing,
20:26 easy convincing statement that we really shouldn't judge
20:30 between Saturday or Sunday, seventh-day of the day,
20:33 first day of the week when it comes to Sabbath keeping.
20:36 Okay, so the first, let me answer the --
20:38 Go ahead, you go ahead no.
20:39 Okay, one of the, one of the first questions that this,
20:41 one of the issue of this, of this passage is the
20:45 Christian liberty, the freedom to make
20:49 one's mind up but to also know that when you make up
20:52 your mind to do one thing or the other God
20:55 is gonna be the one to judge you.
20:56 Now, having said that it doesn't say because
21:00 I've made up my mind, what I've made up my mind
21:03 to do is right, in my mind and what he has made up his mind
21:07 to do is right in his mind.
21:08 No, it may be right in our minds
21:10 but is it right in God's word.
21:13 And so what we do here, this passage,
21:15 the whole context of this passage,
21:18 if you look up, if you look at verse 12,
21:20 it pulls the whole context of this whole book together,
21:23 this whole single chapter was summarized in this word,
21:26 so let, so then each of us shall give
21:30 account of themselves to God.
21:32 You have to give an account. That's right.
21:34 Do you can give your -- so you're not accountable
21:36 to John or me or church
21:40 or a pastor or a team of leadership.
21:43 You are accountable to God, so therefore
21:45 on that very note, instead of saying well you know,
21:48 I wanna honor this day above that day,
21:51 Paul was talking about primary,
21:53 and we know this from the study of this passage
21:56 that Paul was talking about many of the traditional days
22:00 that were observed by the Jews and the Romans
22:05 so to stay aloof from that and this
22:07 became a controversial issue.
22:09 Also the things that the Jewish would eat
22:11 and would not eat became issues of division
22:13 rather than unity for the church,
22:15 for the Christians in Rome and so Paul says,
22:17 okay, you may, you may say I can eat an--
22:23 I can eat animal that was scarified to idols
22:27 but the animal itself is clean naturally like you could say
22:29 I can eat a lamb but somebody may say,
22:31 well that lamb was sacrificed to idols
22:33 and so Paul was saying, okay, so is it wrong to eat a lamb
22:36 because it was sacrificed to idols
22:38 then the Jewish guy may say, yes because all the sins
22:40 are transferred to it and I'm eating simple flesh now.
22:42 So the Roman comes along and says I didn't know that
22:44 that was sacrificed to the idols so I'm gonna eat it
22:47 not ask any questions.
22:49 And so now does the Jewish say,
22:50 well he could its sinful lamb and I'm eating sinless lamb,
22:54 this the, these are the issues that were addressed
22:56 in this passage and so you look at this
22:58 I can't judge him, he can't judge me
23:00 but God can judge us both.
23:04 And what's amazing to be John is nowhere
23:06 in this passage does the Sabbath even have a mention.
23:11 That's right. It's not even mentioned anywhere.
23:13 Let's talk about those who are weak to these things,
23:16 those who are stronger do these things,
23:18 if that's what the other person says they could do
23:20 and that's all they can do. Let them to do that.
23:23 You know, and let God be the one that judges.
23:25 And, and if you go back you have to connect this
23:27 to all the scripture.
23:29 If you go back the Old Testament you'll find
23:32 that in the Jewish system they had laws for a dietary
23:36 laws not only for what kind of food you eat
23:39 but even what days you observe your fasting,
23:42 what days you do certain things.
23:44 And there were holy days other than the
23:46 Seventh-day Sabbath day as well.
23:48 And so when you look at this passage,
23:51 first of all, the question is,
23:53 is it about the Sabbath, well,
23:54 the Sabbath doesn't even appear here. Right.
23:56 Everything that appears here
23:57 about eating is evidence, this is about dietary laws,
24:01 its regard to observing feast or fasting days or,
24:06 or the practice of not eating foods offered to idols.
24:10 Which they are very strict
24:12 about as Jews in the Old Testament.
24:14 And so, the other evidence here
24:16 you find is that Paul addresses
24:19 the same kind of issue over and over again
24:21 in many epistles to the church.
24:23 So go elsewhere in these letters,
24:25 you'll find the Jews and the Gentiles are fighting over
24:29 the practices of the Jewish system versus
24:32 the practices that Christ established
24:34 under the new covenant.
24:35 And its not just about dietary stuff
24:38 they are fighting about all kinds of issues,
24:39 whether you keep feast days, whether you, you know,
24:42 you sacrifice lambs still just as offerings
24:44 and all these stuff Paul was saying it doesn't matter,
24:49 these aren't issues, these are doubtful disputes
24:53 that you guys are just kind of spending a lot of time
24:55 on when the key issue is Jesus and what he has established.
