House Calls

You Are Responsible (10 Commandments -part 1)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang, Pr. John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL130011

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend and sit back
00:03 as we explore God's Word together
00:05 on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Hello, friends,
00:24 welcome to another edition of "House Calls."
00:26 You know, if you believe
00:27 that there's another program on television
00:30 that approaches the Bible the way that we do.
00:32 Well, you won't find it today because this is it.
00:35 My name is John and this is John to my right
00:38 and we are here today to talk to you about
00:40 what the Word of God says.
00:42 So thank you for tuning into House Calls
00:43 and, John, thank you for being here.
00:44 It's great to be here.
00:46 Do you know we just talked about this, nine years almost?
00:49 Isn't that amazing?
00:50 Going on nine years now for this program.
00:51 We have lost count as to how many programs we have done,
00:54 but every one of them that we've done together
00:57 has been a blessing and a pleasure.
00:58 It's been a blessing, yeah.
01:00 And we talked about this a number of years ago,
01:02 when we sat down together there in my living room
01:05 in Fairfield, California,
01:07 we just said, well, wouldn't it be nice one day
01:09 if we could just kind of share
01:11 what God has given to us with the world.
01:14 And then one day I think about the fourth year
01:16 after we've been doing this.
01:17 One day it hit us that we were actually sitting down together
01:20 and God gave us the desires of our heart.
01:22 So thank you for tuning in to enjoy
01:25 what God is doing for us, to us, as well as through us.
01:30 So get your Bibles, get your pens,
01:31 invite your family and your friends
01:33 for the next almost hour as we cover your questions
01:36 as well as the topic that we'll be covering today.
01:39 But before we do anything
01:41 we always like to begin with prayer.
01:42 So, John, would you pray for us? Let's pray.
01:44 Our Father in heaven,
01:45 we ask for Your presence to be with us here today.
01:48 Lord, we open our hearts to You,
01:50 we ask that you would fill us with Your Sprit
01:52 and for those who are watching or listening to this program
01:55 we invite You into their lives
01:57 as well as they open themselves up
01:59 to the Word of truth here today in Jesus name.
02:02 Amen. Amen.
02:04 And as you know some of you
02:05 are still into the sending your mail by mail, by letter.
02:10 That's, okay, nothing wrong with that.
02:12 But there are those of you that want to send things by email.
02:16 And if you have any questions or comments
02:18 that you like shoot an email to us with,
02:20 send those questions or comments to
02:24 That's
02:29 and we surely would try our best to respond
02:30 to those always with the Bible.
02:33 But, John, let me go ahead and give you
02:35 a first shot at it today which I normally do
02:38 or it's because he is the anchor man.
02:39 What do we have?
02:41 Let's see here it's a question from Laura
02:43 and she's asking--now she shares this question here,
02:47 "I saw on National TV,
02:49 Ariel Sharon talking with General Tommy Franks
02:53 and Franks said
02:55 'How are we going to get funding to fight the war, Sharon?
02:59 Don't worry, I'll tell the American Congress what to do?
03:04 We are fighting these wars--
03:06 and this is back to Laura's commentary.
03:09 "We are fighting these wars for Israel under false pretense.
03:12 So how did we as a Christian nation get fooled into this?
03:15 Why is Congress and the common person falling for these wars?
03:20 Simply because most of the Christian world
03:22 believes that the Jews are God's chosen people,
03:25 who taught them that?"
03:27 Anyway, and she goes on to talk about how a few things
03:30 she's not finding a connection there in the Word of God
03:32 for Israel today being God's chosen people.
03:37 And so, John, I know that
03:39 you and I have talked about this issue before,
03:41 but it would be good to dialogue briefly.
03:43 Because when you accept the notion
03:48 that God's chosen people are still the nation of Israel.
03:52 And we're talking about not only ethnically, culturally.
03:57 Nationally. Nationally.
03:59 As a nation, when we say that
04:01 we have to adopt other things into our theology. Right.
04:05 That don't match with the Word of God.
04:08 And some of those things are a dual covenant theology
04:11 where, you know, I've seen many espouse
04:14 in trying to explain this away.
04:15 Well, the covenant with Israel is one of law
04:19 and the one with the churches one of grace, I've heard that.
04:22 Yeah, dispensationalism.
04:24 Yes. And then I've heard,
04:25 well, God's chosen people are still the nation of Israel
04:31 and He's still going to do a mass conversion there
04:34 through evangelistic means and things
04:37 coming from the church, we need to protect them.
04:39 And this is where some of this fighting
04:40 these wars come from in our support of Israel.
04:43 But I don't want to just jump on the bandwagon
04:46 that she is on here and say,
04:47 that we shouldn't defend Israel. Right.
04:50 On those reasons that they are God's chosen people,
04:54 I would say we should not use that to defend Israel.
04:58 We as a nation, if we call ourselves a Christian nation
05:03 it means that we stand up
05:04 for the rights of others as Jesus did.
05:07 And so there are sometimes when nations are threatened
05:10 that we intervene and we step in as a "Big brother".
05:14 And in this case probably the right kind of term
05:16 with big brother where we say, we will stand with these people
05:19 if you try to hurt them we will defend them. Like allies.
05:21 Yeah, and I just think that's an important thing to realize
05:25 that just on that level it's a good thing.
05:28 I believe that if our nation, if the United States do not
05:32 or did not defend or has not stood by the nation of Israel,
05:37 it would probably cease to exist.
05:39 Because with so many of the Middle East nations
05:43 they want to destroy Israel and have outright said so.
05:46 But back to this issue of Israel as God's chosen people
05:50 it doesn't seem to be what the Bible is telling us.
05:54 Number one, it's pretty clear
05:55 that the Bible says that the nation of Israel,
05:59 specifically its leaders were instrumental
06:02 in the crucifixion of Christ, the Messiah.
06:05 I don't find anywhere where a nation or a people
06:09 that not only crucified Him but continues to reject Him
06:13 is called God's chosen people. Right.
06:17 Those who follow Christ, who obey Him
06:20 are the ones that are His people.
06:23 And that's just one point.
06:24 Number two, Paul didn't agree with this notion either
06:28 and if we turn to Romans Chapter 9. Okay.
06:34 And beginning with verse 6,
06:38 he says these words and just to give you
06:40 some background before I read this verse.
06:43 Paul was dealing with and working with a church
06:46 that was comprised of Jews and Gentiles,
06:50 they were coming together.
06:51 The Jews had a superiority complex
06:54 and that the oracles of God had come
06:56 and been passed down through them
06:58 and they felt like they were in a position
07:00 not only of authority but a position of knowledge
07:03 that the Gentiles did not have.
07:05 And they were throwing this out constantly
07:08 and probably the feeling by the Gentiles
07:10 was that they were being tugged down to a great degree.
07:13 They were trying to enforce
07:15 their ceremonial laws in some aspects,
07:17 the feast, the sacrifices, those things to a degree.
