Heavens Declare, The

The Large Hadron Collider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Burr


Series Code: HDS

Program Code: HDS000016A

00:02 ¤ ¤
00:23 Thanks for watching Heavens Declare. I'm Jim Burr and we're
00:28 continuing on with our series. The title of today's program is
00:35 The Hadron Collider. What's this all about? Before we get into
00:40 that there's something I wanted to pick up. We've been talking
00:45 in this series about evolution and the age of the earth and the
00:49 age of the universe and all these types of things and
00:53 there's something interesting and that is that they claim that
01:01 the earth is 4.5 billion years old. What's interesting, this
01:07 was not always believed. If you go back about 300 years it was
01:12 pretty much accepted that the earth was about 6000 years old.
01:17 That was generally accepted. But the earth has been getting older
01:21 every day, the earth has been getting older and in fact I had
01:27 a little exercise; I subscribed to the Rocky Mountain News, it's
01:32 no longer being published, but I subscribed to that and I
01:37 started clipping articles. Every day articles would appear - This
01:43 discovery pushes back the evidence of evolution. For one
01:49 year I watched the articles in the magazine and it totally is
01:54 is amazing. Because in one year if you add up all the
01:59 mathematics of these articles, the earth actually in one year
02:02 got like eight billion years old. I want to share some of
02:07 those articles with you. In about 1800 they believed that
02:12 the earth was about 80,000 years old. The 1700s science pretty
02:18 much thought it was about 6000 years old then it got to 80,000
02:24 years by 1800. By 1900 it became two billion years old. Today
02:30 it's 4.5 billion. So here's some of the articles that were in the
02:35 Rocky Mountain News in Colorado. This was November 4, I started
02:40 in the fall of the year, 1996 was when I started reading this
02:45 magazine. Now I do travel. I'm not always there every day so
02:49 I probably missed some articles. But the articles that I got were
02:53 amazing. So the first article I had was November 4, 1996. It
02:59 says "Signs of life in mineral grains push back 300 to 400
03:07 million years the origin of life. Scripps Service reported
03:15 that tool links humans to Siberia 300,000 years ago. That
03:22 was 10 times earlier than man was thought to venture that far
03:28 north. " On November 19, 1996, "The human jaw" they found a
03:34 human jaw, "2.3 million years. This extends the family tree by
03:44 400,000 years. " OK. In, well let's see in January 22, 1997,
03:51 OK, "Oldest tools in Ethiopia" OK they found the oldest tools
03:57 "these tools pushed back the record of life 200,000 years.
04:03 That was January 22, 1997. March "London's oldest mammal hair
04:09 discovered growing millions of years earlier than science had
04:15 thought. " And let's see that was March, 1997. April 14, 1997,
04:22 Associate Press said, "The first apes appeared in Africa 20
04:27 million... That was 10 million years earlier than previously
04:32 thought. " In May of 1997, "Farming started 10,000 years
04:38 ago... Pushes back the record date by about 4000 years. " In
04:44 October 23, 1997, "Termites key to events deeper into the past
04:51 about 60,000 years;" some termite hills that they
04:56 discovered. In July 25... OK, now if you put all these
05:02 together and here's the zinger. This is July 25, 1997, Rocky
05:08 Mountain News, "The Journal of Science says a 90-degree shift
05:13 in the poles may have caused the evolutionary big bang. " So they
05:18 are saying that the north and south poles shifted 90 degrees.
