Health for a Lifetime

Newstart For Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh, Richard Nelson


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000070

00:46 Hello and welcome to "Health for a Lifetime"
00:48 I'm your host Don Mackintosh
00:49 and we're glad you're joining us today.
00:51 We're also delighted to have with us,
00:52 Dr. Richard Nelson Welcome doctor!
00:54 Thank you Don, I'm glad to be here today.
00:56 Doctor, you're the vice president for medical affairs
00:59 at Weimar Institute...
01:00 What exactly does that mean? What do you do?
01:03 Well, Weimar Institute has a number of different
01:05 health programs.
01:06 Probably the most famous is the
01:08 "NEWSTART Lifestyle Program" where... the last
01:11 23 years, people come to change their lifestyle and to gain
01:17 new health.
01:18 I understand you're also an international traveler...
01:20 What do you do around the world?
01:22 We take the NEWSTART Lifestyle Program,
01:24 which has been SO successful in California,
01:27 and take it around the world.
01:28 We've been in about 217 cities as of now, about 30 countries
01:35 since 1982; so we just turned 18 years old as far as
01:40 the "health expo" wing is concerned.
01:42 And you've been with the institute for quite some time?
01:45 Yes, this is my 4th year at Weimar Institute.
01:49 My first 3 years was as a volunteer, when I also
01:53 was working as an assistant clinical professor with
01:55 Loma Linda University out in Saudi Arabia...
01:59 And during my vacations, I would join the
02:02 preventive medicine, or health expo team
02:04 in various places of the world.
02:07 What exactly is a lifestyle-related illness?
02:10 Well, the leading causes of death in North America
02:14 right now include heart disease.
02:16 Most heart diseases are lifestyle-related.
02:19 They're related to how we live.
02:23 The typical American lifestyle will result in
02:26 coronary artery disease, of course someone who is
02:29 overweight, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and the list goes on.
02:34 I'm sure your viewers have been seeing this in this program
02:37 the different types of lifestyle diseases.
02:40 The NEWSTART Program is designed not only to prevent the diseases
02:44 but, in many cases, actually reverse it.
02:48 That sounds exciting...
02:49 You mean, so you don't have to just be doomed to a life of
02:51 type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension,
02:54 all these different things, you can actually REVERSE those.
02:57 In some cases, the first one you mentioned,
03:00 type 2 diabetes, is exciting because 35%, and as much as
03:04 50% of type 2 diabetics who undergo intensive
03:09 lifestyle modification, can actually be medication-free
03:13 within a short period of time...
03:15 We're talking less than a month,
03:17 and actually have normal blood sugars providing
03:21 they stick with the program.
03:23 Is this those that take just oral medications,
03:26 or is it those that are also on injections, or insulin shots?
03:29 If we look at people who are taking both oral hypoglycemics
03:32 and also insulin... put them all together,
03:36 our average is above 35%,
03:39 can be OFF of their medication in just 3 weeks.
03:42 Above 35%... That's right.
03:43 And if we're looking at people who are insulin-resistant,
03:46 and just borderline, getting to the point where they
03:48 need medication, more than three-fourths of those
03:51 people can actually AVOID developing
03:54 type 2 diabetes. Very good news!
03:56 I heard recently in the news that they are doing some
03:59 new treatments where they're actually implanting cells
04:02 within the pancreas that now are producing insulin.
04:05 Right, and I certainly applaud these efforts.
04:08 Our program is not alternative medicine... to say...
04:12 We like to think of it more of complementary medicine.
04:14 Now, those terms are kind of getting blended together.
04:17 Our program is physician-monitored.
04:19 It's university professor affiliated.
04:23 Our patients who come in undergo a complete evaluation,
04:27 blood work, etcetera, and the physicians that work with them
04:31 that changed their lifestyle,
04:33 most physicians know that if a patient
04:38 changes their lifestyle, they're going to be less
04:39 dependent on medication...
04:41 But is it SAFE to take them off their medication?
04:44 And the answer is... Probably not, unless the patient
04:47 is really going to make a change.
04:49 So what we do at Weimar is we give a person
04:52 and 18-day lifestyle change.
04:55 We show them how to eat different,
04:57 how to exercise better, and all the 8 components of
05:01 the NEWSTART lifestyle.
05:03 So, how does that work in the real world...
05:04 I mean, you take someone away...
05:05 you kind of rapture them away to this place,
05:07 in and it's beautiful, and I'm sure that Weimar has probably
05:10 beautiful, nice vistas around,
05:13 and there's room service, or there's this and that...