07:21 The way they viewed foods and what was acceptable to eat,
07:24 what was not acceptable to eat
07:26 as far as what was offered to idols. Right.
07:28 Those things they were imposing
07:30 and so several times Paul writes letters
07:34 to intervene in this discussion,
07:36 this argument and says leave it alone.
07:38 We are under Christ, under His grace, under His Lordship now.
07:43 We are not under the old system
07:45 and not only were they not under the old system
07:47 Paul says these words about the nation of Israel. Right.
07:51 And we're reading from verse 6 of Romans 9.
07:54 "But it is not that the Word of God has taken no effect."
07:57 Of course not because the word passed down
07:59 through Israel has now taken root in the early church.
08:04 "For they are not all Israel who are of Israel
08:12 nor are they all children
08:13 because they are the seed of Abraham."
08:17 Now that's a powerful statement there.
08:20 If you're a Jew living in that time
08:22 your defense was I'm a child,
08:24 I'm a child, the seed of Abraham
08:27 and the promise was given to Abraham.
08:28 In fact, how many times I can't account right away,
08:31 but numerous times that was there defense with Christ.
08:34 True. We're the chosen of Israel.
08:36 We're the Abraham's seed. Right.
08:38 You know, it was this,
08:40 you know, they were thinking very highly of themselves
08:42 and that they were genetically linked to Abraham.
08:47 Matter of fact when Jesus came in the New Testament,
08:49 when He was speaking to the Jews then,
08:52 they said, we have never been slaves to sin,
08:55 we are Abraham's seed. That was a point of boasting.
08:57 Even in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
09:01 The reason why the Lord used
09:02 the designation of the rich man died
09:06 and was buried in Abraham's bosom.
09:08 I mean, sorry the poor man died
09:10 and was buried in Abraham's bosom.
09:13 It was because the Jews believed that,
09:15 hey, it was only their right
09:17 to be anything connecting with Abraham.
09:20 So the Lord used that analogy or that parabolic language
09:25 and he continually emphasized Abraham, Abraham,
09:27 Abraham because they said,
09:29 hey, we're Abraham's descendants.
09:31 Even the time when He met the woman at the well,
09:34 that was the biggest,
09:36 this well was given to us by our Father Abraham.
09:41 So you continually go down the gamut of Abraham,
09:46 but I want to add something
09:47 before I turn it back over to you here.
09:50 In Galatians 3 because you brought out the term Abraham
09:55 or the word Abraham when you just read Romans Chapter 9,
09:59 in other words, those who are of Israel
10:00 and not all Israel and those who,
10:03 even those who are of Abraham's seed or not all Israel.
10:07 So the question is, how does Christ designate
10:11 and what place does Abraham have
10:14 when it applies to the Christian faith?
10:16 Galatians 3: 26-29.
10:23 It reads "For you are all the sons of God
10:26 through faith in Christ Jesus."
10:28 And notice he says, are the sons of God
10:30 because they were boasting about being the sons Abraham.
10:33 "You are all the sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
10:36 For as many of you as were baptized
10:38 into Christ have put on Christ."
10:40 Verse 28, now this is very important
10:43 and this is where the big argument was.
10:46 "There is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither slave nor free.
10:51 There is neither male nor female,
10:54 for you are all one in Christ.
10:56 And if you are Christ's,
10:58 then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise."
11:02 And so there a lot of people say,
11:03 well, the reason why Israel is receiving the promises
11:07 because they are literal Israelites.
11:09 Christ said that's not the application.
11:11 If you belong to Me then you are heirs according to the promise.
11:15 Then you are really Abraham's seed.
11:17 So I'm looking for a spiritual inheritance rather than genetic.
11:22 See that's a big part of it.
11:24 And I think that's what you're talking about.
11:25 In fact, Romans 9 concludes in verse 8
11:28 "That is, those who are the children of the flesh,
11:30 these are not the children of God."
11:32 Okay, there you go.
11:33 He's basically saying those who are the nation
11:35 genetically, ethnically,
11:38 those who are part of that nation of the flesh
11:42 are not the children of God.
11:44 So that's a direct answer to the statement.
11:46 Are they God's chosen people? The answer would be no.
11:50 And also even further when it--talks about the flesh.
11:53 There was that battle between the flesh and the spirit.
11:55 And he says if you are carnal, first of all,
11:58 if you are just naturally born into the nation
12:00 don't consider yourself immediately
12:04 a part of my promise,
12:06 just because you're born into the family.
12:08 I think, Walter Peterson once said,
12:10 even if you are born on the front pew of a church
12:13 you still need to be born again. There you go.
12:15 And so that was the big issue they were not born again,
12:17 until we're born again we are not
12:18 heirs according to the promise.
12:20 And the other thing is the flesh issue was a big part of it.
12:25 So the natural as well as the carnal
12:27 both need to have an accompaniment
12:29 by being born again spiritually. That's right.
12:32 You know the other aspect to this too is that--
12:38 the other kinds of theology have to come into play,
12:42 if you adapt this method or this teaching.
12:45 And I know that some of the difficulties
12:48 lies in the symbolism used in say the Book of Revelation
12:51 because you have the 12 tribes of Israel listed there.
12:56 And they say, well, look, then there are literal tribes
12:58 and this is the actual nation of Israel
13:01 seeing reconverted back at the end of time.
13:05 But the issue here has more to do with the transference
13:09 from old to new covenant,
13:11 because under the new covenant you have here a situation
13:15 where not only is it an explanation of exactly
13:21 how we are saved which is through Christ
13:24 even way back during Abraham's day
13:25 was faith in those sacrifices of a coming Messiah
13:28 that saved them. Right.
13:30 They weren't saved by law back then.
13:31 It's by grace they were saved.
13:34 But secondly here is there would be no reason
13:39 to have established the church
13:42 had Israel fulfilled the promise. That's right.
13:45 But they were not willing to do that.
13:49 They were not willing to receive the call
13:51 that God had placed on them to accept their Messiah,
13:55 usher in His ministry and then finish the work
13:57 of bringing salvation to all the world.
13:59 That's why Jesus established the church. Right.
14:01 So there aren't--I found no where in the gospels
14:03 where there is two running covenants,
14:08 two running people of God separately doing God's work.
14:12 It is one chosen people, it always has been.
14:14 It's remnant theology and through that line
14:17 God brings salvation to all the world.
14:19 You made a point earlier, John,
14:20 which is very important to reemphasize
14:22 about the nation and its leaders.
14:26 Particularly, the leaders of Israel were the ones
14:28 that were partners in the calling down
14:33 of the crucifixion on Christ.
14:35 Matthew 23: 38 that's why Jesus made this statement,
14:39 "Behold your house is left unto you desolate."
14:43 He didn't even identify with their house at all,
14:47 but earlier He says,
14:48 my house shall be called the house of prayer
14:51 and when they rejected Christ He says,
14:53 "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." Yeah.
