Healthy Living

High Fat Foods and the Brain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Margot Marshall (Host), Dr. John Clark, Jenifer Skues


Series Code: HL

Program Code: HL000003A

00:15 Welcome to "Healthy Living!"
00:17 I'm your host Margot Marshall.
00:18 Alzheimer's, stroke, poor mental performance - is there a
00:23 common denominator or more than one causing these ailments?
00:27 Find out today on "Healthy Living"
01:05 With me in the studio today, we have Dr. John Clark,
01:08 and Jenifer Skues who is a health psychologist.
01:11 Welcome Jenifer and welcome John! Thank you.
01:15 We have found some ailments today that can cause
01:17 a lot of grief really to the person and to the people
01:22 who love them and we'd be interested to hear
01:25 what you have to say about the underlying cause or causes
01:29 of these problems and whether they can be actually
01:32 remedied in some ways.
01:34 So we're waiting to hear what you have to say about that.
01:37 John, would you like to lead out there.
01:38 Yes, and the story I want to talk about today helps
01:41 illustrate several different ways the brain can be
01:46 compromised by our health habits.
01:49 This lady was a long-time worker at one facility.
01:55 She was well-liked; people thought she was great,
01:58 and when she came around time for retirement,
02:01 they wanted to send her off with a huge party.
02:04 And so, you know how at parties, they bring some of the
02:07 worst foods on the planet, and so they lavished her
02:12 with some of the richest foods and this wasn't her usual diet.
02:16 She was a very healthy person and usually stayed away
02:19 from this kind of thing, but she sort of had the thought,
02:22 "Well, just this once, it's my retirement, I'll just indulge
02:25 and everybody wants me to and they've been so kind to
02:28 bring all this stuff."
02:29 And so, she ate quite a bit of this food and went home
02:36 after the festivities and the next morning,
02:39 she woke up unable to smile with half of her face,
02:43 unable to move half of her body; she had had a stroke.
02:48 My goodness! So just living it up and having some
02:52 party food - you know, a lot of party food.
02:54 That's a bit scary John!
02:57 Definitely. That is a bit scary.
02:59 So what kinds of things might she had been having?
03:03 We're wanting to get down to what it was.
03:05 You know, well the things that might have been
03:07 specifically responsible.
03:09 And what set her up for this?
03:11 Yes, yes! I would like to know too.
03:13 Yeah, we all better avoid this, huh? Yes... laughter.
03:17 And so there's this brain requirement for lots of blood.
03:23 Your brain uses 40% of the blood
03:25 coming out of your heart, at least and what you need
03:28 to have is good blood flow to every part of the brain.
03:31 But there are several things that can
03:33 compromise the blood flow.
03:35 A stroke is often a drop in blood flow to a part of the
03:39 brain dropping so low that the cells can no longer stay alive.
03:44 They literally die. Yes.
03:46 Dead parts of the brain is basically
03:49 the definition of a stroke.
03:51 And so the first thing that can do it is plaque.
03:55 We often think about plaque in the heart. Yes.
03:58 Plaque that keeps the blood from flowing to the heart
04:00 muscle, but this plaque that's in the heart
04:03 can be anywhere in the body. True.
04:05 It can be in the kidneys, the legs, the arms.
04:07 It can be in the brain!
04:08 That's no big surprise there when you think about it
04:11 because if plaque can narrow the big vessels, the arteries,
04:16 and the same blood flows through the little tiny vessels.
04:20 No big surprise that they should also be affected, really.
04:24 Yes, vascular disease is a systemic disease. Yes.
04:28 And so studies of people with plaque in their heart
04:32 show that if the plaque is building up to 80, 90, 99%,
04:38 and they start having angina (heaviness in the chest).
04:42 But it's interesting that on a heart monitor test,
04:46 where we put the little stickers all over your chest
04:48 and look at the screen on the wall, we cannot begin to
04:52 detect if you have any blockage whatsoever until
04:55 the blockage reaches nearly 70%. Oh!
