House Calls

Living The Justified Life, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL130006

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible
00:02 and a friend and sit back as we explore
00:04 God's word together on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Welcome to another "House Calls" program.
00:24 My name is John and he is also John.
00:27 Don't get us confused. There are a lot of similarities.
00:30 Most important similarity is we love the Lord
00:33 and we love sharing our Bibles.
00:34 Don't you think so, John? Amen, I like that.
00:36 That's what makes us brothers.
00:38 That's right, brothers in the Lord,
00:39 brothers in the word.
00:41 And thank you for joining us today.
00:42 We are always excited when you come into our home,
00:45 that is, into this house and let us into your house.
00:48 Hopefully, you let us into your hearts
00:50 also by the study of God's word.
00:52 We're gonna continue on the topic of "Justification."
00:56 What does it mean to be justified?
00:57 I think we left the last program
01:00 talking about the difference between
01:01 a convict and a convert.
01:04 That's a great sermon title.
01:05 So look for that one in the future.
01:08 But today, we are excited-- John's smiling over here.
01:12 Because a lot of people don't know
01:14 the difference between being--you know,
01:15 you can be completely convicted of all the things
01:17 you believe but not converted. That's right.
01:19 So get your Bibles, get your pens--
01:25 did I finish the rhyme?
01:26 Invite your family and your friends
01:28 and sit down with us for the next hour
01:30 or so to enjoy a study of God's word.
01:32 But before we do anything, before we give you
01:34 any more information, we'd like to pray.
01:37 John, pray for us. Yes.
01:38 Dear Father in heaven, we invite Your Spirit to be
01:40 with us here today as we study Your word.
01:43 Lord, be with every aspect of this program.
01:45 May we sense Your Spirit leading and guiding us
01:48 and with our viewers and our listeners, Lord.
01:50 May they be impressed by Your word,
01:52 Your truth and Your love for each one of them.
01:55 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
01:58 Many of you like to send questions
02:00 to this program and we always appreciate
02:02 when you do so.
02:03 I'll try to make them as concise as possible
02:06 but if you--if you want to send us a book you can.
02:08 Just know that it won't be read on the air
02:10 because we don't want to decipher
02:12 through all of that to find out what the question is.
02:14 But here is the email that you need.
02:15 Send those questions and comments
02:17 to That's
02:22 and we surely appreciate everything you do.
02:25 John, I'm gonna let you go and quote about it for us today.
02:27 What do you have for us?
02:28 I've got a question here from Rollen. Rollen?
02:31 Yeah. He says, "Firstly, it is"--misspelling there.
02:37 "In Jonah, he was in the belly of the whale
02:40 for three days and three nights.
02:44 Then we expect Christ to be in the belly
02:46 three days and three nights as Jesus Himself referred to.
02:52 Not one night outside, that is, dead before
02:55 being dead into in, simple symbolism,
03:00 Second, John 20:1 and 19 suggest Christ
03:05 was resurrected by Saturday evening.
03:08 Thirdly, calculate the dates backward and see
03:11 which day was the 14th of Abib in AD 31."
03:14 So essentially what the question is--
03:19 and the question is trying to do here
03:21 is establish that maybe the timeline
03:25 that we have for Christ's crucifixion
03:28 and the days that it happened are incorrect,
03:31 our traditional understanding of that in the church
03:33 and the Bible said something else.
03:35 Well, I think we need to be careful
03:37 with quick rushes to conclusions
03:40 based upon one text or two texts.
03:42 We need to harmonize all the texts of Scripture.
03:45 And there are things that are fairly definitive
03:48 about the event of Christ crucifixion
03:50 that are clearly laid out in Scripture
03:52 and I find only one with a pure sequence of events
03:56 giving days found in all the word.
03:59 That's right. And that is the gospel of Luke.
04:01 And so we need to turn to that gospel, Luke 23.
04:05 Okay. As it transitions into chapter 24
04:08 as well to find the sequence of events
04:11 and when those events actually happened
04:13 because this is the re-capitulation of the event
04:18 giving the timeline itself.
04:20 And so we're gonna start with Luke 23
04:23 beginning with verse 53.
04:26 And this is right after Christ was crucified,
04:29 He gave up his life, He died on the cross
04:32 and it says in verse 53, "Then he took it down,"
04:35 that is the body, wrapped it in linen
04:37 and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock,
04:41 where no one had ever lain before."
04:43 And that is Joseph and the followers of Christ,
04:47 a few of them there, they got the body of Christ
04:49 down from the cross and took them to the tomb
04:51 that Joseph had donated.
04:54 "That day," it says verse 54,
04:56 "That day was the preparation and the Sabbath drew near."
05:00 There is a clear connection there
05:04 to the preparation day and the day
05:06 that Christ died on the cross, the crucifixion day,
05:10 which is Friday, Friday, the day before the Sabbath
05:13 which is the seventh day.
05:14 So we're talking about the sixth day, Friday.
05:17 That is the day that Christ was crucified on the cross.
05:21 It says then in verse 55,
05:23 "And when the women who had come forth
05:25 with or had come with Him from Galilee
05:28 followed after and they observed the tomb
05:31 and how His body was laid.
05:33 Then they returned and prepared spices
05:35 and fragrant oils and they rested on the Sabbath
05:38 according to the commandment."
05:40 So Christ rested in the grave on the Sabbath,
05:43 as did His disciples rest according to the commandment,
05:47 the fourth commandment which requires
05:48 the observance of the seventh day as the Sabbath.
05:51 That's right. The holy day of God.
05:54 Then it says in chapter 24, verse 1,
05:57 "Now on the first day of the week,
05:59 very early in the morning they and certain other women
06:02 with them came to the tomb bringing the spices
06:05 which they had prepared, but they found
06:07 the stone rolled away from the tomb.
06:09 Then they went in and did not find
06:13 the body of the Lord Jesus."
06:14 So now we find, on the first day of the week,
06:17 we know that today is Sunday,
06:19 that early in the morning they went to the tomb
06:22 and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
06:24 He had been resurrected.
06:27 And so the sequence of events here, John,
06:29 pretty clear in the book of Luke,
06:31 is that on Friday He was crucified.
06:34 On the Sabbath day, the seventh day,
06:35 He rested in the grave.
06:37 By Sunday morning when they went to find Him there,
06:39 He was no longer there.
06:40 He had been resurrected early in the morning.
06:43 That's right. Another text says,
06:46 "Very early in the morning as it was still dark outside."
06:51 Now we know from not only tradition
06:54 but from reading history that they treated each day,
07:00 the transition from one day to the next,
07:02 as happening at sunset. That's right.
07:04 So on the sixth day of the week, the preparation day,
07:07 that day ended on-- at the sunset on Friday
07:12 and the seventh day, the Sabbath
07:14 then was in effect from sundown Friday night
07:18 to sundown Saturday night.