14:56 So He even rejected anything that had to with their
15:00 way of worship, their methods of religion,
15:03 that's why when He died the temple curtain was torn
15:06 from top to bottom exposing the very thing
15:08 that they had placed so much of there security in
15:11 and that's the crucifixion of a literal lamb
15:13 when they rejected the spotless Lamb
15:16 who was Christ Jesus.
15:17 All this continual rejection along the way
15:20 and then they called down on them,
15:21 and then they called down on them the curse.
15:27 His blood, be on us and on our children.
15:29 I know some people try to make that a spiritual application.
15:32 But that was not a spiritual application
15:34 saying in the very same way,
15:36 as the person will say, well, I'm saved
15:38 because I'm covered by the blood of the lamb.
15:40 That was saying let the guilt of His death be on us.
15:45 We'll own up to the guilt of His death.
15:48 We'll take the responsibility for killing Him
15:50 that's what that was, not a blessing by any means.
15:53 Even with the preaching of Paul and Barnabas,
15:56 it's recorded there in Acts 13
15:58 that when the Jews saw this happening
16:00 it says they were filled with envy
16:02 and they blasphemed against the word
16:04 that was being preached about Jesus.
16:06 And then it says in verse 46,
16:08 "Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said,
16:10 'It was necessary that the word of God
16:11 should be spoken to you first.'"
16:13 In other words, God always goes back
16:14 and gives another opportunity to repent.
16:17 "But they said, since you reject it,
16:20 and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life,
16:24 behold, we turn to the Gentiles."
16:26 We only have gone to the Gentiles
16:28 and established the church here
16:30 because you have rejected Christ and His gospel
16:34 and that is still the case today, they reject Christ.
16:36 Now let not someone think that we're being hateful
16:41 because there's a political correctness that goes on here.
16:44 They say, well, that's very hateful words
16:45 to say you know that the Jews are,
16:49 you know, they crucified Christ
16:51 and they are not God's chosen people.
16:53 We're just telling you what the facts of God's word says.
16:57 The other thing of what God's word says is that
16:59 they can be grafted back in. That's right.
17:03 To the wine, one wine, that's Christ.
17:06 They can be grafted back in
17:08 by accepting Christ as the Messiah,
17:11 through faith they are God's people again. That's right.
17:13 And I believe to a great degree many will come.
17:18 Of course, many have.
17:20 And have come to knowledge of Jesus Christ as the Messiah,
17:23 so praise God for that. And so we're not attacking.
17:26 We're just simply saying theologically.
17:28 The Bible says, one line,
17:30 one remnant through which Christ saves by faith, it's the church.
17:34 And let me go ahead and broaden the platform here
17:36 because in New York City there's a--
17:39 being from New York City,
17:40 I saw that there's a great Jewish population
17:44 in the city of New York.
17:45 And many though having accepted Christ,
17:48 there's a movement called Jews for Jesus
17:51 or somebody may say, what's so unique about that?
17:53 Well, the only reason
17:55 why that's has a kind of a unique connotations
17:57 because for the most part Jews are still looking forward
18:00 to the coming of the Messiah, the first time.
18:03 Messiah, they haven't accepted the first advent of Christ.
18:06 So for those who have accepted
18:08 the first advent of Christ they say,
18:09 we are Jews, but we are for Jesus.
18:11 You see, but if you think of the general term
18:14 Jews for Jesus,
18:16 it wouldn't be any different than,
18:17 you know, the Spanish for Jesus
18:19 or the African American for Jesus
18:21 or the Europeans for Jesus.
18:23 Anybody who is for Jesus is a part of the promise.
18:26 You see, so there's no,
18:27 in that sense the generalization
18:29 is not making anybody exclusive.
18:31 The point of the matter is there is no salvation
18:34 in any other name other than the name of Jesus.
18:36 So if you feel that because of the way
18:40 He came the first time,
18:41 He says in the First Book of John,
18:44 John Chapter 1, He says,
18:46 "I came to my own and they did not receive me."
18:50 So it makes it very, very clear,
18:52 the very nation He chose
18:55 is the one that ended up rejecting Him.
18:57 And so that's why it's still to this very day,
18:59 just to add one last component to this,
19:02 because you led the question by talking about Israel
19:05 and we talked about that term is not just a literal nation,
19:09 but a spiritual terminology.
19:11 And the reason this is widely important is
19:12 because when you get down to Revelation
19:14 and it talks about the 12 tribes of Israel.
19:17 They must understand that
19:18 that is the tribes of those who overcome,
19:20 not 12 literal tribes of this original line
19:25 of national Israelites like all the way through.
19:26 Right, which is the typical way it's tied.
19:28 Which is the dispensational view
19:30 that the nation of Israel literally will be converted
19:33 and now preach the gospel to the world in the very end.
19:35 That's not what it's talking about
19:36 because here in Genesis 32:28,
19:40 we read these words.
19:42 "And he said, that is God said,
19:44 "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob
19:48 but Israel for you have struggled with God
19:52 and with men and have prevailed."
19:56 And then one more Genesis 35:10 here it is,
20:01 "And God said to him, your name is Jacob,
20:05 you shall not be called Jacob anymore
20:08 but Israel shall be your name, so he called his name Israel."
20:13 And so the word Israel means the over comers.
20:16 So when it talks about to him that over cometh,
20:19 that's the 12 tribes, those spiritual inheritance
20:23 which is made up of every nation,
20:25 every kindred, every tongue, every people, you see.
20:28 So that's what something that's very important
20:30 to point out that when Revelation mention
20:32 the 12 tribes at Israel its not going to back to lineage
20:36 and even though it mentions them by name,
20:38 one of the reasons why it mentions them by name
20:40 like the tribe of Benjamin and Zebulun and Issachar
20:43 and all those it's because if you follow their lives
20:46 each of them had a particular weakness.
20:49 And when you get down to Genesis
20:50 the one that had a weakness that he did not over--
20:53 sorry, when you get down to Revelation,
20:55 the one that's not mentioned there is Dan
20:57 because Dan had a particular weakness
20:59 that he never overcame
21:01 and he was replaced by a Manasseh which was a grandson.
21:06 I think, there's one other one too,
21:07 Ephraim was replaced by Joseph.
21:09 Okay, so there you go.
21:11 So you see that this whole ideology
21:14 that there's a literal descendants,
21:16 this unbroken bloodline all the way through is not the case.
21:19 Yeah. And then, I think some of that feeds--
21:22 back to the question feeds this desire
21:24 as a Christian nation to defend Israel
21:26 because we believe that it's our obligation to do that.
21:30 Where as more it's more of a Christ like desire
21:34 to defend those that are defenseless,
21:36 that really should be our reason for defending any nation.
21:39 And we have allies with a number of other countries,
21:43 but that if they were in a pickle,
21:45 militarily that's speaking though it's a very small word
21:49 to use when it comes to military strength,
21:51 the pickle, doesn't sound like it's very strong,
21:54 but if they were ever in a military situation
21:56 that they needed to be defended, the United States,
21:58 its allies with a lot of other countries and vice versa.
