Heaven's Point of View

The Gift Of The Holy Spirit Part. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Hal Steenson (Host)


Series Code: HPOV

Program Code: HPOV000001

00:01 Hello, I'm
00:03 and I'd like to welcome you to Heaven's Point of View.
00:04 Our topic for this new series is the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
00:07 We'll be answering many of your questions about the Holy Spirit
00:10 and His gifts, such as, Do you know what the gifts
00:13 of the Holy Spirit are? Do you know the proper operation
00:16 of the gifts according to the Word of God?
00:18 Do you understand the necessity and value of receiving
00:22 the Holy Spirit? And are you familiar with the main purpose
00:24 of God's Holy Spirit as first given to the church?
00:27 And are any of the gifts of the Holy Spirit still valid
00:31 for this present-age church?
00:34 So, don't go away, because we are going to answer all these
00:37 questions and many more from Heaven's Point of View.
01:01 As many of you know, I was a charismatic Pentecostal minister
01:04 for almost 20 years. I was involved in and associated with
01:08 the gifts and the workings of the Holy Spirit in almost
01:10 every service where I officiated or attended.
01:13 I demonstrated and observed what I then believed to be the
01:17 true manifestation of all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit
01:20 as listed in I Corinthians 12. However, I now realize that
01:24 many of those manifestations were merely demonstrations
01:28 of the flesh that produced no fruit for the kingdom of God.
01:33 Several people have asked me how I could possibly stand before
01:36 the entire world and admit that I was in error concerning
01:39 the correct interpretation of God's Word.
01:41 I can do this because the Word of God is true and
01:44 anything contrary to it is a lie.
01:46 One brother told me that it was impossible to change horses
01:49 in the middle of the stream. I responded that I didn't
01:52 change horses, I just got off the one I was on because
01:55 it was the wrong horse going the wrong direction.
01:57 I then made it to the shore of the truth of God's Word
02:01 and got on the same horse that Jesus will be riding.
02:04 For the first time in my Christian life,
02:07 I am at peace with myself. I don't have to perform
02:10 for God's children, and I now know that God's love for me
02:14 is not based on performance.
02:33 I have been set free from the pressure of every church service
02:37 having to be more powerful than the previous one.
02:40 I no longer have to try and come up with some new, heavy
02:43 revelation to stimulate the congregation.
02:46 I do not have to preach the same thing that the big shot
02:50 preachers are preaching in order to be in tune with God.
02:53 I now rely on the power of God's Word and the demonstration
02:58 of the Holy Spirit. The series that we are beginning
03:02 here today will reveal the truth and the necessity of the gifts
03:06 of the Holy Spirit. Please keep me in your prayers
03:09 as I counteract the counterfeit with the truth of God's Word.
03:17 Have you ever wondered how Ellen White did it?
03:19 How did she go so deep into the truth of God's Word?
03:22 How did she leave such a legacy of end-time interpretation
03:26 of Scriptures for our church so we could move forward
03:29 in the faith? I'm sure that you'll say, Oh, that's easy.
03:32 She had the gift of the spirit of prophecy. That's correct -
03:35 but at the same time, there had to be more to it.
03:38 She had the same Bible that we use today yet there is little
03:41 current enlightenment in our present-day church.
03:44 I believe Ellen White used the Word of God as her map.
03:47 This map included the Old Testament, the New Testament
03:51 that we use to study to show ourselves approved unto God
03:54 a workman that need not be ashamed but rightly dividing
03:57 the word of truth. Christian Education states:
05:31 Now this is from Christian Education page 86, paragraph 2.
05:35 The map, the Word of God, she used was explored, charted
05:39 and penned by the Lewis and Clark patriarchs of old such as
05:43 Isaiah, Daniel, the Pauls, the Johns, the Peters
05:47 and all the writers of the Gospels.
05:48 They detailed every river of life
05:51 and every tributary of truth so we wouldn't
05:54 wander around in the wilderness of want for the truth.
05:57 Their charting of the truth has kept us from stumbling over
06:01 man's misconceptions and misinterpretation of God.
06:05 Because we have the map of God's Word, we know where we've been
06:09 we know where we are, and we know where we're going.
