House Calls

Salvation In Christ, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL130002

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:02 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Well, friends, welcome to another pattern show.
00:26 Yes, this is a pattern the squares and the lines.
00:29 Actually this is House Calls.
00:31 Thank you for tuning in.
00:32 We just got into this pattern mode today.
00:34 I don't know I just got contemporary
00:36 for whatever reason.
00:38 I told him, I said welcome to the pattern world.
00:39 I think we're in patterns and filled colors and...
00:42 Yeah, I think really, so I decided to join the show
00:44 and, but today the pattern
00:46 that we're gonna talk about is Christ.
00:48 He's the real pattern that each one of us
00:50 must have on and put on.
00:52 And we've been talking about that wonderful topic
00:54 what it means to be in Christ.
00:56 So get your Bibles, get your pens,
01:00 invite your family, and your friends,
01:02 and sit down with us for the next hour to enjoy a topic
01:06 that we promise is going to be from the word of God.
01:09 But before we do anything we're gonna have prayer.
01:11 So, John, take us to the Lord in prayer.
01:13 Let's do that.
01:14 Gracious Father, we come again to you
01:15 before Your presence here to seek Your face.
01:18 We want to know Your will.
01:20 We want to know more about You,
01:22 more about Jesus.
01:23 What it means to be in Christ.
01:24 And so during this program we pray that You'd manifest
01:27 Yourself through Your Spirit, through Your word,
01:29 through the blessing that comes from Your hand of knowing
01:32 who this Jesus is that we love and serve in Jesus name, amen.
01:36 Amen. You know, the first part of the program
01:40 is always about your Bible questions.
01:41 And we thank you for sending those questions.
01:43 Was so nice today we have things like PDF
01:47 and we don't have to print paper,
01:49 we have gone green.
01:51 We have laptops, we don't print paper out.
01:54 We're trying to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity,
01:58 but we thank you for sending short questions.
02:00 Those of you that have caught on to the short question
02:03 will get your questions read.
02:06 And by the way if you have any questions
02:07 you want to send to us something
02:09 we may awaken your mind you can send
02:10 those to the following address,
02:15 That's
02:18 And John will be the one that downloads them
02:21 and he kind of filters through them.
02:24 And have you had any spam issues
02:26 with questions being rejected
02:27 or have you had books being sent?
02:29 You know, for about every page that comes up
02:33 on our mail system there're about
02:36 two questions in it out of 50.
02:39 So we're really--its not so much spam,
02:41 it's we're added to links and automatic emails
02:45 and prolusion, all kinds of thing.
02:46 So I'm trying to get some filtering in place
02:49 to get that out of the way,
02:51 so we can get to the real heart of the issues,
02:53 the questions that matter to us most
02:54 which is the questions that you sent.
02:56 So we've got one here that is from A.P
03:01 and a real good question he says
03:04 "I know I've read that God does not tempt anyone."
03:07 And that is true it's a specific statement in the Bible.
03:10 "But yet Matthew 4:1 says,
03:13 that Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness
03:15 to be tempted by the devil.
03:17 Explain this to me.
03:19 Also why would Jesus allow Satan to carry Him anywhere?
03:24 Why would He let Satan touch Him?
03:27 Okay, so let's dive into this, let's go to Matthew Chapter 4.
03:32 Just to kind of give it some context here.
03:34 Matthew Chapter 3 is about the baptism of Jesus
03:37 and clearly we understand that through this baptism,
03:41 the Holy Spirit descending like a devil upon Him
03:43 as He came out of the water was this anointing Him for ministry.
03:47 It was the beginning of His work to save mankind
03:54 and workout our redemption, our salvation or of all mankind.
03:58 And I love it that Chapter 4, He doesn't waste anytime.
04:05 He allows God to take Him exactly
04:07 where He will meet the devil head on.
04:10 So I don't see this as letting the devil touch Him
04:13 or carrying Him somewhere.
04:15 I see this is an issue where Jesus is like now
04:18 it's time to get down to business.
04:19 I'm anointed for ministry.
04:21 Here is where we need to go.
04:22 And He deals with temptation.
04:24 But you know the other thing that makes it really
04:25 significant, I'm glad you've brought that up,
04:27 because lot of time we read a question
04:29 and just fly to the answer.
04:30 But let's analyze the question.
04:32 When the Bible says, He was tempted in all points
04:34 just as we are doesn't the devil touch us. Yeah.
04:38 Exactly. So the very things
04:41 that we will have to be confronted by
04:43 were the very same things that Jesus was confronted by.
04:46 Yes. And wanted to confront in our behalf.
04:49 There you go.
04:51 And so that's why it says, that He was led
04:52 by the Spirit into the wilderness.
04:54 That was God Himself through His Spirit leading Him
04:56 to this place where He will be tempted,
04:58 because they knew that this was the main source,
05:02 the battlefield against sin.
05:05 This is what had to be conquered.
05:06 Man as he came in the lightness of sinful flesh,
05:09 mankind would have to overcome sin and only Christ,
05:12 the Redeemer, the sinless One could conquer in our behalf.
05:16 And that's why it says that God led Him by the Spirit
05:18 into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
05:21 The devil himself said to his angels,
05:25 I'm gonna take this one on.
05:26 I'm gonna go after Jesus.
05:29 And so Jesus our great Redeemer met the devil
05:32 the greatest tempter head to head in the wilderness.
05:35 This is where the battle took place
05:36 and it took place right after He's anointed for ministry.
05:39 And so it's a powerful text and the passage here
05:42 that we read about these temptations
05:44 that Christ went through and I know
05:46 that we're not-- we don't have time to get into
05:47 all the different temptations, but Christ allowed Himself
05:50 to be led there to fight the main battle
05:52 that He knew all of us fight everyday.
05:54 That's right, that's right. Very good.
05:56 So would you--would you gonna give answer to that one?
05:58 Well, the answer is why is it if God doesn't tempt anyone
06:02 that it says that He was led in to the Spirit
06:05 by the Spirit to be tempted. Okay.
06:06 Well, God wasn't tempting Jesus,
06:08 but He was leading Jesus to a place
06:10 where the battle would take place from the enemy,
06:13 the devil who was tempting Him.
06:14 So the devil is tempting Him here.
06:16 We've explained that.
06:18 Why would Jesus allow Satan to carry Him?
06:20 Well, sometimes when we're tempted
06:23 we're touched by the devil too.
06:24 You answered it very well.
06:26 So this is the battle that all of us have to fight.
06:28 Jesus has fought it for us.
06:29 Thank you, John. I appreciate that 'cause we--
06:32 it was such a good question, I didn't realize we answered it,
06:35 but we sure did in discussing it.
06:37 Thank you for that.
06:38 Another one, my daughter is age 16,
06:41 questioning various ideas of our culture
06:43 and our faith these days.
06:46 The other day she said, if God has a plan for our lives
06:50 then are we predestined to be believers or nonbelievers?
06:56 I'm not just sure how to answer this.
06:57 I'd appreciate your thoughts on how I can answer this.
