House Calls


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL150010A

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend,
00:02 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:26 Welcome to the Bible program.
00:31 Do I need to say anything else?
00:32 So glad to have you here. A Bible program.
00:34 Welcome to the Bible program.
00:36 This is House Calls.
00:37 You know, House Calls is something that
00:39 doctors used to do.
00:41 Yes.
00:42 House Calls are something we still do.
00:43 Isn't it nice?
00:45 I like it. I like it.
00:46 This is John and John in your living room,
00:47 in your house, in your church
00:49 or wherever you may be watching this program from
00:50 or maybe in your car if you're driving.
00:52 Don't pull over unless you have a television,
00:54 but we are going to talk about something today
00:56 that is straight from the Word of God.
00:58 And we are glad that you have taken the time to tune in,
01:00 so get your Bibles, pens, your family and your friends,
01:03 that's my run and enjoy this program
01:05 for the next 56 minutes and 24 seconds.
01:09 But we don't do anything until John has prayer,
01:11 and after that we'll talk about out Bible questions
01:14 and how you can send your questions
01:15 and comments to both of us.
01:17 So, John, begin with the word of prayer.
01:18 Let's do that.
01:19 Dear Father in heaven as we always do,
01:21 we turn our hearts towards You for guidance.
01:24 And so we pray that You'd pour out your spirit upon us,
01:27 over this program today in every aspect,
01:29 and those that are hearing and viewing this program
01:32 as well that we may understand Your Word more clearly
01:36 and that we may hear Your voice
01:38 as we go through the topics
01:40 that we have to cover here today
01:41 in Jesus' name, amen.
01:43 Amen.
01:45 Now we get Bible questions from you wonderful people
01:50 and I have a Bible question, a series of them today.
01:53 Well, what I'd like you to know now,
01:55 if you have any questions
01:56 that are going around in your mind,
01:58 you can send them to this following address.
02:00 You can send them to,
02:03 that's
02:06 That's where we download the questions
02:08 and we try to respond to them from the Word of God,
02:11 the best source of answers for any question
02:14 that you can come up with,
02:15 whether it's a scriptural question
02:17 or a question about ethics or life,
02:21 what decisions you have to make,
02:22 we believe the Word of God has many of those answers
02:25 if not all of them.
02:26 And we try our best to give you those answers.
02:29 And, John, what do we have today?
02:32 What kind of questions do we have?
02:33 Well, we've got a question here that comes from Kelly.
02:37 And she is asking,
02:39 she is having some little bit struggle
02:40 with the local church that she has there.
02:42 She's young and I'll tell you,
02:44 I sympathize with some of her situation here
02:47 because I think some of our rural churches
02:49 really struggle with how to integrate
02:52 and adopt their programming, their services
02:55 and other things to reach young people.
02:57 It's a hard thing.
02:58 And so, she's talking about that here in,
03:02 having some trouble with the church issue
03:05 but more that, she says,
03:06 she is worrying lately about
03:08 whether or not she'll be in heaven.
03:12 She says, she has done things in my past,
03:15 that I regret and ask for forgiveness,
03:17 but I don't feel like
03:18 I have a true relationship with Jesus yet.
03:23 She has a family member
03:25 who has been mentioning a few things
03:27 about the last days with her and this has freaked her out.
03:30 She says, "I am freaked out about that,
03:33 it's hard to concentrate,
03:35 I feel like even as I battle over this,
03:37 Satan's probably putting thoughts in my head like,
03:39 is God even real, it's all fake,
03:41 don't worry about it, but she is worrying about that.
03:45 And she says, she's not baptized
03:47 and she gets nervous that people focus on her
03:49 and some of the things,
03:51 the challenges that she's going through.
03:52 So, I bring this up
03:56 and give what she is saying here
03:57 'cause she is not alone,
03:59 there are many who are going through this struggle.
04:02 And so, it is hard to know,
04:08 to feel, I should say this,
04:10 it's hard to feel saved all the time.
04:13 We're not perfect human beings
04:16 and we struggle and we have our challenges
04:19 but we shouldn't be gauging always our feelings
04:22 on the situation, the true situation
04:24 that we are in our relationship with the Lord.
04:28 I will say this though,
04:30 most of the time that I feel,
04:32 and I used the word feel deliberately
04:34 that I'm sensing, feeling,
04:36 little bit of distance from God,
04:37 there is usually a cause of that.
04:39 You know, I need to find
04:40 and get back to the route and get back to basics,
04:42 and get back in the word,
04:43 get back in the more prayer and things.
04:45 And so I think that's
04:46 one of the things certainly that she can do.
04:50 But the other thing that she can do,
04:51 in what I am sensing here,
04:53 I'm trying to read a little
04:54 between the lines is there is a,
04:56 almost a withholding of full surrender to God.
05:00 This church is in the way that it is not really adapted
05:03 in providing an environment conducive for her
05:07 family experience, you know, to church family
05:10 and someone that's supportive
05:11 and loving is probably causing her
05:13 to hold back a little bit.
05:14 And so, we give a couple of texts here,
05:17 but I just want to encourage her to,
05:21 not look at just the individual members of the family
05:23 but understand that her family of God
05:25 is a worldwide family of God.
05:27 And that she should not feel like
05:29 she needs to disconnect
05:30 or she wants to disconnect from the church
05:33 but connect with a body of Christ
05:35 and let those who will in that church minister to her
05:39 and whether she needs to be ministered too,
05:40 to find connections so that, that can happen.
05:44 Did you bring something up because I know that,
05:46 we'll share a few texts here and I have some.
05:48 We'll go ahead and read the one that you have there.
05:50 One of the ones that came to my mind.
05:52 What is her name?
05:53 Kelly Kelly.
05:54 One of the ones that came to my mind,
05:56 Kelly is 1 John 4:18,
05:58 and I want to share this with you
06:00 and make some application.
06:02 "There is no fear in love,
06:06 but perfect love casts out fear."
06:10 Before I go to the next part of that...
06:14 When you pray for a love, relationship with the Lord,
06:18 we got to first begin at the point of relationship
06:20 and I think some of the points you made.
06:22 Well, I'm not sure God exists or not,
06:26 was that included in that?
06:28 Yeah. Okay.
06:29 That was a temptation that devil's putting in her.
06:30 The temptation.
06:32 Yeah, are you sure that God even exist?
06:33 Well, you know, let me show you
06:35 one of the most evidentiary ways
06:36 that you can get it instant response
06:38 to the fact that God does exist is through prayer.
06:42 Now, let me show you, prayer.
06:44 Don't pray for new car, new boat,
06:49 new job, new cell phone,
06:52 increase in salary, pray this simple prayer.
06:54 Lord, I want you to make yourself known to me,
06:58 and here is what I want you to do.
07:00 And when we put our desires before Lord,
07:03 if you say, Lord, give me the desire.
07:06 I am giving you the permission
07:08 to awaken within me the desire to know You.
07:13 You know, that is the prayer
07:14 that's can be answered so quickly
07:16 that you are going to wonder.
