Heart Lift

Sadness: Identifying the Source

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone


Series Code: HLFT

Program Code: HLFT000008A

00:25 Hello and welcome to "Heartlift."
00:27 I'm Jill Morikone, and I'm so glad
00:29 you have joined us today.
00:31 We're on a journey toward hope, toward healing,
00:34 toward the transformation that the Lord Jesus Christ
00:37 wants to work in your life and in mine
00:40 as woman of God, as his daughters.
00:44 If you're just joining us for the first time,
00:46 we began with several programs on forgiveness,
00:49 the forgiveness that the Lord Jesus Christ
00:51 wants to extend to us.
00:53 He wants to pour into us, so that we can in turn
00:56 extend it to someone else.
00:58 The last couple programs dealt with fear
01:01 and how God wants to break
01:03 asunder the bands of the wicked one.
01:07 Today, we're beginning a journey, several programs,
01:11 dealing with sadness, pain and loss.
01:15 And how God says,
01:16 "You don't have to stay stuck in that.
01:18 You don't have to be mired in that clay.
01:21 I can set you free.
01:23 I can turn your pain, your sorrow into joy."
01:27 In fact, our scripture talks about that.
01:30 Psalm 30:5, Psalm 30:5, it says,
01:36 "Weeping may endure for a night,
01:39 but joy comes in the morning."
01:42 Let's pray.
01:43 Father, we thank You, thank You that no matter
01:47 what we've experienced in life,
01:50 because of something Satan has thrown in our way,
01:53 because of the world of sin we live in.
01:55 Whatever pain my sisters at home are going through,
01:59 I thank you that you see, that you know,
02:03 that you care and understand and not only that,
02:07 you want to bring peace and even joy.
02:11 Right now we open up our hearts for Your healing
02:15 and we thank You in Jesus' name.
02:17 Amen.
02:19 I had my hands in the bread dough.
02:21 I was busily making bread.
02:24 And all of a sudden, the phone range.
02:27 Gingerly I picked it up because my hands were sticky
02:30 and I picked it up and I kind of cradled it
02:33 to my ear like this while my hands were dirty.
02:36 And I recognized the voice of our doctor.
02:42 Instantly in that moment when I heard his voice,
02:45 my mind traveled back through the years
02:49 on the journey that Greg and I had been traveling on.
02:54 You see, when we first got married,
02:57 when we first said I do,
03:01 our dream, our goal was to have a family.
03:04 I think most people would say that,
03:07 most couples when you get married,
03:09 pretty soon you think, after a couple of years,
03:13 our home is gonna be filled with laughter
03:15 and runny noises with childish prattle
03:19 and little kids, little kids to mould
03:23 and to train for the Lord Jesus.
03:27 However, our home remained quiet,
03:31 safe for the test laid flat on the bathroom countertop.
03:37 You know, the one with a little two pink lines
03:39 we're supposed to have, not pregnant again.
03:44 Why God?
03:45 We waited a year before going to the doctor
03:48 because that's what all the experts say.
03:51 You are not even considered infertile
03:54 until you can't conceive after one year of trying.
03:59 We waited a year, then we went to the doctor.
04:03 They did a round of tests and they said,
04:06 "We can't accurately diagnose what's going on.
04:09 You need to go to some specialist."
04:12 They send us up to St. Louis here in Southern Illinois.
04:15 If you want further medical help,
04:18 you go to St. Louis.
04:20 We went up to St. Louis.
04:22 We went to the fertility clinic there
04:24 and did more tests to ascertain why couldn't we have kids.
04:30 And all of a sudden, here I am,
04:33 my hands in the bread dough,
04:38 This might be the moment of reckoning.
04:40 And amazingly, it was.
04:42 He actually told me the news over the phone
04:45 instead of in the office.
04:47 He said, "Ma'am,
04:49 I'm so sorry but I have bad news for you.
04:52 And you and your husband are infertile."
04:55 He used words like rear, confusing
05:00 but all of that, all I heard was infertile.
05:03 There was a click in the dial tone
05:05 and I was left holding the phone.
05:07 You can't really pass that type of news out
05:10 over the phone, at least I couldn't.
