It Is Written

Making Prayer Matter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001240

00:08 test of time, God's Word, The Bible.
00:15 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:21 It Is Written, Sharing hope around the globe.
00:36 Thanks for join me today on It Is Written,
00:38 I'm John Bradshaw, and today, a special program with a
00:41 special guest.
00:43 When you come to the Bible and you start to think about
00:45 matters of faith, and the relationship with the God of
00:47 heaven, one of the fundamentals, one of the
00:49 basics, one of the most important ingredients in the
00:53 Christian experience is prayer.
00:56 But how do we pray effectively?
00:58 How do we pray in a way that we can expect God to answer
01:02 our prayers?
01:03 How can we pray knowing that the hand of the omnipotence
01:07 will be moved?
01:09 Long time author, minister, a man who for decades has
01:13 thought the Word of God and has encourage people and
01:16 thought people in the principles of prayer is Ron
01:20 Halverson.
01:21 Ron, thank you for joining me today.
01:23 Very happy to be hear for this important meeting.
01:25 One of the things that you have made a whole mark of
01:27 your ministry and particularly in recent times
01:30 is the subject of prayer.
01:32 Before we start to get too specific about this, lets be
01:35 general, let me ask you what prayer is.
01:37 What is it?
01:38 I think there is two faces of prayer, one is personal
01:40 prayer, personal experience relationship with Jesus
01:42 Christ, that prayer is the breath of the soul, someone
01:46 had said.
01:47 Someone had said that is like talking to God like a friend,
01:51 personal.
01:52 The other is like a key that opens the treasure house of
01:56 heaven.
01:57 That's so personal.
01:58 I think that prayer goes eyond that.
02:01 Prayer is a weapon, -a weapon- in the hand of the
02:03 believer.
02:04 How is prayer a weapon?-well because if we study around
02:08 closer, we discover that we are in a world of war.
02:11 We are in a battle.
02:12 But this is a spiritual battle that is going on.
02:15 The battle for your soul.
02:16 And in a battle, God tells us how to be prepared for the
02:19 battle, how to dress for the battle, how to stand for the
02:23 battle and then what weapon to use for the battle.
02:30 That is found in Ephesians the 6th chapter, yeah, I'm
02:33 turning there right now, in fact, if you, if you allow me
02:36 while I turn, I'm going to read just that little passage
02:39 because there talks about taking the whole armor of
02:41 God, right.
02:42 That's a very interesting point, because when we talk
02:44 about the whole armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6: "Take
02:46 the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which
02:49 is the Word of God, praying always with all prayer and
02:52 supplication of the Spirit.
02:53 So even thought when you think about the armor of God,
02:55 prayer often is left off the list and some people's
02:58 recitation is connected inextricably actually with
03:00 the armor of God, isn't it.
03:02 Yeah it's the only weapon that he has.
03:04 There is no other weapon, you don't fight with the flesh
03:07 against the spirit.
03:08 You can't fight against the invisible with the visible.
03:11 So you need that invisible power, that invisible force
03:15 which is prayer.
03:17 And prayer surrounds the warrior.
03:22 Prayer is the weapon through the Word of God.
03:25 It Is Written that's the weapon.
03:28 But is a weapon of prayer that delivers the soul.
03:31 Ok, lets talk about what a prayer ought to look like.
03:35 "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray my soul the Lord will
03:39 keep" that's a prayer, kneeling by your bed at night
03:41 and your hand like this and your eyes closed, that's
03:44 prayer, kind of what I do.
03:46 I have people ask me all the time, "you have to How do I
03:49 pray?
03:50 Do I pray like this.
03:52 Tell me how prayer works practically, what is it?
03:55 The first experience I've had in prayer, I was a gang
03:58 banger in Brooklyn New York and I stole a boat, you stole
04:01 a boat?
04:02 Yeah I stole a boat.
04:03 On this boat I went fishing and a storm comes up.
