House Calls

Spiritual Babylon, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL120017

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:02 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:22 Welcome again to another House Calls program
00:25 as you can see I'm here,
00:27 but I'm not by myself I've got my good friend
00:30 Pastor John Stanton sitting to my right.
00:32 Good to see you John. It is good to be here John.
00:34 But that's a fancy shirt. I really like that.
00:36 I was thinking the same about yours.
00:38 Well, you know we try to dress our best
00:40 because this is the best program in the land.
00:43 At this very moment you should not be in any place
00:45 but right here with us and since you're listening to us
00:47 you've made the best decision.
00:49 Stay tuned for the next hour as we open our Bibles,
00:52 as we invite the Lord's presence here
00:54 and get your friends, get your pens,
00:56 get your questions and sit down,
00:57 because we're going to be talking about
00:59 the continuation of Spiritual Babylon
01:02 and we always enjoy having you,
01:04 stay tuned with us.
01:06 If you're listening by radio, listen very carefully
01:09 because you don't want to miss this program,
01:11 but John, before we do anything we always have prayer.
01:14 Let's have prayer again here.
01:16 Father, we again thank you so much for the privilege
01:19 of coming before You and opening Your word,
01:22 the word You've given to us.
01:23 What a special word that is and important in our lives.
01:27 Lord, we thank You for not only the word,
01:30 but Your Spirit whom You sent to us
01:32 to help us understand it.
01:34 And so we ask for His presence here now to be with us,
01:36 guide us through Your scriptures
01:38 and especially this topic that we're talking about today
01:40 a very sensitive one, but a very important one
01:42 in the day in which we live.
01:44 We pray for Your help and Your guidance.
01:46 In Jesus name, amen. Amen.
01:49 Now you know, Bible questions
01:51 are such a significant part of this program.
01:53 If you have any questions you want to send to us,
01:55 we have an email address that you'd like to have.
01:57 If you have any things that are on your mind
01:59 and questions you want to ask us,
02:00 send those to
02:04 That's
02:06 we'll give you that information little later on.
02:09 So you can also gather and say, "well, where is my computer,
02:12 where is my laptop, I'm going to send the question"
02:14 and we try our best to download those
02:16 and answer those and so the first half
02:19 of our program is often dedicated to questions.
02:21 So John, what do we have for today?
02:23 We had a question from Rochelle.
02:25 Rochelle, is that your wife?
02:28 No, it's not. Okay.
02:30 But it is another Rochelle. Okay.
02:32 And she says, she wonders at times
02:34 about the seeming difference between
02:36 God of the Old Testament and Jesus.
02:40 Jesus himself said that "my Father and I are one,"
02:43 but at sometimes it doesn't appear so.
02:45 And she references a text here.
02:47 Deuteronomy 19:21, as an example.
02:50 Why the disconnect?
02:52 And I would even say, is there a disconnect?
02:55 Okay, very good. So let's take a look here.
02:56 Let's read the verse first that Rochelle gives us
03:00 from Deuteronomy 19:21. Okay.
03:05 And it says here, "Your eyes shall not pity,
03:09 life shall be for life, eye for eye,
03:12 tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."
03:17 This was the last text in the passage
03:21 given on the law of witnesses
03:23 and also the counsel God gave the Israelites
03:29 as they were to go into the land of Israel
03:31 or the land of Canaan,
03:32 that they were to take possession of that land,
03:35 but to destroy utterly all that existed and lived in Canaan.
03:39 Not just fathers, but mothers and children and livestock
03:44 to some degree in some of these nations
03:46 it was all to be destroyed as they enter into this land.
03:50 Some look at that and they say,
03:51 "well, you know, the God we serve is not that God.
03:55 It's Jesus of the New Testament."
03:59 And so sometimes you find this disconnect
04:01 between Old Testament and New Testament.
04:04 But what we read in scriptures
04:07 that God is the same yesterday, today, and how long?
04:09 Forever. Forever.
04:11 So God has not changed, we have not changed
04:15 and the fact that we are still corrupted by sin.
04:17 What has-- the problem we have here
04:20 with this apparent disconnect is,
04:22 understanding God's character. Who He really is?
04:26 And there's been a lot of misapprehension about God.
04:28 We in fact we go overboard to reveal
04:31 how God is so loving and kind,
04:33 and I think we disconnect ourselves as Christians
04:36 to a great degree from the Old Testament,
04:38 some of us do because we're trying to almost
04:41 shed that characteristic of God. Right.
04:44 But I think the best way that I can explain
04:46 God's character is to go to Exodus 33,
04:49 when I hear God's character I think of Exodus 33. Okay.
04:52 And so let's go to Exodus 33,
04:56 and we will read there a clear explanation.
05:04 A clear iteration from God Himself
05:06 as to the nature of His character.
05:08 Who He is? What verse?
05:11 And we're going to start here with verse 18. Okay.
05:14 Just to give you some context here,
05:16 Moses is on the mountain, on Mount Sinai with God
05:21 and he's been conversing with God.
05:24 And he says here in verse 18, "Please show me your glory."
05:29 Moses is asking to see God's glory.
05:33 Then he said and this is the Lord responding to Moses,
05:36 "I will make all my goodness pass before you.
05:40 And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you,
05:44 I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious,
05:47 I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion,"
05:50 but he said, "you cannot see my face,
05:53 for no man shall see me and live." Okay?
05:57 So then he hides Moses in the cleft of the rock,
06:00 from seeing Him face to face,
06:02 so we can see His backside
06:03 as He goes by him to reveal His glory.
06:07 So we see here, on Mount Sinai
06:10 and this is the place that also Moses received
06:12 the Ten Commandment cut out with stone,
06:15 written by the finger of God.
06:17 We see here God saying to Moses,
06:19 "I'm going to show you My glory."
06:21 So what happens to reveal God's glory?
06:24 What does He do as he passes by Moses?
06:27 Well, you'll see in Chapter 34 verse 1,
06:31 it says, "Moses cut two tablets of stone
06:33 like the first ones and I will write
06:35 on these tablets the words
06:36 that were on the first tablets which you broke."
06:38 So this is his second visit.
06:40 Remember what happened after the first one John.
06:42 What did Moses do with those tablets
06:43 when he saw the golden calf? He threw them down.
06:46 He threw them down and broke them
06:48 because that was symbolic in Moses' own mind
06:50 of the breaking of the covenant already. That's right.
06:52 Because the people, if you remember in Exodus 20
06:55 he said, listen all that God says we will do,
06:58 when God thundered the Ten Commandments
06:59 from Mount Sinai and they were
07:00 at the base of the mountain observing.
07:02 All that he says they'll do and then of course
07:04 Moses goes up gets the Ten Commandments,
07:06 he comes down sees that they broke
07:08 the commandments, he breaks them.
07:09 So now here's the second set
07:11 that God is going to give to Moses.
07:14 But now we see what God does
07:16 as He's delivering these Ten Commandments,
07:18 verse 5 of chapter 34,
07:20 "Now the Lord descended in the cloud
07:23 and stood with him there, that is with Moses
07:25 and proclaimed the name of the Lord."
