House Calls

What is Baptism? Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang, John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL130024

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:02 and sit back as we explore God's word
00:05 together on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Welcome, to another House Calls program.
00:24 We're in the saddle today.
00:26 We're ready to ride off in the sunset of the word of God
00:29 and I have got my cohort with me.
00:31 I have got my compadre.
00:33 I have got my friend in the word.
00:36 Good to have you here, John.
00:37 It's good to be here, John.
00:38 I'll tell you we roll like that.
00:41 We're both Johns and which in the Bible sense
00:47 mean the one whom He loves.
00:50 The Lord loves us and we know that
00:51 and we love you too.
00:52 And so thank you, for tuning into this program.
00:54 Thank you, for taking the time to hit the record button
00:57 and to ask the Lord to speak to our hearts,
01:01 through our hearts, to your hearts.
01:02 And so take the time with us, get your friends together,
01:05 invite your family if you're joining us from a church.
01:08 We appreciate you're doing that.
01:09 If you're sharing this with someone,
01:10 welcome to very important program
01:13 where we go to the word of God before we go to anything else.
01:17 But, we'll be covering questions today
01:19 and comments that have been sent to us
01:21 and we'll covering a continue topic on the subject of Baptism.
01:26 A lot of people don't know what Baptism really is
01:29 although, many have been baptized.
01:31 But what actually happens when a person gives
01:34 his or her life to the Lord through baptism?
01:37 However, before we answer anything or go anywhere
01:39 or do anything in concerning the word of God
01:41 we like to get power from one high
01:44 and that happens through prayer.
01:45 John, pray for us. Let's do that.
01:48 Father, You have been so good us.
01:50 And we just, we love spending this time with You.
01:54 We pray that Your word would come alive today.
01:56 That You'd send Your spirit to not only speak to our hearts
01:59 but those that are listening or viewing this program
02:03 as we study Your word especially the subject of baptism.
02:06 And then we cover a few questions too.
02:09 Lord, we just pray for You to empower us
02:11 give us insights and speak to us
02:13 that we may understand Your plan
02:15 and Your love for us more clearly.
02:17 In Jesus name, amen. Amen.
02:20 Now those of you who have sent in questions before,
02:23 you know exactly what to do.
02:25 But there are those of you who are tuning into the program
02:27 and then the Lord may be have impressed you to ask a question
02:31 here is the information that you need to get that question to us.
02:34 We have an email,
02:37 That's Org mean organization.
02:42 So we're very organized, we hope we are.
02:46 And when we get those questions we filter through them.
02:48 John gives me questions.
02:50 He is like the, he is like the computer guy
02:52 and I'm the snail mail guy.
02:54 I had a snail mail here today.
02:57 It's in here somewhere, it's so slow I can't find it.
03:00 But we do have your questions
03:02 and I always like John to lead out on the questions.
03:05 So what do you have for us today, John?
03:07 I mean what has this person asked you that requires urgency?
03:12 Well, let's see, he asked,
03:13 she actually asked a very good question, Trish.
03:16 And she says that, "To John and John
03:18 I have trouble with Luke 14:26." Luke 14:26.
03:22 "We're told to love even our enemy.
03:25 Is there more than one meaning in Greek to the word hate.
03:30 I'm still new in the truth but this verse is hard to grasp."
03:34 And so let's take a look at Luke 14:26.
03:40 Okay. Luke 14:26.
03:44 I'm gonna read 27 as well. All right.
03:47 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother,
03:52 wife and children, brothers and sisters--
03:55 yes, and his own life also he cannot be my disciple.
04:00 And whosoever does not bear his cross,
04:02 and come after me, cannot be my disciple."
04:06 Now this word, the word hate there some have struggled with.
04:11 It's a verse that is used in the King James
04:14 and New King James translations.
04:18 The question that Trish asked here is,
04:20 is there more than one meaning in the Greek.
04:22 And yes, I think we need to do
04:24 is convey the intent of Christ words here.
04:28 The word hate of course is not exactly,
04:32 it doesn't exactly mean today what God,
04:35 what Jesus was intending to convey
04:37 in this message here to His disciples back then.
04:41 And anyway the word hate in the Greek is miseo.
04:46 Which is means to hate, that's one, but also to detest.
04:52 Well, that doesn't quite fit there either.
04:55 But another translation here is when you love something less
05:00 is the another meaning of this world.
05:02 To love less not just to detest
05:06 or to hate in the sense of the word today.
05:09 So if we add or modify that word
05:12 or put that, that definition in here
05:15 it says, if anyone comes to me
05:17 and does not love less than me
05:19 his father and mother, wife and children,
05:21 brothers and sisters then you cannot be my disciple.
05:24 That fits and that's what really what Jesus is saying here.
05:28 He doesn't want you to hate them.
05:29 In other words, cut them off don't talk to them.
05:32 That's just not even in Christ definition
05:35 or in His language anyway.
05:38 He would never ask us to do that.
05:39 In fact he says in his word to care for love,
05:43 always honor and respect your parents.
05:45 So He is not saying go against that.
05:47 But He is saying, if you don't love me more
05:50 then you love others that brought you into this world,
05:53 that hold you in this world,
05:55 that you have relationships within this world
05:57 then you cannot be my disciples.
05:59 And so John, I really see Jesus basically saying.
06:02 "Love me more than anyone else
06:04 and in that respect you are my disciples."
06:07 Matter of fact, to amplify that there has been,
06:15 this is coming on the heels of a number of statements
06:18 made by people who were invited to follow the Lord.
06:21 One said, I have some land, I need to go check it out.
06:27 And other guy said, I bought a cow
06:29 I need to go check that out.
06:32 And other one says, I have a wife,
06:35 this is funny, I have a wife I can't come.
06:38 You know, he said in other words
06:41 I loved to follow You but it's not working out
06:44 the way that you'd like it to work out.
06:47 And but Jesus talked that the price of discipleship
06:51 and this is why when you look at the story here
06:54 that's talked about here in Luke.
06:57 What verse was it again, John?
06:59 It's 26 and 27 and the rest of the passage actually explains
07:03 what Jesus is saying a little more too but go ahead.
07:07 And what it in essence is being said here
07:09 is you got to count the cost of following the Lord.
07:14 A lot of people put everything before the Lord.
07:19 That is well, I'll be there as soon as I'm--
07:23 as soon as I'm finished this I will be glad to follow you.
07:27 Whenever this is over I'll be there.
07:30 The Lord is saying, wait a minute, wait a minute.
07:32 When you think of who I'm
07:34 compared to what you're putting before me
07:37 you got to hate those things.
07:39 When the Bible puts the word hate there.
07:41 It puts in the context of when the Lord says,
07:44 "love the Lord your God with all your heart,
07:47 all your mind, all your soul, and all your strength."
