House Calls

The Work of the Spirit -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang (Host), Pr. John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL130010

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of "House Calls."
00:23 Well, hello and welcome to another edition of "House Calls"
00:26 as they would say in the real world.
00:28 But you know what, I have a secret to share with you,
00:30 don't tell anybody I'm not here by myself.
00:33 Got this big guy sitting over here next to me,
00:36 who has even borrowed my name.
00:37 We share something in common.
00:39 How you're doing, John?
00:40 We do, we do. Good to see you, John.
00:42 The east coast and the west coast has been--
00:44 see I'm a native New Yorker, he's a native Californian.
00:47 We have the entire nation wrapped up
00:49 in this one program from east to west.
00:53 So get your family members together,
00:55 this is gonna be a great program.
00:57 What are we gonna continue with today, John?
00:59 Just tell us kind of give us a preview.
01:00 We're talking about the work of the Spirit
01:02 in the members of the church.
01:03 Okay, that's right. Is it important?
01:05 Absolutely. Okay. Wow.
01:08 And so you know, what we do in this program
01:10 before we get to our Bible questions and comments,
01:12 we always like to thank you.
01:13 But get your Bibles together,
01:15 invite your family members to sit down.
01:17 Or if you are watching this on Wednesday night,
01:21 hey, welcome to the prayer meeting group.
01:23 Or if you are watching this at home
01:25 with a lot of people in your home,
01:26 hey, thank you for choosing to do so.
01:29 But make sure you have your Bibles,
01:31 a pen if necessary to take down some notes.
01:33 And in just a moment we will give you an email
01:35 where you can send your questions and comments.
01:38 But before we do anything else, we always have prayer.
01:40 John, would you pray for us? Let's pray.
01:43 Gracious Father in heaven,
01:44 we again come before Your throne here seeking Your presence.
01:48 We invite Your spirit to be here with us,
01:51 not only to work in our hearts
01:52 but Lord through our minds
01:54 to bring out Your word in its clarity.
01:57 And especially what Your will is
01:59 for Your church here during this day,
02:01 where You've given us a work to do.
02:04 But we know we've been promised that Jesus is coming soon
02:07 and we believe that.
02:08 But Lord, we-- may we be about Your business,
02:11 as Your people here in these days.
02:13 And may we understand that will all the more clearly.
02:16 In Jesus' name, amen.
02:17 Amen. Thank you, John.
02:20 And by the way before we get our questions,
02:21 if you have any questions or comments
02:23 you like to send to us, you can send them
02:25 to the following email,
02:29 That's
02:33 And try to make them less condensed as you possibly can.
02:36 Some people send questions which are in fact
02:39 maybe their final will and testament, it's so long.
02:42 We won't be able to answer those questions
02:44 and if you send us too much it overwhelms us
02:47 and then we kind of overlook that.
02:49 If we have to sort it too much to find the question,
02:51 it makes it difficult for us.
02:53 So try not to send us your opinion,
02:55 if you do short and then to the question.
02:58 John, what is our question for today?
02:59 The first one you have.
03:01 Yeah, this first question is from Alison. Okay.
03:05 And she lives in the Caribbean and she says,
03:08 she had a question that came up
03:09 recently in a Sabbath school discussion.
03:12 And so she's wondering if may be we could help with it.
03:15 She says here that they were discussing
03:18 the issue of forgiveness. Okay.
03:20 And the point was made that there was no room
03:23 for restoration in the process of forgiveness. Okay.
03:27 By this they meant that if someone has done you wrong
03:31 and you've forgiven them that word is base--
03:34 that is basically the end of it that you've forgiven them.
03:37 One person said that when Adam and Eve sin
03:39 in the Garden of Eden although God forgave them,
03:41 He did not restore them to their original position.
03:45 So there is no biblical teaching
03:47 to support the notion of restoring a brother or sister.
03:51 And so anyway she is saying,
03:53 I'd really appreciate your comments
03:54 and your help on this. All right.
03:57 You know, maybe the more appropriate word I would say
03:59 that's part of the forgiveness process
04:01 may not be restoration in its fullness,
04:04 but is reconciliation.
04:09 And they are similar words in that restoring somebody
04:13 can also mean that you've reconciled with them.
04:16 In other words you restore them
04:17 into a position of relationship with somebody.
04:20 So if there's been a fall out among two individuals,
04:25 harsh words were said.
04:27 Then they come to the realization
04:29 that one of them or maybe both of them
04:32 had been in the wrong.
04:33 They might forgive each other
04:35 and then the relationship would be restored.
04:38 What you call typically that process of restoration
04:41 there in that context is reconciliation.
04:44 And the Bible is full of forgiveness and reconciliation.
04:49 So if we're saying that restoration cannot take place
04:53 and we include reconciliation that would be unbiblical.
04:57 Because the biblical view of reconciliation is that
04:59 when God forgives us, He does reconcile with us.
05:03 And in Christ we are made a child of God,
05:06 we are adopted back into the family.
05:09 And in that respect He restores us
05:11 to the family of God, right? It's true.
05:14 But full restoration cannot take place
05:16 and won't take place until the very end of time
05:19 when Jesus comes again, gives us new bodies,
05:21 transforms us into perfect beings
05:24 and we are fully restored.
05:26 And then eventually after 1000 years,
05:28 restored on this earth with a new creation,
05:30 the earth created a new.
05:32 So full restoration will take place eventually.
05:34 So you would say the restoration is a part
05:37 of the biblical model of forgiveness.
05:38 It's just at the end of it. It's true.
05:41 But along the process there is a restoring,
05:43 a restoring of relationships, a restoring of many things
05:47 which is more of the context of reconciliation.
05:51 It begins right at the moment of forgiveness.
05:54 John, I like-- one professor once said
06:00 that forgiveness can be a very challenging topic to understand.
06:07 But he explained it this way.
06:08 He said, let's say I set a forgiveness ball
06:12 here on the table.
06:13 In other words there is dispute between you and I
06:17 which we never had a dispute. Right.
06:19 And we may have disagreed on things,
06:21 but we don't dispute ever,
06:22 but let say we did
06:24 and I wanted to forgive you.
06:29 I would take forgiveness and put it on the table.
06:33 And that is me forgiving you
06:35 regardless of how you respond to that.
06:39 Reconciliation may take place when you pick up
06:43 the forgiveness ball and take it and accept it.
06:46 I got you, it's a good one.
06:47 And then we become friends in the full context
06:51 of how we always were. Right.
06:54 Many times that doesn't happen,
06:56 but it doesn't mean that we are called by God
06:59 to put down the ball.
07:02 In other words to forgive somebody else,
07:04 regardless of whether or not they pick it up.
07:07 And in the same way, Jesus has done that at the cross.
07:11 He has offered forgiveness to all mankind.
07:15 Only some have picked it up.
