It Is Written

By This Sign

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001288A

00:01 [Dramatic Theme] >:
00:07 It has stood the test of time.
00:13 God's book, the Bible;
00:17 still relevant in today's complex world.
00:22 It Is Written, sharing hope around the globe.
00:36 [sound of thunder]
00:43 [Foreboding Drone]
00:52 JB: This is It Is Written.
00:53 I'm John Bradshaw.
00:54 Thanks for joining me today.
00:56 It's one of the most historic cities on the planet.
00:59 Colorful figures, incredible architecture,
01:03 outrageous scandal and gripping drama.
01:08 Rome.
01:09 No other city in the history of the world has affected or
01:13 affects the world quite like the city of Rome has and does.
01:18 Behind me is a monument to one of Rome's most influential
01:23 leaders.
01:24 This is the Arch of Constantine, and it was during Constantine's
01:29 reign that change happened, that we still experience
01:33 and feel today.
01:39 During the reign of Constantine, paganism was losing its grip,
01:43 its power, over the Roman empire.
01:45 And it seemed possible that Christ would finally
01:48 conquer Caesar.
01:50 You know, there's an old saying that says,
01:52 if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
01:54 And that's the policy Constantine adopted:
01:57 years of persecution had failed to destroy
02:00 the Christian Church.
02:02 So, Constantine decided it was time to make a deal.
02:09 Three centuries before, Jesus had warned His followers against
02:13 the use of force as a means of establishing His authority.
02:18 Remember, that was the kind of Savior the religious leaders in
02:21 Jesus' time were looking for: a political Messiah who would
02:25 establish an earthly kingdom and overthrow the nation's enemies.
02:30 Many of Jesus' disciples had a difficult time understanding
02:34 this, especially Peter.
02:37 So when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane,
02:40 Peter tried to defend him with a sword, whacking off the ear
02:43 of one of those who was taking Jesus captive.
02:47 Jesus quickly healed the man's ear,
02:49 and then turned to his overzealous disciple with words
02:52 many Christians through the ages have conveniently forgotten:
02:58 "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword
03:03 will perish by the sword," Matthew 26:52.
03:09 Early the next morning, Jesus found Himself in the
03:11 presence of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate.
03:15 Those opposing Jesus were accusing Him of rebellion
03:18 against the Roman government, and that's what caught the
03:21 attention of Pontius Pilate.
03:23 Any theological dispute that Jesus might have had with Jewish
03:26 leaders wouldn't have interested a man like
03:29 Pilate one little bit.
03:30 But rebellion against Rome, now that was a different story.
03:36 "We found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to pay
03:39 taxes to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ, a king,"
03:44 Luke 23:2.
03:47 So Pilate takes Jesus aside and asks Him about this, and Jesus
03:51 answers him, using words that too many of Jesus' followers
03:55 down through time have ignored.
03:58 "My kingdom is not of this world.
04:01 If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight
04:06 so that I should not be delivered to the Jews.
04:09 But now my kingdom is not from here," John 18:36.
04:14 So long as Christians were a persecuted minority, it was easy
04:18 for them to honor this teaching of their Lord.
04:21 But when Constantine became Rome's emperor and the lure of
04:25 temporal power was offered to the Church, this teaching was
04:29 set aside and the coming centuries were destined to
04:33 witness the disaster that followed as a result.
04:37 The last great persecution of the Christian Church was
04:40 instigated by the emperor, Diocletian, in the year 303 A.D.
04:46 These barbs are the primary monument found in Rome to
04:50 Diocletian's reign.
04:51 During his reign the empire had faced dramatic challenges:
04:55 internal chaos, military invasion and economic crisis had
05:00 convulsed Rome's possessions.
05:03 Through herculean efforts, Diocletian had brought order out
05:06 of this confusion and had brought stability to the empire.
05:10 [Foreboding Drone] But one problem remained,
05:17 one glaring challenge to the emperor's authority and the
05:20 unity of culture he sought within his realm.
05:23 And that was the Christian Church.
05:26 It was more powerful than ever, deeply entrenched
05:29 in Roman society, even in the upper classes.
05:33 But just as Diocletian had faced down the worst of internal and
05:37 external threats, he was now determined to face this one
05:40 as well.
05:42 And so began the most ruthless persecution of the Church
05:46 since Pentecost, a reign of terror
05:49 that would last 10 full years.
05:52 But the Church was just too strong.
05:55 Local governors, members of the Roman senate,
05:58 patricians of high rank, many of these now
06:01 professed the Christian faith and the more powerful they were,
06:06 the more likely they could protect themselves
06:08 and their fellow believers.
