The Incomparable Jesus

Singing The Song of Moses and the Lamb!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ICJ

Program Code: ICJ190017B

00:01 Moses had stretched out
00:02 that rod or was told to stretch out
00:04 that rod because the Lord had done something else.
00:06 He had lifted that cloud of darkness.
00:09 And Pharaoh now looks out
00:12 and sees Israel escaping through the Red Sea.
00:17 Now, you would think that would be enough to say,
00:19 I'm finished, I'm not going into that Red Sea.
00:21 But notice, stubbornness, sin makes people stubborn.
00:26 And his sins goes with his whole army
00:28 right into the Red Sea,
00:30 the chariots leading the way and it looks like,
00:34 in the morning light,
00:35 they're gaining, gaining, gaining,
00:38 and then the Bible says that, "God troubled the wheels."
00:43 He messed up the wheels, you mean, He tear the wheels.
00:46 I don't know if He started letting the place
00:47 get muddy, I don't know.
00:49 But the Egyptians all of a sudden said,
00:51 "The Lord is fighting."
00:53 There's that word, fighting, fighting for Israel,
00:57 and they turn and they begin to go back.
01:01 They were rushing right toward the middle of the Red Sea,
01:05 and that's when Moses stretches out that rod
01:09 and that sea swallows them.
01:12 The Bible says, "There's not one left."
01:14 Archeologists have by the way gone down
01:16 and found remnants of chariot wheels,
01:19 and other things in that area.
01:22 But I wanna come back to this point of the scripture,
01:25 because when this is all done,
01:27 Israel is standing there
01:28 on the other side of the Red Sea.
01:31 Their mouths must have been open.
01:34 They must have been hugging each other
01:36 because those Egyptians would have destroyed them
01:40 and the sea swallows them and their enemies.
01:46 The stubborn Pharaoh and his army is gone.
01:52 The Lord is a mighty warrior.
01:55 And Moses put together a song
01:57 and they began to sing that song.
02:00 And here's how that song went.
02:02 We don't have time to get into all of it.
02:04 It's found in Exodus 15:1-3, "I will sing to the Lord,
02:09 for He has triumphed gloriously!
02:13 The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!"
02:18 And then he says,
02:19 "The Lord is my strength and my song."
02:23 We're gonna sing that in the New Jerusalem.
02:25 We're gonna sing that on the sea of glass.
02:29 We're gonna sing that song with Moses and the Israelites,
02:32 but we're gonna be singing it over something else.
02:35 We're gonna be singing it over Babylon.
02:41 "And He has become my salvation,
02:43 He is my God, I will praise Him,
02:45 my father's God, and I will exalt Him.
02:48 The Lord is a man of war,
02:51 the Lord is His name."
02:54 And it says in Chapter 15, continuing that song,
02:57 "Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods?"
03:02 And then the end of the song gives us the result.
03:04 It's a wonderful result, and it says here that,
03:07 "You will bring them..."
03:08 verse 17 of Chapter 15 of Exodus,
03:11 "You will bring them in and plant them in the mountain
03:15 of Your inheritance, in the place, O Lord,
03:17 which You have made for Your own dwelling,
03:20 The sanctuary, O Lord,
03:21 which Your hands have established."
03:23 Yes.
03:25 We're going to go through a lot of trouble.
03:27 But Jesus said something similar.
03:29 He said "Don't let your heart be troubled,
03:32 let not your heart be troubled.
03:33 You believe in God, believe also in Me.
03:35 In My father's house are many mansions
03:39 which I have gone to prepare for you."
03:41 Jesus is preparing a place for us.
03:44 Just like God promised Israel, that He had a place for them
03:48 in that Promised Land that they were being taken to.
03:54 So we go back to the song of Revelation.
03:56 Let's go back to that song of Revelation,
03:59 song of the Lamb in 15:3.
04:02 Now we don't have all...
04:04 I don't think, we don't have all the song
04:06 of the Lamb yet because we haven't been
04:08 through the experience.
04:10 So only once we go through the experience
04:12 of the terrors of Babylon in the final time of trouble
04:16 and the issues of the mark of the beast,
04:20 then we're gonna be able to sing the song of the Lamb.
04:25 'Cause I want to tell you that in the end of time
04:27 Jesus is going to take charge.