04:07 A wind is blowing, water is coming over the boat and here
04:11 I am black leather jacket, skull blood dripping over the
04:14 skull, tough dude.
04:15 And I am in this boat, no religion, I mean, and all the
04:19 sudden the boat starts filling up with water so I'm
04:22 trying to bail it out with my motorcycle.
04:25 Boat is going to go down.
04:26 My brother says bail I'm bailing then he says raw so
04:30 I'm rawing and the tide changes and I fell down on my
04:33 knees on that boat and I said, God help me in and I'll
04:37 be good.
04:38 God knew better than that.
04:40 But that was the expression of a need within a human
04:44 heart.
04:45 And God didn't weight that prayer upon whether I was
04:47 going to be good or that I was bad.
04:50 But he weight upon my need and so He answered that
04:53 prayer.
04:54 So you got out of there.
04:55 Have you been in a storm where cloud ripped apart and
04:57 the sun comes through, yeah, right on that boat, a speed
04:59 boat was coming by so our predicament I said, I got my
05:03 feet on the ground and I forgot the prayer.
05:05 But that was the beginning.
05:07 You see, there are no atheist in sinking boats, right,
05:10 crashing planes, sure, when death angel moves around the
05:13 heart there is something instinctively within the
05:17 human nature.
05:18 Because to me that was a very dramatic moment.
05:21 To me that was an answer.
05:24 So I thought, wow, if God can answer in such a way to a
05:29 gang banger in a stolen boat, imagine what he does to a
05:33 believer on his knees, open his heart to God as to a
05:37 friend.
05:38 Now when you knelt down in that boat to pray were you
05:40 thinking flowery oratory or were just thinking I got to
05:43 tell God what's on my mind.
05:45 Just told him what's bothering at that moment.
05:47 You have to talk to God like you do a friend.
05:50 We don't go ye, ne, now, thou, no, we talk hey, hey
05:54 buddy I'm in a predicament here, you are my friend,
05:58 would you help me?
05:59 Sometimes I get angry at God.
06:00 I get angry at God.
06:02 I can't understand sometimes human suffering.
06:05 Is that ok?
06:07 Someone watching and say, you shouldn't get angry with God,
06:10 that's disrespectful.
06:11 Is God ok with that?
06:12 Well I think He is because the prophets were.
06:14 When prophets said, Hey God why you let this people go to
06:17 our city and rape our women and take our children into
06:20 slavery.
06:21 Through out the history of the bible we find men and
06:24 women at times calling up to God in anger.
06:28 I have a friend, this man was a Christian leader.
06:31 Things weren't going well in his life.
06:33 He had some debts, he had some struggles, real
06:36 struggles.
06:37 He would pull up a chair and say, Jesus, sit down, I need
06:39 to talk to you.
06:40 Say I didn't think you like me very much, what's going on
06:42 in my life?
06:44 Prayer got to be honest and real.
06:46 That's right.
06:47 God understands it already.
06:48 He understand the anger in our heart.
06:50 The only way you get rid of anger is to express it.
06:54 Yeah, you don't suppress it.
06:55 So it's the same in your prayer life you don't
06:57 suppress it.
06:59 You tell Him, God, I don't understand this, come on,
07:02 lets get on board on this, what's the problem.
07:06 Sometimes I rejoice, I'm happy, I laugh with God.
07:11 God has great sense of humor, he made a giraffe, he made me
07:15 and he made you, John, and so you see, I laugh with God.
07:21 A friend is a friend and is a friend forever.
07:24 So prayer is coming to a friend sharing what is on
07:27 your mind.
07:28 That's right.
07:29 Any time?
07:30 Any place?
07:31 You don't have to be in a position, is not about a
07:33 position, anywhere.
07:36 In my book on prayer warrior in the last chapters, I talk
07:39 about a place, everyone should have a place maybe a
07:42 quite place in your house, maybe out there in the woods,
07:46 maybe surrounded by woods you'll find a
07:49 little place where you pray.