22:02 I don't want to go down the list and start naming
22:04 the nations, that's not important.
22:06 However, thank you for the point that--
22:09 and in a nutshell we are all Israelites
22:13 as we overcoming Christ.
22:14 We are all Abraham's seed if we are in Christ. Amen.
22:20 I have another question. This was a really great letter.
22:23 By the way the person said though,
22:25 this is not to be answered on the air,
22:27 there is no question here
22:29 but the point that was made in the letter,
22:31 I want to make out of a question,
22:34 pointing out that Sunday should be the day of worship
22:39 because Jesus was resurrected on Sunday
22:43 and that was the one line in this letter.
22:46 The person who sent this letter read
22:49 the book "The Great Controversy."
22:51 Said it was the best book
22:52 that she'd ever read and beautifully, wonderfully,
22:59 gave accolade to the whole book
23:02 even pointing out that it was just phenomenal.
23:05 Why is this book not the selling market?
23:08 Why are more people not getting a chance to read this?
23:10 In particular, wishing that more Catholics
23:15 had a chance to read this book
23:16 and I could understand that
23:18 because majority of my family is Catholic
23:20 and I would second that emotion.
23:23 But they also went on to point out that the only thing
23:29 I did not agree within the book was the day of worship
23:32 and probably the only thing
23:33 that the Roman Catholic religion got right
23:36 was that they honor Sunday as a day of worship
23:41 and they went on to say Sunday should be a day of worship
23:45 because Jesus was resurrected on Sunday.
23:48 This was His first day and the Jewish nation
23:55 knew who Jesus was, who He said He was.
23:58 This is His day and should be our day to remember Him.
24:02 So this thing, well, Sunday was His day.
24:04 Well, in reality, every day is,
24:07 every day belongs to the Lord
24:09 because He created every day,
24:11 but He didn't say every day should be honored as holy.
24:13 Well, yeah, He only blessed and sanctified one day.
24:15 Only blessed and sanctified one.
24:16 So the big issue here that I want to raise
24:18 in the initial question is,
24:20 do we believe that because Christ rose on Sunday
24:25 that we now need to establish
24:27 a new day in honor of His resurrection.
24:30 Well, a lot of people failed to realize,
24:33 let me give you two things that the Bible
24:34 has already established.
24:36 There's already a ceremony in the Bible established.
24:39 I'm going to use another word, there's already an observance--
24:43 okay, I'll go back to the word ceremony.
24:44 There is already an established ceremony
24:47 in the Bible to honor His resurrection.
24:50 There's already an established ceremony
24:53 to honor the crucifixion.
24:56 So the day of worship is established
24:58 and the ceremony in honor of His resurrection
25:02 and they don't conflict with each other.
25:04 But this ideology that Sunday is the day of worship.
25:07 Sunday is the day that should be the day
25:09 that we honor is not something
25:11 that the Bible can support at all.
25:13 So as nice as it may seem and as convenient as it may seem
25:15 and as convenient as it may seem
25:17 and even on the other note as many as honor it as,
25:21 hey, we honor Sunday because it's the resurrection day.
25:25 You can do that if you want to,
25:27 but you cannot replace the Sabbath
25:29 and now say, this is the Christian day
25:31 and this is the day we're going to keep.
25:34 Oh, when it comes down to who is your authority?
25:37 Because even the Roman Catholic priest,
25:39 if you ask this gal here
25:42 who writes this letter would ask them,
25:43 they would say, it's not on the word. Right.
25:45 That we honor Sunday, it's on the authority of the church.
25:50 And so even they acknowledge
25:53 and we've said this over and over again
25:55 that the change of the Sabbath is simply not in the Bible.
25:59 But I would answer it from another approach.
26:03 She's mentioning that we should use that as a day of worship
26:05 because of the resurrection,
26:07 but that's not really what the Sabbath is all about.
26:11 And I know that we're going to cover
26:13 maybe some different aspects
26:15 and the Sabbath will tie into this
26:16 because our subject is on the Ten Commandments
26:18 coming up here for the next two programs.
26:20 But just on this issue, if you look really quickly
26:22 there are two Sabbath commandments
26:24 given in the Pentateuch,
26:26 one is Exodus 20 and the other is Deuteronomy 5, right?
26:33 And if you look at Exodus 20,
26:35 it says that it connects the Seventh day Sabbath
26:39 which belongs to the Lord thy God
26:41 and then it connects it with creation.
26:44 That there were six days of creation
26:46 and the seventh day He rested from His work.
26:50 But it's interesting that in Deuteronomy 5,
26:53 that language is not entirely the same.
26:58 Right, it's not duplicated.
26:59 But the subject is similar
27:01 and so we can learn more about
27:03 what the meaning of the Sabbath is
27:04 and while we observe it from looking at the transcript
27:08 in Deuteronomy Chapter 5 in regard to the Sabbath.
27:10 Look at this. What verse you're looking at?
27:12 I'm looking at verse 12. Okay.
27:16 Which goes on to observe--
27:17 it says observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
27:20 very similar as you read down through verses 13 and 14,
27:23 but then look at verse 15
27:25 that isn't there in the original Ten Commandments.
27:28 --not exactly.
27:30 And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt
27:35 and that the Lord your God brought you out
27:37 from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm,
27:42 therefore, the Lord your God
27:43 commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.
27:47 The Sabbath is about creation,
27:49 yes, but it's also about recreation.
27:53 That's right, freedom.
27:54 Deliverance and freedom from sin.
27:57 So everything about the Sabbath is
28:00 what God is doing through His creative
28:02 and redemptive work through His people. Right.
28:05 So when we observe the Sabbath calling it
28:08 the true Lord's day which is the seventh day,
28:10 we're honoring Him as not only our creator, but our redeemer.
28:15 In fact, if you want to put the exclamation point on this,
28:18 look at Hebrews.
28:20 Just real quick, Hebrews Chapter 5,
28:25 where it says there in regard to rest,
28:31 it connects it with the same line of thinking,
28:32 excuse me Hebrews 4,
28:34 "For indeed the gospel was preached to us
28:36 as well as to them but the word they heard did not profit them,
28:39 that is the Jews as a nation not being mixed
28:42 with the faith and those who heard it."
28:45 And then it goes on there talking about God
28:47 rested the seventh day from all His works, verse 4.
28:50 And then He promises in verse 5,
28:53 that they shall not enter my rest.
28:56 So it was the disobedience of Israel
29:00 that they will not enter it into rest.
29:01 Now how ironic is that?
29:04 But ones that say that--
29:06 that the Sabbath is so important are told
29:09 they will not enter the rest because of disobedience.
29:12 But the ones that are God's true people through the church
29:17 and through faith are rejecting the rest God offers them.
29:20 That's right, that's sad.