07:18 Why didn't I asked that long time ago.
07:21 Think of it this way.
07:24 And I'm going to use this
07:25 in the context of a young man, young lady.
07:28 Sometimes a young man will pursue a young lady
07:30 that they just are so enamored by,
07:32 she is cute, she is gorgeous,
07:34 whatever the case may be, she is the ideal girl.
07:37 Right now, it's just that you're for a place in his life
07:39 and he doesn't know how to get her attention.
07:41 So he looks at her from a distance,
07:42 and when she is walking past his classroom,
07:45 he kind of acts like he is leaning
07:47 or one they're in the same classroom,
07:48 he bends forward to do his notes
07:50 but he looks over at her.
07:51 He is doing everything he possibly
07:53 could to keep her in his mind, in his view.
07:55 You know, that is somehow,
07:57 the Lord is like that husband man
08:02 trying to get the attention
08:03 of the woman he loves, his church.
08:06 And, but until she gives him her affection,
08:10 until she says okay, all right.
08:14 I am going to give you the opportunity
08:16 to have a relationship with me.
08:18 I want to get to know you.
08:19 And that's what the Bible says,
08:21 and this is life eternal that we know God.
08:23 That we know, Him, yeah.
08:25 That we know God
08:26 and that we know the only true God
08:29 and Jesus Christ whom He sent.
08:31 So, the doctrinal part, that's going to come,
08:34 if that's important,
08:36 that is important, let me rephrase that.
08:38 But if you say, Lord,
08:40 I am giving you the permission to reveal Yourself to me,
08:44 to give me the desire to know You.
08:47 You're going to find,
08:48 He is going to create opportunities,
08:50 and then you say, Lord, secondly in that desire,
08:53 please awaken within me a desire to read Your Word.
08:57 Now, I've often said the reading of God's Word
08:59 should always begin as a school assignment.
09:02 Read the Word of God because you have to
09:05 and then you'll get to the point
09:06 where you read the Word of God because you want to.
09:10 All these habits have a cycle, when you apply yourself,
09:14 ask the Lord to awaken within you a desire
09:18 for you to know Him,
09:19 then secondly to be want to read His Word.
09:22 That is the prayer that's going to be answered quickly,
09:25 and the doubts, and the fears
09:28 and the pressures about the future
09:30 and about the end time events won't haunt you anymore.
09:33 And it says here,
09:34 "Because fear involves torment,"
09:36 that's why, the fear is bringing to you torment,
09:39 "But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."
09:44 Lord, lead me in a loving relationship with You
09:47 and that fear would disappear like hot water, like cold water
09:51 that's being warmed up in a tea kettle.
09:52 It will just evaporate away with no trace.
09:54 And I would take comparing verse to that
09:56 from the Old Testament is Psalm 34:4
09:58 "I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
10:00 And delivered me from all my fears."
10:03 So in seeking God,
10:05 he delivers us from a fearful approach
10:08 or fearful thought in regard to where we stand with God.
10:12 Is it 34:17 where it says,
10:13 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous."
10:17 "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
10:19 and delivers them out of all their troubles."
10:21 Okay, which one is this, 16?
10:23 That was 16. Okay.
10:25 Seventeen, excuse me. 34:17.
10:26 And 16, is what?
10:27 "The face of the lord is against those who do evil."
10:29 Okay. All right.
10:30 Yeah.
10:31 The other one I was thinking about was Jeremiah 29:13,
10:36 "And you will seek Me and find Me
10:38 when you search for Me with all your heart."
10:41 And I think sometimes you know,
10:44 we've all as pastors,
10:45 we had discussions with someone or other
10:47 who is atheist who just doesn't believe that God exists.
10:49 It's hard to find out a way to kind of guide
10:51 and kind of send them in the right direction.
10:54 And one of the things I've come to say
10:56 in some occasions where I felt impressed is that
10:59 you can't prove God and you can't disprove God
11:03 purely from some evidentiary proof.
11:06 But I have proved God because I have experienced Him.
11:10 So only by my experience,
11:12 only by once experience can you truly prove God...
11:15 Okay. And His existence.
11:16 And that's where it says,
11:18 when you search for Me, you'll find Me.
11:20 When you search Me with all your heart,
11:22 He will manifest Himself,
11:23 He will reveal Himself in your search
11:26 and in the act of trusting in Him.
11:28 I also like...
11:29 What is this, Psalms 37:3?
11:32 "Trust in the Lord and do good.
11:33 Dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness.
11:36 Delight yourself in the Lord,
11:37 And He will give you the desires of your heart.
11:41 Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him,
11:43 and he shall bring it to pass."
11:45 Let me use an equation here really briefly,
11:47 and I think that somebody watching this program
11:48 might benefit from it about...
11:51 You don't really need a lot of proof.
11:53 You don't really need a lot of evidence
11:55 to prove that God exist.
11:56 Let me just use this quick exercise,
11:58 say, you, you know,
12:00 we often talk about, well, I need proof.
12:04 Let me use the word atheist agnostic and believer.
12:07 Let me use these three words,
12:08 atheist, agnostic and believer.
12:11 An atheist doesn't believe in the existence of God
12:14 and agnostic doesn't know what to believe
12:16 'cause they haven't...
12:17 An agnostic is a person who had...
12:19 He has opened the door for higher power
12:20 but we can't know it.
12:21 Right, but an atheist...
12:23 but an agnostic hasn't, not aware of the evidence
12:24 because he is not sure about the evidence
12:26 and the believer is the one who has decided,
12:29 I do believe that God exist.
12:31 But let me just go ahead and use this equation
12:32 very, very quickly, and show you
12:33 how easy it is to prove the existence of God.
12:37 How easy it is to prove the existence of God.
12:39 Not to say, I think, okay, now, I think He does exist,
12:42 but to prove the existence of God,
12:44 let's use the most classic one.
12:45 People say if God exist,
12:49 why there is so much pain and death.
12:52 So the thesis says,
12:57 if God did exist there wouldn't be pain and death,
13:01 there would be joy and pleasure.
13:05 So pain and death.
13:07 Do we have pain and death?
13:08 So if we only have pain and death,
13:10 the atheist says
13:12 that's evidence that God does not exists,
13:14 because if God exist,
13:15 there wouldn't be pain and death.
13:17 But let me add it to the equation,
13:18 but there is joy, and there is also pleasure.
13:22 So if you equate joy and pleasure
13:25 to the existence of God
13:27 and pain and death to the non existence of God,
13:31 the presence of joy and pleasure
13:35 is evidence that God exists.
13:40 But the presence of pain and death
13:42 is the evidence that Satan,
13:44 there is a power that comes from that,
13:46 everything has its root.
13:48 So because there is joy and pleasure,
13:51 God has to exist for these things to occur,
13:54 because the atheist says, if He did exist,
13:57 there would be joy and pleasure,
13:59 there would not be pain and death.
14:01 But let me go to one last step.
