Health for a Lifetime

The Battle Of Our Mind

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh, Rob McClintock


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000031

00:49 Hello and welcome to Health for a Lifetime.
00:51 I'm your host Don Mackintosh.
00:53 Today we're joined with Rob McClintock from
00:57 Washington state.
00:58 Welcome, Rob.
00:59 Thanks.
01:00 Today we're going to be talking about a rather interesting topic
01:03 that is the mind, more specifically the
01:07 battle for our minds.
01:08 First of all tell me what does it mean when you say the mind?
01:12 What do you mean by that?
01:13 Well, really we're talking about a very complex organ,
01:17 the brain, where we find the seat of our emotions,
01:21 our abstract thinking, our cognitive thinking,
01:25 our practical thinking, our ability to determine what's
01:30 true and what's false.
01:32 In terms of the battle we're really looking at one thing
01:38 and that's called our allegiance.
01:39 The battle for the mind is something that's been going on
01:44 for millenniums.
01:46 So what I picture then when you're saying this is there's
01:50 the practical things that our mind helps us do,
01:52 there are abstract thoughts, there are all of these different
01:56 things that's going on in their mind.
01:57 What you're suggesting is that there are people that are
02:00 or not maybe people but forces that are trying to be active in
02:06 those processes.
02:07 What do you mean?
02:09 What is this battle?
02:10 When did it begin?
02:12 What does it have to do with us?
02:13 The battle for the mind, as I understand it,
02:16 started in heaven.
02:17 At one time in the universe all the created and divine beings
02:23 were in harmony.
02:24 Satan was not known as Satan then, he was Lucifer.
02:28 He was in harmony with Christ and with the Father.
02:31 Everything was happy and harmonious in heaven
02:36 Somehow Satan's mind began to wander in channels it shouldn't.
02:42 He began to have doubts and began to have jealousy.
02:44 Little by little he began to plot against the
02:48 divine government.
02:50 We understand from what the Scriptures tell us that there
02:53 was war in heaven.
02:54 War does not take place unless you have more than
02:58 one combatant.
02:59 You don't just have one.
03:01 You don't have one side.
03:02 You have more than one side, at least two.
03:05 We are told from Scripture that Satan took quite a number
03:11 perhaps a third of the angels with him.
03:13 He didn't just indiscriminately go out and round up a third of
03:17 the angels and force them out of heaven with him.
03:20 Because they would have stayed with the Father
03:23 who they were loyal to.
03:24 But evidently, somehow, Satan found a way to gain control of
03:31 their minds so that their allegiance then was given over
03:34 to his service.
03:35 I see that not staying in heaven but actually coming down,
03:40 in more practical and recent terms, right here
03:44 on this planet.
03:45 Why would you say that?
03:46 You're saying, on the basis of Scripture of course, there's
03:52 this war that's been described there.
03:56 What are some things that we can see that indicate that it's
04:00 down here on this level?
04:01 The very first beginning on this earth was when Adam and Eve
04:05 were created and placed here.
04:06 They were given the opportunity to choose whether they would
04:13 continue serve God as God has intended for them
04:16 or were they going to follow Lucifer's plans and surrender
04:23 the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit the Creator over to
04:29 another master.
04:30 We see Satan using a number of sophistries, beguiling agencies,
04:38 in order to tempt Eve's mind and deceive her.
04:41 I see today so many instances where people are being deceived
04:46 into surrendering the sovereignty of the
04:49 seat of their heart.
04:51 We talk in terms of our heart but we're really talking about
04:55 the frontal lobe of our mind where our thought processes
04:58 and moral judgment live.
05:01 I see people surrendering that somewhat against their will.
05:05 Explain that a little more to me.
05:10 What does that mean when you talk about the frontal lobe and
05:13 surrendering the will?
05:15 What happens in the mind and how do we surrender that?
05:19 In the brain we have all the different regions of the brain.
05:25 You've got the occipital lobes where the more calculatory
05:30 things we do will take place.
05:31 We've got our temporal lobe and then the frontal lobe
05:34 up in our foreheads, in the beginning, up in the very top.
05:38 That is where scientists tell us that our abstract thinking
05:43 where we analyze things, where we make decisions between
05:48 one thing in lieu of another, we make our moral judgments.
05:53 Those emphasis are all placed there.
05:56 The concern that I have is I see so many things that are
06:00 in our environment, things that surround us, things that we
06:04 see, things that we hear, and primarily a lot of the
06:08 things that we eat or drink, take into our bodies have a
06:12 physical effect on the frontal lobe.
06:15 Many times by depleting the brain blood flow where the
06:19 blood flow is decreased or a certain chemical is now
06:24 interfere with the processes.