07:27 So He's responding,
07:28 He's doing now what He said
07:30 He would do to show His glory. Right.
07:31 Verse 6, "And the Lord passed before him
07:34 and proclaimed the Lord, the Lord God
07:37 merciful and gracious long suffering,
07:40 in other words, patient and abounding
07:43 in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands,
07:47 forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin."
07:50 Now, let's pause there. Doesn't that sound like Jesus?
07:53 That is totally Jesus.
07:55 That it sounds just like Jesus.
07:57 Right. You know what?
07:58 It was Jesus. That's exactly right.
08:00 The God of the Old Testament was Jesus prior to being
08:03 Jesus in physical form on this earth. That's right.
08:06 And so Jesus gave His Ten Commandments
08:09 and as He did that He proclaimed His name,
08:11 His goodness to Moses.
08:14 This is Jesus. That's right.
08:17 And Jesus manifested this character
08:19 while He was here on this earth,
08:21 and we read it about in the four gospels.
08:26 But now let's go further.
08:27 We like to stop there sometimes,
08:28 but let's go further because this is still Jesus speaking.
08:32 It says, "By no means clearing the guilty.
08:37 Visiting the iniquity of the Father
08:40 is upon the children and the children's children
08:42 to the third and the fourth generation.
08:45 And what did Moses do?
08:47 He made haste and bowed his head
08:49 toward the earth and he worshiped.
08:51 I have found grace in your sight,
08:53 he says if I have found grace in sight,
08:55 Oh, Lord, let my Lord I pray go among us
08:58 even though we are stiff necked people
09:00 and pardon our iniquity and our sin
09:02 and take us as your inheritance."
09:04 Now, you know what's interesting here, John.
09:08 God, Christ really before He came to this earth
09:13 to die for us, declareth His name
09:16 and talks about His graciousness,
09:18 His long suffering, His patience.
09:19 And the other side of the equation,
09:22 His justice. That's right.
09:23 He won't just clear the guilty,
09:25 He will meet out punishment and ultimate demise
09:29 for those who hold on to their sin and refused
09:32 to accept His gracious offering of forgiveness.
09:35 But notice when Moses heard this,
09:39 Moses didn't say "Oh, well, in that case
09:41 I'm going to stay away from you Lord."
09:42 No. He wasn't afraid of the fact
09:44 that God was just as well as He was merciful.
09:47 No, not at all.
09:48 He said, "we want you to come among us, dwell with us.
09:52 I know we're stiff necked,
09:53 I know we're a problem to you sometimes,
09:56 but we want you with us."
09:58 You see people always wanted to be with Jesus,
10:01 because of how gracious and loving He was.
10:03 But then Jesus is also a God of justice
10:06 and how do we know that because He died on the cross.
10:09 If God was not a God of justice,
10:11 Jesus would not have died on the cross
10:13 to pay the penalty for the sin of you and me.
10:16 If He could have just changed his lawns,
10:18 and you know what, it's all about just forgiveness.
10:20 He would have come down, given that message and said,
10:22 "Now I'm going back to heaven"
10:23 the cross would never have happened,
10:25 because He could have excused sin.
10:28 But God can't excuse sins, Jesus can't excuse sin.
10:31 He said, "If you love me, keep My commandments."
10:33 He talked about the ultimate punishment of the wicked.
10:36 Jesus spoke about all these things.
10:38 But yet we want to divorce Him and separate Him from
10:41 the God of the Old Testament is the same God.
10:43 We can't. Right.
10:45 So you might ask, "Well, what was God doing then
10:47 when He said to the Israelites go in and destroy them all."
10:51 I would venture to say,
10:53 you would not allow your children to be around someone
10:55 who would corrupt and destroy your lives.
10:57 And the only way they were going to set up
11:00 a place for them to exist in safety
11:02 and under the protective banner of their God,
11:06 is to destroy the nations that were there.
11:08 What do I say about those nations?
11:09 If you read about what their practices were,
11:12 they were corrupt beyond belief.
11:14 They were sacrificing their children in the fire.
11:16 Right. They were burning them.
11:18 They were doing horrific things
11:20 in the name of, their worship of Satan
11:23 and so when we see that picture you might say,
11:27 well, you know, what God was being very protective here
11:29 to make sure that the Israelites weren't going to be--
11:32 not only worshipping or doing the same things,
11:35 but making sure the Israelites
11:36 were going to fall into their hands
11:38 and he was protective of them.
11:40 So He said, "I will give you power to wipe them out."
11:43 And in fact what God was doing there, John
11:45 Was He was judging them early.
11:48 He was judging them in advance of the ultimate judgment
11:51 at the end of the world. Right, he saw it.
11:52 And he saw what as coming. If he did not do that,
11:55 he could not have protected and cared for his children
11:57 as he knew he needed to do to get them through
12:00 to be the people that he wanted them to be.
12:03 And we wouldn't want anything less for our children.
12:06 What do we do to rapists and murderers and others?
12:09 I mean life sentences sometimes,
12:11 even the death penalty sometimes,
12:12 but we make sure that they are kept from harming those
12:15 who they would harm if we-- if we didn't protect our kids.
12:19 Right, those who are not responsive
12:20 to the redemptive judgments of God,
12:23 will receive the punitive judgments of God.
12:27 And you find here--
12:28 Break that down, because that's important
12:29 you use two words.
12:31 Right, redemptive and-- Redemptive and punitive.
12:32 And the redemptive, see God,
12:34 His mercy and His message of salvation
12:37 as is today is open to everyone,
12:39 but the message that people sometimes preach
12:42 that everybody is going to be saved
12:44 and there are some people that for whatever reason
12:45 I don't know that doctrine comes out of the woodworks
12:47 that God will never destroy anybody,
12:49 everybody is going to be saved
12:51 and now we have this secular mindset
12:53 that no matter what you do,
12:55 it doesn't really come to the point of judgment.
12:57 When you look at the God of the Old Testament,
12:59 you also find-- and this is a strange thing John
13:02 you don't find the lake of fire in the Old Testament.
13:05 You find it only in the New Testament.
13:07 You don't find hell
13:09 where the final judgment is going to be carried out.
13:12 In the Old Testament the lake of fire is not burning
13:17 or not even stored up
13:19 or in action I should say in the Old Testament,
13:22 it is reserved for judgment in the New Testament.
13:25 So this whole ideology about God being
13:28 loving and kind and He's also just
13:30 and He's a God of justice and judgment.
13:34 In order to be loving and kind to your children,
13:37 you have to establish justice and judgment.
13:41 For people that are just wanting to have a good time,
13:44 you can't really enjoy your life without parameters
13:47 that guide the pleasure of the safety of your life,
13:51 for the safety of the pleasures of your life.
13:53 The one thing that reflects on the justice and judgment
13:57 and love and care of God is the fact
13:59 that when he said to the children of Israel,
14:01 go and spare none young, old,
14:04 men, women, children wipe them out,
14:06 he was able to declare the end from the beginning
14:11 and from ancient times things that didn't even happen.