07:17 Only some have received that forgiveness.
07:19 Other than that it was kind of an elementary analogy
07:22 but kind of a good picture,
07:23 an interesting picture of forgiveness here.
07:25 And that full restoration may not take place
07:28 but forgiveness is required by God's people.
07:30 God said very clearly,
07:32 "If you do not forgive as I've forgiven,
07:34 then I won't forgive you." That's right.
07:36 And so forgiveness is a requirement
07:38 in the Christian life.
07:39 It is part of who we become of forgiving people
07:42 when God changes our life.
07:44 Full restoration may not take place until the very end
07:47 but in some elements of it there is a restoration
07:50 that does occur and I consider that more of a reconciliation
07:53 that occurs when forgiveness is offered.
07:55 So anyway that's what I have to say
07:56 about at least that topic,
07:58 maybe you have a few things you like to wane on it.
08:01 Forgiveness is something we always want
08:04 people to do for us,
08:07 but not something we always willing to do for others.
08:10 It's really, it's a sad thing but at sometimes when we astray,
08:14 we'll say to people, please forgive us.
08:20 But sometimes we are not as quick to forgive others.
08:23 And I like that as you were closing up that thought,
08:26 John, you made it very clear.
08:28 Forgiveness is reciprocal, think of a revolving door
08:32 as you go into a store.
08:34 You go into forgiveness
08:36 but also forgiveness brings you out,
08:38 brings you into a relationship it allows--
08:41 in other words if I'm using the analogy correctly
08:44 forgiveness goes both ways.
08:46 If you want somebody to forgive you,
08:48 then you must be willing to forgive someone.
08:51 If you are not willing to extend forgiveness,
08:53 then it's quite honoree to require somebody to forgive you.
09:00 And then the other thing
09:01 you have to keep in mind about forgiveness.
09:03 If you forgive someone don't demand
09:06 that they forgive you,
09:08 because you cannot activate that.
09:09 You see, I have told in counseling to people
09:12 I said, well, you need to forgive your wife All right.
09:15 But she did some wrong things to me too.
09:16 So I got a phone call one day and a lady said,
09:21 you know, my husband came home today
09:24 and ask me to forgive him and I did.
09:27 I mean he came home and apologized to me
09:31 and but then he demanded me
09:35 to apologize to him. He demanded.
09:38 And the problem started all over again. Yeah.
09:41 Because it's not about
09:43 forgiving me or me forgiving him,
09:44 it's about him being in control.
09:47 So let's not use forgiveness as a control to.
09:49 Okay, I've forgiven you now, are you going to forgive me?
09:52 I got time, you know.
09:55 Let's be very, let's be very Christian about it
09:58 because forgiveness is something that is activated
10:00 by the presence of God in a person's life.
10:03 If the presence of God is not in a person's life,
10:07 then the forgiveness may be like
10:09 a single drop of rain on a thirsty soul.
10:12 It really wouldn't do anything,
10:14 but just run right off your skin
10:17 not even given time to be absorbed.
10:20 So make sure that if you forgive
10:24 you do so out of a loving heart.
10:25 Not, and get this, not expecting anything in return
10:32 'cause it doesn't always come back to you.
10:34 That's why when John said,
10:35 he put the ball down I could see that.
10:37 See I'm not gonna look at the ball
10:38 on the table differently from now on.
10:41 If I see a ball on the table I'm gonna think of,
10:43 okay, I put forgiveness on the table,
10:45 but now you got to pick it up.
10:47 And that's a very good analogy, thank you for that.
10:50 Well, we have a question here that may take about an hour,
10:54 but I won't make it that long.
10:57 What does the four beasts represent
11:00 that Daniel dreamed of in Daniel 7.
11:04 Thank you, Ronal, sent from your BlackBerry. Okay.
11:11 And BlackBerry is a device nowadays.
11:13 Used to be a fruit, but now it's a device.
11:16 Daniel 7.
11:18 Now what I like to do
11:19 I'd like to open up Daniel 7 with a caveat of that.
11:24 What's talked about in Daniel 7
11:26 was first introduced in Daniel 2.
11:30 So go with me to Daniel 2,
11:32 then we're gonna get a chance to go to Daniel 7.
11:34 And we're gonna see how God prophecy sometimes
11:38 is say define,
11:43 re-say build, define.
11:46 So let's look first at Daniel 2.
11:49 I'm not gonna read the whole of Daniel 2,
11:51 I'm just gonna simply summarize
11:53 the first part of Daniel 2 by saying,
11:56 Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon had a dream.
12:00 He dreamed of gold, silver, bronze or brass and then iron,
12:06 then an image with toes of iron and clay mixed together.
12:11 And then when Daniel was called
12:13 to give the interpretation of the dream,
12:16 he began by reading in Daniel.
12:22 He didn't begin by reading in Daniel,
12:24 but what's written in Daniel 2
12:26 is how Daniel began as he addressed the king.
12:29 Look at Daniel 2:31.
12:33 He speaks to Nebuchadnezzar because he said to them,
12:36 there's a God in heaven who makes this known
12:38 and up until this point none of Nebuchadnezzar's prophets
12:41 and soothsayers and fortunetellers
12:44 could even tell Nebuchadnezzar what he dreamt,
12:47 let alone what it meant.
12:49 But in verse 28, Daniel begins,
12:52 "But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets,
12:55 and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar
12:58 what will be in the latter days.
12:59 Your dream, and the visions of your head
13:02 upon your bed, were these."
13:03 And he went ahead and-- go down to verse 32.
13:07 "This image was of fine gold, its chest and arms in silver,
13:12 its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron,
13:15 its feet partly of iron and partly of clay."
13:18 And so he begins to describe this image very carefully
13:20 and he goes to verse 38
13:22 and at the end of verse 38,
13:24 he says to Nebuchadnezzar, "You are this head of gold."
13:29 So right away if Nebuchadnezzar represents the head of gold
13:33 and Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom is the kingdom of Babylon,
13:36 then this head of gold represents
13:38 the kingdom of Babylon.
13:40 So now the reason why this is so widely important
13:42 because you're gonna go to Revelation
13:43 and you're gonna see whenever it talks about Babylon,
13:46 it talks about the woman representing Babylon
13:48 having the golden cup in her hand.
13:51 So right away where did that come from?
13:53 It was not just an image given to John the revelator,
13:56 but it was established in the Book of Daniel.
14:00 God first gave that
14:01 and he talks about that in the Book of Ezekiel.
14:04 Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of God.
14:07 So gold and Babylon are synonymous.
14:10 But now let's go to Daniel 7
14:12 and see what else is synonymous about this kingdom of Babylon.
14:16 And now this is during the reign of Belshazzar.
14:21 And Belshazzar is the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar.
14:27 It often makes it appears though he is the son,
14:30 but he is the grandson.
14:32 In the first year, Belshazzar, king of Babylon,
14:35 Daniel now has the dream.