24:58 Yeah and, this, this is a,
25:00 this is a great passage so when a person says
25:02 I think that if you carefully study Romans 14,
25:05 will the Sabbath still be an issue.
25:07 Yes, because this passage is not about the Sabbath.
25:11 This is about disputes between brothers
25:13 and brothers and the church.
25:15 So, here, let me, let me go and point out a few things.
25:18 Let me give you an example.
25:19 If I decided, okay I'm just gonna eat this
25:23 because it makes you happy but as far as I am concerned
25:27 that lamb was used in the sacrifice and if I eat it
25:31 I'm gonna feel terrible, I feel condemned in eating it.
25:35 Well, the Lord says, okay if you doubt that
25:37 what you're about to do is right then you are condemned
25:41 if you go on and still do it to please somebody else.
25:46 If you are doubting whether or not you should do
25:48 something and you feel condemned in practicing that,
25:53 but you go ahead and practice it
25:54 just to make the other person happy you are still condemned
25:57 because you've judged yourself,
25:59 you've condemned yourself on the very practice
26:00 so it says don't do it because your mind
26:03 is against it and as the saying goes
26:05 a man convinced against his will
26:07 is of the same opinion still.
26:09 That's what happened, this whole passage is about
26:11 whether or not you understand,
26:13 don't offend somebody and this is one and remember
26:16 at Fairfield I won't mention the person's name,
26:18 but we had a brother, we had a person at church,
26:21 let me just be very vague.
26:22 That when people brought food to fellowship lunch
26:26 sometimes that person will go and say is there
26:27 cheese or no cheese in that? Remember that?
26:30 And I said, I heard that person say
26:32 that one day and I had to pull him aside,
26:34 we use a phrase Jenkem.
26:36 I had to pull him aside and say, you know what,
26:39 that person doesn't even know half of what you know,
26:42 how dare you put a stumbling block before that person
26:45 asking them whether or not there's cheese in there.
26:47 That person has brought the best they could and I said,
26:50 you are, you are gonna chase,
26:52 folk away when you do things like that
26:54 and Paul made that very steep and notice what he said,
26:57 he says, verse 20 of Romans 14,
27:00 "Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food."
27:04 Do not destroy, and then the other one,
27:07 Verse 15, "Do not destroy with your food
27:11 the one for whom Christ died."
27:13 This is all about food first of all.
27:14 Right. He is saying --
27:16 And then destroying others with the, the rules.
27:18 Right, he's saying, you are saying
27:19 cheese or no cheese? Vegan or no vegan?
27:21 I mean, come on guys, follow the principles
27:23 of the Bible and live within the compounds
27:25 of that but do not allow the things that are restraining
27:28 you to become the measure of somebody
27:30 who is not even yet there.
27:32 That's what this whole passage is about.
27:34 He says so -- bottom line, you have to give an account
27:37 to God for the things which you're convinced of
27:38 but let the convictions from the word of God
27:41 not from the, the traditions of men.
27:44 You know and, and the same one that wrote
27:46 Romans 14, also it says in Acts Chapter 18,
27:52 as he taught the Jews and the Gentiles on the Sabbath day,
27:58 I'm gonna read the text, Acts 18:4,
28:01 he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath,
28:04 not just one, every Sabbath
28:05 and persuaded both Jews and Greeks,
28:07 what they were they both meeting on John.
28:10 They were both meeting on the Sabbath.
28:12 They were in unity, they were in harmony
28:14 with which day was the Sabbath.
28:16 When -- There's no issue
28:17 of the first day of the week in the entire book of Acts.
28:21 In fact, here's the amazing thing,
28:23 it's like we had blinders on John because
28:25 in the book of Acts, the Sabbath is called
28:27 Sabbath, Sunday is called the first day of the week.
28:30 People wanna argue that the first day of the week
28:32 is the new Sabbath but it's never called the Sabbath.
28:35 The Sabbath is different than the first day of the week.
28:37 Just a mere fact that they
28:39 are listening to different things --
28:40 Right. -- Different days
28:42 tell us the Sabbath wasn't change by the time
28:43 of the early church, but if you'll look in history
28:46 you'll find that the Sabbath change didn't come
28:48 about until the 4th century.
28:52 This issue, you know,
28:53 these books were written in the 1st century.
28:56 Right, there were, there were side by side practices
28:59 of traditions etc that were established like
29:02 168 A.D. when the, the farmers had to keep their flocks
29:06 and keep their herds and feed them,
29:08 so they said okay, okay, okay, okay you could do that
29:11 but on the first day of the week but now we're gonna have
29:14 two days, the traditional day
29:15 was called the family day and then the Sabbath
29:17 and Rome sought ways
29:18 of separating the Jewish tradition.
29:20 And that was long after the, the --
29:21 Long after. These -- These scriptures.