14:14 And so what God does,
14:15 He has a sovereignty that sees way beyond,
14:18 He sees over the hill, down the mountain,
14:20 around the valley in the corner
14:21 before we even start the journey.
14:23 So this is exactly what that is talking about.
14:26 How could God be the one that wipes out
14:29 and destroys and obliterates and judges,
14:34 that's exactly who He is.
14:35 You know, I hear somebody saying John,
14:37 you know you said Jesus was the God of the Old Testament
14:40 and where did you find that from.
14:43 Jesus says, "I am that I am."
14:45 The I am met Moses at the burning bush.
14:48 That was the base of Mount Sinai. That's right.
14:50 The same mountain that he came back
14:52 and gave Moses the Ten Commandments
14:53 to 40 plus years later.
14:56 Or no, actually it was that four years
14:58 actually that he was there with his father Jethro,
15:00 but still they came back after delivering the Israelites
15:04 from Egypt back to that same mountain
15:06 where God Jesus delivered the Ten Commandments again.
15:09 So you can't disconnect that.
15:11 No you can't. But one of the things--
15:13 And by the way, just don't lose that point
15:14 because Jesus also said to the Jews
15:16 in the New Testament before Abraham was I am.
15:18 He made him very, very clear. That's right. I am.
15:21 And when Moses said well who send me say,
15:23 "I am sent you." Yeah. See, so there.
15:26 Yeah. Now here's the thing from the book of Jude,
15:28 it says in verse 7, "Sodom and Gomorrah
15:31 and the cities around them in the similar manner
15:35 to these having themselves over--
15:37 having given themselves over to sexual immorality
15:39 and gone after strange flesh." Notice their practices.
15:42 "That they are set forth as an example
15:46 suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
15:49 They were the example of what fire or the lake of fire.
15:54 An example, not that there fire continued to, you know,
15:57 burn after they were destroyed. Destroyed.
16:00 But that the destruction of those cities
16:03 and other nations that even the Israelites wanting
16:06 to destroy were an example
16:08 of what God would again do at the end of time.
16:11 So you hear you have God doing the same thing
16:14 then that He's going to do at the end of time.
16:16 But one is an example,
16:17 one is going to be the actual fire. Right.
16:19 The eternal fire that burns all the wicked up.
16:22 So we're seeing the same practice
16:25 in the Old and New Testament, is just understanding it.
16:29 And so don't listen to someone who wants to separate
16:32 the God of the New from the God of the Old.
16:34 It is the same God and these are harmonious.
16:37 It is the whole picture that we find in all of scripture
16:41 to help us understand God's nature.
16:43 Yes, you brought out a very good parallel there.
16:46 I hadn't heard you say that before,
16:48 but then again I do miss things
16:50 even though my ears are large.
16:54 Verse 7 of Jude it says, "This fire that came down
16:58 on Sodom and Gomorrah was an example--
17:01 Example? Of what's going to happen afterwards." Right.
17:04 And who was the one that brought this fire down?
17:06 God. That's right.
17:08 Now you find there's no separation
17:10 and even though the Bible speaks of
17:13 "let us make man in our image"
17:15 the very expressed image Jesus says in Colossians
17:20 "He's the expressed image of the Father."
17:23 Everything that the Father believes and teaches
17:25 and holds dear Jesus does.
17:27 And so He even said to His disciples
17:29 "Have I been with you so long
17:30 that you have not seen the Father."
17:32 So Jesus is not acting out of harmony with His Father.
17:36 He's not doing something that
17:37 "Well, I like my Father to do that, but I'm--
17:40 since He doesn't do, I'll go ahead and do it."
17:42 That--there's no division here at all.
17:45 They are al in harmony.
17:47 But people will point out that there are isolated verses
17:51 in the Bible that make it appear as though
17:53 "well, I'm so glad that, that God is not the same God today,
17:57 because we haven't analyzed this so far. Okay.
18:00 You know, there would be a lot of dead folk in church nowadays.
18:02 Yeah, I may think about that.
18:04 I mean in the church in essence of sapphire light
18:07 of the Lord. That's right.
18:09 And what happened to them
18:10 when they came into the presence of God,
18:11 into His place of worship, the light hit him,
18:15 he was struck dead right there.
18:17 And so you see judgment then upon their life
18:19 at that point serve as an example for others
18:22 so that they wouldn't repeat that. That's right.
18:24 That's the example that we find
18:26 of what happened to the nations before.
18:28 You practice you live and you practice like them,
18:30 ultimately you will end up like them.
18:31 We cannot skip that.
18:33 So this is what he was doing and he was setting an example
18:36 and he used the Israelites to do that in Canaan.
18:40 Well, thank you John,
18:41 that's a good one, I appreciate that.
18:44 Another one from a young man, 15 years old.
18:47 His name is Malique. My name is Malique.
18:50 I am 15-years-old and he says where he lives.
18:53 I was talking to some of my friends at school
18:56 and they claimed that we should have sex now at this age.
19:00 I told them that the Bible says
19:02 we are not to have sex before marriage
19:04 for I go to a Christian school.
19:06 However, I was not able to give them or tell them
19:09 exactly where the Bible says not to have sex before marriage.
19:14 I'm asking you would you please show me
19:17 where the Bible says that sex before marriage is wrong,
19:20 so that I'll be able to show it to my friends at school
19:23 the next time we come across this subject.
19:25 Okay, that's it. That's very good.
19:28 Because some young people nowadays
19:30 or young people in general they just bend to peer pressure.
19:33 But thank you Malique, for that question
19:36 because young people need to know that nowadays
19:39 besides all the bad things that happen
19:40 and there's sexually transmitted diseases
19:42 and the guilt and the loss of one's purity
19:45 and just not preserving that special gift
19:48 that God reserves for marriage
19:50 is all the reasons that I could cite that we shouldn't.
19:54 But let me go ahead and give you the Bible verses.
19:55 There are lots of them by the way.
19:57 When you think of the word,
19:58 the Bible uses two words in particular,
20:02 you have the broad words sexually,
20:05 the broad phrase sexual immorality.
20:08 You have the other phrase that is very indicative
20:11 of what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah strange flesh.
20:15 Men with men, women with women.
20:16 That's way beyond the confines
20:18 as whether they're married or not.
20:20 I mean, this is, it doesn't really--
20:21 marriage doesn't even make that right.
20:24 So I want to make that very, very clear
20:25 because some people think nowadays the new thing is--
20:27 well, if we get married I guess its okay.
20:29 You know, what amazes me
20:30 is those who don't acknowledge God
20:33 believe that they have to get married
20:34 to make it right, anyway strange.
20:37 You can't, there are certain things cannot be made right
20:39 whether the marriage is in the equation or not
20:42 and that is men with men and women with women
20:44 cannot be made better by marriage.
20:46 But give you a couple of passages
20:49 one here is First Corinthians 6:18,
20:52 it says, "Flee sexual immorality."