29:22 That is sad, not only it's ironic, it's very sad.
29:25 So we need to understand
29:27 that this Sabbath wasn't made for the Jews.
29:29 It was established at creation,
29:30 its means made for us. That's right.
29:32 And it not only is tied to creation
29:34 but it's tied to our salvation.
29:35 It is not tied to the resurrection.
29:39 No where in the Bible is the Sabbath
29:41 tied to the resurrection.
29:43 It's a nice thought from this gal
29:45 that she says that we should honor the day
29:47 that He was resurrected,
29:49 but there's already services for that. That's right.
29:52 But the Sabbath is not one of them.
29:54 And by the way just to make it very, very clear
29:57 a lot of times people read and say,
29:59 well, sure, let's go ahead and honor,
30:02 that the Lord made it extremely clear
30:04 even in the New Testament.
30:06 Mark 2:27, 28.
30:10 "He said to them, the Sabbath was made for man
30:14 and not man for the Sabbath,
30:16 therefore the Son of man is also Lord of the Sabbath."
30:21 So he's saying the Sabbath is made for men,
30:24 when was it made? At the end of creation week.
30:26 So you have the Roman Catholic Church comes along
30:29 and during the dark ages changes it
30:31 and everybody else jumps on board and say,
30:33 hey, we like this new one it fits better.
30:35 You know why it fits better?
30:37 Because it's more convenient,
30:38 you don't have to honor the whole day,
30:40 you do your holy hour or holy two hours and you go home.
30:44 You go home or you go to a football game
30:46 or you go shopping at a mall
30:47 or you go out playing, you go out fishing
30:50 or you go out playing baseball.
30:51 It's not a holy day.
30:53 It's a few hours you kind of do your daily two hour,
30:55 your weekly two hours and you go about your business.
30:58 You know it's weird because we fight about the day,
31:00 but what the rest of the commandment?
31:01 Exactly, the whole day.
31:04 So they don't keep Sunday
31:05 is not a holy day in the Christian world.
31:08 It's a holy couple of hours and you can't even make it holy
31:11 because God hasn't made it holy.
31:13 You can't make something holy that God hasn't made holy.
31:16 Let me use a perfect classic example here.
31:18 You cannot make this hopefully will drive the point home.
31:23 When the Bible says, thou shall not commit adultery.
31:25 Let's make this as a seventh commandment.
31:27 What is adultery?
31:28 It's a violation of a marriage between a man and a woman,
31:32 between a man and a woman.
31:34 Okay, so now, marriage, do you believe as a Christian
31:37 that marriage is between a man and a woman?
31:40 Well, you know what,
31:42 people that don't agree with you could say,
31:44 marriage is between a man and a man and I prefer that.
31:48 Well, by them changing the Sabbath to their preference
31:51 as I changing marriage to the other people's preference.
31:55 They prefer a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman,
31:59 will make that any different from taking
32:01 the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
32:03 It's a violation still of the marriage commandment.
32:06 Yeah. See.
32:07 Powerful. You know and we get the statement here they say,
32:10 you know, John and John,
32:12 you know, you talk about the Sabbath,
32:13 you pin this up, you know, we're tired of hearing about it.
32:17 We're bringing up because we get letters
32:18 and questions on this all the time.
32:21 And I know we get some letters that say,
32:22 well, you're talking about it so much
32:24 but overwhelmingly people are asking about this.
32:25 People are asking about it. And the issue really is here.
32:28 I had a question that someone asked me one time
32:30 and they said, "Pastor, are you saying
32:34 that I have to keep the Sabbath to be saved?"
32:37 They want to get down to brass tacks.
32:38 They want to get down to the basic issue.
32:41 Pastor, do I have to keep the Sabbath to be saved,
32:43 is that what you're saying?
32:45 Because that will be legalism, my answer was this.
32:48 I tried-the Lord spoke to me I felt in this moment
32:51 and I said whatever answer to your question
32:55 that you would give for any of the other commandments
32:58 give for the fourth.
33:00 Thank you. Thank you, John.
33:01 Whatever answer you give
33:02 for any of the others give for the fourth.
33:05 Do I have to stop committing adultery?
33:07 Do I have to stop stealing? Do I have to stop murdering?
33:10 Do I have to stop lying to be saved?
33:13 Well, I find very few that would start arguing
33:16 that you have to stop being a murderer to be saved. Right.
33:19 But when we talk about the Sabbath
33:21 all of a sudden becomes big issue
33:23 because we're trampling on someone's--
33:25 Preference. Preference, exactly.
33:28 So my answer is whatever answer
33:30 you're gonna give for the others
33:32 in regard to your salvation give for the fourth.
33:34 It's one of the commandments. These aren't 10 suggestions.
33:36 It's not a smorgasbord
33:37 I'll take a little of this, a little of that.
33:38 God said the seventh day is the Sabbath.
33:41 Now the other issue here is,
33:43 well, I hear the response already.
33:45 Well, how do you know, which day was really the Sabbath?
33:47 Because it's been so long gone by,
33:49 anyway I'll answer that in the second,
33:50 you want to comment.
33:52 Because we're going to actually talk about that
33:53 in our topic today.
33:55 But I'm so glad that you're making that point
33:57 and just to come across very carefully
34:00 and very cleanly but very surefooted on the Word of God.
34:05 This issue should not-- the Sabbath should not be
34:08 an offensive observance if God is your God.
34:14 That's just what really when it comes down to you.
34:15 You said that in the very beginning the seventh day,
34:19 Exodus 20: 10-11, the seventh day
34:23 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
34:27 You remember that Uncle Sam's finger,
34:29 Uncle Sam wants you.
34:30 The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
34:33 So it comes down to who is your God?
34:37 If you believe in the authority
34:38 of the Roman Catholic Church
34:40 above the Bible which they say
34:42 they have the strength above the Bible.
34:44 To make this change. To make this change.
34:47 If you believe that they are above the Bible
34:50 then you're honoring Sunday in recognition
34:51 to the Roman Catholic Church.
34:53 You are not honoring Sunday
34:54 in reference to Christ resurrection
34:56 because and I mentioned this,
34:59 baptism is in honor of the resurrection not Sunday.
35:06 As many of us as were baptized into Christ
35:11 have put on Christ. Romans Chapter 6--
35:13 Are baptized into His resurrection, it says.
35:16 Into His resurrection.
35:17 So we're being baptized
35:19 we're coming forth to walk in the newness of life,
35:21 the old has passed away,
35:23 we have put on the new life, that's the resurrection.
35:26 The baptism is in honor of the resurrection of Christ
35:29 not the first day of the week.
35:30 But, you know, John, what gets me is
35:32 Christianity today is like a--
35:36 is like one part lemonade, nine parts water.
35:42 Now let me go back to how it's supposed to be.
35:46 It supposed to be ten parts lemonade,
35:48 zero parts water and I'm using this.
35:51 Let me just use a different thing,
35:52 lemonade is kind of cheapie type of thing.