04:29 He's in charge of His church.
04:31 I don't mean that in the wrong sense.
04:32 He's in charge of His church now.
04:34 But in a unique sense, I believe that Jesus,
04:37 just like He took charge
04:38 of ancient Israel on that cloud.
04:40 That Jesus is somehow in a unique way,
04:43 I don't know how, I can't explain it.
04:46 But He's going to take charge of His church.
04:48 He's gonna guide His church
04:49 through this terrible time of trouble.
04:51 God's people from every nation,
04:53 kindred, tongue and people scattered all over the world,
04:56 suffering terrible time of trouble,
04:58 terrible persecution,
05:00 not knowing what's going to happen.
05:02 Thinking that perhaps they are all just going to die,
05:05 they're all going to give their life,
05:06 but pleading with God, pleading with Him,
05:08 Jesus come soon.
05:10 Jesus is going to lead His church
05:13 through that terrible time in the future.
05:16 And that's why this is going to be
05:17 the song of the Lamb
05:20 that's going to join the song of Moses,
05:23 that song of the Lamb.
05:24 In fact, someone noted the parallels
05:27 between the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb.
05:30 I want to give those to you very quickly.
05:32 The song of Moses was sung beside the Red Sea,
05:35 but the song of Lamb will be sung
05:38 by the crystal sea.
05:40 And the song of Moses was sung over Egypt.
05:43 But the song of the Lamb will be sung over Babylon.
05:47 The song of Moses described how God bought
05:50 His people out and the song of the Lamb
05:52 would describe how God brought His people in.
05:57 The song of Moses was Scripture's first song,
06:00 and the song of the Lamb is Scripture's last song.
06:04 And that comes from
06:06 Willmington's Guide to the Bible.
06:08 So I wanna come back to these seven trumpets
06:09 for just a moment.
06:11 Now obviously, I could spend three hours
06:13 on the seven trumpets.
06:15 But we're just...
06:16 I'm just gonna give you quick overview.
06:18 Those trumpets, we have the seven churches,
06:21 the seven seals and the seven trumpets.
06:23 They all repeat and enlarge, and they cover that time period
06:28 between the time of John and the coming of Jesus.
06:31 So we are in...
06:33 I believe right now, we're in the seventh trumpet,
06:36 we're in the end of time.
06:38 But I wanna explain to you how this works,
06:40 and this is how this works.
06:44 The trumpets are trumpets of judgment.
06:48 God's judgments don't wait till the end of time.
06:50 The seven last plagues are part of that judgment.
06:52 I'll talk a little bit more about that tomorrow,
06:54 or the next time we have a session I should say.
06:57 So anyway, let me go back to these seven trumpets.
07:01 The first four are God's judgments
07:05 on ancient pagan Rome.
07:08 Rome in the New Testament, in the Book of Revelation,
07:11 Rome is the enemy, Rome and Babylon
07:14 is the enemy of God's people.
07:18 Just like Egypt was the enemy of God's people
07:21 in the Old Testament.
07:23 So the first four bring in the barbarians,
07:28 remember it's pagan Rome that was trying to destroy
07:30 the Christian church, throwing them to the lions,
07:33 and so the barbarians come in and those first four trumpets
07:36 and they destroy the Roman Empire.
07:42 The last three trumpets are God's judgments against,
07:46 I'll say it kindly, papal Rome.
07:51 And each judge about something like itself.
07:54 The last trumpet, of course,
07:56 is the God's judgment on Babylon,
07:58 but the fifth and sixth
08:00 are God's judgments on papal Rome.
08:03 God...
08:05 And I say this kindly again, often God let something come up
08:10 like itself to judge, it's way it works.
08:14 But we have now the rise of the Muslims,
08:16 and I don't have time to get
08:18 into that marvelous time prophecy.
08:19 But it was right on schedule, and it's a fascinating story.
08:24 But the rise of the Muslims put a check on the spread
08:28 and the power of the papacy, and the prophecy pictured them,
08:34 and I don't have time to get into this detail.
08:36 But basically the Muslims overcame the Byzantine Empire,
08:42 and then it became a great threat
08:46 to Western Europe
08:47 and it checked the papacy.