07:20 And then Sunday, the first day of the week,
07:21 began Saturday night into throughout Sunday,
07:25 the entire day until the sun set on Sunday,
07:28 which was then the second day of the week.
07:31 So when we're talking about days here
07:33 we're clearly finding events
07:34 lined up in each day very systematically.
07:37 And what we have in the Bible is
07:38 what's called inclusive reckoning,
07:40 which is, if something happens on part of the day
07:42 you include that day as part of the sequence of three.
07:46 So when we say He was raised on the third day,
07:50 we can say that very clearly that on the sixth day
07:52 He was crucified, the seventh day He rested,
07:54 on the first day He was raised,
07:56 that is the third day. Right.
07:58 So that part is fairly clear in Scripture.
08:01 What this gentleman is suggesting
08:04 is that somehow with Jonah being--
08:06 or being in the belly of the whale,
08:08 three days and three nights, that somehow
08:11 Christ had to be in the grave, three days and three nights.
08:17 I think what we're finding here is a little misunderstanding
08:19 or misapplication of this Scripture to include
08:22 that Christ had to be in the grave on that first night
08:25 which would have required Thursday night,
08:28 according to our reckoning.
08:30 But that is not in fact the case,
08:31 because we find that Luke tells us
08:33 He was crucified on Friday.
08:36 So the question isn't, is the Bible contradicting itself.
08:40 The question is how do we resolve
08:44 this apparent contradiction
08:46 to find the reality of what happened.
08:48 And the only way to do that is to say,
08:50 what happened to Christ on Thursday night
08:52 that would have qualified Him
08:54 of being as Jonah was in the belly of the whale.
08:58 And what we find here is His experience
09:01 in the garden of Gethsemane. That's right.
09:03 And that experience of Him in the torment of his soul,
09:09 His agony of soul working out our redemption,
09:12 already beginning that process by submitting Himself to God,
09:16 overcoming His own personal desire
09:18 for self sustenance, for not wanting
09:23 to go to the cross, to experience the separation
09:25 from His Father, but yet relenting
09:27 to His Father's will and submitting Himself to that.
09:31 And it says that He agonized so much,
09:33 he dropped--his sweat included drops of blood,
09:37 it came from Him. Wow. I can imagine that.
09:39 And it also suggests in that passage
09:41 that had the angels had not ministered to Him
09:43 that night in His agony, He may have died
09:46 right there in the garden of Gethsemane.
09:49 So He in every way was experiencing death,
09:52 beginning to experience death that separates
09:54 from His Father in that garden
09:57 even before the crucifixion experience.
09:59 So was He in the belly of the whale on Thursday night
10:02 in the garden of Gethsemane?
10:03 Answer, absolutely He was. Right.
10:06 This has been one of the most controverter points.
10:09 It just seems to be a pet peeve,
10:11 kind of like the question of what was Adam's color.
10:15 I find it to be so irrelevant in this sense
10:19 that the fact of the matter is Jesus rose.
10:24 And when you look at the gospels
10:25 and you try to reconcile all of the Scriptures together
10:28 you find one writer would say, while the sun had risen.
10:33 The other one said while it was yet dark
10:35 and one says very early in the morning.
10:38 The fact of the matter is when you look
10:40 at the references in the Bible,
10:42 the point that we pull, and you made
10:44 this point a moment ago, inclusive reckoning.
10:47 Any part of that third day is included in the sequence.
10:50 Here is where people misunderstand
10:52 their own statements.
10:54 They say "Well, He had to be in there three days
10:56 and three nights complete and then He would rise."
11:00 If that were the case He would have to be in there
11:02 for 72 hours and the 73rd hour
11:06 would have been the fourth day.
11:09 The Bible didn't say He would rise the fourth day.
11:12 Nowhere can you find a statement saying
11:15 He would raise the fourth day.
11:16 So He had to rise within that day.
11:19 He didn't rise-- and when people say,
11:22 "Well, didn't the Bible say after three days he would rise?"
11:24 Well, you misunderstand
11:26 how the Lord counted the third day.
11:31 Go with me before I give you the Scriptures,
11:33 go with me to Luke 13:32.
11:36 Look at this, Luke 13:32 and I'm reading this
11:40 by the way in the NIV.
11:42 Reading this intentionally in the NIV
11:43 because I want to get a couple of points very candidly here.
11:47 NIV reads this way, Luke 13:32,
11:52 "Go tell that fox," that is, He replied, "Go tell that fox,
11:57 'I will drive out demons and heal people today,
12:02 tomorrow, and the third day I will reach my goal."
12:07 Now if we did that we'll say-- we won't call
12:10 two days from now the third day.
12:12 We'll start counting tomorrow,
12:14 we'll call that two days from now.
12:16 We won't call that the third day.
12:18 That's the way we count in modern counting,
12:21 but that's not the way they did.
12:22 This is the example of inclusive reckoning, today--
12:26 Today is the first day. Today is the first day.
12:28 We'll say "I'll meet you in two days,"
12:30 we won't think of that as the third day from today.
12:35 Yeah, in this language if we said in two days,
12:37 if we used the way that they interpreted this,
12:40 two days would be tomorrow.
12:41 Right. Exactly. But it's not to us.
12:45 But to them it was. To them it was.
12:47 That's the way they counted the time.
12:48 So when you look at the Scriptures in the Bible
12:51 and once again I put this together
12:52 in the NIV to get you-- to give you
12:54 some perspective here, because sometimes
12:56 it reads a little easier but Matthew 17:23.
13:00 And I want you to give me the reciprocal
13:02 in the New King James version, okay.
13:05 Matthew 17:23. "They will kill Him,"
13:11 Matthew 17:23 "and on the third day
13:15 He will be raised to life." What does yours say?
13:20 "And they will kill Him, and the third day
13:22 He will be raised up." Okay. Okay, same thing.
13:26 Here's another one, Luke 9:22. Luke 9:22.
13:33 I want you to read that first
13:34 in the New King James version and I'll read it in the NIV.
13:38 Giving some balance here, Luke 9:22.
13:40 "The Son of Man must suffer many things,
13:42 and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes,
13:46 and be killed, and be raised the third day."
13:49 Okay, and it says, "And He must be killed
13:51 and on the third day be raised to life."
13:55 You know what's interesting about that verse,
13:58 is that it includes the trial and the rejection
14:01 by the elders in His crucifixion experience.
14:04 Right, there you go. That was Thursday night.
14:05 That's right.
14:08 I'd actually never seen that before with this verse
14:11 that Jesus Himself is including
14:13 His trial in the experience of His crucifixion.
14:19 Okay, there you go.
14:21 So that tells me right there
14:22 that not only was a garden Gethsemane
14:23 and His deliverance than into the hands
14:26 of the Jewish leaders that night and His trial.
14:29 This verse says just that and in Christ's own words.
