It Is Written


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW018166A

00:09 ♪[Music]♪
00:19 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written.
00:21 I'm John Bradshaw.
00:22 Thanks for joining me.
00:24 It's a slice of paradise, really.
00:27 Just 35 minutes by plane from Miami, Florida,
00:31 is Nassau, the capital city of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
00:36 The Bahamas is made up of more than 700 islands and islets,
00:41 starting east of Florida and stretching down
00:44 to north of Cuba,
00:45 and along almost to Turks and Caicos, north of Haiti.
00:50 Tourism rules in the Bahamas, and it's easy to see why.
00:55 What's not to love?
00:57 The weather here is as close to perfect
00:58 as you could possibly want.
01:00 Average annual high temperature: 84 Fahrenheit.
01:03 That's 29 Celsius.
01:05 Average annual low: 21 Celsius, 70 Fahrenheit.
01:09 There are 30 or so inhabited islands in the Bahamas,
01:13 a number of privately held islands in addition.
01:17 Nassau is on New Providence Island,
01:19 which would fit inside Rhode Island 15 times.
01:23 ♪[Music]♪
01:24 It was here in the Bahamas in 1492 that Christopher Columbus
01:29 first landed in the free world.
01:31 He landed at an island that became known as San Salvador.
01:35 Some believe it's the same San Salvador that exists today.
01:39 Others believe otherwise.
01:42 Four hundred thousand people live in the Bahamas,
01:45 70 percent of them in Nassau.
01:48 And as beautiful as it is, it's a place with a colorful past.
01:54 Three hundred or so years ago, in the early 1700s,
01:57 the Bahamas was a haven for pirates.
02:02 Men like John Rackham operated out of New Providence Island.
02:07 They called him Calico Jack
02:09 owing to the colorful clothing that he wore.
02:12 He ended up being hanged.
02:14 He was associated with a couple of female pirates.
02:17 Female pirates were rare in the Caribbean.
02:19 And Bonnie and Mary Reed were ruthless.
02:24 The pirate Henry Jennings was based in the Bahamas.
02:28 In 1715, 11 of the 12 ships that made up a Spanish treasure fleet
02:35 were lost in a hurricane near what's known today
02:37 as Vero Beach, Florida.
02:39 Jennings had been a privateer, essentially a legal pirate,
02:44 and he attacked the salvage ships
02:46 and made off with a lot of wealth.
02:50 Jennings based himself here in Nassau.
02:53 He teamed up with another private,
02:54 another former privateer, a man named Benjamin Hornigold.
02:59 Hornigold actually retired from piracy,
03:02 which is something not every pirate did.
03:05 But before he retired,
03:06 he took an aspiring young pirate under his wing,
03:09 a man named Edward Teach.
03:12 Teach was born in England, maybe in Bristol.
03:16 He worked on ships, and eventually became a privateer.
03:21 Teach, if that was his actual name,
03:24 became a pirate during what was known
03:25 as the Golden Age of Piracy.
03:29 And he was known as Blackbeard.
03:33 The Bahamas was perfect for pirates,
03:35 owing to its proximity to the shipping lanes of the Atlantic.
03:38 And it was here that Blackbeard created a legend.
03:44 It's not that Blackbeard was the deadliest
03:46 or the most prolific pirate that ever sailed.
03:49 But he knew how to strike fear into men.
03:51 He called himself Blackbeard after his big, black beard,
03:55 which he braided with ribbons and then somehow
03:57 set matches or cloth or fuses in that he would set alight,
04:01 making it look like his beard was on fire.
04:04 Blackbeard terrorized people.
04:07 Some sailors said they believed
04:09 Blackbeard was the devil himself.
04:13 Near Martinique in the eastern Caribbean,
04:16 Blackbeard seized a French ship, La Concorde,
04:20 which he renamed Queen Anne's Revenge.
04:24 Now, as long as his victims didn't put up a fight,
04:26 Blackbeard didn't kill or maim them.
04:29 But if they resisted... [cannons firing]
04:32 not good.
04:33 He even defeated a royal naval vessel.
04:36 He was quite a sailor.
04:38 A pirate ship's flag would often contain a depiction
04:41 of an hourglass,
04:43 the inference being that a pirate's life was short.