04:59 And the only way we can figure it out if it's less than
05:02 70% would be through invasive techniques like catheterization.
05:07 That's not a good plan, is it?
05:09 That can cause damage of its own, I believe.
05:12 It sure can - angiography and the like and it's expensive.
05:16 So, you really can't tell, even on a treadmill test
05:19 at 70%, if you have heart blockage.
05:23 Which might make you think, "Okay, I've got quite a
05:25 bit of reserve; aw, I can block up to 70% without knowing it."
05:30 Well, that's the heart, but let's talk about the brain.
05:34 Studies of the brain and the blood vessels that feed
05:37 particularly the frontal lobes of the brain,
05:40 show that if the arteries get blocked just 20%,
05:44 the patient has changes on a mental status exam.
05:49 In other words, the doctor questioning the patient
05:51 can tell there's something different here.
05:53 Okay, so it prevents their ability for the brain
05:56 to actually function mentally which brings down their
05:59 mental performance basically, doesn't it?
06:01 That's right! That's right!
06:03 So before we get Alzheimer's or have a stroke,
06:07 we actually have impaired brain function is what you're saying.
06:11 Yes. At 20%.
06:12 At 20% plaque, and so that's a huge difference
06:17 between not being able to detect until at 70%
06:20 and being able to being able to detect something at 20%.
06:24 I know that that just impacts on the quality of life,
06:28 and work performance, and relationships,
06:31 all sorts of impact, doesn't it?
06:34 And it's interesting because at that point,
06:36 mental performance goes down, people often suspect
06:38 something like Alzheimer's, but in actual fact,
06:40 when that happens it can lead to a stroke but it's
06:45 still affecting the mental performance.
06:46 Yeah, and I do get some women who come to me and say,
06:49 "Oh my husband, there's something wrong,
06:51 he's just doesn't remember things as easily,
06:53 and that, but it can be this problem, it doesn't
06:56 necessarily have to be a dementia problem.
06:58 It hasn't reached that stage just yet,
06:59 but the signs are there, just the signs so that would be
07:03 like an early warning sign.
07:05 That something is really wrong.
07:07 And you can be sure, if you have plaque in the heart,
07:10 you'll have it in your brain, it's everywhere. Okay. Yeah.
07:14 And so this is a big issue.
07:16 So here we have a lady who is elderly, I mean I say elderly,
07:20 she is retirement age and she may already have plaque
07:24 in her brain setting herself up for a lower threshold
07:27 to having an ischemic event or no blood
07:30 flowing to a certain part of her brain.
07:33 And so then, the next part of the equation is this...
07:36 You go to the party and you eat foods such as cake
07:40 with frosting - what's frosting?
07:42 Sugar and oil or sugar and lard, or sugar and shortening
07:48 that's hydrogenated fats.
07:50 When you eat that stuff, the fat in the product
07:56 goes in the bloodstream; it causes all the little red
07:58 blood cells to stick together and it lowers the oxygen.
08:02 In one study, after one high fat meal, within 6 hours
08:07 the oxygen on the brain dropped below 70% and it didn't
08:12 return to normal for 3 whole days.
08:17 That's 3 days without your brain. Laughter.
08:21 I don't think I could last quite that long without my brain.
08:23 So, say that again... how much, one high fat meal.
08:28 One high fat meal in the study decreased the oxygen
08:31 on the brain, at 6 hours, below 70%.
08:34 You'd like the oxygen in your brain to be somewhere around
08:37 95% in order to be... To function well. Yes.
08:40 And then that lasted for 3 days.
08:43 And it didn't return to normal for 3 whole days.
08:45 And then if you have high fat meals routinely...
08:48 Yes, some people eat another high fat meal the next day,
08:51 and another high fat meal the next day,
08:53 and some people have never had a fully functioning brain!
