The Hour of His Judgment

Why A Judgment Part 2 of 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HHJ

Program Code: HHJ000008S

00:01 Music...
00:15 Welcome back to our continuing study on the judgment.
00:19 The hour of God's judgment is come.
00:21 We're going to be looking in this second presentation
00:24 specifically at some verses in the book of Matthew,
00:28 Matthew chapter 7 verses 21 through 23
00:31 and these verses are going to be vital for us to understand
00:35 why God has a judgment
00:38 especially in relation to professed Christians
00:40 so, let's pause for a moment
00:42 and just ask the Holy Spirit to be with us in prayer
00:44 and then we'll get right into our study.
00:46 "Father in heaven, we just want to thank you again
00:47 for this opportunity to study your Word
00:50 and to study the theme of the judgment.
00:52 We know it's an important theme.
00:53 We know the Bible tells us there's going to be a judgment
00:56 and that we are in the hour of Your judgment
01:00 and we're just praying
01:01 that You will guide us with Your Holy Spirit,
01:03 that You will touch our minds and hearts
01:05 in a way that will help us to awaken
01:07 to the importance of being ready for that judgment
01:11 and knowing what to do to make it through the judgment,
01:14 how we can rely upon Christ and His righteousness
01:17 in the judgment
01:18 so guide our minds and our hearts we pray,
01:20 in Jesus' name, amen. "
01:23 So, in our first session, we talked about
01:26 the importance of not judging others.
01:29 We looked at Romans chapter 14 primarily
01:33 and we learned that
01:34 one of the main reasons why God has a judgment
01:37 is so that we will stop judging one another...
01:40 that only God can read the heart...
01:43 we looked at Romans 14 and Acts 15 verse 8
01:47 that God reads the hearts... we don't read hearts,
01:51 we compared that to some Old Testament insight from
01:55 the book of Hebrews chapter 11
01:56 where God talks about all of His faithful people
02:00 in the Old Testament, like Abraham and Moses
02:03 and Samson who messed up big time...
02:05 they made some big mistakes
02:07 and some of them, we've even questioned,
02:09 "Hmmm... did they make it?" Their lives looked so bad
02:12 and yet we realize that there they are
02:14 in the Hall of Faith chapter of Hebrews chapter 11
02:17 and that's because God knows their heart
02:20 and God understood where they were in their situation...
02:24 circumstance...
02:25 and so He has them in the Hall-of-Faith Chapter
02:29 with none of their errors... none of their mistakes...
02:31 none of their sins being mentioned
02:33 and that's one of the most beautiful things
02:35 about Hebrews chapter 11.
02:37 It gives a record of God's people without their mistakes
02:40 and if you want to know what it looks like
02:43 to be in the judgment as a believer...
02:45 hiding behind Jesus just read Hebrews chapter 11.
02:49 It's a powerful testament
02:51 to what it looks like to stand in the judgment
02:53 and then we noted also
02:54 that the judgment is also all about obeying the gospel.
02:58 We looked at 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 17 where it says
03:01 that judgment first comes to the house of God
03:04 and it first comes to us,
03:05 what will be the end of those who don't obey the gospel?
03:08 So, obedience is huge in the judgment,
03:11 obedience to the gospel is huge in the judgment.
03:15 So, that's the summary, a short summary
03:18 of our first session,
03:19 now, we're going to look in the second session
03:21 at what it means to be in the judgment
03:24 as a professed or fake Christian.
03:27 This is another reason why God has the judgment.
03:29 We're going to look at Matthew chapter 7,
03:31 let's just open our Bibles there to Matthew chapter 7
03:33 and let's look now in Matthew 7
03:35 beginning with verse 21,
03:37 so, Matthew chapter 7 beginning with verse 21.
03:40 Jesus is speaking here and He says,
03:43 Verse on screen...
04:16 So, we got this pretty clear declaration
04:21 from Jesus in relation to people
04:23 who profess to be following Him but who are workers of iniquity.
04:30 The way it lays out there
04:31 in Matthew chapter 7 verses 21 to 23
04:34 is basically... there are these people who call Jesus, "Lord"
04:37 so, they call Him "Lord"
04:39 which means they profess to be followers of Christ.
04:41 I don't know if you've ever met people like that,
04:43 they... they profess to be followers of Christ,
04:45 they, even, as preachers and pastors they ask for...
04:50 for money but... but you learn in time that they're hypocrites.
04:53 A lot of times, people like this
04:55 are asking you for money
04:58 and telling you what to do...
05:00 they... they... they are... keep telling you how to live
05:03 but they don't live that way.
05:04 They keep telling you to give but they don't give,
05:06 they take and, we sometimes get frustrated,
05:10 remember, we've already learned that it's not our place to judge
05:13 that's God's place
05:15 but the reason why God has a judgment
05:17 is because there are people like this.
05:19 There are people who are stepping in
05:21 and doing the very things that are outlined
05:25 in verses 21 to 23 of Matthew chapter 7.
05:28 They are fulfilling the words of Christ,
05:30 they do many wonderful works in His name
05:33 and sometimes it's... it's... it's hard for us,
05:35 it's confusing for us because we think, "Wow,
05:37 these are great Christians, look at all the...
05:39 the good things they're doing in Christ's name... "
05:40 and yet, Jesus says, "I don't know you... "
05:44 and then He says, "You are workers of iniquity,
05:47 depart from me, you workers of iniquity. "
05:50 Now, these are serious verses
05:51 and I think it's important for all of us...
05:54 for any professing Christian to try to understand
05:57 if these verses apply to us...
05:59 we need to examine ourselves.
06:02 Paul says in... in 2nd Corinthians 13:5,
06:04 and see if we're in the faith
06:06 and make sure we're not a reprobate.
06:07 So... so do these verses apply to us?
06:09 There are some key elements that we can look at, now,
06:11 one of the things we need to note right away
06:14 is that these are professing Christians
06:16 so, if you're a Christian, take note,
06:17 they do many wonderful works in Christ's name
06:20 so, you're not off the hook yet
06:21 if you do many wonderful works
06:23 but then it goes on to say that they are workers of iniquity.
06:28 Now, that's the key for us to understand
06:30 because that's going to differentiate
06:32 between true followers of Christ
06:34 and professed followers of Christ.
06:37 Professed followers of Christ and true followers of Christ
06:40 will both be saying,
06:42 "We believe in you Lord, Lord... Lord... "
06:43 they'll be calling Jesus, "Lord. "
06:45 True followers of Christ and professed followers of Christ
06:48 will both be doing many wonderful works,
06:51 they should be doing many wonderful works,
06:53 if you are a follower of Jesus,
06:55 you should be doing many wonderful works.
06:57 If you're a follower of Jesus,
06:58 you should be doing things for Jesus,
07:00 so, so far, there's no difference
07:03 between those who profess and those who are true
07:05 but then it goes on to say...
07:07 Jesus says, "I never knew you, so depart from me
07:12 ye who work iniquity. "
07:13 So, true followers of Christ are not workers of iniquity,
07:16 professed followers of Christ are workers of iniquity,
07:19 what does that mean?
07:21 Well, the word "iniquity" in the Greek means,
07:25 "Illegality or violation of law, wickedness. "
07:29 Illegality, violation of the law or wickedness
07:34 and that, of course, is how we can identify a fake Christian.
07:38 Fake Christians may be doing many wonderful works
07:41 or they may profess to follow and believe in Jesus
07:43 but they lie... they steal... they are sexually immoral...
07:48 they are idolaters... murderers...
07:51 they're covetous...
07:53 all of these are characteristics of fake Christians
07:56 who are workers of iniquity or violating laws
08:01 specifically, God's law.
08:03 You'll notice this in another verse, 1st John chapter 3
08:07 and verse 4,
08:08 let's just look there in 1st John chapter 3 and verse 4,
08:11 what's really interesting about this verse
08:15 is not only that it defines iniquity...
08:18 it defines lawlessness
08:21 but the same word is used here
08:24 as is used in Matthew chapter 7 verse 23.
08:29 The same word that Jesus used in Matthew 7:23...
08:33 iniquity... workers of iniquity...
08:35 the same Greek words used here
08:37 in 1st John chapter 3 and verse 4.