29:22 These were not scriptural commands
29:25 and what amazes me about this one particular issue
29:27 and I did, I did a series on this as a matter of fact
29:29 on the last day event, you may wanna contact
29:31 3ABN and get a copy of that series called
29:35 "The Last Days".
29:36 I did a five part series on last day events
29:38 will open your eyes to a lot of these issues
29:40 and help you see where the Sunday,
29:42 where the observance of Sunday came from.
29:44 Those who help establish it don't even have any qualms
29:47 about making it very clear but many Christians
29:50 who are honest in their approach to the observances
29:52 that they embrace wanna find scriptural support
29:55 for it when there are no scriptural support,
29:57 when there is no scriptural support for it
29:58 that's for our topic that we're gonna cover
30:01 as we finish the questions here but here's the,
30:03 here is the issue.
30:06 The person also added in the question after you study
30:08 this passage will you still conclude that the Sabbath
30:11 is gonna be an issue in the end times.
30:14 Yes it is, you know why?
30:16 Because that is the issue that divides the majority of
30:18 the Christian world.
30:20 That is the thing that the world is doing,
30:22 they are setting up more and more to,
30:25 to violate God's clear command to keep
30:29 the Sabbath holy and they are substituting through
30:31 the traditions of men what God has never ordained,
30:35 God has never sanctified, God has still doesn't
30:37 approve of, and they are saying time has made it
30:41 acceptable to God, it doesn't.
30:43 And I feel prompted to say this too,
30:45 it's never been men's day.
30:47 It's never been a day that I can decide which one I keep
30:50 I think the reference here is that,
30:54 you have to be convinced in your own mind.
30:56 You can't say, read the scripture.
30:59 I mean you can't say, well, you know, my day
31:02 is Sunday and someone else's day is the Sabbath as long as
31:06 we just kind of convince in our mind
31:07 that we can worship God on our day.
31:09 God has already established the day,
31:11 he did that at creation even before the Ten Commandments
31:13 were ever given to children of Israel.
31:16 And so now, we've come down through time
31:18 and the enemy's attack, this institution,
31:21 this sacred institution of the Sabbath,
31:23 just like he has, he has done with many other teachings
31:28 in our study of denominations,
31:30 he has done that here and the very deciding factor
31:33 back in the Book of Exodus that says that they will know
31:36 that you are my people by your observance of the Sabbath.
31:39 Right. It is the sign of your loyalty to meet
31:42 the creator God has now been torn down.
31:47 Right. New tradition set up.
31:49 Get rid of the sign.
31:50 And it's gotten rid of the sign, you know,
31:52 exactly what I want, it's gotten rid of the sign
31:53 of God's people and God and their relationship.
31:56 Yes, it's like getting off to an exit that has no sign
31:58 and you'll pick the exit.
32:00 You'll find John's house,
32:01 pick whatever exit you'll find his house.
32:03 You know, guess me John on this particular issue
32:05 people saying make up your own mind,
32:06 decide for yourself but can you decide for yourself
32:10 what is stealing, what is adultery,
32:12 what is called righteousness, what is worshipping
32:15 other gods, no, God hasn't given us room
32:18 to decide any of that, he is God,
32:21 you don't tell the general of an army what you want to do,
32:24 the general of the army tells you what you should do.
32:27 That's just how we do it in the military.
32:29 You don't tell the coach what you wanna do,
32:30 the coach tells you what to do.
32:33 That's how we have coaches in,
32:34 in leaders of basketball teams and football teams
32:36 and we have military generals,
32:37 we have Commander in Chief, they command!
32:40 That's what discipleship is about anyway.
32:42 Discipleship we follow the Lord and Jesus says,
32:44 "Why call me Lord, Lord,
32:47 and do not do the things which I say?"
32:49 That's the biggest crux of Christianity and nowadays
32:52 and we wrapped into all those other stuffs.
32:55 Great community programs, great outreach,
32:57 feed the hungry, clothe the naked,
33:00 be missionaries all over the world,
33:01 we wrapped disobedience in good garments,
33:04 garments of doing things. These are all good things.
33:06 Another one, there's some say,
33:07 we wrapped disobedience to something else in garments
33:10 of doing good things almost thinking that I could
33:13 still transgress and do good things and God
33:16 will forget the things I should do and replace
33:18 with the things that I am
33:20 not required to do, it's really amazing!
33:22 You know, and John segue that,
33:23 because we're going into a topic here.
33:25 We got to segue.
33:27 About why so many denominations today? Yeah.
33:30 Why are we all teaching different things
33:33 yet there is one word, one gospel, we've to follow.
33:38 And, by the way as we segue out of this,
33:40 do you have any other questions you'd like to
33:41 send to us here at House Calls you can send them,
33:43 send those to,
33:46 that's and we're excited about
33:49 the questions you send.