04:47 Blackbeard died while still a young man,
04:49 aged somewhere between 35 and 40.
04:52 He was killed by authorities in North Carolina.
04:55 His severed head was placed on a pike and publically displayed
05:01 as a warning to other would-be pirates.
05:05 In 1996, the remains of Blackbeard's ship,
05:08 the Queen Anne's Revenge,
05:09 were found just off the Carolina coast.
05:12 So what does it take to be a pirate?
05:14 You know, today pirates are kind of romanticized.
05:16 And the fact is, they were thieves,
05:19 murderers.
05:20 Pirates were terrorists.
05:22 Fourteen of the 16 men apprehended
05:24 when Blackbeard was taken were transported
05:27 to Williamsburg, Virginia, and hanged.
05:30 They were tough times.
05:33 Modern piracy is still a major maritime problem that costs
05:36 lives as well as billions of dollars a year in losses.
05:40 The waters off the coast of Somalia have seen
05:43 a lot of piracy in modern times.
05:45 The Strait of Malacca,
05:47 dividing Singapore and Malaysia from Indonesia,
05:49 continues to be a piracy hotspot.
05:53 ♪[Island music]♪
05:54 Although it happens less than it did a few years ago,
05:57 people are still killed or taken hostage by pirates.
06:01 Some hostages are held for years.
06:03 Ships are still seized.
06:06 This isn't a game.
06:08 Pirates were a law unto themselves,
06:11 had no regard for the rights
06:12 or the safety or the welfare of others.
06:14 They took what they wanted, when they wanted,
06:17 and how they wanted.
06:19 You know, we still see lawlessness today.
06:21 We see it in the streets,
06:22 where people rob and assault and murder.
06:26 Do we see lawlessness in business?
06:28 Sure we do.
06:29 There are unscrupulous business people who,
06:31 through one means or another, take advantage of others.
06:35 You don't need to go too far to find unscrupulous doctors
06:39 or lawyers or athletes.
06:42 We still see lawlessness today.
06:46 But lawlessness in the church: does that happen?
06:51 Yes, it does.
06:52 I'll tell you more in just a moment.
06:54 ♪[Music]♪
07:03 >>John: It may seem that integrity is in short supply.
07:06 But it does not need to be in short supply in your life.
07:10 I'd like you to get today's free offer,
07:11 “Challenged,”
07:12 written by Dr. Michael Cafferky and myself.
07:15 How you can maintain and demonstrate integrity
07:18 in your personal life or in your business life.
07:21 Call us: 800-253-3000.
07:24 800-253-3000.
07:26 Visit us at
07:29 Or write to the address on your screen for
07:31 “Challenged.”
07:34 >>John: Thursday, August the 5th, 2010m
07:37 was not a happy day for 33 men,
07:41 when a collapse in a mine in Chile
07:44 buried them 2,300 feet below ground.
07:49 No matter how much they tried to escape,
07:51 there was no way out.
07:53 Rescue would have to come from above.
07:57 ♪[Music]♪
07:58 On the outskirts of the San Jose Mine,
08:00 over two-and-a-half thousand people gathered,
08:03 and with each failed rescue attempt,
08:06 despair increased,
08:08 and families gathered together to pray for a miracle.
08:13 From the Atacama Desert comes a story of tragedy,
08:17 a story of uncertainty, yet a story of courage,
08:20 hope, and ultimately, a story of salvation.
08:25 Wait on the Lord, and the miracle will come.
08:29 “Trapped.”
08:30 Watch now on It Is Written TV.
08:34 >>John Bradshaw: Nassau, on New Providence Island
08:36 in the Bahamas,
08:38 was home to a lot of pirates in the early 1700s,
08:41 during what's now referred to as the Golden Age of Piracy.
08:45 At that same time, Ben Franklin was just a boy.
08:49 Johann Sebastian Bach was composing
08:51 beautiful music in Europe,
08:53 and George Washington wouldn't be born for about 15 more years.
08:58 Blackbeard sailed these waters.
09:01 This pirate of the Caribbean and of the Atlantic
09:04 called this place home for about two years,
09:07 and during that time, he terrorized a lot of people.
