In The Footsteps of Paul

Return To Galatia

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tony Moore


Series Code: IFP

Program Code: IFP000015

01:39 We're here in the Church of Paul in Pisidian Antioch.
01:42 This church was built upon the foundation of an earlier
01:46 Jewish synagogue where Paul and Barnabas would have come
01:49 to present Jesus as the Christ, as the Messiah.
01:53 They preached Jesus here, He was exalted.
01:58 The Jews the city became quite agitated with Paul because
02:02 he was not requiring Gentiles to become Jews before they
02:05 accepted Jesus as Messiah.
02:08 He was not requiring that they be circumcised.
02:11 Paul would return to Antioch filled with joy and the Holy
02:15 Spirit at what God had done here and in the
02:18 surrounding cities of Galatia.
02:21 But the Jews would continue to agitate on this issue.
02:24 It cause the Council of Jerusalem to be held
02:29 and we read about in Acts 15.
02:32 The Council of Jerusalem was specifically over the issue
02:35 do you have to become a Jew to be saved?
02:39 Acts chapter 15, let me read you the first two verses.
02:57 Did you notice that? Unless you are circumcised according
03:00 to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.
03:02 In other words, accepting Jesus as your Messiah is not
03:06 sufficient for salvation.
03:08 You must add to that circumcision,
03:12 circumcision? yes circumcision.
03:15 They were saying that you had to be come a Jew
03:17 in order to be saved.
03:34 Ultimately the matter is settled.
03:36 You do not have to be circumcised to believe in Jesus.
03:40 That is, you do not have to become a Jew,
03:43 in order to be saved.
03:45 This settled the issue, or did it?
03:49 Judaizers, that is people who believed in Jesus and yet were
03:55 Jewish came to some of the areas here in Galatia and
04:01 began to stir up people, misleading the converts that had
04:06 come to believe in Jesus in this very synagogue.
04:09 Paul picked up his pen and wrote the letter to the
04:12 Galatians to deal with this issue.
04:15 He says, I am amazed at how quickly you are abandoning
04:19 the Gospel, you are turning away to another gospel which
04:22 is really no gospel at all.
04:24 There is only one gospel,
04:26 the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Christ.
04:29 Paul writes some of his most heartfelt teachings to the
04:33 churches here in the region of Pisidian Antioch.
04:37 He goes right to the very heart of the matter by
04:41 exulting Jesus as Lord of all.
04:44 Let me share with you a few kernels of truth from the
04:48 letter that Paul wrote to the churches of Galatia.
04:52 Paul describes.
05:03 How Peter had to be rebuked by Paul when he came up to
05:07 Antioch because even after the Council of Jerusalem
05:11 Peter would not have fellowship with the Gentiles.
05:14 when the Jewish believers came up from Jerusalem,
05:17 Paul said that there cannot be a two-tiered
05:21 Christianity, there cannot be a premier Jewish
05:24 Christianity and a Gentile Christianity.
05:28 No we must all be one in Jesus.
05:32 He writes in verse 15 of chapter 2 of Galatians.
06:05 Often people tell me, Tony in olden times, Jews were made
06:09 righteous by observing the law, but it is very
06:12 interesting that Paul says no one will be righteous
06:16 by observing the law.
06:18 Then why was the law given?
06:21 What is the role in the dimension of the law?
06:24 Did Paul observe the law?
06:26 Of course, in our series we see, time after time,
06:31 Paul observing the Sabbath.
06:33 In Acts 13 he came right to the synagogue and shared
06:38 with both Jews and Gentiles about Jesus
06:41 here on the Sabbath.
06:43 In verse 44 records that the next Sabbath almost the
06:47 entire city came together to hear the word of the Lord.
06:51 Paul, was a Sabbath keeper.
06:54 In Acts chapter 16, Paul comes to the Roman colony in
06:58 Philippi, another colony like a colony here in the city
07:03 of Pisidian Antioch but in Macedonia.
07:05 When he arrived, he discovered there was not a Jewish
07:08 community in the city.
07:10 There were only a few women and they
07:13 were out by the river.
07:15 Luke wrote that, we came into the city and went out by
07:18 the river on the Sabbath where prayer was
07:20 wont to be made.
07:21 And there he shared Jesus with Lydia and the others
07:26 who had gathered.
07:27 Later on in the same story, it records that they went out
07:32 to the river again on the Sabbath.
07:35 The same wording is used, that special wording to
07:38 describe Sabbath worship.