35:55 Let's use grape juice straight from the vine
35:57 because the grape is used in the Bible.
35:59 Ten parts grape juice
36:01 but what's happened is Christianity
36:04 has been diluted through out the centuries
36:08 with all these traditions
36:09 and Sunday is one of the biggest traditions
36:12 that Christians have now found a convenient.
36:15 Ah, it's really great.
36:17 I could go to church and I could relax
36:20 and you know this this fits my schedule a lot better
36:25 and I'm glad you mentioned that.
36:26 And the other reason too is that
36:28 people are defensive about
36:29 what they have always believed. Yeah.
36:31 I've read a statement here not too long ago that people--
36:35 I'm going to use it statistically
36:36 and they say that more people nine out of ten,
36:38 upwards of nine out of ten people
36:41 react rather then reflect.
36:46 In other words, when they hear something that opposes
36:49 or may contradict their system of believes.
36:52 Instead of reflecting on that
36:54 and studying it out and thinking about it,
36:56 they react against it. Right.
36:58 And I find even on forums where this discussion comes up
37:01 about the seventh day Sabbath you know and honoring that
37:04 and it's highly reactionary.
37:07 It's repeating the same thing.
37:08 It's like politics, if you say it enough times
37:11 they will believe it.
37:12 If you keep quoting the same verses Romans 14,
37:15 Colossians 2, if you keep saying that they'll believe it.
37:19 You can't go there. No, you can't.
37:20 Because those questions have been answered
37:22 and you don't have answers for those answers,
37:25 it's just--it comes down to am I humble enough
37:28 to receive the Word of God for what it is,
37:30 and will I follow it?
37:32 And Romans 7, let me just hit this last one
37:34 before we go into our topic
37:35 and by the way we're already into our topic
37:37 whether you got that or not.
37:40 Let me show you what the real issue is here in the Bible.
37:44 We're in Romans.
37:46 Here is the issue, Romans Chapter 8.
37:48 This is in fact the real issue.
37:52 If the commandments of God bother you
37:55 so much so to the point
37:57 where you want to just get rid of that fourth commandment,
37:59 just obliterate it because you're sick
38:01 and tired of it and you prefer another one in its place.
38:05 This is the issue, Romans 8:6, 7.
38:08 I'm going straight to the issue.
38:10 "For to be carnally minded is death
38:14 but to be spiritually minded is life and peace,
38:19 because the carnal mind is enmity against God,
38:24 for it is not subject to the law of God
38:29 nor indeed can be."
38:32 It just doesn't want to have anything
38:33 to do with the law of God.
38:35 And the biggest issue in the law of God
38:37 is not whether or not Christians want to commit adultery?
38:40 Although some of them are adulteress.
38:42 Although some of them do lie and steal
38:45 and some of them hate so much
38:46 that they might go ahead and kill.
38:48 I mean, not given license to that
38:49 but if you hate somebody,
38:51 you have murdered them already,
38:53 though many violate those principles also
38:55 of those commandments also.
38:57 It is saying here the biggest issue today in the world
38:59 is Sunday versus Sabbath
39:02 and Christians have been duped into believing
39:05 that Sunday is the new day.
39:08 And, John, if you look at society today,
39:10 I think our topic is kind of taken the natural course here,
39:13 that's why we've chosen this topic to discuss.
39:16 If you look at society today,
39:18 the entire world has set itself up economically
39:22 to exalt the first day of the week, everything about it.
39:26 It's the day that everybody feels
39:27 it's the last day of the week
39:28 before you go back to work
39:30 so they think if it is the seventh day.
39:32 It's the day where all the sales happen.
39:35 It's the day where many of the car dealerships close.
39:38 It's the day where many cities and states
39:40 you can't sell alcohol or you can't buy cigarettes
39:43 or you can't do anything that
39:46 that particular state decides shouldn't happen on Sunday.
39:50 But on Saturday, it's the day that's trampled under foot
39:53 and Satan's plan has been to so stamp under his foot
39:59 everything that connects us to God
40:01 that he's brought the world on board to do that.
40:05 And sadly enough he's brought many Christians onboard
40:08 to trample on the very word remember.
40:11 Now let's wind up this very thought here
40:12 and segue into our topic.
40:14 If God says to me,
40:16 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
40:19 A man says, remember Sunday to keep it holy.
40:23 I am going to chose God's side.
40:25 If you want to follow man you do that,
40:27 but I'm going to chose to follow God.
40:29 That's said simple. That seems brain.
40:32 That seems like a no-brainer to me,
40:35 but people would say,
40:36 uh, but it-- No, it is, it's that simple.
40:39 God says remember, man says forget.
40:42 Remember this, man says, God says remember this
40:45 and you chose to remember what man says
40:47 and to completely ignore what God says.
40:49 Who's behind that? That Satan's plan.
40:51 Yeah. Yeah.
40:53 So anyway, we've talked about a lot of that
40:55 and I think you got the point.
40:57 It's what God's word says.
40:59 It's what the God says from the very beginning
41:01 to the very end is what really matters not the convenience,
41:04 nor the tradition of the first day of the week.
41:07 Now I am sure, I am positively sure,
41:12 we have said something here today
41:13 that makes you want to give us or send us an email.
41:15 That's part of why we do this program.
41:17 We want to hear from you.
41:19 What do you think about what we just talked about?
41:20 What do you think about our feedback on
41:22 whether or not God's Sabbath
41:24 should be honored above man's tradition?
41:26 What do you think about Sunday versus Saturday?
41:29 Let us hear what you have to say
41:30 regardless of what your denomination is,
41:32 send us the emails.
41:34 And here's the email address,
41:38 That's
41:42 And thank you so much for all you do.
41:44 Now, John, our topic today is the commandments of God.
41:50 There's a folder that Amazing Facts
41:53 puts out called "You are responsible."
41:55 Amazing Facts is a supportive ministry
41:58 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
42:01 but I strongly, my good friend
42:04 Pastor Doug Bachelor is a President of Amazing Facts
42:08 and this folder "You Are responsible"
42:10 it's not something we are offering,
42:12 so don't write us for it,
42:13 but if you go to
42:15 you can get a copy of this one,
42:16 it's called "You Are responsible."
42:18 Beautiful, beautiful flier but the reason why we added
42:23 so much passion and tenacity
42:25 to what we were just talking about is
42:26 because the bottom line is you are responsible, right?
42:30 Yeah.
42:32 So let's start with a very simple text.
42:34 John 14:15.
42:36 You know what that says, right, John?
42:39 You tell me.
42:42 I am not at it right now.
42:43 So you know, I don't have that memorized specifically by that.
42:46 Well, John 14:15,
42:48 "If you love me, keep my commandments."
42:49 There we go. Okay.
42:51 So let's get down to the simple fact, if you love me.
42:56 You know, friends, it is all about love.
42:59 If we love God then we'll love His commandments, right?