07:50 Your love should be first and foremost to God
07:53 and nothing or no one should come before him.
07:56 That's why the words here in contrast love and hate
07:59 only then can you really understand.
08:02 Let me use an example on the contemporary setting.
08:05 Our mother says to her son, didn't you hear me calling you?
08:10 But I was at my friends.
08:12 And she would say, wait a minute let me get this right.
08:16 Your friends are now before your mother.
08:20 But mom, we were-- a mother would say,
08:25 did you or did you just hear what you just said?
08:27 You put your friends in front of me.
08:30 I'm calling you and your friends get
08:32 preferential treatment over me.
08:34 Well, earthly parents would have that kind of recoil
08:37 when a child says that about an earthly connection
08:40 that's not a blood connection.
08:42 How does the Lord recoil when He says,
08:44 wait a minute I created you.
08:46 I have given you eternal life.
08:48 Everything that you could ever hope for.
08:51 I'm the one providing that for you.
08:53 And I'm asking you to follow me.
08:54 I want you to be part of a mission that will succeed.
08:56 I want you to turn the world upside down
08:58 by the works that I will do through your life.
09:01 I'm calling you to abundance.
09:03 And I will say follow me and you'll say,
09:04 wait a minute, got to check with my dad and mom first.
09:08 So He is using word there hate as john said
09:11 he doesn't want us to become unloving.
09:14 Because, if you look at the food of the spirit,
09:16 love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
09:18 gentleness, meekness, patience
09:20 those are all the indicators of
09:21 whether or not Christ is our lives.
09:23 But, He is saying to us
09:24 don't you dare put anyone ahead of me.
09:27 That's what is in essence being said there.
09:29 Now He doesn't what us to be hateful people.
09:31 Matter of fact I like the way that He says in Matthew 15:50.
09:38 Matthew 12:50.
09:40 "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven
09:44 is my brother and sister and mother."
09:49 Because people always put brothers,
09:50 sisters, mothers ahead of Christ.
09:53 He said, you want to know who my family is,
09:55 those who do the will of my father.
09:58 That's really my family. Yeah.
10:00 And that's what He was in essence communicating there.
10:02 Here another translation, this is New Living translation.
10:05 It says "if you want to be my disciples,
10:08 my disciple you must hate everything else by comparison.
10:11 Your father and mother, wife and children
10:13 brothers and sisters, yes, even your own life."
10:16 So, by comparison.
10:18 And, you know, I think the other thing too is
10:20 sometimes we treat our acceptance of Jesus
10:24 as an addition to our life
10:25 rather than what we really need to intend to do
10:28 which is to replace everything in our life with Him. Right.
10:32 He is an addition not a replacement.
10:35 And when we come to Jesus, Jesus is saying
10:37 as Paul is asking us to say as Paul said,
10:40 "It's not no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me."
10:44 What I used to love, what I used to do,
10:46 what I used to hold on to those have been replaced by Jesus.
10:50 Jesus is who I love, Jesus is who I hold on to.
10:53 He is the preeminence in my life.
10:56 The first and foremost of my love and affection.
10:59 And this is in essence what he is saying here.
11:02 And hate, yes, it's a strong word
11:03 but I think Jesus is trying to get across a strong point
11:06 which is, love me first and foremost
11:09 and hate everything else.
11:11 But not in the context would be unloving
11:13 but just in that I'm first and foremost
11:15 in your love and affections.
11:17 That's why when you look at the response,
11:19 there is only one response this always amazes me.
11:22 You know, as pastors we sometimes make appeals to people
11:24 to give their hearts and life to Christ.
11:31 We want to kill you so come forward
11:32 so we could plan your death.
11:34 That's not what were saying.
11:35 We are saying come forth and accept that could transform,
11:39 change, empower, strengthen and save you.
11:42 That's what we're asking to do.
11:44 When Jesus extended that invitation.
11:46 Here is indicative of what the response should be.
11:50 Matthew 4:20 the Bible says,
11:52 "They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
11:56 And they immediately they left their boat
11:58 and their father and followed Him."
12:00 No questions asked, boom.
12:03 When the Lord grips the persons life
12:06 what else is there to discuss?
12:09 You know, somebody say to you,
12:13 "If you follow me here's what I promised to do.
12:15 If you respond to my email I will instantly deposit
12:19 a million dollars into your account."
12:21 Somebody else, what is there left to discuss.
12:24 Respond to the email. Boom, no question asked.
12:27 And so but God is not giving us transitory things
12:30 or things are temperamental in earthly sense
12:33 He is giving us eternal life.
12:35 And anything that comes before him
12:37 removes his God-ship and lordship of his life.
12:40 Matter of fact Luke says in this way,
12:42 "Why call me Lord--Lord."
12:44 You see there is a savior and then there is a Lord.
12:46 The savior is one who saves us
12:48 but the Lord is the one who is in charge of our lives.
12:51 That's where we get the phrase landlord come from.
12:53 If we can't make the Lord the Lord of our lives
12:55 then He is not really in charge He is just the tenant.
12:59 You see, and that's what John was saying a moment ago.
13:02 We put God in the mix rather than making Him
13:06 the only, the first, the foremost in our lives.
13:09 Yeah. All right.
13:11 Now I'm going go to Matthew 12 here
13:14 and a person who asked this question--
13:17 let's go ahead and turn to Matthew 12.
13:22 That's the verse that they pointed out,
13:24 Matthew 12:29, okay.
13:29 That's pretty interesting. Matthew 12:29.
13:34 Okay that's the verse they asked me to read.
13:35 So I will go ahead and read this.
13:37 It says, "Or else."
13:40 Well let me go and read the question.
13:41 Well, with-- start with even 26.
13:44 Well, yeah, read the question
13:45 and then we probably need to back up
13:46 to give the context to what is being said here.
13:51 Matthew 12:29 is referenced.
13:56 They are teaching that the strong man must be bound
13:59 saying that the strong man is Satan.
14:02 And then he can't plunder our house or work against us.
14:06 They say that when you bind that you must also loosen.
14:12 Matthew 16:19 and 18:18.
14:15 "So you need to bind Satan and his spirit
14:17 or bind the bad thing
14:20 and then loosen the sign, symptom or condition
14:25 to release the kingdom of heavens counterpart."
14:28 Now that was, that was response,
14:31 that was a response in reference to the person that said,
14:34 "She hears so much about the topic of binding and losing
14:37 what is that actually mean?"
14:38 You know when the Bible says
14:39 if you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
14:41 whatever you lose on earth shall be lose in heaven.
14:44 That's the question that is actually being asked.
14:46 And so let me go and finish the comment here.