14:37 Now the reason for the dream
14:39 is God once again gives the vision,
14:41 gives the interpretation.
14:43 Now He gives Daniel the vision
14:44 and He gives the reinterpretation
14:46 or the further expansion of what Daniel had already
14:50 told Nebuchadnezzar about Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
14:53 So let's look at Daniel 7:4, or verse 3.
14:57 "And four great beasts came up from the sea,
15:00 each different from the other.
15:02 The first was like a lion."
15:04 Verse 5. "The second like a bear."
15:06 Verse 6, "And there was another like a leopard
15:11 with four heads and four wings."
15:16 The second was like a bear with ribs in his mouth.
15:19 The first one like a lion that had eagle's wings.
15:22 And then verse 7, "After this I saw in the night visions,
15:25 and behold a fourth beast
15:27 dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong.
15:29 It had huge iron teeth it was devouring, breaking in pieces,
15:35 and trampling the residue with its feet."
15:39 But it says something here,
15:41 "It was different from all the beasts that were before it,
15:45 and it had ten horns."
15:47 So you find John, I mean Daniel now
15:50 let's make the connections, gold, lion.
15:55 After the kingdom of Babylon,
15:59 you've got to ask yourself the question,
16:00 what kingdom came next?
16:03 Well, let's look at Daniel 6 and we will see,
16:08 we will see exactly what happened in Daniel 6.
16:12 Well, Daniel 6 is the continuing
16:15 the end of the reign of Belshazzar.
16:18 In Daniel 5:30, "That very night Belshazzar,
16:22 king of the Chaldeans was slain."
16:25 Daniel 5:30.
16:27 "And Darius the Mede received the kingdom,
16:30 being about 62 years old."
16:33 So what happened, right after the Babylonian kingdom,
16:36 you had the kingdom of the Medes.
16:40 But this kingdom was a kingdom that was diverse.
16:44 Look at Daniel 6:8, okay.
16:50 "Now, O king, establish the decree,
16:53 sign the writing so that it cannot be changed,
16:55 according to the law of the Medes and the Persians."
16:59 So you see Daniel-- while Darius the Mede began,
17:03 you had Cyrus the Persian.
17:05 And this is also talked about in Daniel 8.
17:08 This was talked about as the kingdom with two horns,
17:11 one came up first, but the one that came up second
17:13 was greater than the one that came up first.
17:15 So now we have established two things.
17:17 We have Babylon, then we have Medo-Persia.
17:21 But then there's gonna be another one
17:23 because the third one that Daniel dreamed off
17:25 was the kingdom of bronze.
17:27 And then in Daniel 7
17:29 this kingdom was referred to in Daniel 7
17:32 as a kingdom with-- like a leopard
17:37 and on its back had four wings of a bird.
17:40 Also had four heads dominion was given to it.
17:43 So now we find out, well, who is this?
17:46 Well, when you begin to see what kingdom came
17:49 after the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians,
17:53 you find that there is a kingdom that came after that,
17:56 that in prophecy it's referred to as the kingdom of Greece.
18:00 And we know that king to be Alexander the great.
18:03 Now why is the four heads and four wings talk about there,
18:05 because when Alexander died
18:07 four generals took over the kingdoms
18:10 that were under Alexander's control.
18:13 And I have those names,
18:14 Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy and Seleucus.
18:18 So that's where the four heads and four wings come in.
18:21 But then you have the last kingdom
18:23 and I'll spend a little bit more time on this one
18:25 because the kingdom that came right after the Grecian empire
18:29 was the kingdom of Rome,
18:31 this iron, powerful, dominant kingdom.
18:35 And by the way, but I don't want to spend time now
18:39 to talk about this because these programs
18:41 I don't want to add a time frame to them.
18:44 But let's look at something very important here.
18:46 This fourth kingdom represented a kingdom
18:48 that existed throughout all of the New Testament.
18:53 A kingdom that existed through the reign,
18:56 through the earthly ministry of Christ.
18:58 A kingdom that existed
19:00 through the ministry of the disciples
19:01 and the apostles of the New Testament
19:03 and a kingdom that is still existing today.
19:06 Now, John, tell us just to change the voice tone
19:10 what is that kingdom?
19:11 Well, each kingdom that succeeded that came after--
19:17 actually that came after from Babylon on
19:20 was the one that conquered it.
19:22 So you have Medes and Persians conquered Babylon.
19:24 You had the Greece
19:25 that conquered the Medes and Persians.
19:27 Both actually identified in Daniel 8,
19:30 specifically by name. That's right.
19:32 What's not identified by name is the fourth beast.
19:37 But if we follow the same principles
19:38 as who conquered the one before it,
19:41 then we have to ask who conquered Greece? Right.
19:45 And the nation that conquered Greece was Rome. That's right.
19:48 And the connection there,
19:49 very quickly I'll turn it back to you.
19:51 The connection there that we find in both visions,
19:54 Nebuchadnezzar's visions and Daniel's vision,
19:56 Nebuchadnezzar talks about the image having legs of iron.
20:02 And Daniel in Daniel 7 talks about this image
20:05 having huge iron teeth, iron, iron. Right.
20:10 So the same kingdoms that are being talked about,
20:13 the same kingdom that's been talked about.
20:15 And if you look at any historical reference,
20:18 Rome was known as the iron kingdom,
20:21 not as valuable as Babylon.
20:22 Gold and iron is not the same in value.
20:24 You don't have iron being sold,
20:27 people not trading and buying iron
20:29 and trying to store up iron, you know, buy things with iron.
20:32 But gold is lot more valuable.
20:35 So here's the key, depreciating in value
20:39 but increasing in strength.
20:41 Iron, right now we exist,
20:43 we are existing under the iron kingdom of Rome.
20:46 And this kingdom, the Bible says,
20:48 will trample the residue of its feet.
20:51 In other words all of humanity
20:53 is one day going to be under the reign,
20:57 under the power, under the influence
21:01 of this final and fourth kingdom,
21:03 the kingdom of Rome.
21:05 So in a nutshell that's what Daniel 7 primarily is.
21:08 And it says that a little horn grew up amongst that
21:11 along with other horns.
21:14 There were 10 horns originally
21:15 but a little horn came out there became most prominent,
21:18 uprooted three horns and basically ruled
21:21 the rest of those kingdoms represented by horns
21:25 and drove this fourth beast down to the very end of time.
21:29 So we have the fourth beast existing today, Rome
21:33 but it's in the form of this little horn power
21:36 which is religious and political at the same time
21:39 which is why its different than the other beasts.
21:42 So if you read through here you will see that
21:44 it was a long period of time that this fourth beast
21:48 and a little horn existed and was in power,
21:52 because you find it all the way down
21:54 to the end of Daniel essentially.
21:57 That's right.