06:10 The empire was still traumatized by decades of civil strife and
06:14 the ceaseless wars on the frontiers.
06:16 It was just too much for Rome to handle all at once.
06:20 It became so stressful for Diocletian himself that he
06:24 resigned the throne in the year 305 A.D.,
06:28 the first ancient monarch known to do such a thing.
06:33 But now another leader emerged on the Roman stage.
06:36 Once a minor official in Diocletian's court, he now stood
06:41 poised to take the empire in his grasp.
06:45 I'll have more in just a moment.
06:50 [Hopeful Melody] >: You are watching the weekly
06:52 It Is Written program with Pastor John Bradshaw, but did
06:55 you know that there's a daily program, too?
06:58 "Every Word" is a one-minute, Bible-based daily devotional
07:02 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw and designed especially
07:05 for busy people like you.
07:07 Look for "Every Word" on selected networks, or watch it
07:10 online every day on our website,
07:14 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
07:16 Watch "Every Word."
07:17 You'll be glad you did.
07:21 [Rythmic Melody]
07:28 JB: It's a funny thing.
07:30 Well, more a tragic thing, really, that there's a growing
07:33 tendency to treat the Bible as less than what it is.
07:35 You've probably heard, just like I have, where some so-called
07:38 Bible scholars pronounced that these miracles didn't happen or
07:41 creation didn't happen or this part of the Bible isn't to be
07:44 taken too seriously.
07:45 Something King Jehoshaphat said should clear things up a bit
07:47 for us.
07:48 When the kings of Israel, Judah and Edom were going up against
07:51 the king of Moab, who was flexing his muscles, they looked
07:54 for guidance from God and a servant suggested they speak
07:57 with the prophet Elisha.
07:59 In 2 Kings 3:12 we read, "And Jehoshaphat said, 'the word of
08:04 the Lord is with him him.'" The prophets spoke the word
08:07 of the Lord.
08:08 What they said then is still the word of the Lord today.
08:11 We don't need to criticize it, but trust it and believe it.
08:14 You know why?
08:15 Because God's Word is certain.
08:17 I'm John Bradshaw.
08:18 Let's live today by every word.
08:22 [Ominous Melody]
08:35 JB: This is It Is Written.
08:36 I'm John Bradshaw.
08:37 Thanks for joining me.
08:39 You're joining me here at ponte Milvio,
08:42 the Milvian Bridge in Rome, the site of one of the
08:44 most famous battles in all of Roman history.
08:47 The truth is, it's a battle that changed the world.
08:51 After Diocletian resigned from being the emperor of Rome,
08:55 the empire was plunged into some confusion.
08:58 Who would be his successor?
09:00 The race was on.
09:02 The favorite was a young man named Maxentius.
09:04 Maxentius was the son of Maximian.
09:07 Maximian was Diocletian's associate emperor.
09:11 The associate emperor's son seemed to be a natural choice.
09:15 But Constantine had other ideas.
09:18 He assembled an army and won two victories against Maxentius in
09:22 northern Italy, and then he marched on Rome, determined to
09:27 take the city and the throne.
09:31 On the evening before the famous battle fought right here,
09:35 the story goes that Constantine had a dream
09:38 in which he saw a vision of the cross,
09:43 and he heard a voice say, "By this sign you will conquer."
09:48 Well, the next day, what do you know.
09:50 Constantine was victorious.
09:53 His rival was defeated and drowned here in the Tiber River.
09:59 Constantine marched on to Rome and he was accepted in scenes of
10:02 wild jubilation.
10:05 Events were now set in motion that wouldn't cease until
10:09 Christianity had become the state religion
10:12 of the Roman empire.
10:14 Constantine and his successors used the power of imperial Rome
10:19 to spread the Christian message and to resolve the Church's
10:23 internal conflicts.
10:24 But what happened was this: Pagan beliefs were blended with
10:30 Christian faith.
10:31 Pagan practices were baptized, as it were, and given a
10:35 Christian connotation.
10:37 Here's what one author said, commenting on this development:
10:42 "As seen in Constantine's originating piety, that supreme
10:46 Deity would have been associated with the sun, and pagans would
10:50 have recognized, with reason, their own solar cult in such
10:54 Christian practices as orienting churches to the east,
10:58 worshiping on Sunday, and celebrating the birth of
11:02 the deity at the winter solstice."
11:05 Jesus warned the religious leaders of His day of the great
11:08 danger of giving human ideas and human traditions the same
11:14 authority as that which is found in the Bible.
11:17 He said this in Matthew 15 in verse 9:
11:20 "And in vain they worshiped me, teaching as doctrines
11:24 the commandments of men."
