It Is Written

Betrayal and Blessing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001393A

00:04 [narrator] It has stood the test
00:07 of time.
00:11 God's book, the Bible.
00:16 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:21 It Is Written, sharing hope around the globe.
00:35 JB: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
00:38 Thanks for joining me. One of the great problems
00:41 people wrestle with when it comes to faith in God
00:44 is the issue of God allowing bad things to happen to people.
00:47 Why does a child get cancer and die young?
00:51 Why did that car wreck take place that killed
00:53 or severely injured somebody? People die in wars and there's
00:57 ethnic cleansing and modern-day slavery and, and where is God?
01:03 We could take an entire program to discuss that,
01:05 and maybe still not get to the very bottom
01:07 of that question. The short answer is that there's
01:10 evil in the world. Satan rebelled, came
01:13 to this planet, and our original parents--Adam and Eve--chose
01:16 to ignore God and eat the fruit that they shouldn't
01:19 have eaten. And as a result, we have sin
01:22 in the world. And as a result of the choices
01:25 of human beings there's sin and evil and sadness
01:28 present in the world today. Is it God's fault?
01:31 No, it isn't. It began with Satan
01:33 and was carried forward by--us. Now, is it going to work out
01:38 well in the end? Yes, it is.
01:41 Jesus is going to return. Sin will be destroyed.
01:44 And those who have faith in God will live forever
01:46 in peace. But here's a question:
01:50 What about the in-between stage? How can a person go through
01:54 hardships and trials and so on and still have faith in God?
01:58 How do you do that? Some people feel as though
02:01 God has abandoned them. Does God abandon people?
02:05 There's a story in the Bible that deals with someone who
02:08 was repeatedly abandoned. The story occupies 14 chapters
02:12 of God's Word. It's one of the most
02:14 dramatic stories you'll ever read.
02:16 It's the story of great faith under incredibly
02:19 trying circumstances. It's the story of someone
02:22 who had everything that was precious ripped away,
02:25 rejected by his family, humiliated, falsely accused,
02:30 imprisoned. And yet it's the story
02:32 of someone who was steadfast, faithful and unwavering.
02:36 The person we're talking about is Joseph.
02:39 He lived at least 17 centuries before the birth of Jesus.
02:43 And his story is one of the most amazing, one of the most
02:47 inspiring of all time. The book of Genesis,
02:51 the very first book in the Bible, introduces us
02:54 to Joseph in chapter 37, and it describes him as the
02:59 favorite of the patriarch Jacob's 12 sons--which
03:03 didn't sit well with Joseph's brothers.
03:05 Let's read. "But when his brothers saw
03:09 that their father loved him more than all his brothers,
03:12 they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him."
03:16 That's Genesis 37, verse 4. Jacob's special gift to Joseph
03:21 of a tunic of many colors, which showed distinction
03:24 and favor, only made matters worse.
03:27 And then, not long after, Joseph related to his family
03:30 two dreams that he had had. He told them about 12 sheaves
03:35 in a field and how 11 of them bowed to down to his sheaf.
03:40 And his brothers said this to him: "Shall you indeed reign
03:45 over us? Or shall you indeed have
03:47 dominion over us? So they hated him even more
03:51 for his dreams and for his words."
03:53 Genesis 37, verse 8. Then Joseph told his brothers
03:57 about another dream. In this one, the sun, the moon
04:01 and 11 stars bowed down to him, which to them
04:05 sounded a whole lot like his father, mother and 11 brothers
04:09 bowing down to Joseph. As though Joseph expected
04:13 to rule over them one day. No, they weren't impressed,
04:17 not a bit. In fact, they were furious.
04:21 Now sometime later, Jacob sent Joseph to check on his
04:24 brothers' welfare some distance away.
04:27 When they saw Joseph coming their way, wearing that
04:29 hated coat of many colors,
04:34 they said to one another, "Look, this dreamer is coming.