14:31 Matter of fact, when He was arrested
14:33 He said this is your hour and the power of darkness.
14:37 He relinquished Himself into the hands of those
14:42 who will persecute Him.
14:44 When He was arrested in the garden
14:46 He said this is your hour and the power of darkness.
14:50 He acknowledged that. He timed it, okay.
14:53 And then when they thought He was going to be released,
14:57 when the disciples thought He would free Himself
14:59 He said it is for this hour that I've come into the world.
15:02 He made it very clear. This now starts a new timeline.
15:07 This is your hour and the power of darkness.
15:09 So clearly the trial, the persecution,
15:13 the scourging, the judgment hall,
15:16 the grave, all of that is included in the hour of darkness
15:19 and that text puts it together wonderfully.
15:22 Yes. Rejected by the elders and chief priests,
15:26 must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
15:31 In Luke 18:33, just simply says,
15:33 "On the third day He will rise again."
15:37 One thing we have to keep in mind
15:38 as we settle this issue
15:40 that continues to go forth and, John, Luke 24:46.
15:44 There's another one. I'll read this.
15:47 Well, just go ahead and read that in the--
15:48 I'm not there right now. I'll read it.
15:50 Luke, what? Luke 24:46.
15:52 While you're turning there I'll make sure this is clear.
15:54 Remember, this is something widely important.
15:57 Don't try to add another day because if you say morning,
16:01 night, morning, night, morning, night,
16:03 72 hours must pass by before He comes out of the grave.
16:07 A second past 72 hours is the fourth day.
16:11 The Bible never said He'd rise on the fourth day.
16:16 He rose on the third day over and over
16:17 and over and over again.
16:19 So it was perfectly within the timing.
16:22 How does it say there in Luke 24:46?
16:25 "Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary
16:27 for the Christ to suffer and to rise
16:29 from the dead the third day."
16:31 Okay, all right, there you go.
16:33 All right, I think we pretty much exhausted that.
16:35 And all through the book of Acts, Acts 10:40,
16:38 "But God raised Him from the dead on the third day."
16:41 Acts 27:19--well, not-- in 1 Corinthians 15:4,
16:46 the last one, "He was buried--
16:49 that he was buried, that he was raised
16:52 on the third day according to the Scriptures."
16:56 And I don't think this gentleman is arguing the third day issue.
16:59 He is misunderstanding the timeline of the third day.
17:03 He's not understanding inclusive reckoning
17:05 and how they interpreted that statement of the third day.
17:10 So hopefully we've helped provide that kind of information
17:14 for those who are having the same question out there.
17:16 There's a whole book
17:18 that Pastor Doug Batchelor put together.
17:20 Pastor Doug Batchelor put together
17:21 on Amazing Facts website just about the resurrection,
17:24 that whole thing about inclusive reckoning.
17:27 I think I have one more question.
17:29 We have time here for that?
17:31 One more question-- Okay, here it is.
17:34 The following is a question from one of my coworkers.
17:37 She is not a Christian as I am,
17:39 but does believe in a higher power.
17:44 It says here, "We conversed about life
17:48 and spiritual issues and we openly share
17:51 our beliefs about those things with each other."
17:54 But her question is, "if the God that Christians believe in exist
18:01 and it's true that He gives people
18:04 what is referred to as free will to choose
18:07 to believe in Him or not, how can it be called
18:10 free if a person will be destroyed
18:13 for not believing in Him even though
18:17 they live a life of being a good person,
18:20 as good as they can be,
18:22 caring for others, for animals, etcetera?
18:24 In short, why-- won't they be paying
18:27 the ultimate price just for not believing in God?"
18:31 This is a perfect segue, John, into our topic today,
18:35 because I said a moment ago, this is the whole point.
18:38 You see Jesus didn't come to give His life
18:40 for those who do good community works.
18:43 Jesus didn't come to extend eternal life
18:45 for those who take care of animals and care for others.
18:49 He came to those who acknowledge
18:50 that they are sinners in need of a Savior.
18:52 Because what's happening here, what's missing in this
18:55 and I put a couple of verses here,
18:57 John 3:17 is one
18:59 and Deuteronomy 30:19 is another one.
19:04 As I go down this whole idea, the person is putting
19:08 the burden of their salvation on their good works.
19:12 Therefore, they are saying, well, I'm a good person.
19:15 There's none that's good, no, not one.
19:17 The first misunderstanding. I care for others.
19:20 I take care of animals.
19:23 Why am I paying the ultimate price?
19:24 You know why?
19:26 Because unless the price is paid by Christ,
19:29 you have to pay the price, you see.
19:32 Because the wages of sin-- the wages of sin is death,
19:36 somebody's got to die.
19:38 So if you don't accept the death of Christ
19:40 imputed and imparted to you, in other words,
19:42 given you, if your life is not covered,
19:44 if your debt is not paid by Him,
19:47 then you've got to pay your debt.
19:49 That's just as simple as I get.
19:51 Deuteronomy 30:19, because they haven't done
19:54 what these verse says.
19:55 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you,
19:59 that I have set before you life and death,
20:01 blessing and cursing.
20:02 Therefore choose life that both you
20:05 and your descendants may live."
20:07 Right. Choose life.
20:10 So we can't just say, "I don't want to choose life."
20:14 That's what it says, I don't want to choose life.
20:17 Yes, every one of us has the freedom to choose.
20:19 Let me use an example, an analogy.
20:21 Why is my plane going to California
20:24 just because I choose to go on a plane going to Chicago?
20:27 I mean, why am I not going to California,
20:30 could not pick any plane I want to.
20:32 Well, you got to get on the plane
20:33 that's going where you want to end up.
20:35 So unless you give your life to Christ,
20:37 unless you accept Him as your Savior,
20:40 unless you are in Him you can't go
20:42 where He is going to be.
20:44 So there's only two roads,
20:45 life and blessings and death and cursings.
20:49 You cannot have two roads.
20:51 John 3:17, look at this, "For God did not send His Son
20:56 into the world to condemn the world."
21:00 He didn't send His Son to condemn this lady.
21:03 "God did not send His Son into the world
21:05 to condemn the world but that the world
21:07 through Him might be saved."
21:08 Why? Because she says, why am I being condemned
21:13 because I don't believe in Him?
21:14 Here is the answer, right here in verse 18.
21:17 "He who believes in Him is not condemned
21:21 but He who does not believe is condemned already."
21:25 This person doesn't know that by not believing
21:28 you're already condemned.
21:31 What do you want to say about that, John? Anything?
21:33 Well, Jesus did not come into the world
21:35 to condemn the world but the world
21:36 through Him might be saved.
21:38 I mean, that's-- Jesus is not
21:41 and nor should we extend condemnation to people.
21:44 We don't.
21:46 It is a fact that they are already condemned,
21:48 they are already on death row without Christ.
