It Is Written

The Solution to the Health Care Crisis

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001486A

01:30 ♪[Theme music]♪
01:40 ♪[Theme music]♪
01:49 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
01:51 Thanks for joining me.
01:53 In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
01:57 And what was it like back then?
01:58 Well, it was beautiful.
01:59 It was perfect.
02:02 And nobody was sick.
02:03 There were no doctors in the Garden of Eden.
02:06 There were no prescription drugs,
02:08 no medications of any kind.
02:10 There weren't any supplements.
02:11 They were not needed.
02:14 The undertakers, funeral parlors,
02:17 out of business.
02:18 No need.
02:19 Because when God created His first children,
02:21 Adam and Eve, no sickness at all.
02:24 Well, Isaiah wrote in the book of Isaiah
02:26 that we are going to a place where, he said,
02:28 “The inhabitant thereof shall not say, I am sick.”
02:32 And when we read in Third John,
02:34 the little book of Third John, verse 2,
02:38 we read these words:
02:39 “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
02:44 and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
02:48 That was John's wish for his readers;
02:50 it's God's wish for us today.
02:55 So what's the reality?
02:56 Illness everywhere you turn.
02:58 Healthcare problems, not solutions.
03:02 Healthcare costs blowing out budgets of entire nations.
03:06 People not sure what to do about diseases
03:09 they don't know how to fight.
03:11 Oh my goodness, that was not God's plan.
03:12 To discuss this with me is cardiologist Dr. James Marcum,
03:15 who practices here in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
03:17 Dr. Marcum, thanks for joining me.
03:19 >>Dr. James Marcum: My pleasure.
03:20 And unfortunately, my whole life,
03:22 the last 27 years in practicing cardiology and medicine,
03:25 I see people that are suffering with diseases of all sort.
03:30 >>John: So from a physician's point of view,
03:32 how bad is it?
03:33 >>Dr. Marcum: Oh, well, let's just look at things.
03:35 Over the last 20, 30 years,
03:37 the rates of heart disease keep going up.
03:41 The rates of diabetes keep going up.
03:43 In fact, it's been estimated in the United States,
03:46 by mid-century,
03:47 one in three people will have Type 2 diabetes.
03:50 >>John: One in three.
03:51 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah, one in three.
03:53 The rates of being overweight go up.
03:55 The risk of joint problems go up.
03:58 Um, high blood pressure keeps going up.
04:01 Every year, more and more chronic diseases.
04:03 Cancer rates keep going up.
04:05 Mental health problems keep going up.
04:08 All of these chronic diseases keep increasing,
04:10 and you ask yourself, is modern medicine fixing these problems?
04:14 >>John: Now, this was not God's plan in the beginning.
04:16 God created perfect people with perfect health.
04:19 So over the last 6,000 years, something has gone wrong.
04:23 And you ask the question,
04:25 modern medicine, is it fixing?
04:28 You might even ask the question,
04:29 is in some ways, it harming?
04:31 Though I don't mean to sound subversive.
04:33 So here's what we know.
04:34 God created Adam and Eve.
04:35 Sin entered the picture.
04:36 From then to now, it's been down, down,
04:38 down in terms of our health.
04:40 There have been some upswings.
04:41 You go back a few years, people were shorter,
04:43 people weren't as healthy, people didn't live as long.
04:46 So there've been some improvements.
04:47 >>Dr. Marcum: Right.
04:48 >>John: So here's a question: with the improvements
04:50 that we've had, and I think they're observable in the last,
04:54 I don't know, 50 or 100 years or so,
04:58 why are things still as bad as they are?
05:01 When are the doctors and the scientists going to figure out
05:03 what the magic bullet is for heart disease
05:06 or diabetes or cancer or stroke?
05:09 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah, well, the more I learn,
05:11 the less I know.
05:12 And our body is very, very complicated.
05:16 You know, we think of the trillion cells in our brain,
05:18 the quadrillion connections.
05:20 We know very little about the brain and how the brain
05:22 is affecting our whole body,
05:24 and how it turns on and off genes or genetics.