20:55 Flee it, in other words run from it.
20:57 "Every sin that a man does is outside the body,
21:01 but he who commits sexual immorality
21:04 sins against his own body."
21:06 What a lot of people don't understand
21:07 is when two people are joined together in a sexual situation
21:12 that the reason why the Bible indicated that
21:15 that should happen before marriage
21:16 is because they become one,
21:18 they become one in a lot of ways.
21:20 And first in God's sight they are one,
21:22 that's a blessed and sanctified union,
21:25 that's the most important aspect of it,
21:26 that is for man and woman in their marriage.
21:29 Once again not woman with woman not man with man.
21:32 That's ordain by God
21:34 from the very beginning Adam and Eve.
21:36 Don't want to be cynical and say,
21:38 Adam and Steve because that's I don't want
21:40 to take this lightly.
21:41 Very serious approach when it comes to what God
21:43 has established from the very beginning.
21:45 But you find the immorality is when God's blessing
21:50 is not bestowed upon that relationship
21:54 and the blessing of God is withheld
21:56 when they are not married.
21:58 To give you even further evidence of that,
22:00 First Corinthians 7, verses 8 and 9.
22:04 And let me read verse 2 first of all
22:08 because First Corinthians 7 deals with this quite a bit.
22:11 It says in verse 2, "Nevertheless,
22:14 because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife,
22:21 and let each woman have her own husband."
22:24 See, his own wife, her own husband
22:28 to avoid sexual immorality.
22:31 Why is it saying man and woman, woman and man.
22:34 Its because that's what exactly what happens
22:35 when people come together in a non married format
22:39 man with woman and woman with man
22:42 is immoral outside of being married,
22:46 that's why he uses the word husband and wife.
22:50 Those terms are only applicable in the confines of marriage.
22:54 So that's a very powerful verse.
22:55 And then it goes to verse 8 and 9.
22:58 "But I say to the unmarried and to the widows
23:01 It is good for them if they remain even as I am."
23:06 In other words, unmarried. Paul was.
23:08 But, verse 9, "But if they cannot exercise
23:11 self-control, let them marry.
23:15 For it is better to marry than to burn with passion."
23:19 And the phrase with passion was added
23:22 because it was simply,
23:24 its better to marry than to burn,
23:26 and the burning there is as the Bible says,
23:28 burned in their lust.
23:30 And that's exactly what you must avoid.
23:32 John, we find today
23:35 and thank you, Malique, for the question.
23:36 So the key is God has established a way whereby
23:40 marriage is the-- marriage bed
23:44 as the Bible says, is undefiled.
23:46 But the bed where sexual practices occur
23:50 where they are not married it is defiled,
23:53 that mean it's not clean, it is corrupt,
23:56 it is immoral, it is not pure.
23:58 So you want to avoid that.
24:00 And lastly the council to the young and the unmarried,
24:03 we could avoid so much sorrow, so much grief.
24:07 Let me talk about the millions of young people
24:10 that are having babies outside of the confines of marriage,
24:13 that alone is a plight to the family.
24:16 And I'd say this in the context of the fact
24:20 that I was conceived outside of marriage.
24:22 My mom and dad were not married,
24:24 but God turn to thing that was not done
24:26 with His blessing into a tremendous blessing,
24:29 because here I am, a child of God nonetheless.
24:32 My point is, God does not authorize
24:35 sex outside of marriage,
24:36 but the birth of a child is a blessing nonetheless.
24:40 You have to keep that in mind,
24:42 because these are terrible term John,
24:44 which I won't use on the air,
24:45 I'll use the term illegitimate
24:47 because another more worldly term use.
24:49 The child is not illegitimate, the parents are illegitimate,
24:54 because what they have done was not legitimized by God,
24:57 yet the birth of the child is a blessing to all humanity
25:02 when God steps in as He did in my case
25:05 and directs the child's life.
25:07 So not only that the sexually transmitted disease,
25:12 that's another thing
25:14 and the list goes on and on and on and on.
25:16 And young ladies who after the guy has had his way
25:20 they move on and you know, I would say to young men,
25:23 treat a young lady that you're dating
25:25 as you would treat your sister.
25:27 And I hope that what that means
25:30 is you love your sister in a godly way,
25:33 that you honor your sister
25:34 you wouldn't do anything terrible to her,
25:37 you don't beat her up, you don't use profane language,
25:40 you honor your sister
25:41 as a Christian young man would honor his sister,
25:44 that's the context of that.
25:45 But, John, you want to add to that?
25:47 No, I think you covered it pretty well.
25:49 There are several aspects
25:51 sexual immorality you talked about
25:52 its being inclusive of all the different kinds of things
25:56 that happen within that.
25:58 Bible uses the term adulterer, fornicator, you know--
26:04 Sexual immorality.
26:05 Strange flesh, these are the things
26:07 all fit within that sexual immorality umbrella.
26:10 And so that when the Bible was saying in the Ten Commandments
26:14 thou shall not commit adultery. Right.
26:16 It's not just referring to somebody that's married
26:19 having sex outside of the marriage,
26:21 its also referring to those that are not married,
26:23 to a degree, its all inclusive
26:25 of the sexual immorality umbrella that we have.
26:29 And so you want to maintain the purity.
26:32 Let me tell you why?
26:33 I'd say these young people that are, you know,
26:36 they are just under the pressures
26:37 of the modern world,
26:39 you know, there are lots of people that are--
26:40 they admire the rock stars and the musicians and the actors
26:44 and the people that are on television all the time
26:47 and they are talking about the many kids,
26:48 and somebody says, well, you know,
26:50 did you know that, I'm not gonna mention names,
26:52 did you know that that song, that person has sing this song,
26:54 she just had a baby with this other star,
26:56 but they're not married.
26:57 And they talk about the baby and they have--
26:59 you know, people say,
27:01 I want to be like that guy or that girl
27:02 that my favorite actor, my favorite singer.
27:04 And we become so distorted in our minds,
27:07 because we are following a practice that is pushing us
27:11 to this what we call popular immorality.
27:14 You know, they want to be like somebody,
27:16 but it's immoral just the same.
27:18 So no matter who you follow,
27:20 if you're not following the Lord,
27:21 if you're not following His word,
27:23 then it's not something that you should participate in.
27:26 Keep yourself pure,
27:28 because there is nothing like waiting till Christmas
27:30 to open your Christmas gifts
27:32 when you get old you understand exactly what I mean.
27:34 Okay, that's a metaphor, what do you say? All right.
27:38 Well, thank you for your Bible questions
27:41 and your comments and all the things
27:43 that you do to make this program successful.
27:45 Anymore questions you have you can send those
27:47 to this email address,,
27:51 that's that means organization.
27:55 Thank you, so much.
27:57 Now we talked about,
27:58 I think the last thing we did about Babylon,
28:01 we were in Daniel 3 and--
28:04 we just want to emphasis that a little bit more
28:06 after we finish the program we said,
28:07 we want to go back to that plain of Dura setting
28:10 and finish identify what was happening there while we can--
28:16 But we also talked about going into the women,
28:18 spiritual Babylon being represented as a woman.