05:24 This was affect evolution. It may have caused an evolutionary
05:30 big bang. OK. "A sudden spurt in the evolutionary process 530
05:36 million years ago" OK that's when it happened, "and
05:42 proceeded 20 times faster than anything that has happened
05:46 since. " So evolution sped up by 20 times after this magnetic
05:52 shift of the poles and if you work that out, if you multiply
05:57 all those numbers and then multiply by 20, they say it
06:03 caused it 20 times faster, then you end up in that one year the
06:09 earth got 8 billion years older. Twice as old as they think it
06:15 is. I know once again we've got to cut these newspaper writers
06:19 some slack. They've got to find spectacular headlines to get
06:23 people to read, right? So we probably need to cut them a
06:27 little slack, but we can have some fun. We've been talking
06:30 about having some fun in a couple of these seminars that
06:33 we've done about science in the classroom and testing comparing
06:40 with the Bible. So this was kind of cool. When we're doing home
06:45 school, I like to carry a big frog along and get a couple of
06:49 girls to come up and kiss the frog and see if we can turn him
06:53 into a prince. Of course, it doesn't work. But if it did work
06:57 we call that a fairy tale unless you add millions and millions of
07:01 years, you see. Louis Pasteur demolished the theory of
07:05 spontaneous generation of life. But if you can push it way back
07:08 into the past where you can't test it, then given enough time
07:11 anything can happen. Over time little gradual change, gradual
07:14 change, natural selection, survival of the fittest, all of
07:21 this feeds into the theory of evolution. But we're ready to go
07:28 to the Hadron Collider in Switzerland and that's actually
07:32 underground. It's 17 miles in diameter, this huge, huge
07:37 facility; cost like $13 billion to build this underground,
07:40 involved with thousands of thousands of scientists and
07:44 countries involved to build the collider. The idea with the
07:49 collider is they want to see how the universe formed. They slam
07:53 protons together, they run them through this magnetic chamber
07:58 and take them up to as fast as they can, near the speed of
08:03 light, and slam them together because the idea is to find out
08:07 what the universe is made of, what happens when they smash
08:10 them together. You could take an ice cube and a hammer and you
08:13 could smash it and you'd find out you'd get water, and you
08:16 smash that and you get hydrogen and oxygen. You keep breaking
08:20 things down by smashing them together. They've been looking
08:23 for many things and they have all their theories about what
08:26 they're looking for and what they've found. The one big news
08:30 item now is the Higgs boson, the Higgs field, proposed by a guy
08:36 by the name of Higgs back around the 1960s. What he said was
08:41 he thinks there's a particle that prevents us from moving at
08:47 the speed of light and he says that everything that doesn't
08:51 have mass travels at the speed of light, you see, but we can't
08:56 travel at the speed of light. No matter can, according to
08:59 Einstein's theory of relativity. We can't travel at the speed of
09:02 light. It would take an infinite amount of energy to move us at
09:07 this infinite speed, the speed of light. It becomes heavier and
09:12 heavier, times slows down as we approach the speed of light.
09:18 But Higgs said he thinks there's this particle that prevents us
09:23 from traveling at the speed of light and if we could put like a
09:26 dimmer switch on this we could control that particle and then
09:31 we could be able maybe to move faster. But you know the Bible
09:34 says we're going to be changed. It says flesh and blood cannot
09:37 inherit the kingdom of God. So we're going to be changed in a
09:42 moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. But it
09:45 may have something to do with the Higgs field. They really
09:49 think they have found the Higgs boson in slamming these
09:52 particles. They keep increasing the power of the Hadron collider
09:57 so they can slam it harder and faster. I think it was 2012 they
10:03 said they thought that they had found the Higgs boson. So we'll
10:08 just show you a picture of the internal workings of the Hadron
10:13 collider. This is a giant, humongous, 12 billion dollar
10:18 facility. It's known for smashing together protons. The energy
10:22 from these collisions gets converted into matter producing
10:25 new particles that allow us to explore the nature of the
10:29 universe. I believe the Hadron collider proves Psalm 33 verse 6
10:33 where it says "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made. "
10:37 You see God's word is power. His Bible is powerful but his
10:44 word is power. If you look at Psalm 33 verse 6, "By the word
10:49 of the Lord were the heavens made," folks I believe that is
10:57 the E=MC2. That tells us the equivalence of matter and energy
11:05 You see E=MC2 tells us that matter can be turned into energy
11:12 or energy into matter, either way, it gets multiplied by the
11:18 speed of light squared, OK. The speed of light is incredibly
11:25 fast, 300,000 km/second, 186,000 miles/second. So the
11:30 speed of light squared is 56 billion miles/second. So that
11:34 tells us, if you work this formula out, that a very, very
11:39 small amount of matter can make a humongous amount of energy.
11:44 If you could release the energy of the atoms in a paper clip it
11:49 would be equal to 18,000 tons of TNT, in a paper clip, the power
11:56 of the atom. That's, of course, what runs the sun. The Hadron
12:03 collider has proven that scripture, Psalm 33 verse 6,
12:08 because they have taken energy, a million dollars' worth of
12:12 electricity every week and they've actually made particles.
12:16 Hebrews 1 verse 3 says, "Upholding all things by the
12:21 word of his power. " Jesus says "All power is given to me in
12:27 heaven and earth. " So the sun fuses 16 million metric tons of
12:34 hydrogen every second. We see this incredible power in the sun
12:38 We have another shot coming up of the Hadron collider here,
12:42 huge, huge, huge operation. The reference here saying that
12:46 "bunches of protons pass through each other at 40 million times
12:51 a second. " Forty million times a second they power them through
12:57 there. The Hadron collider is considered one of the great
13:00 engineering milestones of man kind. The LHC was built in
13:03 collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from
13:07 100 countries as well as 100 universities and laboratories.
13:11 The Bible says, "In the beginning God created the
13:14 heavens and the earth. " We're looking at a creation machine.