05:26 We know very little about the bowel,
05:28 the flora in our bowel, all sorts of bacteria.
05:31 There's more activity in our bowels
05:33 that affects our entire body,
05:34 including our cardiovascular health.
05:37 Then our immune systems, you know,
05:39 which fights off these bad boys; we're just now discovering all
05:42 things about our immune system that we never knew before.
05:45 So as time goes on, things get more complicated,
05:49 and yet we did make some major advances,
05:52 especially, you know, antibiotics,
05:54 blood transfusions.
05:55 So we have made some processes, but over the years we've got
05:58 into these chronic diseases, these lifestyle diseases,
06:02 the diseases that we put on ourselves that weren't made,
06:06 designed to have all these stressors on our body,
06:09 which has caused aging and mutations
06:12 and all sorts of bad things to happen.
06:13 >>John: Okay, so this question
06:14 is not meant to skewer the medical system.
06:17 You're a physician, a very, you're a well-educated physician
06:22 operating at a very high level.
06:23 So I don't mean to come after the medical profession.
06:26 But what in the world's going on?
06:27 This is, we're well into the 21st century now,
06:31 and it just seems like things are getting worse.
06:34 So, what, what are the successes,
06:38 the failings, and the limitations of modern medicine?
06:43 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah.
06:44 Well, modern medicine is great at treating acute problems.
06:48 You know, if I'm having a heart attack,
06:50 I want to have a stent.
06:52 My heart's going slow; give me a pacemaker.
06:54 If I'm bleeding to death, stop the bleeding;
06:56 give me a blood transfusion.
06:58 So it's great at treating emergencies.
07:00 It's also improving at treating chronic genetic problems.
07:05 Let's say you were born with a gene that's bad.
07:08 Well, we're now studying the genes and we're finding ways
07:10 that we can do things to help the genes maybe not express
07:13 these things that would cause problems down the road.
07:16 So we're making some inroads to that.
07:19 But where we haven't made much inroads at all
07:22 is our lifestyles,
07:24 the things that we're doing that's changing our very genes,
07:28 that's accelerating aging,
07:30 that's causing all this chronic disease.
07:32 And unfortunately, we're looking more toward what we can do.
07:37 Here, let's have a pill.
07:38 Let's have a quick fix.
07:39 We're not looking toward the real answers
07:41 to this complicated system, and that's looking at a Creator.
07:45 And I tell people, John,
07:46 that when you're looking at modern medicine,
07:49 there's ditches that we fall in.
07:51 You know, there's the ditches of thinking
07:52 that modern medicine can fix everything.
07:54 >>John: Sure.
07:55 >>Dr. Marcum: There's another ditch on the other side
07:56 of the road that says lifestyle.
07:57 That's all we need is lifestyle.
07:59 >>John: And that modern medicine can't really fix anything.
08:01 >>Dr. Marcum: Right.
08:02 >>John: And that's not true.
08:02 >>Dr. Marcum: Right.
08:04 And the true path is us to understand that when we're sick,
08:07 which we all are genetically,
08:09 we need a Saviour that can rescue us
08:12 from this bad genetics that we've come on.
08:15 >>John: Now, let's get into this more after the break.
08:18 But before the break, let me ask you this:
08:20 So I think what you've identified
08:22 is that medicine is doing its best.
08:24 >>Dr. Marcum: Um-hmm.
08:25 >>John:: Medicine is doing its best,
08:26 and in some areas medicine is doing wonderfully,
08:29 wonderfully.
08:30 But medicine is up against something that
08:33 it seems it can't overcome,
08:35 and that's not so much disease,
08:36 but the lifestyle of the patient.
08:38 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes.
08:40 >>John: I mean, you can't give anything away,
08:41 I know, but you've seen patients that you know full well,
08:43 if only they did A, B and C real simple,
08:46 their lives would trend up, but they just won't do it.
08:48 >>Dr. Marcum: Right.
08:49 >>John: So lifestyle is a major component
08:52 of turning this disease thing around, correct?
08:54 >>Dr. Marcum: For chronic disease, yes.