21:58 And you have to admit today that the in the kingdom of Rome
22:03 and we don't often refer to Rome
22:05 in proper like Rome as a kingdom.
22:08 But in Rome there's a kingdom within Rome.
22:12 This Vatican City,
22:13 it's a kingdom within a fourth kingdom.
22:16 So and the little mouth speaking great things
22:20 represents the head of the Vatican the pope himself.
22:24 So that power going from Pagan Rome to Papal Rome.
22:27 So today we have Papal Rome
22:29 or as it would be referred to as the holy sea.
22:32 But the holy sea is seen in the world
22:34 as political on one side and religious on the other.
22:37 As is the case, governments and leaders
22:40 of all nations around the world
22:41 acknowledged his political powers,
22:43 but at the very same time it's a religious power.
22:47 And that's why when the Bible says,
22:48 it shall be different from all the others,
22:50 it is very different from all the others.
22:52 While there were religious elements in Babylon
22:55 because worship was something that Nebuchadnezzar
22:57 was seeking to enforce upon its population.
23:00 It was not a religious kingdom.
23:02 It was not one that had parlayed religion and politics together.
23:06 But in the kingdom of Rome,
23:08 religion and politics are on equal footing. Yeah.
23:11 So anyway, one more--you have one more question? Yeah.
23:14 This one comes from Coleen.
23:17 And she says I wonder if you could perhaps explain this.
23:19 We know that the Ark of the Covenant
23:22 was kept in the holy of holies, the most holy place
23:25 in the temple until the exile of the Babylon.
23:29 Also that the temple was rebuilt
23:31 when they returned after 70 years in Jerusalem.
23:34 Was anything else then placed in the holiest place?
23:37 Because they hid the Ark of the Covenant
23:40 before Babylon's captured and they did not put that
23:45 ark back into the temple that was rebuilt.
23:49 So was there anything else put there?
23:52 Also did the priest still
23:54 enter there on the Day of Atonement?
23:56 Was God's presence still there without the original ark
23:59 containing the Ten Commandments?
24:01 So let's answer those questions first.
24:03 Some of them we don't have an explicit statement,
24:05 what we have are old testaments by.
24:10 And I'm not saying the Old Testament,
24:11 I'm saying their old books
24:13 that were written by those back in the day,
24:16 in fact I think you go back to what it is Josephus.
24:18 Josephus, historian.
24:20 Who was a historian
24:21 and he has some commentary on this as well.
24:25 You have also some non-canon Jewish writings.
24:29 Non-canon to, its Christians that is Jewish writings
24:31 that talk about things
24:32 and where could the temple be today.
24:34 I mean the Ark of the Covenant be today.
24:37 But none of them really expressly says
24:39 here is what was in the second apartment
24:42 during the time of Jesus.
24:44 So we don't know.
24:46 We can say that God's glory, the Shekinah Glory wasn't there
24:50 because it dwell between the ark and the ark wasn't there.
24:53 Furthermore Jesus
24:56 was the Shekinah Glory of the Old Testament.
24:59 He's there now in person,
25:00 He's the Son of Man and the Son of God.
25:03 So He's the express image of His person,
25:06 what is that the Colossians. Yeah.
25:08 And that's--actually Hebrews, Hebrews 1:3,
25:13 "Who being the brightness of His glory
25:15 and the express image of His person."
25:18 And so you find and this is something else
25:21 as I continue to consider the whole aspect,
25:25 one of the aspects of the services
25:30 that continue there,
25:33 even in the time of the ministry of Jesus
25:37 when His crucifixion was about to,
25:41 was about to occur,
25:44 the priests were about to take the life of a lamb.
25:48 Symbolizing they had a temple still established
25:52 in which sacrifices were carried out.
25:56 Thereby meaning they still had a high priest.
25:59 So but what was so widely important
26:02 and I'm getting back down to the Shekinah Glory,
26:05 because one of the ways that the children of Israel
26:07 knew that God was in their presence,
26:10 is His glory was radiating above the most holy place.
26:15 Whenever they saw the glory of God there,
26:16 they knew that God in the cloud had descended
26:20 and His presence was there.
26:23 But what was the purpose of the coming of Christ?
26:27 You find something very important
26:29 to tie this two together.
26:31 Matthew 1:23, it says, "Call his name Immanuel"
26:35 which is translated, "God with us."
26:38 So he asked the question.
26:39 Is God in the--
26:41 is God reflecting His presence among the people
26:43 in the Shekinah Glory in the temple
26:46 or is God's presence expressed among the people
26:49 through the person of Christ.
26:51 And I would say that the image of
26:54 or the presence of God is now expressed
26:56 and set up in a building made with hands,
26:59 it's now expressed in the person of His son
27:02 who has come as Colossians 2:9 says,
27:06 "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."
27:11 So for those who are still involved
27:13 in the temple services
27:14 were missing the very point that, hey,
27:16 the glory of God is right here in the person of His son.
27:21 And they rejected that glory
27:23 that was to be displayed in the person of His son.
27:26 The last part of this question says.
27:28 Did the Levites regularly washed
27:30 the curtain between the two sections,
27:32 refers to two apartments
27:34 where the blood of the sacrificed animals
27:36 was continuingly sprinkled,
27:38 because it must have been a bit heavy.
27:40 Well, Coleen is right here
27:44 and I found in one of the extra biblical writings
27:48 that Jewish writings it says here that
27:50 when the second temple was built.
27:52 This is after the captivity in Babylon,
27:56 that overtime it became very unclean
28:02 and needed to be washed.
28:03 And it says 300 priests were needed for the job
28:07 to take down the temple veil, wash it and bring it back
28:11 after it's been dried and putting it back up again.
28:14 So of course--again this is extra biblical material,
28:17 it's not here but we can say that
28:20 yes, they did probably washed that there
28:22 and it took 300 priests just to take it down
28:25 and move it to be able to wash it.
28:27 Anyway I hope that helps a little bit.
28:29 It doesn't provide absolute answers
28:31 that are all from God's word,
28:33 but I think it is pretty--
28:36 good indication of what happened.
28:38 That's why when you think about all these washings,
28:41 these washings that were some, in some case,
28:43 not speaking about the temple curtain
28:45 but washings that were ceremonial.
28:47 You find that how does the Lord prepare His church?
28:52 By the washing of the word.
28:54 So if you could add to that component
28:56 washings still happens today.
28:59 The people of God are not only cleansed
29:00 by the blood of Christ, all this is temple language.
29:04 Not only cleanse by the blood of Christ
29:05 and the sins been forgiven by His shed blood.
29:09 But the church is also washed, washed by the water of the word.
29:14 See, washed, washing of water by the word.
29:18 Ephesians 5:26 that's how we are cleansed today,
29:22 that's how the church is cleansed.