08:58 And they just accept it because that's what it is,
09:01 that's what they've lived with and they just wonder,
09:02 "Aw, I'm not with it," or, you know,
09:04 they make reasons or excuses why but it's actually
09:07 the diet that is causing it. Yes. That's correct!
09:09 So is fat the big villain in this particular case?
09:14 In this case, the fat certainly plays a major role,
09:18 but it's also true - any refined foods tend to cause
09:22 little red blood cells to stick together and lower oxygenation.
09:25 So the sugar would also play a role as well in contributing
09:30 to her brain dysfunction.
09:32 So here we have what we're assuming, is a lady
09:35 who probably already had plaque in her brain,
09:38 already compromising blood flow and then on top of
09:40 that, she adds a high fat meal which compromises
09:43 oxygenation of whatever blood is flowing further,
09:47 and you get below the level of survivability
09:49 and part of the brain dies.
09:51 And so one high fat meal, one party, "Oh, I'll just
09:54 go off my diet once; I'll just splurge this once,"
09:58 and you've compromised yourself.
09:59 She spent the rest of her retirement
10:01 being cared for by others. Ohh.
10:04 The sad part is nowadays, they know with strokes
10:07 there's a lot you can do to get the brain to pick up
10:10 and to actually correct the problem
10:12 which is some of the work I do.
10:15 Yes, and well yeah, we need to come to that,
10:17 but I'm just intrigued about some other villains
10:20 that you've got.
10:21 So what else might have been at the party besides the
10:26 high fat, the high sugar and that's typical party food
10:30 isn't it, high fat, high sugar, high salt... going?
10:33 That's right! And another thing that will affect the brain
10:35 is so we said that at 20% blockage, you could detect
10:40 it on a mental status exam.
10:42 There are certain vasoactive substances in certain foods
10:46 that will compromise blood flow to the brain.
10:49 One of those is caffeine - found in colas, found in chocolate,
10:56 found in different types of drinks people use like
10:59 coffee and so here we have an individual who might have
11:03 had chocolate as a main part of...
11:06 Or chocolate cake! ... chocolate cake.
11:08 ... with chocolate icing or frosting! Yes.
11:10 And chocolate ice cream, whatever.
11:12 And so chocolate! So for somebody who drinks
11:16 one cup of coffee, the blood flow is shut down to the brain
11:20 especially the frontal lobes by 30%.
11:23 So what percentage are we down to now?
11:25 We're down 20 with the oxygen and another 30
11:28 with the caffeine - not looking very good is it?
11:31 Not looking too good and what happens when the blood
11:34 gets shut down to your frontal lobes,
11:36 your frontal lobes are where you do your higher thinking.
11:39 It's where you make decisions.
11:40 Where your intelligence is.
11:41 Yes and how you know the difference
11:44 between right and wrong.
11:45 So that would also mean, when you offered the
11:48 next piece of chocolate cake or whatever it is,
11:51 it's more likely to have maybe more of the same.
11:54 That's a little like drinking alcohol.
11:56 The next drink is easier because your inhibitions are down
12:00 further, you've lost more control of yourself.
12:03 Well it's highly likely she probably had a glass of
12:05 wine as well, who knows.
12:07 Who knows! Yes!
12:09 And so here we have a lady who might have had some caffeine
12:14 It's also true that if somebody drinks one cup of coffee,
12:16 they're more likely to share secrets they'd otherwise
12:19 keep confidential.
12:21 Inhibit - so does alcohol!
12:24 I actually didn't realize that about caffeine.
12:27 We know about alcohol.
12:28 So... UHM!
12:30 So that's why we're going to take you out to coffee
12:32 after work and ask you a few questions! Laughter...
12:34 Cake and coffee is the common denominator. OH, okay!
12:37 So let's go to the coffee shop medication.
12:40 They do, they have cake and coffee, don't they?
12:42 Double whammy!
12:44 So it's not just the business lunch, it's the cake and coffee
12:47 that can get you when you're at home - very interesting.