14:49 I don't think that Matthew 12:29
14:51 is referring to the strong man as Satan or demonic powers.
14:55 He isn't the strong man referred to in that scripture
14:59 actually the believer who is supposed to be
15:01 stronger than Satan and Satan is binding up the strong man.
15:05 Let's go ahead and read the passage here
15:07 and we'll go ahead and start from verse 25 of Mathew 12.
15:12 "But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them,
15:15 'every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation,
15:21 and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.
15:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself,
15:31 how then will his kingdom stand?
15:33 And if I cast out devils, by Beelzebub
15:39 by whom do your sons cast them out?
15:42 Therefore they shall be your judges.'"
15:47 Now verse 28.
15:49 "But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God,
15:52 surely the kingdom of God is come upon you."
15:56 And here's where the context,
15:58 here is where the story comes together in its completeness.
16:01 "Or else how can one enter a strong man's house,
16:04 and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man
16:09 and then he will plunder his house.
16:12 He who is not with me is against me,
16:13 he who does not gather with me scatters abroad."
16:16 Well, in fact, here one of the reasons
16:19 why this text is talking about Satan seeking to bind us
16:22 is because what the Lord is making very clear is
16:26 no one could do anything to you.
16:28 Satan could not have his way with you
16:29 unless he finds way to bind you.
16:31 That's why peter when he talked about Satan
16:33 in the context of 1 Peter 5:8.
16:36 He said, "Be sober, be vigilant,
16:38 because your adversary to devil walks about
16:40 like a roaring lion seeking whom he made devour."
16:44 That is the binding.
16:45 Satan is seeking to bind us that he may have his way.
16:48 Jesus also responded in another way
16:50 speaking about house being broken into.
16:52 He says, if we knew what time of the night the thief would come
16:57 we will not allow our houses to be broken into.
17:00 So in response to the binding
17:01 and losing in this particular passage
17:03 the one that's been bound is the Christian.
17:07 The one that is doing the binding is Satan.
17:10 This is not the binding, losing as you said was making--
17:16 was being refer to in your Sunday school lesson study.
17:20 This binding here is, Christ is warning us
17:23 Satan is seeking to bind you
17:26 and only when he's able to bind you
17:28 is he able to have his way with you.
17:30 What do you think about that, John?
17:31 Well, I think that yeah, Satan is the one doing the binding.
17:34 I see a little bit of another realm of possibility here too.
17:38 Because, initially the question here
17:40 is the challenge of the Pharisees
17:41 he says, this man is casting out demons by Beelzebub, right?
17:45 That's why they accused Jesus of doing.
17:47 And so what he is saying to the Pharisees is that
17:51 Satan is using you to bind my hand
17:54 to gain success for the work in the kingdom.
17:57 So the house here could very well be the Jews themselves
18:04 and the Pharisees are working against Jesus
18:07 binding Him from doing what He is trying--
18:09 He want to do by accusing Him of casting on demons by Beelzebub.
18:14 So they're actually casting him in the bad light
18:16 so that He is not able to do the work that He is sent to do.
18:20 So in that respect Satan is using the Pharisees to bind Him
18:24 from what he is trying to do in His own house. Right.
18:27 Which is the house of the Jews. That's right.
18:28 And so--so yeah, Satan is doing the binding here
18:31 and they're wrong in their Sabbath school lesson here
18:33 that they're going through.
18:35 But, as you're saying that also can be applied to us.
18:38 Anybody accusing us or something unchristian like
18:42 is really binding us from doing the work
18:44 that God wants us to do.
18:46 And that's Satan motive. That's what he tries to do.
18:48 He tries to cast out. He tries to discredit.
18:51 He tries to misrepresent the character of His people
18:54 so that they can't accomplish
18:56 what God wants them to accomplish.
18:58 I'm glad you went that all because a lot of time
19:00 one of the reasons why people become unfruitful
19:03 in the works of light is because somebody
19:06 hinders the work that God can do through their lives.
19:10 And sometimes that could be simplest through an accusation.
19:13 Somebody could be hindered
19:15 by being accused of something
19:17 that they're not really guilty of as was the case here
19:21 the religious leaders accusing Christ.
19:24 And he says "So do you think I'm casting Satan with Satan."
19:31 Because they did not honestly acknowledge Christ.
19:33 They did not receive Him.
19:35 They did not accept His lordship.
19:37 So they're saying, I bet you Satan is working through him.
19:41 and He says, guys, think about that for a moment.
19:44 Satan binding Satan,
19:47 that's not what's happening here.
19:49 And so in John Chapter 1
19:52 when he talked about the share in abilities he had.
19:56 They were two times in the gospels that you'll find
19:59 that Jesus, well, actually about three times I could think of
20:02 where you find Jesus talked about
20:03 how He was not able to be effective.
20:08 One of those was when He said,
20:10 "I came to my own and my own did not receive me."
20:14 He made it very clear. I wish I could--
20:18 I wish could something here but my own didn't received me.
20:21 Secondly, He talked about the unbelief among the people.
20:27 In Nazareth, he couldn't do very much work there
20:29 because they thought of him as isn't that the carpenters son.
20:32 They bound him by placing him in a category
20:36 that disabled him from effectively working
20:39 in their lives and in their hearts.
20:41 Then also the very place where
20:44 Jesus had established for house of prayer.
20:46 He said to the Jews, he said,
20:48 my shall be call a house of prayer for all people
20:51 but you made it a den of thieves.
20:52 And then to show how ineffective
20:54 his work had become among them he says,
20:56 behold, your house is left to you desolate.
20:59 I really can't do anything with you anymore.
21:02 Your house is left you desolate.
21:04 And then he refers to the Pharisees and leaders
21:07 as whitewashed suplicar's.
21:10 Any time we don't accept Christ in the position
21:13 of the authoritative role that he alone owns
21:16 then he cannot work His works in our lives.
21:19 I think also if Satan being bound
21:21 which is referred to null in the Book of Revelation.
21:26 But also I think you said Peter that talks about
21:28 and change of darkness. That's right.
21:31 And so when Satan is bound its God not allowing him
21:38 to do what he wants to accomplish.
21:40 So when Satan is trying to bind Christ the strong man,
21:44 he is trying to not let Christ do
21:46 what He is trying to do with his kingdom. That's right.
21:48 And that in many ways this word
21:49 is also being spoken up here as we eluded to.
21:52 All right. Okay, one more question or--
21:54 One more question here from Pete.
21:57 Thanks for the wonderful work you do, he says.
21:59 Thank you very much, Pete, we appreciate that.
22:01 And your support and prayers we covered those.
22:04 What does John mean when he says, this is the question,
22:08 "Also there was no more sea." in Revelation 21:1.