08:56 >>John: For chronic disease.
08:57 >>Dr. Marcum: Diabetes; can reverse that.
08:59 Hypertension; can reverse that.
09:02 Conditions like sleep apnea, heart disease,
09:05 uh, joint problems, mental health.
09:07 These are all potentially lifestyle-related diseases
09:11 that can be turned around.
09:12 >>John: Now, before we go to the break,
09:14 uh, we're not pretending that lifestyle can fix
09:18 everyone in every situation, right?
09:20 >>Dr. Marcum: That's correct.
09:21 >>John: But what percentage of lifestyle-related illnesses
09:25 can lifestyle adjustment positively impact?
09:29 >>Dr. Marcum: Well, it's been estimated that 80 to 90 percent
09:32 of all disease now is chronic.
09:34 These diseases we cause by lifestyle;
09:37 80 to 90 percent.
09:38 So if we can get people to change that,
09:42 you know, to change their lifestyle,
09:43 then there's potential that 80 to 90 percent of chronic disease
09:47 could be reversed.
09:48 >>John: Now, wouldn't that be something?
09:50 Wouldn't that be something?
09:51 And if you're like me, you either suffer from or you know
09:54 people, lots of people, battling chronic disease.
09:57 God has a way out.
09:59 We'll share more with you about that in just a moment.
10:01 ♪[Music]♪
10:12 >>John: If you'd like to know what the Bible says about
10:13 how to live the longest, healthiest life possible,
10:16 let me send you our free booklet,
10:19 “Living Life to the Fullest.”
10:20 All you need to do is call 800-253-3000,
10:25 and ask for your copy of “Living Life to the Fullest.”
10:28 If the line's busy, please do try again.
10:31 You can write to us at It Is Written,
10:33 P O Box 6, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401.
10:38 We'll mail a free copy to you in North America.
10:41 >>John: Thanks for joining me today on It Is Written,
10:44 and my special guest, Dr. James Marcum,
10:46 a cardiologist who, as well as practicing cardiology,
10:50 leads Heartwise Ministries.
10:52 We're looking to the solution to today's healthcare dilemma.
10:56 And it seems, it seems, that much of the solution,
11:00 we can't push this too far and say the entire solution,
11:04 much of the solution rests in the power of,
11:08 or the privilege of, choice.
11:11 Lifestyle choices.
11:13 Let's be practical about this.
11:14 Let's talk about some chronic conditions and what people
11:18 can do practically, accessibly,
11:20 what they can do to impact those things.
11:22 >>Dr. Marcum: Well, some of the chronic diseases,
11:24 if you could figure out what the chronic stressor is that's
11:26 causing the disease, eliminate that and you can do well.
11:30 For instance...diabetes.
11:32 We talked about how 1 in 3 might have Type 2 diabetes.
11:36 Diabetes is a disease of too much fat.
11:39 We have too much fat in our diet;
11:42 we have too much fat in our body.
11:44 Just removing fat in our body through exercise,
11:47 and removing fat by eating more vegetables
11:50 and fruits and nuts and grains,
11:51 just that in itself can reverse Type 2 diabetes.
11:55 >>John: Now, I'm going to suggest something to you.
11:57 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah.
11:57 >>John: That's pretty easy.
11:59 Now, I know that some are going to say,
12:01 “Oh, I can't imagine living without my fatty food.”
12:06 Can you imagine dying?
12:08 What's the alternative here?
12:10 I can''ve done harder things than that.
12:12 If it's the difference between life and death,
12:15 you can imagine it, all right.
12:16 Look, we're not asking anybody to go
12:17 and climb Mt. Everest without oxygen.
12:19 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah.
12:20 >>John: So what you're saying is,
12:21 by simply changing what you eat, you can reverse,
12:23 you can, not always will, but you can in many cases
12:28 reverse diabetes, correct?
12:29 >>Dr. Marcum: That's for Type 2.
12:30 >>John: That's a simple fix.
12:31 >>Dr. Marcum: And yet, if you have diabetes for many years,
12:33 it damages the body.