12:50 So compromise brain function
12:52 is what we're talking about here. Yes.
12:54 Another thing that affects the brain, affects function,
12:57 affects whether or not you have a stroke
12:59 is the inflammation level of the brain.
13:02 And for inflammation, the things that raise the
13:05 inflammation in the brain are any foods that are
13:08 created through rotting, spoiling, fermenting, ageing.
13:12 Rotting, spoiling, fermenting, ageing.
13:16 And these are foods that are your cheese - I mean parties
13:20 often have cheese - cheese chunks
13:21 with the little fork in it, whatever.
13:23 Wine, as you mentioned; anything with vinegar, salad
13:27 dressings, ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar is definitely
13:31 going to be an inflammatory agent; soy sauce,
13:35 chocolate itself is a fermented product, so is coffee,
13:38 vanilla - I mean there are a lot of things that are
13:40 not fresh by the time you get them.
13:43 In fact, vanilla has been aged or rotted for like 9 months
13:47 before they get that flavor that you think you like so well!
13:50 Oh, that's interesting!
13:52 They make it with alcohol. Is that the pure vanilla?
13:54 Yes. Is that the pure vanilla
13:55 or is that the imitation?
13:57 The imitation would NOT have the fermentation,
14:00 it's merely a chemical product from a laboratory.
14:04 Well thank you for that, I've been buying pure vanilla
14:06 thinking it was a great thing to do and you're
14:08 telling me it's fermented.
14:09 Definitely fermented, definitely aged,
14:11 definitely full of... Oh!
14:13 And what happens is when the little yeasts and the microbes
14:16 eat on it, it produces toxins.
14:19 They can be aflatoxins; they can be excitotoxins;
14:22 they can be merely false neurotransmitters.
14:26 And some of these false neurotransmitters are like
14:29 tyramine - for somebody suffering from a migraine
14:32 headache, they know to stay away from cheese and wine.
14:35 The reason is tyramine! What does tyramine do?
14:38 It causes a clamping down of the blood vessels in the brain
14:41 just like the caffeine.
14:44 Wow, Jenny have you got some good news?
14:48 Can we just talk about it?
14:49 This is all the bad news. I'm really good news
14:52 about the health.
14:54 Let's just have a little chat about how we might,
14:56 you know... what would you do?
14:57 One of the things I do is see people with strokes,
15:00 and as a health psychologist, I certainly help them to
15:02 change things, but I find mentally and emotionally
15:06 to have a stroke is very stressful and often their
15:09 self-worth and self-esteem goes down;
15:12 and they can get very depressed and even anxious
15:14 that it's going to happen again and it's also about survival.
15:17 So there's a lot I help them to work through.
15:20 But one of the things in the area that we work with as
15:25 a psychologist is the fact that the brain can grow and change.
15:29 Now that's very refreshing because we all want to know.
15:33 We have an amazing brain! Yes!
15:35 God has given us this amazing brain.
15:37 And this is actually good news for someone who might have
15:40 already had a stroke. Yes.
15:41 And so you're saying that there can be a good recovery?
15:45 Well what I do is this can be and there are people who
15:48 have fully recovered from strokes and this is where
15:52 there's a lot people can do to keep their mind
15:54 active like certainly what we're hearing on the dietetic side
15:58 of nutrition and health, and what's good for us or not.
16:01 But what I do is help people to keep their brain alive
16:04 literally is to use it and it's the use it or lose it principle,
16:07 and there was a very good example of what we're
16:09 talking about here - A man by the name of "Pedro,"
16:13 he was 65 years old and he actually had a major stroke,
16:19 and that left him inability to speak; it paralyzed half of his
16:24 body; he couldn't walk or speak.
16:26 They put him through a rehab program and at the end of that
16:29 they said, "Well nothing will fix this, you're incurable,"
16:32 and they sent him home.
16:34 And his son didn't accept that, so he came to live with his
16:37 father and he, first of all, got him flat on the floor and he
16:42 got him to start to move his legs and he would help him
16:45 do the movement to get the muscles going.