22:12 Does it mean there will be not sea
22:14 in the new heaven and the new earth?
22:17 Well, hopefully a fairly quick answer to this.
22:19 It says in Revelation 21:1.
22:22 "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth
22:25 for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away
22:28 also there was no more sea."
22:31 Now couple of things are going on here.
22:33 Number one, we're called
22:35 when we look at any scripture or passage
22:37 is to put ourself in the place of the author as well. Okay.
22:41 So John, where is John sitting?
22:44 Where is John at this point? On the island of Patmos.
22:46 And he is-- he can't go anywhere, why?
22:50 He is a prisoner. Prisoner by what is around him.
22:53 He is on the island. He is on island, water.
22:55 Water everywhere. Ocean everywhere.
22:58 He can't go anywhere because of this sea
23:00 in fact he stares at it almost every day.
23:03 That's right.
23:04 Do you think John is tired of sea? I would.
23:08 I think he is tired of the ocean probably about this time.
23:11 Sea, yes.
23:14 So in one respect and not the only respect
23:18 he is saying here, there will no more sea.
23:23 It's a relief to him. That's right.
23:25 Which is probably one of the reasons
23:26 why he is commenting on it.
23:27 There was no more sea.
23:29 The sea that I have been bound to this island with
23:32 will be gone in the new heaven and new earth.
23:36 We know also that in the flood during Noah's time
23:42 that it rained and flooded the entire earth with water.
23:46 Those waters represented or became the sea. That's right.
23:51 And so there was sea in places where there was not sea before.
23:55 And to this day what we were seeing in this world is the sea,
23:58 is the world that has much more water
24:00 than it did before in the seas.
24:04 And I think one of the reasons why God did this
24:06 and this is of course just my opinion
24:09 and not necessarily supported by,
24:11 by a specific scripture itself
24:13 is that God is separating man from Himself.
24:18 It's a world full of sin.
24:21 The antediluvian world, the world prior to the flood
24:25 was this constant sharing of ideas and the spreading of sin
24:28 and the rapid spreading sin
24:30 because there weren't the barriers
24:32 created by the oceans. Right.
24:34 And so in many ways the Lord was,
24:35 the Lord through the flood
24:37 was setting up barriers between mankind.
24:40 Right. That's a very powerful.
24:41 Not allowing sin to escalate and to multiply
24:46 as it did during the antediluvian world.
24:49 And in the new heaven and the new earth
24:51 where there is no sin
24:52 there is no need to have that barrier.
24:54 It will be back to the way God originally intended it
24:56 which would be bodies of water
24:58 but not as much ocean as we see today.
25:01 You know, can you imagine how high
25:03 and I'm just using this contemporary analogy
25:07 or this present analogy
25:08 can you imagine how high Mount Everest will be
25:12 if there will be no more sea?
25:14 You think of the Mariana Trench 30,000 feet down.
25:17 Mount Everest 29,000 feet above.
25:19 That's 59,000 feet straight up.
25:22 If there will be no more sea.
25:26 You know, John, I like the way you packaged that
25:29 because truly the seas, the oceans,
25:32 the massive bodies of water that separates one continent
25:34 one landmass from another has been produced by the flood.
25:39 Now they were four rivers named in Genesis.
25:42 So its not saying there won't be anybodies of water.
25:45 But God never intended for the world
25:47 to be covered by a flood
25:49 as had happened in the days of Noah.
25:51 And so what we see now a days the water is subsided
25:54 but we have a lot of manmade lakes
25:56 out here in southern Illinois.
25:58 We have one of the larger ones, close to us is Rend Lake.
26:00 And when they tell me that was a manmade lake
26:02 I looked at that and I think,
26:04 how do they get all this water in here?
26:08 Where did all this water come from
26:09 because the Rend Lake is a huge lake.
26:12 I mean really, really a lot of shoreline.
26:18 But it was a manmade lake. And then I think of the world.
26:22 If the flood caused by sin
26:25 many of us don't think of the waters that we see
26:28 the massive bodies of water that we see.
26:29 We don't think of them as a result
26:31 of all the water that deluges the earth.
26:35 All the water that brought destruction.
26:37 So when you look at the word sea here in the Bible
26:40 the word sea is seen quite differently to modern man
26:44 than it is to the antediluvian world
26:46 because they didn't have any sea. That's right.
26:48 They didn't--that's why Noah building boat was such a scene
26:52 what's he gonna do with that.
26:54 And a boat is so big where he gonna put that thing.
26:56 What is that for? Yeah.
26:58 What's you're going to do with that?
27:01 He is gonna sail, he is gonna float when the waters come.
27:07 He has really lost it. This guy is really in trouble.
27:10 What made building that ark so unusual
27:13 is the oceans where created for it.
27:17 The ark was in act of faith because there were no oceans,
27:20 there were no seas on which that was to float.
27:23 And when you read the account it was built far away
27:26 from anybody of water, on dry land.
27:28 And the whole idea, and let me just
27:30 also add something, this is a component.
27:33 The name Methuselah, you know what it means?
27:36 When he dies the waters come.
27:40 So Methuselah, as long as he was alive
27:43 they knew that waters wont' gonna come here.
27:45 But when Methuselah died can you imagine,
27:47 "How is Methuselah?" "He died today."
27:51 "Methuselah died," and his name actually meant
27:53 when he dies the water comes.
27:56 So the year that Methuselah died the floods came.
27:59 And so the building of this ark John is seeing this ocean
28:03 that was really in fact to him a prison.
28:06 It was his prison gates, it's all around him
28:09 because he's on an island.
28:10 Which is what sin does to us as well.
28:12 And sin separates. And waters separated.
28:17 So somebody may say, "Well, hey,
28:20 I like the ocean, believes me, believe me."
28:24 My brother's a fisherman down in the Virgin Islands
28:26 believe me heaven and the new earth
28:29 is not going to be a place of discontent for anybody
28:32 who gives his or her life to Christ.
28:33 That's right. He knows exactly what.
28:35 And they were waters named in Genesis.
28:37 So that the world is not going to be
28:39 absent from any bodies of water
28:41 but we will have more land mass.
28:43 I know that then we're gonna have oceans
28:46 that presently divide our world.
28:49 Well, thank you for your questions and comments.
28:52 You know, John, sometimes we go down avenues
28:54 that are rally require sometime to develop our answers.
28:58 But thank you for coming up with some challenging ones
29:03 of binding and seas and--
29:05 Yeah. Very good questions.
29:07 You don't sit down and thing those up.
29:10 I think that sometimes people play, stump the pastor.
29:14 And you get pretty close some times
29:17 but thank you so much
29:18 for participating in the Bible questions.
29:20 If you have any more questions you want to sent to us
29:23 you can send those to the following email address,
29:25, that's
29:31 And we thank you so much for your participation
29:34 and the capacity that you have undertaken.
