In The Footsteps of Paul

Appeal To Caesar

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tony Moore


Series Code: IFP

Program Code: IFP000018

01:36 Luke describe how as Paul walked 30 miles
01:40 from Troas down to Assos.
01:42 Luke and the others caught a boat and sailed down to this
01:47 picturesque harbor where they met the apostle Paul.
01:50 Then together they sailed down past the court of Ephesus
01:54 to that great port city, with a wonderful theater,
01:58 of Miletus where Paul meets with the Ephesian elders and
02:03 shares with them his heart concern.
02:06 Telling them that they will never see their face again.
02:11 Paul sailed past Ephesus, he wants to reach Jerusalem for
02:16 the feast of Pentecost.
02:18 Paul still celebrates the festivals as a born-again Jew.
02:24 He comes to this great city, and while he is here,
02:28 the spirit moves upon his heart to send for the elders
02:32 of the city of Ephesus.
03:08 Paul says you know how I've minister to you, for three
03:12 years I've shared my life with you.
03:14 I've shared the counsel of God with you both in the
03:18 synagogue, in the halls of Tyrannus, and also from
03:22 house to house we broke bread, we have fellowship.
03:25 I have not hesitated to share anything that was
03:28 beneficial for your spiritual growth.
03:30 But Paul has a concern, he knows that this will be the
03:34 last time he will see these brothers, and he shares
03:38 his deep concern with them.
04:06 Yes the Spirit was urging Paul, warning him that in every
04:10 place he faced dangers and trials.
04:13 Paul says I count my life as nothing, I have given it all
04:17 to Jesus for He gave His all for me.
04:20 I only want to run the race and finish the course that
04:24 God has set out for me.
04:26 Paul continues.
04:37 From a Miletus his heart was set go to Jerusalem,
04:40 even though he was being warned about going.
04:43 So he sailed across the Mediterranean, and after several
04:47 stops he came back to the Port of Caesarea once again.
04:51 Here he met with the church for some time.
04:54 While he was here a prophet named Agabus came over to
04:58 the house of Philip, the evangelist who had been one
05:02 of the seven deacons in Jerusalem, there he revealed
05:06 what the Lord had told him,
05:08 that Saul would be arrested in Jerusalem.
05:10 He took Saul's belt and wrapped it around his hands and
05:14 said the Holy Spirit told me that the one who owns this
05:18 belt will be arrested and will be tied up in Jerusalem.
05:23 Saul still had up on his heart to go to Jerusalem.
05:26 He said it was okay, what ever happens is fine.
05:30 So he left and Caesarea, the last time he would walk here
05:35 as a free man and would again walk the 50 miles up to
05:39 Mount Zion, to the city of Jerusalem.
05:46 Paul had come up to Jerusalem and was asked by the
05:49 leaders of the church to fulfill a vow with
05:51 several other men.
06:46 While he was in the temple, on the seventh day, several
06:50 Asian Jews spotted him and accused him of bringing
06:55 uncircumcised Greeks into the area reserved only for
07:00 circumcised Jews and men of Israel to be.
07:04 This created a tremendous riot inside the temple courts.
07:10 People were shouting one thing, and another thing.
07:13 They came upon Paul and grab him and
07:16 attempted to kill him.
07:17 While all of this was going on, the news reached the
07:20 commander of the troops in the tower of Anatolia.
07:23 From his fortress, troops reported that something was
07:26 going on, they rushed down the stairs and into the
07:29 court and rescued Paul.
07:32 When they arrived the men stopped and moved back because
07:37 of the Roman soldiers.
07:38 The soldiers took Paul into the tower of Anatolia that
07:43 protected and guarded the temple.
07:45 There he ordered him to be put into chains.
07:48 Paul asked for permission to speak and he addressed
07:52 the commander in Greek.
07:54 He was surprised, you speak Greek?
07:56 I thought you were that Egyptian arrested in
07:57 the desert leading a revolt.
08:00 No, I am a man of Tarsus, a citizen of no ordinary city.
08:05 Then Paul asked for permission to address the brothers.