04:38 Come, therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into
04:43 some pit, and we shall say some wild beast has devoured
04:47 him. We shall see what will
04:49 become of his dreams." Genesis 37, verses 19
04:53 and 20. Well, they didn't kill him,
04:56 but they ended up selling him as a slave when
04:58 a caravan of travelers came by, traders they were.
05:00 Joseph might have felt like he would rather have been dead.
05:04 What a horrible thing to have happen, and really
05:08 through no fault of his own. Now, I have four brothers.
05:11 I can't imagine this happening. Of course, being the youngest,
05:14 I never annoyed them. Not ever--not once.
05:17 Thankfully they never tried to sell me as a slave.
05:20 Now, there might have been times when they tried to give me
05:23 away, but they never did try to sell me.
05:25 The ugly truth is that long after the Emancipation
05:28 Proclamation was signed, slavery is alive and well
05:32 in our world today. Benjamin Skinner said in his
05:35 2008 book "A Crime So Monstrous" that there are
05:38 more slaves in the world now than at any time in history.
05:42 He defines slavery as people coerced by violence to work
05:46 for no pay. Domestic servants, forced
05:48 laborers, and women exploited for the worst
05:52 reasons through human trafficking.
05:54 Some estimates say there are as many as 27 million people
05:58 around the world being held in bondage right now,
06:00 against their will. Now, imagine how Joseph must
06:04 have felt as he rode in that camel train, shackled
06:06 and helpless on his way to Egypt.
06:09 The once favored son, pampered and privileged,
06:12 now captive. Wouldn't he have felt as though
06:16 God had forsaken him? Even if he did annoy
06:19 his brothers, he didn't deserve this.
06:21 How must it have felt to have been so completely
06:25 betrayed by one's own family, his own brothers.
06:30 In the United States there have been several
06:32 high-profile cases of people who have been taken
06:34 and held against their will, sometimes for years.
06:38 A 14-year-old girl was taken from her home in Salt Lake
06:40 City and held captive for nine months.
06:43 An 11-year-old girl in California was taken
06:45 and held for 18 years. Three females in Cleveland,
06:49 Ohio, were captured--aged 14, 16 and 21--and kept
06:55 in a house as prisoners for 10 years.
06:59 Utterly appalling. We probably can't imagine
07:01 what it would be like to have to go through that.
07:04 Joseph, on the other hand, could imagine.
07:07 Although I'm not suggesting he had to endure some
07:09 of the indignities that these young women were forced to go
07:12 through. But here's what we know.
07:14 God was watching over that apparently helpless,
07:18 hopeless young man. God had a plan, a purpose
07:22 for Joseph, that no one yet knew; that Joseph couldn't
07:27 possibly at that moment have imagined.
07:30 But through the darkness and despair that washed over
07:32 him, Joseph remembered God's mercy, and how God had led
07:37 his family and his ancestors through so much for so long.
07:41 Then there were those dreams of his.
07:44 Surely they must have meant something.
07:47 Could it be that God still had something of great
07:50 importance for Joseph to do? We'll find that out in just
07:54 a moment. [vibrant anthem]
08:13 JB: Here's today's Bible question.
08:15 I accepted Jesus into my life over 20 years ago, but after
08:18 a time I fell into sins of a moral or immoral nature.
08:22 I've asked over many years for forgiveness, but what I
08:25 read in the Bible about those who do what I have
08:27 done says that they're not able to enter
08:30 into God's kingdom. I committed these sins
08:32 after I became a Christian. Will God ever forgive
08:35 me for these awful sins? I ask God nearly every
08:38 day for these sins to be forgiven.
08:41 That's a meaningful question. Please listen very carefully
08:44 to this very simple answer. Here's what the Bible says.
08:47 I'll give you two verses. Write down these Bible
08:50 references if you need to, and never forget them.
08:53 First John 1, verse 9, and Matthew 12:31.
08:57 Firstly, Matthew 12:31. It says, "All"
09:00 [and this is Jesus speaking], "All manner of sin
09:01 and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men."