05:12 Greg was at work and there was no way,
05:14 I can call him on the phone and say, hey,
05:15 we got the results, guess what, we can't have kids.
05:17 I couldn't do that.
05:19 And so, but I couldn't stand the house
05:21 and I just remember as if it were yesterday,
05:24 tears streaming down my face,
05:26 I ran out of the house down our gravel road.
05:32 We live in the country.
05:35 There is nice gravel road.
05:38 It was spring time when this happened
05:40 and the leaves were just unfurling
05:42 their spring time green.
05:44 The sky was a brilliant blue overhead
05:46 and the birds were singing.
05:48 But all I could feel, all I knew was a devastation
05:54 of our hopes and our dreams.
05:58 I cried and I talk to God and I cried and I walked.
06:01 And then pretty soon for that moment,
06:03 I sort of ran out of tears.
06:05 And then it was like, in that moment I felt
06:08 God speak to me, not a voice, but a whisper.
06:11 You know when the Holy Spirit speaks to you.
06:13 And he said, "Jill, my precious daughter,
06:17 count your blessings."
06:19 Had I heard right?
06:22 I wanted a little pity
06:24 and God was concerned with praise.
06:27 I had no idea what God was doing,
06:29 but I really wanted to follow Him.
06:32 And so I searched my mind, what are my blessings,
06:37 that tells you the frame of mind I was in
06:39 because I have the ton of blessings.
06:41 What are my blessings, and so I thought,
06:43 oh, I have a good husband.
06:45 So, God, I thank you for Greg.
06:47 I thank You that he is the man of God
06:48 and I began to thank God for Greg.
06:51 Then I said, God, thank You for my family,
06:54 thank You for my friends.
06:56 Thank You for ministry and church.
06:58 And then pretty soon my praise began to center
07:01 around God, His goodness, His faithfulness, His love.
07:08 You know what happened?
07:09 A change occurred at that moment in my heart.
07:14 I began to see the rainbow as it came out after the rain.
07:19 I could see the leaves.
07:20 I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face.
07:23 I could hear the birds singing again.
07:26 Now, that's not to say
07:28 that we didn't go through more battles with this grief.
07:33 But that is to say that in that moment,
07:36 God brought me relief.
07:39 I don't know what pain you're struggling with
07:43 in your life right now.
07:45 Maybe you're dealing with the loss of the loved one,
07:48 someone that you love more than your life itself
07:50 and the pain is so sharp, you can hardly breathe.
07:55 Maybe you're in the midst of the painful divorce
07:58 and it seems like death is preferable to life.
08:02 Maybe you can't even identify the source of your sorrow,
08:06 but it seems like you walk everyday
08:08 under a perpetual gray mist,
08:10 cloudy skies and you can't find the face of Jesus.
08:15 No matter when you feel you are right now,
08:19 God says I know, I hear, I love you and I understand
08:26 and He wants to bring deliverance.
08:28 Let's go to our self evaluation.
08:30 We want to do this at the start of each emotion
08:33 that we're dealing with here with Heartlift.
08:35 Our self evaluation is
08:36 how much does sorrow and sadness affect my life?
08:40 Number one.
08:42 Sorrow fills my every waking moment,
08:43 and haunts my dreams at night.
08:46 I'm depressed and wonder why God created me.
08:50 Life is a burden.
08:52 Maybe you are in that depressed state right now.
08:55 Number two.
08:56 I walk under a perpetual mist,
08:58 and just can't seem to find the sun.
09:01 I can't identify the source of my sorrow or my pain,
09:05 but every day feels gray and cloudy.
09:07 I just can't find the face of Jesus.
09:11 Number three.
09:12 I experience the normal ups and downs of everyday life.
09:16 Days when I feel happy and satisfied,
09:19 and other times when I feel sad, or a bit down.
09:23 And number four.
09:24 Joy fills my heart and even bubbles over.
09:28 I experienced the normal hurts and frustration of life,
09:32 but as soon as they arise, I surrender them to Jesus,
09:36 and He enables my soul to rise above my circumstances
09:40 to the realm of joy and peace.
09:42 I don't know where you feel you are in those descriptions.
09:45 Wherever you are, it's okay, because God says,
09:48 He came to turn our sorrow into joy.
