The Hour of His Judgment

He Sits Before He Stands

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HHJ

Program Code: HHJ000014S

00:01 Music...
00:15 I am so very pleased
00:17 that the title or the theme
00:22 for our sitting for this particular Summit
00:27 is the Hour of His Judgment.
00:29 I rather suspect that that was a God-inspired idea
00:35 to use that as the scene... theme...
00:38 for certainly we are in the hour of His judgment
00:42 and those things that God's people do...
00:45 those things that God's people say...
00:47 those things that God's people involve themselves in
00:51 ought to be done with respect to the fact
00:55 that we are in the hour of His judgment.
00:58 The title of our discussion today is:
01:02 He Sits... then He Stands...
01:04 He Sits and He stands
01:06 and I want to ask you to turn with me to
01:09 the book of Daniel...
01:11 interestingly enough, Daniel chapter 12.
01:14 Going to read just the first three verses of Daniel 12
01:20 but they are somewhat lengthy
01:22 but I need to do that to set the stage...
01:25 to set the foundation for what we're going to talk about
01:29 for the next several minutes that are allotted to us.
01:32 I'm in Daniel chapter 12...
01:34 the Old Testament of your Bible
01:35 reading from the New King James Version...
01:38 Daniel 12 verses 1, 2 and 3.
01:44 Before we go to the Word of God,
01:48 would you join me as we speak to our Father
01:50 and ask His blessings upon our sitting together.
01:54 "Father God, we thank You for the privilege that is ours
01:59 to know You... to understand You...
02:02 to be loved by You...
02:04 and to dig into the depths of Your Word.
02:10 Would you please be our Teacher and Instructor this day...
02:13 teach us those things that You'll would have us to know
02:17 and then give us strength to do them, Father,
02:20 we know that we can do nothing without You
02:22 but it is also true
02:23 that we can do all things
02:25 through Your power and strength
02:28 including the understanding of Your Word.
02:31 Give us now Your Holy Spirit and be our Teacher,
02:34 we pray and thank You in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:38 Daniel chapter 12...
02:39 reading verses 1... 2 and 3, the Bible says,
02:43 "At that time Michael... " that is Jesus
02:47 "shall stand up,
02:49 the great prince who stands watch
02:53 over the sons of your people;
02:56 and there shall be a time of trouble,
02:58 such as never was since there was a nation,
03:03 even to that time.
03:05 And at that time your people shall be delivered,
03:09 everyone who is found written in the book.
03:13 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth
03:17 shall awake,
03:18 some to everlasting life...
03:20 some to shame and everlasting contempt... "
03:25 the Word of God tells me... and verse 3,
03:29 "Those who are wise
03:33 shall shine like the brightness of the firmament,
03:38 and those who turn many to righteousness
03:43 like the stars forever and ever. "
03:49 Ellen White in her discussion of this particular portion
03:57 of the Word of God
03:58 particularly verse 3 of these first three verses...
04:04 she... she... as she discusses this end-time prophecy,
04:09 she uses it to give us... that is... God's people...
04:13 assurance that the Lord in these last days
04:19 has a specific place and a specific work
04:24 for us to do in this judgment hour.
04:29 She writes in the book: Christ's Object Lessons
04:32 page 327... she says this,
04:37 "Not more surely is the place prepared for us
04:41 in the heavenly mansions
04:43 than is the special place designated on earth
04:48 where we are to work for God. "
04:51 You understand that.
04:53 There is a special place... a special task...
04:57 a special duty that we must perform for our Lord
05:01 in these last days... in this judgment hour
05:05 that must be done by God's people for the Lord
05:09 and if it were ever true
05:12 and, of course, this has always been true,
05:15 it is certainly true in these last days.
05:18 As we come down to the closing scenes of this earth's history,
05:22 we must understand
05:25 that there is something that each of us must be doing.
05:29 Christianity... as I said before and dare say again...
05:32 never has been... is not now...
05:35 nor will it ever be a spectator sport.
05:38 You cannot go through Christianity,
05:41 participate in Christianity,
05:43 prosecute your own personal Christianity... from the couch.
05:47 You must get off of the couch and into the game
05:50 working for the Lord.
05:52 His judgment... in these last scenes
05:56 of... of earth's history
06:00 is moving and going on now
06:03 in these hours before the return of the Lord
06:07 in power and great glory
06:10 but she adds this particular exhortation
06:13 to those of us who are laboring for the Lord.
06:17 Sometimes seemingly unrequited and unrewarded.
06:20 Ellen White says this,
06:22 "Every act of loyalty and faith will be crowned
06:28 with special tokens of God's favor and approbation.
06:33 So, when you step out to do the work of God,
06:37 God takes note of everything you do for His cause.
06:43 Nothing, as it were, falls to the ground.
06:46 The Lord is watching your actions...
06:48 the Lord is watching the things you do
06:51 and your actions on behalf of the cause of Christ,
06:55 will receive... she says,
06:58 "His approval and commendation. "
07:03 She continues,
07:05 "Every worker is given the promise of Psalm 126 verse 6.
07:10 "He that goeth forth and weepeth,
07:15 bearing precious seed,
07:18 shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
07:22 bringing his sheaves with him. "
07:24 Now, that's the New King James.