28:22 Okay, that's right. That's the other aspect.
28:23 that's the place where we start a transition to,
28:25 we talked about Chapter 3, we talked about Chapter 5,
28:30 you know, using the things of the Lord
28:32 that were the holy things of God for worship
28:35 that was Pagan in origin.
28:37 And so the different aspects that were connected to Babylon
28:40 and now is labeled as being connected to spiritual Babylon.
28:44 We need to find out what's spiritual Babylon is,
28:47 so we can began to see the things
28:49 that are in spiritual Babylon,
28:51 those who practice these things are what the scriptures
28:54 are referring to in a prophetic sense. That's right.
28:56 And the reason I mention Daniel 3
28:59 is because one of the clarity we want to make here
29:02 is when the music was played
29:04 it did not persuade Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
29:10 which are the names given there in the Babylonian province.
29:13 It did not persuade them to still bow down
29:16 and worship the gods of Babylon.
29:18 So what we want to point out
29:19 is when you look at the verse here,
29:21 what's happening nowadays in spiritual Babylon,
29:24 that's sounds so odd,
29:25 its one of the most amazing oxymorons in the Bible,
29:29 spiritual, its more like spiritualistic or spiritualism
29:35 rather than spiritual like Christ to spiritual.
29:38 But what is in essence saying is Babylon for some reason
29:41 is taken on a tone that is not native to it.
29:44 You see, its trying to put for the Christian foot--
29:48 Think about today, let's just talk common sense,
29:50 how many people say I'm spiritual,
29:52 I just don't believe in organize religion.
29:54 They're spiritual but they don't want the organization
29:59 that God has set for through His church.
30:01 And so you have, I would say,
30:03 part of spiritual Babylon includes that mentality
30:07 that I don't want to be connected necessarily
30:09 maybe to a specific church, but I want to be spiritual,
30:15 you know, yeah and it just, its part of that mentality
30:19 that I want to do it my way
30:21 which is very Babel, Babylon type of mentality.
30:25 You know, that just open up another door
30:27 that I want to go to in Revelation.
30:29 Revelation, let's go back earlier some, I said earlier,
30:33 but just let's go and wrap up this,
30:35 this point of transition.
30:37 When you look at Daniel 3 and you look at verse 5,
30:41 pretty interesting, music has taken
30:44 center stage nowadays when it comes to worship.
30:46 The word of God is being minimized
30:49 and the music is being maximized,
30:52 and so you have places where there is dynamic music,
30:55 but what I want to get at here very, very important point.
30:59 Daniel 3:5, "At the time you hear the sound of the horn,
31:03 the flute, the lyre, the palsy, or the psaltery"
31:08 or how we want to say that,
31:10 in symphony that meaning being all played together,
31:14 with all kinds of music.
31:18 That's the phrase I want to bring out.
31:19 You shall fall down and worship the God,
31:22 the golden image or the gold image
31:24 that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.
31:28 Couple of things this image was not set up by God.
31:30 First of all God said, thou shall not bow down
31:32 to worship any image.
31:34 Secondly He says, all kinds of music
31:36 and today in Christendom all kinds of music
31:40 has entered into the church.
31:42 Rock, rap, hip hop, techno
31:46 all kinds of music has entered into the church
31:48 that is being used not for the worship of God,
31:51 but for the worship of the image that has been set up
31:54 in place of the worship of the true God.
31:56 Let me encourage you, to do like these Hebrews did,
31:59 they refused to bow down
32:02 no matter what kind of song was being played.
32:05 So is the problem the music,
32:06 the problem with things that are borrowed from Babylon,
32:10 this is Babylonian music used for the purpose of worship.
32:13 Make sure that the music they use--
32:15 that you use for the purpose of worship
32:16 is not being borrowed from the world,
32:19 because there is no such thing as sanctifying something
32:22 that is not sanctified by God.
32:24 You cannot sanctify something
32:25 that is not used for Christian purposes
32:28 and that's what happening in the church nowadays, John.
32:30 A lot of the music the same styles
32:32 are coming into the church
32:34 and its being poured in like the wine of Babylon.
32:38 And people hear all kinds of music
32:40 and they just choose to bow down and worship,
32:42 regardless of the fact,
32:43 that God's word doesn't condone all kinds of music.
32:46 So we've let the cat out of the bag. Okay.
32:50 We want to talk about here now,
32:53 why you're saying into the church,
32:56 you use the word church several times.
32:58 So let's define why John and John--
33:01 are now talking about Babylon being a church
33:05 because it's a woman, okay. So let's connect this.
33:08 Go ahead. Get the docs here.
33:10 Revelation 17 which is where we began talks about
33:14 how this great harlot who sits on many waters,
33:21 the harlot is obviously a woman.
33:25 And it speaks of her sitting on many waters,
33:30 committing fornication with the kings of the earth.
33:32 There is a politico-religio
33:35 kind of a unity here that's happening.
33:38 In the Middle East you'd call it the theocracy.
33:41 Here we typically call it religio-political
33:45 it's the soft word,
33:46 the soft way of saying that
33:48 politics and religion mix just fine.
33:50 This says, that Babylon is comprised
33:52 of those who mixed the two. Okay.
33:55 Now going further as it introduces this woman,
34:00 its goes down and talks about
34:02 some of the characteristic she has.
34:04 Verse 4 one example is that,
34:06 she is arrayed in purple and scarlet
34:09 adorn with gold and precious stones and pearls,
34:11 she is decked out, man, she is just,
34:14 she is decked out and then verse 5 says, on her name,
34:18 on her forehead a name was written
34:19 "Mystery Babylon the Great." So that's her title.
34:22 So Babylon the great is when we see spiritual Babylon.
34:26 We say spiritual because its' not a city,
34:29 it's not the old city of Babylon,
34:31 it's referring to a woman, a harlot specifically.
34:34 In the Book of Revelation,
34:36 you have a couple of different women that are represented.
34:41 In Chapter 12 you see a pure woman. You do.
34:45 Beautiful, pure represents as you go through the--
34:49 you see, representative of God's followers
34:52 and then here you find a corrupt woman, a harlot.
34:56 What is prophecy telling us
34:58 in comparing and contrasting the two,
35:02 one is, both are women,
35:05 one is pure, one is a harlot.
35:09 A few scriptures here and you may have some other ones.
35:12 The first one is Jeremiah 6:2. Do you have--
35:17 Well, I could turn to that, but--
35:18 Go ahead if you have another one start here--
35:20 Let me amplify what you're saying here
35:21 because when the Bible talks about,
35:23 and this is once again the Old Testament
35:24 lay so much foundation
35:26 for what's happening in the New Testament.
35:27 There was a prophet by the name of,
35:30 not a prophet but a king by the name Ahab.
35:33 He married a woman by the name of Jezebel
35:35 and this is once again a leader of God's people
35:39 Ahab marrying a worshipper of the God of Behal, Baal, okay.