09:07 He goes on to say that the sin against the Holy Spirit
09:09 won't be forgiven, but that's not what you've
09:11 committed. Don't worry about that.
09:13 But I hope you got that. "All manner of sin
09:15 and blasphemy shall be forgiven," and that would
09:17 include what you have done. "Shall be forgiven."
09:19 First John 1 in verse 9 says, and I want you to mark
09:22 this down and memorize it. It says this: "If we confess
09:26 our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
09:30 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
09:33 You've sinned. Yes, you have.
09:37 But you have confessed sincerely, and based on God's
09:40 own Word, we know that He has forgiven you.
09:43 My advice to you is to stop asking God to forgive these
09:47 sins, because He has already done so.
09:49 Instead, thank Him that He has forgiven you, and ask
09:54 Him to keep you clean. Remember, Paul wrote that
09:56 where sin abounds, grace does much more abound.
10:00 It's right to feel bad about what you've done
10:02 --you should. But you should also rejoice
10:05 that you are forgiven. Don't worry about this
10:07 for even another moment. You've been forgiven, friend.
10:10 And that is good news. If you'd like me to answer
10:12 your Bible question on this program,
10:14 go to Send me a question,
10:16 I'll do my best to answer it on this program.
10:22 [music]
10:28 JB: Planning for your financial future is a vital aspect
10:31 of Christian stewardship. For this reason, It Is Written
10:34 is pleased to offer free Planned Giving and Estate
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10:42 Call today, or visit our special website,
10:57 JB: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
10:59 Today, betrayal and blessing.
11:02 A young man is betrayed by his family, separated from
11:05 his father and sold into slavery.
11:08 That young man was Joseph. Arriving in Egypt, Joseph
11:12 was sold to a slave to a man named Potiphar, the captain
11:15 of Pharaoh's guard. And Joseph's presence
11:18 in Potiphar's house was a blessing to Potiphar.
11:21 The Bible says this: "The Lord was with Joseph
11:26 and he was a successful man, and he was in the house of his
11:30 master, the Egyptian. And his master saw that the Lord
11:33 was with him, and that the Lord made all that he did
11:36 to prosper in his hand. So Joseph found favor
11:40 in his sight, and served him. Then he made him overseer
11:44 of his house, and all that he had he put under
11:47 his authority." That's Genesis 39,
11:49 verses 2 through 4. But then a shadow fell over
11:53 Joseph's happy days in Potiphar's house.
11:55 The Bible tells us that Joseph was a good-looking
11:58 young man. And Potiphar's wife noticed
12:01 this and made inappropriate advances toward Joseph.
12:05 What could a young man do in the face of temptation
12:08 like this? Now, here's what
12:11 Joseph said. Genesis 39 and verse 9.
12:17 "There is not one greater in this house than I,
12:20 nor has he kept back anything from me but you,
12:24 because you are his wife. How then can I do this great
12:27 wickedness and sin against God?"
12:32 Now, notice carefully that God is the focus of Joseph's
12:35 allegiance. Yes, he knew that he would
12:37 dishonor his master by carrying on with his wife,
12:40 but most important to him was the fact that such
12:42 a course on his part would be a sin against God.
12:46 And this suggests a couple of things.
12:49 One is that when temptation comes, something you want
12:52 to consider is the honor of God; or, how God would
12:57 be dishonored by your poor choices.
13:00 You might not care about what you're going to do.
13:02 Your friends might not care. But it ought to matter
13:06 that God cares. When you consider
13:09 the honor of God in a situation, you've got the right
13:12 motivation to help you make the right decision.
13:16 Which leads me to that second point.
13:18 Do you think Joseph was tempted by Potiphar's wife?
13:21 Oh, no doubt he was. Do you think the temptation
13:24 might have been strong? More than likely very strong.
13:28 Yet did Joseph cave in to that temptation?
13:31 No, he didn't. When he was faced with
13:33 a serious temptation, Joseph remained faithful to God.