07:01 Well, let's go ahead and start with
07:03 the very significant word predestined.
07:06 We have choices to make and I believe every one of us
07:11 makes choices every moment of everyday.
07:13 These choices can be monumental--
07:17 let me just not say minor, because every choice
07:19 we make don't appear to be minor when it's first made.
07:23 But if you follow that thought all the way
07:24 through you can see wow,
07:26 I'm so glad I decided to make that phone call.
07:30 That's singular thought and it's not that you are predestined
07:34 to make that phone call, but the opportunity was there.
07:36 And I have this phrase that I've adopted
07:38 this one really is not mine.
07:40 But I forgot who said it,
07:42 but maybe you can look up the reference.
07:44 "It is better to be ready for an opportunity
07:46 and not have it present itself then have to present itself
07:50 and not be ready for it."
07:52 That's not predestined to get a job,
07:53 that's not predestined to get a position in the company,
07:56 that's not predestined to be on that flight or predestined
07:59 to miss that flight, you see.
08:01 But we have to keep in mind that we have choices to make.
08:05 Now where does the word predestined come in
08:07 when it comes to whether or not some are going to be believers
08:10 and others are not going to be believers?
08:12 The Lord doesn't predestine anyone to be not a believer,
08:15 because if you think of the fires of hell,
08:17 they were not prepared for nonbelievers.
08:20 Matthew 25:41 it says
08:23 "That hell was prepared for the devil and his angels."
08:29 So the hell was not prepared for any nonbelievers.
08:31 That's right, for no one else but them.
08:34 Everybody--the Lord has prepared salvation for everyone.
08:37 He is not willing that any should perish,
08:40 so no one was predestined to be lost.
08:43 That's right. Here I'm not willing
08:44 that anybody should perish.
08:46 So let's read the couple of text.
08:47 John, go to Ephesians 1 and there is verse 5 and 11.
08:50 I may have you read that,
08:52 but I'm gonna start with Romans 29.
08:54 And let me look this up in the context.
08:55 I praise God for this computer programs nowadays.
08:58 He mentioned context.
09:00 Okay, let's go ahead and read Romans,
09:02 I want to read verse 28,
09:04 because this is the most familiar passage
09:06 at least one of the most familiar passage
09:08 often repeated, but you need the context of it.
09:11 All right, here it is in verse 28,
09:14 "And we know that all things work together for good
09:16 to those who love God, and to those
09:18 who are the called according to His purpose."
09:20 Okay, the called according to His purpose.
09:24 Now when you think about the called,
09:26 the Bible says many are called.
09:29 But why not everybody-- why is everybody not chosen?
09:32 Because in the parable of the wedding feast.
09:36 John does a wonderful sermon on the marriage feast.
09:39 There is one who response to the call,
09:42 but he is not chosen, because he doesn't have
09:43 on the wedding garment.
09:45 It's a good segue to the in Christ Bible study.
09:48 The Lord predestined everyone who responded to be saved.
09:52 That predestining simply means it's a predetermining,
09:56 I'm setting the situation.
09:58 In other words, I've written the will
09:59 and now that I've died the will is enforce
10:02 that whoever believes in Me should not perish
10:05 but have everlasting life.
10:07 That's the predestining statement there.
10:09 That whosoever believeth in Him--well, who,
10:12 for God so love the world.
10:14 He's predestined the whole world to be saved,
10:17 but the conditions must be met.
10:20 So there is no predetermining there.
10:22 So here's verse 29 and this continues the called
10:26 "For whom He foreknew
10:30 he also predestined to be conformed
10:34 to the image of his Son,
10:36 that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."
10:41 Moreover verse 30.
10:43 "Whom he predestined, these he also called,
10:48 whom he called, these he also justified,
10:52 whom he justified, these he also glorified."
10:56 Notice the process as you go from one stage to the next,
11:00 you'll discover the word predestined similarly means
11:02 I've made provision for you to go from not even know
11:05 who I am all the way to be glorified.
11:07 That's what the predestination is.
11:09 And so the plan that God has for our lives and, John,
11:12 lot of people struggle with that phrase
11:14 what is God's plan for my life.
11:16 Well, His plan is wonderfully illustrated in John 10:10.
11:22 The thief comes but to steal, kill, and destroy.
11:25 What is God's plan?
11:27 But Jesus has come that we might have life
11:29 and have it more abundantly.
11:32 So that abundant life is there whether that abundant life
11:35 is singing in the Lord, preaching for the Lord,
11:37 living as an accountant, but living a life of a witness
11:40 as an accountant that life is to be an abundant life.
11:44 The Lord doesn't decide ahead a time
11:47 whether you can make one choice and not make a choice,
11:49 He's put before you, choice
11:51 is that you must decide for or against.
11:53 I'm gonna let you register that and I'll comeback
11:55 with some more thoughts on it.
11:56 Predestined does not mean predetermined. Right.
12:01 This, we need to get pass this. This is a really--
12:03 It doesn't mean we're programmed?
12:04 No, it doesn't mean predetermined,
12:06 it doesn't mean the determination has been made.
12:08 Predestined means and I like the word you use provision for.
12:11 Right. Prepare the way for.
12:14 God has made the way,
12:16 He is predestined the way for all to come to Him.
12:19 And so you mentioned Ephesians, I'm gonna read that passage
12:22 that's where I would go.
12:24 Ephesians 1:4 "Just as He chose us in Him
12:29 before the foundation of the world."
12:31 Now the import of that verse.
12:33 Before the foundation of the world,
12:35 He choose us in Christ.
12:37 So who is he selecting? Everyone. Right.
12:40 From the foundation of the world before even we were born,
12:43 He chose us for redemption.
12:46 Well, and it says that let's read on.
12:48 "That we should be holy
12:50 and without blame before Him in love,
12:51 having predestined us to adoption as sons
12:55 by Jesus Christ to Himself
12:57 according to the good pleasure of His will."
13:00 So this predestined,
13:03 this pre-destiny is a preparedness,
13:06 it's a provision made
13:07 prior to the foundation of the world
13:10 that when sin were to occur, when sin did occur as it has
13:14 that we would have the ability to through Christ be redeemed
13:18 and be adopted as sons and daughters of God again.
13:22 Everyone is predestined to that adoption,
13:28 but we're not predetermined
13:30 that it's going to happen. Right.
13:33 Nor are we predetermine that being lost will happen.
13:37 That's right. Predestination is not predetermination.
13:40 Predestination is simply a way has been prepared
13:44 and made available for all.
13:45 Jesus died for the sins of the whole world.
13:50 So He is already died for every sin
13:53 that will ever be committed.
13:55 The issue is whether or not we will accept His invitation
13:58 and then His destiny that He set for us
14:01 as sons and daughters in God.
14:03 Right, John, thank you very much.
14:05 I'm going to John-- we're in the John,
14:08 we're in the John motive John, John,
14:10 but we're in the Book of John. Go to John 1.
14:14 This is not 1 John, but the Book of John.
14:18 Talking about this whole predetermine thing.