13:17 The Hadron collider is a creation machine. They've
13:21 actually been able to create matter by energy. This machine
13:25 is a creation machine able to produce, albeit, small amounts
13:30 of protons. We have another graphic coming up of the pin.
13:34 You could actually put about a million trillion protons on the
13:41 head of a pin. OK. So we took a million dollars' worth of
13:45 electricity every week and they've produced 16 protons.
13:49 So they've actually created energy. Here you see the results
13:53 of smashing particles together. You see how they travel out in
13:57 straight lines and that's supposed be kind of similar to
14:00 what happens in the Big Bang and yet when you see the results
14:04 from the Big Bang you see all the galaxies spinning.
14:06 The planets are rotating, they're spinning in orbit about
14:10 the stars and so forth. You know how do you get the galaxies to
14:13 spin and the planets to spin? So particle physics is a branch of
14:17 of physics which studies the nature of particles and matter.
14:21 When energy is transformed into mass, both matter and antimatter
14:25 are created in equal amounts. When enough energy is squeezed
14:29 into a very small space such as during the high energy particle
14:33 collisions at Cern or the Big Bang particles and antiparticles
14:37 are produced
14:39 spontaneously. We should not be here because antiparticles
14:45 would destroy particles. They cannot explain where the
14:52 antiparticles go to. It's called the CP symmetry, it's called
14:59 charged particles symmetry. When we get the Big Bang, supposedly,
15:05 or the Hadron collider we get equal amounts of particles and
15:10 antiparticles. But where do the antiparticles go to? I talked
15:15 to professor of physics, Dr. Picante, from Los Angeles and
15:20 asked him about that and you know how is it? He says well
15:24 in the beginning in the Big Bang he says actually when the Big
15:28 Bang happened we have equal amounts of particles and
15:31 antiparticles but we have a billion and one particles, we
15:36 have one more particle for every billion particles, we have one
15:40 more particle of matter than we have antimatter and therefore,
15:45 that's how the universe got here by the one extra particle of
15:51 matter...
15:57 This Hadron collider, using thousands of scientists trying
16:03 to investigate the universe, the origin of the universe, how it
16:08 happened, how it has evolved since. So according to the Big
16:11 Bang theory equal amounts of matter and antimatter were
16:15 initially created. In fact, this Dr. Picante said he wrote his
16:19 doctorate on CP symmetry, the issue of particles and
16:23 antiparticles. I'm going like so you had a big bang and you had
16:29 one billion and one particles and a billion of antiparticles,
16:34 then does the Big Bang repeat itself? How do you get the whole
16:39 universe from that? I'm not smart enough to understand it
16:44 I guess. But when matter and antimatter come together in
16:48 contact, they annihilate into pure energy. So when matter and
16:53 antimatter come together they destroy each other and what's
16:58 produced is pure energy or photons and nothing else. That's
17:04 from the Mystery of CP Violation The study of CP violation as
17:09 charged particles addresses a very fundamental question. Are
17:14 the laws of physics the same for matter and antimatter?
17:17 (Chuckles) Are matter and antimatter intrinsically
17:21 different? The answer to this question may hold the key to
17:27 solving the mystery of matter- dominated universe. Yes, many
17:33 mysteries, many things to learn and understand. We have, I think
17:40 another graphic coming up of another angle of the Hadron
17:45 collider. In Matthew 28, verse 14, Jesus says, "He came and
17:49 spake unto them saying, all power is given to me in heaven
17:53 and earth. " You talk about power. You see power in that
17:57 Hadron collider? Imagine a million dollars' worth of
18:00 electricity every week. It is a powerhouse, a big powerhouse.
18:04 And Jesus said all power is given to me in heaven and earth.
18:08 I found a statement in Steps to Christ where it says...
18:25 We were talking about the paper clip that would have 18,000 tons
18:31 of TNT if you could release the energy in the atoms. Do you
18:36 your problems are big for the Lord if one paper clip could
18:41 have that kind of power in the atoms that bind it together?
18:50 So we're told here that we can have power to overcome...
19:03 ...that comes from 1 Testimonies volume 1 actually page 341.
19:13 And Jesus said, "Ye shall see the Son of Man sitting on the
19:20 right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven. "
19:28 We have a most beautiful picture here. It's called
19:32 A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics entanglement. This is
19:39 a newly-discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted
19:44 jewel in higher dimensions. So this is an artist's conception
19:50 trying to show us what they believe they see when they look
19:54 into quantum physics, quantum entanglement. A newly-discovered
19:59 mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher
20:04 dimensions. Encoded in it's volume are the most basic
20:08 features of reality that can be calculated. And if we look at
20:13 Daniel 12 verse 4, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and
20:17 seal the book even to the time of the end. Many shall run to
20:21 and fro and knowledge shall be increased. " Is knowledge being
20:26 increased today? Yes, knowledge is being increased and we see
20:33 that we're nearing the time of the end. If you look at the
20:39 history of man, if look back at the time of Adam and Abraham,
20:44 they traveled on donkeys and horses, OK. You go all the way
20:50 down to Paul Revere on his horse You see, the mode of travel
20:55 really was pretty flat line for 6000 years; it was flat.