33:51 These are the things that we wanna hear about,
33:53 stimulate our thoughts, challenge us and we do
33:55 appreciate so much all you do for the support of
33:58 3ABN and this program. Thank you very much.
34:01 The topic John we began,
34:04 "Why are there so many denominations?"
34:06 One of the reasons is, why these denominations
34:10 continue to flourish is because of one thing
34:12 that I've described scriptural ignorance.
34:16 You know, if you decided to run a race,
34:19 say the Boston Marathon, if you are in Australia
34:22 we have a place in the northeast called
34:24 Boston one of our states.
34:26 The Boston Marathon, the route or the route
34:30 how we wanna say it is predefined,
34:33 the hill, the turns, the whole thing,
34:35 just like a racing course it's predefined,
34:38 you're not gonna just drive fast in any direction and win.
34:40 In the very same way, this race that we run as
34:43 Christians has been predefined
34:45 and all the rules of the race are right here.
34:50 But the reason why there are so many different races
34:52 and people are running in, you know,
34:53 so many different directions, more specifically there are
34:55 so many different denominations is
34:57 because people have gotten rid of the rule book.
35:00 Some people say I'm just New Testament Christians,
35:02 like this much, this is all I wanna keep,
35:04 that's it, that's all I want,
35:05 keep all the rest for yourself and they make it appear
35:08 as though this is all done away with melted across
35:11 and we have this thing, nowadays that was
35:14 prophesized in Revelations, I'd like to begin with
35:16 by going back to Babylon, the Lord prophesized
35:19 that there would be confusion in the last days
35:22 and the reason for this confusion is people
35:24 just don't want to hear the truth, it's really amazing.
35:30 Christians are the greatest offenders
35:33 when it comes to hearing the truth.
35:34 You walk up to a person that knows nothing about Jesus
35:37 that wanna find out and they'll say just,
35:39 I just wanna do what God's words said.
35:41 Christians nowadays had been traditional Christians
35:43 for generation, generation, generation I don't wanna hear,
35:46 it was good enough for my mother,
35:48 my grandfather, my pastors says it that's all I want.
35:51 That's the first step to self-annihilation.
35:55 Don't wanna hear it anyway I'm preaching.
35:57 Well, that's you're preaching.
35:59 And so let's go to the book of, lets go back to
36:03 one of the passages here in, in the book of...
36:08 You said something about Revelations.
36:10 Revelation, yeah.
36:11 Springboarding off of what we saw in the last,
36:16 last program, we were talking about Babylon
36:19 and how Babylon has harlots as their children
36:25 and these harlots of course we know they are women
36:27 and they are all involved in what is the apostasy going on
36:33 within the Christian era,
36:35 the Christian faith down through time.
36:38 Now, John may be what we got to do is just cover a little,
36:41 just brief history. A very, very, may,
36:45 you know, big overview.
36:47 What we have is the early church that was established
36:51 here and Paul and the other apostles
36:54 writing their letters to keep the church on the right path.
36:58 And it was important to keep them on the right path
37:00 because as Jude says in Verse 3,
37:04 I think it is, I, "I command you to earnestly --
37:08 "Contend for the faith". "Contend for the faith --
37:10 That was once -- Which was once
37:12 and for all delivered to the saints. Right.
37:14 So contend for it, fight for hold onto it
37:17 because as we also read last time,
37:20 men have crept in unnoticed, unaware to anybody
37:23 and they've actually turned the grace of our God
37:26 into a license for immorality.
37:29 So the practices and the things going on
37:30 in the church were already coming in,
37:34 they got heated. Now, it's like bring
37:36 something up to mind here real quick.
37:38 Now I am preaching if you don't mind.
37:39 Go for it. If you look at Revelation Chapter 2.
37:45 Okay, Revelation Chapter 2, I'm on my way.
37:48 Look at Verse 15 and 16. Okay.
37:52 This speaks on what you're just talking about here.
37:54 You know, it is, as long as I believe in Jesus I'm okay,
37:56 its good enough for my parents,
37:57 I don't have to know all the things about the Bible.
38:00 Look at this, verse 15 of Revelation 2,
38:03 "thus you have also thou who hold the doctrine
38:07 "of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.
38:13 "Repent, or else I will come to you quickly,
38:15 and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth."
38:19 Okay. Interesting, Jesus comes
38:20 in the Second Coming in Revelation 19
38:22 it says that out of his mouth comes a sharp --
38:24 Sword. Sharp sword.
38:25 So Jesus is saying here there are some things I hate
38:28 that you're practicing, you better repent
38:31 or I'll come upon you as a sword.