08:39 1st John 3 verse 4 says,
08:43 "Whosoever commits sin transgresseth also the law... "
08:47 I'm reading from the King James...
08:48 "for sin is the transgression of the law... "
08:50 and that phrase, "transgression of the law"
08:52 is the same phrase... the same Greek
08:54 that is used for "workers of iniquity"
08:57 in Matthew chapter 7 and verse 23.
09:00 So, we see a direct connection here,
09:02 Jesus says, "You're workers of iniquity"
09:04 and that means, you are transgressors of the law
09:08 the law of God is being transgressed
09:11 by professed Christians, what do you know?
09:14 So, there's professed Christians who do many wonderful works
09:17 but they transgress God's law.
09:21 Now, why is that?
09:22 Why is it that many professed Christians transgress God's law?
09:26 Well, there are several reasons for that.
09:28 I was raised in a Christian home so to speak,
09:31 went to church every Sunday,
09:32 said my prayers every night,
09:34 as I got older, even when I was strong,
09:37 I would pray some rote prayers
09:40 but I never really knew Christ as my personal Savior.
09:45 I didn't have a born-again experience with Him
09:47 and I definitely wasn't keeping His law.
09:49 I was a professed Christian that was violating the law of God
09:53 in many different ways
09:55 and so, that was my experience.
09:57 I believed in God,
09:59 I believed that I would go to heaven
10:01 but I really didn't have a relationship with God
10:02 so, I can really relate to these verses.
10:04 This warning in Matthew chapter 7
10:07 and this is why I was in that kind of a situation.
10:11 Some Christians have actually tossed the law of God,
10:16 my situation was that I felt that the law of God
10:20 wasn't significant... I would just go to Confession
10:24 and give my sins over to the Priest
10:26 and I would just go on with my life... no big deal.
10:30 I was never taught about keeping the law of God per se,
10:33 so, some Christians have tossed the law of God.
10:35 Some Christians have changed the law...
10:38 the law is still there but it's a law of "Love"
10:42 rather than God's specific Ten Commandments...
10:45 it's a law of "Love" and you just do what is right
10:48 but who knows what that is
10:50 or who knows what that looks like.
10:51 Some Christians believe that they are saved by the law
10:55 and that's why you have these many wonderful works in there
10:59 because some Christians believe that...
11:01 that they're saved by their obedience to the law
11:04 rather than saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ
11:07 and this becomes difficult also because
11:11 when you take away the salvation of... of Christ...
11:14 the grace of Christ,
11:16 you find yourself in a situation where you become legalistic
11:18 and legalism... it's impossible to keep the law
11:22 when you're in a legalistic situation.
11:23 One classic example of this is
11:26 a time when I traveled to Pakistan.
11:29 Now, Pakistan is a Muslim nation... Islam
11:32 and they are outwardly very controlling of morality.
11:38 When I first landed in Pakistan, I didn't see any women
11:43 because they're supposed to be covered...
11:45 they're supposed to be veiled,
11:46 women aren't supposed to be on the street...
11:48 you're not supposed to see them
11:49 and so, you know,
11:50 you have to do all of these different things
11:53 in... in order to... in other words,
11:55 you know, morality is... is enforced by law
11:59 and when you... when you... when you're in Pakistan...
12:02 what you realize after a while,
12:04 there's just a lot of people that are very moral outwardly
12:06 but behind the scenes, there's a lot of immorality taking place
12:08 and that's the way it is in many situations...
12:12 in many religious experiences, not just in... in Islam
12:16 but in Christianity and all the...
12:17 if you are legislating law,
12:20 if you don't have the gospel, you don't have the power
12:22 and so, you're going to see that behind the scenes,
12:24 when... when the doors are closed...
12:26 when the pastor goes home from church and the family and...
12:30 and behind closed doors,
12:31 you're going to see a lot of immorality take place
12:33 without the gospel.
12:35 So, you have these three things... you have...
12:36 you have some Christians who have tossed the law,
12:38 "Oh yeah, the law was fulfilled,
12:39 Christ fulfilled the law...
12:40 the law has been done away with...
12:42 the law was nailed to the Cross... "
12:43 talking about God's moral law now, that's the way they think,
12:44 it's not true, that's the way they think,
12:46 yet some Christians are kind of changed the law... you know,
12:48 "It's this... it's that...
12:49 it's, you know, do what you think is right
12:51 or, you know, we don't have to go by the pre... "
12:53 and then you have some Christians who think
12:55 they're saved by the law... all leads to the same thing,
12:57 it all leads to the same thing.
12:59 You lose the power of the gospel
13:01 whenever you undermine the law of God,
13:03 so, for those Christians who do many wonderful works
13:06 but transgress God's law, do it for many different reasons
13:10 and we... we want to look now at what the Bible actually teaches,
13:14 how does the law relate to the judgment?
13:19 What does the Bible teach
13:20 and how does that relate to the judgment
13:22 in relationship to the law?
13:23 So, we want to look now at what part the law has
13:27 in relation to the judgment... relation to the gospel...
13:29 what does the Bible say?
13:30 The first verse, I think, we should go to
13:32 is found in Galatians chapter 3 and verse 24...
13:35 Galatians chapter 3 and verse 24,
13:38 now, these... this verse,
13:40 these verses that we're going to be looking at...
13:41 these next few verses...
13:43 most of them come from the Apostle Paul
13:45 and Paul was dealing with legalism,
13:47 in fact, Paul confesses that he was a Legalist.
13:51 In Philippians chapter 3, he talks about
13:53 how he was a Pharisee of the Pharisee...
13:55 born... you know... circumcised on the 8th day...
13:59 born of, you know, the Tribe of Benjamin
14:01 and in the law he was blameless and...
14:04 and yet he was persecuting Christians and killing them
14:06 and leading them to their death
14:08 or leading them to prison but he...
14:10 he thought that he was blameless
14:11 because his focus was on law obedience
14:14 being saved by the law rather than being saved by grace
14:17 and so, Paul is dealing with that
14:20 in a lot of his letters to the churches,
14:22 he's talking to the issue of legalism
14:25 and this is another instance...
14:27 his letter to the Galatians is another instance
14:29 where he's talking to the issue of legalism,
14:32 so, we begin in verse 24 and we'll continue on from there
14:35 and just see what it is that Paul was saying about the law
14:38 and where it fits in the context of the gospel.
14:41 Verse 24, he says,
14:46 verse on screen...
14:51 So, the law's our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ
14:53 that we might be justified by faith.
14:55 Now, there is... notice verse 25,
14:56 verse on screen...
15:02 Okay, this is really interesting because a lot of times
15:07 we think, "Well, if the law is bringing us to Christ,
15:11 and after we come to Christ, we don't need the law,
15:14 then, we can do away with the law... "
15:17 but that's not what Paul's saying here,
15:19 Paul isn't saying that once we come to Christ,
15:22 we do away with the law,
15:23 Paul is saying that once we come to Christ,
15:25 we're no longer under the law
15:27 and that's a key phrase that Paul uses not only in Galatians,
15:31 in his letter to the Galatians but in his letter to the Romans.
15:34 A lot of people think to be under the law means
15:37 that you are obligated to obey the law
15:39 and therefore, when you come to Christ,
15:41 you're no longer obligated to obey the law.
15:43 That's not what it means at all...
15:45 to be under the law means
15:47 to be under the condemnation of the law
15:50 and we're going to see this in our next verse,
15:52 if we want to open our Bibles now
15:54 and turn to Romans chapter 3 and verse 19
15:56 and we'll connect this verse in Romans 3 verse 19
16:00 with Galatians 3:24 and 25 that we just read,
16:04 so, Romans chapter 3 and verse 19
16:07 is really going to nail it for us now,
16:09 as far as what it means to be under the law.
16:12 There are other verses too, Romans 6 is good on this,
16:14 the whole book of Romans is really powerful on this point
16:17 but Romans 3:19,
16:18 "We know now... " excuse me...
16:20 "Now we know that what things soever the law saith,
16:23 it says to them who are under the law... "
16:27 oh, there's that phrase again, what does it mean?
16:29 "that every mouth may be stopped,
16:30 and all the world become guilty before God. "
16:34 Okay, here's what it means to be under the law.