09:54 We're going to look at two different
09:56 types of sorrow that we experience.
09:58 I think the first type is sorrow from loss.
10:02 There was a tightly-knit home.
10:05 All day had squabbles as most childhood kids do.
10:10 But as they grew up, somehow their bond deepened
10:13 and they became closer.
10:15 When they were adults, they became friends
10:18 with the radical new rabbi there in Israel.
10:21 His name was Jesus.
10:23 In fact, Jesus loved them so much
10:26 that he came often to their home,
10:28 two sisters and a brother.
10:30 He came often to their home and He visited with them.
10:35 I'm sure you know by now who we're talking about.
10:37 This is Mary and Martha and Lazarus.
10:41 And the Bible doesn't say what happened to Lazarus.
10:44 It just says that he became sick.
10:47 We don't know, did it begin with the cold,
10:50 then did he have a fever, what caused the sickness,
10:53 we have no idea?
10:54 But we do know at one point,
10:56 the sisters became very worried
10:59 and they sort of feared for his life,
11:01 so they send the message to Jesus.
11:03 I'm in John 11.
11:04 John 11, they send the message to Jesus in verse 3,
11:09 "Lord who you love, the man you love is sick."
11:12 And in verse 4 he says, when Jesus heard that,
11:16 the news that Lazarus was sick.
11:19 He said, "This sickness is not unto death
11:22 but for the glory of God that the Son of Man
11:25 might be glorified through it."
11:29 And amazingly, Jesus stayed.
11:32 Remember that, Jesus stayed,
11:34 He stayed where he was.
11:35 He didn't go to the home of Mary,
11:38 Martha and Lazarus although He loved them.
11:41 He didn't go to their home, He waited,
11:45 Lazarus died.
11:47 The sister grief, I'm sure was unimaginable
11:51 because they thought, we know someone
11:53 who could have healed him,
11:54 but now what can He do, Lazarus is dead.
11:57 And so they buried him.
11:59 Four days after the burial, Jesus shows up.
12:02 And you know what He does?
12:04 He brings Lazarus back to life.
12:08 you know, Jesus said in John 11:4,
12:11 "The sickness is not unto death,
12:12 but for the glory of God."
12:15 God was working all things out for good.
12:18 Even though Martha and Mary didn't know it at that time.
12:24 You see, if God had healed a sick Lazarus
12:27 that would have been a small miracle
12:29 and most certainly a blessing,
12:31 but when He raised the four days dead
12:34 Lazarus back to life,
12:37 the story of that miracle was unstoppable.
12:41 Maybe someone that you love is suffering
12:44 with disease right now and you're watching someone
12:47 that you love suffer know
12:49 that the Lord Jesus Christ is sitting beside you,
12:53 that He loves you, that His tears are even
12:57 mingling with yours.
12:59 Matthew 11:28, He says,
13:02 "Come to Me, all you who labor
13:04 and are heavy laden. I want to give you rest."
13:09 John 16:20, He says,
13:11 "I want to turn your sorrow into joy."
13:16 And then Deuteronomy 33, I'm jumping over here
13:19 because I can't quote it, Deuteronomy 33:27,
13:23 "The eternal God is your refuge,
13:25 and underneath are the everlasting arms."
13:28 The arms of Jesus can carry you through the pain,
13:33 through the sadness and those difficult points in your life.
13:38 And it says, "He would thrust out the enemy
13:40 from before you and say, 'Destroy."
13:44 'Maybe what you're dealing with,
13:46 the sorrow that you're dealing with
13:48 has nothing to do with disease or sickness or death.
13:51 Maybe it's the loss of a dream.
13:53 It's the loss of the job you always wanted
13:56 or the marriage you never had.
13:59 It's the loss of health you had always hoped for
14:02 or the money you never had,
14:05 the house you always wanted to live in
14:07 or the children you could never have.
14:10 In the midst of our infertility journey,
14:12 Greg wrote down a question that really stuck with me.
14:17 He said, "How do you let go of something you never had."
14:22 Now, this is true, not only for Greg and I,
14:24 for whatever dream you might have had
14:28 that is not being realized, that you can't achieve.
14:32 How do you let go off something you can have,
14:36 you never had.
14:38 We talked about sorrow from loss.