12:35 It's a leading cause of blindness,
12:37 kidney disease, heart disease, neuropathies,
12:39 everything.
12:40 >>John: Yeah.
12:41 >>Dr. Marcum: And it's just those things.
12:42 Less fat in your body, by exercising.
12:44 Less fat in your diet by eating healthier foods.
12:47 >>John: I read where already we have 1 in 4 people are diabetic,
12:49 but there's a humongous amount of people are prediabetic.
12:52 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah.
12:54 >>John: If we're coming up to 1 in 3 people are going to have
12:55 Type 2 diabetes in just a short amount of time,
12:57 think of the cost of that.
12:58 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes, yes.
12:59 They estimate it's about $15,000 a year
13:02 to take care of a Type 2 diabetic.
13:04 And it's not only in the States,
13:06 but we're seeing this around the world now.
13:08 >>John: As the western lifestyle encroaches.
13:10 >>Dr. Marcum: Exactly.
13:11 We're getting too much of this, and it's damaging us.
13:13 >>John: So let's be honest, then.
13:15 We're spending multiplied millions of dollars
13:17 on study after study after study after study,
13:19 and we know what the problem is.
13:20 It's your fork, right?
13:22 >>Dr. Marcum: Um-hmm.
13:24 >>John: It's hyperactive fork, hyperactivity with your fork.
13:27 Really.
13:27 Putting it simply.
13:29 >>John: So that's diabetes.
13:30 That's plain,
13:31 and by the way, by the way,
13:33 please, let me say this.
13:35 If you're battling Type 2 diabetes,
13:37 I'm not trying to get on you.
13:38 We don't want to be critical of you.
13:40 The doctor's simply saying that in many,
13:43 many cases it's what we put in
13:45 that causes this terrible outcome.
13:47 You mention, I'll let you go quicker on some of these.
13:49 Heart disease: what should,
13:51 what could a person do in many situations?
13:53 >>Dr. Marcum: Again, what is the number one stressor
13:55 that causes it?
13:56 Again, too much fat in the body, okay?
13:58 Too much fat gets in the arteries.
14:01 The arteries get clogged up.
14:02 It leads to heart attacks, all sorts of malfunctions.
14:05 Just eliminating, again,
14:07 fat in the body again is going to help improve that.
14:09 You know, you've heard of cholesterol;
14:11 that's a type of fat.
14:12 You get that out of the body, again,
14:14 we can actually reverse this.
14:16 I use greens and beans as a treatment for heart disease.
14:19 I get them on a whole food, plant-based diet,
14:22 get them on some exercise,
14:23 some positive thinking; they improve.
14:25 But a lot of people, John, don't even know about these things.
14:28 >>Dr. Marcum: Doctors aren't bringing these up.
14:30 They're not emphasizing it.
14:31 It's a secondary, here,
14:33 let me do a procedure or pill first,
14:34 and unfortunately, our culture is leaning away
14:37 from solutions and treating symptoms.
14:39 >>John: Sure, sure, you can take a pill,
14:40 but it doesn't get to the underlying cause.
14:42 But what about this, Dr. Marcum?
14:44 You'll find a study that's released that says
14:45 fat's not bad for you.
14:46 Fat is good for you.
14:48 Eat more fat.
14:49 It, it seems that the common-sensical,
14:52 good science says, lower the amount of bad fat.
14:56 Why do we see studies that say fat doesn't make you fat?
15:00 >>Dr. Marcum: Well, I always, when I look at a study,
15:01 I say, who is paying for the study?
15:03 >>John: Follow the money.
15:04 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah, follow the money.
15:05 Is a drug company paying for it?
15:06 Is a hospital system?
15:07 Who is paying for the studies?
15:09 And I could find, if we had the funds,
15:12 much, many more studies that
15:13 show people without this do much better.
15:15 So it's, you can't believe everything you hear;
15:18 you have to know where the source of truth is.
15:21 And it's getting harder nowadays.
15:22 >>John: You mentioned hypertension.
15:23 Explain what hypertension is, and then talk about what
15:26 a person might be able to do for that.