29:38 Well, John, let's dive back into the topic of baptism.
29:42 We're gonna winding this topic upon this program
29:45 but we ended the last program in the Book of Romans
29:48 then we went to the Book of Galatians
29:50 and we talked about how we're completely and capable
29:54 until we give our lives to Christ we are personally,
29:57 completely incapable of doing anything
30:01 worthy of the righteousness of Christ.
30:04 Because, we're doing it in our own effort
30:07 rather than allowing God to work in us
30:10 both to will and do of His good pleasure.
30:12 Yeah, and I think baptism is a symbol
30:16 of dying to self-dependence and a differing to Christ
30:22 and his grace doing the work in us.
30:24 That's right. That's really what it is.
30:26 It's saying, "I'm no longer going to
30:28 depend upon myself to live my life.
30:31 I'm going to set my aside. I'm going depend upon Jesus.
30:34 He's gonna takeover.
30:35 He's gonna help me live a life the way He wants me to."
30:37 I was reading a devotional last night
30:39 before my wife and I went to bed.
30:41 It was so beautiful where in the devotional,
30:44 it was from the book called Lift Him Up,
30:46 one of the Ellen White's devotionals.
30:48 And it says one day Satan is going--
30:50 well, not one day but even now Satan stands back
30:52 and looks at the transformation that's taking place in our lives
30:56 and he wonders how did God do that?
30:59 How did He take that?
31:00 How did he take Apostle Paul a murderer, a criminal
31:05 and enemy of the church, turn him around
31:08 and make him such a bulwark for the New Testament church
31:11 to make him such a champion, a soldier of the cross.
31:14 How did He do that?
31:16 How did Paul become a person
31:18 beyond the temptations beyond the influence,
31:21 beyond any of the subtle suggestions
31:24 or outright suggestions of the enemy?
31:26 How did he ever get to be such a powerful strong man?
31:29 The devil stands back and wonders how did God do that?
31:33 Well, for it is God who works in us
31:36 both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
31:40 Now the other thing we have to point out
31:43 is the component of baptism.
31:46 What do you have first? Do you have--
31:47 Well that's what I was going to talk about
31:48 as we been saying baptism but what is the word mean
31:51 and what does it mean to be baptized? All right.
31:53 And I thought we would go to Acts 8:38 for that. Okay.
31:56 We can see an example we also--
31:59 In fact may be you could do the Jesus baptism. All right.
32:02 I want you go there and I will go to Acts 8:38.
32:06 Okay, I will go to Matthew.
32:07 And we'll start with, we'll start with Jesus.
32:10 I think we always should and let's see His example
32:13 of what baptism not only means but what it looks like and--
32:17 Okay, here it is.
32:18 What passage are you going to? I'm in Matthew 3.
32:24 Matthew 3:13.
32:29 "Then Jesus came from Galilee to John
32:32 at the Jordan to be baptized."
32:36 And by the way I want to put this
32:37 in the context of John 1:29 where he says "Behold!
32:41 The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world!"
32:44 He Introduces the Jesus in this context in that way.
32:47 And John it says, "When Jesus came from Galilee to John
32:53 at the Jordan to be baptized by him.
32:56 And John tried to prevent Him, saying,
33:00 'I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?'"
33:07 It is a disarming thing, I think, John,
33:09 I probably would have responded to the very same way.
33:12 And you're Christ, right? Yeah.
33:15 Could we kind of switch roles here
33:17 because I need to be baptized by you.
33:21 But Jesus says in verse 15,
33:24 "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting
33:28 or necessary for us to fulfill all righteousness.
33:33 Then he allowed Him."
33:36 Then Jesus, "When He had been baptized,
33:39 came up immediately from the water."
33:42 Some translations says straight way, out of the water.
33:47 It says, immediately He came up from the water
33:50 and behold, the heavens were open to Him
33:53 and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove
33:56 and alighting upon him."
33:58 And suddenly the Bible says,
34:00 "A voice came from heaven saying,
34:02 'This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased.'"
34:07 So the baptism talked about here is Jesus was,
34:11 Jesus was lowered into the Jordan
34:13 and then He came up out of the Jordan.
34:17 That's the illustration that we're getting here
34:19 from the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.
34:23 And Jesus went all way under.
34:25 That's right. The water.
34:28 The word baptism, baptism to immerse, right?
34:34 Exactly, baptizo.
34:35 Yes, to immerse completely underneath
34:38 and of course we see lots of different examples.
34:41 It depends upon what church you go into.
34:43 Some don't baptize that way.
34:48 They don't put the baptism
34:52 or candidate under the water entirely,
34:53 what they do instead sprinkle them with water.
34:56 But the word baptism doesn't even lend to that.
34:59 It's almost a contradiction in terms
35:02 when you say I baptize you and you're sprinkling
35:04 because that's not immersing anybody in water.
35:08 And Jesus I think gave the example here in that
35:12 He went down into the water completely
35:15 and then came up from the water.
35:17 And if He is our example in other things
35:19 shouldn't He be our example in what true baptism looks like.
35:23 I believe so.
35:25 You know, John, what's amazing
35:27 in Christianity now a days is people have--
35:31 we're living in the age of duplicity or multiplicity
35:36 if I could use that phrase or that word.
35:38 But where people are designing methods
35:43 already established by Christ.
35:45 People are preferring, well, I know what the Bible says
35:48 but I prefer this method.
35:52 There is a pamphlet that Amazing Facts does
35:54 on the topic of baptism.
35:56 There are so many methods of baptism.
35:59 There are rose petal baptism.
36:00 There is a confession baptism by the mouth,
36:03 if you confess to the Lord with your mouth
36:04 and believe in your heart
36:05 you shall be saved and you will be saved.
36:07 No watering away, no water.
36:11 Then there is this sprinkling,
36:12 then there is the dry cleaning method somebody refer to it as.
36:15 Just say you want to saved and that's all that is necessary
36:18 for your life to be changed or transformed.
36:21 But here the Lord made a very clear
36:23 and you'll notice that not only was this method established
36:26 and followed in the baptism of John
36:29 or the baptism by John the Baptist
36:32 but also the Disciples of Christ.
36:34 Because in Acts Chapter 8,
36:36 did you read verse 36 of Acts Chapter 8 already?
36:38 That's where I was heading. Go ahead read that for us.
36:41 Well, go there. Yeah.
36:42 This is we'll start with verse 37 of Acts 8. Okay.
36:47 This is Philip and his baptism of the eunuch that he met.
36:51 "Then Philip said, 'If you believe
36:52 with all your heart, you may.'
36:56 And he answered if you believe
36:58 with all your heart you may be baptized."