29:23 And so as you study the word of God,
29:25 there is a continual cleansing
29:27 that is taking place in your life
29:29 because the word of God
29:31 or even though it is the bread of life,
29:33 it is also the water of life
29:36 continuing to wash and purify us.
29:39 And so that's a beautiful, that's a beautiful analogy
29:41 when you think about how the Lord has--
29:46 in the word built in not just the receiving of knowledge,
29:50 but the cleansing of the body temple
29:54 as was the case in the earthly temple.
29:57 Lot of comparisons there, but when you understand
30:00 the sanctuary services,
30:01 it jumps out even more carefully.
30:03 Well, thank you for your questions
30:05 and your comments
30:06 and if you like to send any more questions to us,
30:08 even to clarify something we have asked or talked about.
30:12 Send them to
30:15 That's and we thank you very much.
30:20 Now John, we've got about little less than 30 minutes,
30:24 so let's continue on our topic today
30:27 and I like you to open the can there for us.
30:30 It's a good can by the way, not a can of worm.
30:33 Let's-- very good topic
30:35 and let me just-- I just told you open up.
30:37 Let me just say something as you do so.
30:40 One of the reasons why this is important
30:42 in the capacity of the work that you are participating
30:45 is because you are involved in the evangelism
30:48 and personal ministries, am I right? Yes.
30:50 Let me just say that without stumble,
30:52 evangelism and personal ministries
30:53 in the Upper Columbia Conference.
30:55 And one of the challenges that the church faces,
31:00 no matter where it's located
31:02 is activating its members to be involved in the ministry,
31:07 but a lot of members think that
31:08 the minister is the one who's involved in ministry. Right.
31:12 Or the pastor, so to speak. Yeah.
31:14 Not realizing that there are roles
31:16 that God established in scripture
31:19 for the equipping of the saints.
31:21 So now let's get back to this
31:23 and talk about some of the aspects
31:24 of why we feel that ministry
31:27 is so widely important for the individual Christian.
31:31 Well, you know, the original plan
31:33 and especially when you look at the Book of Acts,
31:36 you find that it wasn't just pastors
31:39 that were going around staying in churches
31:42 and helping to lead out in churches.
31:43 The elders were appointed for that,
31:45 the deacons were to help with that.
31:48 There were definitely some church leadership
31:52 established to provide oversight for local churches.
31:56 But it wasn't necessary supposed to be just the pastor.
31:58 Right. Or even a pastor.
32:01 But pastors also identified in Ephesians 4,
32:07 we will read again.
32:09 Apostles, pastors, evangelists
32:13 and prophets are the ones identified there,
32:17 but they were ones constantly on the move. That's true.
32:20 Constantly on the move doing training
32:22 and teaching and preaching and helping the members
32:25 find the ministry which would include then
32:28 elders, deacons and those that were involved
32:30 in the work of the church.
32:31 The ones doing ministry according to that passage
32:33 Ephesians 4 is the members. That's right.
32:37 It's not that the leaders weren't doing ministry,
32:40 but their ministry wasn't focused
32:42 on the local communities.
32:44 Their ministry was a constantly moving ministry
32:48 that would help to equip and train those in many areas.
32:50 And we've gotten away from that to a great degree.
32:55 And not just one specific church has done that,
32:57 but in Christianity in general has basically set up pastors
33:00 as the head of the church and people looked at the pastor
33:02 rather than the elders as ministry goes on there
33:05 and they often become the spectators from the crowd
33:10 rather than the ones actively involved.
33:12 Now I'm not saying that's the case in all cases
33:14 and if you are part of a church
33:15 where the members are all doing ministry,
33:18 praise God for that.
33:19 That is God's original intent when He established His church.
33:22 But for those who haven't, for those who feel like,
33:26 you know, I've been, I've been--
33:28 I've accepted Jesus as my Savior
33:30 but I've never really gotten involved in the work.
33:32 The biblical model is
33:35 that God has called you to get involved in ministry some way
33:39 and that ministry happens after you've been transformed
33:42 by the fruit of the Spirit
33:43 and had been given a Christ like character,
33:46 then you are giving a ministry through the gifts of the Spirit.
33:49 Two different things that come from the Spirit.
33:51 The second one is the gifts of the Spirit to then go forward
33:54 and to do the work of God and that is ministry
33:57 just as much as it is for anybody else doing it.
34:01 Once statistic that jumps out of me,
34:02 John, in research
34:05 and I'm not gonna speak specifically of any church
34:09 although the Adventist church is very much similar
34:11 to every other church in this respect.
34:14 And that is this,
34:16 upwards of 80% to 85% of our membership
34:21 and members anywhere have never personally
34:24 been involved in bringing someone
34:26 to know Jesus and to baptism.
34:29 That's a sobering number,
34:32 80% to 85% have never been involved
34:36 in winning somebody to Christ and seeing them baptized.
34:40 Wow. That's huge.
34:41 Which would include Bible studies
34:43 and other things that happened.
34:44 There's something wrong with that picture
34:46 when the charge of God is
34:49 an instruction given to all members of the church
34:53 to go there for preach, teach, baptize, right? That's right.
34:58 That I could read from one statement here
35:00 from Desire of Ages, 8:22, "The Savior's commission
35:03 to the disciples includes all believers to the end of time."
35:07 Not just the disciples.
35:08 And you know, there's a wonderful story
35:11 in the Bible in the Book of Acts 6.
35:13 I want to go there with you to look at this
35:15 because this is showing you exactly the very same thing.
35:18 If the members feel--and members don't necessary say this,
35:23 I don't want to indict anybody by saying
35:25 making this blanket statement that members think this way.
35:28 But in some places the hesitancy
35:31 could be because of the perception
35:33 brought out in this particular story.
35:35 In Acts 6:1 it says, "Now in those days,
35:41 when the number of the disciples was multiplying,
35:45 there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists
35:50 because their widows were neglected
35:52 in the daily distribution.
35:55 Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples
35:59 and said, 'It is not desirable
36:02 that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables.
36:06 Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you
36:09 seven men of good reputation,
36:11 full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,
36:14 whom we may appoint over this business,
36:17 but we will give ourselves continually to prayer
36:21 and to the ministry of the word.'"
36:24 Notice what kind of ministry is talked about there.
36:26 First of all, he's looking for leaders,
36:28 he's looking for people to put in charge.
36:30 And then he says we are involved in the ministry of prayer
36:34 in prayer and the ministry of the word.
36:36 Now, John, this sounds really strange
36:38 but if I said to my members,
36:41 my job is just to pray
36:44 and to be involved in the ministry of the word.
36:47 They will say, well, then who's gonna visit so and so?
36:50 Well, who is gonna visit so and so?
36:55 And I say what about you?
37:01 But I'm not paid for that.
37:04 See the ministry that God calls Christians to
37:08 is not salary ministry,
37:11 but the ministry of ambassadorship,
37:13 we are ambassadors.