13:37 There are times when people make excuses by saying, Oh,
13:40 I couldn't help it. Oh, the devil made me do it.
13:43 Oh, what else could I do? Well, I'm a man?
13:45 what do you expect? Now look at two Bible verses
13:47 with me--and there are plenty others like them.
13:50 First Corinthians 10 and verse 13, first.
13:53 That's 1 Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13.
13:56 And it says this: "No temptation has overtaken you
14:00 except such as is common to man.
14:04 But God is faithful, who will not allow you
14:07 to be tempted beyond what you are able;
14:09 but with the temptation will also make the way
14:13 of escape that you may be able to bear it."
14:17 Now, did you get that? Because if you did, it could
14:20 change your entire life. God will provide a way
14:23 of escape for every temptation. That means, you are not doomed
14:28 to repeat the same old mistakes or commit the same
14:31 old sins. That's good news.
14:33 There's a way of escape. Joseph was about to be put
14:36 in prison, but a lot of people on the outside
14:39 are prisoners of sin. But you don't have to be.
14:43 There's a way of escape. If you'll think to call on
14:46 God when temptation comes, you can be certain
14:50 that God will deliver you. Another verse, that is Jude
14:55 verse 24. Right before the book
14:58 of Revelation. Jude verse 24, where the Bible
15:02 says, "Now unto him that is able to keep you
15:06 from falling and to present you faultless before
15:09 the presence of his glory with exceeding joy."
15:12 God has the power to keep you from falling into sin.
15:17 He promises that. No matter what the sin,
15:19 there is powerful victory available to you,
15:22 right when you need it. Joseph learned that.
15:25 When temptation came to him, the power of God
15:28 kept him faithful. But the woman in question
15:32 was not happy. You've heard that saying,
15:34 "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
15:37 It was true in the case of Potiphar's wife.
15:40 She virtually threw herself at Joseph, and when he
15:42 refused again and again, and ultimately fled from her,
15:47 she cried out and accused Joseph of something
15:52 he hadn't done. Potiphar had no choice
15:55 but to act against Joseph. He didn't really believe
15:59 his wife's story. If he had, he would have
16:01 had Joseph put to death. Instead, in order to satisfy
16:04 his wife and to safeguard his own reputation, Potiphar
16:07 had Joseph cast into prison. Once again, Joseph found
16:12 himself a helpless captive. The Bible tells us just how
16:17 hard it was for Joseph during those early days
16:19 in Potiphar's prison. You read how they hurt
16:22 his feet with fetters. He was laid in irons.
16:24 That's Psalm 105 in verse 18. And again, we see Joseph's
16:29 true character revealed, even in the darkness
16:32 of a dungeon he kept his faith and refused to abandon
16:36 his patient waiting on the Lord. Now, you'd think he'd become
16:39 bitter, with all of those years of faithful service being
16:41 so cruelly repaid like this. You couldn't blame him
16:46 if he thought that God had abandoned him.
16:48 He'd been so faithful, and this was what he got
16:51 in return. In a moment, the story
16:54 of Joseph takes an unexpected turn, and we'll find out that
16:57 God knows how to bring blessing out of betrayal.
17:00 [music] >: In Matthew 4:4,
17:04 the Word of God says, "It is written.
17:07 Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
17:10 that proceeds from the mouth of God."
17:13 "Every Word" is a one-minute Bible-based daily devotional
17:16 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw and designed
17:19 especially for busy people like you.
17:21 Look for "Every Word" on selected networks, or watch
17:24 it online every day on our website,
17:28 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
17:30 Watch "Every Word." You'll be glad you did.
17:33 Here's a sample:
17:37 [music]
17:44 If you're familiar with Handel's Messiah then
17:47 you'll recognize Malachi 3:3. "And He shall purify
17:50 the sons of Levi... that they may offer
17:52 unto the Lord an offering in righteousness."
17:54 Now notice the connection: God purifies us, so that
17:58 we can offer Him an offering in righteousness.