16:37 To be under the law means to be
16:39 under the condemnation of the law.
16:40 To be under the law means to become guilty before God,
16:43 that's the purpose of the law.
16:45 The law brings us to the place
16:47 where we become guilty before God,
16:49 that's what it means to be "under the law"
16:51 it means to be under the condemnation of the law
16:54 so when we go back to Galatians,
16:56 when we read what Paul says there,
16:58 when he says, "The law's our schoolmaster
17:00 to bring us to Christ... "
17:01 so, the law condemns us...
17:03 the law causes us to become guilty...
17:05 the law shows us where we've transgressed,
17:07 the law shows us where we've fallen short of God's glory,
17:09 the law shows us that we're sinners
17:11 and when we come to that place
17:13 where we're under the condemnation of the law,
17:15 where we're guilty before God,
17:16 then, we need Christ, so...
17:18 so that's how the law leads us to Christ,
17:20 the law leads us to Christ by showing that we need a Savior,
17:24 we need Jesus... we need help...
17:26 that's what the law does
17:27 and once we come to Christ, and we're justified by faith,
17:31 we're no longer under the condemnation
17:33 and guilt of the law, does it make sense?
17:35 Of course, we're not under the condemnation
17:37 and guilt of the law when we come to Jesus,
17:39 because Jesus cleanses us, Jesus forgives us,
17:42 Jesus accepts us, Jesus justifies us,
17:45 we stand before God just as if we've never sinned,
17:47 and so, the condemnation of the law now is erased, it's gone
17:51 but the law itself isn't gone, the law itself is still there.
17:54 It's kind of like that experience I had
17:55 when I was pulled over by a Police Officer
17:57 on my 17th birthday.
17:59 I was driving a 1966 Pontiac GTO 389 four barrel
18:04 out of the factory... it was called a... a "Muscle Car"
18:06 and as I was driving my friend home that evening,
18:10 there was a police officer,
18:12 I remember exactly where we were sitting,
18:14 25th and Grand Boulevard
18:16 and he pulled me over
18:18 and the reason he pulled me over is because
18:20 even though I had four headlights
18:21 in the front of my car, only one of them was working
18:24 and then as he circled my prized jalopy a few times,
18:27 he noticed that I had bald tires,
18:28 I had no muffler,
18:30 my signals weren't working
18:31 and he proceeded to write me a big fat ticket.
18:35 Now, I knew he was going to nail me
18:36 because I had no respect for police officers back then,
18:39 my friend and I... he had a 1967 Firebird 326...
18:43 it was black with orange and yellow flames
18:45 coming up from there,
18:46 we used to race at speeds exceeding a 100 miles an hour,
18:48 we didn't care about police officers,
18:50 we didn't respect police officers
18:51 and my friend got a bunch of tickets...
18:53 this was only my second or third ticket
18:55 but I was still really nervous about it
18:57 especially because, you know, it was my birthday
19:00 and when he came back to my vehicle,
19:02 he told me how much this ticket was going to cost...
19:05 he showed me all the things that he was writing up for me
19:08 and then he said something amazing,
19:09 he said, "But I notice that it's your birthday... "
19:12 I said, "Yeah, yeah, it is my birthday, yeah, July 5"
19:15 "and, therefore, I'm going to... "
19:19 here it comes...
19:20 "I'm going to not write you this ticket,
19:23 I'm going to forgive you for this violation,
19:25 I'm not going to write you up tonight... "
19:28 and I was so thankful...
19:29 my whole attitude toward police officers changed,
19:32 I was guilty of violating the law... he caught me...
19:35 there was no way out of it,
19:36 I had all these violations,
19:38 five different violations on this one vehicle,
19:40 and I was... I was transgressing the law of the land
19:44 and there was no way I could say,
19:45 "Now, wait a minute, there's... "
19:47 no, there was nothing I could do...
19:48 guilty, guilty, guilty... and he forgave me
19:50 and as he forgave me, he said this...
19:53 he said, "But... " he said,
19:55 "I want you to take this poor excuse for a car home
19:57 and I don't want to see it on the road again
19:59 until you get it fixed... "
20:01 and guess what? That's exactly what I did,
20:03 I took this car home
20:04 and I didn't drive it again until I had tires on it,
20:06 until I had the muffler fixed so I had...
20:08 so, it was where it needed to be
20:10 and I did that out of respect,
20:11 I did that because I appreciated
20:14 that this officer had forgiven me,
20:16 he had extended to me grace...
20:18 he had extended to me mercy
20:19 and that's exactly how the gospel works.
20:22 The law convicts us,
20:25 the law find us guilty,
20:27 the law condemns us,
20:29 that's the job of the law, that's the purpose of the law,
20:31 the police officer didn't say,
20:33 "Well, you know, you've got all these violations
20:34 but, yeah, I think I'll just throw the law out tonight,
20:37 I think we must get rid of the law... "
20:38 no... the law was still there,
20:40 the law stood...
20:41 but I was extended forgiveness, I was extended grace
20:43 and then I came in harmony with the law,
20:46 I fixed my car to comply with the standard of the law,
20:51 the driving standards of the law
20:53 and this is what Paul is saying,
20:55 he's saying in Galatians chapter 3:24 and 25,
20:58 the law's like a schoolmaster, it's like a teacher,
21:00 it brings us to Jesus,
21:02 it teaches us that we're sinners,
21:04 it teaches us that we're transgressors,
21:05 it teaches us that we're guilty,
21:07 it brings... it leads us to a Savior.
21:09 Now, Paul is picking up the same theme again here
21:12 in Romans chapter 3... this first verse we already read
21:15 in verse 19 that we would...
21:17 the law convicts us...
21:20 it speaks to us so that every mouth is stopped
21:22 so, all excuses are stopped and we become guilty before God
21:26 and then it says as the whole world becomes guilty before God,
21:29 I want you to notice now verse 20,
21:30 verse on screen...
21:37 Did you get that?
21:44 The law is what reveals to us what sin is
21:47 and Jesus Christ came to save sinners
21:50 and so, it makes sense doesn't it
21:52 that Jesus Christ is the One who can justify us
21:58 from the violation of the law.
21:59 Jesus Christ is the One that can cleanse us
22:02 from the transgression of the law.
22:04 The law leads us to Jesus...
22:05 it's like a schoolmaster leading us to Jesus,
22:08 but the law can't cleanse us, the law can't justify us,
22:10 we can't be saved or cleansed by obedience to the law,
22:13 we can only be saved by the righteousness...
22:16 the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ
22:18 and so, Paul concludes this whole idea in Romans chapter 3
22:21 and verse 31.
22:23 This is what he says in Romans chapter 3
22:25 and verse 31 in conclusion,
22:27 verse on screen...
22:35 so, do you see the point he's trying to make here?
22:38 It's really a powerful point.
22:39 Do we then make void?
22:40 Do we then do away with...
22:42 do we then toss out the law of God through faith?
22:46 "No, no, we don't make void the law of God,
22:48 God forbid... " that's strong language...
22:50 "God forbid that we should make void the law of God
22:54 through faith, no, we establish the law. "
22:55 Why do we establish the law?
22:57 Why does the law need to be established?
22:59 This is the point that Paul is making in the previous verses.
23:03 This is the point that Paul is making in Galatians chapter 3,
23:07 the reason the law needs to be established
23:09 is, so that we can be led to Jesus.
23:11 The reason why the law needs to be established is
23:14 so that we can become guilty or at least aware of our sins
23:18 so that we can give them to Jesus.
23:20 Paul says in Romans chapter 7 for example...
23:22 just over a couple of pages in your Bible,
23:25 Romans chapter 7 and look here...
23:27 Romans chapter 7 at verse 7... Romans 7:7,
23:31 "What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. "
23:35 There's the strong language there... "God forbid... "
23:38 "Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law:
23:42 for I had not known lust,
23:44 except the law had said, 'Thou shalt not covet. '"
23:47 And that's our problem today.
23:49 Our problem today is that
23:51 because we have done away with the law...
23:54 because Christians have done away with the law...
23:56 because Christians have nailed the law to the cross...
23:59 because Christians have said the law is not valid anymore...