21:52 And so our message is find Christ and live,
21:58 not, you're going to hell. Right.
22:00 And that's what I have a problem with,
22:02 hell fire and brimstone kind of messages,
22:03 because it's not really the gospel.
22:06 It's part of the gospel, in that God is delivering us
22:09 from that experience, that lake of fire,
22:12 that ultimate eternal death that all of us will suffer
22:15 if we are apart from God.
22:18 But it is not the heart of our message.
22:20 Jesus came to save us
22:23 and wants to live with us forever.
22:25 And that's the key aspect. That must be our focus.
22:28 When our focus is on accept Christ
22:31 or you'll burn forever, that's a problem.
22:34 You know what's so sad--
22:36 That's gonna cause people to say oh,
22:37 yeah, a God like that.
22:38 I don't want nothing of Him.
22:40 Right and so-- that's--
22:41 Because you're not focusing on His love.
22:43 Not focusing on His love. Here is the reality of it.
22:47 We've got to see the perfect picture
22:48 and the perfect picture of our present condition
22:50 is we are all on death row
22:52 before we accept Christ.
22:54 We are on a conveyor belt to destruction.
22:56 So why would I be shocked if I'm destroyed
23:00 when that is the only transportation I'm on?
23:04 I'm on the transportation for destruction.
23:08 I'm on a plane going to Chicago.
23:10 Why am I shocked when I end up in Chicago?
23:12 The Lord is saying get off of that plane
23:14 and the only way you can get off
23:16 of that plane is if My life pays for you
23:19 to get on a different plane, the plane to eternal life
23:22 or the plane in this case to California.
23:25 My wife called the airlines and this is really amazing,
23:30 'cause she tries to-- you know,
23:32 we have status with American airlines,
23:33 so she says, "Well, is it too late for me
23:39 to have the--to get the"-- let me put this again.
23:44 There's bad weather and people
23:47 whose flights were cancelled were automatically
23:50 booked on another flight without having to pay.
23:52 So they extend it to everybody within a specific time frame
23:57 and once you make that-- once you make
23:59 that request before the time is out
24:02 then you could have your reservation
24:04 switched to another reservation for no charge at all.
24:07 So my wife asked the question
24:08 "Is it too late for me to go
24:10 and get the flight on that other plane?"
24:12 And they said, "Well, you made a reservation on this flight
24:16 and the time is already passed,
24:19 so we cannot extend to you the special
24:22 to be on a different flight
24:23 all together on a different day."
24:25 Now she could be on a different flight
24:26 but not on a different day.
24:28 So she said "When was the cut-off?"
24:32 And they gave her the date which was the same date.
24:36 She said "Well, it's still the same date."
24:38 And he said, "Well, actually it was two hours ago."
24:43 On the same date, so she said,
24:44 "Well, can I get the special-- it was just two hours ago."
24:48 But then she said,
24:50 "Well, let's just use December 24th."
24:51 They said, "Well, the special ends on December 24th."
24:54 She said "Well, it is December 24th.
24:57 Well, then she said it ended two hours ago.
24:59 But we have like eight hours left
25:01 in December 24th, can I get it?
25:03 Well, sorry, ma'am, you can't get it.
25:05 My point of that analogy is this,
25:07 we are all booked on a certain flight
25:10 and in this life God has extended to us
25:13 the time to get the ticket changed
25:16 to get on a different flight for eternal life but if we say,
25:20 I'm good enough to get on that flight.
25:23 I have status.
25:24 My status says I've helped the people in the community,
25:27 I've taken care of animals, I'm a relatively good person,
25:31 I should get on that flight.
25:33 And the Lord says, no, it's gonna cost you.
25:35 You don't get on by your deeds, I got to pay.
25:37 And that's the reason why your friend
25:39 who does good deeds must come to the place
25:41 where her good deeds
25:43 are not enough payment for her salvation.
25:46 Her good deeds cannot atone for her sin.
25:50 That nature that she has, has to be put to death
25:53 and she has to put on Christ.
25:55 Until we give ourselves to Christ
25:57 and we die to self we cannot be saved.
26:00 So Christ doesn't condemn us. We are condemned already.
26:04 And it is really sin that destroys us. Right.
26:08 God is simply destroying sin and sinners go
26:11 with that because sin is part of them.
26:17 Years ago I saw a military show
26:18 where these guys were in the midst of a battle
26:21 and they called and they said, you know, the enemy is coming--
26:25 oh, as a matter of fact there was,
26:28 recently, not many years ago, it was a few months ago,
26:32 where these soldiers in the Middle East
26:34 were pinned down and all around.
26:36 You probably heard about this on the news.
26:37 And this one soldier decided-- Mm-hmm, I saw that.
26:40 And he fought for his whole platoon
26:42 and some of them did die but here's the point.
26:45 He called in some air strikes and the air strikes
26:50 were so close, he heard the bombs blowing up
26:53 and--I forget exactly what I was gonna apply this to,
26:57 but let me just suffice it to simply say,
26:59 we've got to--we've got to get out of the blast zone,
27:03 that's what I was trying to say,
27:05 so that when destruction does come
27:07 we are removed from the place
27:11 where sin is going to be eradicated.
27:13 We are no longer in that category.
27:16 So when all sin is eradicated we are no longer
27:18 in the category of sin,
27:20 because we have put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
27:23 What do you say about that? Amen.
27:26 Amen. So it is not our good works.
27:29 The Lord loves every one of us just as we are,
27:31 but He doesn't leave us the way He finds us.
27:34 We are born on death row, we are born programmed to die.
27:38 He doesn't assign us there.
27:40 He's the one that gets us out of there.
27:41 That's right. Okay. So let's not put it--
27:43 look at Him as a God that wants us to be lost.
27:45 He wants us not to be lost. That's right.
27:47 Thank you for your questions and comments.
27:49 We're gonna transition to our program
27:50 but if you have any questions and comments
27:52 you'd like to send to us, the email to send those
27:54 is That's
28:00 Thank you for all you do for this network
28:03 and thank you for bearing with us even
28:05 when we get excited about what we're talking about.
28:08 John, we left off yesterday, kind of put us back
28:10 into the mindset of our topic--
28:13 actually not yesterday, but last topic,
28:15 we left off on this last topic about justification,
28:19 but we were talking about mercy and the need for forgiveness.
28:23 Lead us into this discussion today.
28:26 Well, there's something that I think kind of carries
28:29 over from the question that we just read. Okay.
28:32 And it's a subject that kind of comes into play
28:34 when we're seeking salvation, when we're seeking
28:38 God's mercy and understanding the condition
28:41 that we're in as sinners.
28:42 And that is this word called guilt. Okay.
28:46 If there's no sense of guilt before God,
28:49 if there's no sense of remorse for our sin
28:54 and at the same time a corresponding love
28:57 for a Savior who has paid the penalty,
29:01 for the penalty of our sin, then there's no--
29:04 nothing that moves us, moves our heart
29:07 to want or even seek out that mercy
29:12 and the justified life that we can have in Christ.