18:00 He allows difficulties to buffet us so that we can
18:03 learn to be more like Jesus. There are days you wish God had
18:07 another way of working this out, but He knows that if you've got
18:10 an anger problem then the only way you're going
18:13 to get over it is by learning to call on God for help when
18:15 that temptation comes. Same thing if you're impatient,
18:18 for example. God is doing all He can
18:20 to prepare us for eternity and trials come to purify us.
18:23 As bad as the medicine might sometimes taste, it's really
18:27 a blessing in disguise. I'm John Bradshaw
18:30 for It Is Written. Let's live today
18:33 by every word.
18:37 If you've lived very long at all, you've no doubt
18:40 discovered, probably through experience, that the ball
18:43 doesn't always bounce for you just the way you
18:46 with it would. But a game is never
18:49 over until it's over. The Boston Red Sox were down
18:53 three games and trailing 4-3 in the ninth inning of game
18:57 4 during the playoffs in 2004.
19:00 You can't win from there. It had never been done.
19:03 Yet Boston went on to win the World Series.
19:07 You can come back from a difficult situation.
19:10 Languishing in prison, things looked hopeless
19:13 for Joseph. But it's never over when God
19:16 is involved. Like Potiphar before,
19:19 the jailer where Joseph was imprisoned found that he
19:22 could trust Joseph, and soon he put all the other prisoners
19:25 under Joseph's care. Listen to what the Bible says.
19:28 Let's read this. "But the Lord was with
19:32 Joseph and showed him mercy. And he gave him favor
19:35 in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
19:39 And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand
19:42 all the prisoners who were in the prison.
19:44 Whatever they did there, it was his doing.
19:47 The keeper of the prison did not look into anything
19:50 that was under Joseph's hand, because the Lord
19:53 was with him, and whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper."
19:57 Genesis 39, verses 21 through 23.
20:02 Just like in Potiphar's house, Joseph proved
20:04 himself, even in a prison, to be worthy of the trust
20:08 of his superior. And so, as with his former
20:10 master's household, he's put in charge
20:13 of everything. Now, doesn't this tell you
20:16 that you can shine for God wherever you are?
20:19 In prison, at work, in school, when you're being
20:22 treated badly. Wherever you are, whatever
20:26 you're going through, you can be faithful to God.
20:28 And you know that that will bring glory to God.
20:33 The Bible goes on to tell us that in prison Joseph
20:35 interpreted the dreams of a couple of his fellow
20:37 inmates. He told one of the men
20:39 that his dream meant that he would die.
20:41 Now, that had to be a tough message to deliver.
20:43 And to the other, he said that that man would
20:47 be released from prison. And it happened just
20:49 as Joseph said it would. You'd think the chief butler
20:52 would have been so incredibly grateful
20:54 to Joseph for predicting his restoration to favor
20:56 that one of the first things he'd have done after getting
20:59 his old job back would have been to put in a good word
21:02 for Joseph to Pharaoh. But instead, the Bible tells
21:05 us something else. The chief butler did not
21:09 remember Joseph, but forgot him.
21:11 Genesis 40, verse 23. That's three strikes
21:14 against Joseph now. First, he's betrayed
21:17 by his brothers. Then, by his master
21:19 Potiphar. And now, by Pharaoh's
21:21 chief butler. In each case he'd done
21:24 his best to be loyal and true to God.
21:27 And in each case, he'd been rewarded with evil.
21:30 Would you have been ready to quit on God by then?
21:33 Now, if you say no, I'll say, praise the Lord!
21:36 But people do. I've spoken to people who've
21:39 quit on church simply because they thought
21:42 the people at church weren't being nice to them.
21:44 That's just making the devil's job easy for him.
21:47 If that's all it takes to discourage somebody,
21:51 a death in the family-- people get angry with God.
21:53 And God can take it. But really, it would be better
21:56 to act like Job did. Remember his story?
21:59 He lost almost all of his family,
22:01 virtually everything he owned, and Job said simply,
22:06 "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away.