07:51 That 's a part of your growth,
07:53 part of your spiritual life.
07:55 But it has to go beyond that.
07:57 It has to go on to the battle to the fight.
08:00 See much praying is personal, is asking, is asking for
08:03 self.
08:05 Almost becomes selfish.
08:07 We find that prayer is use 114 times the word prayer in
08:12 the bible.
08:15 313 times pray, so that's how important it is to the word
08:19 of God.
08:21 So to a believer in the word of God, prayer is essential.
08:23 And prayer is a wonderful communion.
08:26 Hey, you hassle all day long and you go aside with God and
08:30 He listens not superficial but he listens and he hears
08:35 and he answers you.
08:38 I learned from a lady once, I was praying with her and
08:43 after I finished my prayer, I was getting up to go and she
08:48 is all, no, we got to listen now.
08:52 And that revolutionized my prayer experience.
08:54 We pray quick and we run.
08:55 Everything is quick.
08:57 You know, fast, fast, fast.
08:59 Just listen.
09:01 And you will be surprise, got will even talk to you in a
09:03 dream.
09:04 God will even wake you up in the night.
09:06 I know God did that for you.
09:08 And in some stage we are going to talk about that.
09:11 Prayer, prayer with Ron Halverson.
09:14 Ron, thanks for being here today, we are going to come
09:18 back in just a moment and talk about more, we are going
09:22 to talk about more about listening to God, hearing the
09:24 voice of God then, how prayer can be most effective in your
09:26 life.
09:27 I'll be right back with Ron Halverson on It Is Written.
09:31 (Music) In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says: It is
09:35 written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every
09:39 word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
09:41 Every Word is a one minute bible base daily devotional
09:45 presented by pastor John Bradshaw and designed
09:48 specially for busy people like you.
09:51 Look for Every Word on selected networks or watch on
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10:00 receive a daily spiritual boost, watch Every Word,
10:03 you'll be glad you did.
10:06 Thanks for joining me today, my special guest today is Ron
10:08 Halverson, author, preacher, minister, man of God and
10:13 expert in the area of prayer.
10:16 Ron we are talking about effective prayer and a moment
10:18 ago you talked about listening and hearing.
10:22 I want you to fetch that out because it would be too
10:24 difficult for someone to take that to an unhealthy extreme.
10:27 And someone is going to say, well, how do I know what I am
10:30 hearing is from God, I am asked this question as I
10:32 travel, how do I know what I am hearing is from God or not
10:35 the devil and so, talk about that.
10:39 Well, see, first of all, how I know is from God is because
10:42 I am in communion with Him.
10:45 I can sense the voice of God, I can sense when is God
10:50 convicting me, and not Satan convicting me.
10:53 First of all, God doesn't lie to me.
10:56 God doesn't flatter me.
10:57 I can sense his presence.
10:59 Also in the will of God I can pray for things that is not
11:04 in the will of God and so I ask but is not given.
11:07 I seek but is not found, I knock but the door is not
11:10 opened.
11:11 And when that happens, I realize that I begin to
11:13 analyze that what I am asking or a seek is more selfish or
11:18 maybe the timing is not right.
11:21 So you listen to God and how is God going to speak.
11:24 Let me tell you what happened to me.
11:27 I was sleeping one night, and my wife says that sometimes I
11:31 sing in my sleep, sometimes I preach in my sleep.
11:33 This time I woke up and I heard like a voice such a
11:38 strong impression.
11:41 Get a colonoscopy.
11:43 Mercy, I said, a colonoscopy?
11:45 I thought it was a nightmare I thought I was in digestion,
11:51 so I went back to sleep.
11:51 Two nights later, same thing happened.
11:53 So I called my doctor, doctor I need a colonoscopy, he
11:55 says, do you have these symptoms, and he named four
11:57 or five different symptoms.
