It Is Written

Pathway to Hope

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw (Host), Neil Nedley


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001363A

00:06 [dramatic music] It has stood the test of time.
00:17 God's book, the Bible. Still relevant in today's
00:23 complex world. It Is Written, sharing hope
00:30 around the globe.
00:42 This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw, thanks
00:45 for joining me today. And today we're joined by our
00:48 guest, Dr. Neil Nedley, the president of Nedley
00:52 Health Solutions. Dr. Nedley, thanks for joining
00:54 me today on It Is Written. Thank you.
00:56 Great to be here, as always. We've touched on these
00:58 subjects before. Today we're going to do it again
01:01 and go a little further and a little deeper.
01:03 This is a subject that really affects everybody.
01:06 The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
01:09 We were made in the image of God, in fact.
01:12 God created us physical beings with a brain.
01:16 All of us have experienced illness at some stage.
01:19 We've had colds, we've caught the flu;
01:21 some have had heart stuff and back pain and cancer
01:24 and other things. A large number of people today
01:27 are battling something that doesn't get spoken of very
01:31 openly and carries a bit of a stigma.
01:34 Affects so many people we need to deal with.
01:37 And that's the subject of mental illness.
01:39 Yes. How big a problem is
01:41 mental illness today? Over 26 percent of Americans
01:43 today have a diagnosable mental illness, as we're
01:47 speaking here. More than one in four.
01:49 And that's a significant illness.
01:51 You know, like major depression or anxiety, bipolar,
01:55 schizophrenia. It's not talking about the minor
01:58 mental illnesses like minor depression
02:01 or lack of concentration or those sorts of things.
02:04 I don't know if you have figures but if you added those minor
02:06 mental illnesses in, it would rise from 26 percent to about
02:09 what -- To over 50 percent. So it's fair to say that over
02:12 half of the people in the United States today
02:14 are dealing with a mental health issue.
02:16 It's so common that you either know someone else with a mental
02:22 illness or you have one yourself.
02:24 The one thing between us and God that all communication
02:29 flows through is your brain. Is our brain.
02:31 Yeah. Absolutely.
02:33 And so, clearly we want to be functioning optimally so that we
02:36 can have an optimal relationship with God.
02:37 Exactly. That's right.
02:39 Well, what do these mental illnesses look like?
02:41 Common symptoms are deep sadness or a sense of emptiness.
02:44 Apathy. If you wake up in the morning,
02:46 you're not real excited or interested about the day,
02:48 that might be normal once in a while,
02:51 but if it's happening a majority of the time,
02:53 that's a problem. Deep sadness?
02:55 I mean, don't we get sad? We do, but we shouldn't be sad
02:58 the majority of the time. You know, unless there's been
03:01 some sort of emotional loss in the last few weeks.
03:03 But as far as normal everyday living, if we're having crying
03:07 spells, if we're having that sense of emptiness,
03:09 that's a problem. Okay, so what are some of
03:11 the other symptoms? Lack of concentration.
03:13 Where the individual just has trouble focusing and has trouble
03:18 remembering at the bottom of the page what they read at
03:21 the top of the page. That is a common symptom.
03:24 Increased agitation or irritability.
03:27 Actually, sleep disturbances are very common in mentl illness,
03:31 either hypersomnia or insomnia or early morning awakening,
03:35 where you go to sleep but you wake up too early, can't
03:38 get back to sleep. That's very common.
03:40 Weight or appetite changes, it can occur either way.
03:43 A lot of the obesity epidemic that we're seeing in our country
03:47 today has an association with mental illness, 'cause people
03:50 have a tendency to self-medicate with food to try to feel better.
03:54 Feelings of worthlessness, morbid thoughts where it's
03:57 preoccupation with death or symbols of death.
04:00 Or just lack of energy. Fatigue is actually one of the
04:03 symptoms where you run out of energy too early
04:05 or you don't have energy even as the day begins.
04:09 So, it's not just one of those symptoms it's mental illness,
04:12 but if you have a combination of them, then you're going
04:15 to have a diagnosable mental illness.
04:17 What I don't want someone to do is - they'll be watching us
04:19 right now and say "Well, I get tired, and yeah,
04:22 I woke up that one morning." That doesn't mean you're
04:25 mentally unwell. That's right.