07:26 I tend to like the simplicity and the gravitas
07:29 of the New Living Translation for this particular...
07:33 for this particular portion of Scripture.
07:36 It says... New Living Translation,
07:40 "They weep as they go to plant their seed,
07:45 but they sing as they return with the harvest. "
07:50 They weep as they go planting seed
07:52 but those tears become water
07:55 because they sing as they return with the harvest.
08:00 Ellen White continues,
08:02 "However short our service or humble our work,
08:08 if in simple faith we follow Christ,
08:12 we shall not be disappointed of the reward... "
08:16 I like that...
08:17 Ellen White says... it doesn't matter how long you work,
08:20 or in what capacity you work,
08:22 as long as you are faithful and dedicated to the work
08:27 that is appointed you,
08:29 God has a reward for you
08:32 and you're not going to be disappointed
08:35 when you get your reward.
08:36 You may think you've sacrificed a lot...
08:39 you may think you've worked very hard
08:41 or you may think nobody knows...
08:42 nobody hears... nobody understands...
08:45 nobody sees the work that you've done
08:47 but Ellen White assures us
08:49 that God sees... knows... cares...
08:53 and when He's passing out His reward...
08:55 when it's time for heaven,
08:57 you're not going to be disappointed
08:59 at the reward you will receive...
09:01 at the eternal life that you are granted
09:04 from the hand of Jesus Christ.
09:06 She continues... just a little bit more,
09:08 "Though this life may be hard... "
09:10 and I know there are many of us
09:12 who are going through very hard things
09:14 for the cause of Christ...
09:16 "though this life may be hard and self-denying,
09:21 in the sight of heaven,
09:23 it will be a success. "
09:26 No one may ever call you a success.
09:28 No one may ever pat you on the back and give you what I...
09:32 what I heard termed in Texas an "attaboy... "
09:35 nobody may ever say that, "Hey, you're doing really good"
09:38 but it doesn't matter
09:39 because heaven is marking your service...
09:42 heaven is marking your sacrifice
09:45 and one day, you will receive your just reward.
09:50 So, I continue,
09:52 "Though this life may be hard
09:54 and self-denying,
09:56 in the sight of heaven, it will be a success
10:00 and he will be ranked
10:02 as one of God's noble man. "
10:06 Now, she says, "He... " that's the tenor of the times...
10:08 I say, "He" and "She"
10:10 doesn't matter... men.. women... boy... girl...
10:13 Ellen White tells us in effect
10:16 that if you work for the Lord faithfully...
10:19 if you are at your point of duty and post of duty
10:23 in these last days,
10:24 even though you may not receive a gold watch
10:28 or commendation from anyone here on earth,
10:31 as far as heaven is concerned,
10:34 you are one of God's noble men noble woman...
10:39 for standing at our post of duty
10:41 and doing what God has called you
10:44 and asked you
10:45 and equipped you to do.
10:47 If you do it, you get the reward.
10:50 The importance of this cannot... Brothers and Sisters,
10:54 be overstated.
10:55 For those of us called to the front in these last days,
11:00 particularly those students of eschatology...
11:03 those who know what's coming
11:05 before this world comes to its end,
11:08 to those of us who are aware of the times in which we live,
11:12 to every worker for God,
11:15 this thought ought to be stimulus and encouragement.
11:22 The fact that your deeds... your efforts... your labors
11:26 in behalf of the kingdom of God,
11:29 are marked and written and recorded by God
11:34 and will receive their just reward when Christ comes again.
11:42 So, you may not get a lot of this world's goods...
11:45 you may not get a lot of this world accolades
11:48 but in heaven... and it's heaven that counts,
11:51 Your deeds... your sacrifices... are being weighed...
11:56 are being measured and will be rewarded...
12:01 let that encourage you...
12:02 let that motivate you to continue to work for the Lord.
12:06 Again, I go back to Ellen White.
12:08 In this life, our work for God often seems almost fruitless,
12:13 sometimes you don't see the... the reward of your labors,
12:18 you don't see the results of your labors.
12:19 "Sometimes, in this life, our work seems almost fruitless... "
12:24 Ellen White says,
12:25 "The Savior assures us that our work is noted in heaven
12:31 and that the recompense... the repayment...
12:35 cannot fail. "
12:37 So, Brothers and Sisters,
12:39 even though the day of reward be delayed,
12:44 be assured it is coming
12:47 and there's nothing that you've every done
12:49 for the cause of Christ...
12:51 no matter how small...
12:52 no matter how insignificant in the eyes of man,
12:56 God sees it... God notes it... God marks it...
13:00 God rewards it
13:02 and you will be aware of His reward on that great day.
13:06 You know, something as... as... as... as small as...
13:09 someone said to me...
13:11 this to me years ago,
13:12 they were talking about a person who had passed
13:15 and they were saying, "You know, she just...
13:19 she always had a smile for me
13:21 and when I came to church, I looked for that smile...
13:25 it always made my Sabbath day...
13:27 even when I had a hard week,
13:29 even when I had a tough time,
13:32 when I saw her... her face lighted up
13:34 and that made my heart lighted up. "
13:37 Do you think that God forgot about that smile?