35:45 And when they marry together it formed
35:48 a union between corrupt,
35:51 a corrupt woman and a spiritual man,
35:55 thereby not making the woman spiritual
35:57 but making the man corrupt.
35:59 When you mesh that what is spiritual
36:02 with that which is corrupt, you don't get a pure corruption,
36:08 you get a corrupt spirituality,
36:13 you get the corrupt spiritual,
36:15 it corrupts the spiritual,
36:17 it doesn't purify the corrupt, okay.
36:20 You have here in Revelation 2:20, 19,
36:26 the Lord is talking about fire attire,
36:29 what that church went through and this by the way was,
36:33 this is showing how the corruption got
36:35 into the churches says, verse 20 of Revelation 2.
36:41 "Nevertheless I have a few things against you,
36:44 because you allow that woman Jezebel,
36:47 who calls herself a prophetess,
36:50 to teach and beguile My servants to commit sexual immorality
36:55 and eat things sacrificed to idols.
36:58 And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality,
37:01 and she did not repent." And then He says.
37:05 "Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed,
37:07 and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation,
37:11 unless they repent of their deeds.
37:14 I will kill her children with death,
37:16 and all the churches shall know that
37:19 I am He who searches the minds and hearts.
37:22 And will give to each one of you according to your works."
37:26 So when we talked about the church that woman,
37:29 that corrupt woman that's what Revelation 17
37:32 is talking about that corrupt woman,
37:34 but now you want to show us the picture in Jeremiah,
37:36 am I correct? Yes.
37:37 Let's go to Jeremiah.
37:39 And I mention Jeremiah 6 here,
37:41 but just to kind of give you some background,
37:45 Jeremiah 3, let start with verse 1 there. All right.
37:50 And this is God speaking to His people,
37:51 so its council is important for us today.
37:55 Although He's speaking to literal Israel at that time
37:57 now spiritual Israel is God's church.
38:02 "They say, if a man divorces his wife
38:04 and she goes from him and becomes another man's,
38:07 may he return to her again?
38:09 Would not that land be greatly polluted?
38:11 But you have played the harlot with many lovers;
38:15 yet return to me? Says the Lord.
38:17 Lift up your eyes to the desolate heights and see;
38:21 where have you not lain with men?
38:24 By the road you have sat for them
38:26 like an Arabian in the wilderness;
38:28 And you have polluted the land
38:29 with your harlotries and your wickedness.
38:31 Therefore the showers have been withheld,
38:33 and there has been no latter rain,
38:36 and you have a harlot's forehead,"
38:39 What is that. "Refused to be ashamed.
38:42 Will you not from this time cry to me,
38:46 My father, you are my guide of my youth?
38:49 Will he remain angry forever, will he keep it to the end?'
38:52 Behold, you have spoken and done evil things as you are able."
38:56 In other words, God allowed them to make decisions,
38:58 to make choices, John,
39:00 but he clearly as they made those choices
39:04 to fall away from him and practice
39:06 those things that were unholy,
39:08 that were defiled, that were from the other nations.
39:10 He spoke to them as a harlot,
39:14 His people were committing harlotry. That's right.
39:17 So in that context when we read in Jeremiah 6:2
39:23 "I have likened the daughter of Zion
39:25 to a lovely and delicate woman."
39:26 He is giving the example
39:28 of what he wants his children to be. That's right.
39:30 Pure and holy, not the harlot,
39:33 but let's not mistaken this.
39:35 In these cases they both on the outward appearance
39:39 to a degree, believed they spoke as if they belong to God. Okay.
39:46 Whether they are playing the harlot
39:48 or whether they were following God
39:49 in a pure way they still look to Him.
39:53 In the verse we just read from Jeremiah 3,
39:55 He said won't you come crying back to me,
39:57 even though you are backsliding,
39:58 won't you come cry out to me every time you get in trouble
40:00 you come cry out to me.
40:02 Well, this is what we're saying.
40:04 So spiritual Babylon we're talking about the harlot,
40:07 it represents a church, it looks like a church,
40:11 it looks like it follows God, but its not,
40:14 its practicing the things that are not of God. That's right.
40:18 And very wonderful parallel you find also Jeremiah
40:21 brings out other elements of Babylon
40:24 and this is going to become more pointed and specifically
40:29 because you need to know whether or not
40:31 where you are is not where God want you to be
40:34 and that's what the whole purpose of this program is,
40:37 so let people know that God has people everywhere
40:41 Revelation 18:1 to 4 that's a call,
40:43 I want to lead into this by the way,
40:45 I want to just mention that,
40:47 that Revelation 18:4 has come out of her my people.
40:51 So the clear element just like the Hebrews were in Babylon,
40:55 God has people nowadays in spiritual Babylon,
40:58 spiritual because the literal Babylon doesn't exist,
41:01 the literal place where Babylon existed does not exist today,
41:05 yet these elements that we're pointing out
41:08 do exist in Christendom
41:10 and so that's what Satan's attempt
41:11 was to pollute the woman, to make her a harlot.
41:16 She has daughters also, and that's the other thing
41:18 that Revelation 17 points out, not just the mother,
41:22 but if she is a mother of the abominations
41:25 and the harlots of the earth.
41:26 In other words her filthiness, her corruption,
41:29 her adultery that is her dishonor to the true God
41:32 is prevalent in so many avenues of worship,
41:35 but the one thing that is common
41:37 that God still hasn't overlook
41:39 is a fact that His people are still there.
41:43 Right, which is the call to come out from--
41:45 Which is the call to come out,
41:47 you know, the Babylon was a corrupt city,
41:49 but His people were there, they were held captive,
41:52 they were held in bondage to the ways
41:54 and the teachings of Babylon, and that's happening today.
41:57 Lot of Christians are held in bondage to the people
42:00 in the ways of corrupt things,
42:03 immoral things in some movements.
42:05 John, let me talk about some of these things,
42:07 let me just make some comparison here
42:08 because I want to read this first,
42:10 but I don't want to read it before I make this point.
42:14 And we talked about sexual immorality in this program,
42:16 so this fits right now and this shows
42:18 an element of Babylon sexual immorality,
42:20 the woman the perversion there.
42:22 When churches began ordaining people
42:26 that are living sexually immoral lives
42:29 and put them in the positions of leadership.
42:32 There are some churches today that have openly gay clergy,
42:38 practicing that lifestyle and they are leading out
42:42 in these churches that is a symbol of spiritual Babylon.
42:48 That is just, I mean, sexual immorality
42:51 is what we are told to flee,
42:53 but then when you have a person practicing that lifestyle,
42:55 but let's not leave that all by itself,
42:58 if you have clergy that having,
43:00 if you have men clergy that having multiple relationships
43:04 and not being true to the one wife
43:06 that's the similar thing here.
43:08 But one of the examples
43:09 that you're getting here in the Bible,
43:11 is this woman Jezebel,
43:12 who that's her whole life is identified,
43:15 very few people I know nowadays.
43:17 And I said this once when somebody
43:18 wrote me a letter and said
43:20 they actually did named their daughter Jezebel.