38:33 Right. So don't sit there thinking a real doctrine,
38:35 teachings of Christ, those things don't matter,
38:38 Jesus in his own words is telling the truth be careful,
38:41 because there's stuff that's coming into this church
38:42 that should not be there, repent and get back on course.
38:46 And, you know, that's amazing, that,
38:48 that we say so clearly or specifically that the Bible
38:51 says it so clearly because this is where doctrine
38:53 has been given a bad wrap.
38:55 Sure you had. So you had churches nowadays
38:57 that are non-denominational.
39:00 We don't teach doctrines here
39:02 we just teach about the Bible.
39:04 As I go into a bank and say I'd like to have some money
39:07 and they say well, in what denomination.
39:09 I don't want ones, I don't want fives,
39:10 I don't tens, I don't want 20s,
39:12 I don't want 100s, give me something other than that.
39:16 Will they empty all the chains and put in your pocket.
39:19 Take your $4,000 paycheck home and change.
39:21 And what would you protest it's too heavy.
39:24 The point of the matter is there is no such thing
39:26 as a non-denominational church. That's right.
39:29 They, they woo you in with all these flamboyant
39:35 wonderfully picked words. As Paul says,
39:38 "with much fair speech they deceived the simple."
39:43 So you get this Christian Disney World
39:46 and it feels good and you get excited
39:49 and we all have a prayer session,
39:51 we just praise the Lord and the Lord says,
39:54 "I know they draw near me with their mouth,
39:56 honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me."
39:59 And you're talking about here the church,
40:02 a system -- and this is where I wanna keep the focus on,
40:04 we've said it last week we've probably repeated
40:06 in every single of our, every single one of our
40:08 programs on this topic but what, what has,
40:12 has separated from Christ is not the people,
40:17 it's the system, it's the, it's the organization
40:20 of the church itself and so, you know,
40:23 we were talking about the early church
40:24 and keeping it on track, well then what happened was
40:27 there was a, there was getting to be falling away.
40:30 And we had where the devil came in to set up
40:34 his own church and you find that paganism
40:37 which he used to persecute the church in the early age
40:40 that persecution did not work the church grew
40:42 so what he said was, "I can't be them I'm going to --
40:46 Join them. -- join them."
40:47 And so he took paganism,
40:50 put a Christian garb on it and called it his church.
40:54 Right. And interesting,
40:56 the church is referred to as the mother church.
41:01 And we find in Revelation 17
41:03 that she is the mother of harlots.
41:05 And by the way, you know that she has on purple and red
41:10 which means what color is missing rather
41:13 than just what color is there.
41:14 The color that is missing is blue.
41:17 Blue were in the garments of the leaders the tassels blue,
41:23 representing the presence of God's law.
41:26 This woman kicked that out.
41:28 God's commandments are kicked out that's what you find in
41:31 Revelation 12:17, "the dragon is angry with
41:34 the woman who want, and want to make war
41:36 with the remnant of a seed which keeps
41:38 the commandments of God."
41:40 So when you bring to narrow it down,
41:42 and I could go back, if the system that you are part of,
41:44 we are using that broad phrase nowadays not to use
41:47 any denominational titles, but if the church
41:50 or the system that you are a part of teaches that
41:55 the commandments of God are done away with,
41:58 nailed to the cross then the devil
42:00 has nothing to fight against you for.
42:03 He is not angry with you.
42:04 He is not even gonna try to stop you.
42:06 He is gonna let you go ahead and vainly worship
42:09 that is ignorantly believing as you're taught that
42:12 the commandments of God don't really matter.
42:14 Well, if the last book of the Bible says it does then
42:17 it really does not just the commands in the general sense
42:20 like some transition try to make it
42:22 but the word they are clearly
42:24 is in reference to God's Ten Commandments.
42:26 Yeah, the other thing two of that in Chapter 14 verse 12
42:31 it combines that the patience of the saints,
42:33 those who are faithful to God throughout the end
42:36 time struggles and troubles or those who keep the
42:39 commandments of God and the faith of Jesus
42:43 and so you cannot say that keeping the
42:45 commandments of God or legalism. No.
42:47 Because you have people keeping the commandments
42:49 and having the faith of Jesus at the same time.
42:51 That's right. Faith then works together.
42:53 Faith then works together through
42:54 the whole book of James is establishing that proof
42:57 too so, here you've got, this system is false system
43:01 that is setup under the garb of Christianity,
43:05 paganism with the garb of Christianity
43:08 and then out of that system over years of time
43:11 and years of persecution 1260 years
43:15 you have a time where that system is beginning to wane,
43:18 it's beginning to struggle and God establishes reformers
43:23 that come up and there you have the protest
43:26 with reformation. And it's called
43:28 protest of reformation because these reformers
43:30 are protesting against Rome, they are protesting against
43:35 the established mother church.