24:01 because Christians have...
24:02 have lacked clear identity of what the law is...
24:07 because... because Christians are...
24:09 are waffling on the law of God
24:12 and the Ten Commandment law of God,
24:13 there are people who don't have a knowledge of sin,
24:15 a lot of people don't think they're sinners anymore,
24:18 they think they're pretty good people
24:19 and the reason why we think we're pretty good people
24:21 is because instead of looking at God's law,
24:23 we're looking at each other
24:25 and we're thinking, "Well, I'm better than the next guy,
24:27 I'm better than that guy down there,
24:28 I'm better than my neighbor, oh, that guy is a terrible guy"
24:30 we're watching Social Media and we're seeing
24:31 some real terrible people out there,
24:33 we look at the World News
24:35 and we look at all the terrorism
24:37 and terrible stuff that's going on
24:38 and we think, "Well, I'm not a bad person,
24:39 look at how bad they are... "
24:41 but if we would allow the law to be established,
24:43 we would realize that all of us are sinners... saved by grace
24:47 and we recognize that the only solution to our dilemma
24:52 to our guilt... is Jesus,
24:54 so, basically what we see happening here
24:57 is the law is being tossed
25:00 and in tossing the law and undermining the law
25:02 and weakening the law, we're weakening the gospel.
25:04 We're weakening our need of Jesus,
25:06 that's why a lot of people say, "Well, you know,
25:08 those Christians... aaah... aaah, I don't need Jesus,
25:10 I mean, I'm a good person, you know,
25:12 I live a good life, I mean, even though those Christians...
25:14 they're kind of hypocritical, I don't need that... "
25:16 but remember now, we're looking at fake Christians
25:18 we're understanding that, but that doesn't...
25:19 that doesn't remove our responsibility
25:22 from investigating what the Bible has to say.
25:24 Just because you come in contact with a fake Christian,
25:26 doesn't mean...
25:28 in fact, it obligates you,
25:29 if you think Christians are hypocrites,
25:31 well, why do you think that?
25:32 You think that because you're a better person?
25:34 Well, then you need to show them
25:36 what it means to live a better life... to be a better person
25:40 and the only way that can really happen is
25:42 if you're aware of the principles of God's law...
25:44 the principles of His character, who He is
25:46 and the only way you can become aware of that
25:48 is to see that in His Word.
25:51 In the Word of God, we have a clear path to salvation
25:55 and that path involves being convicted
25:57 and becoming guilty under the law
25:59 and then being freed from that guilt through Jesus Christ.
26:02 That's why Jesus says, you know in John,
26:04 "I am the way... the truth and the life
26:07 no one comes to the Father but by me. "
26:09 He's not making a statement in John 14:6,
26:12 He's not making a statement that is, you know,
26:15 unique to anything else he says in Scripture,
26:18 He's just giving a summary to the reality of the gospel.
26:22 There's no way we can save ourselves,
26:24 there's no one else that can save you...
26:26 there's no other religion that can save you from sin,
26:28 the only way we can be saved is through Jesus Christ
26:30 so, we need to come to Him and that's what the law does.
26:33 The law leads us to Jesus
26:35 that we can be justified by faith.
26:37 Look at this in 1st John chapter 1,
26:39 there's a few verses here that I just love,
26:41 1st John chapter 1
26:43 and we'll start with verse 8,
26:44 I call this in 1st John chapter 1, the gospel sandwich.
26:49 This is the gospel sandwich, I mean,
26:51 there's just so much gospel in these verses right here
26:54 that we can have no doubt
26:56 as to where we're supposed to land in all of this.
26:59 In 1st John chapter 1 and beginning with verse 8,
27:02 we have the 1st piece of the gospel sandwich.
27:04 We have the first piece of bread you got a piece of bread
27:06 and then you got the filling
27:08 and then you got another piece of bread...
27:09 that's a good sandwich.
27:11 You know, my wife knows that I'll eat anything in a sandwich,
27:13 even salad... I'll eat salad as, put lettuce and some tomatoes,
27:16 and some onions and whatever in between two pieces of bread,
27:18 I'm going to eat it.
27:20 If you put it in a bowl... I don't know
27:21 but put it between bread, I'm going to eat it,
27:23 I love sandwiches,
27:24 so, 1st John chapter 1 and let's start with verse 8,
27:28 "If we say that we have no sin... "
27:31 what then, "we deceive ourselves,
27:35 and the truth is not in us. "
27:37 "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves,
27:39 and truth is not in us... "
27:40 so, here's the first piece of the gospel sandwich.
27:43 There's no way that we can say that we don't have sin.
27:46 We are sinners...
27:47 we are lost... we are fallen...
27:49 there's not one of us that can say, "We have no sin... "
27:51 and the good news about that is,
27:53 you know, many times we're overwhelmed by our sins,
27:55 we're like, "Man, I'm so sinful,
27:56 there's no way I'm going to make it,
27:58 I'm such a bad person... such a terrible person. "
27:59 Hey, God understands that, God knows that,
28:02 look right in His Word He says,
28:04 "Don't say you're not a sinner,
28:05 it's obvious... and I know you're a sinner, so... "
28:08 anyone who says he's not a sinner is self-deceived,
28:10 like, you know, he's just self-deceived
28:13 and that is a basis of the gospel sandwich.
28:16 We don't have to feel bad for being a sinner,
28:20 we don't have to feel bad before God
28:22 for the revelation of what we are.
28:24 Now, what actually we should feel bad about
28:28 is if we fail to follow the next Bible verse
28:31 in 1st John chapter 1 and that's verse 9,
28:35 "If we confess our sins,
28:37 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
28:40 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "
28:43 Now, that's the filling of the gospel sandwich...
28:45 isn't that beautiful?
28:47 "If we confess our sins,
28:48 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins. "
28:50 God will forgive our sins if we confess them
28:53 and the devil knows that...
28:54 the devil knows that
28:56 and so, what we find is the devil is trying to stop us
28:58 from confessing our sin
29:00 and the best way for him to do that
29:04 is to destroy the definition of sin.
29:06 If he can destroy the definition of sin,
29:09 then he can stop us from confessing our sins...
29:11 see, the issue with God
29:13 is not that we would realize that we're sinners,
29:16 you know, Satan wants us to feel overwhelmed
29:18 with the idea that we're sinners...
29:19 we want to justify ourselves,
29:21 we want to pretend we're not sinners...
29:22 and if we can justify ourselves and pretend we're not sinners,
29:24 then we think, "Oh, we're going to be okay. "
29:26 No, don't do that...
29:27 the Bible says, "If you say you haven't sinned,
29:29 you deceive yourself. "
29:30 So, don't do that,
29:31 simply recognize that yes, the law of God is in place
29:34 to bring us guilt and condemnation
29:37 so that we can be led to Jesus who justifies us.
29:40 That's the... that's the whole process right there,
29:42 it's just that simple
29:44 and so, if we confess our sins, He's faithful... He's just.
29:48 Why is he faithful?
29:49 Well, because He's never failed,
29:52 none of His promises have ever failed,
29:53 why is He just?
29:55 Because He died for our sins... the just for the unjust,
29:58 He's faithful... it's the right thing to do,
30:00 justice is fair.
30:02 He's not just forgiving us
30:04 because He's merciful and gracious,
30:05 He's forgiving us because He's fair...
30:07 fair is fair...
30:08 Jesus died for the sins of the world,
30:11 Jesus took the whole weight of the sin of the world
30:12 upon Himself,
30:14 if we confess our sins, it's only fair
30:16 that He forgives us because it's not...
30:18 He doesn't want double payment,
30:20 He doesn't want Himself to pay for our sins
30:22 and us to pay for our sins, so it's only fair...
30:24 it's only just... it's only right...
30:26 He will faithfully and justly forgive us our sins...
30:30 notice what else it also goes on to say,
30:32 "And cleanse us from all unrighteousness... "
30:34 so, how does He do that?
30:35 You know, when I was a kid, I was convinced... convicted...
30:39 of certain sins and when I went to Confession,
30:43 at that point... at that time in my life,
30:46 it was to a man...
30:48 but now I know I can confess my sins directly to God,
30:50 in fact, that's the only you should ever confess your sins...