43:05 And there's several meanings to that passage too
43:07 because I know we've used it in different contexts.
43:10 One of them is if we really love God
43:12 we will keep His commandments.
43:14 Another one is that we really can't keep
43:16 His commandments unless we really love God.
43:18 So you see there's a couple of ways
43:20 to look at that text specifically.
43:22 So and if the whole passage
43:24 really kind of is an interesting one to read there
43:26 because it's really out of nowhere comes this statement,
43:31 "If you love me, keep my commandments." Right?
43:34 I mean, because if you look at the rest of it,
43:35 it's not talking about the commandments.
43:37 It appears that this is coming out of nowhere,
43:40 but it doesn't.
43:42 Jesus is very much speaking in context
43:44 and so if we look at that
43:49 John 14:15.
43:58 Notice this here.
44:01 Let's start with verse 12,
44:04 "Most assuredly I say to you,
44:05 he who believes in Me, the works that I do,
44:08 he will do also and greater works than these he will do
44:12 because I go to my father.
44:14 And whatever you ask in my name,
44:17 that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
44:21 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it."
44:24 And all of a sudden this verse,
44:26 "If you love me, keep my commandments."
44:29 And then he goes back to,
44:30 "And I will pray the Father
44:32 and He will give you another Helper,"
44:33 the subject of the Holy Spirit.
44:34 So the application here,
44:37 the statement here of Jesus for the Ten Commandments,
44:40 falls in line with greater works that one will do.
44:44 How we will ask God and He will respond to us
44:47 and if we obey Him and love him He will respond to us
44:50 but part of that relationship is what?
44:53 Keeping the commandments out of love for Jesus.
44:57 And then how does God respond to us
44:59 keeping those commandments out of love?
45:01 He sends us another helper. That's right.
45:03 That is Holy Spirit.
45:04 So it is in context but it appears at first not to be.
45:08 But God is basically, Jesus is saying
45:10 that the commandments are part of the Christian experience
45:13 right down to the very end.
45:14 And it's amazing to me, John.
45:16 And one of the reasons why we're talking about this topic
45:18 is that over now centuries within Christianity
45:24 as it's been diluted down as you said earlier,
45:27 more and more advocating
45:29 that the Ten Commandments were done away with.
45:33 They were nailed to the cross so to speak
45:35 and that's not what, at least what my Bible says,
45:38 I am reading from the New King James version.
45:40 I can't find that it says that there were--
45:42 the Ten Commandments themselves were nailed to the cross
45:45 as in done away with but that our--
45:50 well, maybe we should look at that verse.
45:52 I probably think we'll probably come up to that later,
45:53 so I won't jump ahead. Okay.
45:55 But the point being the Ten Commandments
45:57 are absolutely a core theology of the New Testament
46:01 and part of the Christian experience.
46:03 You know when you say to somebody,
46:06 I am convinced you love me and they will say, "Why?"
46:10 Because I mean you don't have any problem doing what I ask.
46:15 My wife and I have been married now 30 years.
46:18 If we ever got to the place where I said to my wife,
46:21 honey, or she said to me, John.
46:23 You know, I always call her honey.
46:25 And we have difficulty now all of a sudden
46:27 after that period of time to acquiesce
46:31 to a request that each one makes.
46:33 I remember I am also a marriage counselor.
46:35 I remember sitting down once talking to a couple
46:39 and the husband was making a request to the wife
46:47 that she should not hang around and this other man so often.
46:53 And she said to me, could you tell him that is not an issue
47:00 and he's making a big deal out of me hanging around this guy.
47:05 And what's the problem with him?
47:08 And I said-- she said,
47:10 "Could you give me a reason why I should I listen to him."
47:11 I said, "It's very simple, do you love him?
47:15 If you love your husband and he makes a request
47:18 that he doesn't want to share you
47:19 with any other man it should--
47:21 that's all of that he needs to say,
47:24 in order for you to sever your relationship with any man
47:26 whether it is platonic or any other way.
47:29 All he has to say is,
47:31 "Honey, I am not comfortable with you
47:33 hanging around that guy all the time."
47:36 You don't even need me to come to me
47:38 as a counsel to figure out
47:40 or to try to get me to change his mind
47:42 because I am not going to change his mind.
47:44 He says that you belong to me
47:46 and our love relationship is the foundation
47:49 upon which our love relationship has been established
47:51 and I am not sharing you with anybody else.
47:54 So if we believe that we are exclusively the property of God,
47:58 if He is exclusively our Lord
48:02 and He makes a request of us to honor His commandments,
48:07 it is evidence of love.
48:08 Here is the proof that I have,
48:10 look at 1 John 5.
48:12 1 John 5, I want to read verse 1, 2 and 3.
48:17 1 John 5, verse 1, 2 and 3.
48:20 "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ,"
48:24 now this is the whole point,
48:25 let's go and make the application.
48:26 Whoever believes that she is your wife or he is your husband.
48:30 "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God,
48:34 and everyone who loves Him,
48:38 who begot also loves Him who is begotten of Him."
48:43 In other words, if you love God, you're going to love Christ.
48:47 And then verse 2,
48:48 "By this we know that we love the children of God,
48:52 when we love God and keep His commandments."
48:56 Verse 3, "For this is the love of God
48:59 that we keep His commandments
49:01 and His commandments are not burdensome."
49:06 Says, oh man, it's such a burden to keep that.
49:09 Well, you know, a wife or a husband
49:11 will think it's a burden,
49:12 if they made the request to leave that woman alone
49:15 or leave that man alone if love was not in the relationship.
49:19 That's right. Well, and it is the center
49:21 because if you don't have that love relationship with Jesus
49:24 there's nothing that motivates you to keep the Ten Commandments
49:28 or to obey Him in any respect.
49:31 Some will say I know that some try to say,
49:33 well, the commandments spoken of here in the verse
49:35 you just quoted, John, is only God's commandments
49:39 through Jesus when He came to this earth.
49:41 Only the words that He spoke and He iterated.
49:43 And He did not reiterate or give authority
49:48 again to the fourth commandment.
49:50 Well, we know that's not true
49:52 because the Sabbath is mentioned many times.
49:55 So the issue really here comes down to,
49:57 are we following God out of love,
49:59 we'll respond to what He says
50:01 or are we really doing what we want,
50:03 are we defensive about what we want to do?
50:07 And I know it's a tough thing.
50:10 I don't like being convicted that I am doing wrong.
50:15 I don't think any of us like that.
50:17 My first response, reaction is,
50:18 I confess, my first reaction to every time,
50:20 John, that I am convicted with something
50:22 that I am wrong is to defend my wrong position.
50:25 And that is my-- Initially, absolutely.
50:28 Look at politicians today.
50:30 One of the reasons we have a difficult time
50:32 with the left and the right coming together
50:34 is because more and more they are settling
50:35 into their positions and they continue
50:37 to just say things enough.
50:39 If they say it enough people will believe it.