08:10 From the courts, in the tower of Anatolia,
08:12 he addressed them in Aramaic.
08:14 While Paul was being held his nephew got wind of a plot
08:19 that several Jews had taken.
08:21 They intent is to take Paul's life, to assassinate him.
08:25 He sent his nephew with the information to the commander
08:29 of the soldiers here in Jerusalem.
08:31 The commander decided immediately that he must send
08:34 Paul to Caesarea and so he called for two centurions.
08:39 He said, prepare 200 horsemen, 70 Spear men and 200
08:43 soldiers and take Paul immediately, under the cover
08:47 of darkness, to Caesarea.
08:49 So Paul once more escaped with his life from the Devil's
08:55 wiles to kill him.
08:56 for God had ordained that he should go and witness
09:00 before Caesar in the city of Rome.
09:03 So Paul leaves Jerusalem for the last time.
09:07 It must have broken his heart as he left the holy city in chains.
09:11 Being taken under the cover of darkness,
09:14 his own countrymen threatening to kill him
09:17 for his faith in the Messiah.
09:20 Paul would be taken down to Caesarea where he will be
09:24 held for trial, here he was kept at the Palace of Herod
09:29 for over two years.
09:31 Standing trial before Felix, and then Festus,
09:36 and then King Agrippa.
09:38 From here Paul would appeal to Caesar.
09:40 King Agrippa and Bernice said there was no reason to keep
09:44 this man any longer, but since he has appealed to Caesar,
09:47 to Caesar he must go.
09:49 After many opportunities of witnessing before the various
09:53 Roman officials who were stationed here is Caesarea,
09:56 the time came for Paul to sail off to the city of Rome.
10:00 They would sail past the island of Malta and he would be
10:04 shipwrecked there, a tremendous miracle would happen as
10:07 he was gathering wood on the island, a snake came out
10:10 and bid him on the arm.
10:12 The people said that he must have been a terrible man
10:15 because he was shipwrecked and they thought things would
10:17 be okay because he was saved.
10:19 But after being saved, the turn of events moved again
10:22 with the snake to bite him, and yet Paul did not die.
10:25 People began to believe and accept the Lord because of
10:29 the mighty power they had seen manifested in his life.
10:33 The centurion that was guarding Paul made arrangements
10:37 for them to catch an Alexandrian grain ship to sail from
10:41 Malta over to the great port of Rome on the northern edge
10:46 of the bay of Naples, Pots-Wally.
10:48 They sailed on a ship that had figureheads of Castor and
10:52 Pollux, the twin sons of Zeus who were said to
10:57 be the patrons of Mariners.
10:59 But Paul knew that it was not Castor and Pollux that had
11:02 preserved him from the sea.
11:03 Paul knew that it was not Castor and Pollux, the son of
11:07 Zeus, who have preserved 276 people from this shipwreck.
11:11 Paul knew that it was Jesus Christ, because Jesus had
11:14 arranged for him to proclaim the Gospel here in
11:17 the very capital of the empire.
11:20 Paul was taken on board the ship that sailed to
11:25 Pots-Wally and when he got off the ship, Luke described
11:28 a group of believers from Pots-Wally who came out to meet
11:31 Paul and welcomed with him, and stayed with him for a week.
11:37 We have followed Paul's foot steps for nearly 13,000 miles.
11:42 We have walked on some of Rome's greatest roads.
11:45 We went up to the Via Secunda from the coast of
11:49 Pamphylia the region of Galatia and Pisidia.
11:52 We traveled that fabulous road up from Paul's home town
11:56 of Tarsus into the Anatolian Plateau to the Cilician
12:00 gates and we traveled this road.
12:03 The via Egnazia that connected the port of Neopolis with
12:07 the Roman colony of Philippi.
12:09 Perhaps the most important road of all for Rome was
12:13 this road, for this is the Appian Way.
12:17 This is the road that connected Pots-Wally,
12:20 the major port of Rome, down on the Bay of Naples
12:23 with the capital city.
