Hope In Motion

Operation Child Rescue

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM001203S

00:02 Child Impact International
00:04 is an organization that gives hope
00:06 and fosters permanent, positive change
00:08 in the lives of disadvantaged children
00:10 and their communities.
00:13 Countries include Zambia, Kenya,
00:17 India, Nepal,
00:19 Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.
00:22 Child Impact's investment
00:23 in the lives of more than 3500 children
00:26 continues to yield infinite returns.
00:29 Outreach spans from child rescue operations
00:32 to providing an education and a home
00:34 for deaf and blind children and orphans.
00:37 Above all, Child Impact's sponsors
00:40 give hope to the ones who need it the most.
01:00 Childhood is a time of discovery,
01:02 joy and love.
01:04 Many of our fondest memories happen at this time.
01:08 However, there are those who are not so lucky.
01:12 For some children in India,
01:13 childhood is a time of loneliness,
01:16 misuse, abuse, and worse.
01:19 Being a child means that you are especially vulnerable
01:22 to human trafficking.
01:24 The situation of a traffic child
01:26 is often hopeless.
01:28 This is where an organization
01:29 run by Child Impact International steps in.
01:33 That organization is Operation Child Rescue.
01:37 Operation Child Rescue seeks to rescue children
01:40 that are in some of the most dire situations imaginable.
01:44 From babies abandoned on the streets,
01:47 to slave labor, and prostitution.
01:49 They seek to not only rescue the children
01:51 from these hopeless situations,
01:54 but also give them a loving environment
01:56 and an education
01:57 so that they can have a bright future.
02:00 It all began when Child Impact saw the huge need in India
02:03 for the rescue of girls
02:05 taking into the sex industry.
02:07 They decided that the best way to address the problem
02:10 would be to form a partnership
02:12 with a non government organization
02:13 in Bangalore.
02:15 Operation Child Rescue was formed as a project
02:18 of Child Impact International to assist children
02:21 that are abandoned or trafficked
02:22 with an initial focus on India.
02:25 Child Impact was excited
02:27 that it could help in some small way
02:29 in giving rescued girls hope.
02:31 The work is being carried forward today by Anita,
02:34 who was the director of Operation Child Rescue.
02:38 Hi, I'm Anita Kanaiya
02:39 with Operation Child Rescue here in Bangalore,
02:42 which is a project of Child Impact International.
02:45 Operation Child Rescue works with as the name suggests,
02:49 children and rescuing them from difficult situations.
02:53 Sometimes it could be children
02:54 who are found begging on the streets
02:56 and have been forced to beg.
02:58 Or it could be children
02:59 who are pushed into child labor situations.
03:02 Or it could be young girls
03:04 who have been sold into slavery.
03:06 So we work not just with these children,
03:09 but we also work with the law enforcement,
03:12 local law enforcement agencies to help rescue children
03:16 from these situations of exploitation.
03:19 And then help to find options for rehabilitation for them.
03:23 So whether it is returning them to their families,
03:26 or finding homes for them to be able to stay,
03:29 or to look at options
03:31 for them to be able to continue education.
03:34 While exact numbers are difficult to find.
03:37 Most non-governmental organizations
03:39 that have looked into it have estimated that
03:41 between 20 to 65 million Indians are trafficked.
03:45 This includes men, women, and children.
03:50 While the Indian Government works to end trafficking,
03:52 it is a huge industry.
03:55 Specific numbers for India are hard to find.
03:57 The International Labor Organization estimates that
04:00 human trafficking is a $150 billion business
04:04 worldwide.
04:06 Even though that number is large,
04:07 the amount of human suffering
04:09 that is caused by that industry is even bigger.
04:12 Even though the problem seems insurmountable,
04:15 Operation Child Rescue is doing a great work
04:18 to save children and change lives.
04:21 It all begins with the rescue.
04:23 So if you're rescuing, say a girl
04:27 who has been sold into slavery, it's very different.
04:31 Because here we have to also look at the,
04:34 you know, the privacy of the individual,
04:38 make sure that they are safe
04:39 and protected and separated from,
04:42 say, the trafficker or from the brothel keepers.
04:45 We also have to collect evidence
04:47 which is again very, very sensitive
04:49 and assist the police
04:51 or the law enforcement with this.
04:53 So there's a huge planning element that goes in.