22:10 Blessed be the name of the Lord.
22:12 In all this, Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong."
22:16 Job 1, verses 21 and 22. Now, we'd say that we'd
22:20 expect Joseph had to have been distressed by what he
22:22 had to go through, and I think that's right.
22:25 But the Bible doesn't record any word of complaint.
22:29 Which means Joseph trusted God.
22:32 Even when things were going wrong, he trusted God.
22:35 In prison, he trusted God. Forsaken, falsely accused,
22:40 forgotten, Joseph hung in there with God and trusted
22:44 that God would somehow work it all out.
22:47 And remember, Joseph had had those dreams, and he never
22:51 forgot them. They were his assurance
22:53 that God would work in his behalf.
22:55 Now, you might not have had dreams of sheaves of grain
22:58 bowing down, but you've seen God work for you along
23:02 the way. The Bible is full of promises
23:04 that assure us that God is there for us.
23:06 If you can believe that, faith in God can see you
23:10 through some dark times. And in the end, God always
23:14 works it out for the best. Think of what it must have
23:17 been like that morning, when Jacob sent Joseph off
23:20 to find his brothers, to see how they were.
23:23 Neither the aged father nor the young man could possibly
23:26 have known what would transpire before they should
23:28 meet again. But life often works that
23:30 way, doesn't it? Great moments, decisive
23:33 turning points, often come without fanfare and without
23:35 warning. Each day, it's wise to commit
23:38 yourself to God's leading and to God's
23:40 purposes so that whatever happens in that day,
23:43 the vicissitudes of life will find you prepared, because
23:46 you're hanging on to God. Hang in there with God,
23:50 even when times look tough. If you read the rest
23:53 of the story of Joseph, you'll find out that it ends
23:55 well for our man. He was miraculously released
23:58 from jail, given his freedom, elevated to a position
24:02 of great authority in the Egyptian government,
24:04 and reunited with his father and his family.
24:07 About the unlikeliest ending you could ever imagine.
24:11 But what might seem impossible to you and me
24:14 is possible with God. The Bible says that the one
24:18 who endures to the end shall be saved.
24:20 The book of Revelation refers to the patience
24:22 of the saints, in Revelation 14:12.
24:25 God is always faithful. If you hang on to Him,
24:29 no matter how things look, you'll have eternity
24:33 to enjoy. And you won't give a second
24:35 thought to the hard times you went through down
24:39 here in this old world. "Promises of Power" is our
24:44 free offer for you today. This little book is a collection
24:47 of some of the most powerful promises found
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24:55 You can carry it with you to read anyplace, and it's idea
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25:02 by the great promises in the Bible.
25:05 Now, to get your free copy just call 1-800-253-3000
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26:01 at Thank you for your prayers.
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26:09 Our toll-free number is 1-800-253-3000,
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26:21 Let's take the time to pray together.
26:23 Will you pray with me now? Let's pray.
26:25 Our Father in heaven, You show us to be faithful.
26:27 It's true, there are times in our lives and in our
26:31 experience that things are just difficult.
26:34 We are confronted by trying circumstances, crushing trials
26:40 and weights. There are times when people
26:43 are tempted to think that God doesn't love them
26:46 or doesn't care or has abandoned them.
26:48 I'm thankful that in Joseph's story, and in so many
26:50 other stories, and even in our experience,
26:53 You demonstrate to us that You're with us always.
26:55 Please, Lord, when we are enfolded in gloom
27:00 and darkness and despair, remind us that through the dark clouds
27:04 the sun is shining. Remind us that You are God,
27:07 and that You are constant, and that You are good.
27:10 I thank You for Your goodness, for Your love,
27:12 and for Your grace. And I pray in Jesus' name,
27:17 amen. [music]
27:39 JB: Thanks for joining me today.
27:41 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
27:42 Until then, remember, It Is Written:
27:46 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
27:50 that proceeds from the mouth of God."


Revised 2016-04-14