09:13 Pirates lived, or live, outside the law.
09:17 They are lawless.
09:19 You have to be lawless to pursue an ocean vessel,
09:22 forcibly board it, take what you want,
09:25 and then take hostages or simply kill people.
09:28 Lawlessness.
09:30 But what's really astonishing is that
09:33 we find lawlessness in the church.
09:37 Let me explain.
09:40 Britain's Telegraph newspaper reported that just six of the
09:44 Ten Commandments are important to British Christians today.
09:48 The paper said, "Most Christians in Britain believe that four
09:52 of the commandments
09:53 are not 'important principles to live by.'"
09:57 So which ones made the grade?
09:59 "Honor thy father and thy mother"?
10:01 That commandment is one the people want to keep.
10:05 Murder?
10:06 Still wrong.
10:07 Adultery?
10:08 Still morally unacceptable.
10:11 Stealing?
10:12 Let's keep that commandment.
10:14 Lying?
10:15 People don't want lying.
10:16 That commandment remains.
10:18 And interestingly enough, coveting still considered taboo.
10:24 But the majority of British Christians who responded to this
10:28 poll said that the first four commandments are principles
10:32 that we can do without,
10:34 principles that we don't need to live by today.
10:37 So what are these four old-hat commandments
10:41 that just don't relate to life anymore?
10:43 Well, let's look at them.
10:44 The first one, Exodus 20, verse 3, where the Bible says,
10:48 “You shall have no other gods before me.”
10:51 Apparently, not relevant today.
10:54 Now, keep in mind, this is in the land of George Whitefield,
10:57 John Wesley, William Tyndale.
11:00 Believers saying, “We don't need this anymore.”
11:03 Second commandment, Exodus 20 and verse 4:
11:06 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image-
11:09 any likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
11:12 or that is in the earth beneath,
11:14 or that is in the water under the earth;
11:16 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them...”
11:20 Apparently, that's something that we can live without,
11:22 along with the third commandment.
11:24 Look at that with me, Exodus 20 and verse 7:
11:27 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain,
11:31 for the Lord will not hold him guiltless
11:34 who takes His name in vain.”
11:36 Apparently, that's something that we can do without.
11:40 Now, there's one more.
11:41 Remember?
11:42 Believers in Britain have said that this is something
11:46 we don't need to live by today.
11:49 Look at it with me, Exodus 20, verses 8 through 11:
11:53 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
11:55 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
11:58 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
12:02 In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son,
12:06 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
12:09 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
12:12 nor your stranger who is within your gates.
12:15 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
12:19 the sea, and all that is in them,
12:22 and rested the seventh day.
12:25 Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
12:27 and hallowed it.”
12:30 [sounds of crowd] So how would that look,
12:31 having other gods before God?
12:34 Well, it makes the Bible a nonsense.
12:35 You can not love God with your whole heart,
12:38 soul, mind and strength, and have another god before God.
12:43 Okay for believers to bow down and worship graven images.
12:48 That doesn't even make sense.
12:50 This is where you need a rolling-your-eyes emoji.
12:53 Don't take the name of the Lord in vain.
12:56 Evidently, that doesn't matter anymore.
12:58 You know, what's interesting about this is that
13:00 the commandments that are still important are the ones
13:03 that deal with what other people do to you.
13:06 But when it comes to disrespecting God,
13:09 evidently that just doesn't matter so much.
13:12 Fourth one: “Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy.”
13:16 You'd really let that go in today's pressure-cooker world?
13:19 Jesus said in Mark 2:27,
13:22 “The Sabbath was made for man.”
13:24 Isaiah said don't trample on God's holy day in Isaiah 58.
13:29 And over and above all of that, Jesus said in John 14:15,
13:33 “If you love me, keep my commandments.”
13:36 First John 3, verse 4, says that
13:38 “sin is the transgression of the law.”
13:41 Many translations express that as, “Sin is lawlessness.”
13:47 Now, let's not make the mistake of thinking
13:49 that this is just a British thing.
13:52 Some years ago, Reuters reported that Americans
13:56 were more familiar with the ingredients of a Big Mac
14:01 than they were with the Ten Commandments.