12:25 Today's large sections of this road have been replaced by
12:29 small stones to make it easier for automobile traffic
12:33 and motorcycles and bicycles.
12:35 You can still see the large paving stones in this
12:38 section, the original stones from the Roman period.
12:41 You can see the grooves that have been worn through
12:44 centuries of waken and chariot traffic.
12:47 Paul would have walked along this road as he approached
12:51 the capital city, and he had a prayer in his heart.
12:55 God help me to be Your faithful witness, help me to
12:59 testify about Your goodness before the Imperial family.
13:02 And God heard his prayer.
13:05 Some of Caesar's very household were converted
13:09 because of Paul's testimony that Jesus was the
13:12 Christ and Lord of all.
13:14 The Bible tells us.
13:33 Yes when they came into the city of Rome, Paul was taken
13:37 before the Imperial guard, before the captain of the
13:41 imperial guard, Afranius Burrus.
13:44 He was taken before this man who had been a tutor of
13:47 Nero, he was a just man.
13:49 And as he listened to Paul's case, a centurion said he was
13:53 a good man and gave the report about Claudius Lysias,
13:56 the commander from Jerusalem, who said he had done
13:59 nothing worthy of imprisonment and how both Felix and
14:02 Festus, the Roman governors of Palestine,
14:05 had said the same.
14:06 And even King Agrippa, the Jewish King reigning from
14:09 Galilee, had said he had done nothing worthy of
14:13 imprisonment or of death.
14:15 So General Burrus allowed Paul to live under house
14:19 arrest, he was to live in his own rented house with a
14:23 soldier from the Imperial guard, to watch over him,
14:27 and to keep them safe in the city.
14:30 Luke goes on to describe how that three days after
14:34 arriving in the great city of Rome,
14:37 that he made arrangements for the leaders of the
14:39 Jewish community to come.
14:41 He wanted to share with them his situation and why he
14:44 had come, he was not coming because he had a grievance
14:47 against his people, but because they had made a charge
14:51 against him, a charge that was without foundation.
14:54 We read on Acts 28:17.
15:35 Paul said I want to be very clear, I have done nothing
15:38 against the customs of our ancestors
15:41 or against our religion.
15:43 Isn't it amazing that the uninformed often accused Paul
15:48 of doing away with Judaism?
15:50 How could he with a clean conscience stand before the
15:54 leaders of the synagogue, here in the city of Rome,
15:57 and say I have done nothing against the customs of the
16:00 Elders, or against the traditions of our fathers,
16:03 that I am in chains for the hope of Israel?
16:08 Paul still maintained the great teachings
16:11 of the Old Testament.
16:13 The only difference was he had accepted Jesus as his
16:17 Messiah, Jesus as his Christ.
16:20 Paul said I have done nothing against the customs or
16:22 the traditions of our fathers, or our people.
16:26 I am not here because of a grudge against our people,
16:30 I am here because they had a grudge against me.
16:34 Paul arranged for the leaders to come together with
16:37 additional Elders of the synagogues,
16:40 here in the city of Rome.
16:41 It is estimated that there were over 30,000 Jews living
16:44 in the city of Rome at this time.
16:46 We read on.
17:48 Again we see that Paul comes before the Jewish leaders
17:50 of the city of Rome and he appeals to them about
17:53 Jesus, being the Messiah.
17:55 He appeals to them about the kingdom of God and notice
17:59 what he uses as the base of his authority, Scripture.
18:02 The law of Moses and the prophets.
18:05 Yes Paul was a Jew, he believed in the hope of Israel.
18:09 He was proclaiming these teachings to the believers here.
18:13 If, as some assume, Paul was now worshiping on the
18:16 first day of the week, how could he say that
18:18 with a clear conscience?
18:20 It was an absurd idea.
18:22 Yes we know for sure that here in the city of Rome,
18:25 the first day of the week did not arise from Paul or
18:29 from the leaders of the early church, but arose in the
18:33 second century, it had to do with the controversy over
18:37 the resurrection of Jesus.
18:40 It had to do the Easter controversy.