05:17 What do you do when they leave that place?
05:18 Our greatest challenge is alumni follow-up.
05:20 We have about 3,000 alumni now, and following them
05:24 and getting them to stay with the program...
05:26 is our greatest challenge, and not long ago,
05:30 the "Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine"
05:33 out of Washington, DC, ranked various lifestyle centers
05:38 for long-term success, and weight loss.
05:40 You'll see a lot of signs that will say,
05:42 "30 pounds in 30 days"... We don't make those promises.
05:46 What we emphasize is a lifestyle change
05:50 for the rest of your life.
05:52 And that's why one of the reasons we are ranked
05:54 the top 2 in the nation... by this think tank
05:57 in Washington, DC for our long-term results.
05:59 And what exactly do you DO for alumni follow-up?
06:04 Well... One, we have direct mailing.
06:06 We have an alumni coordinator who contacts our alumni.
06:11 Another thing we do... we put together resources
06:13 so our alumni can actually bring NEWSTART into their home,
06:17 and share it with their community.
06:18 This year, we're video-taping all the physician lectures again
06:22 because our last video series is outdated,
06:27 so we're putting together a new video series.
06:29 We also have annual wellness weekends,
06:33 and times when people can come back to Weimar,
06:36 and go through the program in a refresher.
06:38 And so once you're an alumnus, can you come through
06:41 free the second time, or at a reduced cost?
06:43 We do make special deals.
06:45 I notice, also, that you have a website for the
06:48 NEWSTART Program... www. newstart. ws
06:52 Is that an alumni-type thing too?
06:55 Can they go there, and then get updates on that webpage?
06:58 Right... Our website updates on the dates of our
07:02 upcoming programs, educational resources that are available.
07:06 This year, we produced a dynamic CD-ROM
07:10 on how people get sick...
07:12 How heart disease, or I should say, coronary artery disease
07:15 and diabetes not only can be prevented but reversed
07:19 with cartoon animation, etcetera,
07:21 and that CD is now available through our website.
07:25 Wonderful! So there are some resources that they
07:27 go home and say... "This is what I do,"
07:29 and they say, "Where did you GO, the planet Zolar?"
07:32 "No, I went to Weimar, and it's #1 of these types of programs
07:36 or in the top 3," and all the different things you've said
07:38 It's all right for them to look at.
07:40 Let me ask you this... We talked a little bit about
07:43 diabetes type 2, and the fact that it was reversible
07:46 in 35% of the cases, or on oral hypoglycemics even more
07:50 than that, but let's talk just for a minute about
07:52 heart disease... I think it kills now, what?
07:54 How many people in America, and what happens
07:57 in the program to heart disease?
07:58 Okay, I had the privilege of working with an
08:02 international heart surgery team as a non-physician
08:05 before training as a physician...
08:07 And I used to look at what was being done after
08:13 the patients underwent heart surgery.
08:16 And, one of the surgeons remarked to me,
08:19 "You know, Richard, probably the best thing we've done for this
08:22 patient was going through this procedure... Sure,
08:25 we fixed those 4 inches of arteries; we've given him
08:29 a new chance on life, but this dramatic procedure
08:32 has MADE this person make up their mind"
08:35 "I'm ready for a change. "
08:37 But the results haven't been out there until
08:40 just a couple of years ago...
08:41 in the "Journal of American Medical Association"
08:44 1998, December issue, the Lifestyle heart trial
08:49 results were published that Dr. Dean Ornish has done
08:52 and he has demonstrated, in a very well-controlled study,
08:56 that coronary artery disease not only can be stopped in its
09:00 progression, but also can be reversed to a certain degree.
09:03 This was a fairly small group of patients,
09:06 but the results were so promising, that now a large
09:10 scale prospective study is under works right now
09:14 being sponsored by the
09:15 "Healthcare Finance Administration"
09:17 One other thing to note though,
09:20 the coronary arteries only opened up about 4.5%
09:25 in the first year...
09:26 The group that was on the vegan diet,
09:30 had less than half the coronary events that the group
09:35 who was following the step 2 American Heart Association
09:38 Program experienced... which has made researchers
09:43 question, should we study this further,
09:45 is there something about a whole plant food diet,
09:48 a low fat diet that really can help reverse heart disease.
09:53 So, they have found, really a difference in the
09:56 reversal rates of those that just...
09:58 Or is there ANY reversal in a
09:59 step 2 diet that you're talking about?