14:03 Say you had a 10 room house and you came home,
14:06 and you came from your garage
14:09 to the foyer where you took your coat off,
14:12 you went to the basement, turn the heat on,
14:15 then you went to the bedroom, change your clothes,
14:17 then you went to the kitchen.
14:18 And while you were in the kitchen,
14:19 you saw three little black dots on the kitchen counter
14:23 next to your toaster.
14:25 Well, most of us would may have concluded,
14:29 "What are these three black dots,
14:30 let me look really close and we think,
14:32 oh no, it isn't.
14:38 There's a mouse in our house.
14:42 Three little dots, three tiny little black dots,
14:47 just about this little bigger than black pepper.
14:51 Three little tiny dots.
14:53 So what they did now is they go on this full investigation,
14:58 they go to the basement, to each bedroom,
15:00 to each living room, to the family room,
15:02 to the dining room, they see no more dots.
15:06 And they come back to that one spot,
15:08 because there are no more dots in all those other rooms,
15:12 can they say there is no mouse in this house?
15:15 Can't say that, no.
15:17 No, only those three dots on that kitchen counter
15:20 out of one of the ten rooms is evidence enough
15:23 to conclude that it could not have gotten there
15:27 except a mouse put it there.
15:30 Everything that exist in this world
15:33 could not have gotten here
15:35 except somebody put it here.
15:37 You may not find it everywhere,
15:39 but everything that exist in the world,
15:42 every tree, every plant, every...
15:44 And then scientist said, sorry not...
15:47 Scientists have concluded that in order for all the properties
15:51 of a single cell to be produced.
15:56 Now they say just one of the enzymes to be produced,
15:59 if the Big Bang theory really was true,
16:02 they would have to been 36 different enzymes
16:07 present at the same exact time for one single cell,
16:11 for one single portion of a cell to be created.
16:16 How could that possibly be?
16:19 They all have to be there at the same exact time
16:21 for that cell to be created.
16:24 They say the chances of that occurring are 10
16:26 to the 33,333rd power.
16:31 We have nothing to equate to that at all.
16:33 So in other words, scientists are saying
16:35 that it's virtually impossible
16:36 that that single cell could have been created
16:38 except all the properties needed to create it
16:41 was there at the same exact time,
16:43 which proves that evolution
16:44 could not have created that particular cell.
16:48 In other words, the scientific probability
16:50 is an impossibility.
16:53 In connection with what she writes here,
16:55 I find that often in the most times,
16:57 most times when people resist the idea of God,
17:00 or try to find evidence of that
17:02 is because they simply don't want God to exist.
17:04 Right.
17:05 It's to enable them to continue their life
17:07 as it goes on in some immoral act
17:10 or something like that.
17:12 And so, Satan does this,
17:13 he tempts people with this thought that,
17:16 this doubt that God even exist,
17:18 and it's always, that's almost always
17:20 in the context of just allowing them to continue on
17:22 as they are to not worry about things.
17:24 Right.
17:25 And that's where the battle comes in.
17:27 Absolutely.
17:28 My lifestyle is interrupting my knowledge that God exists.
17:34 I know God exists and I had that battle
17:36 when I was a young man,
17:37 when I was involved in the disc jockey world.
17:40 I was looking for a church
17:41 where I could still disc jockey and still be saved.
17:43 And God, I bounced around to three different churches,
17:47 I couldn't find one, so here I am.
17:49 He said "You cannot hold on to the world
17:51 and still be saved,
17:52 just don't fool yourself."
17:54 And I won't say
17:55 the denominations that I tested out.
17:57 But here I am, because I realized, I love this.
18:01 My natural tendency is to not want to do good.
18:04 That's everybody's natural tendency.
18:05 I don't want righteousness,
18:07 there is none that seeks after good.
18:09 We don't want to surrender ourselves.
18:10 Don't want to surrender, don't want that stuff.
18:12 My natural tendency is to,
18:14 I'll go to dark, that's who we are.
18:16 So if I like darkness, but I know God exists,
18:21 that's where the battle comes in.
18:22 And the devil says,
18:23 eliminate God and enjoy yourself.
18:25 And that's the battle is going on there but praise the Lord.
18:28 Just ask for God to bring it to that point of submission
18:31 and believe me, you'll find it.
18:33 This is a very quick question from Billy, from Billy.
18:37 There is a billion Billys in the world.
18:40 So I won't give his last name.
18:42 Billion?
18:44 Billys.
18:47 Every sixth person is Billy.
18:51 One out of every six people is named Billy.
18:54 Sorry, I was just trying to chuckle a little over this.
18:58 Which is a billion Billys in the world.
19:00 Okay, please, we are not going to stop the program,
19:03 we're going to get through this.
19:05 But since there are three commands, to go,
19:08 rebuilt the city, that is Jerusalem,
19:11 Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes,
19:15 they put Xerxes, Artaxerxes, they put Xerxes,
19:20 what is your rationale for using only the last one?
19:26 Thank you for asking the question.
19:27 Let's go to Daniel 9 very quickly.
19:30 Let me keep my book and answer here.
19:32 Daniel 9, now, the rationale behind accepting
19:39 the one from Artaxerxes is this.
19:42 I am at Daniel 9.
19:43 Here it is,
19:44 Daniel 9:24.
19:49 Now, let me put the context together.
19:51 Let me read it first of all, Daniel 9:24,
19:54 "Seventy weeks are determined"
19:57 that is Daniel is in captivity,
20:01 he is asking the Lord how long is it going to be
20:03 before these things are about to be revealed,
20:05 they're gonna happen.
20:07 So the Lord said, "Seventy weeks are determined"
20:09 That means cut off allotted for your people
20:12 and for your holy city, for Daniel and for the Jews.
20:17 Here are the things that the Lord wanted them to do,
20:20 to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins,
20:22 to make reconciliation for iniquity,
20:25 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
20:27 to seal up the vision and prophecy,
20:29 and to anoint the most Holy.
20:32 Those are the six things that the Lord said,
20:34 they want them to do within the 490-year period.
20:39 So 70 weeks are 70 weeks, 70 times seven is 490.
20:43 The Lord says Daniel, I'm giving you and Israel 490,
20:47 I am giving your people 490 years to do this.
20:50 Not you because you can't live for 490 years
20:52 but I'm giving Israel 490 years to do these things,
20:55 that is prepare themselves to anoint the most holy.
20:58 All these are preparatory to accepting the Messiah
21:01 when He comes, anointing the most holy.
21:03 Now in order to know
21:06 all the things that are laid out.
21:08 Let's go to the next portion of this prophecy.
21:10 Now, "Know therefore," verse 25, "and understand,
21:14 that from the going forth of the command
21:16 to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince,
21:20 there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two."
21:23 Okay, seven and sixty-two is sixty-nine.
21:26 The street shall be built again and the wall
21:29 even in trouble sometimes or troublous times.
21:32 Now the reason why the Bible breaks it down,
21:34 remember 70 weeks were given but until Messiah,
21:38 the 69 weeks will bring you up to Messiah.