16:47 What a blessing to have someone who cared about you enough
16:51 to help you, especially when he had been told that
16:54 really there's no hope because this would have
16:57 probably taken a while for him to do.
17:00 Well it did, it was 12 months that his son worked with him
17:03 in recovery, but initially he got him to crawl and then
17:07 he would get him to stand up against a wall and to get
17:10 mobility and he also used children's games to
17:14 stimulate brain function.
17:16 What sort of children's games?
17:17 Well he didn't say, I'm not sure, but when you look at
17:21 children's games, probably board games and things that
17:24 stimulate brain function.
17:26 Yeah, they get them to think, but in simple terms to start.
17:29 It's like starting back at kindergarten, isn't it?
17:32 That's right! Yeah, that's what he did.
17:34 But because he had already learned all these things,
17:37 his brain grew very quickly and by growth, I mean
17:40 by what we call neuroplasticity, and the brain has the
17:43 capacity to reproduce trillions of cells when it's stimulated.
17:48 So getting him to do these things stimulated
17:51 major brain growth.
17:53 And then the other amazing thing that is like a miracle
17:56 in the brain - the brain can actually change the wiring
18:00 and even though the stroke destroys part of the tissues
18:03 in the brain where that ability to speak no longer exists,
18:06 it's the speech center, the brain can actually
18:08 recreate a new speech center. OH, isn't that incredible!
18:11 And what it does, with the stimulation, it starts to
18:14 wire that in because he could already speak...
18:16 the brain can reproduce it.
18:18 So within 12 months, he then got on to a computer,
18:22 and then he was walking, and he did a virtually full recovery.
18:26 And he had 12 good years where he would go hiking in the
18:29 mountains and he had time with his grandchildren, his family,
18:33 and back in the garden - a highly active man and could
18:36 go back to writing and using his computer.
18:38 And mentally good?
18:39 Mentally very, very good.
18:41 And after 12 years, he actually had a heart attack.
18:44 He was actually out hiking apparently when he had this
18:46 heart attack and died.
18:48 And they did an autopsy and they found that from
18:51 what they call the "cerebral cortex" which is the brain,
18:54 through to his spine and down his spine, there was
18:57 catastrophic damage that was still evident from the stroke.
19:02 But what the brain had done was put in new wiring
19:04 and connections and the nervous system had readjusted
19:07 to pick up that functioning again, but the actual
19:10 physical damage was still evident at the autopsy.
19:12 Isn't that amazing what the brain can actually do.
19:14 We are a miracle when you look at what we can do.
19:18 But I've just got to say for people tuning in...
19:21 Don't just think because of what Jenny just said
19:24 and it can be fixed, but it gives you any reason
19:27 not to take notice of what Dr. Clark has been telling you.
19:30 You don't want to get to that point where I have to fix it.
19:32 Yeah, don't want to get to that point,
19:35 not at all, no - I'm sure you're not really thinking that.
19:38 Was there anything else, Dr. John, that contributes
19:44 to these problems, not just Alzheimer's and stroke,
19:47 but just the brain fault and all that.
19:49 One of the things that will create more inflammation
19:52 in the brain is having any kind of oxidized oils in the diet.
20:01 This would be any oils that have been heat-treated.
20:03 Now you might wonder what I'm talking about here.
20:06 And one of the ways that people heart-treat their oils
20:09 is they fry things. Oh yes.
20:11 Anytime you heat up oils, they deteriorate, especially
20:14 if they're in the presence of oxygen.
20:15 And when you get oxidized oils in the body,
20:18 then those oxidized oils cause damage to cells,
20:22 it causes damage to protein.
20:24 That protein gets messed up and it ends up in the
20:28 brain as sludge and when we go testing for Alzheimer's
20:33 we go looking for this sludge and we call it "amyloid,"
20:36 and we discover that the patient has Alzheimer's.