36:59 That's what he is saying.
37:00 "And he answered and said, 'I believe that Jesus Christ
37:03 is the Son of God." Okay.
37:05 "So he commanded the chariot to stand still.
37:08 And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water,
37:11 and he baptized him." Okay.
37:14 But look at verse 37. Well, at verse 36.
37:19 "Now as they went down the road, they came to some water.
37:22 And the eunuch said, 'See, here is water.
37:24 What hinders me from being baptized?'" Right.
37:27 He could have easily-- in the methods nowadays
37:30 he could have said, you don't need to stop
37:33 and just accept the Lord Jesus Christ and that's it.
37:36 But the commission Jesus gave was very significant here
37:39 and this is what we have to keep in mind
37:41 one of the things that we can't apologize for
37:43 is the parameter that the Bible establishes.
37:45 And I think that's very important.
37:47 You know, the Lord is the Lord
37:48 and if He says do it this way then do it this way.
37:50 That's one of the things
37:51 that Christianity is missing out on nowadays.
37:54 We have so many methods,
37:55 we seek to convenience man and inconvenience God.
38:00 I think Billy Graham said while he says,
38:02 "In modern society we're so careful
38:04 about no offending anybody but God." Yeah.
38:08 And God is saying baptism, He left an example.
38:12 And when you look at the examples of Jesus
38:14 and you simply follow the examples of Jesus.
38:16 You will never get to the place
38:17 where you are missing out on anything.
38:19 If Jesus went down into the water
38:22 to leave us an example of what baptism is.
38:24 That's what we should do. What do you think?
38:25 Yeah, I completely agree.
38:27 This is an example here of a follower of Christ
38:31 following Christ example of going down
38:33 into the water and being baptized.
38:35 I like that. There is no doubt.
38:36 Okay. And also--
38:40 But one thing before you go to something else,
38:42 one of the things I think we mentioned earlier
38:44 in the first part of this program is that
38:47 when you get baptized it doesn't mean
38:49 that of the sudden your life is going to be easy.
38:53 Okay, and Jesus set that example as well
38:56 because for Matthew 3 we find a transition to Matthew 4.
39:01 Okay. That's right.
39:03 And it says "When he came out of the water
39:07 the voice came from heaven saying,
39:09 'This is my beloved son in whom I'm pleased.'"
39:11 And then notice the very next verse 4:1.
39:14 "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness
39:17 to be tempted by the devil."
39:18 Okay, I like to, I like to go back
39:20 and just emphasize something very quickly.
39:23 In whom I'm well please then. Yes, there you go.
39:27 That's the transition there.
39:29 Then, you should see what happened next.
39:32 Then, then and that's the transition--
39:35 Other books actually, others, I can't remember who it was.
39:39 Mark or is it John said immediately. Right.
39:43 He went, He was led by the spirit.
39:45 So then is very appropriate, it happened right away.
39:48 And so when you see this whole transition
39:50 what people need to be mindful
39:52 and I do this with all our baptizmo candidates.
39:54 All the people that I baptize I often said,
39:56 "okay, now that you just been baptized be careful."
40:00 Because the devil says, okay,
40:01 now you're no longer in the stands
40:03 I have used that analogy for many, many years.
40:05 I used the football game analogy.
40:07 There people sitting on the stands
40:09 cheering on the football team, they don't get hit.
40:11 They don't have to worry about
40:12 anybody pinning them to the ground.
40:14 There legs being cut off from under them,
40:16 they're being knocked down.
40:17 But the moment you get out of the stands
40:19 and get on the field and you're on the team of Christ.
40:23 There is another team determined to defeat
40:25 everything about you and it starts with temptation.
40:28 So here is the point I want to make
40:29 so that you don't be operating in this unrealistic realm.
40:35 You're battles really begin after baptism.
40:40 That's right. That's when they start.
40:41 Look at the battles that Jesus faced.
40:44 Not only did He face these battles
40:47 because they were predetermined
40:48 that He will face the devil in the same way
40:51 that we daily have to face this enemy.
40:54 He has to face him on the same ground
40:56 that we face him on everyday.
40:58 I've actually had someone mentioned to me
41:00 after baptism a few months afterward.
41:02 Had I know and it was going to be this difficult
41:05 I'm not sure that I would have been baptized.
41:08 It was so discouraged about the sin that they were facing
41:11 and their inability to overcome that sin
41:13 and the battle they were having
41:16 that they just, they weren't sure
41:18 that it did truly counted the cost.
41:21 And so we talked about that
41:22 and I let him to be able to continue to trust the Lord
41:26 and the Lord didn't just start His faith
41:28 He would finish His faith as well.
41:30 And don't be discouraged
41:33 if you have been baptized and you had struggles.
41:35 That is exactly what Jesus went through himself.
41:39 Lot of people I know young man that joined the military,
41:43 when he joined the military he did it for this reason,
41:46 he says, you know, I want to get a college degree,
41:49 I also want to be able to own a house one day
41:51 and through my veteran benefits I will be able to get a house,
41:55 and when I'm done,
41:56 I will go back to school and get a college degree.
41:59 He has his goals lined up.
42:02 But when he got in the military,
42:04 he said, man, there's got to be an easy way.
42:06 There's got to be a-- this is my second tour in Iraq.
42:10 There's got to be a different way then getting a house.
42:14 There's got to be a better and less arduous way
42:18 to get a house and get a college degree.
42:20 A lot of times people enter this world called the Christian walk
42:24 and think of it as, hey, my troubles are over.
42:28 No, no, no, your troubles have just started.
42:31 You have to keep in mind that the devil is upset
42:33 and he is against you and he will do whatever he can
42:35 to discourage you, to try to get to go back
42:38 and turn your back on the faith.
42:40 That's right. That's right.
42:41 One other aspects of baptism
42:43 I think that is very important to realize
42:46 is how the word of God
42:49 is connected in with the decision for baptism.
42:52 It is when we receive the word,
42:55 when we convicted by the word that we decide to be baptized.
42:59 And it doesn't, it shouldn't surprise us, John,
43:01 over the comment you made earlier
43:02 that some are being baptized different ways
43:05 because they're not following the word.
43:08 And so the issue, the symptom
43:11 is that they're not been baptized right.
43:14 But the real problem that's at the heart of this issue is
43:18 the receiving of the word
43:19 and if you look at, at Acts 2:40-41.
43:26 It says, "And with many other words
43:28 he testified and exhorted them,
43:29 saying, 'Be saved from this perverse generation.'
43:32 Then those who gladly received His word were baptized,
43:37 and that day about three thousand souls
43:39 were added to them."
43:40 So the receiving of the word of God for what it is.
43:44 God speaking to us is necessary for baptism.