04:27 But when these symptoms start piling up on top of each other.
04:30 And when they're happening the majority of the time.
04:33 The great tragedy too is that there's a very strong link
04:36 between mental illness and suicide.
04:39 Yes. This can become a matter
04:41 of life and death. It's the number one cause
04:43 of suicide actually, is mental illness.
04:45 What should somebody do if they fear they have a significant
04:47 mental health issue and they need help?
04:49 Where should they turn? Well, they really need to seek
04:52 help from professionals that can help them,
04:54 but what I would encourage them to do is try to find the cause.
04:57 Don't just treat the symptoms. The effects of mental illness.
05:01 What are some of those? Well, not only does it cause the
05:05 symptoms that we mentioned earlier, but it actually
05:08 increases the risk of death in more ways than just suicide.
05:11 For instance, it increases the risk of heart disease;
05:14 increase the risk of death from cancer, if you do have
05:17 cancer and a mental illness; it actually suppresses
05:21 the immune system so you're likely to even die from
05:24 pneumonia, if you get pneumonia. And then, it causes a lot of
05:28 symptoms that are not so deadly but decrease the quality
05:32 of your life. Headaches in mental illness
05:34 are very closely associated. I would say, in our program with
05:38 depression and anxiety recovery, 80 percent of individuals
05:42 will have headaches. Asthma can actually come about
05:46 as a result of mental illness. And then, a decrease in ability
05:50 to actually physically function. Whether you end up in a nursing
05:54 home or not, as you age, has actually more to do with
05:56 your mental health than your physical health.
05:59 And then, there are other consequences like a decrease
06:02 in memory. The longer the bout of mental
06:05 illness, the more adverse the memory becomes.
06:08 And people can even think they're starting to experience
06:11 a dementia, when it's not dementia at all.
06:14 It's a reversible mental illness.
06:16 And then, on top of it, it actually adversely affects
06:21 relationships, and so a lot of relationship problems are
06:25 actually due to mental health issues, and often
06:29 are overlooked as such. If this is an issue in
06:31 somebody's life, we really want to get
06:33 this addressed. We want to get it addressed.
06:35 And, fortunately it can be reversed.
06:37 It can be treated and people don't have to exist with
06:40 mental illness. If we take care of the
06:43 underlying causes and reverse those that are
06:45 causing the mental illness, we will get a cure.
06:48 And that happens the vast majority of the time.
06:51 That's magnificent. There is hope for anybody
06:54 grappling with mental illness. And, in just a moment, we'll
06:57 begin to talk about how a person can indeed experience cure and
07:04 reversal from mental illness. Don't go away,
07:07 we'll be right back.
07:11 [Music] If you could just go back in
07:20 time and do things differently. Perhaps you've struggled
07:23 with regret and the added weight of guilt.
07:26 And while there's no way to undo the past,
07:28 God offers us a forgiveness so complete that it comes
07:31 with a promise of a life that will never end.
07:35 Sound too good to be true? Well, see what the Bible says.
07:38 Our booklet, "Hope for a Planet in Crisis,"
07:40 will walk you through the Bible's teachings about
07:43 sin and forgiveness and show you how a new start
07:46 can be yours. Just call
07:48 (800) 253-3000 and request your free copy of
07:53 "Hope for a Planet in Crisis." If the line's busy please do
07:56 keep on trying, or write to It Is Written, P.O. Box 6,
08:01 Chattanooga, TN 37401. We'll mail a free copy to your
08:06 address in North America. Again, our toll-free number is
08:10 (800) 253-3000, and our web address is
08:18 This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
08:20 Thank you for joining me today. I'm joined by my guest,
08:23 Dr. Neil Nedley, who is the president of Nedley
08:26 Health Solutions. And, as we discuss mental
08:29 illness today, this is something that you're very, very involved
08:31 with, with depression and anxiety recovery programs
08:34 that you run. So you're speaking to this,
08:37 firsthand. Right.
08:39 I imagine it impacts people financially.
08:42 Absolutely. How's that?
08:44 Yeah. In fact, most people that come
08:46 to our program have no money to come to our program.