10:03 I guess that would have... What's the difference between
10:05 a step 2 diet and a vegan diet?
10:07 Well, let's take it a little further...
10:10 The vegan diet uses whole plant foods,
10:13 with protected fat...
10:15 And the step 2 diet is more of a percentage of fat.
10:19 And in the NEWSTART Lifestyle Program, our concern is
10:22 that the fat used in the diet is not refined fat,
10:27 which would be subject to oxidation.
10:29 We've been holding to this now for over 20 years
10:32 and there has been a lot of questions as
10:35 whether that's a valid position.
10:37 Just this year, some notable cardiologists are coming out
10:42 and saying, "You know, it appears that the immune system
10:47 is key to the repair of coronary artery disease.
10:51 It's not the area of the angiogram that's so narrowed
10:54 that may be the biggest concern...
10:56 But rather, it's the unstable plaque along the walls
11:00 of the coronary arteries.
11:02 And, they have discovered that if you have a more oxidized
11:06 LDL cholesterol, that that actually interferes with the
11:10 immune system in repairing the coronary artery...
11:13 which, when I heard this, I thought to myself,
11:16 "Again the value of whole plant foods"
11:18 because whole plant foods have fat in it
11:22 which is protected from oxidation.
11:25 That may sound like a big theory, but more and more
11:29 evidence is out there that the whole plant food diet
11:33 without refined products subject to oxidation
11:37 are better in the treatment or prevention of
11:41 lifestyle diseases.
11:42 So foods as grown, and it doesn't really necessarily
11:45 mean... I remember working on a cardiology unit as well...
11:48 as a nurse, and looking at these different patients,
11:52 as they came back from their little session
11:54 with the cardiologist who would show them... well look
11:57 "This is where it's really narrowed," and really that's
12:00 not where the problem is really... it's those unstable
12:04 areas that are sometimes not as narrow,
12:07 but they cause problem.
12:10 Well the narrow sites are certainly great for discussion.
12:13 Yes they are... Look at your coronary arteries,
12:15 YOU'VE GOT to make a change.
12:17 We can make some emergency plumbing right now
12:19 ...that's important; but right now it is
12:23 important that if you do have heart disease,
12:25 that you be followed by a competent cardiologist.
12:28 We have, on our board of directors, a leading
12:32 board certified cardiologist, we have internists
12:35 on our staff, and we work side-by-side with the specialist
12:40 and look how we can optimize someone's lifestyle
12:44 both WITH and WITHOUT medication.
12:46 You may be watching right now, as we're talking to
12:49 Dr. Richard Nelson, and you're saying, "Look I want more
12:51 information about this program now!"
12:53 I think probably the best place for you to go right now
12:56 ...If I'm wrong correct me, is www. newstart. ws
13:00 All the contact numbers are there if you're on the internet,
13:02 and you may want to go there
13:04 and check out some more information.
13:05 When we come back, I want to talk and ask Dr. Nelson
13:08 some questions, more specifically about what
13:10 NEWSTART really means.
13:12 Of course, it sounds like a new start, but is there more
13:14 to that acronym, and what
13:16 does it mean... when we come back.
13:17 We're glad that you've joined us...
13:19 Join us when we come back!
13:22 Have you found yourself wishing that you could shed a few pounds
13:26 Have you been on a diet for most of your life,
13:28 but not found anything that will really keep the weight off?
13:31 If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions,
13:34 then we have a solution for you that works!
13:36 Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. Aileen Ludington
13:40 have written a marvelous booklet called...
13:42 "Reversing Obesity Naturally"
13:44 and we'd like to send it to you FREE of charge.
13:47 Here's a medically sound approach successfully used
13:49 by thousands who are able to eat more, and lose weight
13:52 permanently without feeling guilty or hungry
13:55 through lifestyle medicine.
13:57 Dr. Diehl and Dr. Ludington have been featured on 3ABN
14:00 and in this booklet, they present a sensible approach
14:04 to eating, nutrition, and lifestyle changes
14:06 that can help you prevent heart disease,
14:08 diabetes, and EVEN cancer.
14:10 Call or write today for your free copy of
14:12 "Reversing Obesity Naturally"
14:14 and you could be on your way to a healthier, happier YOU!
14:17 It's absolutely FREE of charge, so call or write today.
14:23 Welcome back! We're glad you've joined us.
14:25 If you've JUST joined us, you're in for a real treat...
14:27 We're talking to Dr. Richard Nelson
14:29 from the Weimar Institute.