07:41 Chapter 17, Paul goes to Thessalonica and there he goes
07:46 into the synagogue on the Sabbath and presents Jesus.
07:51 Yes this was Paul's custom, Paul's habit.
07:54 When Paul was a Philippi, there is a fascinating insight
07:59 that happens, Paul is accused of being a Jew and teaching
08:04 Romans things that were unlawful.
08:06 You see it was okay in the Roman world to be a Jew, but it was
08:10 not okay to proselytize Romans.
08:13 So he was accused of being a Jew, isn't that curious?
08:17 Paul was a Sabbath keeper, and when the Romans looked
08:21 at Paul they did not see a difference between Paul and
08:25 the Jewish community.
08:27 As a matter of fact, when Paul was leaving for Macedonia
08:30 for the last time, it records in the book of Acts that
08:33 spent Passover here, Acts 20:6.
08:50 Paul celebrated the feast of unleavened bread,
08:52 or Passover, at Philippi.
08:55 Paul was Jewish, the people a Philippi looked upon him
08:58 as a Jew, they accused him of being a Jew and turning
09:02 the whole world upside down.
09:04 Now he's trying to come in and convert Romans.
09:06 Even at the end of his career,
09:09 Paul was celebrating Passover.
09:12 When he passed from Assos he did not stop at Ephesus because
09:19 he intended to reach Jerusalem for Pentecost.
09:22 Notice Acts 20: 16.
09:37 Paul wanted to reach Jerusalem for Pentecost.
09:40 He wanted to celebrate the giving of the law to God's
09:44 people in the great city of Jerusalem.
09:48 Paul pressed on, yes Paul was Jewish.
09:52 He understood there was a difference between Jews and
09:56 Gentiles, was that difference about the day of worship?
10:01 Oh no my friend it was not, the difference was over the
10:05 aspect of having to become Jewish.
10:08 The Council of Jerusalem declared that you did not
10:11 have to become circumcised to become a believer
10:13 if you were Gentile.
10:16 There is a very interesting relationship between two
10:19 of Paul's companions, Timothy and Titus.
10:23 Timothy, who is from this very area, the region of
10:28 Lycaonia, had a Jewish mother.
10:32 Paul had him circumcised, Timothy's mother was Jewish
10:37 and his father, this Greek, he had him to be circumcised.
10:42 But Titus was 100% Greek and Paul did not require him to
10:47 be circumcised, he noted the difference between people of
10:52 a Jewish background, and a Gentile background.
10:55 Yet we have seen in Paul's teachings that he is not
10:58 teaching two different days of worship, one on the
11:01 Sabbath for the Jews, and another were Gentile
11:04 Christians on the first day of the week.
11:07 Oh no, notice the consistency of Paul's teachings
11:11 throughout the book the Acts.
11:13 Let me read to you Acts chapter 21.
12:25 Some have believed that Paul was teaching Jews not to
12:28 not circumcise their children.
12:30 We have already seen that he had Timothy circumcised,
12:33 but did not have Titus circumcised.
12:36 So to counter this, the elders in Jerusalem suggest that
12:40 Paul participate in this rite of purification of the
12:44 Temple, which Paul agrees to do.
12:47 He is Jewish, and so he goes up to celebrate that.
12:51 Of course the devil uses this as an opportunity to
12:54 accuse Paul through certain parts of the rattle that
12:57 he has brought a Gentile into the Temple and has no
13:00 regard for the customs of the fathers.
13:03 Paul time after time counters this argument saying
13:07 that he has done nothing against the fathers or
13:11 the customs of Moses.
13:13 In Acts chapter 23:1.
13:23 Paul says I have not done anything against God or the
13:26 teachings that I have received, I have only accepted
13:28 Jesus as my Messiah.
13:30 He comes down to verse 6 and says.
14:17 Yes Paul was vindicated even by the Pharisees.
14:20 If he was teaching gentiles to observe another day
14:23 of worship, do you think that the Pharisees would
14:25 have supported him? Of course not.
14:28 Paul had focused on the issue of justification,
14:31 are we justified by believing in Jesus as our Savior,
14:35 as our Messiah, or are we justified by
14:38 just being circumcised?
14:40 Paul said that no one, not a Pharisee, not a son of
14:44 the Pharisee, no one could be justified or made
14:48 righteous by observing the law.
14:50 This would be a gift from God, a gift of faith in
14:55 Jesus as the Messiah.
14:57 But first I want to share with you one more passage
14:59 before we leave this teaching.
15:01 It is Acts 24, Paul is on trial before Felix.