08:48 Now, why is that? They just happen to have someone
08:51 who believes in them and believes in the program,
08:54 and so as a result, family members or churches
08:59 will raise money for them. And after they're through with
09:02 the program, they will not only be employable but they'll
09:06 actually be employed soon at a higher level than what would
09:10 have happened had they never experienced depression
09:13 and anxiety. And it's simply due to
09:15 the financial figures. This has been well described.
09:17 The average person with depression, who actually
09:19 does work, earns $10,400 less per year.
09:23 And the total effect on their family, if they don't take care
09:26 of the depression and anxiety, the total financial impact over
09:29 their lifetime, for their family, is $300,000.
09:33 That's the ripple effect as well occurring, but it's
09:37 also occurring because of the decrease in productivity,
09:40 because of more medical bills, more physical issues that
09:44 have to be solved. And, one study that looked at
09:48 a small group actually concluded this: This small group, when you
09:52 add up $300,000 family per family, it was 2.1 trillion
09:57 dollars over the lifetime. And what they concluded was
10:00 this: If depression and anxiety would be reversed and cured,
10:06 we would actually not have a national debt in this country.
10:10 Now, the most common way people with mental illness are treated
10:16 is through drugs. Now, you're a doctor.
10:19 You prescribe drugs in your medical profession.
10:21 Should people battling mental illness, grappling with
10:26 mental illness, be treated with drugs?
10:28 Is that the best way to deal with this problem?
10:32 It's not the best way. Drugs can help some of
10:35 the symptoms. They do not cure the disease.
10:38 But everybody's given drugs for mental illness.
10:40 Everybody is given drugs, and it's, and it really has to do
10:43 with a need for a paradigm shift in the way mental illness is
10:47 treated in this country. Now, let's be clear:
10:49 You're not against drugs. No, I'm a doctor.
10:52 I prescribe them. Okay, so we've cleared that up.
10:55 How effective--and I expect there's documentation for
10:58 this--how effective is medication.
11:02 And I hope you can give me some numbers here--when it comes
11:06 to mental illness? Well, the best case
11:08 scenario--and this is drug company data--best case scenario
11:12 is 70 percent of the people will improve somewhat, a little
11:18 to maybe a lot, in taking the medicine.
11:22 Thirty percent won't respond at all.
11:24 Isn't that good? Isn't 70 percent good?
11:27 Well, 70 percent is good for the short term, but there's
11:30 some other data, too. Only 20 percent no longer
11:33 qualify as having a mental illness when taking the drugs.
11:37 In other words, they still are significantly inhibited.
11:40 And that is that data at three and six months after starting
11:44 the drugs. One year out, they're actually
11:48 worse than if they would have never been on medicine.
11:52 So, the medicine helps short term, but as
11:55 it's continued long term, it actually seems to exacerbate
11:59 and make worse the condition that it was supposed to treat.
12:04 That's when it comes to depression and anxiety.
12:06 Well, let's come back. Seventy percent of people
12:08 are helped somewhat. Now, if this was headaches
12:12 and there was a pill that said 70 percent of people
12:14 are helped somewhat, I don't think we'd say
12:17 that was very effective. I think we'd want to do a little
12:20 bit better than that, right? And help "somewhat" can mean
12:22 just about anything. Exactly.
12:24 Yeah, that's right. And what is very clear--
12:26 and the pharmaceutical industry will agree with this--
12:29 medications have their limitations.
12:32 Significant limitations. This is not a cure.
12:35 There is no medicine that cures depression or anxiety
12:39 or albeit any other mental illness, for that matter.
12:43 In order to get to the cure, we have to find the cause
12:47 and reverse the cause. Now, let me ask you
12:49 about side effects. I wish I could recall
12:52 the case--you may know. It was decided that one
12:56 particular drug should no longer be prescribed for young people
13:00 because of the spike in suicide among people who were
13:04 receiving this medication. Now, that's a very dramatic
13:06 side effect. What are generally side effects
13:10 as a result of taking these-- let's call them antidepressants.
13:15 One of them you touched on: increased impulsivity.
13:19 Impulsivity goes up with antidepressants before
13:22 the depression gets better. And suicide is often
13:25 an impulsive act. A lot of people
13:27 don't realize that, but often it's feelings of
13:29 hopelessness and then impulsivity combined.
13:32 That's why they all have black-box warnings,
13:35 saying they can actually increase the risk of suicide
13:38 before they improve the depression.
13:40 Well, that's a tough side effect to look at it.