14:20 Now no one could have been more predetermined
14:23 if you want to use the phrase predestined
14:26 than the people He chose.
14:28 But its one thing for Christ to choose us,
14:32 its something altogether different for us to choose Him,
14:36 because it says in John 1:10 down to verse 12
14:43 "He was in the world
14:45 and the world was made through him or by him
14:49 and the world did not know him.
14:52 He came to his own
14:54 and his own did not receive him."
14:58 Now what so big about-- now I want you to get this,
15:00 His own that means He claims them,
15:03 but they don't claim Him, you see.
15:06 And then verse 12 "But as many as received him,
15:13 to them he gave the right or power
15:16 to become the children of God
15:19 to those who believe in his name."
15:20 Notice what they become.
15:23 That means they were not that before.
15:26 He chose them as far as I love all humanity
15:29 that's the choosing.
15:30 But what do they become by choosing Him.
15:34 They become something that they were not before.
15:37 They become children of God.
15:39 Sure, they were not programmed to be children of God.
15:44 The provision was made
15:45 and once they receive the provision
15:47 they became the children of God.
15:48 Once they made the decision
15:50 to accept Christ and that's the thing.
15:52 He doesn't decide who's lost and who's saved. Right.
15:55 We decide whether or not we will be lost or saved.
15:58 He's already made the provision for salvation.
16:00 We must make that choice is to whether or not
16:02 we will accept that or we will reject Him.
16:06 Joshua 24:15, here it is.
16:15 "And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
16:19 choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,"
16:23 There it is, you got to make the choice.
16:25 "Whether the gods which your fathers served
16:27 that were on the other side of the river,
16:29 or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.
16:32 But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
16:37 See so that's a choice you have to make,
16:39 choose you today.
16:41 So the young lady who is 16-years-old--
16:44 let me just tell you, 'cause hey were you,
16:46 were you ever 16, John?
16:48 I think I skip that one. You skip that one.
16:51 I'm not sure if I skip the one, but I think I may have,
16:53 I think I may have bumped into 16 somewhere along the way.
16:56 But if I have forgotten I know I was 15
17:00 and I know I was 17 chances I was 16 also.
17:03 You see that's a very ripe age for confusion to sit in.
17:07 Who am I, what am I, where am I headed?
17:11 And she is hearing from all her friends,
17:12 she is hearing from friends,
17:14 she is probably hearing from maybe,
17:16 depending on where she's in school,
17:17 she is hearing from teachers or other things, so.
17:19 Twittering, texting, peer pressure,
17:21 societies pressures, fads, fashions,
17:26 the music, the entertainment, you are being bombarded,
17:29 you are under attack at 16 years old.
17:33 Whether to be wearing black, not to wear black.
17:37 Whether to wear jewelry, not to wear jewelry.
17:40 How should I live, what should I do?
17:43 Do people love me, do my friends hate me.
17:46 I mean that's just the turbulence
17:48 of the blender of 16 years old.
17:49 And we're not minimizing that you're going to this.
17:51 We're saying that we've been there
17:54 and it's not like adults just don't know
17:56 what's going on. Oh, we've been there.
17:57 We've been there, but we've gotten through that
18:00 praise the Lord we've passed that.
18:03 So we actually sympathize with teenagers.
18:06 Somebody asked me the other day, he said
18:08 if you could do it all over again,
18:10 would you do it all over again? I said, no. No way.
18:12 I'm not going through-- that's why there was a show
18:15 many years ago called "The Wonder Years"
18:16 and truly we wonder-- we look at our children
18:19 sometimes this kids shows up at the breakfast table you say
18:23 "hey, honey who is that?
18:26 What happened to our daughter?"
18:28 They kind of look like us, but...
18:30 Do you-- my daughter was it,
18:31 do you know what happen could you go in her room
18:33 and tell my daughter come out. Dad it is me.
18:36 My parents used to say
18:38 "Go in you room and comeback out again."
18:41 And we're not minimizing,
18:43 but this is the world we're living in.
18:44 So for this young girl at 16 years old
18:47 to be questioning various ideas our culture and our faith,
18:51 hey, thank God that she is actually questioning that.
18:55 But what we want to give you the--
18:56 is the ammunition to say,
18:58 say to her "God's got a plan for your life,
19:00 but here's where the plan gets unfolded.
19:02 Mom here's where the plan-- here's the ammunition you need."
19:06 Say to your daughter.
19:09 If you want that power that is available
19:11 you have to receive Christ in your life
19:12 as many as received Him,
19:15 to them He gave the power the right to become.
19:19 So if she wants to find out what she can become
19:21 just accept Christ.
19:22 And I tell you, John didn't know it
19:25 and neither did I, this fast driven teenager,
19:30 this drug experimental kid, this--he didn't know
19:34 where God's plan was gonna lead him
19:36 neither did I this gambling, pool hustling,
19:39 partier from the streets of New York City
19:42 I don't know where that was all gonna lead us.
19:44 But what happened.
19:45 We submitted and simply say, Lord, okay, take us
19:47 we don't know what we're gonna do
19:49 and here we are today.
19:51 Yeah, but we were on borrowed time
19:54 that whole time and really I can say I wish in looking back
19:59 that I had made the decision earlier. Yes.
20:03 Rather than had gone through those things.
20:04 Lot's of kids today will say, you know what,
20:06 I just want to experience the pleasures of life
20:08 and then at some point give my life to the Lord
20:11 everything will be okay. Let me tell you.
20:13 The devil everyday wants to take you out
20:16 and it's better to make the decision today not tomorrow,
20:20 because you need Christ on your side.
20:23 You need to be aligned with Him. That's right.
20:26 I like just one last text on this John 3:16-18,
20:30 let's now start with 16.
20:31 Go for it. That's right.
20:33 "For God so loved the world,
20:34 that he gave his only begotten Son,
20:36 that whosoever believes in him should not perish,
20:38 but have everlasting life.
20:39 For God did not sent his Son into the world" to do what?
20:42 Condemn it. "To condemn the world."
20:44 So that means and it's the world here,
20:47 is He condemning anybody?
20:49 Well, you know, I didn't.
20:51 If people say predestination is some are condemned,
20:53 some are lost and some are saved.
20:55 He have to be condemning those that were lost.
20:58 But He did not condemn the world
21:00 "But that the world through Him might be saved."
21:04 He who believes, and here is the factor right here.
21:07 Here is what makes that salvation possible.
21:10 "He who believes in Him is not condemned;
21:14 but he who does not believe is condemned already," why?
21:19 "Because he has not believed in the name
21:20 of the only begotten Son of God.
21:23 And this is the condemnation,
21:24 that the light has come into the world,
21:26 and men loved darkness rather than light,
21:27 because their deeds were evil."
21:30 Fact is we love sin.
21:32 It's what our bodies are drawn to.
21:33 We love the pleasures of this world.
21:35 We have to choose not to engage in those pleasures
21:38 when we choose Christ. That's right.
21:40 And that can be a very difficult choice
21:41 especially for these early years,
21:43 these teenage years through up through college years.