14:30 He's the vice president for medical affairs there,
14:33 and we've been talking about not just disease,
14:35 but how to REVERSE the disease.
14:36 There's GOOD NEWS! That's right.
14:38 If you're listening today, and you really want to get
14:40 more information, you may want to just go to a webpage
14:43 www. newstart. ws
14:50 We were talking about what NEWSTART really stands for...
14:54 Help us with what it stands for, but put a few stories
14:57 in there about what really happens when you follow
14:59 the NEWSTART Program.
15:01 Okay, NEWSTART is an acronym.
15:03 We didn't come up with it, it came up from one of our
15:07 patients or participants.
15:09 We were presenting the 8 natural principles of health
15:13 as we know them, and they were
15:15 put into an acronym called NEWSTART.
15:18 The "N" is for nutrition.
15:19 And, our nutritional program, we think of good,
15:23 better and best. Okay, what's good?
15:26 Good may be following a typical American Heart Association
15:29 step 2 diet... for example, you may be using leaner meats
15:35 ...limiting your dairy products 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day,
15:41 and that's the typical HEALTHIER American diet.
15:46 And "better" would be somewhere in-between the best and the good
15:53 And we have to meet people where they're at...
15:56 And where you're at is probably early atherosclerosis.
16:02 Maybe you're developing high blood pressure...
16:03 Maybe you're insulin resistant.
16:05 And now it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle, make a change.
16:10 So that if we were to move to the best diet
16:13 from a physician who believes in creation,
16:16 I know that man wasn't originally designed to run
16:19 on nonplant food.
16:22 And, we do a lot of work in former Soviet Union countries,
16:26 and I notice they have different types of octane there...
16:27 They have this 76 octane, and they have the
16:30 90-something octane.
16:31 And when you're driving the 76 octane, it's going
16:34 ping, ping, ping, ping, ping all the time!
16:35 But you still can get from A to B
16:38 And I think a lot of us Americans are going
16:40 ping, ping, ping... and what happens is
16:42 is over time, we are wearing out our bodies.
16:46 So if we can approximate the best diet,
16:49 and the best diet we describe is whole plant foods eaten whole
16:53 I'm not talking about just piling your table with
16:56 raw fruits and vegetables.
16:57 But when you use a recipe, use the whole plant,
17:01 and then combine it in a tasty way.
17:04 So, do people like the food when they're there,
17:08 or do they just kind of like... "What is this?"
17:11 Recently, we just started another one of our sessions
17:13 at NEWSTART, and I was there for the opening...
17:16 And I was surprised to see the reactions.
17:18 They said, "The food is so good"
17:20 Because we take popular recipes and change them
17:25 in such a way to put in nutritious components
17:28 and we can end up with almost the same variety and taste.
17:32 So, it's high carbohydrates, or is it high proteins, what is it?
17:37 Okay, predominantly complex carbohydrates,
17:40 low protein, low fat, and with a good variety...
17:44 And for some conditions like type 2 diabetes,
17:47 we may change the time that they have fruit,
17:50 and change the way they exercise in combination with the meals.
17:55 So it's a Genesis 1:29 diet, then adding the vegetables in,
18:00 but let me ask this...
18:02 You know, I mentioned high protein diet for a reason...
18:05 because, you know, some people say,
18:06 That IS the WAY you should lose weight,
18:08 and they do say, "You can help your diabetes with that. "
18:11 What do you think about that, and what's the
18:13 NEWSTART philosophy on that?
18:14 Our philosophy is very much contrasting.
18:18 We have found that a high complex carbohydrate diet
18:22 combined with effective exercise, and the other
18:25 components of the NEWSTART Program
18:26 actually can reverse the condition.
18:29 The reason people get short-term results with
18:33 the high protein diet is they're just taking away
18:35 the carbohydrate or sugar load...
18:38 But if you look, for example, a study was done a few years ago
18:41 in "The Lancet" a famous British journal in Africa.
18:44 They looked at 1,300 Africans who had an 80%
18:48 complex carbohydrate diet.
18:50 How many diabetics were found... Not one!
18:54 And so the myth that high complex carbohydrate diets
18:58 don't go along with the treatment of diabetes
19:02 is out the window as far as we're concerned.
19:04 The high protein diet which is so popular today,
19:07 I think we're going to learn a little bit more
19:09 about it as time goes on.
19:10 We know that diabetics, we have to be ESPECIALLY careful about
19:13 their kidneys, and a high protein diet is
19:16 hard on your kidneys.
