It Is Written

Money, Money, Money

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW018172A

00:20 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written.
00:21 I'm John Bradshaw.
00:22 Thanks for joining me.
00:24 Everybody wants it.
00:26 I think the truth is most everybody needs it.
00:28 And when people get it,
00:29 it seems that what they want next is more.
00:34 It seems as though we can never be satisfied
00:36 with the amount of money that we have.
00:38 And that might just be a problem.
00:41 We read in the Bible that God is willing to bless His people,
00:44 but sometimes it can be that those blessings
00:48 are allowed to become curses.
00:50 Let me read to you from Matthew chapter 19 where Jesus shared
00:55 one of the most curious verses in all of the Bible.
00:58 Matthew 19 and verse 24, He said,
01:02 "And again I say to you,
01:04 it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
01:08 than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
01:13 Now, that's a fascinating verse.
01:15 To talk with me about that and other aspects of the subject,
01:19 I'm glad to welcome my special guest
01:20 from Queensland, Australia: Julian Archer.
01:22 Julian, thanks for joining me.
01:24 >>Julian Archer: Thank you, John. Great to be here.
01:25 >>John: Julian, as an international speaker
01:27 and as an author, you speak a lot about money.
01:29 And one of the things that you've discovered
01:31 in your studies and in your own experience is this:
01:34 It seems that as people's prosperity increases,
01:40 that person's commitment to God can decrease.
01:44 Let's talk about that. Where would we begin?
01:46 >>Julian: Yeah, it's a bit like a teeter-totter,
01:49 or a see-saw, isn't it?
01:50 One goes up; the other goes down.
01:52 It doesn't have to.
01:53 It'd be great if it didn't, but it, it often does.
01:56 >>John: So can we talk about cases,
01:58 chapter and verse, empirical data?
02:00 I, I recently read an article produced
02:02 by a Canadian news agency that said as nations prosper,
02:05 religion diminishes.
02:07 So just how true is it?
02:10 I think a lot of us have met rich people who,
02:13 who feel like they have no needs and don't even need God.
02:16 Of course, we're not going to say that that applies
02:19 to all wealthy people.
02:20 >>Julian: Sure.
02:21 >>John: But, but how real is this? How does it happen?
02:24 And eventually we'll get around to talking about
02:25 what a person can do about it.
02:26 >>Julian: Yeah, look, it's very real. It's very real.
02:28 The, the data has been coming out for many years.
02:31 Uh, Credit Suisse,
02:33 a very respected financial services agency
02:35 out of Switzerland, has a lot of data on it.
02:37 The Gallup poll, one of the most respected research agencies
02:40 in the world, uh, as they study around the world,
02:43 they find that the richest nations--
02:47 so, not necessarily the biggest or, or the highest GDPs
02:51 or whatever--but those nations where the adults
02:53 in those nations actually have the highest private wealth,
02:57 those nations are the ones who are the least religious.
03:01 >>John: So what nations are they?
03:02 >>Julian: We're looking at, uh, Switzerland,
03:04 uh, Australia, New Zealand,
03:06 Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the UK, even the US.
03:10 They're the nations that are showing
03:12 this teeter-totter issue.
03:14 And those nations, interestingly enough,
03:17 are primarily founded on Christian principles.
03:20 >>John: Yeah, historically we'd refer to those--
03:21 >>Julian: That's right.
03:22 >>John: Christian nations--
03:23 >>Julian: Yeah.
03:24 >>John: ...whether that label is accurate or not,
03:25 but these are places where Christianity has flourished.
03:27 >>Julian: That's right.
03:29 >>John: So in the past there was a strong Christian ethic.
03:31 Now there's a strong secular ethic,
03:33 a strong emphasis on wealth,
03:35 and you're saying that the data shows that these countries
03:38 where adults are earning the most,
03:41 that's where people are less or least committed to God.
03:45 >>Julian: That's right.