14:41 There is also sorrow from choice.
14:46 An anguish cry burst forth in the Sanhedrin's chambers.
14:52 You could hear the tinkle of silver as it was cast
14:55 at the feet of the high priest.
14:58 And Judas, one of the twelve apostles,
15:01 one of the men who betrayed the Son of God
15:03 and saying, "He is an innocent man,
15:07 let me return this silver."
15:09 We find that story in Matthew 27.
15:13 Matthew 27, we're gonna read verses 1 through 5.
15:17 "When morning come, all the chief priests
15:19 and elders of the people, they plotted against Jesus,
15:22 they wanted to put him to death.
15:24 And when they had bound him, they led him away,
15:26 and delivered him to Pontius Pilate,
15:28 the governor."
15:30 Then Judas, he is starting to feel a little bit of remorse.
15:35 "His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned,
15:37 was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver
15:42 saying I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."
15:46 And they said, "Why do we care?
15:49 What is that to us?
15:51 You seeded that and so he threw down
15:53 the thirty pieces of silver and he went out
15:57 and he hanged himself.
15:59 I don't think Judas is sorrow for what he did was
16:03 because of a love for Jesus.
16:05 Neither was it from the conviction
16:07 that he himself had sold the Son of God,
16:10 his sorrow was the fact
16:12 that Jesus hadn't freed himself.
16:15 That Jesus hadn't set up
16:17 his earthy kingdom that his plans had gone awry,
16:22 that his conniving and greed had failed
16:24 to achieve his heart's desire.
16:27 I believe there is two ways
16:28 that we can experience sorrow from choice.
16:32 Sorrow from choice sounds a bit hard, doesn't it?
16:35 To me it does. But hear me out.
16:38 The first way experience sorrow
16:40 from choice is by the poor choices that we make.
16:44 Let me explain.
16:46 Galatians 6, Galatians 6:7, 8
16:51 is the law of sowing and reaping.
16:56 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked,
16:58 whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
17:03 For he who sows to his flesh
17:05 will of the flesh reap corruption,
17:07 but he who sows to the Spirit
17:09 will of the Spirit reap life everlasting."
17:13 We reap what we sow.
17:16 That's a biblical principle.
17:17 We can sow negative emotions or negative feelings.
17:21 Maybe I can sow selfishness,
17:23 revenge, jealousy.
17:26 You know what I'm going to reap?
17:27 A bountiful harvest of broken relationships,
17:31 bitterness of soul, betrayal.
17:34 For we don't always sow emotions,
17:37 we can sow positive emotions,
17:40 not just negative.
17:44 Well, if you show, sowed love, kindness,
17:48 forgiveness, you could reap friendship,
17:52 peace and even joy, that's the emotions
17:57 that we can sow.
17:59 What if we sow decisions?
18:02 We might sow a bad decision.
18:04 I might say, I know this man is not godly,
18:08 but I'm going to change him
18:09 and he is going to come to Jesus
18:11 after we're married.
18:13 What going to happen?
18:15 You might reap a bitter, turbulent marriage.
18:18 Maybe even divorce.
18:21 Maybe you'll say,
18:22 you're so bad with financial decision
18:25 and you'll say I know I should not co-sign
18:28 for my friend but they're my friend,
18:32 they're not gonna default on the loan.
18:33 I know, I don't have the money if they do default
18:36 but I'll still co-sign anyway.
18:39 What's gonna happen?
18:40 At the very least
18:41 you're gonna reap some financial hardship
18:43 if your friend defaults on that loan.
18:47 What if we sow choices in entertainment?
18:49 And we say, I can watch anything,
18:52 I can do anything,
18:54 it doesn't matter because I'm strong in Jesus.
18:57 We might reap a severance or disconnect
19:01 in our walk with Jesus.
19:04 But sowing decisions works on the positive side as well.
19:08 We might choose a godly spouse
19:09 and reap a beautiful marriage
19:11 and an abundant happiness in this life
19:15 and in the life to come.
19:16 We might make wise financial choices
19:18 and reap financial blessings.
19:21 We might make discerning entertainment choices
19:24 and reap a closer, closer walk with Jesus.
19:29 Now, there is a biblical principal
19:32 at work here.