11:58 I had no symptoms, I would jump fences, they are smaller
12:01 now, but I still jump fences.
12:02 I said no, no, then he said why, I said because the Lord
12:06 said I should have one.
12:07 He said, do you have another reason, I said, not a better
12:10 reason.
12:10 And so they put me in the hospital and did a
12:11 colonoscopy and they found a very aggressive cancer above
12:12 the appendix.
12:16 The doctor said, 99% of thei people that get that colon
12:18 cancer they die, because by the time they get symptoms is
12:22 broken to the wall.
12:23 Once it breaks to the wall is very dangerous.
12:27 So they cut out the piece, this was 12 years ago and I
12:31 went to the oncologist and he came out shaking his head and
12:34 he said Mr. Halverson, I can't explain he said, 99% of
12:38 the people with that colon cancer, we have to give heavy
12:40 dozes of of chemo and radiation and still they die.
12:43 I said, well do you believe in miracles?
12:45 Doctor said, yeah I do.
12:47 And I shared the miracle.
12:48 To me it was a miracle.
12:50 That was a personal answered prayer.
12:51 God had to wake me up and talked to me, and when you
12:53 have a relationship with God in that way, God will talk to
12:55 you.
12:55 Just listen.
12:57 I mean, everything worked together because as I walked
13:02 in that way, God kept fulfilling the dream.
13:07 And for 12 years I have been free form colon cancer.
13:13 I thank God for that.
13:15 Amen.
13:18 So as you pray, as you pray, do you get to understand the
13:19 voice of the Lord more and better, you get to know the
13:21 voice that is speaking and you understand.
13:23 You know frankly, I get asked by some people, how am I
13:25 going to know is the Lord, if you pray and you get an
13:26 impression to go jump of the roof, is probably not the
13:27 Lord.
13:28 But if you pray and the impression is pray more or
13:30 help a little old lady or whatever the case might be,
13:37 is not that difficult to figure out is it?
13:39 No, that's right, if it's towards an experience to
13:44 helping people, growing in your spiritual life.
13:49 You know, the devil is not going to tell you, Hey Ron,
13:52 let's grow spiritually today, lets be a spiritual giant.
13:56 No, but you know that is the voice of God.
13:58 When you go to help others, you know that's the voice of
14:00 God, when he tells you to pray more...
14:03 Satan doesn't want you to pray more.
14:04 The fact is one thing he fears, he fears the prayers
14:08 of God's people.
14:09 Every prayer you pray is important to God.
14:12 Before we go to break I just want to repeat a point.
14:15 God will hear anyone's prayers.
14:17 What about the guy that says I am too bad, God doesn't
14:20 love me.
14:21 He won't hear me when I pray.
14:23 God wouldn't bother with a God like me.
14:26 What do you say to that?
14:27 Whether that guy or girl.
14:28 I just finished studying the Pharisee and the publican,
14:30 praying, the Pharisee prays and prays, thank God I am not
14:33 like others, like that publican over there, and the
14:37 publican was a money changer.
14:39 He worked for Rome, he was a jew that worked for Rome.
14:42 Everything he would pay for Rome and everything above
14:45 that he collected he kept for himself.
14:48 And there he is in the courtyard of the temple, and
14:51 that is a big courtyard in the days of Jesus like 20
14:54 football fields, and there is the Pharisee in its
14:57 filature's you know, dress for church, in fact they sow
15:01 bells in the bottom of the filaturies to make noise so
15:03 when they pray people looked and say ah, there is a man of
15:07 God.
15:08 And there is this poor publican, he is afraid to
15:14 look above his tips of his toes.
15:22 And looked to heaven and says, help me, I'm sinner.
15:24 See, he confess something, Pharisee confess nothing got
15:25 nothing.
15:26 So you confess it, you see, that's what God is.
15:29 Our job description is sinner, he is the Savior.