11:27 But in Constantine's day, the Church seems
11:30 to have forgotten these very clear words.
11:34 So they started making sacred what Jesus had not made sacred,
11:38 and before long they were forbidding what God had
11:41 commanded.
11:44 But the Roman empire was on its last legs, and as the fourth
11:47 century unfolded this became clear for all to see.
11:52 The Germanic tribes beyond the Rhine and Danube, often called
11:55 Barbarians, poured across the empire's northern frontier
11:59 in increasing numbers.
12:01 By the end of the fourth century many within the Roman army
12:05 itself were German, and refused increasingly to
12:08 fight against their own people.
12:10 One vast invasion followed another, like sledgehammer blows
12:14 on a crumbling brick fence.
12:17 Finally, in 476 A.D., the last emperor,
12:21 a child named Romulus Augustus, was deposed by a Barbarian
12:26 chieftain, bringing an end to an empire that had lasted
12:31 for over 1,000 years.
12:34 The collapse of the Roman empire brought chaos to western Europe.
12:38 Crime was rampant, piracy ruled the sea,
12:42 the economy was in tatters.
12:43 There was no longer any real civil authority left.
12:47 But there was one mechanism remaining from the old Roman
12:50 system, and historians tell us what it was.
12:54 With the breakup of the Roman bureaucracy, the structure of
12:58 daily life was threatened with disintegration.
13:01 The only trace left of the Roman organism
13:04 was the Catholic church, and the only men with
13:08 administrative experience were the bishops.
13:13 When Christianity conquered Rome, the ecclesiastical
13:16 structure of the pagan church, the title and vestments of the
13:21 Pontifex Maximus, the worship of the great Mother
13:25 and the multitude of comforting divinities,
13:27 the sense of supersensible presences everywhere,
13:31 the joy or solemnity of old festivals, and the
13:34 pageantry of immemorial ceremony, passed like maternal
13:39 blood into the new religion, and captive Rome
13:43 captured her conqueror.
13:47 The reins and skills of government were handed down by a
13:50 dying empire to a virile papacy.
13:54 The lost power of the broken sword was re-won by the magic
13:58 of the consoling word.
13:59 The armies of the state were replaced by the missionaries
14:02 of the church, moving in all directions
14:04 along the Roman roads.
14:06 And the revolted provinces accepting Christianity again
14:11 acknowledged the sovereignty of Rome.
14:16 Catherine Sherman writes, "The church,
14:19 with the shadow of the ancient authority behind it,
14:22 was the only symbol left of imperial Rome,
14:26 and its bishop, the pope, was the city's only recourse for
14:30 leadership and protection."
14:32 The Roman empire in Europe would be replaced by the spiritual
14:36 empire, which came to be temporal as well, whose reigning
14:40 signore was the bishop of Rome.
14:45 In a moment, Rome rises again.
14:47 I'll be right back.
14:51 ♪ [Dramatic Music] ♪ JB: I hope you'll get
14:53 the book I'm offering you this week.
14:55 It's called "Revelation Today."
14:57 It unfolds the end times scenario presented in the book
15:01 of Reveltion.
15:02 This little book is going to help you understand what the
15:05 book of Revelation is really all about.
15:07 It untangles the end time prophetic scenario to let you
15:11 see how the battle between good and evil ultimately plays out.
15:15 Just call or write and I'll send you "Revelation Today."
15:18 There's no cost, no obligation, it's absolutely free.
15:22 All you need to do is call 1 (800) 253-3000 and ask for
15:27 "Revelation Today."
15:28 You can call 24 hours a day.
15:30 If the line's busy, please just keep on trying.
15:34 You can also request your free copy of "Revelation Today"
15:37 by writing to It Is Written, P.O. Box 6,
15:40 Chattanooga, TN 37401, and we'll mail you a copy to
15:45 your address in North America.
15:47 To get it right away you can download a free electronic
15:50 version of the book "Revelation Today"
15:52 from our website
15:56 Now, It Is Written is a faith-based ministry made
15:58 possible by viewers like you.
16:00 Thank you so much for you kind support.
16:03 Your help makes it possible for us to share God's good news
16:06 with the world.
16:08 Your tax deductible gift can be sent to the address on your
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16:15 Thank you for your continued gracious support.
16:18 Our toll-free number is 1 (800) 253-3000,
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16:33 ♪ [Thoughful Piano Melody] ♪
16:46 JB: I'm John Bradshaw.
16:47 This is It Is Written.
16:49 Thanks for joining me.
16:51 St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican City,
16:57 a magnificent building.