14:04 For example, more people could recall that a Big Mac
14:08 contained two all-beef patties than knew there was
14:12 a commandment that said, “Thou shalt not kill.”
14:15 Fewer people were able to recall
14:18 “Honor thy father and thy mother”
14:20 than knew that a Big Mac contained a pickle.
14:24 More people could remember Bobby and Peter from the Brady Bunch
14:29 than knew that there was a
14:31 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
14:34 Now, admittedly, this was not a survey of just Christians.
14:39 But still.
14:42 Years before he became known
14:43 for his run for the U.S. Senate,
14:45 Roy Moore was a circuit court judge in the state of Alabama.
14:49 He hung the Ten Commandments on the wall of his courthouse.
14:53 It sparked controversy.
14:55 Later, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
14:58 in the State of Alabama,
15:00 Moore had a 5,000-pound granite monument
15:04 of the Ten Commandments moved into the Supreme Court building.
15:07 Now, that was controversial as well.
15:09 It was eventually ruled that that monument had to go.
15:12 Moore went as well,
15:14 but not before thousands of people demonstrated
15:17 in support of that monument of the Ten Commandments.
15:21 At that demonstration, one man shouted at the top of his voice,
15:24 “Get your hands off our God.”
15:29 So it's interesting.
15:30 We seem to have this very two-faced relationship
15:34 with the Ten Commandments.
15:35 On the one hand, we acknowledge they were given by God,
15:39 but on the other hand,
15:40 masses of people, including many Christians,
15:44 aren't sure they really need to be kept.
15:47 So which is it?
15:48 Now, if the answer is that the Ten Commandments
15:50 ought to be kept,
15:52 then that gives rise to another really important question.
15:56 I'll have that in just a moment.
15:58 ♪[Music]♪
16:07 >>John: It may seem that integrity is in short supply.
16:10 But it does not need to be in short supply in your life.
16:14 I'd like you to get today's free offer,
16:15 “Challenged,”
16:16 written by Dr. Michael Cafferky and myself.
16:19 How you can maintain and demonstrate integrity
16:22 in your personal life or in your business life.
16:25 Call us: 800-253-3000.
16:28 800-253-3000.
16:30 Visit us at
16:34 Or write to the address on your screen for
16:35 “Challenged.”
16:38 >>John: Thank you for remembering that It Is Written
16:39 exists because of the kindness of people just like you.
16:43 To support this international life-changing ministry,
16:46 please call us now at 800-253-3000.
16:50 You can send your tax-deductible gift
16:52 to the address on your screen,
16:53 or you can visit us online at
16:57 Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support.
17:00 Our number again is 800-253-3000.
17:04 Or you can visit us online at
17:08 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joining me on It Is Written.
17:11 I'm in the Bahamas, once upon a time a haven for pirates.
17:17 Not good people, pirates.
17:19 They were thieves, killers, mercenaries.
17:24 They were outlaws, not cartoon characters,
17:27 not caricatures.
17:29 They were lawless.
17:37 In the 1900s, the Bahamas was a haven for freed slaves.
17:42 The royal navy resettled here thousands of slaves
17:45 who'd been liberated from slave ships.
17:48 American slaves and black Seminoles
17:50 escaped here from Florida.
17:53 And slaves on board U.S. domestic ships,
17:56 which had sheltered here in the Bahamas
17:58 owing to bad weather, were freed here as well.
18:02 These are actual ruins of homes of former slaves.
18:08 Slavery was lawlessness.
18:11 ♪[Music]♪
18:12 And lawlessness challenges the church.
18:16 Antinomianism teaches that, because of grace,
18:19 because we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ,
18:23 we then therefore do not need to obey the law of God.
18:29 Which is madness, of course.
18:32 There's a world of difference between what happens
18:34 in a person's life in coming to salvation
18:37 and then what takes place in a person's life
18:39 once that person has received salvation.
18:42 Now, it is true, we are saved one way: by grace alone,
18:47 through faith alone, in Christ alone.
18:50 That's right.
18:51 And that is a wonderful truth.
18:52 There is nothing that you can do to earn salvation.
18:55 It is a gift given you from God.