30:52 just directly to God.
30:54 When I confess my sins...
30:56 but then, there are some sins I don't know about.
30:58 There are some things... sins that I'm not aware of
31:00 for years I was going to church every Sunday,
31:04 I had no idea the Bible taught that the 7th-day Sabbath...
31:09 the Sabbath of the Lord is on Saturday.
31:11 If fact, I thought that was weird when I first heard that,
31:13 I thought, "What? No one goes to church on Saturday...
31:15 that's not what the Bible teaches,
31:16 no way could the Bible teach... "
31:18 and, of course, I didn't know anything about
31:19 what the Bible taught at that time in my life.
31:21 So, I had to go back and I had to study... research this
31:24 and research... "Well, how did this all change?
31:26 What happened?"
31:27 And sure enough, I found out that...
31:29 that the day was changed from Saturday to Sunday by man...
31:32 not by God...
31:34 that God has always honored... blessed...
31:37 sanctified and kept the seventh-day Sabbath... Saturday
31:41 and when I realized that, I thought,
31:43 "Whoa, so He's not only going to forgive my sins
31:46 but He's going to cleanse me from all unrighteousness,
31:48 He's going to show me other areas
31:50 where I didn't understand or I didn't know...
31:52 He's going to show me those areas
31:54 and He's going to lead me in a way...
31:55 He's going to cleanse me from all of that.
31:57 You see, we shouldn't be afraid of the law,
31:59 we shouldn't be afraid of being convicted,
32:00 we shouldn't think that,
32:01 "Well, if the law is... is telling me to do something
32:04 and I'm violating that law,
32:05 then I need to get rid of that law. "
32:07 No, you don't want to do that
32:08 because you're still going to be violating the law.
32:11 It's like driving down the road at a 100 miles an hour
32:15 and the Police Officer pulls you over
32:16 and you get a ticket
32:18 and so, the next time you go down that road,
32:20 you see the speed sign, you say,
32:21 "I'm going to take that thing down. "
32:23 So, you take down the Speed-Limit Sign...
32:24 this 55-Mile Speed-Limit sign...
32:26 and the next time you drive down that road
32:27 at a 100 miles an hour, the Police Officer pulls you over
32:29 and you say, "Why are you pulling me over?"
32:31 He says, "Because you're driving too fast... "
32:32 and you say, "Well, where's the Speed-Limit Sign?"
32:34 "Well, I don't know what happened to the sign
32:35 but it's 55 miles an hour. "
32:37 That Police Officer is not going to be convinced in any manner,
32:41 shape or form that it's...
32:42 the speed limit is now 100 miles an hour
32:44 because someone took down the sign.
32:45 You can't change God's law and think that sin disappears.
32:48 It doesn't disappear.
32:50 God's law identifies it
32:52 and changing God's law only deceives us.
32:54 It leaves us in a place where we don't feel like we've sinned.
32:56 We haven't sinned... "I haven't sinned...
32:58 I didn't know the speed limit sign was...
33:00 that was not... there was no sign in there... "
33:01 oh... now wait a minute, you have sinned
33:03 and you're deceiving yourself if you think you haven't sinned
33:06 and you need to go to the law of God that identifies sin
33:08 because sin is transgression of God's law
33:10 1st John chapter 3 verse 4,
33:12 so, if we confess our sins,
33:15 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins
33:17 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
33:19 Now, notice this part, this is really powerful too,
33:21 verse 10...
33:22 here's the other piece of bread for the gospel sandwich.
33:26 "If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar... "
33:30 and here's the key part, "His word is not in us. "
33:33 Okay, "His word is not in us... "
33:36 so, the Word of God is where we're discovering the truth
33:41 about the gospel and the law of God.
33:43 The Word of God is what is leading us to understand
33:46 what part... what role the law plays in the gospel...
33:50 it leads us to Jesus so we can be justified,
33:51 it convicts us of sin,
33:53 it points out sin and it brings us to a place
33:55 where we're guilty before the law
33:57 so that we can be justified by...
33:58 freely by His grace and saved by His grace.
34:01 So, if we say we have not sinned...
34:03 a lot of people will say, "Well, I haven't sinned...
34:05 just because I'm going to church on the wrong day,
34:08 it's not a violation of... that's not sin... is it?"
34:10 Well, actually the Ten Commandments outline what sin is
34:13 and one of the Commandment says,
34:15 "Remember the seventh day to keep it holy.
34:17 Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work:
34:19 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God... "
34:20 and then it points us back to Creation...
34:22 in six days the Lord made heaven and earth
34:24 and the sea and all that in them is
34:25 and He rested on the seventh day
34:27 and blessed it and sanctified it.
34:28 Wherefore, the Lord God commanded you
34:30 to keep the seventh day. "
34:31 This is where we get the truth from the Word of God
34:34 and so, if we say we have not sinned,
34:36 we're making God a liar
34:38 and His Word is not in us.
34:40 That's what this gospel sandwich is telling us.
34:42 It's... it's vital for us and God...
34:44 you might think, "Well, God is hitting us pretty hard
34:46 right here in these three verses,
34:48 I mean, God is... "
34:49 but the reason why God is doing this
34:50 is because He doesn't want us to be deceived.
34:54 He doesn't want us to neglect to confess our sins.
34:57 There's a... there's a... there's an "If" there,
35:00 there's a condition there,
35:01 if we don't confess our sins, guess what happens?
35:04 He's not faithful to... to... to forgive us our sins
35:07 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
35:09 He's not faithful and just to forgive us.
35:11 If we don't confess, how can He forgive?
35:12 We haven't confessed, there's a condition in there,
35:14 and the condition is: confess.
35:15 Not justify... not excuse... not pretend...
35:18 but confess.
35:19 Confess your sins
35:21 and you just give that sin to Jesus
35:23 and He cleanses it... He forgives it
35:24 and He cleanses you and justifies you.
35:26 That is the process that God wants us to walk through
35:30 so that we are no longer transgressors of His law,
35:33 1st John chapter 3 verse 4 is the context...
35:36 that larger context of what we've been reading
35:39 in 1st John chapter 1,
35:41 "Whoever commits sin, transgresses the law
35:43 for sin is transgression of the law. "
35:45 So, John is being really clear here
35:48 as the connection between the law and the gospel...
35:53 the law and the gospel...
35:55 vital connection right here so, basically what's happening is...
35:58 is that to do away with the law
35:59 is a subtle attack on the gospel.
36:01 It's a subtle attack on the gospel do away with the law
36:04 because when you do away with the law,
36:05 you actually do away with the gospel.
36:07 Now, what does this have to do with the judgment?
36:11 Well, remember,
36:12 we've been talking about professed Christians...
36:14 professed Christians who do many wonderful works,
36:16 they cast out devils, they heal,
36:18 they do many wonderful works in Your name
36:21 and He says, "I don't know you... "
36:22 "Why don't You know me?"
36:23 "Well, because you're workers of iniquity. "
36:25 "Oh, iniquity... " which is transgression of God's law.
36:27 There are a lot of Christians who have transgressed...
36:30 who are transgressing God's law,
36:32 who have transgressed God's law
36:33 and yet they profess to be followers of Christ
36:36 and they do many wonderful works.
36:37 That's the context of what we're reading here.
36:39 Remember, our first study together...
36:41 it was emphasized that we shouldn't judge one another,
36:45 Romans chapter 14...
36:47 "One person's persuaded to keep one day,
36:49 another person keeps every day,
36:51 one person eats this... another person eats that... "
36:52 let's not judge one another,
36:54 we'll all stand before the judgment seat of Christ,
36:56 so, it's really important here.
36:57 People sometimes misunderstand Romans chapter 14
37:01 but in principle, it's really clear.
37:03 It's not saying that we should forget about the law
37:06 and pretend that it doesn't exist
37:08 because we don't want to judge people, no...
37:09 what it's saying is...
37:10 is that we need to let people be fully persuaded
37:12 in their own minds,
37:14 we're not supposed to judge anyone else
37:15 for their obedience to or lack of obedience to the law
37:18 but it doesn't mean we shouldn't teach what the Bible says.