13:40 Do you think that God was not aware of that smile
13:43 and how that smile from that particular Sister
13:46 brightened the life of someone else, no...
13:48 that smile was recorded in heaven
13:51 and that smile was marked in heaven
13:55 and that smile will be rewarded one day
13:58 with a reward that is guaranteed
14:01 and that will recompense her for all...
14:04 and you don't know and we don't know...
14:06 she might have smiled through hard times,
14:09 she might have smiled through tears
14:11 but she chose to smile
14:13 and pass that smile on to someone else,
14:15 their life was lighted...
14:17 their burden was made lighter
14:19 and I guarantee you,
14:20 God took note of that smile
14:22 and that smile will be rewarded.
14:25 Ellen white... in assuring the end-time generation,
14:30 assures us all
14:33 that our efforts to shine light in darkness are noted...
14:38 they are noted in heaven...
14:40 they're assisted by heaven
14:42 and we will receive a reward guaranteed from heaven.
14:46 In John chapter 5...
14:49 John chapter 5 verse 35...
14:51 John chapter 5 verse 35,
14:54 Christ describes John the Baptist
14:56 and he says there in the latter part of that verse,
15:00 He describes John the Baptist as a burning and shining light
15:05 light... or lamp rather
15:07 that Israel rejoiced in
15:09 but then Christ goes on to say...
15:11 to say that I have a greater witness for the works
15:17 that the Father has given me to do.
15:20 So, that's what Jesus anticipates
15:24 and expects from each of us.
15:28 He wants us to follow Him and to serve Him
15:33 in this judgment hour.
15:36 "They that be wise... " Daniel chapter 12 verse 3 says,
15:43 "will shine darker in this world...
15:46 they will shine brighter as this world gets darker.
15:52 They that be wise will shine for Him. "
15:56 Now, this is interesting because the Hebrew word for wise
16:00 is Sakal or Sakel...
16:02 it means: circumspect action, cautious,
16:09 well-considered actions that are similar to
16:16 even subservient to the times.
16:18 Those whose movements and motives
16:22 are governed by an acute awareness
16:25 of the lateness of the hour.
16:27 Now, what are we saying? It's a lot of words...
16:28 what are we saying?
16:30 Sakal or wisdom is: the actions...
16:36 the motives of individuals.
16:38 Everything that they do... everything that they say...
16:43 all of their actions, perhaps even what they think
16:50 is driven by... motivated by an awareness of the times
16:56 in which we live.
16:59 If we are wise,
17:01 our actions must be motivated by an understanding
17:07 that the hour is late, Brothers and Sisters,
17:11 Ladies and Gentlemen.
17:12 If you look at the confused state of the world
17:15 in which we live,
17:17 there are a lot of questions out there... very few answers.
17:21 A lot of idioms... isms... and ideologies
17:28 and very few answers.
17:30 Everybody's got an angle
17:32 but nobody... or very few people know the truth.
17:36 So, those that are wise understand
17:42 the confusion of the time
17:45 that the only answer is in Christ
17:48 and that the hour is late
17:51 but interestingly enough
17:53 the word Sakal also means: wise teachers or instructors.
18:00 It's time to be wise and to shine...
18:06 wise and shine
18:08 and teach others to do so
18:11 because they are aware as we must be aware
18:16 that the hour is late.
18:18 If there is one theme above another...
18:21 if there is one idea above another,
18:25 it is the idea, Ladies and Gentlemen,
18:28 that the hour is late in this earth's history.
18:33 Even the devil knows that he's got a short time.
18:37 So, then those of us who name the name of Jesus...
18:41 those of us who are called to serve Jesus
18:43 must be aware, Brothers and Sisters,
18:46 that the time is short.
18:48 Now, we've been saying that for years and years
18:51 and years and years...
18:52 I have a Ministry Magazine from, I think 40 years ago.
18:58 On the cover of that magazine
19:00 is a picture of a very old model car.
19:04 On that car is a rusted bumper sticker that says,
19:10 "Jesus is coming soon. "
19:12 Now, when I got that magazine,
19:15 that car was several years old.
19:17 It was one of the first automobiles ever made...
19:21 certainly pre-World War 2.
19:22 Now that we are several years beyond World War 2
19:26 and I've had that magazine for another 40 years,
19:31 it brings into bold relief the idea that we've been saying,
19:35 "Christ is coming soon... " for a long time.
19:39 We have believed Christ is coming soon
19:42 for a long time
19:44 but the truth is,
19:45 we are nearer our salvation than when we first believed.
19:52 We are closer to the coming of the Lord
19:55 than when we started this thing.
19:57 We've been waiting a long time
20:02 but there are those of us who are looking at this earth...
20:06 looking at what this earth is going through...
20:08 looking at how this earth is tearing itself apart
20:12 and how we as Christians are assisting... or...
20:14 or we as people are assisting in that...
20:17 that... that destruction...
20:19 we realize, looking at the prophetic calendar...
20:23 looking at the events
20:24 that it cannot be much longer.
20:27 So there is a sobering... an arresting thought
20:32 that comes to us every day of our lives
20:37 that regardless of how long it's been,
20:42 the truth is... it cannot be much longer.
20:47 Luke chapter 19 verse 44,
20:51 Luke 19:44.