08:52 And the emperor of the Byzantine Empire
08:54 wouldn't take the throne unless he got the permission
08:57 of the Muslim sultan.
08:59 But that would change at the end of the prophecy,
09:02 it just turns around.
09:04 And I don't have time to tell you the story,
09:05 it's a fantastic, fascinating story.
09:09 But the Muslim empire comes under the control
09:13 of the Christian powers of Europe.
09:18 What was happing here was the rise
09:20 of the Protestant Reformation.
09:22 As the Protestant Reformation, and the reason Charles V
09:25 couldn't stop the Protestant Reformation...
09:27 One of the reasons I should say,
09:28 couldn't stop the Protestant Reformation
09:30 was the rise of the Muslims.
09:33 He had to go fight the Muslims.
09:34 I'm saying this in quick generalities here.
09:37 He had to go fight the Muslims
09:38 and while He is dealing with the Muslims,
09:40 the Protestant Reformation grows till it's unstoppable.
09:47 But now as the western world and you have the growth
09:50 of the Protestant America
09:52 becomes a great Protestant power.
09:55 But now as America is turning back
09:57 to embrace the popes of the Dark Ages.
10:02 We're beginning to see the power
10:04 of the Muslims rise again.
10:08 Very fascinating.
10:09 Let me share something with you
10:12 that I got from the public broadcast.
10:15 They gave three different phases.
10:18 This is not my invention by the way,
10:20 three different phases of the rise of the Muslims.
10:24 But I looked at the visits of the popes
10:28 to the United States,
10:30 and there's a very interesting parallel to that.
10:34 So phase one, according to the public broadcast,
10:38 was from 1968 to 1979,
10:41 and that was the dawn of modern Muslim terrorism.
10:46 Interesting enough Vatican II stopped in 1965,
10:50 and the first papal visit to the United States
10:53 was in October of 1965.
10:56 And then this dawn of Muslim terrorism
11:01 starts in 1968 to 1979.
11:06 And then phase two,
11:07 we have that very popular superstar pope,
11:10 Pope John Paul II,
11:13 he visits the United States in 1979 for the first time,
11:16 would visit seven times I think.
11:19 In phase two, they said,
11:21 now they didn't put these two together,
11:22 I'm putting the two together.
11:24 But they are the one that came up
11:25 with these different phases,
11:26 and I had nothing to do with the visits of a pope
11:28 to the United States.
11:31 So in phase two started also in 1979,
11:35 starting with a visit
11:36 of Pope John Paul II to 1991.
11:41 And then in 1991, and I could go
11:44 over some of the terrorist things,
11:46 I don't have time for that.
11:47 Phase three, 1991 to 2001, the rise of global terror.
11:53 And, of course, it was in 1993 that John Paul II
11:57 held that great Youth Day in Denver, Colorado.
12:02 And then you have 1994
12:04 with evangelicals and Catholics together,
12:06 and then of course
12:08 we know all about the World Trade Center.
12:10 I remember that day and I said, "This will be a watershed.
12:13 It's going to change the world."
12:16 And it has changed the world.
12:18 You can't fly in an airplane without knowing that
12:20 this thing has changed the world.
12:24 And so here we are in the end of time.
12:27 And I want to tell you that God is going to unmask
12:30 the sins of Babylon.
12:31 But people are going to be stubborn,
12:33 they're gonna continue go down the road,
12:35 just like that ancient Pharaoh
12:37 even when they see these things.
12:40 So I want to ask the question,
12:42 and we should each be asking ourself this question.
12:45 Are we going to stand on the sea of glass someday
12:49 and sing the songs of Moses and the Lamb?
12:51 Victory over evil, Gods church is going to be triumph.
12:55 Evil is a terrible thing,
12:58 and Jesus is going to put an end to it.
13:01 And we should rejoice over that.
13:02 That is something to be happy about.
13:04 And that's what we're going to be doing
13:06 on that sea of glass.
13:07 Were gonna be singing the song of Moses
13:09 and the Lamb because of the great victory
13:12 this marvelous Jesus, this incomparable Jesus
13:15 has won over Babylon, and the enemies of truth.
13:20 Here is the real question that you and I must ask.
13:24 Are we going to be there standing on that sea of glass
13:28 singing the song of Moses and the Lamb?


Revised 2019-08-27