16:58 One of the most magnificent buildings on the entire planet.
17:03 Now, it's interesting how the construction of this building
17:05 was funded.
17:08 Some hundreds of years ago emissaries from the Vatican
17:10 would travel throughout Vatican territory, selling indulgences.
17:15 At the time, among other things they were selling the
17:17 forgiveness of sins.
17:19 Men like Johann Tetzel, who aroused Martin Luther to action,
17:23 traveled through places such as Germany, declaring to the
17:26 ignorant masses that when they put their coins into the box
17:30 that people like Tetzel were carrying about, their sins,
17:34 past, present and future, would all be forgiven
17:38 before the coin even clinked into the bottom of the chest.
17:43 And unsurprisingly, that fund-raising venture
17:47 was very successful.
17:56 Temporal power, like financial wealth,
17:59 often comes at a price; and the price paid by the
18:03 medieval Church was the sacrifice of individual liberty.
18:07 The Church, just like the old pagan
18:10 empire had done, started to dictate to people
18:13 just what it was that they should and should not believe.
18:18 And theology was created to justify this.
18:21 Writing in his book "The City of God,"
18:24 St. Augustine wrote how the Church was God's earthly
18:28 means of dictating his will to the secular powers.
18:33 One historian wrote about it in these words:
18:37 "The Church would later accept this identification of itself
18:41 with the city of God as an ideological weapon of
18:44 politics and would logically deduce from Augustine's
18:47 philosophy the doctrine of a theocratic state in which the
18:51 secular powers derived from men would be subordinate to the
18:56 spiritual powers held by the Church and derived from God."
19:02 Jesus warned His disciples, in John 16, verse 2,
19:06 that the time is coming that whoever kills you will think
19:10 that he's doing God's service.
19:12 Now, with the thinking of people like Augustine and the medieval
19:15 Church, it isn't hard to see how that state of thinking might
19:20 actually be put into practice.
19:22 You see, the Church believed that humanity was incurably
19:27 depraved beyond even the power of God's Holy Spirit
19:30 to fully restore.
19:31 And so, that being the thinking, they believed it was perfectly
19:34 acceptable to compel people, even by physical force,
19:39 to believe that which the Church thought was accurate
19:42 and to reject that which the Church taught was error.
19:47 That being so, it isn't a long way from there to the horrors of
19:51 the Inquisition with the racks and other torture devices that
19:56 were used.
19:59 But the Church wasn't only content with harnessing
20:02 civil power.
20:03 It had to exercise power over the souls of its members
20:07 as well.
20:08 In time, its leaders came to the conclusion that they were the
20:12 sole path to forgiveness before God and eternal salvation for
20:17 the human family.
20:19 Innocent the Third, the most powerful of the medieval popes,
20:22 who reigned from 1198 to 1216, made this declaration:
20:28 "The successor of Peter is the Vicar of Christ.
20:31 He has been established as a mediator between God and man,
20:35 below God but beyond man.
20:38 Less than God, but more than man,
20:41 who shall judge all and be judged by no one."
20:48 It's interesting that any Christian leader could even
20:50 think of making such a statement.
20:53 The Apostle Paul declares, "For there is one God and one
20:56 mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus."
21:02 The apostle states in another passage, "For we must all appear
21:06 before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive
21:09 the things done in the body according to what he has done,
21:13 whether good or bad."
21:15 Now that Bible verse is so clear,
21:17 it's hard to imagine how anybody could allow themselves
21:20 to get to the place where they believed that there were
21:23 unaccountable to God in His final judgment.
21:26 But that's how the medieval Church ended up seeing itself.
21:30 And that kind of thinking led to a period of persecution
21:34 far worse than anything that had happened
21:37 under old pagan Rome.
21:39 Again, here's what the historian had to say:
21:42 "Compared with the persecution of heresy in Europe
21:45 from 1227 to 1492, the persecution of Christians
21:50 by Romans in the first three centuries after Christ was a
21:53 mild and humane procedure.
21:56 Making every allowance required of an historian and permitted to
21:59 a Christian, we must rank the Inquisition, along with the wars
22:03 and persecutions of our time, as among the darkest blocks
22:07 on the record of mankind, revealing a ferocity
22:11 unknown in any beast."
22:15 It's well known that the Church of Rome claims to have the
22:17 authority and the power to be able to forgive human sin.
22:23 In 1984, an article ran in the Los Angeles Times
22:27 under the headline "No forgiveness directly
22:30 from God, says Pope."