21:40 So if you have 70 weeks
21:42 and if you follow those 69 weeks or 483 years
21:46 and the last one brings you to the Messiah,
21:49 you only have seven left.
21:51 So the Lord is saying seven weeks and sixty-two.
21:55 Why seven and sixty-two?
21:56 The Bible is specific about its numerology.
21:59 Jerusalem was built within 7 weeks or 49 years
22:04 from the time it began to the time
22:06 that Nehemiah went and helped them finish it.
22:09 It took only 49 years, that's the 7 weeks.
22:13 Then you have the 62 weeks left after that,
22:18 which will bring the total down to 483 years,
22:24 which means you only have seven years left.
22:27 Now let's see what's going to happen
22:28 to look at this timeframe.
22:30 Look, so now verse 26.
22:33 Now after 62 weeks, 7 and 62, after the 62 week
22:39 Messiah shall be cut off but not for Himself,
22:43 and the people of the Prince who is to come
22:45 shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
22:48 The end of it shall be with the flood
22:50 and till the end of the wars desolations are determined.
22:56 Then he shall confirm a covenant
22:59 with many for one week.
23:01 But in the middle of the week,
23:02 he shall bring in to sacrifice and offering.
23:06 And on the weighing of abominations
23:08 shall be one who makes distillate.
23:12 Even until the consummation,
23:13 which is determined is poured out on the desolate.
23:17 Sounds like a lot of unbelievable terminologies.
23:20 But let me just make it very simple, here we are.
23:24 The Lord gave the Jews 490 years.
23:30 Forty nine of those led to the building of the temple
23:34 in Jerusalem.
23:36 I have it right in front of me, so I will keep myself in.
23:38 Forty nine years of those led
23:40 to the building of the temple in Jerusalem.
23:43 Then you had, out of the 49,
23:48 434 is left
23:50 to bring you to the time that the Messiah shows up.
23:54 Jesus shows up in the year 27 AD
23:58 and then you have this phrase, in the fifteenth year
24:03 of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,
24:05 that's when Jesus was anointed.
24:06 Tiberius Caesar began to co-reign in the year 12 AD.
24:10 Twelve and 15 are what.
24:15 Twenty seven, so in the year 27 AD,
24:17 Jesus was anointed, anointed means the Messiah,
24:21 the Messiah means the anointed one.
24:23 So exactly in the year 27 AD,
24:26 Jesus was anointed to begin His ministry.
24:28 But the Bible says, in the middle of the week
24:31 He will be cut off.
24:32 So how many days are in a week?
24:34 Seven days.
24:36 How many days, so if you go to the middle of the week,
24:38 how many days is that?
24:39 Three and half days later.
24:40 Three and half years after Jesus began His ministry
24:44 in the year 31 AD,
24:45 He was crucified in the middle of the week.
24:49 But how is it going to confirm now.
24:51 Look at verse 27,
24:52 "But he shall confirm a covenant
24:54 with many for one week."
24:56 Well, how will Jesus confirm this covenant for one week,
24:59 if He died in the middle of the week?
25:02 Let's go to Hebrews 2.
25:04 Hebrews 2 very quickly.
25:08 Here we are, listen to this.
25:11 Okay, how is he going to do this?
25:13 How is he going to confirm a covenant
25:15 with many for one week?
25:16 Listen to this, Hebrews 2:3,
25:20 "How shall we escape,
25:22 if we neglect so great a salvation,
25:26 which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord..."
25:33 Who started it, John?
25:34 The Lord.
25:36 "And was confirmed to us by those who that heard Him."
25:42 Who heard Him?
25:44 His disciples.
25:45 So three and half years, Jesus does this confirming,
25:49 the disciples continue for the next three and half years
25:52 and His covenant is confirmed for the entire week.
25:55 Now let me get to the answer of the question.
25:59 If you try the date of Cyrus,
26:03 to begin the rebuilding
26:04 and the restoration of Jerusalem,
26:06 this prophecy never happens, and you come up with a gap.
26:10 Nothing occurs, then you start applying
26:13 different people to this prophecy
26:14 rather than applying the prophecy
26:16 particularly to the Messiah.
26:18 This prophecy is all about the Most Holy,
26:20 the Messiah, the Messiah, the Prince.
26:23 It's a Messianic Prophecy.
26:24 It's a Messianic Prophecy.
26:25 When you start with the date that Cyrus gives,
26:27 Cyrus gave the commission to build the walls.
26:31 Darius gave the commission to build the temple.
26:34 Artaxerxes gave the commission
26:36 to completely restore the whole city...
26:38 And send the Jews back.
26:41 And provide the Jews everything
26:42 they need to now go back to their homeland.
26:45 So the command was not to rebuilt
26:47 the temple, nor the city,
26:49 the command was to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem.
26:52 I always add to that,
26:54 what is the city without people in it.
26:56 Nothing.
26:58 And Artaxerxes is the one that released
27:00 the people to go back to their homeland.
27:01 And when you go to Ezra 7,
27:03 you see the entire letter, Ezra 7.
27:06 You'll read that from verse 12 all the way down to verse 28,
27:09 you'll read the letter and then Nehemiah,
27:12 when you go to Nehemiah 1-12,
27:15 you see the Nehemiah made this appeal.
27:17 I need these supplies and yes,
27:19 and Artaxerxes gives him the commission
27:21 to go and help finish the building,
27:24 not only begin it but to help finish the building
27:27 and the restoration of Jerusalem.
27:29 So here is the reason why we answered the question
27:30 or how I answered the question.
27:32 Cyrus didn't give the complete commission,
27:34 Darius did not give the complete commission,
27:37 only Artaxerxes and when you use
27:39 the year 457 BC everything happens.
27:44 457 BC, 69 or 483 years later
27:49 take you to the year 27 AD.
27:53 Three and half years later take you to 31 AD.
27:56 Three and half years later take you to 34 AD
27:59 and the whole 490 year prophecy is fulfilled.
28:03 The reason why the secret rapture exist today is because,
28:08 I'm going to say it again,
28:09 the reason why the secret rapture
28:11 and the seven year tribulation exist today,
28:15 is because theologians have taken
28:18 the decree of Cyrus and Darius
28:21 and the prophecy never had been fulfilled.
28:24 So they come up with a gap,
28:26 and that's where the seven years of tribulation
28:28 have been created out off.
28:30 They come up with an unfulfilled prophecy
28:32 and instead of applying the prophecy
28:34 to the Messiah, the Prince.
28:37 Instead of applying it to the Christ,
28:39 they apply it to the antichrist.
28:42 So now, here's the question.
28:43 That's even more sinister.
28:45 That's even more sinister.
28:46 So now, here's the question.
28:48 If Jesus was anointed, if Jesus was crucified,
28:51 if Jesus did have the gospel commission
28:53 finished by the disciples in the year 34 AD,
28:57 when Steven was stoned, if that really did happen.