06:26 Our capacity to be loyal to God, our capacity to tell the
06:31 difference between truth and fiction begin to diminish.
06:36 Give me some examples of what you're talking about.
06:40 Well, I think most people can relate to alcohol use
06:44 having some effect on the brain.
06:46 I remember as a teenager hearing daring young bucks say,
06:54 "Let's head out to the bar, let's go kill some
06:57 brain cells. "
06:58 They are quite brash about it.
07:01 It doesn't seem to bother them any.
07:03 They feel impervious to it.
07:04 When you're young you feel immortal and invincible.
07:07 But they're speaking in real terms.
07:11 They are going out and they are killing brain cells.
07:13 Alcohol does a number of things.
07:16 Number one, it does decrease the amount of brain capacity
07:18 that you have by killing some of the brain cells.
07:21 Also decreasing some of the neurotransmitters solutions,
07:28 changes the blood flow, and we can see impairment in people
07:33 who drink alcohol.
07:34 Recently the state of Washington just changed the blood alcohol
07:39 legal limit for the highways for whether you're drinking
07:43 or driving or not based on new research that's coming out
07:48 that they feel people are intoxicated at lower limits
07:51 than they did before.
07:52 I notice you have a graphic here for us to look at:
07:57 One of the things that was studied recently...
08:00 So many people feel that it's drunks who cause the problems
08:05 on the highways, it's drunks who cause problems socially,
08:09 but for me personally, if I drink once a week as a
08:17 social drinker I'm causing no menace to society and I'm
08:21 causing no menace to myself.
08:23 But on the graphical studies that we're shown indicated that
08:28 people who had only one drink per week, perhaps, still showed
08:33 via scientific testing - some of those are through PET scans
08:39 and others are where they actually measure the amount of
08:41 glycogen used in the front part of the frontal lobe.
08:45 The indicators were that there was still mental impairment
08:49 even 24 hours after even a mild use of alcohol.
08:53 So a little wine is perhaps not so good for us?
08:57 I don't think so because if you have impairment that means
09:01 number one you're a menace to other people physically because
09:05 of your lack of capacity to operate an automobile or
09:09 an airline pilot certainly we hope he hasn't been drinking
09:13 within the last 24 hours or week.
09:16 But I'm not so concerned about the physical things as car
09:21 accidents, they are certainly bad because we know that
09:24 we're loosing quite a number of people to alcohol related
09:29 accidents.
09:30 Alcohol related accidents and illnesses combined take a
09:35 100,000 people out of the United States alone in death
09:38 every year.
09:39 But I'm thinking more in terms in the battle of the minds
09:42 is what it does to people's capacity to discern between
09:47 truth and error.
09:48 Because I really believe that in this last days when Satan
09:54 we're told in the book of Peter he's a roaring lion seeking to
09:59 deceive us.
10:00 He wants to take our eternal salvation from us.
10:03 More now than ever in history we need our mental capacity
10:07 to be 100 percent.
10:08 The alcohol, I think probably, some of our viewers would have
10:16 a little problem with what you said, but most of our viewers
10:20 on a Christian program would probably say, "Hey, I'm not
10:23 that involved in alcohol, I don't get involved in something
10:26 like that, I've heard about that. "
10:28 Are there other things; however, that maybe they
10:30 would be involved in?
10:31 Things that you could share with us that impact the brain,
10:35 the things you're concerned about?
10:36 We know that tobacco can have some
10:39 negative influences as well.
10:40 Anything that will decrease the amount of blood flow
10:45 to that particular part of the organ will decrease our
10:48 capacity to make good judgments and good decisions.
10:51 Alcohol, as you know, is a vassal constrictor.
10:55 It will cause the blood vessels to narrow.
10:58 They will constrict.
11:01 A smaller dimension in a blood vessel will mean that there's a
11:06 corresponding restriction and a decrease in the flow.
11:10 We rely for our thought processes on the blood making
11:15 a fresh transfer of oxygen molecules and also taking
11:20 out some of the waste products from the brain as it goes
11:25 through its processes.
11:26 If that slows down our mental capacities go down as well.
11:30 What does it mean when someone says, "I just had a cigarette
11:33 and I think more clearly now, I immediately get a rush
11:37 and I seem to have more perceptive thought after I
11:40 smoke"?
11:41 Are they not understanding what's happening?
11:43 Explain that for us.
11:44 Well, to the best that I can understand it, that's actually
11:47 almost an induced fantasy.
11:49 Maybe it did give them a little bit more focus initially
11:54 but over the long term they actually have less
11:58 discriminatory processes then they would have had before.