04:56 The team sits down we make plans.
04:58 We have Plan A,
04:59 if anything goes wrong, then we have Plan B.
05:02 We also have escape routes for every single person.
05:05 We have code names that we use.
05:07 We have the currency that we photocopy
05:10 and keep as evidence beforehand, especially if it's,
05:14 you know, we're rescuing
05:15 from a sexual exploitation situation.
05:18 We have clothing that we specifically wear
05:22 when we go on these rescue operations
05:24 to make sure that nobody grabs a piece of our clothing,
05:27 or especially footwear that we can escape
05:30 easily from there.
05:32 We have disguises and cover ups that we use as well,
05:35 to make sure that people do not recognize us.
05:37 So there's a huge element into the investigation.
05:41 But there's a huge element into the planning as well
05:44 of every rescue operation.
05:46 It can be hard to see how any parent
05:48 would let their child be trafficked.
05:50 Unfortunately, traffickers often use
05:52 the parent's best intentions
05:54 for their children against them.
05:56 I've just had a report from India
05:58 that shows you the lengths that traffickers all go to,
06:02 to be able to take girls
06:04 from their homes and villages.
06:07 This was just a small village.
06:09 And one day a well dressed man came to the village.
06:13 And he said that he was originally from the town,
06:16 and he wanted to give a scholarship
06:19 to three or four young girls in the village.
06:22 The villagers were very excited
06:25 and the fact that their daughters
06:27 were going to have an education.
06:29 And sure enough, three months, two months later,
06:33 their uniforms arrived in a box,
06:35 beautiful uniforms, ready to go to school.
06:39 And then one day, the bus arrived,
06:42 it even had the name on the side of the bus
06:46 of the school,
06:47 they believe they were going to.
06:49 There was a big ceremony
06:51 and they all said goodbye to their girls.
06:53 And they got on their bus and drove away.
06:57 They were never seen again.
06:58 The bus got down the road 20 mile.
07:01 The girls were taken out.
07:03 The uniforms were taken off them.
07:05 And they were thrown into a van and driven clear across India
07:09 to work in the brothels on Bombay.
07:13 This shows you the lengths and depths
07:15 the traffickers all go to deceive the parents.
07:19 Often we wonder,
07:20 "Why would a parent let their child go?"
07:23 But they're normally deceived
07:25 that the child will be better off
07:27 and sometimes they're paid with something.
07:29 Operation Child Rescue just plays a small key role
07:34 in helping rescue these children.
07:37 While the need is great,
07:38 that does not diminish the importance of each life
07:41 that is saved.
07:43 Because while one person saved does not change the world,
07:46 it does change the world for that person.
07:50 Operation Child Rescue not only saves children,
07:53 but also helps each child on an individual basis
07:56 depending on their need.
07:58 When these children are rescued,
08:00 most often these are very young children
08:03 below the age of 18,
08:05 many times below the age of 15.
08:07 And what happens with these children is,
08:10 first we have to ascertain
08:11 whether they need short term care
08:13 and there are homes, short term stay homes,
08:16 or we look into how we can find out
08:19 about where their homes are and where their parents are,
08:21 obviously they've been separated,
08:23 or sometimes they've been sold.
08:25 So these are short term.
08:26 But we also need long term care for children
08:28 who have been abandoned,
08:30 or who have been sold from a different place
08:33 and cannot recollect anything
08:34 about their homes or their families.
08:37 So these children need long term rehab.
08:39 And we ended up putting them
08:41 into some long term rehab options,
08:43 like the government run shelters
08:45 or we have private shelters.
08:47 A caring environment
08:49 for these young women is crucial.
08:50 But in most cases, it is only part of the process
08:53 in gaining their lives back.
08:56 Many of them have had their childhood taken from them
08:58 in horrific ways.
09:00 And it takes time to rebuild.
09:03 That is why Operation Child Rescue
09:05 has a place called the Azadi Home.
09:08 The Azadi Home is vital for children like Nazrim.
09:12 You know, Nazrim's story is that
09:16 she doesn't recollect much.
09:18 But she was actually kidnapped as a baby
09:21 and then sold to somebody in UP, Uttar Pradesh.
09:26 And then from there, she was brought to Bangalore
09:28 with somebody else, another child.