20:39 But really, was the sludge just another evidence that you
20:43 had oxidized oils along with Alzheimer's.
20:46 And so really, what's happening here is you end up
20:49 oxidizing your brain capacity through these free radicals,
20:53 is what they are, free radicals that were made in your
20:57 frying pan in your kitchen.
20:58 So if you want to make free radicals, just take the best
21:01 cold-pressed/cold-processed olive oil, put it in a frying
21:04 pan, heat it up and then you have a toxic potion
21:08 that can help you achieve Alzheimer's
21:10 in a short amount of time.
21:12 So any oil, any refined oil or fat can be
21:15 oxidized just by frying.
21:17 Refined oils or even unrefined oils - they don't
21:21 handle heat well and so you're better off not heating oils,
21:25 especially if, you know, if you want to avoid Alzheimer's.
21:28 So fast-foods are not really a good idea.
21:31 As they're made in most places, they do contain
21:34 high amounts of oil.
21:36 Now on the other hand, when we're talking here about
21:38 neuroplasticity and recreating the brain,
21:41 you want to support the brain with a good nutritional
21:44 approach and, first of all, we said blood flow is a
21:47 problem and so you want to improve blood flow.
21:50 And so if you're going to improve blood flow,
21:52 you want to get fresh oils from their source;
21:56 eat nuts and seeds.
21:57 For example - walnuts are very good at helping
21:59 blood flow through the omega 3s, flaxseed via a
22:03 similar mechanism and so eating
22:05 good food in that way; avocados when you...
22:07 I was just going to say "avocados,"
22:09 they're brilliant for that. Um hm.
22:10 And olives, and so you're looking at good sources
22:14 of fats that would be a benefit, but I'm not saying
22:17 that fats are the answer if you want to
22:19 stock up too much on fats.
22:20 It's better not to eat more than 10% of your diet
22:23 as nuts, for example.
22:24 And so the other thing that helps blood flow
22:27 are foods that are high in water and high in
22:30 vitamin C and vitamin E.
22:32 So what foods are high in water?
22:35 Most of your fruit is at least 93 to 98% water. Okay.
22:39 And so some of the best fruits for this would be like
22:43 pineapple because it's high in vitamin C, it's also got
22:46 bromelain which helps inflammation and blood flow.
22:49 Grapefruit help blood flow particularly to the brain,
22:53 it makes the blood more slippery, if you please.
22:55 I love grapefruit.
22:56 Berries of any kind.
22:58 That makes one of us. Laughter.
23:01 I find it a bit challenging.
23:04 Is there anything equivalent to grapefruit in the citrus?
23:08 Pomelos! Alright.
23:12 And so the grapefruit is sort of unique,
23:14 it's got some special properties.
23:16 But garlic is good for keeping the blood flow,
23:19 so while Jenny is eating her grapefruit,
23:21 you can eat your garlic. Yes.
23:22 Oh, so garlic will help keep stroke away
23:26 and keep your friends away. Laughter.
23:27 Helps with social distancing, you don't spread disease.
23:31 No, it's actually delicious, I love garlic.
23:35 I've got an interesting story about a friend of mine
23:40 whose husband has got Alzheimer's and they were
23:41 advised to stimulate brain function.
23:43 This comes back to the neuroplasticity again.
23:46 And they can afford to do this but they
23:49 used to do a lot of traveling, so they decided they would
23:52 do a lot of traveling but do it on ships because
23:56 it's a confined space, it's a manageable chunk and that has
24:01 really helped him a lot.
24:02 And it's interesting because even though certain things
24:05 in his memory are disappearing, he still can use
24:08 the short-term memory like in looking at photos,
24:11 and the stimulation of that has stimulated new brain growth.
24:15 So there's a lot you can do even with Alzheimer's
24:17 to help to slow it down; you know, if it is a
24:20 disease that's taking over and to actually keep the brain
24:23 more alive instead of it deteriorating so quickly.