12:00 So alcohol is something we're wanting to avoid in terms of our
12:06 frontal lobe.
12:07 Tobacco is something we're wanting to avoid.
12:10 What should we do in place of those things?
12:12 Well, why do people drink?
12:15 Most people drink because they're looking for an escape
12:20 from something.
12:21 Some people feel like they're too up tight.
12:24 They need to relax.
12:25 A lot of people are socially inept, at least they perceive
12:31 themselves to be.
12:32 They think that if they have a drink they can loosen up, they
12:33 can have more fun, they can be happier people.
12:36 We simply need to understand that as Christians we're
12:40 God's creation.
12:42 It does not matter what people think of us.
12:44 What most matters is what God thinks of us.
12:47 Smoking - why do people smoke?
12:52 Why do people drink?
12:53 They are crutches when you're limping.
12:56 A Christian shouldn't be limping.
12:59 Christians can be a whole person because they are a
13:01 whole new creation.
13:03 Yes, I hear what you're saying.
13:05 Let's say I'm watching today and I do smoke and I do drink,
13:09 and I just can't seem to get through the day without that.
13:12 What kind of counsel do you have for someone like that
13:15 struggling.
13:16 Just give us an indication what should they
13:19 put in place of that?
13:20 It's quite easy to say, "Well, I don't think you should
13:25 be doing that. "
13:26 But what do I do?
13:27 That's a really good opportunity for us to share some of the
13:31 better things in life.
13:32 If you are stressed out a lot of people drink and smoke
13:36 because of stress.
13:38 A really good, vigorous exercise a lot of times can be a far
13:41 better stress beater then any of these sedatives could ever
13:45 hope to be.
13:46 If you feel like you need something to make you feel
13:52 better about yourself go for a walk in the sunshine,
13:54 eat better food.
13:57 A lot of people who drink and smoke don't have
13:59 the greatest diet.
14:00 When you have a lot of poor dietary choices in your program
14:07 they leave a vacuum because of the good things not being there.
14:13 We begin to develop cravings and urgings for some thing,
14:17 some outside stimulus that we wouldn't normally crave.
14:20 We're talking with Rob McClintock.
14:22 When we come back we're going to share with you how you
14:25 your letter grades in school can actually go up,
14:27 isn't that right, Doctor?
14:28 When we come back we're going to learn some other things
14:30 that we can do to enhance the functioning of
14:33 your frontal lobe.
14:42 Have you found yourself wishing that you could
14:43 shed a few pounds?
14:45 Have you been on a diet for most of your life,
14:47 but not found anything that will really keep the weight off?
14:50 If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then we
14:53 have a solution for you that works.
14:56 Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. Aileen Ludington
14:58 have written a marvelous booklet called,
15:01 Reversing Obesity Naturally, and we'd like to send it to you
15:04 free of charge.
15:05 Here's a medically sound approach successfully used
15:08 by thousands who are able to eat more
15:11 and loose weight permanently
15:12 without feeling guilty or hungry through lifestyle medicine.
15:16 Dr. Diehl and Dr. Ludington have been featured on 3ABN
15:20 and in this booklet they present a sensible approach to eating,
15:23 nutrition, and lifestyle changes that can help you prevent
15:26 heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
15:29 Call or write today for your free copy:
15:48 Welcome back.
15:49 We've been talking with Rob McClintock.
15:51 We just were in an interesting discussion about ways you can
15:54 increase your grade point average
15:56 by what you do, decisions you make.
15:59 Dr. McClintock, help us with that.
16:03 One of the things we are discovering with diet
16:07 that has been an interest for a long time,
16:10 is that there is some correlation between your diet
16:15 and what your mental acuity would be.
16:17 Now we're not able to measure that in terms specifically
16:20 in terms of your IQ, but we can find that what you eat,
16:24 what you drink, what you listen to, and see,
16:28 and those types of things does effect to some extent
16:32 your capacity to do abstract thinking, your attention span
16:37 can be varied.
16:39 There was a study with school aged children
16:42 that I thought was quite interesting where the children
16:46 were given an opportunity for a period of time to have
16:50 the type of diet that kids normally would like.
16:53 You know, the sugary cereals, candy bars, soda pops,
16:56 deserts and on and on and on.
16:59 These kids seem to have that sort of lifestyle because that's
17:03 what their parents have been providing them.
17:04 These poor kids are having a tough time in school.
17:08 They are failing, pulling C's, D's, F's
17:10 and that type of thing.
17:11 In the study these kids were given an opportunity to where
17:18 nutritionists came in and they changed their whole
17:20 dietary program.
17:22 One of the major things they took out of their diet
17:25 was the refined sugars.