28:59 Now, that's a rhetorical statement,
29:03 because it did happened, he did get anointed,
29:05 he was crucified and the Jews did stoned
29:08 Steven in the year 34 AD.
29:10 The gospel then went to the gentiles.
29:12 So the prophecy was completely fulfilled.
29:14 Here's the point, if that did happened.
29:17 Bulletin, I don't want you to miss this.
29:19 There is no room for a secret rapture.
29:22 There is no room for a seven year tribulation.
29:26 And Francisco Ribera who formulated the Rapture Theory,
29:32 by the commission of the Roman Catholic Church
29:35 did that to get the eyes of the Protestant reformers
29:39 off of the fact that Rome fulfills
29:42 the fourth beast of Daniel.
29:43 They created this whole gap theory,
29:45 this whole secret rapture
29:47 to get the eyes of the reformers off of Rome,
29:51 bulletin nutshell.
29:53 There is no seven year tribulation in the future.
29:54 There is no secret rapture coming.
29:56 It's all a misapplication of this prophecy.
29:59 When you begin with Cyrus and begin with Darius,
30:02 the prophecy never is completed.
30:04 But when you begin with Artaxerxes,
30:06 every single time element is completely fulfilled.
30:10 So therefore, it's already been fulfilled.
30:12 There is no gap of seven years coming down in the future.
30:14 And I hear another question echoing here,
30:17 and I think I would just add this piece to it.
30:20 Well, how do you know that the 70 weeks is 490 years?
30:25 Well we know that because of the day you're principled
30:27 that commonly used normally by Jews back then,
30:31 Israelites back then,
30:33 even some who are traditional in their views today,
30:37 but it's something that the Bible
30:39 wholeheartedly endorses.
30:41 The second thing too you'll find is that
30:43 the 70 week prophecy is only the beginning
30:46 of the longer prophecy of 2300 days...
30:48 Thank you. Okay, great.
30:49 Which is in Daniel 8. Right.
30:52 And the reason why we know
30:53 they are part and parcel is because
30:55 the Bible themselves goes back.
30:57 The angel that came to Daniel the first time comes back
31:00 and helps him understand the vision from the beginning.
31:02 In other words, the first vision
31:04 which was for Daniel 7 of the four kingdoms,
31:08 the rise and fall coming to the little horn power.
31:10 Very good point.
31:12 Daniel 8 comes in and he gives him the 2300 days
31:13 tying it back to that and then Daniel 9 happens
31:16 which is a revisit of the 2300 days,
31:19 all these comes together
31:21 and the way we know it's day for years
31:23 because if you take 2300 days
31:25 which raptures try to do from Cyrus,
31:28 they try to take literal days.
31:30 They basically, because it says
31:32 evenings and mornings,
31:33 they don't take it as a whole day,
31:35 they take it as half, so it becomes 1150,
31:39 then it gets them kind of in the area
31:43 of the Titus epiphanies, but they miss it by 15 days.
31:47 So they have to do just kind of do a lot of maneuvering
31:50 and shifting to make this thing fit.
31:53 And it's no longer 2300 days, it's 1150.
31:55 Right.
31:56 And what they miss entirely
31:58 as the prophecy says several times,
32:00 this is a prophecy that takes us down
32:02 to the later days, to the end of time.
32:06 And the Titus epiphanies was not involved
32:07 with the end of time.
32:09 The end of time is our day today.
32:11 And so, John, reason why those numbers...
32:13 It's got to be day for a year,
32:15 you can't have just literal days.
32:17 And the Bible says
32:19 is one of the first places you find the day
32:21 for the year principle,
32:22 the Lord when the Israelites were in transgression
32:25 he says, for the 40 days
32:26 that you wandered in the wilderness,
32:29 I'll give you a day for a year
32:30 and they wandered for 40 years.
32:31 Numbers 14:34m,
32:33 "For each ye shall bear your guilt one year,
32:36 namely forty years."
32:38 And then also you find in Ezekiel,
32:41 you find the day year principle supported there,
32:42 but here's the point that John brought out,
32:43 very, very important.
32:45 I'm glad you brought this out.
32:46 Whoo!
32:48 This 490 year period was cut off
32:53 from a larger period.
32:55 I'm going to try to put in.
32:56 This 490 year period was cut off
32:58 from a larger period.
33:00 And that cut off in that is not part of it.
33:03 No, it was allocated.
33:04 We're talking about this piece from the larger picture.
33:07 It was allocated from a larger period.
33:10 This portion was just for the Jews,
33:12 for Daniel's people.
33:14 Beyond that was leading to the time of the end.
33:18 Now, here is the challenge now.
33:20 Here is the challenge.
33:21 If according to the rapture theory,
33:23 this was never finished.
33:25 We have at least 1810 years
33:29 before we are living in the time of the end.
33:31 Do you see the deficit over there.
33:33 If according to the rapturous, if this little small period,
33:37 now this is the 490 years,
33:39 let's bring it down to the one week.
33:40 If the rapture says this one week
33:41 of the 490 was not yet completed.
33:43 Well, they're in essence saying,
33:45 after that's done,
33:46 then we still have 1810 left
33:49 before we get to the time of the end,
33:51 so you see the deficit.
33:52 So this is pushing the coming of the Lord
33:54 2000 more years in the future almost.
33:57 But according to the Bible, that was completed
34:00 and then this followed naturally
34:02 and we're now living in the time of the end.
34:04 That's right.
34:05 So that's where the deficit comes in.
34:07 So why do you choose Artaxerxes?
34:08 Artaxerxes completely fulfills the prophecy to the,
34:13 iota to the date.
34:15 Where as Cyrus said, just build the temple,
34:17 Darius said, just build the walls,
34:19 Artaxerxes said restore the whole city,
34:22 it's government, it's monetary system
34:24 and send the Jews back home.
34:26 And finish the wall. And finish the wall.
34:28 'Cause the walls weren't quite done
34:29 even though they started the walls.
34:30 And they finished the walls,
34:32 they finished the whole project,
34:33 49 years after 457 BC
34:36 and then the rest of the time led to the anointing of Jesus,
34:39 His crucifixion,
34:41 the gospel going to the gentiles
34:42 and then the time of the judgment
34:44 beginning 1810 years later.
34:46 We're living in the time of the judgment,
34:47 Jesus is soon to come.
34:48 You don't hear
34:50 and this is the crazy part about it, John,
34:51 I know we spend a little time with this.
34:52 But today, you hear every preacher
34:55 and every denomination saying
34:56 Jesus is soon to come.
34:58 But those same denominations embrace the rapture.
35:01 And they are talking about different things.
35:03 Right, completely different.
35:04 When they say Jesus is going to come.
35:05 They're all thinking different things.
35:07 They're thinking the church is going to be
35:08 snatched out of here.
35:10 The deficit with that is it can happen
35:12 if this prophecy was fulfilled.
35:15 And so there is no room at all
35:17 for a seven year decree with the antichrist,
35:21 the Jews are converted.