21:46 It is a challenge but you'll never regret later
21:50 making the decision not to follow the way of the world.
21:52 That's right, that's why it's important to make a decision
21:55 'cause lot of friends we've had and I keep this young lady,
21:58 we need to keep her in our prayers,
22:01 but all young people whether they're in the church or not
22:04 need to be kept in our prayers because it's a pivotal age.
22:07 To make it out of the teenage years is a blessing nowadays.
22:11 It's a blessing in any age.
22:14 I lost a lot of friends growing up
22:16 because they were making decisions.
22:17 Some of them thought they had more time.
22:18 I even had friends that went to school with me,
22:20 went to church school with me and some of them got
22:23 experimental after they left church school
22:25 and now they're, they're dead.
22:27 So we're not trying to frighten you,
22:29 what we're simply saying
22:30 life is such a gift that as a 16-year-old,
22:34 one of the best things you can do to your--
22:36 for your daughter say, Honey, let me just sit you down and say
22:39 there's so many things you can choose to be in life.
22:41 But whatever you choose to be in life,
22:44 let it be according to the will of God.
22:46 And then when it's according to the will of God,
22:49 He'll bless your life abundantly.
22:51 John, do you have one more question?
22:53 I have one more question here. Okay.
22:54 This question is from Millamoe from Zambia.
23:02 Oh, man. Wow, praise God.
23:04 And it comes from the other, the other side of the world.
23:08 How can one draw a line between a genuine drive for enterprise
23:13 and the pure love for money?
23:16 Is there room for Christians to become notable entrepreneurs
23:19 without putting money as the prime motivation?
23:23 Quick answer, absolutely yes. Of course.
23:25 So let's go to 1 Timothy 6.
23:27 I think it provides a real good balance here.
23:29 Okay, very good, all right. 1 Timothy 6.
23:31 And we'll begin with verse 6.
23:34 "Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
23:40 For we brought nothing into this world,
23:42 and it is certain we can carry nothing out."
23:47 So accumulating goods here in this world for somehow
23:51 a benefit to us for later life is absolutely not true.
23:56 In fact, the Egyptians used to bury their kings
23:58 with all kinds of provisions and goods
24:00 just to carry them to the afterlife with a benefit
24:02 with a zip up, which is absolutely unbiblical.
24:06 We can carry nothing out because we brought nothing in.
24:09 But now look it goes on here verse 8,
24:11 "And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
24:16 But those who desire" here's the key
24:18 "those who desire to be rich
24:21 fall into temptation and a snare."
24:24 Not those who are wealthy but those who desire to be rich.
24:29 What is their goal?
24:30 Their goal is riches.
24:32 Right. They want money.
24:33 They want to make money for the sake of being rich.
24:36 "And into many foolish and harmful lusts
24:39 which drown men in destruction and perdition.
24:43 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,
24:47 for which some have strayed
24:49 from the faith in their greediness,
24:50 and pierced themselves through many sorrows."
24:53 This world has become a greedy place.
24:57 We see frequent manifestations of that
25:00 through our recent financial crises,
25:03 the greediness and the different kinds of things
25:05 they were using being inventive for a temporary quick buck,
25:11 risky investments things like that,
25:12 putting at risk our entire economy for their pleasure.
25:17 They desire to be rich.
25:19 They were greedy in that respect
25:21 and God will judge them for that.
25:23 I'm not gonna judge them, that's, that's God.
25:24 But God clearly is saying
25:26 the desire for riches is not good.
25:29 But now God, we find evidence,
25:31 the scripture that God over and over blessed his people,
25:34 many of His people with wealth. That's right.
25:38 But here's what I would say.
25:39 He blesses those with wealth
25:41 those are His people with wealth who can handle it.
25:45 And I know that there are some who have abused that
25:47 and have not handled it so well.
25:49 But to some degree I thank the Lord
25:52 for not making me a millionaire because I be in trouble I think.
25:57 I like to think I wouldn't... Right.
25:59 But I just know that God knows best
26:03 and if I had a lot of wealth the tendency is that we--
26:07 our minds get drawn away for caring and worrying
26:09 about those things we posses rather than for the gospel
26:13 and making sure that we are doing the work
26:15 that God has given us to do. That's right.
26:16 I'll tell you one of the most difficult things, John,
26:18 to do was to make that decision.
26:21 Rochelle and I had a battle over this.
26:22 I don't know how, you know, how furious this was
26:24 but we had a battle over leaving the job I had
26:28 for $2000 a month stipend and Rochelle having no job.
26:33 She had a job, I had a very well paying career.
26:38 We left both... That's right, I remember that.
26:40 To be come an associate pastor/Bible worker
26:42 on 2000 a month stipend. I remember that.
26:46 And I... That was huge.
26:48 How does this gonna work?
26:50 We did not know how this was gonna work.
26:53 And I think if I had stayed in that--
26:55 I'm not saying my salvation would have been on stake,
26:57 I'm just saying that I would not have done the Lord's will.
26:59 He clearly made it known that He wanted me
27:00 to get into the ministry but, but that issue that battle
27:05 I think if I had chosen the riches
27:08 that maybe it would have been pursuing wealth
27:10 rather than pursuing God's will.
27:12 And so we all have that battle,
27:15 but we do all need to make a living
27:16 and He doesn't call everyone into ministry so to speak.
27:20 We all have ministries we do but,
27:22 but we have to make a living as Paul made a living
27:25 making tents and other things that he did.
27:28 But we have to be careful to not to cross that line
27:31 of just desiring riches. That's right.
27:33 Just, let's make enough to sustain me
27:35 so God can provide for what I need
27:36 and then let's get to the work of the gospel.
27:38 You know one of the things that's so beautiful
27:40 about the decision you and Rochelle made
27:41 and we were friends there in California
27:44 before we moved to the Midwest
27:46 and invited you guys to come out and join.
27:49 It was through your work that, that we ended up
27:51 getting that call in ministry. So God used you.
27:53 Well, not even that, I'm, praise God for that.
27:56 I mean, He used Pastor Batchelor to get me in.
27:57 We all are in God's work and He calls us in various ways
28:01 that's not what I'm pointing out though.
28:02 I knew that, I remember you guys
28:04 had just brought a beautiful new home and every now
28:07 and then we go back to Fairfield and look at it.
28:09 This is just kind of, this is personal stuff here.
28:11 And we realize how many people would have loved
28:15 to have been in the position you were in,
28:17 but the text I just read a moment it says,
28:19 godliness with contentment is great gain.
28:25 It didn't say great gain with contentment is godliness.
28:30 It didn't say contentment with great gain is godliness.
28:33 It says, godliness first with contentment.
28:36 So God had you guys wrapped in a beautiful,
28:39 you guys were wrapped in a beautiful set,
28:41 both of you very well employed, making good money,
28:43 living in the bay area, nice new home,
28:46 a home that just par none you built it,
28:49 you guys built it yourself
28:51 but your heart was desiring and this is the key.
28:54 Your heart was desiring the godliness
28:58 to get away from the great gain.