06:12 But are we sure we know how to chart that final destination
06:17 to our Lord? The Christopher Columbuses
06:20 and the Lewis and Clarks used a remarkable device
06:23 to boldly go where most men have never gone before.
06:26 That device was a compass. Something so simple and yet
06:30 without it they would have ended up going in circles
06:32 accomplishing absolutely nothing.
06:34 Something as simple as a compass kept them on the right track
06:37 and going in the right direction. The compass
06:40 the early explorers used was the common kind
06:42 we are all familiar with in our society.
06:44 It is a magnetic north compass. It can be purchased at almost
06:47 any Wal-Mart store. It's an amazing little instrument
06:50 that tell us what direction we are headed in
06:52 by a needle always pointing to magnetic north.
06:55 However, it's incapable of showing us what's over the next
06:59 mountain range or what's within a mysterious myth.
07:01 It cannot comfort our fears of exploring the unknown
07:05 that lies ahead. It cannot speak and assure us
07:08 that it is with us and tells us it will never leave us and never
07:12 forsake us. However, Ellen White used a compass
07:15 that can do all of that and much, much more.
07:17 Her compass was the Holy Spirit.
07:19 The Holy Spirit that God's Word says will be our guide
07:23 and will lead us into all truth. The Holy Spirit knows what's
07:26 over the next hill of hope and what's in the deepest valley
07:30 of despair. The Holy Spirit is the compass who understands
07:33 our expectations and hears our heart's cry to pursue
07:37 the proper path to our Lord. Jesus Himself used
07:40 this instrument as He was led by the Spirit
07:43 into the wilderness and then returned from the wilderness
07:46 under the power of the Holy Spirit.
07:48 This compass is the one Paul writes about in:
08:00 The Holy Spirit is not only our compass but He is also our
08:04 map legend. My father was a safety design engineer
08:07 for the Alabama State Highway Department.
08:10 I laugh when I say that because I got an in-depth lesson on maps
08:14 and map legends from him up and down every highway we traveled.
08:19 Because of his unceasing road lessons, I am now amazed
08:22 when I encounter people who can't read road maps
08:25 or they don't understand the symbols explained in the
08:28 map legend. They have in their hand a detailed map
08:32 of their city, their state, their nation - but they can't
08:36 understand it because they don't know how to use the legend.
08:39 The same thing may be said about the Holy Spirit if we
08:43 refuse to allow Him to be our guide as we study the
08:46 Word of God. Jesus plainly told us that the Holy Spirit
08:49 will not just be our guide through the Word of God
08:53 but He will also show us things to come.
08:55 He will be our spiritual compass to direct us into the future
09:00 purpose of God.
09:20 I believe Ellen White embraced the Holy Spirit and said
09:23 "Lead me, guide me, take me, so you can make me whatever
09:27 you want me to be. " She may have said something like this:
09:30 "Yes, Lord, I have the map of Your Word - but your Holy Spirit
09:35 is the legend and the compass, and I need Him to discern
09:38 your Word correctly. " Christopher Columbus set sail
09:42 with all the current knowledge available to him at the time
09:45 but he also sailed under the influence of ignorance and the
09:48 fear of the unknown. Throughout history one of the most
09:51 stagnating fears has been the fear of the unknown.
09:54 This fear has not only kept a bit in the mouth of natural
09:58 progression and exportation but also caused the spiritual
10:02 development of God's church to move at a snail's pace.
10:06 The people of Columbus' day thought you would be destroyed
10:10 if you sailed out far enough from land because the world
10:13 was flat, you know, and you would fall off the edge.
10:18 Some Christians still believe the same thing about
10:20 the Holy Spirit. They fear that going too far
10:23 with the Holy Spirit will be catastrophic because He's flat,
10:26 you know, and we'll fall off the edge and perish in error.
10:30 This irrational reasoning has come about by those we observed
10:34 go over the edge of spiritual error while declaring they were
10:39 led by the Spirit. When the Holy Spirit, our compass and our
10:42 guide, leads you by using God's Word - His mouth - there will
10:46 never be an end to His leading or a bottom to His depth.
10:50 Because we have encountered some counterfeits of the Spirit,
10:53 we have become a people fearful of falling off the edge of God.