35:23 I heard it on the news, I heard on the radio
35:25 this morning when I was coming to,
35:28 it's only a two minute ride,
35:29 but I was listening to one of the stations
35:31 where our preachers on they talk about,
35:33 you know the church could disappear any moment.
35:34 Now the rapture could happen any moment.
35:36 Now when I'm thinking,
35:37 don't you know that the Catholic Church
35:39 put this theory together
35:40 to just keep you guys in the dark.
35:42 And lastly, National Geographic's
35:46 five years ago did a whole one hour special
35:50 on the secret rapture.
35:52 And they began the program by saying,
35:54 this theory formulated nearly 500 years ago by Rome,
36:01 has been embraced by millions of Christians
36:03 and it's only a theory.
36:06 There you go.
36:07 It's crazy. And we agree.
36:09 And the entire Left Behind Series of books put in,
36:12 put together by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.
36:14 Now if people would just simply turn the book around
36:16 and look on the bottom it says, it says fiction.
36:20 But it's all embraced as though it's a doctrine.
36:22 It's amazing. Yeah.
36:24 Anyway thank you for your questions and comments.
36:26 If you have any more,
36:27 send them to this following email address,
36:29, that's
36:34 We appreciate it.
36:35 Now we know the good thing about this, John,
36:37 is we don't have to finish the topic in one sitting.
36:40 But what's our topic for today.
36:42 The topic is Baptism. Wow.
36:44 And it's coming on the heels of another program
36:46 we did very recently and that is on repentance.
36:49 Baptism is one of the rites of repentance you should say.
36:56 That starts with the beginning of the life
36:58 as one dedicates himself or herself to Jesus
37:01 and to live a life of holiness instead of the former life,
37:04 that they repented of evil, wickedness
37:08 and other things that are part of our natural tendency to be,
37:11 so baptism is, it is a rite
37:15 but that word doesn't describe all its meaning
37:18 until we get into the scriptures
37:19 and really understand the fullness of baptism,
37:21 because it's a beautiful service.
37:23 It's a beautiful institution.
37:25 Let me define the word right though,
37:26 not right or write
37:29 but rite as in a rite.
37:32 And we don't want to use the word ritual
37:33 because it's not a ritual.
37:35 It's a rite, you know a practice,
37:36 an established rite.
37:38 The Lord says, this is something
37:39 that you need to do
37:41 and baptism is so vitally important,
37:43 let me give a couple of texts.
37:44 Go first of all to Mark 16:16.
37:48 Look at Mark 16:156.
37:50 We're going to walk through some of these things
37:51 and baptism is such a powerful, beautiful,
37:54 but Mark 16:16 shows in the words of Jesus,
37:58 how imperative baptism is.
38:02 And I want to lead into that by saying,
38:05 it is so imperative that without the merits of baptism,
38:09 no one will be saved.
38:11 Mark 16:16, read that, John.
38:13 "He who has believes and is baptized will be saved,
38:16 but he who does not believe will be condemned."
38:18 Okay, will be, will be, will be, not might be.
38:22 Will be saved, will be condemned.
38:24 It is so imperative, it is so, it is like saying,
38:30 do I need tires for my car
38:33 or could I just forego tires this week?
38:35 I got a nice car, I don't need tires.
38:38 I mean tires.
38:40 You know, without tires, a 100,000 dollar car,
38:44 a million dollar car can't go anywhere.
38:47 Tires are imperative to that vehicle
38:52 getting from point A to point B.
38:55 Baptism is imperative for the Christian
38:58 to get from here to eternity.
39:00 And so, I use a phrase the merits of baptism
39:04 because not everybody is in the position
39:06 where they could physically get down into the baptistery.
39:08 And there are some unique situations throughout time,
39:11 but let's begin with the most core scripture
39:14 that talks about baptism and that's in Romans 6.
39:18 We're going to begin with the most core scripture
39:21 that specifically talks about baptism
39:23 and Romans 6 is where...
39:26 I'm gonna have John,
39:28 begin to read Romans 6
39:31 and we're going to walk through this together
39:33 and your commentary and my commentary together.
39:37 It first begins,
39:39 verse 3 actually starts addressing it.
39:42 But I want the verse 1 and 2.
39:43 Yeah, one and two really establishes the context here.
39:45 And I like the way Paul starts it off.
39:47 Go ahead the way he starts it off.
39:49 "What shall we say then?
39:51 Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
39:54 Certainly not!
39:55 How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?"
39:58 Okay, that's right.
40:00 How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?
40:03 So he evidently is going to talk about,
40:07 how we can get to the place where we don't continue in sin.
40:10 Because he says, shall we continue in sin
40:13 that grace may abound.
40:14 Of course not, certainly not.
40:17 Okay, so what then, how do we accomplish that Paul,
40:19 because the real issue is, how do we discontinue in sin.
40:25 You can have a sermon call, sin shall be discontinued,
40:29 okay, well how?
40:31 Go ahead and put the formula, verse 3.
40:34 Verse 3, "Or do you not know that as many of us
40:37 as were baptized into Christ Jesus
40:39 were baptized into His death?
40:41 Therefore we were buried with Him
40:44 through baptism into death,
40:46 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
40:49 by the glory of the Father,
40:50 even so we also should walk in the newness of life."
40:53 Go to all way to 6.
40:55 "For if we have been united together
40:57 in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be
41:00 in the likeness of His resurrection.
41:03 Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him,
41:06 that the body of sin might be done away with,
41:09 so that we should no longer be slaves of sin."
41:13 That's right.
41:14 So now when you look at this,
41:16 you have a couple of components that are very important.
41:17 What do you see jumping out immediately
41:19 in this particular passage?
41:21 Well, there's a direct link between baptism
41:24 and the two parts of it going down into the water
41:27 and coming up from the water.
41:29 Okay.
41:30 Going down into the water
41:32 is the ceasing from the old life.
41:33 It's being buried to self,
41:37 dying to self and the old sinful habits.
41:40 And then they're coming up
41:41 from the water is being resurrected
41:43 into the newness of life.
41:45 So baptism, the reason why it's by immersion...
41:49 Let me say it again, it's by what, John, immersion.
41:52 In other words, completely immersed in waters
41:54 because the symbol doesn't have
41:56 a fall effect if just sprinkled.
41:59 Because the reasoning behind the rite,
42:01 what it's portraying is a complete death
42:05 which people, when you die,
42:07 you are buried in the ground,
42:08 a complete death to sin going into the water
42:11 and then resurrection into a newness of life,
42:14 which is of the spiritual life that we can now trust
42:18 and rely on in Jesus through His spirit
42:20 to live on from that point going forward.
42:23 And you know.
42:24 So there's a clear link there, that's what I'm saying,
42:26 that's what jumps out of me first.
42:27 And you know, let start with it.
42:29 I want to start with that,
42:30 they're going down and coming up part
42:31 and I want to do that by going to the story
42:33 where the baptism that matter the most occurred.
42:39 Matthew 3.
42:41 The baptism that mattered the most occurred
42:46 in Matthew 3.
42:49 All right.