19:17 So do you have people that come through the NEWSTART Program
19:19 that have tried a high protein diet, and then they
19:21 come back to you... I've had people come and say,
19:23 "Look, I've lost a lot of weight on it, I'd like to see if
19:26 your program is more effective"
19:27 Our program, though, is dependent on following
19:30 all the 8 principles, and that includes
19:32 getting a lot of exercise.
19:33 Some people come up to our program, by the way...
19:35 the "N" is for nutrition; the "E" is for exercise.
19:38 They come up to our program and some of them can only
19:40 walk around our flagpole...
19:42 And by the end of the 18 days, they're walking as much as
19:45 3 to 5 miles a day.
19:47 Wow, that's really miraculous, but there are reasons for it...
19:51 but it would appear to be a miracle.
19:53 What's the "W" for? The "W" is for water,
19:57 and we want to get at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day
20:00 and when I speak overseas, there's always a danger
20:04 that your translator may make a mistake...
20:06 I had a chieftain come to me in East Malaysia
20:09 and his hand, when I pinched his skin,
20:12 it just stuck up, like this.
20:14 And he said, "I don't like to drink water, I don't like water"
20:17 "And I have headaches, BAD headaches. "
20:20 And just briefly told this chieftain go home and drink
20:23 your 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, and come back and see us.
20:26 And 3 days later, he came, and he said, "This NEWSTART Program
20:30 it just doesn't work. "
20:31 "There's just no way. I've tried and tried. "
20:33 "My headache is gone, but I just can't get the
20:35 68 glasses of water down every day. "
20:38 A lot of our programs, that we depend on translators
20:42 and in the former Soviet Union, a number of new Christians
20:46 who are with our programs, are people who attended our
20:49 NEWSTART Health Expos.
20:52 In just the former Soviet Union alone, we've done about
20:54 65 health expos in different cities.
20:57 So the physical changes seem to lead to spiritual changes.
21:02 Oh, absolutely, especially when
21:03 we see the real point of 3 John 2...
21:08 "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper
21:11 and be in health, even as your soul prospers. "
21:14 Our Creator wants us to be healthy today.
21:17 He's not commanding us... "Don't' use this, or
21:21 don't use that or I won't love you"
21:23 He's saying, "I love you, and I don't want you to
21:26 experience the same diseases that the pharaohs experienced. "
21:30 The same diseases brought on by refined foods,
21:33 lack of exercise that had been plaguing the human race
21:37 for thousands of years.
21:38 What does the "S" stand for?
21:40 Sunlight!
21:42 And, the sunlight is important for the immune system.
21:45 We need a little bit of direct sunlight on our faces
21:47 every day, and we don't want to get too much.
21:50 Sunlight! So, N-E-W-S-T... What does the "T" stand for?
21:54 The "T" is an old word for temperance or self control.
21:58 Basically is you know it's right for you.
22:01 Eat in moderation... that's what's good for you,
22:04 and avoid things that are harmful.
22:05 Some people say you can eat more,
22:07 and weigh less... Is that true?
22:08 Well if you're eating complex carbohydrates,
22:11 and you're not adding refined foods,
22:14 such as the hibernation fuel of vegetable oil for example
22:18 or the ROCKET fuel of white sugar.
22:23 Take a sugarcane for example...
22:25 How much sugarcane would it take to make 1 candy bar?
22:27 It could be anywhere from 10 to 30 feet?
22:30 How long will it take you to eat 10 to 30 feet of sugarcane?
22:34 You could just chew, and chew, and chew... it doesn't happen.
22:37 But you can eat a candy bar in about a minute.
22:40 And take, for example, what I'm calling hibernation fuel...
22:43 Some of the vegetable oil; it takes about 14 ears of corn
22:47 to make 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil,
22:49 and that's where you can pack on the calories...
22:52 And that's also where you can get a source of oxidized fat
22:57 which, today, is showing to be playing a role
23:01 in adversely affecting the immune system...
23:04 lots of evidence yet to follow.
23:07 What does the "A" stand for?
23:08 Fresh air.. tobacco-free.
23:10 Tobacco in the developing world
23:12 is the #1 preventable cause of death.
23:15 Fortunately, in North America, we've caught on.
23:18 I just came from a Central Asian Republic
23:20 where the president had to undergo bypass surgery,
23:24 and his physician said, "You've GOT to stop smoking. "
23:27 So he came home and he said, "Well, in that case,
23:31 if it's not good for me, I'll write a decree"
23:34 And he made a decree, no smoking in public or in any restaurant,
23:38 or place of entertainment.