20:54 Maybe I'll just take a moment and turn to that
20:56 in the New Testament.
20:58 We'll look at Matthew, Mark, Luke...
21:01 and we'll go to chapter 19 and verse 44...
21:08 pause...
21:14 43 and 44...
21:15 pause.
21:23 This is a prediction of Christ
21:25 dealing with the destruction of Jerusalem
21:30 and He says...
21:32 "and level you, and your children within you,
21:36 to the ground;
21:37 and they will not leave in you one stone upon another,
21:42 because you did not know the time of your visitation. "
21:46 Pause.
21:48 Now, this prophecy had its primary fulfillment
21:52 in the destruction by the Romans of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
21:57 But I do believe there is a secondary application
22:02 or can be at least applied secondarily
22:05 to the days just prior to the coming of the Lord.
22:09 It says, "They shall not leave one stone upon another
22:13 because they did not understand the time of their visitation
22:20 and that's the key part of the text,
22:22 perhaps even more than the "one stone upon another" portion
22:26 the idea that they did not recognize
22:30 the time of their visitation.
22:34 The NIV version of the Bible says,
22:36 "They did not understand the time of God's coming to you. "
22:43 You see, the three angels' messages
22:46 from which our theme is drawn...
22:49 the hour of His judgment...
22:52 is one message in three segments.
22:55 It's predicated on the reality
22:59 that the hour of His judgment is here...
23:03 the hour of His judgment is now.
23:06 It doesn't really matter when Christ comes back
23:11 because when He comes,
23:13 if we are alive... we should be watching, waiting and working
23:17 but what is important is the understanding
23:22 that the hour of His judgment is now.
23:26 That judgment is going on in heaven
23:30 and the records of the saints of God
23:33 are being looked at right now
23:36 and we as God's people
23:39 have no time to lose,
23:42 I've said this before... I will say it again,
23:44 this COVID situation and all of these different pandemics
23:48 and things that have been coming on earth
23:51 are simply the "check engine light"
23:54 on the lives of the saints...
23:56 God is saying, "Check your life...
23:59 check your standing... "
24:00 the Bible says, "Let a man examine himself
24:04 and see if he be in the faith. "
24:06 Each of us... men... women... boys and girls
24:08 need to re-examine...
24:10 need to address and redress our lives every day
24:14 and look to see that we are doing the work of God...
24:18 that we are walking with God...
24:20 that we are about our Father's business
24:23 during this time when lives are being examined...
24:27 when judgment is going on...
24:28 when destinies are being arranged and re-arranged,
24:32 God's people need to get serious and very serious
24:36 about our eternal salvation.
24:39 So the message is borne by these three angels in a sense...
24:44 in a sense... is directed and carried to the world
24:50 by those who are wise... Daniel tells me.
24:55 Here we see another... in the constellation of links
25:00 between Daniel and the book of Revelation...
25:03 between Daniel 12 in particular
25:05 and Revelation chapter 14.
25:07 So, what do we understand by the term: wise?
25:12 For Daniel chapter 12 verse 3 tells me...
25:16 "those who are wise...
25:19 those who are wise will go about doing the work of the Lord. "
25:24 Well, Proverbs chapter 9 verse 10... you know it,
25:26 we all know it...
25:28 it's a text that we've repeated so many times
25:31 over so many years...
25:33 Proverbs chapter 9 verse 10 tells us
25:35 that the fear of the Lord
25:39 is the beginning of wisdom,
25:42 and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
25:46 I like that text, "The fear of the Lord
25:48 is the beginning of wisdom... "
25:50 in other words,
25:52 you cannot be wise in a Biblical sense...
25:54 you cannot be considered "wise" in a Biblical sense
25:58 if you do not have a love for God
26:04 and a knowledge of God...
26:06 doesn't matter what your intelligence is...
26:09 doesn't matter what your IQ is...
26:11 doesn't matter how much knowledge you have amassed
26:16 or gained...
26:17 you cannot be considered wise
26:20 if you don't love the Lord.
26:22 Of course the Bible says,
26:24 "The fool has said in his heart, 'there is no God. '"
26:26 So, the beginning of wisdom is loving the Lord...
26:29 and those who are wise...
26:31 here in Daniel chapter 12 verse 3
26:33 "who shine like the brightness of the firmament...
26:37 who turn many away from darkness
26:41 and turn many to righteousness are wise
26:45 because they love the Lord
26:47 and the message that they are carrying
26:50 in these last days
26:51 is a message of the soon coming
26:54 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
26:56 So, if you're going to be one of those wise ones,
26:59 you've got to spend your time sharing Jesus.
27:01 You've got to spend your time
27:03 lifting up the name of Jesus.
27:05 That's what makes you wise...
27:07 that's what makes you intelligent...
27:10 as the Bible says in Daniel 12:3,
27:13 "Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness
27:18 of the firmament;
27:19 and those who turn many to righteousness. "
27:24 So, wisdom is turning the unrighteous
27:29 away from their unrighteousness
27:32 and turning them to righteousness
27:35 and so, in these last days... that's our job.
27:39 That's what this ministry seeks to do.
27:41 That's what this Summit is all about.
27:44 That's what the Adventist Church is all about.
27:46 That's what all of these ministries...
27:48 so many across the country and across the world...