19:00 You accept it; you rejoice in it;
19:02 you believe that Jesus died for you and
19:04 that through the death of Jesus Christ your sins are forgiven.
19:09 But once a person comes to faith in God,
19:12 once God enters a person's life
19:14 and that faith journey continues,
19:17 well, what does that look like?
19:19 David told us in Psalm 40 and verse 8, when he said,
19:24 “I delight to do Your will, O my God,
19:27 Your law is in my heart.”
19:31 The question isn't, should we live with
19:34 or without reference to the Ten Commandments.
19:37 The answer to that question is obvious.
19:40 The bigger question is, how do you keep the Ten Commandments?
19:44 You know, when Jesus said,
19:45 “If you love me, keep my commandments,”
19:47 He was not saying,
19:49 if you love me, then prove it by going ahead
19:52 and keeping the Ten Commandments.
19:54 No, what Jesus was saying was,
19:55 “If you love me,
19:57 then you will keep the Ten Commandments
19:59 because that's what happens when I dwell in you.”
20:03 When your heart is given to God,
20:05 obedience becomes an inevitability.
20:09 Now, I recognize that statements like that,
20:11 obedience being an inevitability,
20:14 can be cold comfort to some people.
20:16 If you're stuck in sin,
20:18 if you're going backwards instead of forwards,
20:20 if you're not progressing spiritually,
20:23 those are difficult words.
20:25 The battle is real.
20:27 Undoubtedly you've experienced it.
20:29 You might be caught in the middle of it now.
20:32 So, let's consider what Paul wrote to the Romans,
20:35 chapter 7, verse 14:
20:37 “For we know that the law is spiritual,
20:39 but I am carnal, sold under sin.”
20:44 Carnal.
20:45 Fleshly.
20:46 Like the Spanish word for meat, “carne.”
20:49 Paul says, “I am carnal.” So why is that a problem?
20:53 He explains in Romans 8, verse 7:
20:56 “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
20:59 for it is not subject to the law of God,
21:01 neither indeed can be.”
21:03 You notice that?
21:04 Paul says, “I am carnal.”
21:07 Like Blackbeard.
21:08 Or Calico Jack.
21:10 Lawless.
21:12 Paul goes on: “For what I am doing,
21:14 I do not understand.
21:16 For what I will to do, that I do not practice;
21:20 but what I hate, that I do.
21:23 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh)
21:26 nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me,
21:30 but how to perform what is good I do not find.
21:34 For the good that I will to do, I do not do;
21:38 but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.
21:43 O wretched man that I am!
21:45 Who will deliver me from this body of death?”
21:49 Can you see yourself in that picture,
21:52 unable to do the things that you really want to do,
21:55 doing the things that you know you should not?
21:58 See yourself in that picture?
22:00 Somebody upsets you.
22:02 You know you shouldn't retaliate in a negative way,
22:04 but you do it anyway.
22:06 You know you shouldn't claim that deduction on your taxes,
22:10 but you claim it anyway.
22:12 You're in a relationship that you know you shouldn't be in.
22:15 Seems like it's impossible for you to get out.
22:18 You feel hatred toward somebody
22:20 and you know you should feel otherwise,
22:22 but it's like you're stuck there,
22:24 and there's nothing you can do
22:26 to shake off these things that you don't even want to be doing.
22:31 So what do you do?
22:32 Wouldn't it be something if Romans chapter 7
22:35 ended with Paul's desperate cry,
22:38 “Who shall deliver me from this body of death?”
22:41 I am extremely glad that it does not,
22:44 that Paul answers that question in the next verse,
22:47 Romans 7:25, where he says,
22:50 “I thank God-- through Jesus Christ my Lord!”
22:54 You want a way out of lawlessness?
22:57 Jesus is that way out.
22:58 You want a way out of slavery to the old life?
23:02 Jesus is that way.
23:03 ♪[Music]♪
23:05 And when He comes into your life,
23:07 gives you a new heart, new impulses,
23:10 new desires, then you can say with Paul,
23:13 in the very next verse, Romans 8 and verse 1,
23:17 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them
23:20 who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh,
23:23 but after the Spirit.”
23:26 Moments ago, Paul is saying there is no good thing in him,
23:30 that he is carnal, that he's not subject to the law of God.