09:30 I mean, she must have been all of eight and nine
09:33 when this was happening.
09:34 And then she was sold to a couple
09:36 who are actually running a brothel.
09:38 So she hadn't seen any life
09:42 apart from exploitation and abuse.
09:46 So for her to be free here, to be able to eat good food,
09:49 she appreciates the smallest things in life
09:52 that most of us would take for granted.
09:55 So every time there's some special meal,
09:57 she'll always say, "Oh, I love the food here."
10:00 Or she, you know, she appreciates the building.
10:02 She appreciates the clothes.
10:04 And now she has a little puppy as well.
10:06 Nazrim? Yes.
10:08 What's your puppy's name?
10:10 Oliver and Olive.
10:12 Yeah, she's named her puppies, Oliver and Olive.
10:16 And she is so protective of those puppies.
10:19 You know, they've given her a reason to kind of a mother,
10:24 mother them.
10:25 Well those that Operation Child Rescue have saved
10:28 went through unimaginable horrors,
10:30 they now have a bright future.
10:33 That bright future is not just for themselves
10:36 because some of them also have children.
10:38 You know, all they're mums.
10:40 They're all single mums.
10:42 And they're all looking to see
10:44 how their children are going to study.
10:47 How they're gonna become doctors,
10:50 and they just have different dreams for them.
10:52 So our dream is to see this next generation,
10:57 just change the situation of exploitation,
11:00 and be able to go to school, be able to study,
11:04 be able to just live a normal life,
11:07 like any other child from a good family would.
11:10 Do you want to sing something? What do you want to do?
11:13 Sing ABCD?
11:15 Okay, let's sing. One, two, three.
11:18 A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
11:23 H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
11:29 L, M, N, O, P,
11:31 Q, R, S, T,
11:35 U, V, W,
11:39 X, Y, Z.
11:42 The effects of saving just one person
11:44 is not limited to that person,
11:46 it ripples out to all the people around them
11:49 and to the next generation.
11:51 These children could look forward
11:53 to a bright future,
11:54 thanks to sponsors and donors like you.
12:06 Hi, I'm Jean, Boonstra,
12:08 associate speaker at the Voice of Prophecy.
12:10 Now, I'm sure that you're aware of the global problem
12:13 of human trafficking.
12:15 And in places in the world like India and Nepal,
12:18 for example, this problem of human trafficking,
12:20 well, it's very real.
12:22 Not long ago, I was in India,
12:24 and I learned a little bit more
12:25 about what happens in that area.
12:28 Young girls are tricked,
12:30 usually girls who are disadvantaged,
12:32 maybe from a poor village or community,
12:35 and they're tricked into becoming part
12:37 of the sex industry
12:38 and into prostitution.
12:40 It's extremely sad.
12:42 And you know, these young girls,
12:44 they're caught in a web and a lifestyle
12:46 that they don't want to be a part of.
12:48 But once they're in it,
12:50 it's very difficult to find a way out.
12:53 When we think about the problem of human trafficking,
12:55 we often think about these girls,
12:58 but it often affects young boys as well.
13:00 Young boys in India, for example,
13:02 they're caught and they're used for child labor.
13:05 They're put into begging rings,
13:07 and they're often taken advantage of as well.
13:10 And it's not just these young girls and boys either.
13:13 This affects infants as well.
13:15 Young babies are left on the side of the road
13:18 abandoned with no one to care about.
13:21 Child Impact International's Operation Child Rescue
13:25 addresses each of these three issues.
13:27 They have an answer, a solution,
13:30 and an opportunity to offer hope
13:32 and a way out for these people caught in human trafficking.
13:36 At Voice of Prophecy,
13:37 we are privileged to partner
13:39 with Child Impact's Operation Child Rescue,
13:42 to help these young girls
13:44 that are caught in prostitution,
13:46 the young boys doing labor at a very young age,
13:49 and these young babies that simply need a home
13:52 and someone to love them.
13:54 It's our privilege
13:55 to partner with Child Impact's Operation Child Rescue,
13:58 and be part of the solution to give that hope.
14:03 Now, is this something that appeals to you
14:05 and would you like to learn more about
14:07 and be a part of this?
14:09 Well, I encourage you to get in touch
14:10 with Child Impact International today.
14:13 They would love to hear from you.


Revised 2021-08-20