15:31 I want you to recognize we need to depend more and more
15:34 on him, to pour his righteousness upon us to pour
15:37 his life upon us.
15:38 I mean is so exciting to know that this God is so personal.
15:42 Yeah, if you can say that publicly the passage says,
15:46 that man went down to his house justified.
15:48 He'd been pardon and forgiven, justified as if he
15:51 had never sinned.
15:52 Yeah, so if he can save a gang banger in a boat, that's
15:55 right, there is no one God cant' save.
15:57 There is lots of prayers God will hear.
15:59 I've had the privilege to lead people to Christ in
16:02 bars, praying with them there and giving their life to
16:05 Christ.
16:06 I've worked with prostitutes on the streets, I've worked
16:08 with drug addicts for many years in New York and the
16:11 hippies and the yippies, and the free de gypsies back then
16:14 in the 60's.
16:17 we had a coffee house in Crensh village.
16:21 The rag tag people but the God we serve offers life for
16:25 them.
16:26 He is the only one that can see something beautiful in
16:29 them.
16:31 If God can save us he can save anybody.
16:32 That's right.
16:33 In a moment we are going to be back, we are discussing in
16:35 just a moment with Ron Halverson prayer warfare.
16:38 Prayer as a weapon.
16:39 We began talking about prayer being a weapon.
16:42 In just a moment more on that subject with Ron Halverson.
16:44 I'll be right back.
16:45 (Music) It Is Written is dedicated to sharing the
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17:06 On today's program you've heard, us talk about the
17:08 importance of prayer.
17:10 Prayer is a powerful tool, is our lifeline a vital
17:14 connection to God.
17:15 But there is something I want to share with you on the
17:17 subject.
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18:35 I'm John Bradshaw, thanks for joining me today on It Is
18:38 Written.
18:39 Today, our special guest Ron Halverson whose literally has
18:42 written a book on prayer.
18:43 Ron let me talk now on prayer warfare.
18:47 Prayer as a weapon.
18:48 When we began this program you were talking about prayer
18:50 being a weapon.
18:51 Something we take on the offense.
18:53 We are in a spiritual battle, the Bible makes it very very
18:57 clear.
18:58 We don't wrestle with flesh and blood but with
19:00 principalities and powers.
19:02 Prayer as a weapon in warfare that is a new concept with
19:05 people.
19:06 Well I was forced into that.
19:08 I'm working in the cities, I spent most of my 50 years in
19:11 ministry 53 years working in the city.
19:13 In the inner cities.
19:14 And I am working for this people that are being
19:17 harassed I mean a kid, 8 years old dies in my arms,
19:22 throwing up on me, over doze with drugs.
19:24 I'm forced to say, how can this happen, how can I go
19:27 beyong just as supercitial, I was forced to pray.
19:32 Forced to really get into this prayer.
19:35 And then I began to see more and more that this is a war.
19:38 This is a spiritual war.
19:39 the turf ,the territory, he takes principalities, he
19:42 takes powers.
19:43 He takes areas of cities, whole areas, whole
19:46 neighborhoods, and give it all to the satanic forces.
19:51 And I say, here I am one lone evangelists trying to war
19:55 against this.
19:56 And I began to see more and more of this battle.
19:58 And even as a pastor, I have pastor churches and first
20:05 prayer meetings there were 30 people.
20:07 I went home and fell on my face so I cried all night
20:08 long and prayed and said, God you have to do something
20:11 here.
20:12 And then God brought me a vision in prayer that would
20:14 be the saving center that church.
20:15 We went from 30 people in a month we were 1500 hundred.
20:19 And for 5 years, 1500 people coming out to pray to prayer
20:23 meetings, because I had the vision we are at war, we are
20:27 at battle.
20:30 Wouldn't you tell people that.
20:34 Then we are going to get in different stands.
20:36 The dead pick nick praying is over.
20:38 We are in a battle.
20:39 In fact we should know that armagedon is not about a
20:40 battle way down in the end of time in a little valley
20:42 called Megido.