29:00 And thus kind of answering the question
29:02 of the 16-year-old girl we'll never know anybody,
29:05 we'll never know how much God can do for us
29:08 until we take that faith walk.
29:10 And it was-- I know it was kind of tough
29:12 because there was not very much to offer
29:14 but just a sliver of wealth.
29:16 I don't know what's on the other side of the story
29:17 but so far this is all that can come out.
29:19 And look at your life today, look at your wife's life today,
29:21 look at our lives today. And...
29:24 God has done more than we could ask or think.
29:27 And what's most important is, for those if you don't know
29:30 what this show is an answering to what,
29:33 is an answer to our desire years ago.
29:35 It was birth in 1998 roughly. Yeah.
29:38 Yeah, we talked about it sitting in our living room.
29:41 We said, wouldn't it be wonderful one day if God,
29:44 if we could just kind of have a Bible program
29:46 where we could sit down and share this with the world?
29:50 And we were thinking about selling everything
29:51 and getting a bus and driving
29:53 around the evangelists all over the world.
29:54 And God said, wait, wait guys, wait, wait, wait.
29:57 I got it. I got it.
29:58 I know where you need to be
29:59 but I got to work this thing out.
30:01 Now you leave, I get John out there eventually
30:03 don't worry about it.
30:05 We'll work it out. I know where you need to be.
30:06 That's what the predestinating is all about.
30:08 God sees the desires of our heart
30:11 and when we commit our ways to the Lord
30:13 what does He do?
30:14 He gives us the desires of our heart. That's right.
30:17 So we hope that today we've encouraged you.
30:19 We don't always just want to answer Bible questions.
30:21 We want to take the time sometimes to encourage
30:23 those of you who are listening to the program,
30:25 we don't want to be sta--well, Bible answer,
30:27 question answer but there are those of us
30:30 who are wanting to encourage you to just trust the Lord.
30:34 Put Him to the test and He will truly open
30:36 the windows of heaven always to bless you.
30:39 If you have anymore questions you like to send to us
30:40 or any comments you can send those
30:42 to that's
30:48 and we'll try our best to get to those questions
30:50 and God bless you for all that you do.
30:53 Now, John, take us to the second half of the--of our study today.
30:56 We begin the in Christ motive and I just tell you
30:59 this is one of the best ones in the Bible.
31:01 Yeah, yeah. Salvation in Christ, what does that mean?
31:04 And I think we began to really unwrap that
31:06 here this last program.
31:08 And talk about that being in Christ is everything.
31:11 But we must choose to be in Christ,
31:14 to put on Christ, to cast off
31:16 the works of darkness and to as Paul said
31:19 to die daily allowing Christ to be our all in all
31:22 each and every day that we live.
31:24 And we read a text, we kind of segue
31:26 to abiding in Christ talking about abiding
31:28 and residing close and keeping Him on. That's right.
31:33 As we read that passage there's some wording at there
31:36 that I think bothers some
31:38 but we need to kind of unpack what that means.
31:40 Because there's a teaching out there today, John,
31:42 that says, that once we had been saved,
31:45 once we've put on Christ that we cannot take Him off.
31:50 That we will never be without Christ.
31:54 We will never live without Christ again
31:57 regardless of what we would choose.
32:00 And of course the quick statement of what belief is
32:04 "Once saved, always saved." Right.
32:07 Is "Once saved, always saved"
32:10 theology is that doctrine in the Bible.
32:12 Did Christ teach that? No.
32:13 We need to ask that question. Okay.
32:15 And we'll go through various text today,
32:17 but I want to read from John 15 first again,
32:19 it kind of launch us there because this passage is here,
32:21 John 15:4 and 5. The abiding text.
32:24 "Abide in me, and I in you.
32:27 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
32:29 unless it abides in the vine,
32:30 neither can you, unless you abide in me.
32:33 I am the vine, you are the branches.
32:35 He who abides in me and I in him,
32:37 bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing."
32:40 It is clear that when you're pruning the branch
32:42 and you cut its branches off,
32:43 what happens to those branches?
32:45 They wither. They wither and die.
32:47 Now notice this verse 6, "If anyone does not abide in me
32:51 he is cast out as a branch and is withered
32:55 and they gathered them and thrown them into the fire,
32:57 and they are burned."
32:59 Okay, to be cast out, John,
33:02 you must first be attached as a branch. That's right.
33:06 To be cast out you've got to be first in.
33:10 So in this respect, as far as Christ's own teaching
33:13 you must be-- there are people
33:14 who will be abiding in Him at some point
33:17 but then will choose not to abide in Him
33:19 and they will be cast out. That's right.
33:22 And they will be gathered together
33:24 and thrown into the fire and they will be burned.
33:28 So there is clearly a teaching within
33:31 according to the Christ's own words
33:33 that just because you've accepted Christ,
33:36 it does not mean that you will always
33:38 by a predetermined fact be saved in the end.
33:44 Now I'm not trying to takeaway assurance here.
33:46 We'll talk about assurance in little bit.
33:49 But what I'm saying is that Christ
33:50 wants us to stay connected by choice everyday,
33:54 allow Him to trans, transform our lives
33:57 and make us who He wants us to be,
33:59 but yet any time along that way
34:02 we choose not to go according to His plan, we can be lost.
34:07 That is what the Bible teaches.
34:08 We're gonna get into some other text in regard to this as well.
34:10 But that's at least as our launch
34:12 that's where we're going today. That's right.
34:14 To get a true understanding of this
34:16 "Once saved, always saved." Is it true, is it not,
34:19 what does Christ teach?
34:20 Okay, then I'll hold off my verse
34:22 because there's a verse in the Bible.
34:24 There're not a lot of verses that you find 666 in the Bible.
34:28 But we're not talking about Revelation,
34:30 there's a verse that's 666
34:33 and it talks about I won't give it away
34:36 I'm just gonna let you think about it for right now.
34:38 Well, let's go and dive back into the incrust
34:40 666 is in the Bible but not in Revelation
34:42 and I'll let you figure that out.
34:44 It's just a little riddle but...
34:47 Well, let me, let me share this text then.
34:49 Let's just do it, let's share a few texts here
34:51 and then we can, we can talk a little bit about this.
34:54 Okay, sure. Hebrews 6:4-6.
34:59 Okay, let's go there.
35:02 Hebrews 6:4-6.
35:07 You want to read that on there or...
35:09 Okay, I have it. Hebrews 6 beginning with verse 4.
35:15 "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened,
35:21 and have tasted the heavenly gift,
35:25 and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,
35:29 and have tasted the good word of God,
35:33 and the powers of the age to come."
35:37 Now first of all you got to get this
35:38 because I see what verse 6 is going it start about--
35:44 it's imposs--what did they do, what kind of experience?
35:46 They were enlightened, they tasted heavenly gifts,
35:50 they became partakers of the Holy Spirit,
35:52 they tasted the good word of God,
35:55 and they even experienced the powers of the age to come.
35:59 They were in Christ, but what happens?