15:27 >>Dr. Marcum: Hypertension is when the blood,
15:29 the blood pressure in the blood vessels go up.
15:31 And if it goes up long term, it's a long-term problem,
15:35 it stresses the blood vessels, it damages them,
15:37 predisposes them to things like aneurisms,
15:40 strokes, damage to your kidneys, damage to your eyes,
15:43 heart attacks.
15:43 High blood pressure is not good.
15:46 In some countries, we see no high blood pressure at all.
15:48 In the Amazons, we don't see this.
15:50 >>John: It's not there.
15:51 >>Dr. Marcum: In Africa, rural Africa,
15:53 they don't have hypertension.
15:54 This is another disease of western culture,
15:58 specifically, the food we eat, processed foods,
16:02 and the stress we're under, and lack of activity.
16:05 Those three things, we get rid of those,
16:07 most of the cases of hypertension would go away,
16:10 and also the downhill effects that we're going to get
16:13 if we go on hypertension year in and year out.
16:16 They call hypertension the “hidden killer.”
16:18 Some people don't even know they have it.
16:20 >>John: It's incredible, isn't it, how simple some of this is?
16:23 And, and a person may be wondering,
16:25 you know, so what?
16:26 You hear this: gotta die of something.
16:29 Gotta die of something.
16:31 Well, I'll tell you this: you don't have to die of everything.
16:34 And there are many things that need not be a threat
16:38 in your life, and as a result, your life is lengthened.
16:41 What does the Bible say?
16:43 We are “fearfully and wonderfully made,”
16:47 David wrote in the Psalms, in Psalm 139.
16:50 Let me ask you a question: why, then,
16:54 is this simple fix not being spoken of more?
16:57 >>Dr. Marcum: Well, if you look at the world we live in,
17:00 is our world designed to worship the true God,
17:04 or worship the false gods of this world?
17:06 There's a real battle going on out there:
17:08 battle for our health, battle for our minds.
17:11 And as we do this, you know, the culture says,
17:14 oh, you can do this, you can have this,
17:15 you can eat this way, you can move this direction,
17:18 and there'll be no consequences.
17:20 We have a fix, but do we really have a fix?
17:23 We're not looking at the true solution
17:26 to our healthcare dilemma.
17:28 The world is taking us away from the worship of God.
17:31 >>John: It's important to remember
17:32 that we are in a battle, is, there...
17:33 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes.
17:35 >>John: There's a real spiritual battle going on.
17:36 Let me read this to you.
17:37 This is 1 Corinthians, chapter 3 and verse 16,
17:41 and Paul wrote to the church in Corinth,
17:44 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God,
17:46 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
17:48 If anyone defiles the temple of God,
17:50 God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy,
17:54 which temple you are.”
17:55 Our body was designed to be an inhabitation for God Himself.
18:00 And therefore it's important we keep it in good shape.
18:03 Healthy body, healthy mind.
18:04 The healthier we keep ourselves, the more able we are to receive
18:07 the Spirit of God and to hear the voice of God
18:10 and to connect with God.
18:12 We live in this world where the enemy has conspired
18:14 against good health by encouraging us to
18:17 destroy ourselves as rapidly as we possibly can.
18:19 Look around you; that's what you see taking place.
18:23 Now, in a moment, how about we discuss a case study.
18:25 You ready to do that?
18:26 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes.
18:27 You want to do that right now?
18:28 >>John: Well, we'll do that in just a moment.
18:29 There's a case study, a case study that we can look at and
18:31 say, when you connect your chronic condition to God,
18:36 God does great things.
18:38 We'll share that encouraging story with you in just a moment.
18:42 ♪[Music]♪
18:51 ♪[Theme music]♪
18:53 >>Announcer: In Matthew 4:4, the Word of God says,
18:56 “It is Written,
18:57 ‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
18:59 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'”
19:03 “Every Word” is a one-minute, Bible-based daily devotional
19:06 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw,
19:08 and designed especially for busy people like you.
19:11 Look for Every Word on selected networks,
19:14 or watch it online every day on our website,
19:19 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
19:21 Watch “Every Word.” You'll be glad you did.