03:46 So, if you go to a nation like my home nation,
03:49 and Gallup poll comes in with their survey--
03:51 they're surveying 200 nations--
03:53 they get to Australia and they say--one of the questions:
03:56 "Is religion an important part of your daily life?"
03:59 Okay, simple question, yes or no:
04:01 "Is religion an important part of your daily life?"
04:04 Two-thirds, 67 percent of Australians say,
04:07 "No, religion is not important in my daily life."
04:10 You go across to somewhere like Sweden or Norway--
04:12 you're looking at over 80 percent of people saying,
04:15 "No, religion's not important in my daily life."
04:17 And so it's a,
04:18 it's a significant teeter-totter situation.
04:21 And those nations, those top 10 richest nations,
04:24 were all founded on Christian laws, Christian principles;
04:28 they used to be, as you say, Christian nations.
04:30 >>John: Are we calling this correlation or causation?
04:32 Is this, is this just a coincidence?
04:34 >>Julian: Yeah. Look, according to the data, no.
04:37 If you get the statisticians on to the data, and they,
04:40 they will say, you know, we'll take it down
04:42 to a certain coefficient and all the rest of it--
04:44 they say this is rock-solid.
04:46 It's, this is a statistically solid analysis that,
04:50 as a nation's wealth increases, it has a direct impact
04:53 on the religiosity of the people in that nation.
04:55 >>John: So then, one would see this as a red flag, I think.
05:02 Before we go any further,
05:04 are we saying that it's wrong or bad to be wealthy?
05:07 >>Julian: No, no, not at all.
05:08 >>John: So wealth is okay?
05:10 >>Julian: Yes.
05:11 >>John: What if you're filthy rich? Is that okay?
05:13 >>Julian: It's okay. There's no problem with that.
05:16 >>John: All right.
05:16 >>Julian: Even from a Christian,
05:17 even from a biblical point of view,
05:19 there is nothing wrong with that.
05:20 >>John: For example?
05:21 >>Julian: Uh, Job, Abraham, you know,
05:24 guys who had a lot.
05:24 >>John: Solomon.
05:25 >>Julian: Solomon.
05:26 >>John: King David.
05:27 >>Julian: Classic example. Yeah, that's right.
05:28 But we must remember, though, that for Abraham,
05:31 God said to him, He said,
05:32 "I will bless you to be a blessing."
05:35 Okay? So these guys didn't,
05:37 they didn't have masses stored up for themselves;
05:39 they had a lot of money going through them,
05:42 and God was using them to bless other people.
05:44 So there's, there are some provisos.
05:46 >>John: Okay, so it's okay to be wealthy?
05:48 >>Julian: Yes.
05:48 >>John: But Jesus said,
05:51 "It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
05:54 than for a rich person to enter into heaven."
05:56 Now, I've heard people say that this is merely symbolic;
06:00 Jesus was just making a point.
06:02 What do you think?
06:03 >>Julian: If He was just making a point,
06:06 it's a point that is very solidly backed up today
06:09 in the data. [laughs]
06:10 So, so it was a pretty good point.
06:13 [laughs]
06:14 So, uh, even--you know, you go to Hinduism--
06:16 you've got Mahatma Gandhi,
06:17 and he says that once financial stability is assured,
06:21 spiritual bankruptcy is also assured.
06:24 Okay, so this isn't just a Christian thing;
06:25 this is, this is,
06:26 this is human nature that, as our affluence goes up,
06:30 we tend to become very self-reliant
06:33 and think less of God or relying on God or needing God.
06:38 >>John: So why do you think that is?
06:40 >>Julian: I think the, the blessings that God gives us--
06:44 because He wants to, He wants to bless us--
06:47 uh, they are there for us to, to share.
06:51 If we put a dam, a wall on the dam and stop the, the flow,
06:56 or even severely limit the flow--
06:58 you know, still let some out--
07:00 but, you know, I need to keep building mine bigger and bigger.
07:03 Uh, then that's where it starts to mess with us.