10:58 We say we mustn't go too far. We proclaim we have the map
11:01 of God's Word and this is all we need. This is where the vision
11:05 dies and the spiritual progression ceases.
11:14 I want the vision along with the happiness.
11:17 When you become happy having
11:18 only the Word without the vision,
11:20 the ongoing truth, the redemptive revelation,
11:23 your spiritual growth will stop and you will cease developing.
11:27 If we are to progress to the center of God's Word
11:31 and to the center of His will, we must not be fearful of using
11:35 the compass of the Holy Spirit. The expression to use the
11:38 Holy Spirit does not mean that we are commanding Him or
11:41 directing Him. God forbid. But it is allowing Him to use us
11:44 and direct us. Ellen White states it this way:
12:21 If the Holy Spirit is leading as our guide, we will become aware
12:24 that He is not flat, He is not flat and we will not
12:28 fall off or over the edge as long as we use the map
12:31 and the compass together. We must never try to use the
12:35 compass of the Holy Spirit without aligning everything up
12:37 with the map of God's Word. The natural compass always
12:41 points to true north, and the compass of the Holy Spirit
12:44 always points to spiritual north and it's scriptural - the
12:48 city of our God.
13:08 Based on my years as a charismatic minister,
13:10 I observed many objections to what was considered apparent
13:14 error in many charismatic and Pentecostal churches
13:18 and many who declared everything done in those churches
13:21 was counterfeit. We should take a closer look at what
13:25 counterfeit means. Random House dictionary defines
13:28 counterfeit as an imitation intended to be passed off
13:31 as real, as real. If something is not real,
13:35 then there cannot be a counterfeit.
13:37 Did you hear that? If something is not real,
13:39 there can't be a counterfeit. Several years ago, a man
13:42 gave a young worker at a Dairy Queen in Kentucky a $200 bill.
13:46 $200 bill. Not knowing what it was, she gave him back
13:51 his change - and he took it! He was found by the authorities
13:55 but all they could do was charge him with a misdemeanor.
13:58 They could not charge him with passing counterfeit money
14:01 because there never was a real $200 bill made.
14:04 The bill he gave this cashier was not counterfeit because
14:08 there never was a real $200 bill.
14:12 The reason the Holy Spirit can be counterfeit is because
14:15 He is real and He is our compass, He is our guide
14:20 through the map of God's Word. He is our map legend,
14:22 and without Him we are unable to figure out how far it is from
14:27 where we are to where we are going. Without the Holy Spirit
14:30 we are not able to read or understand the signposts
14:33 along our journey through God's Word.
14:36 Our federal government has a special agency that deals with
14:41 recognizing and apprehending counterfeits
14:44 and counterfeit money. The way they learn to recognize
14:47 the counterfeit money is not by studying counterfeit money,
14:51 it is by studying REAL money. They are so familiar
14:56 with the real that they can immediately spot the phony.
15:01 This is what the Word of God should be and do for us.
15:04 It should make us so aware of truth that we do not try
15:09 to prove what's counterfeit. And this is what most people do.
15:12 They get on and tell you everything that's error,
15:14 everything that's wrong. We should look at what's right!
15:17 We should just naturally recognize what is real
15:21 and what is not real. This is what happened in my life.
15:25 As I began to see the truth of God's Word, my errors were
15:27 immediately exposed. I had to do something.
15:30 And the something I did was to continue my quest
15:35 for the truth of God and the truth of God's Word.
15:38 There were several reasons why I departed from the charismatic
15:42 tongues movement. However, some of those reasons concern
15:45 me now more than ever. Could it be that the
15:50 charismatic movement will be the vehicle that Satan uses to
15:54 establish this end-time, world-wide ecumenical church?
15:58 Please, please, hear what I am saying here.
16:02 I am not saying that the people within this movement, involved
16:06 in this movement, are Satanic. That's not what I'm saying.
16:09 I am saying that Satan may use this movement because it is
16:12 established on the common bond of their experience of tongues
16:16 and not on Biblical doctrine. I was amazed in the 1970's
16:21 as hundreds of thousands of Christians left their
16:25 denominational churches and flooded into the charismatic
16:27 arena. I watched it. I was witness to it.
16:30 I can see great dangers ahead for many denominations
16:33 including the Seventh-day Adventists. Hear me!