36:03 "If they fall away" verse 6
36:07 "To renew them again to repentance,
36:09 since they crucify again for themselves
36:14 the Son of God and put him to open shame."
36:19 Wow, wow. That's powerful.
36:21 Now there could be some misunderstanding
36:23 with this passage because it says impossible.
36:26 People focus on that word impossible.
36:28 So they almost try to teach this,
36:30 "Once you fall away always fall away."
36:33 And that's not really what this passage is saying.
36:36 Let me try and put a little bit of context to it here.
36:39 If someone is in Christ and he's tasting of the heavenly gift
36:43 and living in the spirit and doing all those things
36:46 that part of the joy that we have in Christ everyday
36:50 and they through circumstance, mistake, neglect
36:54 whatever it maybe they began to be drawn away
36:56 and then it says fall away,
36:58 which is they go back into the life of sin.
37:00 They choose to be without Christ.
37:03 They choose a life of sin.
37:05 They choose the former life they once had
37:07 to go back into that life.
37:09 It's impossible to renew them again to repentance.
37:11 It's not saying that God blocks them from,
37:15 from ever being saved again.
37:16 It's saying that in that condition,
37:18 in that fallen condition,
37:19 in that choice of not following Christ,
37:22 God cannot save them. Right.
37:26 So it is actually the opposite of "once saved, always saved."
37:31 One that has experienced salvation
37:33 but has fallen away when they think
37:35 it's impossible to renew them.
37:36 In that condition of fallen away they are lost.
37:39 They cannot be saved. That's right. That's right.
37:42 So to say that once you're saved,
37:43 you're always saved according to this passage
37:45 it is absolutely untrue. That's what...
37:49 We're giving kind of some bad news here now. Okay.
37:51 But not necessarily because we clarify this but,
37:53 but these are text that they're typically aren't talked
37:56 about much when people talk about assurance of salvation
37:58 and being saved always by Christ.
38:03 The idea and, John,
38:05 alluded to this actually-- didn't allude to it,
38:08 he actually mentioned it the 3 P's
38:10 sometimes you go past that.
38:12 When we accept Jesus Christ-- oh, wonderful example
38:15 the 3 P's were effective in the life of the,
38:17 in the lives of the Israelites.
38:20 He saved them from the penalty.
38:22 They were all slaves in Egypt.
38:24 He brought them out with a mighty hand.
38:27 In the wilderness those who yielded to Christ
38:29 were saved from the power of sin.
38:32 He quenched the serpents and scorpions
38:34 that could have claimed their lives.
38:36 That's those who yielded to the power to be--I'm sorry,
38:42 those who were-- those who yielded to Christ
38:45 to be saved from the power of sin.
38:48 And then, well, who made it into the Promised Land?
38:52 Only a few made it into the Promised Land. Now why?
38:56 Was it God's intention that all those
38:57 who He brought out of Egypt
38:59 that He whittle them down in the wilderness
39:01 and just only let a few go in.
39:02 Did He predestined from the very beginning
39:04 that only a few are gonna,
39:06 only a few of you are gonna make it in.
39:07 But just, let me just bring you all out
39:09 just to kind of play with you.
39:10 No, they had to make those choices.
39:13 And they lost their confidence in God's ability
39:16 because remember they went into the land,
39:17 to spy out the land.
39:19 Ten came back out of the 12 with a report that we can't do this.
39:22 They lost their connection, their dependence upon Christ
39:24 who delivered them from the land of Egypt just shortly ago.
39:29 So in effect they fell away.
39:31 That's right, they did fall away.
39:32 And didn't make it to the kingdom.
39:34 That's why there's a text here in Galatians 6:1,
39:37 look at Galatians 6:1.
39:41 We always read verse 2 where it says,
39:42 "Bear one another's burdens" but verse 1 in Galatians 6
39:46 is significant to how important it is for us
39:49 to just understand where we, where we live.
39:53 "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass,
39:58 you who are spiritual restore
40:02 such a one in a spirit of gentleness,
40:06 considering yourself lest you also be tempted."
40:10 So what happens is there, sometimes they are those
40:14 who can't recover themselves
40:17 because they're taken captive by the enemy.
40:19 But there are those of us who are spiritual.
40:21 Now we'll see a brother or sister
40:23 struggling in a trespass,
40:27 but they haven't got into a point
40:29 where they are not savable.
40:32 The text that John read a moment ago,
40:34 they got to the place where there were--
40:38 where they had turned away from Christ.
40:40 Where they had shut off the connection
40:42 between them and Christ
40:44 and he couldn't save them in that condition.
40:47 And so those who don't repent
40:48 you find in the Bible even in Revelation,
40:50 they are those who will be outside of the city
40:52 because they did not repent of their evil deeds,
40:54 their sorceries and all the things
40:56 that were against the government of God.
40:59 God is not gonna allow sinners in when in fact
41:02 He came to defeat everything connected to sin.
41:05 That Hebrews 10:26,
41:09 "If we sin willfully after we have received
41:11 the knowledge of the truth."
41:13 Willful there is a decision to go back into the life of sin.
41:17 Right. That's the willful sin.
41:18 It's I decide now to do my own way,
41:21 to do my own thing and to live my own way.
41:25 And listen to what happens.
41:27 If we sin willfully after we receive
41:28 the knowledge of the truth there no longer
41:30 remains a sacrifice for sins. Why is that?
41:32 Because Christ no longer is their mediator.
41:35 What else remains, verse 27.
41:37 Verse 27, "But a certain fearful expectation of judgment
41:41 and fiery indignation, which will devour the adversaries."
41:45 So here you have the knowledge of the truth.
41:47 You receive that, you accept the Christ,
41:49 but instead you willingly went back into sin
41:52 and now you have nothing but the expectation of judgment.
41:55 And what is that judgment?
41:56 Verse 29 talks about that judgment.
41:58 You go ahead. You read that.
41:59 It says, "Of how much worse punishment,
42:02 do you suppose, will he be thought worthy,
42:06 who has trample the Son of God under foot,
42:09 counting the blood of the covenant,
42:12 by which he was sanctified, a common thing,
42:15 and insulted the Spirit of grace?"
42:18 So what's in essence, what's happening here?
42:20 He's trampling the Son of God afresh.
42:23 He's discounting the covenant and he's insulting the spirit.
42:28 So he's using these-- these are things
42:30 because he decides to go back and willfully sin.
42:32 Go back after having understood
42:35 the importance of standing firmly in his faith.
42:40 The punishment is worse.
42:42 I'm gonna share something that is--
42:43 it may be little baffling and I'll try
42:45 do it fairly quickly here. Okay.
42:46 I honestly believe that there is a good intention by teaching
42:51 "Once saved, always saved."
42:52 The intention is to give us assurance. Right.
42:54 You know what? I agree with the part
42:56 that we should have assurance.
42:58 We should be confident in our salvation
42:59 that we have in Christ.
43:01 Christ is our own of, we're in Him,
43:03 we should be confident in that. But here's a thing.
