Hope In Motion

Ocr Baby Rescue

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM001204S

00:02 Child Impact International
00:04 is an organization that gives hope
00:06 and fosters permanent positive change
00:08 in the lives of disadvantaged children
00:10 and their communities.
00:13 Countries include Zambia, Kenya,
00:17 India, Nepal, Bangladesh,
00:20 Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.
00:22 Child Impact's investment in the lives
00:24 of more than 3,500 children
00:26 continues to yield infinite returns.
00:29 Outreach spans from child rescue operations
00:32 to providing an education
00:33 and a home for deaf and blind children and orphans.
00:37 Above all, Child Impact's sponsors give hope to the ones
00:41 who need it the most.
00:58 The life of every human is precious,
01:00 especially children.
01:02 That is why it's hard to see so many suffer
01:05 because of human trafficking.
01:07 Thankfully, Operation Child Rescue
01:09 works to save these children and give them a bright future.
01:13 Another area that they work in is saving abandoned babies.
01:16 One of the key projects of Operation Child Rescue
01:21 is supporting the baby rescue center in Bangalore, India.
01:26 It's located about an hour out of the city of Bangalore
01:30 and it's run by an Adventist trust
01:33 called the Ashram Trust.
01:40 It's real touching
01:42 when you come to the baby rescue center.
01:44 And you actually see these children
01:46 that have been rescued.
01:47 All rescued from terrible situations,
01:50 left outside police stations, left outside hospitals,
01:54 even found on the side of the road.
01:57 This little boy here was found on the side of the road.
02:00 Operation Child Rescue is just so excited
02:04 that it can be involved in the real rescue
02:06 of these precious little babies.
02:11 Even though it's hard to imagine,
02:12 baby abandonment has been an issue in India
02:15 for many years.
02:17 Seeing the need an organization was formed
02:19 to save these helpless little ones.
02:24 This rescue program has been going on for the past 30 years
02:29 and hospital began
02:33 because of this rescue program.
02:35 As they went from the religious to do some primary health,
02:39 they found babies who are being killed
02:43 or not going by parents.
02:47 Parents do not want female child.
02:50 And that motivated the chairman to begin this program.
02:55 And as it said today we have a viable project going on
03:00 and we rescue a lot of babies through this project.
03:09 The Ashram Trust has a unique relationship
03:12 with the Indian government in that it has a license
03:15 to receive abandoned children.
03:18 It also then has a process, a legal process for adoption
03:24 or placing the children under an appropriate orphanage.
03:28 The Ashram Trust is very committed to finding proper
03:32 and the correct parents for children
03:36 that are abandoned.
03:45 These kids are left on the side of the road,
03:48 often outside a police station or often outside hospitals.
03:53 And this is a haven for them to be brought to.
04:00 There are many different reasons
04:02 why a parent would abandon their baby.
04:04 Unfortunately in India,
04:05 it is often because of the culture.
04:10 The cultural aspect is any girl child
04:12 is looked upon as a curse for the family
04:16 because of the dowry that has to be paid.
04:19 Huge expense that is there.
04:21 And so, every family in the villages want to get rid
04:24 of the girl child.
04:26 They like to have male child.
04:28 And most often, if there is more than one bear,
04:30 female child, then they tried to kill them very quietly
04:35 without even bringing it to the attention of anybody.
04:39 And this is where the government brought
04:41 in a scheme called the cradle, baby cradle program,
04:46 where if they don't want a baby,
04:48 they can come and leave it on the cradle and go
04:50 without anybody's notice.
04:52 And that is one main source
04:54 where we rescue the babies from.
04:58 The need is great.
05:00 According to UNICEF, India has 29.6 million orphaned
05:04 and abandoned children.
05:06 That is a staggering number.
05:08 It is almost a 10th of the amount
05:10 of people that are currently living in the United States.
05:14 What's even sadder is that most
05:15 of these children are not taken care of.
05:18 A study done by Childline India Foundation
05:21 discovered that approximately only 470,000 children
05:24 were in institutionalized care.
05:27 Even though the need is great, the baby rescue
05:30 is doing its part to lower those numbers.
05:33 And to ensure that babies that they rescue
05:35 end up in good homes.
05:37 Yeah, we rescue a child
05:38 and the child comes to us in whatever condition it is.
05:42 It may be sick.
05:43 It may be malnutrition,
05:45 or it may be a challenged child.
05:49 And we take the child
05:50 and we do a thorough medical checkup
05:52 with qualified doctors in the hospitals.
05:55 Then after that, the child is taken care here
05:57 in the home for almost two to two and a half months.
06:00 Within that period, there are the parents
06:04 who are looking for a child to be adopted as their own.
06:09 And they register on the website,
06:11 which is a common website.
06:14 And through that, the request comes,
06:17 then we match the children and the baby
06:21 and the parents.
06:24 And then we'd go through the process of checking
06:26 if the parents will take care of the baby to the last
06:29 and the purpose of which they are adopting these babies.
06:33 And then only we give this baby to them as adoption.
06:37 And they take care of that from that point.
06:38 So, within a matter of six months normally
06:41 every baby is placed in a home
06:44 where they could have a loving care of the parents.