29:15 And I think that's where she's coming
29:17 from a little bit, the friend, is that there's no remorse
29:20 or guilt for her to live.
29:21 In fact saying I'm a good person is the opposite of guilt.
29:26 What we're saying by that is I'm not guilty of anything.
29:29 Right. Right?
29:30 I mean, when we say I'm a good person.
29:32 I'm not guilty of anything. I don't hurt anybody.
29:34 I don't do anything bad to anybody.
29:37 We understand that guilt has already been--
29:40 not guilt, but sin has already been imposed.
29:43 Recognizing the sin is guilt
29:47 and then it drives us to the Savior.
29:49 And something I failed to mention,
29:51 I think I need to mention it right now
29:52 just so I can give balance to this.
29:54 This person may be may have never committed a crime,
29:58 may never have cheated on taxes,
30:00 may have been the kindest, most gentle, loving person.
30:04 Everybody loves her,
30:07 but one thing that is missing
30:08 in the equation is this, in 1 Corinthians 15:22,
30:14 "As in Adam all die,
30:17 even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
30:20 What many people fail to realize is
30:23 when we are born into the world,
30:26 we are born alienated,
30:29 because we have this nature, this sin nature,
30:34 not so much a list of thing we've done wrong.
30:37 And I think that's where
30:38 people sometimes misunderstand the truth.
30:41 We haven't done all these terrible things.
30:43 We're not like Jeffrey Dahmer, we're not like Charles Manson,
30:47 we're not like the ramping murderer,
30:49 we're not a terrorist, we're not--
30:51 we're not any of those awful things.
30:52 We don't rob people, we don't rob stores,
30:54 we don't cheat, but if they fail to realize
30:58 it's the nature that they have is the issue.
31:02 That is the category we are in.
31:04 That results in these sins that occur.
31:07 That results in our condemnation.
31:08 Even if we did nothing wrong,
31:10 and there's nobody who's done nothing wrong,
31:12 but even if we did nothing atrocious it is the nature
31:15 that we have that has to be put to death,
31:17 the nature that condemns us, not just our acts.
31:20 You know even as a Christian though,
31:22 I find the battle that I have
31:26 is not recognizing the sin that I have.
31:31 I'm not a murderer, don't steal, don't lie,
31:35 you know, strict adherence,
31:37 you know, as far the Ten Commandments are concerned,
31:39 but when Jesus came He really elevated,
31:41 He raised the bar
31:43 as to what expectations were of Christians, to be like Him.
31:47 I mean, He was perfect.
31:48 So, you know, we can get our little things
31:51 that we begin to do
31:52 and we can get so kind of, we can rationalize
31:54 what we're doing is not really wrong.
31:58 Simple thing, we talked about this in a program
32:01 not too long ago, complaining.
32:05 Do I have the right to complain?
32:08 I mean, do I have the right to complain?
32:10 If, you know, this situation with Angie, two hours,
32:14 I mean, it just doesn't seem fair, does it?
32:17 She has the right to complain. That's not fair.
32:23 But the Bible says do all things
32:24 without murmuring and complaining.
32:28 Being critical of somebody else,
32:31 getting angry at somebody for doing something.
32:34 These things we kind of rationalize, they're okay,
32:37 'cause we have the right to do that.
32:39 But look at Jesus.
32:40 Did He have the right to come down off that cross?
32:47 Did He have the right to respond and retaliate
32:50 for those who were beating Him
32:52 and whipping Him and spitting on Him?
32:53 Did he have the right to do those things?
32:55 Yeah. Absolutely.
32:57 But he didn't, because it was in his nature.
33:00 He laid any of those rights aside.
33:03 And we as sinners, we like to exercise this right.
33:07 I have this--my dad was a very wise man
33:10 and he loved words and language
33:13 and deep thought kind of articles and stuff.
33:17 And he would bring stuff in front of me.
33:19 And he had this moment just he brought to me
33:20 that was very influential in my approach to life in general.
33:25 And it was an article and I still have it today.
33:28 An article called "The Justice Trap."
33:31 And what it essentially was saying,
33:32 the author was suggesting here that we in America
33:35 and the world in general are caught in this justice trap.
33:40 Well, it's not fair. And we want to exercise.
33:44 We want to assert our rights.
33:45 We want to make things fair.
33:47 And the conclusion is really
33:48 that the world is not a fair place.
33:50 True. It's not.
33:52 And the justice trap, the trap part about it is that
33:55 when we have this mentality that it's not fair
33:57 and we need to exercise our right or assert,
33:59 you know, get justice, when we fall into that trap,
34:03 we can never be satisfied with life,
34:06 because life is never fair.
34:08 And because it never will be fair
34:10 we can never be satisfied by the good life.
34:12 But Jesus came that we might have life
34:14 and have it more abundantly.
34:15 And part of that abundant life is recognizing life's not fair,
34:19 we're not good, we're sinners,
34:21 we're caught in a situation that we can't get ourselves out of.
34:24 I need Jesus. That's right.
34:27 And He lifts us out of that
34:29 and gives us the life that He wants us to have.
34:32 And we can argue and talk about,
34:34 oh, it's not fair for us to be condemned and so forth.
34:37 A lot of that comes out of a misunderstanding
34:38 of who God is and what His character really is.
34:41 That's where a lot of that is coming from.
34:43 But I think to a great degree
34:45 we need to realize no good dwells within us.
34:49 Nothing.
34:51 And if we understand that,
34:52 I think a lot less arguing and fighting
34:53 and complaining and disputing
34:55 what happened even within the church
34:57 that happens today
35:00 and we can move forward with His mission
35:01 knowing that we all have our things,
35:03 we all have our issues, but let's still unite together
35:06 and let's do this work that God has given us to do
35:09 which is proclaim the wonderful love of Christ
35:11 that he has for us and this gospel of salvation
35:14 that we have in Him to pick us up from where we are
35:18 and lift us up into high places
35:21 and eventually bring us up into heaven
35:23 and to live with Him for eternity.
35:25 When we understand our condition this topic of justification
35:29 I want to point at a few texts in the Bible
35:31 that really help us understand to see why it's impossible
35:34 for mercy to be extended to us
35:36 without the existence of God's law.
35:38 We talked about this a moment ago.
35:40 And we use analogies.
35:41 It always makes me chuckles when people,
35:45 kind of, say you're a pastor,
35:47 you got a ticket, you know, speeding ticket?
35:50 Do you know anybody who hasn't got a speeding ticket?
35:53 We had one elder in California
35:54 that had never gotten a speeding ticket all of his life.
35:57 And he was coming down between Concord and Antioch,
36:02 there's a pass there that he was coming down that.
36:04 I don't remember.