18:43 You see after the destruction of Jerusalem by Hadrian and
18:47 135 A.D., Hadrian made a decree that Jews could not come
18:51 within 50 miles of Jerusalem.
18:53 That meant that Christians could not come within 50 miles
18:56 either, for they were still largely considered
18:58 a sect of the Jews.
19:00 Both groups were banned from the city.
19:03 Christians in Rome try to distinguish themselves,
19:06 to distance themselves, from Jews.
19:08 So at a time when both religions were celebrating the
19:13 resurrection of Jesus on the 16th day of the first Jewish
19:18 month, Passover and the offering of a wave sheaf,
19:22 or the first fruits, Christians at Rome tried to move away
19:26 from the 14th, 15th, and 16th days of the first Jewish
19:30 month, and move their celebration of the crucifixion
19:33 and resurrection of Jesus, to the festival of Ishtar.
19:37 Ishtar, the Babylonian god that supposedly was
19:42 resurrected on the first Sunday, after the full moon,
19:46 after the spring equinox.
19:48 This word has been Anglicized and we know it today as Easter.
19:54 That's right Jesus was crucified on Friday, and rose
19:58 from the grave on the first day of the week.
20:00 But this was also on the 14th and 16th day of the first
20:05 Jewish month, it was tied to Passover.
20:07 He died as a Passover Lamb at three in the afternoon
20:10 on the 14th day of the first Jewish month.
20:13 And then there was an annual Sabbath, there are seven
20:15 annual Sabbath's, not tied to a day of the week, but to
20:18 a day of the month, much like your birthday.
20:21 Then on the 16th day was the offering of the wave sheaf
20:24 the first ripening grains of barley were coming to
20:27 maturity, and they went out and collected those first
20:30 ripening grains, and brought them into the temple and
20:33 waved them before God as an offering of the first fruits
20:37 of the barley harvest.
20:39 Jesus was resurrected as the offering of the first fruits
20:43 of them that would be raised from the dead.
20:46 Yes he completely fulfilled the wonderful festivals of
20:51 Passover, of the Passover Lamb dying, and also of the
20:56 offering of the wave sheaf.
20:58 The church moved the celebration of Jesus' resurrection
21:02 from the dead, from the 16th day of the first Jewish
21:06 month tied to the Passover, to the first Sunday after
21:10 the full moon, after the spring equinox, tied instead to
21:14 the festival of Ishtar.
21:17 Paul had longed to witness in Rome and now he was here.
21:21 By God's providence, he now had his own rented place
21:24 and he was able to entertain people who would
21:27 come to hear the gospel.
21:30 The fact that he was in chains did not bother Paul.
21:33 Paul believed that all things work together for good
21:35 to those that love God.
21:37 And so Paul faithfully witnessed before the Jews,
21:40 sharing with them from the Scriptures that Jesus was
21:43 the Christ, and he assured them that he had done nothing
21:46 against the traditions and the teachings of Moses and
21:49 the prophets, and the teachings of the ancestors.
21:52 Paul said with a clear conscience, I only come to
21:55 exalt the hope of Israel.
21:58 The belief in the resurrection of the dead and how it
22:00 was fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth.
22:02 Yes Paul had faithfully followed wherever Jesus had led.
22:06 Now Jesus had led him here to the great city of Rome
22:10 and he learned to be content under all circumstances.
22:14 Whether he had much or whether he had little.
22:16 So the fact that he was in chains did not bother Paul.
22:19 He was here was going to faithfully witness for his
22:22 Lord in this great city.
22:24 You know there is a very strange brand of Christianity
22:27 going around, it is actually foreign to the New
22:30 Testament, foreign to Scripture.
22:32 I call it the gospel of wealth, health, and prosperity.
22:36 Preachers come along and say, if you only believe,
22:40 everything will be just fine and dandy.
22:42 Everything will be just rosy and chirpy.
22:44 If you give money to my ministry, if you sow
22:46 that seed of promise, you will reap a tremendous material
22:51 blessing of prosperity.
22:53 Our man Paul comes to the city in chains.