16:36 All of the signs present indicate that this movement
16:40 may be the critical mass for establishing the soon-to-come
16:45 ecumenical church. You can attend almost any
16:50 of these churches and find people from almost every
16:54 denomination sitting together in the same row.
16:56 This movement has become the common denominator
16:59 for organizing a world-wide ecumenical body of unbelieving,
17:04 let me make sure I say this right, UNBELIEVING believers.
17:08 They have laid aside doctrine to embrace what they refer to
17:13 as the unity of believers. The unity of believers.
17:17 This is unscriptural.
17:56 Now let's look at the word unity in the scripture.
17:59 This word is connected with both faith and knowledge.
18:03 Now hear this. Unity is connected with both faith and
18:06 knowledge: that is unity of faith in Christ and the unity
18:09 of knowledge of Christ. Faith is always associated with
18:14 knowledge. The reason so many people of different
18:18 denominations, backgrounds, beliefs, and doctrines can
18:22 can worship and fellowship together in the charismatic
18:25 circles is not because they agree on doctrine
18:29 but because they agree on a common religious experience.
18:34 Tongues. This is a very dangerous thing, very dangerous
18:39 setting. To set truth aside in order to have unity will
18:44 ultimately put the one who is the truth - the Lord
18:49 Jesus Christ - outside of the movement.
18:52 That's just what we see predicted in Revelation:
19:05 Is this going to be a picture of the state of the church
19:08 in the last days? We see the Lord Jesus standing
19:12 outside the church knocking, trying to get in.
19:14 However, there is no room for Him - for the Word - because it
19:18 contradicts their experience. So doctrine and truth have been
19:22 neglected - set aside. Experience has become the
19:25 important thing, and the only requirement
19:28 for church membership or fellowship is that experience.
19:31 No longer is it faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
19:34 that makes someone an accepted Christian.
19:36 Jesus - who IS the truth - is no longer wanted, no longer welcome
19:42 in the church but is left standing outside. How pitiful.
19:48 Can it be possible that this charismatic movement
19:53 established on the misuse and misinterpretation of the gift of
19:58 tongues, will be the instrument that will usher in the great
20:02 world church of Revelation chapter 17?
20:07 Here is a powerful statement from the Review and Herald
20:10 about the true gifts of the Holy Spirit:
21:06 It is possible if they continue on the course of unity
21:12 and in the interest of unity that they will succeed
21:18 in putting experience ahead of the doctrine of the Word of God.
21:24 Anything can happen to the church that moves away
21:29 from the solid foundations of the truth of God's Word.
21:34 Now let me explain this the way
21:37 that it comes across in the
21:41 simplicity of this old Alabama country boy's mind.
21:45 I don't smoke and I don't drink
21:51 and thank God that God has delivered me from that.
21:56 But if I am moving in a spirit of unity and I want to be
21:59 in unity with people that are out there in the world,
22:02 serving the purpose of the world, serving Satan and serving
22:05 the lust of their own flesh then this is what I've got to do.
22:09 I've got to set aside the fact that I've been delivered from
22:11 drinking, I've been delivered from smoking, because I want to
22:15 set up a spirit of unity.
22:19 What do I have to do to do that?
22:21 Now stop and think about this.
22:23 What I have to do, even though I do not do that,
22:27 is I would have to go to the bars. I would have to sit down
22:31 there on that bar stool. I would have to associate with
22:35 them even if I didn't drink with them,
22:37 even if I didn't smoke with them,
22:39 in order to create unity.
22:42 God wants unity of the doctrine. God wants unity of the faith
22:47 and this faith is the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
22:50 And it's not just a matter of unity of believers,
22:53 let's just all get together no matter what
22:56 Somebody said that Christianity and salvation is a mountain.
22:59 As long as you get to the top, you're all right.
23:03 It doesn't matter how you get there. But let me tell you
23:05 something right here, from my heart. The Word of God says
23:09 that Jesus says "I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life. "
23:13 He is the only way. He is the only way up that
23:16 mountain. He is the only way which is through the Word of God
23:20 led by the Spirit of God, according to what God has said.
23:26 If you've been confused about what the Bible says
23:29 about the Holy Spirit's amazing gifts for the church,
23:31 you'll want to order your very own copy of this 13-part series.