13:44 Yes, it is. But the other one that's
13:46 very common is it causes-- even if you do improve--
13:49 it causes an 'I don't care' attitude.
13:52 And so, what the studies have shown is,
13:54 if you have depression and you're taking
13:56 an antidepressant, even though your depression
13:58 will improve, you're actually more likely to miss work.
14:01 Because if you're not feeling the greatest and you have an
14:04 'I don't care' drug on board, you're saying
14:07 "Who cares. I'm just not going to show up today."
14:09 And they're not even able, with a loving spouse,
14:12 to cry at the funeral of the loving spouse.
14:15 They know they should, but the 'I don't care'
14:18 attitude prevails. And sometimes the 'I don't care'
14:22 attitude gets in the way of them actually doing something about
14:27 a problem in their life. A problem will come up.
14:30 Normally they'd try to solve it, but when the 'I don't care'
14:32 attitude comes up they don't try to solve it.
14:34 And that's one of the reasons why financially they have
14:37 more trouble, is because of this 'I don't care' attitude.
14:40 So we're not saying that nobody should ever take drugs for this,
14:43 but we are saying that the data shows that drugs for
14:48 mental illnesses are pretty ineffective.
14:51 We should utilize them, really in most cases,
14:53 only short term, meaning within a few months.
14:55 What you're also saying is that when we get to the root cause
14:58 of depression and mental illness and treat that,
15:00 people can be cured. And they don't need the drugs.
15:03 Fantastic. We're going to find out more
15:05 about that and how a person can experience that,
15:07 how it can become an absolute reality.
15:09 We'll deal with that in just a moment.
15:11 "Every Word" is a one-minute, Bible-based daily devotional
15:16 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw,
15:18 and designed especially for busy people like you.
15:21 Look for "Every Word" on selected networks
15:24 or watch it online every day on our website,
15:30 [Music] This story really struck me.
15:39 When a music producer took his own life in New York City,
15:42 people were surprised. One of the man's associates
15:44 said, "The shock comes because of the way he carried himself.
15:47 He was a strong man." I'll tell you this:
15:51 Satan isn't impressed by strong. You can be as strong as you
15:53 like, but there's only one place you're going to find
15:56 the strength you really need to deal with the difficulties
15:59 of this world and the challenges presented by sin.
16:02 David prayed in 1 Chronicles 29:12, and said,
16:05 "In your hand is power and might.
16:07 In your hand it is to make great
16:09 and to give strength to all." Strength for our journey in this
16:12 world is found in Jesus. Lean on Him today.
16:15 Trust Him. And by the way,
16:17 if you're struggling with the issues like the one
16:19 I just mentioned, please, get help.
16:23 I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
16:25 Let's live today by every word.
16:31 [Music] It Is Written is a ministry
16:33 dedicated to sharing the Gospel around the world.
16:35 God is using It Is Written to impact the world.
16:38 Our television program is only one aspect of how we
16:41 accomplish that goal. To discover more about
16:43 It Is Written, visit our website,
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17:12 This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
17:14 My guest today is Dr. Neil Nedley.
17:17 We're discussing mental illness. If you are thriving mentally
17:20 and emotionally, then clearly you can do far better
17:23 in your relationship with God. Many, many people in the
17:26 United States and around the world today,
17:28 statistically the numbers are very, very high, are
17:31 grappling with mental illnesses. And then, clearly, one cannot
17:36 have the kind of relationship with God one wants,
17:39 or indeed that God wants to have with His children.
17:42 Dr. Nedley, a moment ago we were discussing the limitations of
17:45 medication, drugs, when it comes to treating
17:48 mental illnesses. What are some better choices?
17:52 Well, getting at the root of the problem.
17:55 So, there may be a nutritional issue.
17:57 A lot of people don't realize what we eat does get turned in
18:00 to neurons, neurotransmitters, and so changing the diet can
18:06 often produce wonderful results. Getting on a physical
18:10 exercise program. Studies have shown,
18:12 if you get on a 16-week program for fitness,
18:15 it's far better than any antidepressant on the planet.
18:17 Studies show that. Yes.
18:19 Yeah, studies show it and the equivalency base.
18:21 Light therapy. Light therapy is actually as
18:24 effective as Prozac, but without the relapse
18:27 that Prozac will often induce. Light therapy.