37:15 That's a beautiful word used in the Bible,
37:19 you are an ambassador, I'm an ambassador.
37:21 The people sitting in the congregation
37:24 they all are ambassadors.
37:25 Ambassadors of what? Of the heavenly kingdom.
37:30 So wherever they go
37:31 they represent the kingdom of God in life,
37:33 in work, in practice and teaching and reaching out.
37:35 So this whole point of ministry,
37:38 what we're talking about here is
37:39 God has called us to be ambassadors.
37:42 And so if a person receives the title of ambassador,
37:46 but doesn't function as an ambassador.
37:49 Is he or she an ambassador?
37:52 And the answer is actually ineffective ambassador.
37:57 But an ambassador nevertheless, supposed to be.
37:59 But must be accountable for his or her ambassadorship.
38:03 What have you become?
38:04 Why are you in the position but necessarily not functioning?
38:08 And this is why Ephesians talks about the need to train,
38:12 the need to equip,
38:13 the need to furnish the membership
38:15 with the knowledge of what their call is all about
38:18 and how that call should be carried out.
38:22 There is a parable. All right.
38:25 In Matthew 25 that speaks
38:27 exactly about the gifts of the Spirit.
38:30 Now remember in the last program part one,
38:32 we talked about fruit and gifts.
38:34 The two things that come from the Spirit
38:37 as we pray and ask Jesus to pour out the Spirit on us.
38:40 As John, we have been doing, praying for revival. Right.
38:45 I think sometimes we pray for revival
38:46 and don't know what to expect.
38:48 But here is what you should expect
38:50 when you pray for revival. Right.
38:52 Transform characters
38:53 because the fruit becomes prominent in the life
38:56 which is the Christ likeness
38:58 about the Christian life that we have.
39:01 But also the work of the gifts of the Spirit,
39:04 the work of ministry begins to exponentially grow
39:07 as a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
39:09 That's right.
39:11 So we should be able to see more Christ likeness
39:13 and more people getting involved
39:16 in the prayer that Christ said that we should pray for,
39:18 pray for laborers to work in the field, right.
39:21 We should see more laborers, more workers for God.
39:24 But notice this in Matthew 25, this parable.
39:30 And it's about the talents and gifts are talents,
39:34 amen. It's true.
39:35 And so here's what it says
39:37 and we don't have time to read all of that.
39:39 But essentially, "The kingdom of heaven--" verse 14,
39:42 "Is like a man traveling to a far country,
39:44 who called his own servants
39:45 and delivered his goods to them."
39:48 In other words Jesus traveling to a far country,
39:50 this earth getting His disciples together and giving them, what?
39:55 Giving them goods,
39:57 so that they can serve their servants,
39:59 serve Him, right?
40:01 And to one he gave five talents,
40:03 to another two and another one.
40:05 So there's three individuals that he gave, talents to.
40:08 It says at least in this story,
40:09 five, two talents and one talent.
40:12 Well, the one that had five
40:13 was faithful in using those five talents
40:15 and he was given five more.
40:18 The one that was two was also faithful
40:19 in using their two talents and was given more.
40:21 Now these are spiritual gifts.
40:23 These are the gifts given to them
40:24 for the work of ministry in serving God's kingdom.
40:29 But the one that had one talent was not faithful.
40:33 That he went and buried in the ground
40:35 so when Jesus came back he said,
40:37 well, I know you're harsh man
40:38 and you're very judgmental man,
40:39 so I just wanted to make sure that it was taken care of.
40:41 I put it in the ground and here you go.
40:43 Right. I want to make sure that I kept it for you.
40:46 And what's the response?
40:47 Unfaithful.
40:49 Yeah, you wicked and unfaithful or slothful servant.
40:54 And I find that interesting slothful, lazy.
40:57 That means unwilling to work.
41:00 Do we have members that say,
41:03 I don't really have much to offer
41:05 I don't have many talents, what can I do?
41:08 They aren't using their gifts,
41:09 their talents that God is given them in ministry.
41:12 You know, what so pertinent about that story
41:13 and I think that you may have caught that
41:15 while John was reading that.
41:16 The one that only had one thing to do didn't do it.
41:20 The one that had the ability to do one thing, one gift,
41:24 didn't exercise it and was accountable for that one gift,
41:28 but then also lost the blessing of even holding on to that gift.
41:33 And that's why the Bible talks about,
41:35 if we have something and we don't use it, we'll lose it.
41:37 That's the case.
41:39 You lose things that you don't use.
41:40 You know, what also jumped out of me at this John,
41:41 the one that had the one talent,
41:43 the talent was taken from him
41:44 and it was given to the one that had the most.
41:46 That's right.
41:47 The one that was using the most talents.
41:49 We have within the church those who are blessed
41:52 who are preachers, who are evangelists,
41:55 who are able to win hearts
41:56 and are out there working diligently and faithfully.
42:00 And then we have on the other end of spectrum,
42:02 people that just aren't doing much of anything.
42:04 Why not in the middle, why don't we all share
42:07 and work together unified in God's work
42:10 and all of us doing our part,
42:11 so the one doesn't have to do so much
42:14 and the one is doing nothing can do a little bit of the work,
42:17 so that we all do it together in hasting God's return.
42:21 Looking for and hastening
42:22 for the return of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
42:27 All of us can be involved in that work.
42:29 And so this is God's will for us.
42:32 And the other thing you have to keep in mind Romans 11:29,
42:35 this is something that's really kind of tap on the back.
42:39 "The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable."
42:44 In other words, He is not gonna say,
42:45 well, I've given John, the gift to preach,
42:48 ah, I'll take it back.
42:50 No.
42:52 Because you have the gift to preach
42:53 and He's not taken it back,
42:55 He's in essence saying, you are accountable for that gift.
42:58 You're steward of these gifts.
43:00 So somebody can't, nobody could say,
43:02 well, I don't preach anymore.
43:06 Well, God didn't take it back,
43:07 so who chose to not exercise the gift that God has given.
43:12 The person who had the gift chose not to exercise.
43:14 And this 80% to 85% that's not involved in the work can't say,
43:19 well, there's nothing I can do.
43:20 God's holding us accountable
43:21 to use the one gift He has given us to do.
43:23 He said, I haven't taken it back,
43:25 so for you to say that you don't really do anything
43:29 or you're not actively involved in the work
43:31 is to indict yourself
43:33 because it goes on in Romans 11:26,
43:36 it says, Romans 12 sorry in verse 6.
43:40 You know, I'm going to Romans 12,
43:42 if you want to hold it just a little bit,
43:43 because this is where we kind of need to transition to
43:46 is being the will of God.
43:48 But I do want to say this,
43:49 right now just recently, probably some churches
43:52 have gone through the nominating community process.
43:53 Yeah, we're actually--
43:55 And it's like pulling teeth to get someone
43:57 to step up to do a ministry. Yeah.