43:38 The thing is, is that as you continue down through time
43:41 as the reformation occurs and out of that reformation
43:43 we will talk about this a little bit more you have
43:45 these various denominations that come out.
43:47 Right. In the 1600s you have Baptist,
43:50 of course Martin Lutheran reformer has the
43:52 Lutheran Church that stands on his principles.
43:54 Which he didn't start.
43:55 Yes, yes he didn't start that church
43:56 but a church was developed from Martin Luther's teachings
44:00 and you have other denomination that come
44:02 about over the, the centuries beyond that.
44:07 But what does the mother church do,
44:09 what is the Babylon the harlot,
44:10 the mother church do with, why is it saying that
44:13 there are still harlots, they still are not fully
44:16 following her or following Christ's teachings,
44:19 they are still living in harlotry. Well...
44:21 Here is one, Isaiah. Go ahead.
44:23 Okay. Go ahead.
44:24 Turn yours, Isaiah Chapter 4 verse 1,
44:28 the Lord outlines conditions and by the way
44:30 there is a motive that is throughout the book of Isaiah
44:34 practically mentions a number of times early in the,
44:38 in the chapters of Isaiah its, it's a phrase if you look
44:41 at this phrase in that day, in that day,
44:44 in that day the Lord continue,
44:46 it talks about the conditions that were prevail in that day
44:49 that is the day of the Lord.
44:51 What he says in Isaiah 4:1 speaking about that continued
44:56 motive, he says "And in that day, seven women,"
45:02 the Bible talks about seven churches.
45:04 "In that day seven women shall take hold of one man,"
45:10 who is the man, the man Christ Jesus
45:12 "saying," here is the reason for the confusion.
45:16 "We will eat our own bread," bread is synonymous
45:19 with the word of God, we have our own teachings,
45:21 "and wear our own apparel" meaning our own measure
45:24 of righteousness or right and wrong,
45:27 "only let us be called by your name,"
45:29 Christian, "to take away our reproach."
45:32 In other words I have the label so people don't believe
45:34 that there is any reproach here.
45:36 See Satan is a master at deception,
45:39 I talked about that in the series.
45:41 The seven systems, the final coalition,
45:44 there are systems that Satan has established
45:46 to deceit people, he does it in the world,
45:49 and he does it very effectively,
45:50 in Christianity he does it effectively and lot of other
45:52 movements around the world but they said,
45:55 okay, okay, okay we know what your bread is,
45:58 that's exactly what happen in the wilderness.
46:01 Jesus tried to feed Israel with manna everyday
46:05 but they wanted their own bread.
46:07 Their own food, yeah.
46:08 They wanted their own food, give us our own doctrines,
46:11 give us our own righteousness,
46:13 all we want from you is the name Christians.
46:16 And so nowadays because it has the label Christian
46:18 people assume it's right but I could see so many churches
46:21 teaching so many different things,
46:22 going in so many different directions all be right,
46:25 they can't be right.
46:27 It's right. Unless you believe that there
46:29 is no absolute truth which Christians in general believe
46:33 but that's not right. There isn't absolute truth.
46:35 That's why they are such digging the hill.
46:37 So look at the next verse though, okay, Isaiah 4:2.
46:41 "In that day as well the branch of the Lord shall
46:44 be beautiful and glorious," so this isn't the branch
46:47 that is from another. This is the branch
46:51 that comes from where, the Lord. From the Lord.
46:54 "And the fruit of the earth shall be excellent
46:56 and appealing for those of Israel who have escaped."
47:00 So Israel who is the faithful and who doesn't don't
47:05 want just Christ in name they want everything about
47:08 Christ and everything that he is,
47:10 those who have escaped hold fast to him
47:12 and thats why you have the patience of the saints
47:14 who keep the commandments of God
47:15 and the faith of Jesus in Revelation 14:12.
47:18 But then you have this mother of harlots doing
47:21 their own thing they look like the church.
47:24 They are women but they do stuff that is much different
47:27 than Christ church would do.
47:29 Now it is impure and unholy that the doctrines
47:32 and its teachings are misleading and deceptive
47:35 and those are some of the things that I think
47:36 we wanna get into, that was the heart of
47:39 the battle and the reformation.
47:41 Mark Lutheran another reformer standing up against
47:43 the Church of Rome and the Rome then coming against
47:46 them like a wheel, when you find a few years later
47:48 you had what is called the Counter Reformation seeking
47:51 to undo what God had established
47:55 during the reformation period.
47:57 And now today you still have a Counter Reformation
47:59 going on where Protestant churches today
48:02 only want the name of Protestant but they do know
48:05 what they no longer protest against the teachings of Rome.