42:51 Matthew 3,
42:53 we are going to look at verse 13.
42:57 "Then Jesus came from Galilee to John,
43:03 at the Jordon to be baptized by him.
43:06 And John tried to prevent him,
43:09 saying, I have need to be baptized by you,
43:13 and now you coming to me?
43:15 But Jesus answered and said to him,
43:18 'Permit it be so now,
43:20 for thus it is fitting for us
43:24 to fulfill all righteousness.'
43:27 '' Then he allowed him.
43:29 I'm gonna stop there and let me go to verse 16.
43:32 "Then Jesus, when he had been baptized, came up.
43:36 See, he would have to go down to came up.
43:38 Came up immediately from the water.
43:41 And behold the heavens opened to him
43:43 and he saw the Spirit of God
43:45 descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.
43:47 And I'll just finish verse 17, that make application.
43:50 And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying,
43:53 "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
43:58 Now, I want to focus on verse 15.
44:01 Just so, we could find out...
44:02 Just so we could know why he said, what he said.
44:06 Because if baptism is the symbolization
44:09 of the end of the sinful life,
44:11 and the beginning of righteous life.
44:14 Was Jesus ending a sinful life?
44:17 And the answer is yes.
44:19 But not His sinful life.
44:21 Right. Okay.
44:23 Isaiah 53:6 Go there quickly,
44:25 read that for us, John, Isaiah 53:6.
44:27 We got to understand, why he said,
44:31 "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us
44:34 to fulfill all righteousness."
44:36 Well, how do you fulfill righteousness
44:38 except you get rid of sin.
44:40 What was he doing?
44:42 Why did he say that?
44:43 If this has to happen for righteousness
44:46 to be fulfilled in other words,
44:47 for righteousness to come to pass,
44:49 I got to do this.
44:51 Look at what he was doing, Why was he baptizing?
44:54 Why was he getting baptized?
44:56 Look at what He did.
44:57 Look what happened, Isaiah 53:6.
44:59 "All we like sheep have gone astray,
45:03 we have turned every one to his own way,
45:05 and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."
45:08 Oh now, you want to get that, you want to get this.
45:12 What was laid on Him?
45:15 The iniquity of all of us.
45:16 Okay, so laid on him now,
45:18 he became sin for us,
45:22 that we might become
45:23 the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus.
45:26 So now, He is going into the water
45:28 with whose sin on Him?
45:32 The world's. The world's.
45:34 He's fulfilling the plan of salvation in stages.
45:38 He's saying, okay, I'm taking this sin,
45:40 we're going into this baptismal pool,
45:42 I'm coming up now to walk, and as Paul says,
45:47 Jesus Christ, he came to walk in the newness of life.
45:50 Not only that, from the resurrectional point,
45:53 but he is now taking our sin,
45:55 He is going into this watery grave,
45:56 He said, this is the rite
45:58 by which all righteousness is fulfilled.
46:00 When we go into the watery grave,
46:02 we are going into the death.
46:05 We are now through the same rite,
46:07 baptism as Jesus participated,
46:09 we're going into the same rite as Jesus participated.
46:14 He took with him the iniquity of a soul.
46:17 He took that,
46:18 he was carrying that in human form.
46:20 He carried that from his baptism to the cross.
46:24 And then, look what happened.
46:25 Let's go back to Romans 6.
46:27 What was he carrying?
46:29 Verse 4, Romans 6:4,
46:31 "Therefore we are buried with Him
46:33 through baptism into death,
46:36 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
46:39 by the glory of the Father,
46:41 even so we also should walk in newness of life."
46:43 Now, I want you to get this.
46:45 He was raised from spiritual death
46:52 at baptism from physical death at the cross.
46:57 Follow this carefully.
47:00 At the baptismal pool
47:02 that is that death to the old man.
47:05 He has been put to death there.
47:07 Jesus went into that grave,
47:10 then He went into the physical grave
47:11 and he survived them both.
47:13 He came up to show that
47:15 we come forth anointed now at our baptism
47:17 to walk in this new life
47:19 and He came forth from the grave to say,
47:21 "Now I've conquered sin completely.
47:24 Now you can have new life.
47:26 New life after baptism
47:27 and new life in the kingdom eternally.
47:29 So baptism here is the entrance into a new life.
47:35 But I want to go on further.
47:36 So let's look at
47:38 what are the passages do we have here.
47:40 Mark 16:16,
47:42 what happens in this deliverance from sin,
47:46 We're delivered from sin, but what are we delivered to?
47:50 To salvation.
47:52 Okay, let's go ahead and do that one,
47:55 1 Peter 2:9 and 10.
47:57 Okay, "But you are a chosen generation,
48:00 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
48:02 His own special people;
48:03 that you may proclaim the praises of him
48:05 who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
48:08 Okay.
48:10 "Who once were not a people, but are now the people of God;
48:13 Who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy."
48:17 Okay, so what's happening here is in the mercy of the Lord,
48:22 you find that He is calling us
48:24 out of something into something.
48:26 He is calling us out of what into what,
48:28 according to this verse? Darkness into light.
48:30 Out of darkness into light.
48:31 So now, prior to baptism, you were in darkness.
48:37 Post baptism, you are now walking in...
48:40 To light.
48:41 Okay, any evidence of that?
48:42 Go to 1 John.
48:44 Look at 1 John 1.
48:48 1 John 1:6.
48:51 Okay.
48:52 "If we say that we have fellowship with Him,
48:54 and walk in darkness,
48:56 we lie and do not practice the truth."
48:59 Okay, and then in the next verse,
49:01 "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
49:04 we have fellowship with one another,
49:06 and the blood of Jesus Christ,
49:08 His Son cleanses us from all sin."
49:12 So the fellowship with darkness is what we have before Christ,
49:17 the fellowship in light is what we have after Christ.
49:20 If we walk in the light as he is in the light,
49:22 we have fellowship with one another.
49:25 But what I want to bring out is 1 John 1:9.
49:29 Are you thinking?
49:30 No, you just go ahead and read this
49:32 and then I'll come in,
49:33 and I'm going to go back to Romans.
49:34 Okay, well, 1 John 1:9,
49:36 "If we confess our sins..."
49:38 "He is faithful and just..."
49:39 "To forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
49:41 from all unrighteousness."
49:45 So that process of baptism,
49:48 the unrighteousness that existed
49:50 prior to baptism has been cleansed away
49:53 through the rite of baptism.
49:56 That's what that whole death,
49:59 burial and resurrection is all about.
50:01 You want to go back to Romans 6.
50:02 Well, the reason why is because
50:04 Romans is Paul's thesis,
50:08 his thesis on salvation, redemption.
50:14 And baptism is right at the forefront of that.
50:17 I mean, that's a key part of it and so,
50:19 we just read from Romans 6
50:22 and as he describes coming up
50:25 out of the watery grave into new life,
50:27 he then begins to talk about the new life experiences about.
50:30 Right.
50:32 And Chapter 7, he talks about the battle,
50:34 that even though we come in a new life,
50:36 the old life wants to get us back.