19:26 ♪[Theme music]♪
19:31 >>John: I think it's fascinating to study
19:33 the great characters of the Bible.
19:34 Sarah was considered such a great woman of faith
19:37 that she's listed in Hebrews 11,
19:38 the great faith chapter of the Bible.
19:40 Hebrews 11:11 says,
19:42 “By faith Sarah herself also received strength
19:44 to conceive seed,
19:45 and she bore a child when she was past the age,
19:47 because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”
19:50 So who was this Sarah?
19:51 Well, she lacked faith.
19:53 She recommended to her husband
19:54 that he father a child by another woman.
19:56 She was then cruel to the woman in question,
19:58 and Sarah lied, to God.
20:01 Which reminds us that God works with faulty people,
20:03 and He rehabs faulty people.
20:05 Mistakes and shortcomings
20:06 don't spell the end of the road for you.
20:08 God hangs in there with you, and His grace is powerful.
20:11 He didn't give up on Sarah, in spite of her weaknesses.
20:14 And the God who didn't give up on Sarah
20:16 is not about to give up on you.
20:18 I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
20:20 Let's live today by every word.
20:22 ♪[Music]♪
20:26 >>John: I'm John Bradshaw. This is It Is Written.
20:29 Thanks for joining me.
20:30 God's solution to the healthcare dilemma.
20:32 And we have a real healthcare crisis in the United States,
20:36 really, in all first-world countries around the planet.
20:40 Discussing this with me is cardiologist Dr. James Marcum.
20:43 Dr. Marcum, we said we would look at a case study here.
20:47 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah.
20:48 A 50-something-year-old gentleman
20:50 that presented to the office.
20:51 Never been to the doctor before, didn't think he was much sick,
20:54 thought he was doing pretty well.
20:56 But at age 50, he was having lots of symptoms.
20:59 He was going to the bathroom seven,
21:01 eight times a night.
21:03 Energy level, down, down to almost zero.
21:07 Well, I tested him, and guess what?
21:09 He had diabetes.
21:10 >>John: Oh, really.
21:11 Didn't even know.
21:12 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah, A1c was greater than 10.
21:14 Very much a diabetic.
21:16 And I said, “Listen, fellow, you're, you're diabetic.”
21:19 >>John: He did not know this.
21:20 >>Dr. Marcum: Did not know this.
21:22 I said, “All these problems are from diabetes.”
21:23 And he said, “Well, how can I be a diabetic?”
21:26 I said, “Well, you know, sometimes you have bad
21:29 genes that predispose you to disease.
21:31 And let's be honest; the pancreas makes insulin;
21:34 your pancreas isn't making much insulin,
21:36 and you're doing some lifestyle things
21:38 that could be hurting you.”
21:39 He didn't believe me.
21:41 >>John: Really.
21:42 >>Dr. Marcum: I said, “You continue this path,
21:43 it's going to age your genes,
21:44 you're going to have heart attacks,
21:46 you're going to get blind,
21:47 you're going to have problems with your kidneys.
21:48 You got to do something.”
21:50 And I said, “Listen,
21:51 would you prefer to go the medical route,
21:54 or would you prefer to go the lifestyle route?”
21:57 >>John: Okay, before you get to his answer,
21:59 explain what the medical route is.
22:02 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah.
22:02 >>John: And follow that by telling me
22:03 what the lifestyle route is.
22:04 >>Dr. Marcum: Well, the medical route would be
22:05 to give you some medicines,
22:07 specifically start you on a drug called metformin or insulin.
22:11 >>John: Lots of people watching us right now...
22:12 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah, lots of people take those.
22:13 >>John: ...say oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm using that.
22:15 >>Dr. Marcum: Now he had Type 2 diabetes.
22:16 But with that disease, not only had diabetes,
22:18 but he found out that he had sleep apnea,
22:20 because he had a little extra weight.
22:22 His blood pressure was high.
22:24 His cholesterol was high.
22:25 He was having uric acid in the body,
22:27 which causes gout.