43:48 And that isn't just receiving the word as in
43:50 okay, well I believe it's the word of God.
43:52 It's following, it's receiving and obeying its precepts.
43:56 And that is a very important piece
43:59 of our decision to be baptized
44:02 and following the Christ with everything we have got.
44:04 A lot of people thinks though that when you get baptized
44:06 that you get baptized and stay home.
44:09 And be in church, you know, and amongst yourselves.
44:11 Or a lot of people say, "well I want to accept Jesus."
44:16 This is been categorical challenge to many pastors.
44:19 I want to get my life to Jesus
44:21 but I don't want to join your church.
44:24 I don't want to be member of your church.
44:25 I just want to be a follower of Christ.
44:30 But that completely goes against what the Bible teaches.
44:34 Let me give you a couple of examples, Acts 2:47.
44:39 When you go to Acts Chapter 2--
44:41 Yeah, you just continue reading on
44:42 and we'll see what happens here.
44:43 Good, read verse 47.
44:46 Matter of fact verse 46 and 47.
44:48 Yeah, as we read on a few verses from where we just where.
44:51 "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple,
44:54 and breaking bread from house to house,
44:56 they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart
44:59 praising God and having favor with all the people.
45:02 And notice "The Lord added to the church daily
45:06 those who were being saved." Right.
45:08 They were added to church, they were not dispersed in the land.
45:13 Say okay, now that we baptized you, see you later.
45:16 No, there's a body of believers
45:18 in the same way the football team,
45:19 the baseball team, the basketball team,
45:20 the corporate office, the corporate team,
45:22 the worship team, all these things are teamed.
45:25 The devil wants to fragment.
45:27 But the reason why joining a church is so significant
45:29 is because the prayer that Jesus prayed in John 17.
45:32 "Father I pray that there may be one.
45:35 As you and I are one."
45:36 This unity Ephesians 4,
45:39 "Till they all come to the unity of the faith,
45:41 to the knowledge of the son of God.
45:43 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
45:46 one God, one father of all."
45:49 But then there's another component.
45:50 1 Corinthians 13,
45:53 this is Chapter 12, sorry and verse 13.
45:56 1 Corinthians 12:13.
45:59 This is a concept that's taught in scripture
46:02 rather than the concept
46:03 this is the truth that's taught in scripture
46:05 that's not often talked about very, very much.
46:08 1 Corinthians 12:12.
46:11 It says, the Bible says, "For as the body is one
46:16 and has many members,
46:19 but all the members of that one body, being many,
46:23 are one body, so also is Christ."
46:27 And then verse 13.
46:28 "For by one Spirit we were all baptized into--"
46:32 how many? "One body.
46:35 "Whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free
46:38 and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.
46:43 For in fact the body is not one member but many."
46:48 So when you think about the body
46:49 we have all been given the privilege
46:51 to be part to this body but we're many members.
46:55 And that's the thing that people often say.
46:56 You know, they would say,
46:57 "if I don't join your church I don't have any problems."
47:00 You know the friends, the reality of it is
47:01 is the only perfect church is an empty church.
47:03 There is no problem with the building
47:04 it's the people on the side.
47:06 You see, somebody often said
47:07 the church is the hospital for sinners.
47:10 Well, I often sometimes refer to it
47:11 is an asylum for crazy people.
47:15 Because you will be faced with challenges
47:17 but that's where the Lord wants to be.
47:19 And how will you grow unless you're placed in the position
47:23 where you must grow against the challenges.
47:27 You must grow in the face of the things
47:29 that test your Christianity.
47:31 Someone said, trials are God's workmen
47:35 that grow us spiritually. That's right.
47:37 The challenges of life. That's the way God grows us.
47:40 You know, John, when I joined a new church as a pastor.
47:47 It was on the hills-- about a year before that
47:50 they had an evangelistic series
47:51 and they baptized quite a few actually.
47:53 I think they baptized around 35. Wow.
47:56 Which was a large number for the size of this church.
47:59 And one of the things that I heard
48:01 after coming in from couple of the elders there
48:05 was that after the baptism and several of the members
48:13 or the new members of church weren't there.
48:15 They didn't come to church.
48:17 And they wondered what in the world is going on
48:20 so they went out to meet each one of them
48:22 to make sure they followed up
48:23 and begin to nurture them as well in faith.
48:26 And these individuals had, some of them had no idea.
48:30 That they became a part
48:31 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
48:34 They didn't know that. Wow.
48:37 So even the baptism occurred.
48:39 Apparently, something within that,
48:41 there was a disconnect somewhere
48:43 where didn't really conceive and realized
48:46 they became part of Christ body the church. That's right.
48:50 And we need to be very clear that we're spelling that out.
48:53 As pastors letting people know
48:55 listen, when you're being baptized
48:56 you're being baptized as a member of God's church.
48:58 You're connected now
48:59 with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
49:02 And you know, just like any family
49:06 we often fight more within our families
49:07 than we do with our friends, right.
49:09 So as the church which is your family
49:11 and there's gonna be arguments, there's gonna be fights,
49:13 there's gonna be challenges.
49:15 But yet God has called us to be one and to work together
49:17 and to love each other
49:19 and have compassion upon each other.
49:22 You know, may be in the last few minutes here, John,
49:24 there is a few questions that are out there
49:26 that linger from in regard to baptism. Okay.
49:30 One of them I know
49:31 and may be I will throw this question out to you
49:33 and you can you know, take us on a role to answering its.
49:38 If you weren't actually baptized is it then, does it means
49:43 that you absolutely are not saved?
49:46 In other words, if you are baptized
49:49 are you saying that I cannot be saved?
49:51 Well, how do we respond to that question?
49:53 Well, you know, the whole point of the baptism of Christ
49:56 was significant to, to making provision
49:59 for those who could not be baptized.
50:01 It didn't make sense to John at the time
50:03 but when Jesus repeated these words and in Matthew 3.
50:08 "Permitted to be so now for thus it is necessary
50:11 for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness."
50:18 Christ is our righteousness.
50:19 Jeremiah says "Christ the Lord our righteousness."
50:24 All full cap letters.
50:26 Well they're not instances where everybody has the opportunity
50:31 or the way with all to make it into the baptizmo pool.
50:34 But there are some individuals that do have that opportunity
50:38 and can say, well, I never had that opportunity.
50:41 We've instances where people
50:43 have accepted the Lord on their death beds
50:46 and that's why this whole thing about imparted righteousness,
50:50 imputed righteousness.
50:52 The merits of Christ are now applied to your account.
50:56 Your sins are forgiven, they're applied to your account.
50:59 And the righteousness that brings salvation
51:03 is now recognized in your life.
51:06 Now there're instances in the Bible
51:07 one of the classic instances is the thief on the cross.