07:05 And what, what happens, to illustrate it,
07:07 is the inside of my heart, for example,
07:09 when, when I was going through this, this situation,
07:12 the inside of my heart was being filled up
07:15 with the blessings-- material blessings.
07:18 And I was so busy maintaining them,
07:22 insuring them, trying to make them grow,
07:24 trying to, trying to ensure that nobody stole them,
07:28 or whatever it was.
07:29 They took so much of my time and energy
07:32 that I simply didn't have the time and energy for God anymore.
07:33 >>John: I think it's worth pointing out here
07:35 you've alluded to the fact
07:36 that you've been a very successful business person.
07:38 Uh, and I'd like you to take a moment to talk
07:41 about the deleterious effect that had on your spiritual walk,
07:44 to the extent you wrote a book called
07:47 "Help! I've Been Blessed!"
07:49 Which is interesting because in Christian circles,
07:51 again and again and again people are saying,
07:52 "Got to do everything we can to get God's blessing,"
07:54 and they're measuring blessing by dollars and cents
07:56 and possessions and cars and houses and jet aircraft
07:59 and so forth.
08:00 So you've been through this.
08:01 Walk us through some of this,
08:03 to, to the place where you had to write about this,
08:05 calling the book "Help! I've Been Blessed!"
08:07 >>Julian: Yeah.
08:09 Yeah, there is a lot of material out there
08:10 that says how to be blessed-- "God wants you to be rich"--
08:13 you know, all this sort of stuff.
08:15 And I have no question
08:16 the Bible says that God wants to bless us--we're His children.
08:19 >>John: But does God want us to be rich?
08:21 >>Julian: God doesn't mind whether we're rich or otherwise.
08:24 From, from Scripture,
08:25 um, God has very poor followers who love Him;
08:28 God has very rich followers who love Him.
08:30 The challenge is--and this is in my own experience--
08:35 as I became more and more focused and distracted
08:38 on those blessings,
08:40 then I had less and less time,
08:43 and ultimately less and less interest
08:46 in spending time with God.
08:47 Now, during that whole period,
08:49 this was something going on in my heart.
08:51 No one knew; no one could see this.
08:52 I was still as religious as anybody else at church,
08:57 you know, supporting all these different programs,
09:00 speaking from the front, all this sort of stuff.
09:02 But in my heart--and this is, this is where the battle was--
09:05 in my heart I knew that I was lost.
09:08 I knew that I was not in a saving relationship with Jesus,
09:11 and I knew what the cause was.
09:13 >>John: The cause was--put a fine point on it. What was it?
09:16 >>Julian: I could say it was His blessings,
09:19 but it wasn't.
09:20 It was my response to His blessings.
09:22 >>John: Okay.
09:23 >>Julian: And I-- God had blessed me,
09:25 and I had got distracted by those blessings,
09:26 and I had to try and sort that out,
09:29 and that's where the book came from.
09:31 It wasn't meant to be a book.
09:32 It was my own journaling of everything I could find
09:36 in Scripture about my, my battle,
09:39 this faith versus finance battle that I was, that I was in.
09:42 And then it ended up becoming a book.
09:44 But I had to work it out because it was messing with my head.
09:47 It was, it was really messing with me.
09:50 You know, Jesus says,
09:52 "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world
09:54 and lose his soul?"
09:57 Very few people will know that you're in that situation.
10:00 But in your heart, where nobody else can see, you know,
10:03 and you go, "You know what,
10:04 yeah, I'm sort of gaining the whole world here,
10:05 and I know I'm losing my soul.
10:07 I've got to do something about this."
10:08 >>John: So you think there are many wealthy people today
10:11 who are having this battle?
10:12 >>Julian: You know, when it was happening,
10:14 I thought I was the only one.
10:16 I, I seriously thought I was the only one--
10:17 because we don't discuss it.
10:18 It's, it's a conversation that is just under the table.