22:29 He had five or six chronic diseases from this problem of,
22:32 of diabetes.
22:33 >>John: If I might say so, it sounds like this individual
22:37 was a walking time bomb.
22:39 >>Dr. Marcum: He was.
22:40 >>John: Really.
22:41 >>Dr. Marcum: I explained the cause of it. I said,
22:42 “Listen, if we can get fat out of the body,
22:43 fat out of your diet totally,
22:46 we might be able to reverse this rather quickly.”
22:49 And he says, “Oh, I can't do this.”
22:52 He says, “I'm used to eating chips.”
22:54 He was a chip-aholic.
22:56 He had lots of processed foods.
22:57 He didn't even realize what this processed food,
23:00 he ate pretty healthy, he thought.
23:02 Lots of processed foods.
23:03 So he says, “I can't do this.”
23:04 I said, “Well, you know, what you need to do is,
23:07 is look for the real power,
23:09 and that's a relationship with Christ.”
23:11 >>John: Right.
23:12 >>Dr. Marcum: Who will help you see truth
23:13 and give you the power to make changes.
23:15 And he says, “Well, this is a dire situation.
23:18 I don't want to take medicines
23:19 that don't fix the problems for this chronic disease.
23:21 I want a solution.”
23:23 So he got on his knees and said,
23:25 you know, he had a relationship with God.
23:26 It wasn't like he didn't know God.
23:28 He says, “Listen, God, I've identified a problem.
23:31 I need extra help.
23:32 I need power in my life.
23:33 >>John: Sure. Amen.
23:34 >>Dr. Marcum: So right away,
23:35 he started exercising an hour and a half a day.
23:38 Got on the treadmill 30 minutes in the morning
23:40 and an hour at night when he got back from work.
23:41 And he had a pretty demanding job.
23:43 But he says, “I'm going to make time to do this.”
23:45 He got rid of all processed foods.
23:47 >>John: Okay.
23:48 >>Dr. Marcum: All processed foods.
23:49 If it wasn't natural, he didn't eat it.
23:52 In three months, his A1c, high to non-diabetic range.
23:57 >>John: Fantastic.
23:58 >>Dr. Marcum: In three months he lost a total of 30 pounds.
24:00 >>John: In just three months?
24:01 >>Dr. Marcum: Three months.
24:02 Blood pressure, heart rate, triglycerides,
24:04 all the markers of chronic disease,
24:06 gout, all of that got better.
24:08 He did it through the power of God changing him.
24:11 The solution to his chronic dilemma was plug in that power,
24:14 and to see truth, and able to change one step at a time.
24:18 So he did well at three months.
24:20 He went back to his doctor just last month,
24:22 and still his A1c was in the fives.
24:25 Okay, six below is non-diabetic range.
24:27 All of the chronic disease: cholesterol had gone down,
24:30 blood pressure gone down, gouty numbers had gone down.
24:32 All the chronic disease had stayed well,
24:35 even at this point.
24:37 That patient was me, John Bradshaw.
24:40 That was me, and I had to enact those changes.
24:42 A doctor who supposedly was supposed to be healthy,
24:46 was not healthy.
24:47 He had chronic disease that he didn't even know about
24:50 ‘til it got so bad that it presented with a symptom.
24:53 There might be many out there that have chronic disease too.
24:56 They just don't know it until bad things start to happen.
24:59 >>John: Sure.
24:59 So it was the power of God
25:01 that made this amazing change in your life.
25:03 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes.
25:04 I asked God to help me do things that I never thought I could do.
25:07 I didn't think I could exercise an hour and a half every day,
25:10 with my schedule.
25:11 I didn't think I had the ability to give up all processed foods.
25:15 But it was through His power and that relationship
25:18 that I had with Him that I needed a little extra help.
25:21 You know, whenever someone has a trial or temptation,
25:23 then we use that and turn it into a ministry.
25:27 So I want to use this to help other people understand that,
25:31 yes, for chronic diseases, God is the place to start.
25:34 Understanding where the ditches are.
25:36 Plugging into that, helping you see truth,
25:38 and enact things one step at a time.