48:09 You know John I did and I keep coming back
48:11 to the series John, you need to get a copy
48:13 of that Last Days series from 3ABN.
48:16 I talked about that how there is no more protesting,
48:21 it's almost like many Christians have
48:24 surrendered to, to darkness, to things that are easier,
48:31 to things that are more favorable,
48:32 to things that fit best into their schedule,
48:35 to, to traditions in their family,
48:38 to things that they like, stain glass, nice choirs,
48:42 wonderful programs for my children,
48:44 entertainment for my children, Christian Disneyland
48:48 like many years ago I praise the Lord that Jim Baker
48:50 has turned around, you know, you know,
48:53 his, Michael Jackson's Never Neverland was just like
48:56 this big whole Disney World that the Baker's had many,
48:58 many years ago. So that's what, that's what,
49:02 that's what coming into the Christian church nowadays.
49:04 Sin has poured all those candy coating into
49:07 the Christian church and people are sweetened
49:09 by it and we forget that there is a way
49:11 but I wanna continue in Isaiah 10 here real quickly,
49:13 Isaiah 4 where we just were a moment ago,
49:16 I wanted you to see something because John
49:18 used the word here in verse 2 of Isaiah 2,
49:23 "for those of Israel who have escaped"
49:25 that's very important because the question
49:27 is who is going to escape those things
49:30 that are coming on the world.
49:32 There's a way to do it and this passage hits
49:35 it on the head Isaiah 10 and verse 20 look at this.
49:39 Once again, "In that day,"
49:40 motive that is the day of the Lord and
49:42 "it shall come to pass in that day
49:45 "that the remnant of Israel, and such as have escaped
49:50 "of the house of Judah will never again depend on him
49:54 "who defeated them but will depend on the Lord,
49:58 the holy one of Israel."
50:00 How they gonna depend on him John? In truth.
50:02 Okay, truth is important in the Old Testament,
50:05 truth is important in the New Testament,
50:07 truth is never not been important,
50:09 its just only been downplayed and water down in churches
50:12 around the world, this mega-church
50:13 and giga-churches that have seven stepsv
50:16 of the successful Christian.
50:18 In all these programs, women that are loose,
50:21 they are loosened folk with, but they are binding them
50:23 on the other side, you are loose,
50:25 but you are bound in era.
50:27 So really how does it matter, it does matter.
50:29 So we're, we've decided to tackle the topic that,
50:34 we're going to generate some e-mails,
50:37 but that's what, we don't want the e-mails
50:38 as much as we want to stimulate your thoughts.
50:41 We want to get all that dust of dormant Christianity
50:45 stirred up and say, get back to your Bible
50:46 and stop becoming a conveyable Christian,
50:49 that just does over the church teaches
50:51 and goes down the path of everybody else,
50:53 the path of least resistance.
50:55 By the way, I'm gonna turn back to you here John,
50:57 but the path of least resistance is the reason
51:00 why rivers are crooked, the water flows to the path
51:04 of least resistance. God is saying we can't afford
51:07 to be that way, because we've to take
51:10 straight path for our feet.
51:12 But many churches are intentionally leading
51:15 their people to crooked paths.
51:17 All the guys of convenience and tradition
51:20 and with phrases like, it doesn't matter,
51:23 all was nailed to the cross.
51:25 That's not what the Bible teaches.
51:28 So we're gonna be talking about some denominations.
51:31 That's right. And we'll be talking about,
51:34 in fact we'll just spend a couple of minutes here
51:36 on our own denomination, the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
51:39 because even within the denomination that we love
51:43 and care for, that John and I are preachers
51:46 and are teachers, we're pastors, we're shep,
51:50 under shepherds. We love this church,
51:53 that there are things in this church that the devil
51:56 is still trying to do.
51:57 He is not content to allow the truth go forward
52:02 without at least trying to attack the church itself
52:05 that is disseminating that truth. Right.
52:08 And so within this church even you have divisions
52:11 that have gone off and we say we share this with you,
52:14 because we don't want anybody to go astray.
52:17 That's right. So there are churches
52:19 out there that are in the branch of the apostasy
52:24 and then there is the true church,
52:25 but it also is suffering some problems.
52:29 And within this church, you have groups
52:30 that have broken off from this that are,
52:33 help in lifting them. Subversive,
52:35 let me give you an example a few years ago,
52:37 not few years ago, but more than ten years ago,
52:39 the sad reality in Waco, Texas, David Koresh.
52:43 David Koresh was a young man that attended
52:45 one of our churches in California,
52:46 had Bible studies in afternoon,
52:48 but then he took a left turn and establish himself
52:53 as an authority and as a law unto himself
52:56 and if you are in America, you know, what the end result
52:58 of that was. Lot of people lost their lives
53:01 needlessly under the context of Branch Davidians.