17:28 They didn't provide them with special teachers,
17:32 they didn't give them any special tutoring,
17:34 they didn't make them stay home at night
17:37 instead of going down to the arcade,
17:38 they didn't make them burn their skate board or anything
17:40 these kids just had the one major factor where they got a
17:43 decent diet with less sugar.
17:45 It was not very long in the course of several weeks
17:50 these kids were doing better in school.
17:52 In fact by the end of the term they actually were pulling
17:56 at least one letter grade higher than what they had
18:00 come up with before.
18:10 I'm sure if someone were getting a C it would probably bring them
18:13 up too, wouldn't you think?
18:14 That's right, Don, and you know it's not just for the kids.
18:17 You know we always like to apply this to somewhere other than our
18:19 own life, but as adults we need to understand that sugar affects
18:24 us the same way as it does the young people.
18:26 Just because you and I may not be in school doesn't mean
18:30 that we are not needing the mental capacity that we need
18:34 and were created to have.
18:36 There's a lot to why the sugar does what it does for the kids
18:39 and also for us as adults.
18:40 If you were to eat a large meal of carbohydrates like oatmeal,
18:47 toast, some fruit, and these types of things, for a really
18:51 good breakfast.
18:53 If you don't like oatmeal use some sort of a cereal
18:57 or that genre of food.
19:03 You are taking a fair amount of fiber and a lot of other
19:08 material with it.
19:09 It takes the body a while to digest those items and during
19:14 that time you're having a sustained release of the sugar
19:18 that's being released into the system.
19:19 The body then has an opportunity to have a sustained release
19:26 of matching insulin and all of this in turn provides the brain
19:32 with the proper amount of glycogen which is brain fuel.
19:36 The brain only has at any given time 2 minutes or maybe a
19:41 little less of this brain fuel on reserve.
19:45 What happens when a kid eats a candy bar or drinks a soda pop -
19:49 or an adult, either one - you have a rush of sugar
19:52 and the body says, "Wait a minute, there must be a lot
19:55 of food that's going to enter my system right now, I'll have
19:58 to put out a lot of insulin now. "
20:00 And so it begins to burn up all of that extra sugar.
20:03 Now we end up with blood sugar lows and we begin to come down.
20:08 There is less capacity to have the right amount of fuel for the
20:12 brain to function right.
20:13 So our brain has to slow down to match the fuel.
20:15 So it's really not so much the sugar but how it's released.
20:19 It's the difference between a high octane fuel and a diesel
20:23 I guess, or something that unpacks itself slowly vs. fast.
20:28 That's correct.
20:29 What I hear you saying is that every food in a sense
20:32 is a brain food.
20:34 It can be.
20:35 It just depends how we balance them as we put them into our
20:38 dietary program.
20:40 In other words, what I mean, it could be negative or positive.
20:42 Everything effects it somehow.
20:44 It's either going to add or take away.
20:46 That's one of the things that we need to take a look at.
20:48 The things on my plate - is this going to enhance my capacity
20:52 to think and tell the difference between God's Words
20:57 and Satan's words?
20:58 Or are these things going to actually detract from what
21:00 I'm doing?
21:01 So the sugar, you've said, it's not so much bad, it's just how
21:04 it's delivered.
21:05 And you're saying the best way to deliver that is through
21:08 carbohydrates or those things that unpack themselves slowly.
21:11 That's correct.
21:12 What about fats?
21:13 Is there anything good about fats?
21:14 Or is there anything bad about fats in terms of how it
21:16 effects the brain?
21:18 Well, fats and sugars can do the same things in some respects.
21:22 One of the things that sugar does in addition to causing
21:25 the lows when we eat too much in the wrong form,
21:28 it actually acts to congeal or jell the serum of the blood.
21:35 So now we're having to move blood through those
21:40 fine blood vessels in the frontal lobe.
21:42 Now that the syrupy, thickened, jelly type blood is trying to be
21:49 forced through - again it cannot be forced through as fast as it
21:52 would like to.
21:54 Our oxygen transport and our fuel transport to our brain
21:57 slows down - slows our brain down, slows our judgment down.
22:00 Fat can act in the same way.
22:03 The fat can actually begin to stick our blood cells
22:06 together.
22:07 Our red blood cells begin to clump up.
22:09 If 100 of us held hands and tried to walk through a door
22:14 somebody is going to have to let go sooner or later.
22:17 That's one of the things we see inside of the brain that these
22:20 cells are having to actually to be forced apart to flow
22:23 through the brain.
22:24 And again you've slowed down the opportunity.