23:35 It's available on DVD or video cassette from 3ABN
23:39 at a very special price. This 13-part series
23:42 with Pastor Hal Steenson makes a wonderful gift
23:45 for a friend or a family member. Just call us at:
23:51 and we'll be happy to take your order.
23:53 You may also order it online at:
24:12 Hey, welcome back! You know in these times of great
24:15 calamity, our world is in desperate need of all that God
24:17 provided for humanity through the gifts of His Holy Spirit.
24:20 As a charismatic pastor for nearly 20 years, I had
24:24 first-hand experience in numerous church services
24:27 conferences, seminars, teaching on how the gifts of the Spirit
24:29 were supposed to function on behalf of believers today.
24:32 You know, there are a countless number of books written
24:35 on the subject of the gifts of the Spirit,
24:37 and no two seem to agree. I found these books to have
24:40 their foundation based on either someone's personal experience
24:44 with the gifts or their personal observations of the gift.
24:49 Confusion will always follow when our foundational basis
24:52 is anything other than God's Word.
24:55 The most important thing is what the Word of God
24:58 says about the gifts.
25:00 Now, I've endeavored to explore the Biblical use of the gifts
25:04 of the Holy Spirit using the Word of God as our foundational
25:07 source in this series. I hope to dispel confusion
25:10 associated with the gifts that God has so graciously given
25:13 to His church. My background as senior pastor of one of the
25:17 largest and fastest growing charismatic churches in
25:19 southern Illinois as well as my experiences from evangelizing
25:23 in charismatic services both nationally and internationally
25:27 lends itself to a store of information.
25:29 I formed many close relationships with godly men
25:33 and women of faith during those 20 years.
25:35 So it is with prayerful consideration that I endeavor
25:38 to inform and not offend anyone by the teaching of this series.
25:43 It is my desire to approach the subject of the gifts of the
25:47 Holy Spirit from Heaven's Point of View
25:49 which is God's Word. It was from this point of view
25:53 that my hunger for the truth of God's Word exposed apparent
25:57 errors in my interpretation of the scripture about the
26:01 spiritual gifts. This revelation demanded an ultimatum.
26:06 I could accept or reject God's truth about my error.
26:09 My acceptance of that truth meant giving up
26:11 all opportunities to minister in circles where I had formerly
26:14 been welcome. I chose to embrace the truth
26:17 based solely on scripture. I discovered the truth about the
26:20 gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially tongues,
26:23 in God's Word and immediately had to make several
26:24 life-changing decisions to continue as a priest to God.
26:29 We often quote the first part of Hosea 4:6 but seldom look
26:32 at the second part:
26:50 I don't want that! It's terrible when God's people
26:53 are ignorant of His Word. But it is far worse for people
26:57 to acquire Biblical truth and then reject it.
27:00 They give God no alternative but to reject them
27:03 and their children. Not because He wants to but because
27:06 He has been given no other choice.
27:08 I believe that this series on the gifts of the Spirit
27:11 will not only expose the errors of the gifts of the Spirit's
27:15 misuse but will bring to reality the gifts of the Spirit
27:19 into present-day truth.
27:23 One of the most debated questions of Christianity
27:26 doctrine in the last 100 years has been the gifts of the Spirit
27:29 speaking in tongues, and so forth.
27:31 I have seen several churches, homes, families divided
27:34 and even destroyed because of the misinterpretation
27:37 of the gifts. I now believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit
27:40 are God-given - but only like they were given on the
27:44 Day of Pentecost. Now this is what we are going
27:47 to be looking at in this series that we are going to do.
27:50 I want to share my heart, I want to share the experience
27:53 - the good, the bad, and the ugly - along with the truth.
27:56 So I encourage you, check your 3ABN World
27:59 for the dates and for the times and get your Bibles and join us
28:03 as we look at the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit
28:06 and how they impact the church of today.
28:30 On our next Heaven's Point of View program, we'll take
28:32 a closer look at the main purpose of the Holy Spirit
28:35 as the major player in the remnant church and also in the
28:38 Lord's return, so check your 3ABN World for the dates
28:41 and the times, and I hope to see you then.


Revised 2014-12-17