36:05 You may--you know exactly what I'm talking about.
36:07 But I remember his name right now, it's been so long.
36:10 He was coming down that coast,
36:11 you know, it's really steep and right at the very bottom
36:13 there was a highway patrol that caught him.
36:15 And he said to highway patrolman,
36:17 "I've never gotten a ticket in my life.
36:24 Please don't give me one."
36:26 And he said, "You were speeding."
36:31 And that--I'm sure there are several police officers
36:34 that love to hear that to give.
36:35 He can say in response,
36:37 "I'll be the first person to give you a ticket then,"
36:41 Oh, man, I tell you,
36:42 my wife got one many years ago on her birthday.
36:44 My--I had a cast on my left leg.
36:48 She had a doctor's appointment in St. Louis
36:50 and it was her birthday and we were going to St. Louis
36:53 to go to this doctor's appointment,
36:54 then stay out there and celebrate her birthday.
36:56 And she got a ticket
36:58 and she said to that police officer through tears,
37:00 "Please don't give me a ticket. Today is my birthday."
37:02 He said, "Well, then hurry up.
37:04 I don't want to keep you from celebrating.
37:05 Hurry up and give me your license
37:07 so we get this thing done and get over..."
37:09 It didn't really matter. It didn't really matter.
37:12 And I know of a young lady,
37:14 I performed her wedding with her husband.
37:16 She got a ticket on her wedding day.
37:18 She's on the way with her pre-bride dress on.
37:22 She said, "It's my wedding day."
37:23 He said, "Well, then hurry up.
37:25 What time are you getting married?
37:26 I don't want to take..."
37:28 So there's some people-- here's my point.
37:30 This whole thing about justice
37:32 it cannot be abrogated or it cannot be suspended,
37:37 because human nature cries for mercy, you see.
37:41 Proverbs 16:6.
37:45 This is funny. Oh, boy, I tell you.
37:49 Proverbs 16:6, Proverb is a--
37:51 if you want to get wise--
37:53 as a matter of fact Dr. Ben Carson said he--
37:56 growing up he read the Book of Proverb
37:58 so frequently, but here's one.
38:01 Proverbs 16, "In mercy and truth," no, mercy and truth.
38:07 "In mercy and truth atonement is provided for iniquity.
38:13 And by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil."
38:17 So you see clearly there two things exist
38:23 in the context of provision for our simple life.
38:28 Two things must abide together.
38:30 Mercy and truth and God's commandments are truth.
38:35 So you ask for mercy
38:37 but it has to be in the hand of the one who is--
38:40 now it doesn't say the police officers
38:42 or highway patrolmen or whatever category
38:44 they may be in that enforce the law,
38:48 it doesn't say that they are filled with mercy.
38:50 It said they are filled with justice, you see.
38:54 So God would be the one who atones for us,
38:59 but in Him is mercy and also truth.
39:04 Both of those exist together.
39:07 You know and Psalms, book of Psalms elevates this truth,
39:11 this concept of truth.
39:12 Psalm 119:151, "You are near, O, Lord,
39:18 and all Your commandments are truth." Okay.
39:23 Jesus says, "Sanctify them by your truth.
39:26 Your word is truth."
39:30 So we have here clearly God's word, His commandments.
39:36 Everything that we need, that is truth.
39:39 And coupled with them this atonement that's provided,
39:46 thinking about the atonement,
39:49 atonement really is an act of mercy.
39:52 Atonement is broken down with
39:54 basically by three separate words, at-one-ment. Very true.
39:58 It's a bringing together what has been apart.
40:01 And so when we seek mercy from God and He forgives our sin
40:06 He's performing an act of atonement,
40:09 in that He's bringing what is apart together again.
40:13 And Jesus is the one that makes that possible by His death.
40:18 So when we receive Him, then through Him
40:20 we are brought together as one with God.
40:24 That's right and so--
40:26 And so I mention that though
40:27 because it's part of the justified life.
40:29 It's part of what the justification is
40:31 that we have in Christ is the bringing together as one.
40:35 You know what we're actually doing here today
40:37 for those of you who are listening
40:39 and watching this program,
40:40 we're not talking about just the justification itself.
40:42 We're talking about why there is a need for justification.
40:46 So often we want to arrive at a particular location
40:48 without understanding why we need to arrive there,
40:51 why we need to be there.
40:52 We've talked about the fact that
40:54 none of us is guiltless before God,
40:58 not because we have done these atrocious things.
41:00 Somebody may say, "Well, man, am I that bad?"
41:05 Yeah, we are.
41:07 Not because we've done all these bad things
41:10 but because our wrapping, our packaging is defective.
41:13 That's the best way I can describe it.
41:14 The packaging is the nature of Adam
41:17 which we had no share in.
41:18 We had no share in that. We became inheritors.
41:22 And when you read that text when it says
41:25 visiting the inequity of the father
41:27 unto the children of third and fourth generation,
41:30 that's what happened.
41:31 The inequity of Adam has visited to us.
41:34 We become inheritors of this defaulty,
41:38 this faulty nature.
41:40 Not guilty of his specific sin. Right.
41:44 But the nature of sin now we have inherited.
41:47 And that's why some people say,
41:48 "Man, you're just as hot-headed as your dad."
41:51 We've heard that. Some people say,
41:52 "You're just as kind as your mother,"
41:54 or "kind as your father."
41:55 I don't want to make men hot-headed and women kind,
41:57 but sometimes people say,
41:59 "Boy, it just--I could tell you're part of that family
42:02 because everybody I've met
42:04 from that family is really, really rude."
42:06 Those are the nature-- those are the characteristics
42:08 that carry on from generation to generation.
42:11 And so we're not saying that
42:13 you are this terrible bad person,
42:15 that you're sitting in your house
42:16 scheming and conniving.
42:18 We're simply saying the nature that you were born with
42:22 does not qualify you for a different destination.
42:25 That nature can't fit in a different destination.
42:30 You know we've talked--
42:31 we're talking about the subject of justification
42:33 and it almost seems like
42:34 we've got to go to Romans Chapter 3.
42:37 Because that is probably one of the most profound
42:40 statements of why or how we are found guilty before God,
42:47 but then He bestows or gives us that forgiveness
42:50 that we have through Christ. Amen.
42:52 And so I'm gonna start with Romans 3:19. Okay.
42:56 "Now we know that whatever the law says
42:59 it says to those who are under the law,
43:01 that every mouth may be stopped,
43:03 and all the world may become guilty before God."
43:06 That's right.
43:07 So the law, the Ten Commandments
43:08 reveals the perfect character of Christ.
43:11 It reveals God's authority, who He is, His perfection.
43:16 And when we see that law we realize we're not like that.
43:19 We become guilty before God, okay.