18:31 Can you briefly explain what that is?
18:33 Light therapy is getting bright light.
18:35 Sometimes in the wintertime we'll actually use a
18:38 medical-grade light box, where they wake up
18:40 with the light. It's best to get it first
18:42 thing in the morning. It helps set your body clock,
18:44 helps you to sleep better. Those are simple things.
18:46 Then, what we call cognitive behavioral therapy,
18:49 where we teach the individual how to recognize distortions
18:52 in their thought. We all have a tendency
18:54 for distortions but people with mental illness have
18:56 a much greater prevalence of distorted thoughts,
18:59 and it's very important for them to recognize and
19:01 correct those. And then, also enhancing
19:04 the frontal lobe of the brain. The front lobe of the brain is
19:07 always down in a depressed or anxious individual.
19:10 One of the ways of enhancing that, since that's the center
19:14 of spirituality, morality and the will, is actually
19:18 utilizing the Bible as a therapeutic tool.
19:22 Okay, let's talk about this. There's that book, the Bible.
19:25 How does the Bible. Or let me ask this,
19:30 because you treat people with depression
19:32 and anxiety issues, and in some people
19:34 very, very severe issues. How do you use the Bible
19:39 to treat people grappling with mental illness?
19:43 Well, one of the ways in which we utilize it is actually
19:46 the first six chapters in Daniel.
19:50 Every chapter in Daniel starts out with a tremendous
19:53 disappointment. In fact, all 12 chapters do.
19:56 But it starts out with a tremendous disappointment and
19:59 then goes into an appointment. And there is a spiritual key
20:03 that transforms the tremendous disappointment--
20:07 which is mental illness effects --into an appointment.
20:11 And those spiritual keys build on each other.
20:14 And then, there are cases in the Bible, right in Daniel.
20:17 For instance, Nebuchadnezzar suffered from rage.
20:21 He suffered from significant anger issues.
20:24 And you see other characters in the Bible that had jealousy,
20:27 right there in Daniel. And you see all of these
20:30 distorted thoughts. And then you have an example of
20:33 someone who actually obtained physical health and
20:38 then mental health. And despite a lot of adverse
20:41 consequences was able to stay mentally healthy and actually
20:45 transform the nation of Babylon. His name was Daniel.
20:48 And so there's a lot of different little case studies
20:50 that you can through that with. And I tell you, depressed people
20:53 love it. Most people are not familiar
20:55 with the stories, but as they embrace the spiritual keys that
21:00 help Daniel, they themselves will also improve.
21:04 I'm thinking of the issue of King Nebuchadnezzar.
21:07 I mean, he had, I'm not quite sure what it's called.
21:10 Was it insanity? He was certainly severely
21:15 mentally ill. And then, by the time
21:18 Daniel chapter 4 is over, Nebuchadnezzar is in a saving
21:23 relationship with God. Yeah, he actually is
21:25 a converted individual. Became a humble man,
21:28 a converted individual, as the ruler of
21:31 the world empire. As a result of Daniel.
21:35 And so, that also tells us that if we obtain the mental health
21:39 the Lord would want us to have, we can be transformative agents
21:43 even to kings and queens around us.
21:46 Fantastic. Let's talk about some of
21:47 the principles we see in the Bible,
21:50 how the Bible promises peace of mind.
21:52 I'm thinking, in Psalm 119: "great peace have they which
21:57 love thy law and nothing shall offend them, or they shall have
21:59 no stumbling block." When we learn to esteem
22:02 the Word of God, the Bible promises us great peace.
22:07 Yes. Perhaps mental illness has
22:09 a lot to do with how we think. It does.
22:13 How we choose to think. If a person recognizes,
22:16 wait a minute! I am a child of God!
22:19 Isn't that going to turn a gray day into a sunny day?
22:22 Exactly. One day soon I'm getting out of
22:27 here, and I'm going to live in a place where the streets
22:29 are paved with gold. And then I'm going to live in
22:32 a recreated Earth, without the presence of sin.
22:34 Hey, these are joyful thoughts, aren't they?
22:38 Yes. Hopeful.
22:40 And hope is one of the things that helps with mental illness.