44:00 Well, I don't know, I just didn't that too much.
44:01 My schedule doesn't--
44:03 They don't see it the biblical way,
44:04 the ministry that-- the community is giving them
44:07 to do or asking them to do,
44:09 may not be the one God called them to do,
44:11 but instead of saying, no, I'm not gonna do that
44:13 why don't you say, I'm willing to do something else though.
44:17 Rarely do I hear well, you know what,
44:18 I just don't feel like I'm equipped for that.
44:20 What else can I do?
44:22 It's usually, I don't want to do anything.
44:25 That's the problem.
44:27 Well, I don't know, I just gonna take a break this year.
44:29 Take a break from ministry? It's irrevocable.
44:32 You got to use that talent somewhere.
44:34 The thing that we don't do to man, we do to God.
44:38 There are some people that have been working for 30 years
44:40 or maybe not 30
44:41 but probably some people work for 25, 15 years.
44:46 And then they say to their boss,
44:48 you know what, I'm taking this year off
44:50 as I've been doing the same thing for the last 15 years.
44:53 I'm taking this whole year off,
44:56 I'll be back same time next year fully.
45:00 But what I like you to do during that whole year,
45:02 you still give me a salary.
45:03 I want all my benefits, I want my health insurance coverage,
45:09 I don't want anybody to mess with anything at my desk,
45:12 I want to make sure that everything
45:13 that I have now will be there for me
45:15 and continue in the benefits of every area financially both
45:18 and health wise, throughout the entire year.
45:22 Can you imagine such a thing?
45:24 And as I'm saying this, people saying,
45:26 you're gonna find a job like that.
45:28 Yeah, it's called Christianity.
45:30 They want benefits all year long.
45:33 They want the benefit of worship and fellowship,
45:36 they want life protection, they want God's protection,
45:39 they want to have God furnish all the things
45:41 He promises to their family and bless their children,
45:44 but they wanted to do absolutely nothing
45:47 to advance the kingdom of God
45:49 and they're expecting all the benefits
45:52 to be bestowed upon them.
45:53 And there are two kinds of ministries to point out here
45:55 within these gifts realm.
45:57 Ministry for the church which is done with other Christians
46:00 and ministry individually which is what you can do
46:04 in your everyday work for your co-workers,
46:06 whether your friends, maybe family,
46:09 in your social life whatever that may be,
46:11 those are the two kinds of ways that we minister.
46:13 So when the church comes calling for you
46:15 to do ministry instead of, may be saying,
46:18 well, I don't know if I'm really,
46:19 I don't want to do that.
46:21 Say, I'm not sure that's my gift,
46:24 but I'm willing to do something.
46:25 Here's what my gift is,
46:26 can you find something else for me to do.
46:28 I've never known a pastor or an elder or church leadership
46:32 that had said to someone when they say,
46:34 I want to do something for Jesus, no. No.
46:38 And God doesn't say no. Right.
46:41 On this subject, John, of gifts,
46:45 you just mentioned it from Romans 11:29. Okay.
46:48 He continues that topic in 12 and look at verse 1.
46:51 All right. I'm going there right now.
46:54 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,"
46:55 in other words Paul is pleading, right?
46:59 That word, beseech is I beg of you,
47:01 I plead with you, brethren.
47:04 "By the mercies of God," he is so merciful to us
47:07 "That you present your bodies a living sacrifice." That's right.
47:12 "Holy, acceptable to God,
47:14 which is your reasonable service."
47:16 In other words, this is the way you serve God,
47:19 to present your body to Him and say, I am here to serve.
47:24 "And do not be conformed to this world,"
47:26 Verse 2, "But be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
47:29 In other words it's got to start here first.
47:30 You got to make a conscious decision. That's right.
47:33 Now the interesting thing about that word "reasonable service,"
47:35 John, I did some more study on this.
47:36 It's a reasonable service, what it's really saying there
47:40 it's an act of the will.
47:42 It's a decision reason out in the mind that God has saved me,
47:46 I must serve Him. That's right.
47:49 That's why it's a reasonable service,
47:50 it's stepping forward and saying, I am going to serve
47:52 because I've reason that it's the right thing to do
47:56 because of what you have done for me, Lord. Yeah.
47:59 And do--don't be--of course, we've talked about transform
48:01 by the renewing of your mind that you may prove
48:04 what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
48:08 Someone might ask, Well, I don't know
48:09 what the will of God is for my life.
48:11 You know, I can give you an answer in simple terms
48:13 along these lines, this context.
48:16 The will of God is that you serve Him,
48:19 in whatever capacity that is,
48:20 whatever gift He has given you
48:22 that you use those gifts to serve Him.
48:25 That is His will for you and you prove it by giving yourself,
48:30 your body as a living sacrifice and agreeing to go on
48:33 that mission for God and be used by Him.
48:37 The interesting thing about this passage is,
48:39 then you move into a subject about everyone being dealt
48:44 with the measure of faith.
48:45 Verse 3, "Many members but all one body."
48:48 Verse 4, "The church" and then look at verse 6,
48:51 "Having then gifts differing according to the grace
48:55 that is given to us, let us use them."
48:59 This whole topic, John, of Romans 12:1-2
49:03 about offering our bodies, it's a reasonable service,
49:06 it's a thing we should do,
49:07 it's the will of God is all about spiritual gifts.
49:11 That's right.
49:13 And we've got people in the church that say,
49:14 "Praise God" and we should say
49:16 this that God has saved me
49:18 and He has changed me and He has made me new.
49:20 But now let's move to the other side of the equation,
49:22 the balance of the gospel which is,
49:23 Lord, now what do you want me to do?
49:25 Oh, here's the text, John, I was--
49:27 the Lord impressed me, came back to my mind. Please.
49:30 Romans, sorry, Psalms 116:12,
49:36 "What shall I render to the Lord
49:38 for all His benefits toward me?"
49:42 That is huge. Yes.
49:44 If somebody says, you're gonna have full dental,
49:46 you're gonna have full medical coverage,
49:48 all your rents going to be paid,
49:49 all your travel expenses covered.
49:51 You don't have to worry about your light bill,
49:52 your gas bill, your phone bill,
49:54 we'll pay your car insurance
49:55 and we'll cover all of your fuel.
49:57 We'll have your education for your children covered
50:00 and I tell you what I am going to be building your home
50:02 so that when this life is done,
50:04 you'll have a home, completely paid for
50:06 and it's going to be better than the home
50:07 you even have down here.
50:09 I'll protect you when you travel.
50:10 I am going to provide all your need
50:11 according to my wealth and my riches in glory.
50:13 Okay, stop. What?
50:16 Shall I render to you Lord for all your benefits toward me?
50:19 What can I do? I got to do something.
50:21 If somebody came up to you and gave you
50:23 a check for a million dollars and you accepted it,
50:28 you will say, is there anything,
50:29 is there anything if you ever want me to do anything
50:34 just give me a call.