37:21 The Bible says, "The law of God is the standard in the judgment"
37:26 that sin is transgression of the law
37:28 and the law of God is what leads us to Jesus
37:30 so we can be justified by His grace freely
37:33 and that until we get justified, we're under condemnation,
37:36 we're under the condemnation of the law
37:38 but as we get conviction...
37:41 as we realize that the law is pointing us to Jesus,
37:44 as we realize that we are sinners,
37:46 we come to Jesus and whoever comes to Jesus...
37:48 He will no wise cast out.
37:50 That's the whole point
37:52 of the law in connection with the gospel.
37:55 How does that relate to the judgment?
37:57 Well, we know... it's interconnected very closely
38:01 because the judgment is all about obeying the gospel
38:04 and the only way you can obey the gospel
38:06 is to understand that the law is leading us to Jesus...
38:09 that's the foundation of the gospel
38:12 so, you've got to understand how the law connects
38:14 in the context of the gospel in the judgment
38:17 because you don't want to step into the judgment
38:19 and be fulfilling the verses in Matthew chapter 7
38:22 verses 21 to 23.
38:23 Now, we want to understand the law of God,
38:26 in other words, what we want to look at here is
38:28 James chapter 2,
38:29 James chapter 2 and verse 10,
38:31 we touched on this already but we want to go back to it now
38:34 as we summarize, James chapter 2 and verse 10,
38:38 James is speaking here about the law of God.
38:42 Sometimes, Christians will go in and say,
38:44 "Well, this is the law of Love. "
38:46 Notice what James says here,
38:47 verse on screen.
39:18 So, you want to notice what James is saying here
39:20 because it's really important.
39:22 As we transition through this whole process of understanding
39:26 the place of the law,
39:27 we need to recognize that we're coming in contact
39:30 with a subtle enemy, the devil,
39:31 who's been at his work for 1,000s of years
39:33 seeking to deceive the whole world.
39:35 Matthew 24 end-time chapter Jesus warns about being deceived
39:38 three different times.
39:40 In the book of Revelation, the prophetic book...
39:43 the symbolic book... deception is everywhere...
39:46 he deceives... he deceives... he deceives... he deceives...
39:48 especially in Revelation 13
39:50 when we come to the Mark of the Beast
39:51 and we see how it is
39:53 that he's going to try to deceive the whole world
39:55 in these end days
39:57 and here's one of the key elements,
39:59 here's one of the key plans that he uses to deceive.
40:01 In James chapter 2 as we read, it says,
40:06 "If you break one... if you keep the whole law
40:09 and yet offend in one point, you're guilty of all. "
40:11 So, I know a lot of Christians who will keep nine commandments.
40:14 Yeah, I know a lot of Christians who will keep nine commandments.
40:17 Like, yeah we... we believe in the law,
40:19 we... we believe in the law, I mean...
40:21 most of it has been repeated in the New Testament
40:23 so, we believe in the law,
40:25 we believe we shouldn't commit adultery
40:26 and we believe we shouldn't steal,
40:27 we shouldn't lie and shouldn't have idols...
40:29 we believe that...
40:30 we believe that we shouldn't take God's name in vain,
40:32 you know, we believe we shouldn't have any other gods"
40:33 but then there's one part of the law
40:36 that they kind of... yeah...
40:39 "Well, I'm not sure about that... "
40:41 and that's the Sabbath... that's the 4th Commandment...
40:44 the 4th Commandment...
40:45 and so, the devil is just having a heyday here
40:48 and this is why God inspired James to write this.
40:51 He inspired James to write this
40:53 because He knew that in the end of time especially
40:55 there will be a bunch of Christians
40:56 who'll be keeping all of the law but one...
40:59 every commandment but one
41:00 and so He says, "Now, if you keep all the law
41:03 and yet you offend in one, you're guilty of all of it... "
41:07 and then He goes on to say
41:08 and you need to be careful here
41:10 because you're going to be judged by that law...
41:12 you're going to be judged as workers of iniquity
41:13 by that law.
41:15 That's what the New Testament tells us...
41:17 we're going to be judged by the law...
41:19 the law is part of the judgment
41:20 because the law is the standard of God's character...
41:24 it's the standard of God's kingdom.
41:26 Jesus summed it up in Matthew 22 and He said
41:29 that loving the Lord your God
41:31 with all your heart, mind and soul
41:33 and loving your neighbor as yourself
41:34 is the fulfillment of the law, Matthew chapter 22
41:39 verses 26 through 30
41:41 so, what we need to recognize is
41:43 that Jesus has... or is that 36 through 40...
41:45 Jesus hasn't done away with the law,
41:47 Jesus has fulfilled or established the law of God
41:52 as the standard
41:53 but that standard can't be met by human beings...
41:55 by fallen human beings...
41:56 we have to have a sin bearer...
41:58 we have to have a mediator...
42:00 we have to have someone who justifies us
42:02 but as we go to Jesus, we get cleansed...
42:04 does that mean that we are free now to transgress God's law?
42:07 No, because then we just come under the law again,
42:09 we come under the condemnation of the law once more,
42:12 it's like that Police Officer pulls me over...
42:13 he doesn't give me a ticket
42:15 even though he writes up the violation...
42:16 he gives me grace... he gives me mercy
42:18 and then I turn around
42:19 and I go out and I do the same thing all over again
42:21 and again and again and again
42:22 and that's what some Christians do...
42:24 that's what some people do
42:25 and that's why they're identified
42:27 in Matthew chapter 7 verses 21 to 23.
42:30 They're identified there as workers of iniquity...
42:32 people that Jesus doesn't know.
42:34 So, when we only look at this New Testament...
42:37 the law of Liberty is going to be our standard...
42:40 Old Testament... Ecclesiastes...
42:42 we looked at this in our last meeting
42:43 but let's look at it again as we close up here
42:46 Ecclesiastes chapter 11 or chapter 12...
42:50 Ecclesiastes chapter...
42:52 the very last chapter of Ecclesiastes...
42:55 right after the book of Proverbs,
42:59 Ecclesiastes chapter 11 or 12, excuse me,
43:03 verses 13 and 14,
43:06 Solomon's speaking again, he says,
43:09 "Now, let's hear the conclusion of the whole matter... "
43:11 here's a guy who went through everything in life...
43:13 he experienced the good, the bad, the ugly.
43:15 "Here's the conclusion of the whole matter:
43:17 Fear God, and keep His commandments:
43:19 keep His commandments:
43:21 for this is the whole duty of man.
43:23 For God shall bring... " verse 14...
43:25 "God shall bring every work into judgment,
43:28 whether it be good, or whether it be evil. "
43:31 God shall bring every work into judgment,
43:33 and every secret thing...
43:35 whether it be good or whether it be evil.
43:37 So, it doesn't matter where we are in our lives,
43:41 God knows all of us,
43:42 He knows everything we're going through,
43:44 He knows all the secrets of our hearts,
43:45 He knows everything
43:46 and He's going to bring it all in the judgment,
43:48 so, the conclusion is to keep the commandments of God.
43:50 Why? Because they are the standard,
43:51 but you say, "I just feel convicted of my sin when I...
43:54 when I see the commandments, I feel like I'm just a sinner. "
43:57 Well, that's okay because if you confess your sin,
43:59 then, Jesus is faithful to forgive your sin
44:02 and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
44:04 So, it's okay if you feel yourself a sinner,
44:06 the problem is... if you don't feel yourself a sinner,
44:08 because if you don't feel like you've sinned,
44:10 guess what you're doing?
44:11 You're deceiving yourself and the truth is not in us.
44:14 So, that's what we need to be aware of the place of the law
44:18 in leading us to Jesus.
44:20 Now, I want us to...
44:21 let's just look at a way we can summarize this
44:24 because there is a summary of this
44:25 in the context of Revelation chapter 14
44:27 and I love the parallels between Revelation chapter 14
44:31 and Romans chapter 3.
44:34 Romans chapter 3 is just this powerful gospel narrative
44:37 I mean it just... it just explodes with gospel truths,
44:41 it talks about the place of the law,
44:43 talks about how we don't do away with the law...
44:45 that the law is established...
44:47 it talks about how there's no way that the law can do anything
44:50 but make us guilty... that's what the law does...