27:52 that's our job in these last days.
27:56 Our job... our goal...
27:58 our mission...
28:00 our reason for being is to turn many to righteousness
28:07 that's what makes you wise.
28:10 The Bible says in the New Living Translation
28:13 and I like to repair to that every now and again
28:19 that loving the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
28:25 Serving God...
28:27 the fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
28:31 The International Standard Version I'm reading here
28:37 says, "The fear of the Lord is where wisdom begins. "
28:43 So, you cannot be wise
28:45 unless you're doing the work of the Lord...
28:48 you cannot be wise
28:50 unless you love the Lord
28:51 and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom.
28:57 The fear of the Lord...
28:59 that term... where have we heard that before?
29:02 Where have we heard: the fear of the Lord?
29:05 Revelation chapter 14 verse 6, again,
29:09 the connection between Daniel and Revelation...
29:12 fear of the Lord... fear God and give glory to Him
29:15 for the hour of his judgment is come...
29:21 the hour of his judgment is come.
29:24 So, the light in the lamps
29:28 that is illuminating the lives of those who are wise...
29:33 who are doing the work of God...
29:36 the light of these wise ones will be the love of Christ...
29:43 the life of Christ
29:46 and the light of Christ.
29:50 That's what we are called to share in these last days.
29:55 You remember Paul said,
29:58 "I... I... I'm determined to know nothing of you except
30:01 Jesus Christ and Him crucified. "
30:05 Well, in these last days, that's our job...
30:08 not to concern ourselves with the political ramifications
30:13 of the world in which we find ourselves
30:16 and that can be absorbing and the... the...
30:20 Supreme Court and all these other things
30:23 that are absorbing so much of our time and energy...
30:26 our job is to know nothing except Jesus Christ
30:31 and Him crucified.
30:34 You know, we... we... we tend to focus a lot
30:38 on this time of trouble
30:40 that has never been since there was a nation
30:44 and perhaps rightly so
30:45 because the Bible mentions it here in Daniel chapter 12
30:49 and... and as we look at Matthew 24 and we see
30:52 wars and rumors of wars and other things happening,
30:56 It does... it occupies much of our thought
31:01 and much of our conversation.
31:03 Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 expresses that...
31:07 that sentiment... that statement
31:09 but it doesn't stop there because it goes on to say,
31:15 "At that time, God's people shall be delivered... "
31:20 and so, as important as it is to know and understand
31:25 that we are approaching before the end of all things
31:30 a time of trouble
31:32 that has never been since men and women walked this earth,
31:37 it is also crucially important to understand
31:42 that during this time, God will stand up
31:48 and God's people will be delivered.
31:52 See, that's a comforting thought,
31:56 that's the thought that ought to motivate
31:59 and encourage and keep us.
32:01 The fact that you won't be lost...
32:05 you won't be scattered...
32:06 you won't be destroyed, God is standing to deliver.
32:12 Satan is going to work powerfully...
32:17 the Bible predicts that...
32:19 the Bible, yeah, assures that.
32:21 Satan is going to work with all lying wonders.
32:27 Satan is going to move like never before
32:33 but Ladies and Gentlemen,
32:35 Brothers and Sisters,
32:37 so is God.
32:41 As powerful as Satan is,
32:44 God is more powerful.
32:47 As hard as Satan works, God will work harder.
32:53 Satan's lying wonders will be superseded
33:00 by God's loving miracles.
33:04 God's people shall be delivered...
33:09 the Word of God makes that promise.
33:14 The Word of God says,
33:16 "And at that time... "
33:18 I'm in the back-end of verse 1,
33:21 "At that time, your people... " Daniel is being told
33:27 "shall be delivered... "
33:30 and by extension, that promise is made for us today.
33:35 Everyone who is found written in the book...
33:40 "At that time, God's people will be delivered,
33:46 everyone who's name is found in the Book of Life.
33:51 You see, this... this standing from Daniel chapter 12 verse 1,
33:57 and I... I... I like this...
33:58 "At that time, Michael shall stand up... "
34:02 Michael, of course, is Christ... that Archangel...
34:04 the Commander General of all of the angels...
34:07 Michael who is Christ shall stand up.
34:10 Now, notice the sequence and the Bible pattern.
34:14 This is something I just... in just looking at the Bible,
34:18 sometimes, something just appears to you,
34:20 the... the light kind of shines on it
34:22 and you... you kind of see it for the first time
34:24 but the pattern that I saw...
34:26 the pattern that I see...
34:27 is the title for our message today.
34:31 "He Sits... Then He Stands... "
34:34 He sits... then He stands...
34:37 He always sits before He stands.
34:41 Christ always sits before He stands
34:45 and we'll come back to that
34:46 because it has a very specific and important meaning
34:50 for you and for me
34:51 and for God's people in these last days...
34:53 these days of His judgment.
34:55 You can discern the outline of this...
34:59 it's stated in Daniel chapter 12 verse 1,
35:02 "At that time, shall Michael... shall stand up... "
35:07 but you can see this outline very beautifully
35:11 in Daniel chapter 7, verses 1 through 14.
35:16 Now, time will not allow us to read Daniel 7...
35:20 all those 14 verses
35:22 but you can see in Daniel chapter 7... a judgment scene.