21:00 It hadn't really changed very much. The mode of communication,
21:06 Adam and Abraham, spoke with their voice. Paul Revere was
21:10 what? The midnight cry of Paul of Paul Revere. So for thousands
21:18 of years the mode of transportation and communication
21:20 was flat line. Knowledge was not increased. But then we went from
21:27 Kitty Hawk, North Carolina to the moon in 60 years. In 60
21:32 years we went from Kitty Hawk, North Carolina to the moon.
21:38 Talking about knowledge increasing, I have a business
21:42 card here. I have a little card here that I carry with me and on
21:47 this card is a USB drive. You can break it off, fold it up,
21:52 put it in your computer. There's more memory here than went to
21:57 the moon, that took our astronauts to the moon, on just
22:02 this little half-inch segment of the business card; more computer
22:06 memory. Bend it over, break it off, fold it up, more computer
22:11 memory than went to the moon. So it's amazing. The Bible says
22:15 knowledge will be increased and men will run to and fro. And
22:19 what's interesting, we're all familiar with the prophecies of
22:23 the Messiah, we're going to get into that too, but the
22:27 prophecies of the time of the end... There are going to be
22:30 famines and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places.
22:34 Knowledge shall be increased, men will run to and fro but the
22:40 Bible tells us in Matthew the end is not yet. We see all these
22:46 prophecies but the end is not yet. It goes on in Matthew and
22:51 then is says the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all
22:57 the world and then the end will come. So we have seen these
23:02 prophecies building till the end of time and I know we're there,
23:07 we're near the end of time, but then what it says is the gospel
23:11 will be preached in all the world, and we see that on 3ABN,
23:15 on nine satellites going around the world, don't we? We see all
23:20 the media that we have, I think I have 14 Adventist channels
23:25 coming into my home. And what is amazing, the gospel will be
23:30 preached in all the world. Do you know folks, there is
23:32 something that is just totally amazing. Do you know, the gospel
23:38 is going to the world like never before? Adventist World Radio,
23:44 we saw it at ASI. They had a count up clock there at ASI in
23:50 August of 2015 and do you know it would show you how many
23:56 sermons are being downloaded into China every day. They said
24:00 the only thing that runs faster than this clock is the U.S.
24:06 national debt clock. In August they were getting 11 million
24:12 Chinese downloading our sermons from Adventist World Radio.
24:16 Eleven million in a day last year and it's probably gone up
24:20 now, I would imagine, from that time. The previous year they had
24:27 8.5 billion downloads in the world, 8.5 billion sermons tuned
24:33 in to hear our message of the gospel. You see this church, we
24:38 have things that other people haven't heard. People are not
24:44 being told the truth about once saved always saved. They're not
24:48 being told the truth about the rapture. They're not being told
24:52 the truth about hell, ever- burning hell. They're not being
24:56 told the truth about the Sabbath and these things. You see, I see
25:01 God has provided maybe billions of dollars to get the message
25:07 out. It is just unbelievable to me what's happened. I think in
25:12 Saudi Arabia they were getting 60,000 downloads, pod cast
25:18 downloads. Adventist World Radio sent missionaries into one of
25:23 the countries over in the Viet Nam area there and in the back
25:27 woods of little villages. They went to the first village and
25:31 the chief met them and said you know there was a man here
25:35 dressed in white that told us to turn our radio to this place on
25:40 the dial because it would help our people and here this village
25:45 was already keeping the Sabbath. And they went on to another
25:48 village, another village, and another village; I think they
25:52 went to 21 villages and found an angel had already been there.
25:57 So you see we're not only nearing the end but the end will
26:01 come when the gospel is preached You know, Trinity Broadcasting
26:09 is humongous, I mean, it's humongous. But Trinity
26:13 Broadcasting takes 168 hours a week, 168 sermons a week and
26:18 have sermons from every perspective, OK. But you see we
26:23 have one consistent message that the world needs to hear. They
26:26 need to know about the Sabbath. They need to know about ever
26:28 burning hell, that it's not burning forever. They need to
26:31 know about the rapture and that it's not once saved always saved
26:35 I believe God has done a work to get this message out like
26:40 nowhere else on the planet. Folks, we thank you again for
26:44 watching Heavens Declare. Our time is gone. Thank you so much.
26:48 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2016-09-21