50:35 Don't we say that, John? Yes we do.
50:37 But the Lord who gave His only begotten Son,
50:41 the Lord who sent His Son to die for us,
50:44 God the Father who gave His Son to die for us
50:48 that we might have everlasting life.
50:51 Do we even say, what shall I render to the Lord
50:54 for all His benefits toward me?
50:55 What can I do Father?
50:57 What can I do to show you that I really appreciate
50:59 what you've done for me?
51:01 The problem today, John, in the finishing of the work
51:05 is not the harvest.
51:07 It's not the difficult opposition out there.
51:10 We often look at that.
51:12 The issue is with workers.
51:15 Jesus said in Matthew 9:36, "But when he saw the multitudes,
51:19 He was moved with compassion for them,
51:21 because they were weary and scattered,
51:23 like sheep having no shepherd."
51:25 Verse 36. "Then he said to his disciples,
51:27 'The harvest truly is plentiful but the labors are few.
51:33 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest,
51:35 to send out labors into his harvest.'"
51:39 Pray for more workers. That's right.
51:42 The reason the gospel is not finishing is not--
51:44 we're not able to finish the work
51:46 because we don't have enough laborers.
51:48 We are not taking serious the accountability
51:50 we have to God and the talents given to us
51:53 to return to Him service and to work for His kingdom.
51:56 Notice 10:1, Matthew 10:1.
51:59 What is Jesus doing in response to their encouraging them
52:02 to pray for laborers?
52:04 It says, "And when he had called his twelve disciples to Him,
52:07 He gave them power."
52:11 What did He do? He gave them power. That's right.
52:13 If you say, I just-- I can't do anything, pray for power.
52:18 Pray for strength from God.
52:19 This is the response, the biblical response
52:22 to needing more laborers.
52:24 Come to Jesus and Jesus will give you the power to--
52:29 over unclean spirits, to cast them out,
52:32 to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.
52:35 Essentially what Jesus is saying is all authority
52:38 has been given to Me, I now give you that power,
52:41 that authority to go forwardand make disciples of all people,
52:44 of all nations and baptize them,
52:46 preach and teach and fulfill the commission
52:48 I've given to you to do.
52:50 It seems pretty to the point
52:54 but I think what's happening is the human heart here. Yes.
52:57 The issue is the human heart.
53:00 When the Bible says, "Unthankful"
53:04 we always think that it means unthankful toward
53:06 mom and dad and aunty and uncle and friends
53:10 that gave you, you know, a apple pie
53:13 or somebody brought you a Corvette,
53:14 but it's also unthankful towards God. Yeah.
53:17 Unthankful, unholy.
53:19 They are not saying, God has done so much
53:22 and we forget that Revelation 22:11 which says--
53:26 well, Revelation 22:12 that says,
53:28 "Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me,
53:31 to give to everyone according as his work shall be."
53:33 Proverbs 24:29 says,
53:37 "I will render to the man according to his work."
53:41 Do not say, "I will do to him just as he has done to me,
53:46 but I will render to the man according to his work."
53:49 So when the Lord returns
53:53 and by the way He will return sooner
53:56 if there are more workers doing the work.
53:59 How fast will the harvest be gathered in,
54:04 only as fast as the people
54:06 that are involved in the work of harvest.
54:09 You see, I know, New York City,
54:10 John, whenever New Year's Eve came by there in Time Square
54:16 it seems like the entire sanitation department
54:19 of the city of New York was there.
54:21 And you look at all that confetti and all those balloons
54:23 and all the paraphernalia all over the ground
54:26 and while the program has ended
54:28 and people or the million of people have gone home,
54:32 you wake up and you go out there
54:33 the next morning you think how on the earth
54:37 did they get rid of all this stuff so quickly.
54:39 Because the laborers were not few, they were many.
54:43 In the world we've got military laborers,
54:45 we've got social laborers,
54:47 we've got laborers in the workplace
54:49 and we talk about the unemployment rate going down.
54:52 Well, I tell you what,
54:54 unemployment is higher in God's church
54:55 than any place else on the earth.
54:57 And you don't need a new pastor or labor
54:59 or you don't need a new this or that.
55:00 You need to just step forward and say, I will be a laborer.
55:04 What did Isaiah says when the Lord talked about--
55:06 "Here am I, send me."
55:08 Here I am. He didn't say, "Isaiah, would you go for me?"
55:11 Because you know, sometimes you feel obligated
55:13 when Lord says, "John, will you go for me?"
55:17 Okay, I'll go. Yeah, sure.
55:19 Look at the context there is Lord was saying,
55:21 I need somebody. Right.
55:22 And Isaiah said, "I am here, send me." Right.
55:26 The Lord is saying, I need somebody
55:27 why don't you say, send me.
55:29 Right, two words that will change your life.
55:31 And in your talk-- and I like what you said.
55:33 This is the issue of the heart
55:34 because I at times don't feel like ministry.
55:38 We are right with you sometimes and we need to cry to God
55:42 as David did as well create in me a clean heart
55:45 oh God and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10.
55:49 We need to pray that prayer.
55:51 Listen to this, this is an amazing testimony.
55:56 The Christian has desire, when he is changed by God.
56:01 A desire to live for-- no desire to live for self,
56:05 he delights to consecrate all that he has
56:07 and is to the Master's service.
56:09 He is moved by inexpressible win,
56:11 a desire to win souls to Jesus.
56:14 And listen to this, those who have nothing of this desire
56:17 might be better concerned for their own salvation,
56:20 let them pray for the spirit of service.
56:24 Pray for the spirit of service.
56:25 When I read that I said, you know what,
56:28 I need more of the spirit of service.
56:31 I don't have the desire to win souls
56:34 like God wants me to.
56:36 At times, yes, it's wonderful in the moment
56:39 when you are doing ministry,
56:40 but there are times where we all struggle.
56:43 Lord, I pray for the spirit of service,
56:45 change my heart and make me new,
56:47 so I can love people like you love people.
56:51 That is the quandary
56:53 that the church finds itself in nowadays, John.
56:55 So since this topic has been something you introduced.
57:00 Give me a few more words before I close the program up.
57:02 What do we do?
57:03 You know, I'd say our churches don't need a new program.
57:05 They don't need a new method.
57:07 They don't need new this or that or any pastor.
57:08 What they need is a new heart. Wow.
57:10 And they need a new desire for service and step forward
57:13 to answer God's call for laborers.
57:16 We can all be part of this finishing work.
57:19 Well, friends, as you can see we surely do believe in the call
57:22 that God has placed upon our lives.
57:24 And so when the call of God comes to you,
57:26 we encourage you to respond to it
57:28 because this is the one thing that will transform you.
57:31 So if it comes today, we ask you to respond to it.
57:35 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17