35:26 Pause...
35:29 It is note worthy that that judgment scene
35:33 ends with the establishment of an everlasting kingdom.
35:39 So, since at the end of that judgment scene,
35:43 an everlasting kingdom is established,
35:46 that is analogous to...
35:49 or represents that which happens
35:52 at the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
35:56 Once Christ puts an end to this world and to sin
35:59 and to all of the things that are going on here,
36:03 the new kingdom... the new heaven...
36:05 the new earth... the new Jerusalem...
36:08 once established, will last forever.
36:11 So, any judgment... follow me now...
36:14 any judgment that takes place prior to that
36:18 has to be the judgment scene that is going on now.
36:23 The next event that we are looking for
36:26 is the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
36:30 so, when that happens,
36:34 this new kingdom is established.
36:38 So, that means that the judgment scene
36:41 that we are looking at in Daniel 7
36:43 is the same judgment scene that we talked about
36:47 that is going on right now.
36:50 It is the hour of His judgment.
36:53 Then comes that new and everlasting kingdom.
36:59 It's granted.
37:00 Michael is going to stand to intervene
37:06 and protect His saints from Satan's final assault
37:11 just prior to the second coming
37:14 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
37:16 All right, let's walk our way through this,
37:20 the pattern that I detected in God's Word
37:25 is that He always sits before He stands.
37:30 He... Jesus... always sits before He stands
37:36 and the sitting must precede the standing.
37:42 One of the most... one of the places again
37:46 that this is most clearly seen
37:49 is Daniel chapter 7
37:50 and I wish we had time to read it
37:52 but it would take several sermons just to walk through
37:55 Daniel chapter 7.
37:56 The aggressor is Satan as always
38:02 but he uses human agencies in the 7th chapter of Daniel,
38:11 he employs a Little Horn Beast
38:13 identified in Daniel chapter 7 verse 8...
38:17 he has eyes like a man and speaks pompous words.
38:22 Now, the words are coming out of the mouths of this Little Horn
38:26 but make no mistake,
38:28 they are motivated by Satan.
38:31 The words are spoken against God
38:34 who... he... this Little Horn Power
38:38 persecutes the saints of God
38:41 so, we know we're talking about Satan...
38:44 he seeks to change times and laws... 7:25...
38:48 he is introduced early in Daniel 7 verses 8 through 10
38:54 and then he is re-examined a little bit closer
38:59 beginning at verse 20.
39:01 So, between these two... looks at the Little Horn...
39:06 this Little Horn antagonist...
39:08 there is a judgment scene.
39:10 This judgment scene begins in Daniel chapter 7 verse 9.
39:16 When you read Daniel chapter 7, it's kind of a...
39:20 almost like a peek-a-boo prophecy...
39:22 now you see it... now you don't...
39:24 now you see it, now you don't,
39:26 it goes... it disappears... it comes back...
39:29 first, we... we... we... we see a judgment scene
39:33 then it is followed by a look at the Little Horn Power
39:37 then, there is a re-examination of the judgment scene,
39:41 then, there is a verdict on the... the Little Horn Power,
39:45 so, it... it... it's like a basket-weaving that's done there
39:50 in Daniel chapter 7.
39:51 It's really quite... quite wonderful
39:53 and quite beautiful to understand and to study.
39:56 A... the principle players in this drama
40:00 are the Ancient of Days...
40:01 the Son of Man...
40:03 and the saints of God.
40:04 This judgment is heaven's response
40:08 to the Little Horn Aggressor
40:10 but it is also a determination of those who will be saved.
40:15 Verse 10 tells me that the Court was seated
40:21 and the books were opened.
40:25 These books... these books contain the records
40:29 that are used in the rendering of a verdict for God's people
40:35 and you've got to love the way Daniel chapter 7
40:39 sort of does this... I call... basket-weave narrative,
40:43 now you see it... now you don't...
40:45 visions of earthly kingdoms and the judgment
40:48 and vision of heavenly and eternal kingdoms.
40:51 They appear... disappear... re-appear... disappear...
40:55 and as... when they re-appear,
40:57 each time we get a little clearer vision
40:59 and a little closer look of what Daniel is trying to tell us
41:05 as motivated by the Spirit of the Lord.
41:08 So, the seating of the Court in Daniel begins...
41:14 Daniel 7:26 is not a new trial from Daniel 7:9...
41:20 it's the same trial but looked at...
41:24 viewed at from a little different position...
41:27 a little closer lens...
41:29 a little... it's put under a microscope, dare I say,
41:34 a little tighter.
41:35 It's the same as Daniel 7:9.
41:38 It's not a different judgment scene...
41:41 it's a look at the same judgment scene
41:44 but just a little closer look.
41:46 In Daniel chapter 7 verse 11,
41:48 it tells me that the Little Horn...
41:50 this loud-mouthed Little Horn that blasphemes against God
41:54 is condemned
41:56 and the saints of God...
41:57 and the saints of God are determined
42:02 in terms of who will be part of the eternal kingdom
42:07 so, it's all packaged there very neatly...
42:09 very nicely in the book of Daniel.
42:12 We see the condemnation of the Little Horn
42:15 but we also see the selection of those
42:18 who will be sealed for eternity.