20:45 It started in heaven, Revelation 12 tells us that.
20:47 Satan was cast out.
20:50 He came to God and turned him into a wilderness, John.
20:53 Jesus came to the wilderness and turned it back to God.
20:55 That's the struggle between good and evil.
20:57 But not only with them, you and me.
20:59 We are in that struggle, is a personal battle.
21:01 How do I take prayer and use it as a weapon in the
21:07 spiritual battle that I am in?
21:09 First of all, there are 3 principles that we need in
21:11 victory in this battle.
21:13 One is the Blood.
21:18 He says, they overcame him by the blood of the lamb.
21:20 Revelation, John writes, his pen is dipped in the red
21:21 blood from Calvary when he writes Revelation.
21:24 He says the blood of the lamb and by the word of their
21:28 testimony, it would not shrink from death.
21:30 But there is 3 things, the Blood.
21:32 And then God says, put on the armor of God.
21:33 Before I get out of the bed in the morning, john, I place
21:37 the blood in my heart.
21:38 I pray for my family, for those in my prayer list.
21:40 I place the blood on their hearts.
21:42 Because that is the beginning of deliverance.
21:43 You want deliverance.
21:44 How many, watching this program, wants deliverance?
21:47 Is first in the blood.
21:49 Then he says, put on the armor of God.
21:51 Why?
21:52 Because the arrows of the devil can't penetrate the
21:55 armor of God.
21:56 Undressing the armor, but the armor never wins the battle.
21:59 Armor is only defense.
22:00 Right?
22:01 Yeah.
22:02 And so he says put on the loin cloth, and that was eye
22:05 opening to me, because the loin cloth protects the
22:07 reproductive organ.
22:09 You see, every believer is suppose to reproduce Christ.
22:12 You see, we are not to be members, we are to be
22:17 disciples.
22:18 And that is to disciple the lost, to win the lost.
22:20 Jesus said, I've come to seek and to save that which is
22:23 lost.
22:24 And now the church is just I mean is a place to be
22:27 entertained is a place to come once a week for an hour,
22:30 give God an hour and you'll please him...
22:33 NO, you got to become a disciple.
22:35 A disciple comes to warfare.
22:36 He dresses in the armor of God.
22:38 He has a sword, the only offensive weapon if you
22:40 notice.
22:41 That's right.
22:42 The sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
22:44 The two edged sword, the old and new testament.
22:47 It pierces the heart.
22:49 This is talking about a battle.
22:51 And then when I went into these neighborhoods, you go
22:53 to neighborhoods and you got to duck behind cars, they are
22:55 shooting at each other.
22:57 I go into the barrios in Los Angeles, and Brooklyn, and
23:01 Harmarville, and I mean I got to carry my bible because if
23:05 they shoot me they got to go through Genesis, Exodus,
23:09 Leviticus, Numbers.
23:11 I mean its there.
23:12 And I'm saying to myself, I got to go with the sword, I
23:14 can't conquer this with sweet words, little homilies...
23:16 so tell me how to take this weapon and use it
23:20 practically, I'm battling in my life I have some problems.
23:23 There is something in the word of God I got to take
23:26 that through prayer and use that offensively to drive out
23:29 satan from me.
23:30 Someone's got a marriage difficulty, lets say,
23:32 marriage is falling apart and kids are in jeopardy.
23:34 Someone's got a drug problem.
23:35 What am I going to do with prayer to use that
23:38 offensively as a weapon in those situations.
23:40 Well, first of all, you've got to let them know you are
23:43 going to pray for them.
23:44 Then you have to give them the principles of their
23:47 personal prayer experience, that they must put the blood
23:50 on their heart.
23:51 You see, they got to dress in the armor.
23:53 Before I get out of bed in the morning, I put blood,
23:57 dress in the armor and then he gives you the third key
23:59 that says, give him praise from your lips.