19:33 Remember Romans 8:28, God says,
19:37 "All things work together for good,
19:38 to those who love him, to those who are called
19:40 according to his purpose."
19:44 and you're saying, okay, Jill, there is no hope for me.
19:47 I sowed a bad decision,
19:49 there is nothing I can do about it.
19:52 That's not the case.
19:54 God says, "Come to Me right now
19:57 and He wan turn even your bad decision,
20:00 the situation you're in now,
20:02 He can turn that around for good.
20:06 That is the power of the gospel.
20:08 Joel 2:25, it says, "I will restore to you
20:15 the years that the locust has eaten,
20:18 the crawling locust, the chewing locust,
20:21 the consuming locust."
20:23 He really covers all those locusts.
20:24 But what he is saying is that even if we've made bad choices,
20:29 God can redeem our past.
20:32 You don't have to live today
20:35 and that guilt or condemnation
20:36 of what you've done in the past,
20:38 go to God, confess and know that from today,
20:42 He can work to restore your past.
20:46 I think there's two ways that we experience
20:48 sorrow from choice.
20:49 The first is in the choices that we make.
20:51 The second is in not responding to trials
20:54 and afflictions God's way.
20:58 Let me explain.
20:59 We all experience sorrow.
21:01 We all experience bitterness of heart.
21:03 We all experience times when we have grief,
21:08 but what do we do with it?
21:09 Do we choose to wallow in that,
21:12 even while it turns to self pity,
21:15 into bitterness of spirit
21:17 or do we choose to surrender in the midst of our pain
21:20 and allow God to pour His healing into our lives
21:25 and to turn our sorrow into joy.
21:28 I think sorry from loss
21:30 leads one of two different ways.
21:32 It can lead me closer to God.
21:34 Psalm 16:11, "You will show me the path of life:
21:38 in your presence is fullness of joy,
21:40 at your right hand are pleasures for ever more."
21:45 God, if I turn to God, if I surrender,
21:48 God can turn my sorrow into joy.
21:53 Perhaps, you have met women
21:56 who have been deeply hurt.
21:58 Women who have struggled in their own walk with God,
22:02 who have been hurt by death, by divorce,
22:05 by whatever, yet they still radiate joy and peace.
22:09 They still live for Jesus.
22:11 What has happened?
22:13 They've turned to God in their pain
22:16 and they allowed Him to comfort them
22:20 and they allowed Him to work in their lives.
22:25 2 Corinthians 1, 2 Corinthians 1:3,
22:30 "God says blessed be the Father
22:32 and God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
22:34 the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort,
22:37 who comforts us in our tribulation."
22:41 So that we in turn extend this comfort to someone else.
22:45 What does God say?
22:46 Of course, all things aren't good.
22:49 Of course, there's pain and there's sorrow,
22:51 but in the midst of that, if we turn to God,
22:54 if we allow Him to work in our hearts and lives,
22:59 He will pour His comfort into us,
23:01 so that we can extend that to someone else.
23:05 Sorrow from choice.
23:07 If we experience sorrow from loss,
23:10 we can either have it push us towards God
23:13 and toward fullness of joy
23:15 or we can choose to have it push us away from God.
23:20 Perhaps, you have met women
23:22 who maybe have been divorced for years,
23:24 yet their bitterness, their vindictive spirit,
23:27 their self pity is as strong as the day they were divorced.
23:32 They've indulged that spirit and it has grown
23:35 and taken route in their hearts.
23:38 No matter where you feel you are right now,
23:41 the Lord Jesus says, it doesn't matter
23:43 what you've done in the past, I can forgive and I can redeem
23:48 whatever you've done in the past.
23:50 It doesn't matter what pain you're experiencing right now,
23:54 He says, "Turn to Me
23:57 and I can turn your sorrow into joy."
24:01 Our next two programs, we want to look at the steps,
24:06 the keys the Lord Jesus Christ can take you and I on
24:10 to experience fullness of joy in His presence,
24:13 to experience peace.
24:15 Once again, to experience His joy.
24:19 We're gonna take a short break at this time
24:22 and when we come back, we're going to be discussing
24:25 a practical application, something you can do this week.


Revised 2016-02-18