06:48 It is very important that the babies
06:50 end up in a kind loving home.
06:53 If the baby rescue did not ensure the safety
06:55 of the home, there is a danger that the child
06:57 could be sold into slavery or abused.
07:01 But thanks to the baby rescue,
07:03 every infant that comes into their care
07:05 is given the best chance for a bright future.
07:10 The baby rescue receives
07:12 and cares for not just healthy babies,
07:14 but also babies that have a range
07:16 of different health issues.
07:18 Sometimes we have received one baby,
07:20 which was wrapped in a mat and thrown near a market.
07:24 And when the baby cries,
07:26 somebody passes by and sees that,
07:28 and then they call the police and then they call us
07:31 and we will pick it up.
07:32 Those are the worst scenarios,
07:34 and there are very
07:36 badly sick babies
07:41 also come to us.
07:42 We have had a baby which had a multiple organ failure,
07:47 which came here, which we had to take to the hospital
07:50 and spend a lot of money to take care of the baby.
07:53 Those are the very unusual things.
07:57 Children who are challenged physically, babies
07:59 who are challenged physically are brought to us.
08:02 We had a couple from Hosur itself
08:05 who normal couple
08:07 who had a baby with a very large head
08:11 and the parents could not take care of it.
08:13 So they came and gave it to us.
08:15 We took care of the baby for almost four or five months,
08:18 and then the baby could not survive,
08:20 but we gave a proper medical care
08:22 and attention love till the baby lasted with us.
08:26 These are some very unusual circumstances.
08:28 We have to spend a lot of time,
08:31 energy, money, and people who could really,
08:35 really show love and concern for these babies.
08:53 My name is Rashmi, I'm the manager of this home.
08:57 In this adoption unit we have eight children.
09:01 Recently we had a newborn baby.
09:05 That is Mithun.
09:07 He's a new born baby, 27 days old.
09:11 His mother is infected with the HIV.
09:14 So, they are not willing to take care of the baby.
09:17 They handed over to a government,
09:20 the government taking care of the baby.
09:22 After that, they are handed over to our home.
09:26 He's under observation.
09:28 Now he is taking Nevirapine syrup 1.5 ml every day morning.
09:33 After 45 days, we are having a one test.
09:36 He's, after treatment he will,
09:38 he's ready to give for adoption after test.
09:42 He's an abandoned baby,
09:44 the parents have thrown into the bushes
09:45 and around thorns.
09:47 After the government take him from the slum area,
09:51 they have given a treatment for one month.
09:53 After treatment, the government has handed
09:56 over to our care.
10:08 Child Impact through its project Operation
10:10 Child Rescue is very excited that it can help
10:14 the Ashram Trust.
10:15 And we help with supplying the basics for the babies
10:19 themselves, clothing, food, sanitary items,
10:23 and we've even bought some equipment for the home itself.
10:41 Babies are not able to choose
10:42 the place or parents that they are born to,
10:46 but we have a choice in helping to provide them with the food,
10:49 shelter, clothing, and love that they so desperately need.
10:54 Organizations like the baby rescue
10:56 give hope to the helpless,
10:58 but they can only do that because of the generous
11:01 donations from people like you.
11:03 Thank you for giving these little ones a chance at life.
11:57 Hi, I'm Jean Boonstra,
11:58 associate speaker at the Voice of Prophecy.
12:01 Now, I'm sure that you're aware of the global problem
12:04 of human trafficking.
12:06 And in places in the world like India and Nepal,
12:08 for example, this problem of human trafficking,
12:11 well, it's very real.
12:13 Not long ago, I was in India,
12:14 and I learned a little bit more about
12:16 what happens in that area.
12:18 Young girls are tricked,
12:20 usually girls who are disadvantaged,
12:22 maybe from a poor village or community,
12:25 and they're tricked into becoming part
12:27 of the sex industry and into prostitution.
12:30 It's extremely sad.
12:33 And you know, these young girls,
12:34 they're caught in a web
12:35 and a lifestyle
12:37 that they don't want to be a part of.
12:39 But once they're in it,
12:40 it's very difficult to find a way out.
12:43 When we think about the problem of human trafficking,
12:46 we often think about these girls,
12:48 but it often affects young boys as well.
12:51 Young boys in India, for example,
12:53 they're caught and they're used for child labor.
12:56 They're put into begging rings,
12:58 and they're often taken advantage of as well.
13:01 And it's not just these young girls
13:02 and boys either.
13:04 This affects infants as well.
13:06 Young babies are left on the side of the road
13:08 abandoned with no one to care about.
13:11 Child Impact International's Operation
13:14 Child Rescue addresses each of these three issues.
13:18 They have an answer, a solution,
13:20 and an opportunity to offer hope
13:23 and a way out for these people caught in human trafficking.
13:26 At Voice of Prophecy,
13:28 we are privileged to partner with Child Impact's Operation
13:31 Child Rescue, to help these young girls
13:34 that are caught in prostitution,
13:36 the young boys doing labor at a very young age,
13:40 and these young babies that simply need a home
13:43 and someone to love them.
13:44 It's our privilege to partner with Child Impact's Operation
13:48 Child Rescue, and be part
13:50 of the solution to give that hope.
13:53 Now, is this something that appeals to you
13:56 and would you like to learn more about
13:57 and be a part of this?
13:59 Well, I encourage you to get in touch
14:01 with Child Impact International today.
14:04 They would love to hear from you.


Revised 2021-08-30