51:11 But not everybody is in the same position.
51:13 Not everybody has his or her hand nailed to the cross
51:16 and say, "Well I can't come down so I guess,
51:18 I guess it's too late for me."
51:20 He confessed the Lord Jesus with his mouth.
51:22 He believed in his heart.
51:24 And as the Bible says, "If you confess
51:26 the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart."
51:28 You know I heard this very, very moving story,
51:30 somebody was telling me, I can't tell,
51:32 I can't tell you the contemporary setting.
51:35 I mean I won't tell you the setting on the air
51:37 because it could endanger those
51:40 who are the part of the this community.
51:42 But, in the particular country around the world
51:44 where baptism of Christianity is prohibited.
51:48 One of the Christians that were there
51:50 an evangelist was there.
51:51 And he was approached by gentlemen that was--
51:54 And I'm going to be vague in my description.
51:56 He was approached by gentlemen that in his religious community
52:00 was known to be of such strong position
52:05 that he had the authority
52:07 to persecute and to kill a Christian.
52:09 Because it was frankly against the law
52:12 for Christians to proselytize convert
52:16 and to baptize was the ultimate.
52:19 The ultimate act of betrayal.
52:20 So this person walked up to this Christian or evangelist
52:24 and said come, come with me I want to show you--
52:27 I want you to go with me somewhere.
52:29 So he took him to this building very large building.
52:31 And he discloses his identity
52:34 and the Christian who told me the story said,
52:35 I knew right then and there I was dead.
52:39 Because, this person in that society
52:40 had the right to carry out that kind of execution
52:43 or carry me before the authorities
52:45 and surely my end result would have been
52:46 not to in prison but death.
52:48 Because I did the cardinal thing that they--
52:51 that you cannot do in that society.
52:54 So he said I knew I was dead.
52:56 So he said immediately I began to speak a little fast
52:59 because I knew I don't have much time.
53:02 And then the guy stopped him
53:03 in the midst of the conversation and he says, come with me.
53:05 And he took him even further deeper into this building
53:08 into a room where they were 20 other men.
53:11 And they identified what religion they were a part of.
53:14 And he says, they said, we want you to baptize us.
53:20 We can't let this be known publicly.
53:22 They had the baptizmo pool already set.
53:26 And all 20 of these men that where identified
53:28 and there culture to be members of a different sect
53:32 a different religion said we--
53:34 and he said, but I must study with you.
53:36 And they said, oh, no, oh no.
53:38 You don't have to study with us, we are ready.
53:40 The man in white has visited us for months
53:43 and we have studied, we know.
53:45 And the pastor for two days he stayed with them
53:49 and reviewed and to his surprise they understood everything
53:54 about the Seventh-day Adventist message
53:57 and they went forth baptizing 21 men in that country.
54:01 Now I can't tell you where it is.
54:03 I'm doing that vaguely.
54:04 But this was a true story.
54:06 I know of the individual to whom this actually had occurred.
54:10 And they said but now what they are hearing is
54:13 as they go around different parts of the world
54:14 in cultures where it's against the law to do this.
54:18 People are saying the man in white,
54:21 or the men in white taught us.
54:24 Who were those? Angels.
54:26 Just like the bibles says in the Book of Acts.
54:28 Two men stood by in white appearel
54:30 and said to the disciples,
54:31 while stand ye gazing into heaven.
54:32 So the angels of God are getting people ready
54:35 in all cultures and all societies.
54:36 And what we are seeing here
54:38 according to the topic is they're being baptized.
54:42 But if you're part of a culture where it is so prohibited
54:44 that your life maybe on the line the righteousness of Christ
54:49 has been imparted to you and will be acceptable by Him.
54:52 Even His-- through His baptism.
54:54 Through his-- that's what
54:55 His baptism provides the righteousness.
54:57 So if someone is kind of making excuse not be baptized.
55:01 That's this is not giving them license to just say
55:03 they are not gonna be baptized
55:05 but there is any opportunity at all
55:07 follow the command of Christ,
55:08 follow the command of the disciples.
55:10 The word of God it says, believe and be baptized.
55:13 But if you just cannot do that under any circumstances.
55:16 You're in bad and you've got cancer
55:20 and you cannot be moved out into baptism tank.
55:23 Trust the Lord is your baptism as well
55:27 As your righteousness and that's an important thing.
55:30 Because these subjects come up all the time.
55:32 You know, these technicalities that people want talk about
55:35 and I think we cover that pretty well.
55:38 There was a young man
55:39 and Mark Finley talks about this young man
55:41 one of the eastern block nations.
55:43 His body had wasted away from whatever the disease
55:46 that was eating him up
55:48 and he had been almost flesh and bones
55:52 from just this terrible disease.
55:55 And when Pastor Mark Finley went to visit him
55:57 he went to visit him his home.
55:59 And this young man said, I wanted to be baptized.
56:02 He said, but you can't we cannot--
56:07 I mean, this is physically impossible
56:08 for us to get you from to--
56:09 I mean, you just had the point.
56:10 You're on your death bed.
56:12 And this young man insisted
56:14 through the weakness of his breath
56:15 he said, please baptize me. Baptize me.
56:18 I want to be baptized. Please baptize me.
56:20 How do you say no to dying man?
56:23 You know what they did.
56:24 They filled the tub--they filled bath tub in his house.
56:27 And Pastor Mark Finley has this story,
56:28 he picked this young man up very easy to carry,
56:31 because he had been so emaciated.
56:33 And baptize him, Mark knelled down,
56:35 lowered him down into the tub
56:37 and baptized him into his home.
56:39 The day later that young man died.
56:42 His greatest desire.
56:43 So if a man at that point in his life wants to be baptized
56:46 and makes every provision for his heart to be given to Christ.
56:48 We should not--
56:49 And it sounds like it was his greatest joy as well.
56:52 He wanted to do that.
56:53 The other thing too I'm just gonna mention really quick
56:54 because we are closing is
56:56 baptism isn't something that just--
56:58 that needs to happen all the time. That's right
57:00 There is an ordinance that Christ instituted
57:02 which is the ordinance of humility,
57:04 the foot washing service which is meant to recall
57:07 our minds back to the original oath
57:08 we gave to Him through baptism.
57:10 And so when we come to the Lord and wash each other feet,
57:13 we are--well, basically giving out that oath again.
57:18 Saying, I commit myself, recommit my self to Jesus.
57:21 So what a beautiful picture too.
57:22 That's right so friends, praise the Lord that,
57:24 we are all desiring to follow Christ.
57:25 If you make that decision to follow Christ
57:27 you will discover in eternity
57:29 it's the best decision you have ever made.
57:31 Decide to make that decision today.
57:34 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17