24:03 You know, even someone in church try to squelch praise.
24:07 But praise, when the devil hears you singing a song, or
24:10 hears you calling a scripture, when the devil
24:12 hears that he says, hey man that guy is hot today stay
24:15 away from him.
24:16 You see, you got to teach him that principle.
24:22 We got to teach them the principle that as soon as the
24:24 temptation comes, to go to God and ask for help.
24:26 At that moment we got to teach them that they have to
24:29 hold on.
24:30 That it is not a quick fix.
24:34 Is not a quick fix.
24:35 My life has not been a quick fix as yours, he's still
24:38 working, he is still working on my life.
24:41 And I think, wow I had victory here, and then two
24:44 other things come up in my heart.
24:47 So we got to teach them continually to reach out and
24:50 to continue to holding on.
24:53 Holding on for God.
24:54 And trouble in marriage today is because of selfishness,
24:59 and who deals more with selfishness than God.
25:03 So once I find out what the need is with drug addicts,
25:08 the need is that someone loves them.
25:10 I was in south Bronce, and Fox street had the most
25:14 heroin addicts in the 60's than any other street in the
25:16 world.
25:17 And these boys came to a meeting one night.
25:20 High in heroin, they were main lining heroin.
25:23 They left the meeting and as they left the meeting I ran
25:26 off the pattform through the aisle and jump and I met them
25:28 coming down the stairs, and they were high on heroin, and
25:31 they saw me and said wow man, you are in there, no I am out
25:35 here, because God loves you and I love you.
25:38 And I wanted to say good bye and I want you to come back.
25:41 And there on the street I knelt with them and pray for
25:43 those 4 boys.
25:44 Heroin addicts, main liners, I prayed all that night, I
25:48 could not sleep that night.
25:50 The next night, they show up.
25:51 And the next night, and the next night, they come, and
25:54 when I asked people to receive Jesus in their
25:56 hearts, those four men came forward.
25:58 I grew up in the shooting gallery in south Bronze, get
26:00 this, kids are laying around in half stages, I find my
26:04 boys in the back.
26:05 And there they were, I mean you cannot philosophy, they
26:10 did not need more theology, they need to know that God
26:13 loves them.
26:15 And I sat there and I cried there with them and said, God
26:18 loves you and God wants to take this from you.
26:20 We talked about 5 day plan 10 day plan, God has a 5 minute
26:23 plan.
26:24 And God saved those boys, became ministers and are
26:28 preaching the gospel.
26:30 That's the power of prayer.
26:31 Listen to me, that is the power of God on the lives of
26:34 just four.
26:35 Imagine what he can do for the whole city.
26:39 Imagine what he can do for you.
26:41 Imagine what God can you in your life, the lives of your
26:43 family members, the lives of your love ones, the lives of
26:46 someone you are working with.
26:47 People in your community.
26:48 People for whom you are burdened.
26:50 As Ron said, that is the power of prayer.
26:54 Ron, why don't we pray together.
26:56 Thank you.
26:57 Ask God to bless or if you are listening and want to get
26:59 in deeper experience with him.
27:01 Our father and our God we thank you in Jesus name that
27:03 prayer changes things.
27:05 That you work through our prayers and with our prayers.
27:08 That prayer is an effective weapon in the spiritual
27:11 warfare which we find ourselves.
27:13 Call us Lord to pray and as we pray bless us by giving us
27:18 faith to know that things would happen.
27:21 Allow us to see your hand move.
27:23 Work in us, and in others, that your will will be done
27:27 in our lives.
27:28 Help us where we need help and bless us and keeps close
27:32 to you always, please, in Jesus name we pray, amen.
27:43 (Music) Thanks for joining us today.
27:45 There will be more with Ron Halverson later in It Is
27:47 Written program, and I hope you don't miss that.
27:50 Until next time, please remember, It Is Written, man
27:54 shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
27:57 proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2015-02-06