44:52 we're just guilty before God, now, I understand,
44:55 we don't want to feel guilty, people don't want to feel guilty
44:57 but the law brings us to that place of guilt
45:00 so that we can feel our need of Jesus...
45:02 the Law doesn't bring us there just to leave us there,
45:04 it brings us there because it wants us
45:07 to feel our need of Christ,
45:09 it wants to lead us to Jesus,
45:11 so, Romans chapter 3 is this beautiful gospel explosion,
45:16 this beautiful gospel truth...
45:18 we'll parallel that with Revelation 14.
45:20 Now, a lot of Christians don't like to go
45:23 into the book of Revelation but let me tell you,
45:25 the book of Revelation is a powerful
45:27 revelation of Jesus Christ.
45:30 That's what the book starts as, Revelation 1 verse 1,
45:33 the revelation of Jesus Christ.
45:35 I see the book of Revelation as the fifth gospel of the Bible,
45:37 just like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John talk about Jesus,
45:40 Revelation also focuses on Christ
45:43 and if you look at Revelation from that perspective,
45:45 you're going to find over and over again
45:47 the salvation theme.
45:48 You're going to find this gospel theme
45:51 and I want to prove that.
45:52 Revelation chapter 14 verses 6 through 12,
45:56 is almost a perfect parallel to Romans chapter 3,
46:00 if you can compare the two,
46:02 if you compare Revelation chapter 14:6 to 12
46:04 with Romans chapter 3 starting with verse 19
46:07 and we read all the way through to verse 31,
46:10 you're going to see an almost perfect parallel.
46:12 It's not... the words aren't identical
46:14 but the truths that are being spoken there
46:16 are almost identical,
46:18 so, what happens here in Revelation chapter 14 verse 6,
46:22 "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven
46:25 having the everlasting gospel. "
46:27 See, that's what Paul is talking about in Romans chapter 3,
46:30 he's talking about the everlasting gospel.
46:32 He's been expounding upon it, he begins in Romans 1
46:34 and talks about how he's not ashamed of the gospel
46:37 for... for in the gospel, the righteousness of Christ
46:39 is revealed... Christ's righteousness
46:41 and so, Romans chapter 3 is a further expansion on that gospel
46:47 Revelation 14 verse 6,
46:49 there's an angel flying in the midst of heaven...
46:51 has the everlasting gospel.
46:53 Now, you know why it's called the everlasting gospel?
46:56 This phrase is unique... it's unique in Revelation 14,
46:58 you won't find that phrase, "everlasting gospel"
47:00 anywhere else in the Bible,
47:02 not in the Old Testament, not in the New Testament.
47:03 The reason why that phrase is there
47:05 is because of the very dilemma that we've been talking about.
47:08 Christians in the end of time doing away with God's law...
47:10 Christians who are going to come in the judgment
47:13 and be called: Workers of Iniquity.
47:15 Christians who will come in the judgment
47:17 having done many wonderful works and even trying to persuade God,
47:21 "Let us in... let us in... we've done many wonderful works"
47:23 Friends, please, I don't want you to be those Christians,
47:25 I don't want to be one of those Christians.
47:27 I don't want to plead my wonderful works for salvation,
47:30 we can't be saved for our wonderful works...
47:31 we can only be saved by Jesus
47:33 and the only way Jesus can save us from sin
47:35 is through the standard of the law.
47:38 The law leads us to Jesus so we can be justified.
47:41 The law reminds us of what sin is
47:44 "I wouldn't have known sin, but by the law. " Romans 7:7.
47:47 The law brings us guilty... makes us guilty before God.
47:49 Romans chapter 3 verse 19.
47:51 The law is your friend... it's your mirror.
47:53 You wake up in the morning and you're like,
47:55 "Man, I got to get to work. "
47:56 You look in the mirror,
47:57 you see if you need a little shave or a little trim,
47:59 your hair needs to be straightened out,
48:00 you know, you see where your oddities are
48:02 but the mirror doesn't fix them, right?
48:04 And it's the same with the Bible...
48:06 it's the same with the gospel.
48:07 We look in the mirror of God's law
48:09 and it shows us who we are
48:11 but Jesus is the only one that can change us,
48:13 Jesus is the only one that can cleanse us.
48:16 Jesus is the only one that can make us whole...
48:17 that can heal us.
48:19 The everlasting gospel is identified in this verse
48:23 primarily because of the very issue
48:24 we're talking about today.
48:26 This is God's last message for the world,
48:28 Revelation 14 contains what we call the Three Angels Messages
48:32 and this message is going to all the world
48:35 and what is it saying? It's saying,
48:36 "There's only one way anyone ever has been saved
48:39 or will be saved,
48:40 it's the everlasting way of salvation,
48:41 it's the everlasting gospel and that's through Jesus.
48:44 In the Old Testament, God's people looked forward
48:47 from the Old Testament you look forward to the Cross.
48:50 How did they see the Cross in the Old Testament?
48:52 Through the lamb... the sacrifice of the lamb...
48:55 the sacrifices of the lamb in the sanctuary.
48:58 That lamb typified Christ.
48:59 New Testament Christians... we look back at the Cross,
49:02 we look back to what Christ has accomplished for us
49:05 in fulfillment of those typical services in the sanctuary.
49:08 We see the Lamb of God
49:10 just taking away the sins of the world.
49:12 Everyone is looking to the Cross in the Old and the New Testament
49:15 we're all looking to the Cross,
49:16 it's the everlasting gospel.
49:18 Some people will say, "Well, in the Old Testament,
49:20 you know, we're saved by the law
49:21 and that seems to be what you're saying,
49:23 you're saying, "You know, Pastor Rafferty,
49:25 you're saying that we're saved by the law. "
49:27 I'm not saying we're saved by the law,
49:28 I'm telling you, we're not saved by the law.
49:30 Just because God calls us to keep the law...
49:32 just because God calls us in obedience to His law,
49:35 doesn't mean we're saved by that law...
49:36 no, we are saved by grace through faith alone,
49:39 it's not by works lest anyone should boast
49:42 but we are His workmanship created unto good works...
49:45 that God has ordained that we should walk in them,
49:47 you see, we're not to be workers of iniquity...
49:49 we're not to be transgressing God's law
49:51 but we are saved by obedience to the law...
49:53 obedience to God's law is the fruit of our salvation
49:56 and it's the very fruit that's going to be looked at...
49:59 examined in the judgment by God.
50:01 Did they have the fruit?
50:02 Were they really my followers?
50:04 Did I really know them?
50:05 Was I really connected with them
50:07 or were they workers of iniquity?
50:08 Their fruit is going to be examined,
50:09 we'll talk more about this in our next presentation,
50:11 so, when you look at the everlasting gospel
50:14 in Revelation chapter 14 and verse 6,
50:17 it's speaking to this very issue because people will say,
50:19 "Oh, if you believe in keeping God's law,
50:22 then, you're Old Testament... you're Old Covenant.
50:25 No, that's not what Revelation 14 verse 6 says,
50:28 Revelation 14:6 says,
50:29 "This is the everlasting gospel. "
50:30 In other words, there has never been a time
50:33 in the Old Testament and in the New Testament
50:36 when people have been saved by the law.
50:37 "Oh, wait... wait... wait a minute, no... no... no...
50:39 in the Old Testament they were saved by the law. "
50:40 No, they were not saved by the law.
50:41 "No, no, no... " you say,
50:43 "all those guys... they... they all made a covenant with God,
50:46 they were supposed to keep His law to be saved. "
50:47 No, that was not the way they were saved in the Old Testament.
50:50 The Old Testament was...
50:52 just as the New Testament is pointing to Jesus Christ,
50:55 the law of God had the same place in the Old Testament
50:57 that it had in the New Testament.
50:59 It was to be the fruit of their obedience
51:01 as they looked to the Lamb for their salvation.
51:03 So, there's no one that ever has been saved
51:06 or ever will be saved by obedience to the Law.
51:08 It's the everlasting gospel,
51:10 that's why the phrase is there, it's the everlasting gospel
51:12 and this gospel has to go to all the world...
51:14 to every nation... kindred... tongue and people
51:16 saying with a loud voice...