43:21 And I thought to myself unbelievable,
43:23 why would you do that
43:24 when you think about what is connected to.
43:26 But there's a very few people has a little girl and say,
43:28 oh, you know, she is so pretty,
43:30 I want to call her Jezebel.
43:32 That name just doesn't have a good connotation
43:33 connected to it at all.
43:35 So what's happening nowadays is wherever sexual immorality
43:38 is reigning in the leadership then you're in a place where--
43:43 there are those Babylonian practices have entered
43:45 into in this very careful.
43:48 But here's what Jeremiah also points out about Babylon,
43:50 that I want to get to right now.
43:53 Jeremiah 51:47, Jeremiah 51:47.
44:00 Because you have to be able to identify these elements
44:03 because they are not all packaged together
44:05 neatly into one package,
44:06 here the Babylonian identification kit.
44:09 But look at verse 47. Read that for us, John.
44:13 "Therefore behold, the days are coming.
44:15 That I will bring judgment on the carved images of Babylon;
44:19 Her whole land shall be ashamed,
44:21 And all her slain shall fall in her midst."
44:24 Now get what that says, carved images.
44:28 We were just in Russia, few months ago.
44:33 And we went to some of the temples
44:36 that are there in Russia and we walked in
44:41 and saw images abounding to many to count.
44:46 We saw--people came in and depending on
44:51 whatever they came in to pray about,
44:54 they would kiss the picture
44:57 and they would light a candle in front of the picture
44:59 that best represented the thing they wanted to pray about.
45:02 And if you look at the walls
45:04 from the walls left right center ceiling
45:06 pictures of all different kinds of
45:09 and they said these are the Gods they pray to.
45:14 These are the images they pray to,
45:17 because that's how they believe they're suppose to pray,
45:22 that's what has been said in this particular passage.
45:24 Image worship, remember now where did you get that
45:27 from first of all thou shalt not make unto thee
45:28 any graven images,
45:30 that's before the people of God were in Babylon,
45:32 they were let out of Egypt is also there.
45:34 But on the plain of Dura in Babylon
45:39 Nebuchadnezzar was trying to get the Hebrews to bow down
45:42 and worship an image, a carved image.
45:46 So if you are part of a fellowship
45:48 where carved images are worshiped
45:51 that is the symbol of the existence of a worship
45:56 that is not authorized by God.
45:58 Its Babylonian worship, its to be avoided
46:02 and I know and I say this with an element of heavy heart,
46:07 a lot of my family members are part of a faith
46:10 that they have so many images
46:12 and what I learned also over in Russia
46:14 is there was a large picture, they had a picture
46:17 and I was wondering what is that picture was a large a woman,
46:20 a picture of a woman she was a larger part of the picture,
46:24 but there were very, very small part of the picture
46:26 was a smaller image and they say,
46:28 well, in that church Mary is seen as supreme
46:31 and Jesus is being seen as subject to her,
46:35 another symbol of Babylonian worship.
46:40 You know, as we're talking more and more,
46:42 we don't want to single anybody out in this program.
46:45 It's just the purpose of revealing now
46:47 spiritual Babylon is a church,
46:49 a system that is promoting very ungodly practices
46:55 and calling them Christianity.
46:58 It just doesn't spill from one entity down,
47:01 but this harlot has daughters,
47:03 it is filtered everywhere around the world,
47:05 we're seeing rampant cases
47:06 of spiritual Babylon in this world.
47:10 And to maybe find some of those things
47:13 that are represented within Babylon.
47:16 We can go back to Revelation 17
47:18 and let's look at some of the things
47:20 and identify some of the things
47:21 that it's pertaining to when he's speaking now,
47:23 because Revelation 17 remember is a prophecy,
47:26 it is not literal,
47:27 its got a spiritual application, its symbolic.
47:31 So as we look at these symbols
47:33 what are they saying about a church,
47:36 a system that it looks Christian, but its not.
47:40 What are they saying about that to identify it.
47:41 Okay, Revelation 17, what verse?
47:43 Seventeen, let's go back to verse 1. Okay.
47:46 "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot
47:48 who sits on many waters."
47:50 Obviously here we first see that it is going to be judge,
47:52 you just read that from Jeremiah 51,
47:55 Judgment is coming upon Babylon.
47:58 "With whom the kings
47:59 of the earth committed fornication."
48:01 All right, so there is a joining of,
48:03 we already mention this though,
48:05 but let's talk about it again it's a joining of a religious
48:08 with the spiritual practices that the Christianity
48:12 and so you have a religio-political entity here,
48:16 one that is really involved not just overtly,
48:19 so everybody can see, but specially behind the scenes
48:21 and making things happen the way they have.
48:24 In the history we know that persecution often results
48:28 and has resulted when the religious arm
48:31 joins with the political arm
48:32 receives the power of the civil power
48:37 and then forces others to worship
48:39 that has happened already and its gonna happen again.
48:42 "The inhabitants on earth were made drunk
48:44 with the wine of her fornication."
48:45 Talk about that, John, I mean,
48:47 what is this made drunk?
48:49 What are they referring to there?
48:50 You know, imbibing whenever you--
48:52 we did a program on communion okay,
48:55 this is really interesting.
48:57 Communion, you know, when you partake of the wine
48:59 which is unfermented, but in the Paganistic practices
49:04 the wine was fermented actually it was fermented in some cases
49:08 actual alcohol was introduced,
49:11 but it was fermented fruit.
49:12 It had come to the point where its start to turn into
49:16 that which can inebriate you,
49:18 it can cause you to be drunk.
49:20 And so they said whenever this was participated
49:23 in by those who were dedicated to God
49:26 that's where the inebriation came
49:27 and that's where they were made drunk.
49:29 So what happens nowadays as you see
49:31 that this wine that's coming, you know, the teachings,
49:34 teachings that are throwing the ability of God's people
49:40 to discern between right and wrong is being impaired.
49:45 The ability to understand truth from error is being impaired,
49:50 because when a person is drunk the one thing
49:51 that he or she cannot do is walk a straight line.
49:55 The one thing that he or she cannot do is stand up firmly,
49:59 and so what's happening here is the Christian mind
50:02 this is why the Bible says
50:03 be transform by the renewing of your mind.
50:07 A mind is set free when truth enters,
50:10 the entrance of your word brings light,
50:13 when truth enters the mind then all the sudden
50:15 what people could not discern in darkness
50:17 were under the point of being inebriated or drunk,
50:20 they began to now see clearly
50:22 that's what the Babylonian system has done
50:24 truths and teaching that exist
50:26 that are not in harmony with God's word,
50:28 but the people are so drunk that you can't tell them otherwise,
50:32 because they cannot discern between light and darkness,
50:35 between truth and error.
50:36 So let's just take this the obvious conclusion.
50:39 One of the things that Babylon had done
50:42 was they had polluted the position
50:44 of the work of the priest
50:47 and they had profane the Sabbath of God,
50:49 they made no difference between the holy and the unholy,
50:53 they profane the Sabbath of the Lord.