22:26 So, I have my big sugar-rush in the morning and I'm on my
22:31 way to work and I stop by the fast food restaurant of my
22:34 choice and I get my big sugar-rush.
22:38 I also have a nice big Egg McMuffin,
22:43 not to bring any particular person into this,
22:47 but I have this big fatty meal along with the sugar.
22:49 Then I decide what I'll do is I'll just have maybe a Pepsi
22:56 or Coke to go along with it to pick me up.
22:59 because I'm feeling a little sluggish.
23:00 Is that a good idea?
23:01 Probably not a real great idea because as you
23:05 have hinted to and eluded to those first two things are
23:07 actually going to cause you to be suffering from
23:10 oxygen deprivation.
23:12 When I used to fly airplanes they used to tell us not to
23:15 spend too many minutes above a certain elevation because once
23:19 you would go past your limit you would begin to feel very
23:25 happy.
23:26 You'd be tired and things would be moving great.
23:30 A lot of people feel that way.
23:32 They say they feel better when they eat these types of foods
23:36 because of the oxygen deprivation.
23:38 But adding caffeine is not necessarily going to do
23:42 the greatest thing for you.
23:43 Caffeine has substances in it that will interfere with your
23:49 neurotransmitters.
23:50 In neurotransmitters each nerve cell is going to have to be
23:54 releasing a certain amount of certain neurotransmitters
23:57 solutions - handing it over to the next one, to the next one,
23:59 to the next one, and that's how the impulses from one
24:03 nerve cell to the other are transmitted.
24:05 Caffeine releases certain substances
24:10 that upset the balance.
24:12 We have one neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is kind
24:16 of like the gas pedal and the adenosine is like the brake
24:21 and together they move things through traffic in the right
24:25 sequence and at the right speed.
24:27 When you begin to add these substances from the caffeine
24:32 to try to pick you up and make you feel better you're doing
24:36 some wild things to your body.
24:37 If you took one cup of coffee and took the caffeine out of it
24:42 about 120-125 mg and put it into a needle and shot it
24:47 in your arm you would be dead in minutes
24:49 because it is that toxic.
24:51 But putting it through your stomach and the digestive track
24:54 you release it a little bit slower.
24:56 The body says, "Wait a minute, here's a poison, I've got to
24:59 burn it off. "
25:00 So up with the metabolism in releasing tons of adrenaline.
25:04 In terms of the body that's not a great thing
25:08 but in terms of the mind what bothers me is you'll see
25:12 somebody who's really, really angry - they've got tons of
25:15 adrenaline or they're very, very afraid - tons of adrenaline.
25:18 People who are very angry and people who are very afraid
25:22 do not think rationally and they do some pretty wild things.
25:25 Increasing the amount of adrenaline to try and burn off
25:29 the toxicity of this caffeine is not going to cause us to
25:32 have clarity of thought.
25:34 So, so much for my good idea.
25:36 It wouldn't really be a happy meal, would it?
25:38 No.
25:39 Well, we have just a few minutes left here.
25:42 We've talked about some things that can be damaging - alcohol,
25:46 tobacco, caffeine, fat and the effect it can have
25:51 on our frontal lobes and how it can really cause some problems.
25:55 In the rest of our time together in just the few moments we have
26:00 what are some real positive things our viewers can do?
26:02 What can they do to feed that frontal lobe what it needs?
26:06 To do a real positive thing for your brain and for your mind
26:10 we need to cover all of our bases.
26:13 We need to be putting in natural foods,
26:15 not chemically derived foods, but good natural foods,
26:20 produce, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, the complex
26:24 carbohydrates rather than the refined carbohydrates
26:27 so we have a sustained release of the sugar one that the body
26:30 can keep up with.
26:31 Anybody can now today knows that fat is probably not that
26:35 good for you but they're thinking in terms of their
26:38 arteries for their heart.
26:39 We're thinking in terms of our mind.
26:41 Lot's of exercise to get that blood moving so that you have
26:45 the oxygen there that you need to think.
26:47 Sufficient water so that you can bathe your mind
26:52 so that your brain cells are pure and are clean so that
26:56 you can make the proper synapse transfers of information.
27:00 So what you're saying is a lot like what our mothers' said
27:03 which was drink your water, have a healthy balanced meal,
27:06 avoid those things that are not so good for you - things
27:10 you mentioned: caffeine, alcohol, smoking - really have
27:14 a more balanced approach eating foods as grown.
27:18 Well, thank you very much, Dr. McClintock,
27:22 for being with us.
27:23 I know that as a result of being together today
27:26 we're going to have better grades, we're going to feel
27:31 better and we will have health for a lifetime.


Revised 2014-12-17