24:27 And what about exercise, does that kind of...
24:31 A silly question. Certainly!
24:33 Yes, thanks for asking, we don't want to miss that.
24:36 Oh yeah, the oxygenation of the brain and a
24:38 healthy body supports a healthy brain.
24:41 And so physical activity, especially getting out
24:44 and getting the heart pumping, is going to have
24:47 the effect to help more blood flow to the brain.
24:50 It opens up the blood vessels and you want to make
24:53 sure you're well-hydrated for that as well.
24:55 And so physical activity also puts the brain to work
24:59 at coordinating your muscles, so you're
25:02 stimulating that part of your brain.
25:04 Certainly important also, exercise mentally.
25:09 And so people wanting to recover from a stroke
25:13 or from any of this Alzheimer's or degenerative brain disease,
25:18 they need to use the brain.
25:20 If you don't use it, you... LOSE IT!
25:23 That's what you were just saying, Jenny, and this is
25:25 much of what you do, isn't it?
25:27 Yes, I help motivate people and get them to set
25:30 realistic goals, small goals and
25:33 this is why I've studied lifestyle and the
25:35 nutritional medicine side of it
25:37 because it's a whole package. It's a package!
25:39 Yeah and so I do a lot of doing the whole package
25:42 with people - as well as getting them to use
25:44 their mind and to learn to think the right way,
25:47 and to change the old beliefs and values that have
25:51 keeping them stuck in this way of life.
25:54 Cause it's a lot to give up a lifestyle where you've had
25:56 all this junk food.
25:58 Oh it is!
25:59 It is, most people cannot just go and let's it?
26:02 all change overnight, very rare.
26:05 You have to help them and motivate them and help
26:07 them to set the goals and to try new foods and to
26:10 look at an area like a chunk or an area they CAN change.
26:14 But with exercise, it might be, and we talked a bit
26:17 about this before, it might be just halfway around the block
26:19 or out to the front, around the garden and then they'll
26:23 start to be stimulated and motivated to doing more.,
26:25 so I'm doing that with them. Yes!
26:27 On that exercise question, I remember reading a study
26:30 a while ago where they had two groups of people
26:35 who had Alzheimer's, and they were trying improve their
26:39 communication skills.
26:40 So one group, they didn't change anything,
26:43 and the other group, they put them on an exercise program
26:48 and they had a 40% increase in communication skills.
26:53 And the other group actually was given communication
26:57 counseling and assistance with that, but the ones who just
27:01 did the exercise had a 40% increase!
27:03 So that's incredible, isn't it?
27:05 And that helps us not to get it as well.
27:07 So these have been wonderful
27:09 things that you've shared. John, have you got...
27:10 We had some friends who were fairly health-conscious,
27:14 and their mother was getting older, she was widowed.
27:18 She was living down in Florida.
27:19 She was eating on her own, choosing foods that are
27:22 easy to grab at the grocery store pre-prepared,
27:25 and she developed Alzheimer's.
27:27 And so since she wasn't able to take care of herself
27:30 down in Florida, they moved her up with them in Minnesota;
27:33 put her on their good lifestyle and good diet,
27:36 and homemade foods, she totally cleared up!
27:38 Her Alzheimer's totally disappeared.
27:40 She's back to normal!
27:41 I believe that can happen.
27:43 Do you know, the father of medicine - as he's often
27:46 called, "Hippocrates," 200 years before B.C.,
27:50 he said, "Let food be your medicine - you can probably
27:54 finish that... and medicine be your food."
27:56 Well that's all we have for today - what we have time for,
28:00 but you can view our programs on demand by visiting our
28:03 website:
28:07 and just click on the watch button.
28:09 And you can also download our fact sheets and if you have a
28:12 health concern that you'd like to discuss
28:14 with Dr. John Clark or to Jenifer, send it to:
28:18 healthyliving@3abn.australia.
28:22 and please join us next time for more secrets of healthy living.


Revised 2019-06-20