22:32 Listen to how the late Pope John Paul II was quoted
22:35 in this L.A. Times article:
22:38 "Rebutting a belief widely shared by Protestants
22:42 and a growing number of Roman Catholics, Pope John Paul II on
22:45 Tuesday dismissed the widespread idea that one can obtain
22:50 forgiveness directly from God and exhorted Catholics to
22:54 confess more often to their priests."
22:58 And it wasn't too long ago that we saw this headline, also in
23:01 the Los Angeles Times: "Vatican declares Catholicism
23:06 sole path to salvation."
23:10 Which is really what has to happen, when the quest for power
23:13 takes precedence over the quest for faithfulness to
23:16 the Word of God.
23:17 At the end of the day, we're going to be the servants
23:19 of somebody; we're going to follow somebody.
23:22 And when we allow somebody's word, anybody's word, to take
23:25 the place of God's Word in our lives, we in effect become the
23:29 servant of that person or that organization, and that person or
23:34 thing ends up becoming God in our lives.
23:38 [Pompous Theme]
23:42 It isn't uncommon at all for religious people,
23:44 certainly for many Christians, to seek temporal power
23:49 to advance what they believe to be the cause of God
23:51 in this world.
23:53 But if there's at least one big problem with that.
23:55 No dictate of a pope, no law passed by the president,
24:00 no decision made by the Supreme Court,
24:03 can ever get to the heart of the matter.
24:06 They simply can't change the human heart.
24:09 The only thing that can restore purity and wholeness in a
24:12 person's life and mind and heart is the power of the transforming
24:16 grace of Almighty God.
24:19 That's the only thing that can do it.
24:21 The Apostle Paul wrote this in 2 Corinthians, chapter 6:
24:26 "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers,
24:31 for what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?
24:35 And what communion hath light with darkness?
24:38 And what accord has Christ with Belial?
24:42 Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
24:46 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?
24:49 For you are the temple of the living God, as God has said:
24:54 'I will dwell in them, and walk among them.
24:57 I will be their God and they shall be my people.
25:02 Therefore, come out from among them and be separate,'
25:05 says the Lord.
25:06 'Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.'"
25:11 2 Corinthians 6:14-17.
25:16 You know, I like those words very much, when God says,
25:19 "I will receive you."
25:21 And that's the assurance we need.
25:24 True faith in God is a matter of a heart connecting with a heart.
25:28 You know, the great God of heaven, the One the Bible says
25:30 the heaven of heavens cannot contain is a God who wants for
25:34 His heart to merge and blend together with your heart.
25:38 Now, nobody can force you to do that--not a law, not a mandate,
25:42 not a fiat, not me or anybody else--
25:45 that's a personal decision.
25:47 And I wonder if you've made that decision: the decision that no
25:50 one can make for you.
25:52 It's not a good situation when there are those in the world
25:55 wanting to force you or anybody else to do what they think you
25:59 should do with regard to your spiritual life,
26:03 your relationship with God.
26:05 The decision maker is you.
26:08 What's your decision today, friend?
26:10 It seems to me there's only one decision a person can make,
26:12 for there's only One who died for you,
26:14 One who rose from the dead for you, and One who ascended to
26:17 heaven for you where He intercedes for you
26:20 at God's right hand.
26:21 He'll be your best Friend today, your Savior, your Lord,
26:25 your Guide, your All and in all.
26:29 If you accept Jesus today, if you commit your life
26:31 to Christ today, if you make a decision to
26:33 stand on the Bible today, you've got a future that's worth
26:39 looking forward to.
26:40 An eternity spent with God in the presence of His Son, Jesus.
26:45 You don't want to miss that for anything.
26:47 Let me pray with you now, would you?
26:49 Let's pray together.
26:50 Our Father in heaven, I thank You today that You love us
26:53 enough to give us the freedom to choose for you according to the
26:57 way we see You leading us.
26:59 Dear Lord, I pray that we all, we each, would make a decision
27:04 for You based on that which You have revealed about Yourself,
27:07 that you are a God who is good, a God who is love.
27:11 I thank You that the one being in this universe would could
27:15 force our will, does not.
27:18 And while You give us this freedom to choose, I pray that
27:20 we would exercise that well and wisely.
27:24 Soon Jesus will return.
27:25 Lord, give us grace to be ready for that great day.
27:29 I thank You and I pray in Jesus' name.
27:32 Amen.
27:34 ♪ [music rings out] ♪ ♪ [Peaceful Melody] ♪
27:51 JB: Thanks for joining me today.
27:52 I look forward to seeing you again next time.
27:54 Until then, remember, It is written,
27:57 man shall not live by bread alone,
27:59 but by every word that proceeds
28:02 from the mouth of God.
28:04 [It Is Written Theme]


Revised 2015-06-18