25:41 >>John: What if someone says,
25:42 “I just don't have an hour and a half.”
25:43 Start, just start, start with what you...
25:45 >>Dr. Marcum: Yeah, start somewhere.
25:46 Say, “God, what can you help me do?”
25:48 You know, five minutes, ten minutes, thirty minutes.
25:50 Ten thousand steps.
25:51 Get out of the room, walking every hour.
25:53 Find something to keep the parts moving,
25:55 so you can change your metabolism
25:57 to get fat out of your body.
25:58 So I changed, I lost 40 pounds.
26:02 >>John: Fantastic.
26:02 >>Dr. Marcum: In six months.
26:03 All the chronic disease markers went down.
26:06 And it wasn't me; it was the power of God.
26:08 So I'm claiming that this is going to be the solution
26:11 to our chronic healthcare dilemma.
26:14 >>John: Just like that.
26:15 The solution, the solution, the solution.
26:16 It's not legislation.
26:19 The solution is not another program.
26:21 The solution is not a new drug that we haven't discovered yet,
26:25 and God bless those who are helping us
26:27 in the medical and science fields.
26:29 The solution is Jesus.
26:31 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes.
26:32 >>John: And there's power in the Spirit of God
26:35 coming into your life.
26:37 You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
26:39 If you feel like you can't do it,
26:40 remember what Paul wrote to the Philippians:
26:42 “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
26:45 My God shall supply all your need
26:47 according to His riches and glory, by Christ Jesus.”
26:50 If you can't get it done, that's okay.
26:54 God can do it in you.
26:56 The solution?
26:57 The solution is Jesus Himself.
27:00 ♪[Music]♪
27:10 >>John: If you'd like to know what the Bible says about
27:12 how to live the longest, healthiest life possible,
27:15 let me send you our free booklet,
27:17 “Living Life to the Fullest.”
27:19 All you need to do is call 800-253-3000
27:24 and ask for your copy of “Living Life to the Fullest.”
27:27 If the line's busy, please do try again.
27:29 You can write to us at It Is Written,
27:32 P O Box 6, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401.
27:37 We'll mail a free copy to you in North America.
27:40 >>John: Thank you for remembering that It Is Written
27:42 is a faith-based ministry,
27:45 and it's your support that makes it possible for us
27:47 to share God's good news with the entire world.
27:51 Your tax-deductible gift can be sent to the address
27:53 on your screen, or through our website,
27:58 Thank you for your continued prayerful support.
28:01 Our toll-free number is 800-253-3000.
28:05 800-253-3000.
28:07 Our web address is
28:10 >>John: Dr. Marcum, thanks for joining me today.
28:12 This has been a blessing.
28:13 >>Dr. Marcum: My pleasure, John.
28:14 And, you know, it's not an easy story to tell,
28:17 you know, but it's important.
28:18 God's using this for ministry to help others.
28:20 >>John: A blessing.
28:21 Thanks, let's pray together now.
28:22 Let's pray.
28:23 Our Father in heaven,
28:24 we are thankful for what you can do in our life.
28:27 We're grateful to that for many of the pressing physical health
28:31 problems we face as a world,
28:34 many of those cases,
28:35 there are simple solutions.
28:37 Lord, I pray you'd guide us,
28:40 pray that you'd lead us to good health and not bad.
28:43 I pray that you'd lead us away from bad practices
28:45 to good practices.
28:47 I pray that we can see defeats turn into victories,
28:49 failures into success,
28:51 good health take the place of bad health.
28:53 Thank you that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
28:56 And in all of this,
28:57 we're not merely looking for a longer life,
28:59 not merely looking for better health.
29:01 We are looking to honor You and glorify You
29:04 and give You more of us to possess and work through.
29:08 Thank you that You are the solution.
29:12 We are grateful.
29:13 We pray in Jesus' name,
29:16 Amen.
29:18 >>John: Thank you so much for joining me today.
29:19 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
29:21 Until then, remember:
29:23 "It is written:
29:24 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
29:26 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
29:31 ♪[Theme music]♪


Revised 2018-01-23