42:22 We see this parallel again
42:26 in Matthew chapter 25 verse 31 and on.
42:29 So, this judgment as viewed in Daniel chapter 7 two times
42:35 from two different perspectives
42:38 is a comprehensive judgment scene.
42:41 The devil... his tricks... his lies...
42:45 the powers that he uses are being condemned...
42:49 at the same time, the saints of God are being judged
42:54 and are being selected for reward.
43:01 God... in Daniel chapter 7
43:05 is trying to tie up the loose ends of this cosmic controversy
43:12 and settling of scores
43:15 prior to the second coming of our Lord and Savior
43:20 but when all is said and done,
43:23 when He sits in judgment...
43:25 after He sits in judgment
43:28 as we see in Daniel chapter 7,
43:31 then He stands in a determined effort
43:36 to protect those whom the devil would like to destroy.
43:40 You see... the... the saints of God
43:43 are being sealed and are being saved
43:47 and being brought into closer relationship to Him
43:50 even as we speak
43:52 through this judgment process.
43:56 When Christ comes again,
43:59 those who will be saved...
44:02 that determination has already been made.
44:06 Revelation chapter 22 verse 12,
44:09 Christ says, "Behold I'm coming quickly
44:11 and my reward is with Me. "
44:14 So then, those who are going to get that reward
44:21 have been pre-determined before He comes.
44:26 So, now, the judgment has set...
44:30 Christ sits in judgment
44:32 and then He stands to protect those
44:35 who are worthy of salvation
44:38 and as a judgment is made... and I like this text,
44:43 Daniel 7:22...
44:44 you... you... you've got to love this
44:47 because the Bible says,
44:48 "Judgment is made in favor
44:53 of the saints of the Most High. "
44:56 Pause...
45:00 When Christ sits to judge,
45:02 He's not trying to keep anybody out of heaven,
45:09 He is trying
45:13 to get you into heaven.
45:15 The Bible says, "He's not willing
45:19 that any should perish. "
45:22 So, judgment is in your favor...
45:28 judgment is skewed positively for you.
45:37 Jesus wants to save you.
45:41 Jesus died to save you.
45:45 God commended His love towards us
45:50 in that while we were yet sinners,
45:55 Christ died for us.
45:58 So, He didn't wait for you to get good
46:01 to sacrifice His life.
46:03 He sacrificed His life when we were yet enemies
46:08 and the Bible says... that's proof that He loves you
46:14 because He didn't wait for you to get perfect.
46:16 He sacrificed His life in order to give you a chance
46:21 at perfection.
46:22 So, judgment is nothing to be afraid of...
46:25 judgment indeed is in our favor and for our favor
46:31 because Christ wants to save us.
46:36 So, at that time, the saints possess the kingdom
46:40 but the truth is, they must be kept
46:44 during this time of persecution...
46:48 they must be protected during this time
46:53 when Satan opens up his final assault on God's people
47:01 so, after Jesus sits to judge... He stands to protect.
47:10 Praise God that He is able to keep that which He says...
47:18 that which He selects for salvation.
47:23 Let me turn to one of the most reassuring passages
47:28 in all of Scripture
47:29 written by Paul to Timothy
47:32 it is part of his second letter to Timothy,
47:35 I'm in 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 12,
47:39 2nd Timothy 1 verse 12,
47:44 pause...
47:46 I like this and it is a reassuring text
47:50 for all of those of us who love the Lord.
47:54 Paul says, "For this reason I suffer these things;
47:59 but I am not ashamed,
48:03 for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded
48:11 that He is able to keep
48:14 what I have committed to Him until that Day. "
48:21 I want to read it again
48:23 because it's just that powerful and just that important.
48:26 "For this reason I suffer these things... "
48:29 and you look at the life of Paul...
48:31 you know he suffered many things for the cause of Christ.
48:34 "But I'm not ashamed... "
48:36 I'm not ashamed of God... I'm not ashamed of my suffering,
48:39 I'm not ashamed of the life I have chosen...
48:41 I'm not ashamed of the sacrifices that I've made...
48:44 I'm not ashamed of anything that has to do
48:47 with this walk towards glory... why?
48:50 For I know whom I have believed...
48:53 I know Christ... I understand Christ...
48:56 I trust Christ...
48:57 and I pray and hope that each of you
49:00 can make that same statement.
49:01 "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded...
49:06 I'm convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt
49:09 that He is able to keep. "
49:11 That's that "Stand" function.
49:14 After He selects you for salvation...
49:17 after He has judged you worthy...
49:21 then he's got to keep you until He comes back to get you.
49:26 He sits... and then He stands
49:29 and so, He is able to keep you...
49:32 or to keep what I have committed to Him
49:37 until that day.
49:38 Well, what day is that?
49:40 That's the day when He comes to get you.
49:42 He selects you and then He keeps you
49:44 until He comes to get you.
49:46 Now, why would Paul... why could Paul
49:49 write such a strong affirmation to his young protégé Timothy?
49:55 The answer lies in the text itself.
49:58 The answer is that Jesus is able to keep...
50:04 He's able to keep you... to keep me
50:08 until He comes to take us home.
50:12 John chapter 10 verse 29 says that
50:16 nothing is able to...