22:57 He has been unjustly accused by the Asian Jews.
23:00 He has had his own countrymen to take a vow that they
23:05 would not eat food until they killed him.
23:07 They were so motivated with hatred.
23:09 We see how he was unjustly held him in prison for two years
23:14 in Caesarea while the government was waiting for a bribe.
23:19 We have seen Paul mistreated, he shared with the
23:23 Corinthian believers an entire list of the mistreatment
23:27 he had experienced while following Christ, while reaping
23:30 the harvest of faith that he had sown.
24:51 Yes we see that Paul's life was not a bed of roses.
24:54 We see all the different experiences through which he
24:56 passed, he was sowing the seeds of faith.
24:59 And yet he was reaping what appeared to be a tremendous
25:03 adversity, but we know that God had not forsaken him.
25:07 We know that Jesus had not turned its back on him.
25:10 We know that Jesus was leading him forward, yes he was
25:13 a great apostle filled with faith.
25:15 Under all these difficulties that came into his life,
25:19 he did not let it get him down.
25:21 He continued on praising his God.
25:24 He continued on following in the footsteps of Jesus.
25:26 Oh my friends, I do not know what difficulties you
25:29 might have gone through.
25:30 I don't know what shadows might have crossed your path.
25:35 I don't know what challenges you might face, but I know
25:40 that we cannot determine God's love for us based on the
25:44 experiences that happen around us.
25:47 Paul says that these momentary problems are going to pass
25:50 away, that we have to look beyond that to the reality
25:54 beyond, to the real world, to the world where Jesus is now.
26:00 Our great Priest, encouraging us to hang in there.
26:03 Encouraging us to continue to faithfully follow.
26:06 Yes we followed Paul's journey from his home in Tarsus
26:11 to Jerusalem, to Damascus, throughout the ancient world.
26:15 Now from Jerusalem here to the great city of Rome where
26:20 he is in chains to be tried before the Emperor.
26:22 Yet Paul is not complaining, he is not bitter, he is not
26:27 angry and disappointed, he is hopeful.
26:30 He is hopeful that even these chains will prove to be the
26:33 salvation of someone here in this great city.
26:37 O friend of mine, do you need hope like that?
26:42 Jesus says to come, Paul heard Jesus say, Paul,
26:47 My strength will be made perfect in your weakness.
26:52 Sometimes we feel so weak, sometimes we feel like
26:56 complaining and giving up when things happen that we
26:59 did not anticipate, or plan for.
27:02 Perhaps a sickness comes into our home, perhaps an
27:05 illness to one of our family members, or a good friend.
27:07 Perhaps it happens to us and we wonder
27:10 God, where are You?
27:11 Perhaps it is a financial or personal loss of job.
27:15 We don't turn away from Jesus during times like this,
27:19 we turn to Him, knowing that if God be for us
27:22 who can be against us.
27:25 That's what Paul's life teaches us.
27:28 As he faithfully followed Him, here to the great city of
27:32 Rome, where he comes in chains to witness for his Lord.
27:36 Let's pray together.
27:37 Eternal God, what an incredible journey it has been
27:40 following Paul from the city of Jerusalem down to
27:44 Caesarea and the ocean journey that took him to dangerous
27:48 places along the island of Crete and finally to be
27:51 shipwrecked off Malta what a miracle that he landed on the
27:55 island and that You preserved him because You had a
27:57 purpose for his life here in the city of Rome.
28:00 We thank you to see how he came into the city and
28:02 witnessed before the Jews and shared his faith
28:04 with the hope of Israel.
28:06 We thank You for this faithful follower and that in
28:09 the midst of such incredible odds he still had a radiant
28:13 Faith in You and I want each one of us were Jesus to have
28:16 that same hope and confidence in You, knowing that all
28:20 things work together for good to those who love God and
28:23 are called by His purpose, that is my prayer from here in the
28:27 city of Rome, in Jesus name Amen!
28:29 Don't miss the next thrilling teaching in our series,
28:33 as Paul witnesses before Caesar in the great city of Rome.


Revised 2014-12-17