43:22 Now there's something that law can't do though
43:26 and that's where we get to in verse 20,
43:28 "Therefore by the deeds of the law,"
43:31 in another words just by beginning to do it,
43:33 "no flesh will be justified in the sight of God,
43:37 for by the law is the knowledge of sin."
43:40 So it is true that the law cannot do anything to save us.
43:45 That is something that we agree
43:46 with our evangelical brethren on. Right.
43:49 The law cannot save us.
43:51 Just realizing you're guilty and saying,
43:52 "Okay, if I stop performing it now
43:54 or start performing it now
43:56 then I can work my way back to God
43:58 and I will be found in favor with Him."
44:01 But we've already broken it.
44:03 What's gonna happen with all the sins,
44:05 all the things we've done to break the law in the past?
44:07 Well, that's where Jesus comes in.
44:09 So we go a little further now.
44:11 Verse 21, "But now the righteousness of God
44:13 apart from the law," and there was something
44:15 other than the law had to come in
44:18 "had to be revealed to help us."
44:22 That is verse 22, "Even the righteousness of God
44:25 through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe.
44:30 For there is no difference, for all."
44:32 How many is that? All. Everyone.
44:35 "All have sinned and fall short of the glory to God."
44:38 We all need this intervening, this revealing of Christ
44:42 apart from what the law could do to save us.
44:46 Verse 24, "Being justified freely by His grace
44:51 through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus"
44:54 In another words Jesus saves us by His grace not the law.
44:58 The law can't save us.
44:59 The law condemns us in that we do not measure up.
45:03 And I like the fact, I want to just amplify this verse here
45:07 because when I look at Romans 3,
45:08 this Romans is a deep book,
45:11 but if you go back a few verses to verse 10
45:14 and the reason why this is so beautiful here is
45:16 because of what the stage had been--
45:17 how the stage had been set in Romans 3:10,
45:20 "As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.
45:26 There is none who understands,
45:28 there is none who seeks after God.
45:31 They have all gone out of the way,
45:34 they have together become unprofitable,
45:37 there is none who does good, no, not one."
45:41 So unless we come to that conclusion
45:44 this thing that God extends to us and this is beautiful.
45:47 This is where the good news comes in.
45:49 It says "we have been"--verse 24,
45:51 you read that "being justified freely."
45:54 We look at that and say, "Man, free.
45:56 Salvation is free." To you--
46:00 Not to God. But not to God.
46:02 It caused Him everything. He paid the price.
46:06 Peter says, "We are not redeemed
46:08 with corruptible things like gold and silver
46:10 but with the precious blood of Christ as of a spotless lamb."
46:15 He didn't just take out His credit card and swipe it.
46:18 He gave His life on the chopping block.
46:21 He said, "Life for life" and what's so beautiful about life
46:25 is that Jesus, that one life
46:27 can save the lives of every humanity.
46:30 That's how wealthy that one life is.
46:32 Do you know of anyone who has enough money to pay
46:36 for everybody who has ever lived to go on a trip to heaven?
46:40 I thought about it that way one day and I almost stopped.
46:44 I almost froze
46:46 because I don't know of anybody who has enough money to pay--
46:49 okay, let me put it this way,
46:51 number of years ago Oprah Winfrey
46:54 and this everybody in the studio that day she said,
46:56 "Everybody in here today is going to Australia"
46:58 and they went nuts.
47:01 She paid for everybody
47:03 and their family members to go to Australia.
47:06 She charted, I think two 747s. Wow.
47:11 That's some deep pocket. Yeah.
47:13 I mean, I can't even buy a dinner for everybody.
47:17 I can't go to Australia.
47:20 I mean, we couldn't--
47:22 we don't have the money in our own pockets
47:24 to pay for us to go to Australia,
47:25 let alone charter two planes
47:27 and pay for all their family members
47:29 to go to Australia.
47:31 That was huge and we were sitting there, it's like,
47:32 "uh, why can't I be in the audience that day?"
47:35 But then I think of Jesus.
47:38 See this is a topic that is just so exciting to me, to us.
47:41 We think of Jesus who says, "Hey, guys, guess what?
47:44 I can pay for everyone and their family to go to heaven."
47:49 And I'm thinking, "man, a lot of Oprah,
47:52 you just got played.
47:54 Oprah, you don't have any money.
47:56 Let me introduce you to somebody
47:57 who really can pay and who has paid it all."
48:01 It's just so humbling.
48:03 So when it says, "We've been justified freely by His grace,"
48:07 we're talking about that grace,
48:09 "through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
48:11 We're talking about something
48:13 that is so powerful, it leads right in.
48:16 And I don't know how many verses you're going down.
48:18 Keep reading on. Are you going down to verse 27?
48:20 Yeah. Verse 28?
48:22 Go ahead. 28, yes. Keep going.
48:24 "Whom God set forth"--
48:26 That's in verse 25, keep going.
48:28 "As a propitiation by His blood,
48:30 through faith to demonstrate His righteousness,
48:33 because in His forbearance God had passed over
48:37 the sins that were previously committed."
48:40 Stop and break that down.
48:43 He passes over previously committed sins. That's right.
48:47 So if you sinned in the past and you accept Jesus.
48:51 He's passed over them.
48:53 Pass over, get it? That's right.
48:55 He does not allow destruction to come to us,
48:58 because His blood causes destruction to pass over.
49:02 Ooh, that's deep. And what else does He do?
49:06 Verse 26.
49:07 "To demonstrate at the present time His righteousness,
49:10 that He might be just and the justifier
49:14 of the one who has faith in Jesus."
49:18 And verse 27, I got it, "Where is boasting then?"
49:23 That's the way he--so what are you boasting about?
49:26 It's almost like-- Nothing you can do.
49:28 There's nothing about you. It's not about you.
49:30 It's nothing you can do. Right.
49:31 So what do you have to boast about?
49:33 Tell me that you've done that you can boast about?
49:36 That's what Paul is in essence saying.
49:37 So tell me who you're boasting?
49:39 What are you boasting about?
49:40 He says, "Where is boasting then?
49:44 It is excluded. By what law? Of works?
49:48 No, by the law of faith."
49:51 How many have heard of the law of faith?
49:53 The law of faith is demonstrated in the very next passage.
49:57 "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified
50:01 by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
50:07 The law faith is justification.
50:10 Just as if I had never sinned.
50:12 Justified. That's right.
50:14 It's just powerful. So the Lord is saying you--
50:17 that's the law that you can never get rid of
50:20 because justification doesn't get
50:23 rid of the commandments of God
50:24 nor did justification get rid of the ceremonial law.
50:28 Sometimes people say which law do we get rid of?
50:31 Even if both of them were in force still today,
50:34 we still need justification through the life of Christ.
50:37 In fact verse 31 says,
50:38 "Do we then make void the law through faith?
50:40 Certainly not! Exclamation point.
50:43 On the contrary, we establish the law." That's right.