43:05 I think that the "Once saved, always saved"
43:07 actually is more appropriately titled
43:10 the doctrine of insecurity. Oh, wow.
43:13 And I call it the doctrine of insecurity because of this.
43:16 Just let's have a conversation here.
43:17 So, John, so if, what about the individual
43:22 that believed in Christ, committed his way to Christ,
43:25 lived in Christ, was part of the church,
43:27 was the leader in the church but fell away committed murder.
43:30 Now he is on death row.
43:31 You talk to him, doesn't want to talk about Christ.
43:33 Basically has walked away, wants nothing to do with him.
43:36 Are they saved?
43:38 You know, what the answer usually is
43:39 when you ask that question?
43:41 Well, they weren't really saved in the first place. Yes.
43:45 That's always the answer
43:47 from the "Once saved, always saved" proponent.
43:48 Well, one that is gone away and lived their life
43:51 without Christ again they really didn't receive the salvation,
43:53 the faith that saved.
43:54 They didn't proclaim the faith that really saved them.
43:57 But they don't ask the next question.
43:59 So then how did you know that you are really saved
44:04 or you had made that statement of faith that saves?
44:07 See so what it does, it's actually breeds insecurity.
44:10 And you have people walking around say,
44:12 I believe in Jesus. Did that work?
44:15 Yeah, it's a platform that's shaky at best.
44:18 Yeah, did I, did I take, because there are people that,
44:21 you know, "Once saved, always saved."
44:22 They say saved but there are some that look
44:24 like they were saved but they are lost now and did that work.
44:27 And so you breed insecurity into what you think
44:30 is creating a situation that is supposed to help
44:32 with your eternal security.
44:35 You see, but the scriptural understanding of salvation that,
44:39 if you walk away from Christ and begin to live in a--
44:41 a life of sin that you can be lost
44:44 is actually helps with my security,
44:46 because I know that if I'm walking in Christ
44:48 and I depend upon Him and I trust in Him,
44:50 I'm saved at that moment.
44:52 But if I walk outside of Him, if I leave Him,
44:55 if I start to live a life of sin, I'm lost at that moment.
44:58 I know depending upon how I'm connected or disconnected
45:01 whether I'm saved or lost. That is helpful to me.
45:06 I don't know, John, if that makes any sense to you.
45:08 But I would rather know that if I was committing life of sin
45:14 that I'm not doing what God wants me to do.
45:17 I need to test myself, I might be lost.
45:19 Matter of fact, there's a text I might look
45:20 for right here is in the Book of Luke.
45:22 Let me turn to that, I might find it here
45:25 where the Lord said to those who were following Him,
45:32 "Why call Me, Lord, Lord and do not do the things which I say."
45:37 So in essence, what happened to them eventually?
45:40 Let me give you the outcome of what happened to them.
45:42 Go to John Chapter 6.
45:43 Let me get the mystery taken care of here. Go to John 6.
45:48 Let me tell you what happened with those
45:50 who fell into this particular category.
45:53 John 6 and I guess what verse we're going to.
45:59 John 6:66 and this is the 666.
46:06 Appropriately it says here, "From that time
46:12 many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more."
46:20 They tasted of the heavenly gift.
46:21 They escaped corruption that was in the world.
46:25 They were with Christ, they were with Christ.
46:29 They were a part of the larger multitude.
46:31 He had the 12, then he had the 70.
46:33 He sent out many of them to witness
46:35 and then what happened is,
46:38 they along the way seen the requirements of the gospel.
46:42 As Peter made that very clear
46:44 when Jesus talked to the rich young ruler.
46:46 This rich young ruler said, "Okay, what master,
46:49 what good thing or teacher,
46:50 what good must I do to have eternal life?"
46:53 And He said, "Okay,
46:55 keep the commandments, have your neighbor do."
46:58 He went to all these things and the young rich,
47:01 rich young ruler said,
47:04 "I've been doing this since I was a youth.
47:06 What else do you want me to do?"
47:08 And the Lord says, "If you will be perfect,
47:11 you want to get this thing right,
47:12 go sell all that you have."
47:14 And notice what happened and kind of fits in
47:16 with context of the conversation today.
47:18 He had many possessions.
47:20 He had a lot of wealth, a lot of riches.
47:22 And that was more important to him
47:25 than his connection with Christ.
47:27 But notice what he said, I've kept all these things.
47:30 In other words, I've been a keeper
47:31 of all these things that You ask me to do.
47:34 But what happened? He walked away sorrowfully.
47:36 There was no indication that, that young man was ever saved.
47:40 But the last indication we got was he walked away.
47:47 The--in Matthew 18, this is classic parable. Okay.
47:51 Of the servant that owed everything to his master.
47:58 And there was a king, of course who required his--
48:03 those that owed him money to pay.
48:06 And this servant came before him, pleading for--
48:10 What verse you're into? Do not be imprisoned.
48:11 This is Matthew 18, verse--
48:13 oh, we'll start with-- 15.
48:17 No, we'll start with verse 25. Okay.
48:19 This servant, it says, "Was not able to pay
48:22 and his master commanded that he be sold
48:25 without or with his wife and children
48:28 and all that he had and that payment be made.
48:32 The servant therefore fell down before him saying,
48:34 'Master, have patience with me and I'll pay you all.'
48:39 Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion
48:41 released him and forgave him the debt.
48:43 He said, 'I'll cancel your debt.'"
48:45 And those who have done a study of this,
48:48 this debt was equated to something
48:50 that we would be unable to pay in the millions of dollars.
48:53 Right. Okay.
48:54 See, I think I calculated it, he had to--
48:56 he would have had to lived 146 years or something like that
49:01 to be able to pay his debt off, that's if he did nothing else.
49:04 That's if he did nothing else but just made payments
49:06 and he couldn't, there is no possible way he could afford it.
49:09 But notice this, so he was forgiven,
49:12 but then he goes away and he doesn't act
49:15 like this king acted towards Him.
49:17 He meets this buddy, laid hands on him demanded that he pay him.
49:21 His buddy pleads with him the same thing
49:23 he did with the king, buddy pleased him,
49:24 please don't, I'll pay what you,
49:27 what you what I owe you just be patient with me
49:29 but instead he had him thrown into prison.
49:31 So the king hears about it, king calls him back
49:35 and listen to what the king says.
49:37 Verse, what verse?
49:38 Verse 32. Okay.
49:41 "Then his master, after he had called him,
49:43 said to him, 'You wicked servant!
49:45 I forgave you all that debt because you begged me.
49:48 Should you not also have compassion
49:50 on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?'
49:53 And his master was angry,
49:54 and delivered him to the torturers
49:56 until he should pay all that was due him."
49:59 In order words he heap back all the debt
50:03 on to him to pay back in full. That's right.
50:06 Then notice this, he makes a spiritual lesson out of this,
50:08 Jesus does, "So My heavenly Father
50:10 also will do to you if each of you from his heart,
50:13 does not forgive his brother his trespasses."
50:15 Wow. Now do you know what that saying?
50:17 That's huge. Powerful.
50:19 Good, do you want to say it and I'll amplify?