53:07 So they started moving Branch Davidians
53:09 and they deceived people by saying
53:11 but we're Seventh-day Adventists.
53:15 We're the remnant. We're part of the remnant.
53:17 While they may have held the doctrines
53:19 in common in many areas, but there were some
53:21 they went off on, because you cannot be
53:22 leading a group and having all these extra fears
53:24 inside as a leader and think that's supported
53:27 by the church, that is not supported by
53:28 the church, that's not supported by the Bible.
53:30 So they establish this convenient doctrines or
53:35 portions of leaving out the important things,
53:38 but held on to the title only let us
53:40 be called by your name. Right.
53:42 And that's what happened, you have the Branch Davidians,
53:45 you have this others that calls the Brinsmead,
53:48 then you have Shepherd's Rod, then you all the divisions of
53:51 the Shepherd's Rod, and all these people are going.
53:53 They reform, entire reform.
53:55 We format in its movement, those who just feel that
53:58 you have to be so strict if you smile
54:00 you are on a fast track to destruction.
54:03 There is so much that has crept in and is drawing away
54:07 disciples after themselves, but if you follow
54:10 the teachings of the Bible, you understand
54:12 the 28 fundamentals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
54:15 as it is, the full world wide body,
54:17 that's why John, we're even particular about
54:19 who uses our name, Seventh-day Adventist.
54:22 There are churches that are not under
54:24 the system of churches, that they use the name
54:27 and people think oh, that's a church.
54:29 And you go in there and you think,
54:30 what are these folk doing? If that's what the
54:32 Adventist Church is about, I'll have none of it.
54:35 So we're saying that in Christendom itself,
54:38 there are those who have a mainline church
54:42 that represents itself which is a mainline Baptist, then.
54:44 You have a forum, you have the Southern Baptist,
54:47 Southern Baptist Convention, you have a Freewill Baptist.
54:49 You have all these that are in and among themselves,
54:52 there are controversies.
54:53 So when we deal with these topics,
54:55 we're not going to topic about,
54:56 just we're not going to talk about all isms
54:59 and all the branches. We're going to deal with
55:01 the mainlines of each of these particular movements
55:03 and find out what's based on the Bible,
55:05 and what's not based on the Bible.
55:07 Yeah, you know, one of the battles
55:11 that we've seen in the church that at least
55:13 that I've met or at least have been up against,
55:17 I know it's down here, its really every where
55:18 around the country are from these groups,
55:21 because what they do is they try to,
55:23 they disperse out into the mainline church
55:28 and then they try and pull people from
55:29 the mainline church into their movement. Right.
55:32 They are not going and evangelizing out there. No.
55:34 They are trying to pull Seventh-day Adventists
55:37 from in their churches into what they believe.
55:39 And there are even some groups I think there are
55:42 some parts that, you know,
55:45 may be I won't use the word deadly,
55:46 but I think there are some teachings there
55:48 that are little skewed among historic Adventism.
55:53 Those that believe that you've got to be
55:55 strict and rigid of only, about only what the pioneers
55:59 of the Adventist Church believed
56:00 in the early parts of this movement.
56:02 In developmental stages. And then from that you have
56:05 folks that believe well the trinity isn't totally false
56:07 they aren't there in one there is only two in one.
56:10 I think you have the airiness that comes in that Christ
56:12 is not really divine, you know,
56:14 this stuff is within still, means you are
56:18 on a very small scale, I'm saying, right,
56:19 but misleads and the devil is at work inside as well.
56:23 So just because we say as a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
56:26 we've the truth, it doesn't mean that
56:28 we don't have our challenges. Right.
56:30 We got our challenges and we want to
56:31 acknowledge that to you.
56:33 But we're in a line or a branch where
56:36 God is blessing with truth his movement,
56:40 His church, His remnant and we're then in turn
56:43 evangelizing the world that call people out of Babylon,
56:46 the other line that isn't apostasy.
56:49 And we'll talk about these churches
56:51 and why in fact we believe they are in apostasy. Right.
56:54 And some of the things that are misleading teachings
56:58 and so forth that are coming out
56:59 of those that you should be aware of.
57:01 You know John, that is so right.
57:02 That why here are House Calls,
57:03 we're so convicted that God has something
57:06 for us to follow, that's not cunningly devised
57:08 but is based on the Bible.
57:10 And so Jesus said, the sheep I have
57:12 that are not of this fold, them also I must bring
57:15 and they will hear My voice and there will be on fold
57:18 and one shepherd. Friends, the Lord
57:19 has a fold for you to follow, not one that's necessary
57:22 convenient for you, but one that will take you
57:24 from where you are to eternal life.
57:27 So until we see you again,
57:28 may the Lord continue blessing you.
57:30 Have a great day in Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17