50:48 If you by faith believe and trust in Jesus
50:51 as your Lord and Savior
50:52 who has died and paid the penalty for your sins
50:55 you have established the authority of God's law.
51:00 Because the authority of God's law is still in effect.
51:02 It is still in place and condemns us
51:04 as a sinner in need of God's grace.
51:09 So grace and law are together.
51:13 It's not law or grace.
51:15 It's not Old Testament law, New Testament grace.
51:18 It's both testaments law and grace together.
51:22 That is what Paul is saying and so anything outside of that--
51:27 if you're pastor or you're, you know, school teacher
51:31 or you're church teacher,
51:34 whoever is teaching that the law was done away with by Christ,
51:38 he is completely contrary to what we just read,
51:41 that the law is established by the faith we have in Jesus.
51:44 In fact Revelation 14:12. John, I'm there.
51:48 Oh, we do think alike sometimes. Go ahead.
51:51 "Here is the patience of the saints.
51:53 Here are those who keep the commandments of God,
51:58 and the faith of Jesus."
52:01 Law and faith, together.
52:04 Saved by grace through faith,
52:06 but do we make void the law though faith? Uh-uh.
52:10 You establish it.
52:11 This is the amazing part about it
52:12 and I want to emphasize this.
52:14 People have said over and over and I've heard pastors say this,
52:18 but what they are meaning is something quite different
52:20 than what the Bible is meaning.
52:21 They say, "You can't be saved by keeping the law therefore,"
52:26 they're saying, "don't try to keep it."
52:29 The first part of statement is accurate,
52:31 the second part is not a conclusion
52:33 supported by Scripture.
52:34 And I've got statements here.
52:37 We read a question the other day.
52:39 You know, we don't--we are not against the Old Testament
52:41 and we're not saying there's anything
52:43 wrong with the law
52:44 but we don't have to keep it to be saved.
52:47 That was the problem with that statement
52:48 and that's exactly what you're reiterating.
52:51 The law of God doesn't save us.
52:52 It points out our need of a Savior.
52:55 But once you have that Savior,
52:56 you can't be saved without living in harmony with that law.
52:59 Thank you. Because they are together.
53:01 The law can't save you. You can't keep it to be saved.
53:04 We can't say this enough, but when you are saved
53:07 you don't live out of harmony with it.
53:10 I like the way John Carter said, he says,
53:12 "You don't have to be good to be saved.
53:15 You have to be saved to be good."
53:17 I like that. Isn't that powerful?
53:19 That's good. Everybody went, whoa.
53:22 When you are saved you are good,
53:24 the law is holy and just and good.
53:29 When you are saved you are good.
53:31 You cannot be good
53:32 and be out of harmony with something that is good.
53:34 And what he's really saying is when you are saved
53:37 God makes you a keeper of His law.
53:40 Your life, they say you want to see the commandments of God?
53:43 There it is. That person's living in harmony.
53:45 Wait a minute. Profound thought.
53:47 If you love me, keep my commandments.
53:50 The only way to get the commandments first
53:52 is through Christ. That's right.
53:53 The relationship has to be established first.
53:56 So when He says keep,
53:58 He's implying you've already received those commandments
54:01 through what Christ has done for you. That's right.
54:03 So He's asking you to keep something, not perform it,
54:06 to do it, to attain it.
54:08 He didn't say attain my commandments.
54:09 That's right. He said keep them.
54:13 He didn't say perform my commandments.
54:14 No. That's right.
54:15 You're keeping what God has given you
54:17 through faith in Christ. Wow.
54:20 So you are keeping something that only He can give you.
54:23 So if you have-- you don't have Jesus yet,
54:25 there's no keeping, 'cause you don't have them.
54:28 Once you have Jesus then there's keeping the commandments,
54:30 because you've got Jesus and His laws.
54:32 Wow, it's like receiving the garment.
54:34 Blessed is he that keepth his garment
54:36 not he that maketh his garment. That's right.
54:38 Not he that designth his garment.
54:40 I've just given you a garment, keep it. That's right.
54:43 I've just-- now you are one
54:45 that I can entrust my law to keep it.
54:48 Just like He gave Moses the commandments, keep them.
54:52 Oh, that's a deep thought. That's a very deep thought.
54:54 Never thought of it that way but that's--
54:56 That's the evidence of inspiration.
54:59 The Lord, when He comes to us,
55:02 the provision He makes is not something that is shoddy.
55:06 He doesn't require of us to put something together now
55:09 to harness our relationship
55:11 or govern and guide our relationship with Him.
55:14 He says, "I already have the guidelines.
55:17 Here they are now."
55:18 And you know, John, let me add to that.
55:20 This is beautiful.
55:21 This is beautiful, praise God for that.
55:23 He's in essence saying, okay,
55:25 "Up until this point--"
55:27 I'm gonna just make this obscure.
55:28 I don't want the title of this to be seen.
55:31 He said, "Up until this point I could not trust you with this
55:38 because you would have violated them to no end
55:42 but now that I've saved you
55:45 here's my commandments."
55:46 Keep them. "Keep them."
55:49 And you accept them.
55:51 And you say, "You mean, you're giving this to me?"
55:56 I can live like this.
55:57 You mean--yeah, because that's your life.
56:00 You are not out of harmony with any of the--
56:02 you mean, I'm actually living in harmony with this?
56:05 That's what Isaiah 8:16 says.
56:08 Go to Isaiah 8:16 before our time slips away.
56:10 You see, friends, the beauty of the justified life
56:13 is the Lord couldn't even give us His law.
56:16 He couldn't even give it to us.
56:18 Although it's in authority. Right.
56:20 But we don't have it yet.
56:22 It's only condemning us from afar.
56:23 Well, get the point, He gave it to Moses.
56:26 When did it get broken?
56:28 Because of the transgression of the people.
56:30 It didn't get broken in Moses' hands.
56:32 Isaiah 8:16. Okay. Is that powerful?
56:36 Yeah, it's all working. The Lord is working.
56:38 "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples."
56:43 Wow. We're talking about the sealing.
56:45 Where is the law sealed? Among His disciples.
56:50 Because He gave it to us. Notice--
56:52 How is it sealed? In our minds, in our hearts.
56:54 Ezekiel, "I will put my laws within them
56:57 and cause them to walk in my statues and do them."
57:02 And, John, when you think about that,
57:03 the doing of His law, how can we do that
57:05 because it's in our heart, in our lives?
57:08 There's no other way that we can do them
57:10 except He seals them in among us.
57:14 That's powerful. It's a powerful thought.
57:16 So when you think about that, friends, here at "House Calls,"
57:18 I mean, we're so excited about this topic
57:19 because the Lord wants to do so much in our lives
57:23 but we have to give Him the permission.
57:24 So today, let me encourage you,
57:27 ask the Lord to come in, justify and change you life.
57:30 And by the way, have a great day in Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17