50:21 No, go ahead, amplify.
50:22 The Lord forgives us of our sins but we go--
50:26 we take that whole beautiful gift
50:30 and we go after somebody who has wronged us
50:32 in something and demand that they give restitution.
50:39 He said, okay, I'm not just gonna forgive you,
50:41 but here's what I want you to do.
50:43 And you go down the list of requirements and this man,
50:45 if you look at the story this was quite a situation
50:47 where the person would had owed
50:49 and I think the estimate was just to say,
50:51 just to say this guy owe him 20 bucks.
50:54 or 3 million dollars
50:57 that was already forgiven him but his small debt.
51:00 That's why you find the phrase,
51:02 "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
51:09 If we forgive those who trespass against us,
51:13 then the Lord will forgive our trespasses.
51:16 And not just that the trespasses that we had forgiven
51:20 are put back on to our account. That's right.
51:24 So we were forgiven, now we are unforgiven.
51:29 What does that mean? That means lost.
51:31 Right, that means all your sins are back on you.
51:33 Yeah, so clearly Jesus is teaching
51:36 not once saved always saved, but salvation in Christ.
51:39 In what I'd have done in my forgiveness and He demands,
51:43 He requires that we live like Him.
51:45 That's the part of casting off the works of darkness
51:48 and putting on Christ and His work,
51:50 purifying ourselves, living according to His commandments
51:53 as we talked about it in our last program.
51:56 There is another story within the Bible
52:02 and it's a parable about the wedding feast. That's right.
52:05 And in Matthew 25 it talks about the 10 virgins.
52:09 Those were the wise virgins were able to go
52:13 into the wedding because they were ready.
52:16 And if you look there the context of being ready
52:18 was that they had the righteousness of Christ on.
52:22 Matthew 22, then amplifies on that
52:27 and talks about this wedding feast
52:29 that everybody is in attendance at,
52:31 because they were ready and they came into the wedding
52:34 with the garment of Christ on.
52:36 In fact, by the way that's the only way
52:37 you get into the wedding feast 'cause we attend the wedding
52:40 that's taking place in heaven by faith. That's right.
52:42 So the only way to attend it is by faith in Christ.
52:45 He's the one that brings us,
52:46 gets us in so to speak. That's the fact, only way.
52:49 So now here we find this wedding--
52:52 shifting to the story down back to Matthew 22.
52:55 This wedding where this king comes into inspect the guest.
52:59 And he comes into to inspect the guest
53:01 and notice this, Matthew 22:11,
53:05 "But when the king came in to see the guests,
53:07 he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.
53:11 So he said to him, 'Friend,
53:13 how did you come in here without a wedding garment?'"
53:16 Because why did he ask that question?
53:18 Because the only way to get in is with the wedding garment.
53:20 So how did you get in here when you don't have one on?
53:23 The man was speechless because you know why?
53:26 He had one on.
53:27 He came in with the wedding garment of Christ on.
53:31 But he lost it.
53:33 He didn't care for it, he neglected that relationship
53:37 the connection with Christ and he was found
53:39 without the wedding garment. And what happened to him?
53:41 He was cast out.
53:43 Now if you look at James, I think it's Chapter 5
53:46 and you find through the Old Testament as well,
53:48 over and over again you see
53:49 this theme of the garments being moth eaten.
53:53 Let me ask you a question, do moths eat quickly?
53:58 No, they actually don't.
53:59 Do you usually know when your garment is being moth eaten.
54:02 You say, you know what, I think my garment is being moth--
54:05 my suit is being eaten by moths right now.
54:08 No you usually take out your suit
54:10 and you're getting ready to wear
54:11 and you see that hole, what is that doing there.
54:14 And you realize right there without you really realizing it
54:18 you've neglected the care of your garment.
54:20 The moths got in and they're eating holes in it.
54:23 And James says, your garments are moth eaten.
54:27 In order words we sometimes in neglecting
54:29 our relationship with Jesus can fall away.
54:32 The devil comes in to eat away those garments
54:35 and we find one day to a point if we neglect long enough
54:38 that we have no longer the wedding garment on,
54:40 the garment of Christ righteousness. Wow.
54:43 And then the declaration of Revelation 18, Chapter 6:15.
54:48 "Behold I'm coming as a thief, Jesus says,
54:51 'Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments.'"
54:56 Keeps his garments. That's right.
54:58 Unless he walk naked and they see His shame.
55:02 Wow. So we don't just--
55:04 well, the key was you had--
55:06 you come in with the garment but you have to keep the garment.
55:09 Thus he that has this hope in himself purifies himself,
55:13 keeps that garment clear even as He, Christ is pure.
55:17 So we don't just get garments,
55:19 this whole ideology and I'll cover this very quickly
55:23 but in Ezekiel 33, "When I say to the righteous--"
55:29 Ezekiel 33:13, "When I say to the righteous
55:32 that he shall surely live but he trusts in his own righteousness
55:36 and commits iniquity none of his righteous works
55:40 shall be remembered but because of the iniquity
55:43 that he has committed, he shall die."
55:46 And that's saying to the righteous, isn't it?
55:48 That's the righteous. That's huge.
55:50 That's not saying to the person that doesn't know Christ,
55:52 you see, I'm saying this to the righteous,
55:54 when he trusts in his own righteousness
55:57 'cause he didn't keep the garment of Christ.
55:59 He came in but now it's all about him.
56:02 It's all about him.
56:03 He has not, that's why the Bible makes it very clear.
56:05 We must examine ourselves to see
56:07 whether or not we're in the faith.
56:10 Examine ourselves, look at our own character,
56:13 look at ourselves.
56:14 It's easy to look everybody else
56:16 because that's the measurement by which we feel
56:17 much better about ourselves.
56:19 In that very text "Examine yourself to see
56:21 whether you're in faith, test yourself."
56:23 It ends with saying unless you're disqualified.
56:26 So there--I'm not saying that we're running around here,
56:30 worrying that Christ is gonna disqualify
56:32 us for some reason. No.
56:34 God loves us, in fact even if we're lost,
56:36 He loves the lost. Right.
56:39 People quote, "Nothing can separate us
56:41 from the love of God." That's true.
56:43 But that doesn't equate to nothing can keep us
56:45 from being saved because the enemy does get in there
56:47 and try to break us from the relationship with Christ.
56:49 There you go.
56:51 But God still loves us, He loves the sinner,
56:53 He loves sinners until they're burned. That's right.
56:56 And love them probably for eternity
56:58 in ways that we can understand.
57:00 The strange act of God is His love never ceases to be loved.
57:03 But He will not allow the guilty
57:06 to be cleared until they repent.
57:09 Exodus 34:7 is where you'll find that.
57:12 He will by no means clear the guilty.
57:16 So what are we saying is this salvation
57:18 that can give us confidence?
57:19 Yes. How often am I saved?
57:22 Every moment of every day I must rely on Christ.
57:25 That's what the program is all about.
57:27 So friends, our desire for you is that you remain in Christ.
57:30 So have a great day in Him. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17