23:40 He didn't want to be reminded of it.
23:41 That's right, and he happened to get a hold of a
23:45 NEWSTART book, and was witnessed to raising it above
23:48 his head and saying, "This is our future ministry of health"
23:51 Is that right? And so, the NEWSTART lifestyle
23:54 in a public form of something called "Health Expo"
23:57 has been taken around the world, and, as I mentioned,
24:00 over 200 cities in some 30 countries
24:03 where we are showing people that they can make
24:06 changes in their homes.
24:07 And I believe that, you know, that's another component here;
24:10 we're talking about the NEWSTART
24:11 We want to finish that up in just a minute,
24:12 but you mentioned "Health Expo"
24:14 I think there's another webpage for people that are interested
24:16 in that... maybe they're watching the program
24:18 somewhere else around the world
24:19 and they want to be involved in that.
24:22 I think that's www. healthexpo. org
24:25 is that right? That's right, and on the
24:27 Health Expo website, you can learn about how you can
24:30 participate in some form of NEWSTART Health Expo
24:34 evangelism or community support.
24:37 That includes wellness weekends and health expos,
24:41 and other followup seminars.
24:44 So, a good way to get good things happening
24:47 wherever you might be... what was it, 233 countries
24:52 Actually 217 cities in 30 countries...
24:55 30 countries... Okay! Well I was even more optimistic.
24:57 But we hope that that happens.
24:58 And what we do is, we'll put together
25:00 health expo panels in any language, culture-specific,
25:04 develop them for that country and then deliver them,
25:07 and then work with those individuals, and the power
25:12 of the health message can never be underestimated.
25:17 Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance,
25:21 Fresh Air... and then the final 2...
25:24 The "R" is for rest, and "T" for trust in God.
25:27 And "R" is one of the toughest areas
25:30 I've had to deal with because getting enough
25:32 sleep, and also managing stress...
25:35 Managing stress is so important for a
25:37 healthy lifestyle.
25:39 And if you follow a healthy whole plant food diet,
25:42 and exercise, but yet don't have stress under management,
25:45 you WILL have lifestyle-related disease
25:49 in most cases.
25:50 The "T" is for trust in God.
25:52 God has given us the guidelines for a
25:54 healthy lifestyle.
25:55 He wants us to live an abundant and robust life.
25:59 Good health!
26:00 He doesn't wish upon us diabetes, heart disease,
26:03 and high blood pressure, for example...
26:07 And we can show that with a whole plant food diet
26:11 exercise NEWSTART program 76% of men taking
26:15 high blood pressure medication can be off with a
26:17 normal blood pressure, and 50% of women.
26:20 God has given us this as an example for us.
26:25 We can use it... He loves us just the same
26:27 but He doesn't choose in many people to prevent these diseases
26:31 from coming upon us.
26:32 So for the "T" is for trust in God.
26:34 You're a Christian physician, do you pray with your patients?
26:36 Absolutely!
26:37 Do the people there at NEWSTART take advantage
26:40 of that vertical relationship?
26:42 We have people who come from all faiths,
26:44 and no faiths.
26:45 But rarely would we ever have a patient who wouldn't
26:49 want us to pray with them.
26:50 But you're respectful if they don't want you to...
26:51 Absolutely.
26:53 And I have worked in many Moslem, and also atheists
26:57 countries, and we've been respected because of our beliefs
27:01 Thank you for being with us, Dr. Nelson.
27:05 I want to just give the information that people
27:08 may need to get in touch with
27:09 some of the things you've been saying.
27:10 If you're interested in the NEWSTART Program,
27:13 and you want to get in touch with them,
27:14 there's a webpage you can go to right now if you have
27:17 the internet, or access to it.
27:18 It's www. newstart. ws
27:25 That's right... newstart. ws
27:27 And then if you're interested in the program with
27:29 Health Expo maybe here where we are positioned
27:33 right here in North America,
27:35 you can have a weekend, a special weekend,
27:38 or you can have culture-specific weekend around the world
27:41 If you'd like to get in touch with that information,
27:43 the webpage is www. healthexpo. org
27:48 So we hope that you can get in touch with one of
27:50 those 2 things, or contact us here at 3ABN,
27:53 and the information will be here.
27:54 Thanks for joining us, and we hope that
27:56 YOU will have health that lasts for a lifetime!


Revised 2014-12-17