51:18 this angel speaks out with a loud voice,
51:20 "Fear God, and give glory to Him;
51:22 for the hour of His judgment is come. "
51:24 Now, you say, "How can the hour of judgement be good news...
51:27 how can it be under the heading of the everlasting gospel?"
51:30 Well, we've just been talking about that
51:31 and we'll continue to talk about that.
51:33 The first reason why we know the everlasting gospel is good news
51:36 is because it leads us to Jesus, right?
51:42 The... the hour of judgment is part of the everlasting gospel
51:46 because it leads us to Jesus
51:48 that we can be justified by Him, the... the hour of judgment
51:53 identifies our condition... our guilt
51:56 and leads us to Christ.
51:58 So, the everlasting gospel contains this phrase,
52:00 "the hour of God's judgment" because
52:01 first and foremost, we need to rely on Jesus for our salvation,
52:04 the everlasting gospel reminds us not to judge other people
52:07 and remember, as we go through this,
52:08 we're not judging others... that is key... number one
52:12 in our... in our understanding of the hour of judgment.
52:15 Under the gospel... the everlasting gospel...
52:18 the everlasting gospel has to go to every kindred, nation,
52:21 people and tongue...
52:22 the hour of God's judgment calls us not to judge others
52:25 but it calls us to be guilty before God
52:27 so that we can have freedom from Matthew chapter 7:21-23
52:31 and find justification in Jesus Christ.
52:34 "Worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the seas,
52:36 and the fountains of waters... "
52:37 so, then it goes on here and the parallel is amazing
52:40 between Romans 3 and Revelation 14.
52:43 It goes on here to describe the fall of Babylon...
52:46 the fall of this false system and in Revelation or excuse me,
52:50 Romans chapter 3 it goes on to describe the uselessness
52:53 of being justified by our works.
52:55 It goes on to describe... Paul says,
52:57 "There's no way you can be justified by your works,
52:59 there's no way you can be saved by your works,
53:00 you've got to go to Jesus
53:02 and so, when you parallel the two,
53:04 Babylon's fall is synonymous with the idea
53:08 of being saved by your works
53:10 and all of that coming to an end.
53:11 I don't know how many of you have experienced that
53:14 where you've tried to do your best,
53:16 you've tried to merit God's favor by your works,
53:19 Martin Luther went through that experience,
53:20 he was... he was whipping himself...
53:22 climbing the stairs on his knees,
53:23 and many of God's people in times past...
53:27 through the Dark Ages
53:28 and even today many people try to merit God's favor,
53:30 they try to do good things to get on God's good side,
53:33 it doesn't work... doesn't work,
53:34 all of the is going to fall when the gospel is preached.
53:37 We can't merit God's favor.
53:39 You come to Him just the way you are.
53:40 There's nothing good you can do,
53:42 you can't be on probation for a while and try to say,
53:44 "Well, you know, I've done X... Y and Z...
53:46 maybe God likes me now. "
53:47 No, God loves you... He loves you and always has loved you
53:51 and He wants you to come to Him just the way you are
53:54 and it's His glory to just encircle you
53:56 in the arms of faith and to heal your wounds
53:58 and bind up your wounds
53:59 and heal you through... through the merit of Jesus,
54:02 but then it goes on...
54:03 it's really powerful here,
54:05 it goes on to identify in Revelation chapter 14 verse 12,
54:09 those who keep the commandments of God.
54:11 "Here is the patience of the saints,
54:13 here are they that keep the commandments of God
54:15 and have the faith of Jesus. "
54:17 So, we see the parallels here as you move through
54:20 Romans chapter 3 and Revelation chapter 14,
54:24 as you move through them here,
54:25 you're going to find that they are basically the same.
54:28 They are calling the whole world into judgment...
54:32 they're calling the whole world to be convicted of sin,
54:36 they're calling the whole world to put their reliance on Christ
54:39 they're calling the whole world to be justified by His grace
54:42 and they're calling the whole world
54:44 to keep the commandments of God.
54:45 This is the... the final verse that we're going to look at here
54:49 in Revelation 14:12
54:51 and it's the same thing in Romans chapter 3,
54:53 Paul says, "God forbid that we should make void the law. "
54:57 We shouldn't make void the law, we ought to keep the law...
55:00 the law of God is vital... a vital part of our salvation,
55:04 it's a vital part of the process of our salvation.
55:06 So, in closing, let's just look at this...
55:09 in summary, let's just look at this,
55:11 another reason for the gospel is because
55:13 first of all, there are fake Christians,
55:15 we know that...
55:17 we ourselves have been fake Christians
55:18 and there's only one remedy for a fake Christian
55:21 and it's not to try harder...
55:22 it's not to feel overwhelmed with your guilt
55:25 and go into a guilt trip,
55:26 it's not to put ourself in a situation
55:29 where you just turn away from Christ
55:30 and to walk back out into the world.
55:32 When you realize you're a fake Christian,
55:34 all of us are going to feel that way from time to time,
55:36 when you realize you're a fake Christian,
55:39 the thing to do is to flee to Jesus...
55:41 it's to go to Jesus... it's to let that law
55:44 which is more than just even... it's broader in principle
55:47 than these ten precepts... the Ten Commandments
55:50 because they go much deeper than...
55:52 you know, Jesus said, "You know, you've heard,
55:54 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,'
55:55 but I say... and if you look at a woman to lust after,
55:58 you've heard that you should not kill or murder,
56:00 but I say unto you,
56:01 'If you hate your brother in your heart... '"
56:03 see... they go much deeper than even those outward actions,
56:06 and when we realize, "Man, I lust after women... "
56:08 "Man, I lust after men... "
56:09 "Man, you know, I hate people
56:11 even though I'm not killing people, I hate people... "
56:13 and we judge people because they murdered someone
56:14 and we ourselves have hatred in our heart...
56:16 when we realize that...
56:18 when we realize the fakeness of our experience,
56:20 we take that to Jesus...
56:22 we have to take that to Jesus
56:23 and as we take that to Jesus,
56:25 He cleanses us... He cleanses us,
56:27 so, we don't do away with the law,
56:30 that's the second part of our sermon...
56:32 fake Christians do away with the law,
56:33 we can't do away with the law...
56:35 the law has to be established
56:36 because the law is the thing
56:37 that leads us to our need of Jesus,
56:39 the law is the thing that... that...
56:41 that is the... the... the principle...
56:43 the standard that leads us again and again to Jesus Christ
56:46 and so, that's the final point
56:48 that we want to look at here
56:49 and that is, Galatians 3 verse 24 in our summary
56:53 leads us to Jesus.
56:54 Fake Christians need the law of God
56:57 to lead them to Jesus.
56:58 The world needs the law of God
57:00 to lead them to Jesus.
57:02 All of us need the law of God to lead us to Jesus.
57:05 Satan's attack against God's law is a subtle attack
57:08 against the Gospel...
57:09 seeking to undermine the Gospel
57:11 and stop us from finding Jesus...
57:14 it's time for us to lift up the law
57:16 as a standard in the judgment
57:17 so, that we can find Jesus at the end of that law
57:20 so that we can be convicted...
57:21 find ourselves as sinners...
57:23 find ourselves justified and forgiven by a Savior
57:26 who longs to cleanse us...
57:27 longs to embrace us... longs to justify us
57:29 and longs to have us in the kingdom with Him.
57:32 Let's pray together as we close up,
57:34 "Father in heaven, thank you so much
57:36 for helping us to understand
57:38 the place of the law in the judgment.
57:39 Thank you for identifying what it means to be a fake Christian.
57:42 I know that many of us who are listening to this message,
57:45 myself included have found ourselves
57:47 in that situation.
57:49 We found ourselves hollow inside
57:52 and in need of the righteousness of Jesus Christ
57:54 and we're so thankful for the gospel that...
57:56 that we don't stand before the law without a mediator...
57:59 that we can come directly to Christ
58:01 that if we confess our sins,
58:03 He's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins
58:05 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
58:07 Father, may we not deceive ourselves...
58:10 may we not call You a liar
58:11 but may we honestly recognize what sin is...
58:14 transgression of Your law... the Ten Commandments... "


Revised 2021-02-22