15:31 Before Felix, Paul testifies that he believes in the
15:36 law and the prophets.
15:38 Could he do that in a clear conscience, if he was
15:42 teaching a different day of worship?
15:44 Of course he couldn't, and Paul is brought to Rome, he
15:49 has the same testimony.
15:51 Acts 28:17-19.
16:10 He says I've done nothing against the customs of Judaism
16:14 and yet I was arrested and had to appeal to Caesar and
16:18 that is why I am here.
16:20 Paul can say this with a clear face because he
16:23 had a clear conscience.
16:25 It was the truth, Paul was celebrating the Sabbath.
16:29 Paul was observing Passover and Pentecost,
16:34 seeking to honor his Lord.
16:37 Paul had not established a separate day of worship.
16:40 How did the first day of the week arise, well that is a
16:44 subject for another teaching. There are several verses that
16:48 do talk about the first day of the week and we will explain
16:51 those in their setting.
16:53 There is a very confusing passage to some people
16:56 that happened at Alexander in Troas and we will go there to
17:00 that site to be able to teach on that subject,
17:03 but right now I want to have this clear in our minds.
17:09 Paul was observing God's Sabbath as a Jewish Christian.
17:13 Paul was teaching Gentile converts to observe God's
17:18 Sabbath as Gentile Christians.
17:20 There was harmony in the church.
17:26 Worship on the first day of the week would arise in
17:29 a far later time, but that will be the subject of a
17:32 teaching from Troas.
17:34 Now let's go back to Galatians and try and
17:37 tie these threads together.
17:39 Paul wrote to the church year, the city of Antioch,
17:42 Derbe, and Lystra, Iconium, and he comes down
17:45 to chapter 3:1.
18:04 Paul says you have been bewitched, something happened
18:07 by a spell of sorcery to take you away from believing in
18:10 Jesus and put your heart into another gospel.
18:14 How could it happen to the people in the city who
18:17 worshiped in the synagogue?
18:19 Verse 6.
18:27 Paul goes right back to the beginning, consider father
18:30 Abraham, he believed God and it was credited to him as
18:34 righteousness, he was not made righteous because of what
18:38 he did, because of his good Acts, he believed and it was
18:43 credited to him as righteousness
18:45 Understand then that those that believe are
18:48 children of Abraham.
19:05 Did you catch that? God announced that He would preach
19:08 the gospel ahead of time to Abraham.
19:11 Abraham is saved by the same gospel that I am saved by.
19:15 The same gospel that you are saved by.
19:18 The difference is, he looks forward to Messiah, and we
19:21 look back to Messiah, the same Messiah saves us all.
19:25 No one can be made righteous by observing the law that
19:29 Paul has already said.
19:30 He comes down to verse 10 and talks about the very
19:34 heart of the matter.
19:47 Paul says that some are under a curse.
19:50 Who is under a curse? The people that observe the law,
19:54 no, you have to read the passage carefully.
19:58 Paul says.
20:06 They are relying upon the observance of the law for their
20:09 salvation and they come under a curse, why?
20:14 Paul quotes the law and explains what he means.
20:24 Paul quotes that passage from Deuteronomy 27:26.
20:29 The people who were cursed are not the ones who are
20:33 obedient, but the ones who were disobedient.
20:36 Cursed is everyone does not do everything that is
20:40 written in the book of the Law.
20:42 The problem is precisely this, all have sinned and come
20:47 short of the glory of God.
20:49 Therefore, all are under the curse.
20:52 The law condemns all of us to the second death
20:57 because of our sins.
21:01 Paul says we have a problem, the law is perfect and just
21:05 and good, but it was never given as a means of salvation.
21:09 Let's read on Galatians 3:11.
21:29 Again Paul quotes scripture, Leviticus 18:5.
21:33 He is saying that the man that does these things
21:37 will live by them.
21:40 If you obey the law, you will live, if you disobey
21:44 the law you will die.
21:46 That is a simple term of the old covenant that was given
21:49 to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
21:51 When God said stay away from the tree, and you will live
21:54 forever, but if you come and eat of the tree you will
21:57 certainly die, obey and live, disobey and die.
22:01 Unfortunately our first parents disobeyed and they
22:05 bequeathed to the human family the legacy of death.
22:09 Because of their act we died a first death, but scripture
22:15 says that we all have sinned and became
22:17 short of the glory of God.
22:19 Because of our sinful acts, we must die the second death.
22:24 Yet God loves the human family,
22:28 He did not want us to die.
22:30 So Paul shares the most incredible message ever heard.