50:56 So what happen today in the churches of the world
50:58 where you find the true Sabbath of God being profaned
51:01 and a new day been establishing his place
51:04 that's a symbol of the wine of Babylon.
51:06 But what I want to add to what John mentioned
51:08 a moment ago is not the singling out of individuals,
51:11 because the majority of my family
51:12 is still a part of a fellowship
51:14 that honors many of these things.
51:16 That's why I mentioned earlier
51:18 the Lord isn't looking at the destruction of the system,
51:21 but the rescue of the people.
51:23 He is saying to them come out of her
51:25 my people that's the key element.
51:27 You want to add something to that, John?
51:29 Well, I was just kind of connect here this wine,
51:31 you know, what is this wine the prophet Micah speaks of this
51:36 and its interesting in Micah 2:10,
51:42 it just so perfectly fits.
51:44 Look at Micah 2:10 and 11. Okay.
51:47 Arise and depart.
51:48 In other words, the Lord is saying get out of here.
51:50 Get up and get out of her.
51:52 Get out of here.
51:53 In other words, come out of her, my people.
51:55 Arise and depart.
51:57 For this is not your rest.
52:00 Now we can do that with the allotted one,
52:02 day of rest. That's right.
52:04 "Because it is defiled it shall destroy
52:06 yes with utter destruction.
52:09 If a man should walk in a false spirit"
52:11 And this is really a key here.
52:13 "If a man should walk in a false spirit
52:15 and speak a lie, saying,
52:17 'I will prophesy to you of wine and drink,"
52:21 Which Chapter you're in.
52:22 Micah 2:10 and 11. Okay, got you.
52:24 "I will prophesy you of wine and strong drink,
52:26 Even he would be the prattler of this people."
52:30 "I will surely assemble all of you,
52:32 O Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;"
52:35 we're in spiritual Israel now.
52:37 "I will put them together like sheep of the fold,
52:39 or like a flock in the midst of their pasture;
52:42 They shall make a loud noise because of so many people."
52:44 What is that loud noise? The loud cry.
52:47 That's right, that's right.
52:48 You have this prophecy is exactly what is about
52:51 to take place or what is it taking place
52:53 even right now. That's right.
52:54 But the connection I want you to notice here
52:56 is the fact that when a man speaks falsity,
52:59 false prophecies even lying teachings,
53:03 that's when they are causing people to get drunk
53:06 because they're prophesying of wine and drink.
53:09 So when it says that Babylon is getting people drunk
53:12 with the wine of her fornication it is her teachings.
53:15 That's right, that's clearly what it is.
53:17 They are drunk of the teachings and in fact
53:19 so much so that they can't discern even what is truth.
53:22 And, you know, John, what's amazing nowadays
53:23 is when people start to come into
53:24 an understanding of the truth.
53:26 It is so strange when a person is--
53:29 the phrase we could use is being detoxed,
53:32 you know, these facilities where people go and get detoxed,
53:35 they go through withdrawals,
53:37 you know, the body respond in a very strange way,
53:39 those strange reactions that the body is manifesting
53:43 is the body readjusting itself,
53:44 not the body going against its natural use,
53:47 but the body is purifying itself.
53:49 So if you're in the study of that which is truth
53:53 and you've never seen it before,
53:55 it will cause you to adjust in a great degree and,
54:00 but hang in there with it and you will find
54:02 as time goes on those things that you could not see.
54:04 Some people say, I can't see
54:06 how the Sabbath can make a difference.
54:07 I can't see what the difference is between
54:09 whether it's an eternal hell or not an eternal hell,
54:10 what difference does it make.
54:12 What difference does it make where the people dying
54:13 go straight to heaven or they die
54:15 and wait till Jesus comes, what difference does it.
54:16 They can't see that's the key element there.
54:19 They cannot see, their eyes have been skewed
54:23 by the wine that has been introduced into their minds.
54:28 And, you know, what happens when the mind is introduced
54:31 when there is any kind of off kiltering drug introduced
54:36 into the mind you cannot differentiate
54:38 between the holy and the unholy,
54:40 the profane and that which is blessed by God,
54:43 you cannot differentiate.
54:46 They could probably should end here by talking about
54:50 who this beast is connected to,
54:51 because in verse 3, it says clearly
54:54 that she was sitting on a scarlet beast
54:56 and that scarlet beast is connected
54:57 back in Revelation 12 to Satan and his kingdom. That's right.
55:03 So we clearly know that this harlot
55:05 is not linked with God at all. No.
55:09 She is arrayed in purple and scarlet
55:11 adorn with golden precious pearls
55:15 having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
55:18 and filthiness of her fornication.
55:21 Anyway even what she wears and how she appears,
55:26 red, scarlet the colors and all those things,
55:29 one color is missing. Blue. Blue.
55:33 Yet if you look at the priesthood of God
55:37 in the Old Testament repeatedly you'll find blue,
55:41 woven in through their tassels other parts of the thing,
55:44 what is a blue symbolic of?
55:46 Representing the law of God.
55:48 The law of God.
55:49 So it is absent God's law. That's right.
55:52 And so you have all these things
55:53 that makeup this spiritual Babylonian system here.
55:57 And I think if we were to conclude on that
55:59 we'd have to say that truth is important
56:04 to follow God and to obey what He says
56:07 from front page to back page is important.
56:11 Finding what's right in your own eyes,
56:13 doing what you think is okay,
56:15 what is it Deuteronomy 29:19 or something
56:19 did what's right in their own eyes. Right.
56:21 You know, that kind of mentality
56:23 is a spiritual Babylon mentality. Right.
56:26 It's the mentality that ends only in destruction.
56:29 Search the scriptures, find out what God says
56:32 and follow it with all your heart.
56:33 Don't let anybody talk into, it doesn't matter.
56:35 It does matter, it really does matter.
56:37 It matters, it absolutely matters,
56:39 I don't find anywhere in scriptures where God says,
56:41 you know what, that doesn't matter,
56:43 find me one spot where it doesn't matter?
56:45 That's why we have the word it matters.
56:47 And you know what, you have to look at the fellowship
56:49 that you are part of in.
56:50 We could start naming them, but, you know, this is so broad,
56:53 it doesn't just link itself
56:54 to just one kind of spiritual fellowship nowadays,
56:57 spiritual make sure its based on the word of God,
57:00 make sure that what you're asked to believe,
57:02 and to follow, and to teach,
57:04 and to live by is solidly
57:06 not omitting anything that Lord says.
57:08 Its not omitting the Sabbath,
57:09 its not omitting His Ten Commandments,
57:11 its not teaching that people die and go to heaven,
57:13 its not teaching an eternally burning hell,
57:15 these all remnants of teaching that came out of the dark ages
57:18 through the great spiritual formation of Babylon
57:22 that has inhabited the churches today.
57:24 Here at House Call, we believe
57:25 that Lord is coming back one day to call us home.
57:27 We want to be ready for that,
57:29 the call to come out of Babylon is being preached today.
57:31 May God move upon your heart to respond. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17