22:43 How do you show somebody, from a biblical perspective,
22:45 that they're worth something? Well, what I often tell them--
22:48 if they are a Christian, of course it helps with this
22:51 perspective-- but, I'll ask them,
22:53 "Who is Jesus Christ?" And they'll tell me,
22:57 "the Son of God." And I'll say,
22:59 "How much is He worth?" And they'll think and often
23:02 they'll say, "priceless." And I've said,
23:05 "Did He or did He not die for you?"
23:09 "Well, yes, He did die for me." "So then, how much
23:12 are you worth?" And that's not just words.
23:17 That is actual evidence. It did happen, and He would
23:23 have died for just one soul. So, infinity is not greater
23:27 than infinity. And because He would have died
23:31 for one soul, that's the worth that He puts on us.
23:34 Now, that doesn't mean that we're worth more than someone
23:37 next to us. That's when we get into egotism
23:40 and we get into arrogance. Let's try to make this
23:42 practical. I don't want to encourage
23:44 anybody to get off their sofa, run to the medicine cabinet and
23:47 flush the Prozac down the toilet.
23:50 That might not be the way to go. They need to get on the program
23:54 to take care of their problem, and then they need a doctor who
23:57 is well versed on how to take people off of these medicines.
24:00 It can be dangerous to actually stop them abruptly.
24:03 If somebody learns to eat for their mental health;
24:07 if people learn to put into their minds the right
24:10 sort of things that promote good mental health;
24:14 start perhaps exercising; do something about the people
24:19 with whom they associate; take on board the principles
24:23 of the Bible and find hope in Christ Jesus,
24:26 then people can expect to experience a dramatic
24:31 turnaround in their state of mental health.
24:34 'Transformed', that's what we call it.
24:37 I mean, it is transformation. It would be great to have
24:42 anybody come at the end of our 10-day program with depression
24:45 and anxiety. There is not a dry eye in
24:47 the place as these people talk about what has happened
24:49 to them in 10 days. And their relatives come
24:52 pick them up and ask, "What did you do?"
24:54 This individual is back, and they thought they were
24:58 hopeless cases, often. And they thought, themselves,
25:00 that they were hopeless. I mean, the big thing we hear in
25:03 the first three or four days is "We know that nothing is going
25:06 to help me, I'm so bad that I myself am never going to be able
25:10 to get better, right? I'm worse than anyone you've
25:12 ever seen." And they try to convince me
25:15 of that, and in 10 days, what a transformation
25:19 can take place. God's in the business
25:22 of transformation. We've been sharing with you
25:25 information. When you take this to God and
25:29 start to work this into your life, you can expect to see
25:33 information lead to the type of transformation God wishes for
25:39 all of His children. [Music]
25:48 Our booklet, "Hope for a Planet in Crisis,"
25:52 will walk you through the Bible's teachings about
25:54 sin and forgiveness and show you how a new start
25:57 can be yours. Just call
25:59 (800) 253-3000 and request your free copy of
26:04 "Hope for a Planet in Crisis." If the line's busy please
26:07 do keep on trying, or write to It Is Written, P.O. Box 6,
26:12 Chattanooga, TN 37401. We'll mail a free copy to your
26:17 address in North America. It Is Written is a faith-based
26:20 ministry, and your support makes it possible for us to share
26:24 God's good news with the world. Your tax deductible gift can be
26:28 sent to the address on your screen, or through our website
26:31 at Thank you for your continued
26:34 prayerful support. Again, our toll-free number is
26:38 (800) 253-3000, and our web address is
26:41 Dr. Nedley, this has been
26:48 hopeful and helpful. Thanks for joining me today.
26:54 Thank you. Let's pray together.
26:57 Our Father in heaven, I thank You that that we
26:59 are worth so much that You thought it was a good deal
27:04 to allow Your Son Jesus to come to this world
27:07 to die, that we might live. You value us so highly.
27:10 And I thank You today that there is hope even for those who feel
27:14 they are hopeless. I thank you that our minds can
27:18 be transformed and renewed. Please do that work in us, and
27:24 let us find our hope in Christ. Give us faith and an experience
27:29 of faith that attests to the fact that
27:33 You are a good and a saving God.
27:35 We thank You today. In Jesus' name, amen.
27:41 [Music] Thank you for joining me today.
27:57 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
28:00 Until then remember, it is written:
28:03 Man shall not live by bread alone
28:05 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2016-05-16