50:39 So you have this constantly going back and forth,
50:41 what I want to do, I don't do
50:43 but yet what I desire to do,
50:45 I don't find the will in myself to do it.
50:47 And then in Chapter 8,
50:49 he describes how it can be done,
50:51 which is walking in the spirit not in the flesh.
50:54 In our recent program we said,
50:56 if you want to know what that word flesh means,
50:57 take off the H and read it backwards, it's self.
51:01 And so they are walking in the newness of life
51:06 when we come up out of baptism,
51:08 is being described here in Chapter 8,
51:11 as a walk in the spirit now, not in the flesh
51:15 or in the propensity that self just drives us to sin,
51:22 that old self, which is always there.
51:24 So if I am reading here then,
51:26 because we've connected the old man and the new man
51:29 with baptism being in between.
51:31 We can read baptism into everything
51:33 that is coming and what follows Chapter 6, right?
51:36 True, we can.
51:37 So if we read then, Romans 8, listen to this.
51:40 "There is therefore now no condemnation
51:42 to those who are in Christ Jesus."
51:44 Now, Paul uses this over and over again,
51:46 in Christ, in Christ.
51:47 It is repeated by him over and over again,
51:49 describing those who have come out of the watery grave
51:52 from baptism into the new life.
51:55 Right, you're in Christ, that's right.
51:57 "Who do not walk according to the flesh
51:58 but according to the spirit.
52:00 For the law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus
52:02 has made me free from the law of sin and death.
52:06 For what the law could not do,
52:08 and that it was weak through the flesh,
52:09 God did by sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh
52:12 and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh."
52:14 That's right. So...
52:17 This is an amazing,
52:19 this whole description here of this walk.
52:22 He is really describing pre-baptism,
52:25 post-baptism spiritual experience.
52:28 Everything Paul has here in the following chapters
52:32 after six is initiated,
52:35 it's the right that initiates this experience is baptism.
52:40 That's why I like to clarify something
52:43 that often gets misconstrued.
52:47 Let me go ahead and look at here, Romans 6.
52:50 Look at Romans 6.
52:53 And I want to just go ahead and answer this
52:58 because this text in the midst of the baptism,
53:01 the practice of the believers.
53:02 This text has been used by so many,
53:07 so falsely and so unjustly
53:09 to kind of make it appear...
53:11 Let me just set it up.
53:12 Why do we need to be saved?
53:15 Because we are lost.
53:17 What are we being saved from?
53:19 The penalty of sin.
53:21 What is sin?
53:22 The violation of God's law.
53:24 So now let's go ahead and put this together.
53:26 If there is no law, there is no sin.
53:30 If there is no sin, there is no need for salvation.
53:33 So then, baptism needs to be cancelled.
53:35 So if your church teaches
53:37 that God's law has been done away with,
53:40 you don't need to be baptized, you're already righteous,
53:43 'cause there's no law.
53:45 If there is no law, there is no sin.
53:47 So if they say that God's law has been done away with,
53:51 and you're free from the law,
53:52 then you don't need to be baptized.
53:54 And matter of fact, you don't need to be Christian
53:57 because everybody else then now since there is no law,
53:59 and nobody is a sinner.
54:00 In fact I would even suggest that,
54:01 Jesus would never have initiated the right of baptism,
54:04 had there been a doing away with the law.
54:07 So now, I want to read this text
54:08 and put it in the proper context.
54:11 Romans 6:14.
54:16 And then I'm gonna put it in the context.
54:18 "For sin shall not have dominion over you,
54:24 for you are not under the law but under grace.
54:28 What then?
54:29 Shall we sin because we are not under the law
54:32 but under grace?
54:33 Certainly not."
54:35 Okay, so now get this.
54:38 We are not under the law, but under grace.
54:41 What a lot of people don't understand,
54:42 is Paul is talking about the condemnation.
54:46 You look at the law, and you say I am a sinner,
54:50 it condemns me,
54:51 but now when you are in Christ, the condemnation is gone.
54:57 You just read Romans 8.
54:58 Read it again in the context of it.
55:00 There is therefore no condemnation
55:01 to those in Christ Jesus.
55:02 So we are not under the law but we are under grace.
55:06 The law no longer condemns us.
55:08 What do you think the rest of that verse
55:10 at least in the New King James Version is
55:12 "Who walk not according to the flesh
55:13 but according to the spirit."
55:15 Right.
55:16 Is 'cause the condemnation
55:18 is there when you walk in the flesh.
55:19 That's right.
55:20 Because the law is in force, and it condemns you.
55:24 But you are no longer under that condemnation
55:27 because the law although it is enforced
55:29 and doesn't condemn you because you're in Christ.
55:31 That's what Paul is saying.
55:33 Powerful, when you are in Christ,
55:35 the condemnation is no longer over you head.
55:37 Let me use one beautiful illustration.
55:39 Being on death row,
55:40 if anybody has ever heard the phrase
55:42 death row or being imprisoned,
55:43 or let's use death row,
55:45 that's the most appropriate example here.
55:48 And all the sudden your sentence is commuted
55:51 and you are now set free, you have been justified,
55:54 you've been set free, you've been let go.
55:57 Has the laws of the land,
55:58 all been just eliminated to get you out of there?
56:01 No.
56:02 The laws of the land had not been eliminated
56:04 to get you out of there.
56:05 You have been set free
56:07 but the laws of land still apply.
56:08 You cannot get off the death row
56:10 and now go commit murder.
56:11 Because you instantly remember,
56:14 oh, I just got set free from death row
56:16 and I just kill somebody.
56:18 The law is still in effect.
56:19 When you get out, you are no longer
56:21 under the condemnation of the law.
56:25 You've been set free but if you violate it,
56:28 you'll be back under its condemnation again
56:30 and you'll be back, it's called the recidivism rate.
56:33 And it even goes further than that.
56:35 The law in respect to how we view it has changed.
56:40 Because in Romans 8:2 it says,
56:42 "For the law of the spirit of life
56:44 in Christ Jesus has made me free
56:46 from the law of sin and death."
56:47 Same law but before Christ
56:49 it was a law that was of sin and death.
56:52 After Christ,
56:53 it's the law of the spirit that sets me free.
56:56 It's a same law, but it's a different effect
56:59 is to how it is viewed by the individual
57:01 in Christ versus not in Christ.
57:03 Right, because the commandments of Lord
57:05 no longer becomes offensive after because you're free.
57:08 You can look at us and tell,
57:09 Hey, I'm living in harmony with the commandments of God,
57:11 but the law of sin and death
57:13 and the law of the spirit of life,
57:15 we're gonna deal with that in specific,
57:17 so you know exactly what that is in particular
57:19 but friends, what an exciting topic to know
57:21 that through baptism,
57:23 we can be all that the Lord intends for us to be.
57:26 So when the House Calls comes to you,
57:28 respond by asking Christ into your life.
57:30 God bless you.


Revised 2016-08-15