23:34 Moments later, there is now no condemnation.
23:38 Now, here's how you can have that experience.
23:41 ♪[Music]♪
23:43 Accept Jesus Christ into your life.
23:46 Tell God you want to live for Him,
23:48 and that you need Him to do it in your life
23:50 because you can't do it yourself.
23:53 It'll change your life.
23:54 And if you're already a believer,
23:55 but you're not experiencing God's power,
23:58 this is for you as well.
23:59 Get God's Word into your mind,
24:02 and it'll mold you, and it will shape you.
24:05 You'll have a new mind.
24:08 Spend a little less time with Netflix,
24:09 a little less time on the internet,
24:11 and more time with God.
24:13 ♪[Piano music]♪
24:14 You can't possibly love a God that you don't know,
24:16 and the more you know God,
24:18 the more you're gonna want to know God.
24:21 Take time to pray.
24:24 Talk to God.
24:25 That's where the power is.
24:28 You want to connect with God.
24:29 It's so important that you do.
24:32 Take time to talk with God every day,
24:35 morning and evening, and as you go about your day.
24:39 You know how a doctor is going to advise a patient that
24:42 he or she needs to make changes, stop smoking,
24:46 stop drinking, cut down sugar,
24:48 cut down fat, cut red meat.
24:50 You know how that goes.
24:52 God does the same to us in our personal
24:55 and in our spiritual lives.
24:56 He says, there might be some people you need to cut
25:00 out of your life, stop associating with,
25:01 because they're dragging you down.
25:03 There might be some places
25:05 that you just don't want to go anymore.
25:06 Stop frequenting the bars and the clubs.
25:09 There might be some channels that you need to change
25:12 or some websites that you don't want to visit any longer.
25:15 There might be changes that need to be made.
25:17 And when you make those changes,
25:20 you prevent Satan from taking your heart off
25:22 in another direction,
25:23 and you reserve your heart for God
25:25 and for the influences of God.
25:29 Now, where's the power for that going to come from?
25:31 It's going to come from God.
25:33 Philippians 4 and verse 13 says,
25:35 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
25:39 And that's the truth.
25:41 You see, there is a battle raging,
25:45 and it's a battle against self.
25:47 God calls you, but your selfish self demands expression.
25:53 God calls you but your selfish self wants to do its own thing.
25:58 God calls you, and you chafe against that.
26:00 You say, “No, but I want to go my own direction.”
26:04 But when you surrender to God,
26:06 when you allow God to take your heart,
26:08 you allow God to make you a new person.
26:10 Paul said, “If anyone is in Christ,
26:12 that person is a new creature.”
26:14 A new creature!
26:16 “Old things are passed away, all things are become new.”
26:21 So how is it with you?
26:23 Would you let God make you new?
26:27 All new.
26:29 When God has your heart, He'll change you.
26:33 You'll start to love the things God loves.
26:36 You'll look at life a whole new way.
26:40 You'll begin to live as a child of God.
26:44 Our Father in heaven,
26:45 we thank You that there is a power
26:47 greater than the power of our selfish selves.
26:50 There is a pirate within each one of us;
26:53 we are lawless outside of the power of God.
26:57 So I pray that You would take our hearts and make them Yours.
27:01 Let Jesus, through Your Holy Spirit,
27:02 dwell in us.
27:04 I pray that You would subdue that selfish self
27:07 that wants to go its own way,
27:09 and guide us in the way that leads to the cross
27:13 and that leads to eternal life.
27:15 We thank You today that You love us so much
27:17 that You gave Jesus to die for us,
27:19 that through faith in Him we might be made new.
27:23 That we might love what You love,
27:24 and that our lives would merely be the outworking of Your will.
27:28 And that Your principles, even Your commandments,
27:31 would be carried out in our lives.
27:33 Change our hearts. Make us Yours.
27:35 We thank You today, for we claim You and we praise You.
27:38 In Jesus' name.
27:40 Amen.
27:42 Thank you so much for joining me today in the Bahamas.
27:45 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
27:47 Until then, remember:
27:49 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
27:54 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
27:58 ♪[Music]♪


Revised 2025-01-29