22:34 With the church here at Galatia you notice verse 13.
22:47 And once again he quotes from scripture,
22:49 Deuteronomy 21:23.
22:51 Paul says, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of law.
22:58 I love that passage, Jesus redeemed us from the curse of
23:04 law, what was the curse of the law?
23:06 The curse of the law was disobedience, when I disobey
23:10 I come under its condemnation, under its curse.
23:14 It condemns me to eternal death, but Paul says Jesus
23:17 redeemed us from the curse of disobedience.
23:21 He redeemed us from the curse of death by becoming
23:25 the curse for us, incredible.
23:29 Jesus became a curse for us.
23:33 2 Corinthians 5:21, "for God had made Christ to be sin"
23:37 "for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the"
23:41 "righteousness of God in him. "
23:43 Jesus took my sins, your sins, upon Himself.
23:47 He took the sins of the entire world upon His pure holy
23:52 nature, for Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the
23:56 law by becoming the curse for us.
23:59 He took the curse of our disobedience and took the
24:04 curse of the second death upon Himself.
24:08 For Christ has redeemed us from the curse of law by
24:13 becoming a curse for us.
24:15 Peter wrote to the church in this area by saying,
24:21 Jesus bore our sins in His own body on the tree.
24:27 Jesus took our sins, and because of that, it crushed out
24:34 He is pure and holy life.
24:35 He died for our sins, to make an atonement for our sins,
24:40 to be able to make us just as if we never sinned.
24:44 Paul says that is the only way that anyone can be made
24:48 righteous, Abraham look forward to that and we look back
24:52 to that, it is the same event.
24:54 Paul says for it is written, cursed is everyone who hangs
24:58 on a tree, I have to go to the heart of the matter and
25:02 share the gospel with you.
25:04 Cursed it is everyone who hangs on a tree.
25:07 When Jesus was arrested in Jerusalem, the Pharisees,
25:11 Sadducees put aside their differences and came together
25:16 to arrest Him.
25:20 They wanted Him to be executed.
25:24 They took Him before Pontius Pilate, he said you have
25:27 a law you judge Him.
25:28 They said we can't put Him to death.
25:30 What happened with Stephen a few years later?
25:33 They took him out to Lions gate and they stoned him.
25:37 Paul was there as Saul Tarsus, the great persecutor of
25:41 the church, but they did not want Jesus to be stoned.
25:45 They wanted Him to be crucified because the law said,
25:49 cursed is everyone who hangs a tree.
25:52 They believed if you were stretched between heaven and
25:54 earth upon a cross, that God the Father would have nothing
25:57 to do with it and have to turn His back on Him.
26:00 That is why Paul would write later on, the cross is
26:03 foolishness to the Greeks, but a stumbling block to Jews.
26:08 They believe that anyone put on a tree was cursed by God.
26:12 Yet Jesus took the very curse Himself for us, that He
26:17 might forgive our sins and grant to us eternal life.
26:22 The Jews look back on two great people in Jewish history,
26:27 Paul writes about it in Galatians.
26:29 Abraham and Moses.
26:32 Moses gave the law and Paul explains, the law was given
26:36 to reveal sin, never as a measure of salvation.
26:42 They got it mixed up, Paul brings them back to the focus of
26:47 salvation by grace through faith alone.
26:51 That is the substance of his message to the church here
26:55 in Galatia, and to churches throughout
26:58 the world everywhere.
27:00 As the sun sets here Pisidian Antioch on the Sabbath I
27:04 invite you to join me as we pray.
27:06 Father in heaven we thank you for the time when Paul and
27:10 Barnabas walked up that difficult road, that passage up
27:14 through the mountains that was so dangerous from
27:17 Pamphylia to Pisidian Antioch where they preached in this
27:20 synagogue, sharing the gospel on the Sabbath.
27:23 We thank you also for the mighty message of Galatians that
27:26 Paul sent back to this church and to the churches in the
27:30 region to clarify the issues of salvation and how we are
27:33 saved by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
27:36 Oh Father, we thank you so much for that.
27:40 We thank you for that perfect and complete rest that we
27:45 find in Jesus, for Jesus indeed bore the penalty of our
27:50 sins, taking the curse upon Your sinless nature, that we
27:54 might be made just as if we had never sinned because
27:58 we believe in You.
27:59 Thank you for that complete rest that we have in You, and
28:03 the rest that is symbolized by Your Sabbath that we can
28:07 rest fully and completely in You for our salvation we
28:11 pray, in Jesus name Amen!


Revised 2014-12-17