50:41 And they are not coming together and reasoning.
50:45 What did Jesus say, what did God say?
50:46 "Come let us reason together." That's right.
50:50 Share with me your defenses.
50:51 Let's talk as He did with Job
50:54 and we will always find that God's right. Yeah.
50:57 And that we were wrong.
50:59 And so when we talk about the responsibility of the Christian
51:05 when you read the Bible,
51:08 the longing of Christ is not that
51:11 He has a people just calling on His name.
51:15 I just recently spoke and as I mentioned again,
51:18 I am a marriage counselor.
51:20 I recently spoke to a couple a little while ago,
51:25 who-- one of them said,
51:29 "I don't really know if my spouse loves me any longer."
51:32 I said, "Why?"
51:34 Because they are just-- they don't--
51:37 it's like I'm not even heard anymore.
51:39 I said what do you mean?
51:41 Well, I mean, in public they act like they care for me,
51:45 but when we're home its like I don't even exist.
51:48 I talk and I get no response.
51:51 It's like I am talking to a wall.
51:53 And then I bring that to my spouse's attention,
51:57 I am just being vague intentionally
51:59 and I still get no response,
52:01 it's like they are not even home.
52:03 It's like I don't even matter
52:04 but in public everybody think we have a great relationship.
52:07 It's like what's going on there?
52:10 And I said if you would narrow it down
52:13 what one thing you would say is a problem?
52:15 I am not heard.
52:17 It's like my word doesn't matter.
52:18 And when you come down to it
52:20 there are many Christians that say, "I love the Lord."
52:23 That's their public persona
52:26 but privately in their one to one relationship with God
52:29 there is this recalcitrant, internal spirit
52:32 that's battling against the commandments of God
52:35 and yet they say, "But I still love Him
52:38 but I don't have to keep His commandments."
52:40 And then the Apostle Paul--
52:43 Let's look at some of the places
52:44 and I think you segued just a moment ago
52:47 or you made this point.
52:48 The commandments of God
52:50 or the Sabbath didn't need to be emphasized over and over
52:53 and over and over again in the New Testament
52:55 because nobody was violating the Sabbath.
52:58 You see, they accused Jesus of violating the Sabbath
53:02 and He never did but the Sabbath was not an issue.
53:06 It did not become an issue,
53:08 in Christendom until during the dark ages.
53:10 When Rome began to try to challenge
53:12 the dictates of Christianity and injected with traditions.
53:16 So there was no need to even fight over the Sabbath
53:18 even though it's mentioned 60 times in the New Testament.
53:20 Yeah. And I think also there's an explaining away
53:24 or misperception about how Christ handled the Sabbath too
53:28 because some Jews say that He broke it. Right.
53:30 But the problem is, is if He broke it
53:32 then He no longer becomes the Savior and becomes a sinner.
53:34 And we're lost. And we're lost.
53:36 So He could not have broken it.
53:37 What He broke was their traditions
53:40 and that's a big difference.
53:42 He broke from their traditions with regard to the Sabbath.
53:45 And I believe some of those traditions
53:47 have been carried over into the mindset of those
53:50 who see the seventh day Sabbath as,
53:53 you know, a Jewish Sabbath with a lot of rights
53:55 and just difficult challenges and burdens.
53:58 When that's not at all what the Sabbath is about.
54:01 The Sabbath is liberating.
54:02 It's about our relationship with Christ,
54:04 letting Him to do the heavy work for work for us
54:06 and resting in-- by faith,
54:07 resting in His finished work.
54:10 John, I think one of the big things that individuals have
54:14 and it just creates a blockage
54:16 is that the Ten Commandments themselves
54:20 are viewed theologically in the theological model
54:25 that most and many Christians have.
54:27 They view theologically it's something against them.
54:31 Very good point.
54:32 And so when you talk about keeping the commandments
54:34 they just can't get their arms around it
54:35 because, no, that's something that's against us.
54:39 But it's not always against you and here's why,
54:43 it's against those that are sinners
54:45 because it condemns what sinners do. Right.
54:48 It's a transcript of God's law obviously
54:53 and that when you disobey it as a sinner it condemns you.
54:57 It drives you to Jesus who has fulfilled that law
55:01 and has kept it in every point.
55:04 So for someone who believes in Jesus
55:06 it no longer is a condemning thing.
55:08 It's a transcript of God's character
55:10 and what He wants us to be like.
55:12 It's something to be obeyed
55:13 because now we have joy because Christ has overcome.
55:16 He has kept that law perfectly for us
55:18 and He gives us that perfection
55:20 that we didn't have and don't have. Right.
55:22 And so then when you see it that way
55:24 you see God's law as something to be embraced and accepted.
55:28 That is the biblical theology of the Ten Commandments.
55:32 So if this mindset, it comes from your preacher
55:34 or a teacher or someone that the Ten Commands is against us,
55:37 it's a curse, it's a burden.
55:40 No, it's only that way to the sinner
55:41 who doesn't have Christ. That's right.
55:43 But to the one who has Jesus,
55:45 who has kept those commandments
55:47 and gives you His perfect life it is a wonderful thing,
55:50 it's liberating, even to the point
55:51 where Paul calls it the law of liberty.
55:54 That's right.
55:55 Matter of fact, James calls it the law of liberty.
55:57 James, sorry.
55:58 And so-- but you have here--
56:00 and I want to hit this commandment one more time,
56:02 1 John 5:3,
56:03 "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.
56:07 And His commandments are not burdensome."
56:09 Anytime somebody says to you,
56:11 "Oh, you're under the burden of the old law."
56:14 No, the law of God is not a burden.
56:17 They say, oh, you're under works.
56:18 Well, you know, often times when you mention
56:20 the Sabbath people say,
56:21 "Ah, you believe in salvation by works."
56:24 But if you read the Sabbath commandment it says,
56:26 "Thou shall not do any works, it's a freedom from work."
56:31 That's right.
56:32 It's not a bond.
56:34 It's not a binding to work.
56:35 It's a freedom from work.
56:37 Thou shall not do any work.
56:39 And let's make it plain here, doing things to be saved.
56:44 In other words, you are not saved yet through Christ,
56:47 you are doing things to be saved is legalism. Exactly.
56:51 Once you are saved doing things and working for God,
56:55 doing good deeds and following His plan
56:58 for your life to obey Him,
57:00 out of love becomes a response of thanksgiving
57:06 and just your salvation experience with Christ.
57:09 It's only legalism if you're trying to do it to be saved
57:11 but once you are saved doing those things,
57:14 that's not legalism. That's right.
57:15 That's a response of love to God.
57:17 Matter of fact I think that point is so well taken.
57:19 The next program we do on this topic
57:21 we're going to begin it from the prospective
57:23 of why you do what you do?
57:25 But, friends, here at House Calls
57:26 the call is coming to you one day,
57:28 if you accept Christ out of love
57:30 you will have a blessing as you follow Him.
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17