50:18 depending on which translation you have,
50:20 some translations say, "Nothing is able to pluck you
50:24 out of His hand. "
50:25 Other translations say,
50:28 "Nothing is able to snatch you out of His hands. "
50:32 Some translations say...
50:34 nothing is able to rescue from His hands
50:39 but my Father is able to keep
50:42 and nothing... no one... no power in heaven or earth...
50:47 not even the devil himself
50:49 can take you out of Christ's hands
50:52 once you put your hand in Jesus, it stays there
50:57 until Jesus lets you go
50:59 and Jesus will not let you go
51:01 until He walks you through the gates and into the city.
51:06 The translation... "He Sits... then He stands. "
51:14 Let's return to Daniel chapter 12
51:20 because Christ is able to protect and defend
51:24 those that are His.
51:27 The text starts with: "At that time... "
51:31 that time when things look most black...
51:36 that time when things look most bleak...
51:40 that time when things look depressing and discouraging.
51:46 That time when things look forbidding
51:50 and foreboding.
51:51 That time when things look dark and distressing
51:57 and the world is plunged into a scene of calamity
52:02 that has never been... since there was a nation.
52:07 In the midst of all of that confusion,
52:11 all of that mayhem and destruction,
52:14 the Bible says, "Jesus is going to stand up. "
52:20 He's going to protect His people
52:24 and Daniel chapter 12 tells me
52:27 that God's people shall be delivered, amen and amen.
52:34 Everyone whose names were written in the Book...
52:41 those who have been determined to be worthy of eternal life
52:47 through acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
52:52 You see, it's a sacrifice of Christ that makes us worthy.
52:55 There's nothing innate in us...
52:57 there's nothing that you have...
52:58 that you are... nothing that you possess...
53:00 nothing that you do...
53:02 that will commend you to the Lord...
53:05 it is simply your faith in... your sacrifice to...
53:09 your love of Jesus
53:12 that makes you worthy of salvation.
53:15 It is the blood of Christ shed in your behalf
53:20 that gives you value
53:22 that indeed gives you worth
53:25 and if you've not heard it before,
53:28 I will say it again,
53:30 judgment is nothing to dread... nothing to be afraid of...
53:36 heaven's determination is that you get what you deserve.
53:43 You get what you have worked for.
53:46 If you love Jesus and serve Jesus,
53:50 then, the promises of Christ are yours.
53:55 Jesus says, "You stand for me in this dark world,
54:00 I will stand for you before my Father
54:05 which is in heaven. "
54:07 So, we return to these last several verses
54:13 that we began our message with
54:18 particularly Daniel chapter 12 and verse 3.
54:22 The Bible says, "Those who are wise
54:26 shall shine like the brightness of the firmament
54:32 and those who turn many to righteousness,
54:35 like the stars for ever and ever. "
54:40 Those who love the Lord...
54:43 those who accept the glory of the Lord...
54:48 who accept the goodness of the Lord...
54:52 who accept the grace of the Lord in these dark days
54:56 and who stand for the Lord.
54:59 The Bible says here...
55:02 you're going to shine like the stars of heaven.
55:06 What makes you shine?
55:08 The indwelling of the Spirit of God
55:12 and I've... I've read some Spirit of Prophecy quotes,
55:14 I don't have them in my mind right at this second
55:17 but you remember when Moses came down from the mountain,
55:22 when Moses came down after 40 days of communion with God,
55:26 the Children of Israel asked him to put a little hankie...
55:31 a little handkerchief over his face
55:32 because they could actually see the light of the Lord
55:36 shining from His countenance...
55:39 shining from his face and it scared them.
55:44 You remember in the Garden of Eden,
55:47 before sin, Adam and Eve were naked
55:49 but they did not know it
55:51 because there was this heavenly light
55:54 that enshrouded them and covered them
55:57 and, of course, once they sinned,
56:00 that light left.
56:01 Could it be... I conjecture this...
56:03 could it be that as we come down
56:06 to the closing scenes of this earth's history,
56:10 as men and women draw closer and closer to Jesus Christ,
56:15 as they more reflect the image of our Lord,
56:21 could it be that that same glow
56:26 will shine in the lives and in the faces
56:30 of God's people?
56:32 Not just figuratively but literally.
56:36 The Bible says, "Those who are wise...
56:40 those whose foundation is Jesus,
56:43 shall shine like the brightness of the firmament. "
56:48 Now, it is right to take that in a figurative sense.
56:54 Could it be that as we approach the minimum essentials
56:59 for righteousness...
57:01 as we surrender our lives to Christ...
57:04 and live closer and closer to Christ,
57:07 as this world gets darker and darker...
57:10 the light of Christ's life...
57:12 the light of Christ's righteousness
57:15 will shine in the lives of those who love the Lord...
57:21 who are doing the work of the Lord...
57:23 who surrender themselves to the Lord...
57:26 and who are awaiting the coming of the Lord.
57:30 Christ says, "Stand for me here,
57:35 I will stand for you there
57:38 and those who turn many to righteousness...
57:44 they will shine like the stars in the firmament
57:50 forever
57:52 and ever. "
57:54 That is my prayer...
57:56 I pray it is yours
57:58 as we walk through this hour of judgment
58:01 in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2021-04-05