10:21 Because we like to, like the disciples,
10:24 you know, when the rich young ruler came along,
10:26 and Jesus basically said,
10:28 "Look, buddy, you're not going to get into heaven
10:29 unless you sort a few of these things out."
10:31 The disciple says,
10:32 "Whoa, if he can't be saved, who can be saved?"
10:35 You know, because he was rich;
10:36 he was respected; he was blessed;
10:39 he was a leader, you know, all these different things.
10:41 And they're like,
10:42 "Well, if they're not gonna get into heaven,
10:43 who can get into heaven?"
10:45 And so we just don't discuss it because the fact is,
10:49 as I've learnt over the years as I've traveled the world,
10:51 talking to people in a whole lot of different places
10:53 and a whole lot of different lounge rooms, I might say--
10:55 very wealthy lounge rooms--
10:56 uh, a lot of people struggle with it.
10:59 They, they're sitting there, wondering,
11:01 how can I be saved when I have such a focus on wealth
11:04 that I'm not really letting anybody see?
11:06 >>John: Isn't it interesting that many, many,
11:08 many average people--
11:10 and I guess I mean average financially people--
11:13 really believe that if they only had a ton of money,
11:16 life would be great, and all their problems would be gone?
11:20 You're gonna say, "Not necessarily the case."
11:22 It sounds like you're saying. "Be careful what you wish for."
11:25 >>Julian: Yeah.
11:27 Yeah, it was Oscar Wilde who-- the great Irish playwright--
11:30 who said,
11:30 "There's only two great tragedies in life:
11:33 one of them is not getting what you want,
11:36 and the other is getting what you want."
11:38 And that was where I didn't realize--
11:39 I thought that if I got what I wanted,
11:41 everything would be sorted; everything would be okay.
11:44 But then God gave me everything I wanted,
11:46 and more and more, and things weren't okay.
11:50 >>John: Studies, repeated studies have shown
11:52 there's a certain point of income, of earnings,
11:56 beyond which more money does not increase your happiness.
12:01 It varies in the United States from state to state,
12:04 I'm certain, as the cost of living varies.
12:06 But it's not very high.
12:07 Washington, D.C., about $100,000.
12:10 Most states in the United States, 65.
12:12 You can have 66 or 66 million; it won't make you any happier.
12:18 Do you see that as odd,
12:19 or can you listen to that and go,
12:21 "Yep, I know what that means"?
12:22 >>Julian: Yeah, absolutely.
12:23 Uh, you know, we were talking before
12:26 about the wealthiest adults on the planet
12:27 and how Australians are right up there in second place
12:29 after Switzerland.
12:32 So, basically as, as individual adults--
12:34 so just, just our families--
12:36 we are basically wealthier than most average adults,
12:39 most adults around the world.
12:40 We are also the second-highest consumers
12:44 of antidepressant medications on the planet.
12:47 So does money buy happiness? Not at all.
12:49 You know, why, why would we be--
12:51 are we the second-highest consumers
12:53 because we can afford the pills?
12:54 It's not just because we can afford the pills;
12:57 it's because there's something--
12:58 we've crossed that $65,000 limit or that $100,000 limit,
13:02 thinking, "Now I'm gonna be happy."
13:05 And we're not.
13:06 And we're going, "Oh, I'm gonna have to medicate."
13:09 [Laughs] You know, as, as,
13:11 as strangely sad as that sounds, that's reality.
13:14 And I've got nothing against antidepressant medication.
13:16 I believe if somebody needs it, they need it.
13:18 But it's just ironic that the second-richest adults
13:21 on the planet are also the second-highest consumers.
13:23 >>John: Now, I sense that there's somebody
13:25 watching us right now who's saying,
13:27 "Man, that's easy for you to say. You've had it all.
13:29 You've had all you wanted with excess,
13:32 but here I am struggling away, barely making ends meet.
13:37 It's easy for you to say."
13:38 Well, it is easy to say, but in a moment when we come back,
13:41 let's talk about why it's easy to believe.
13:43 We'll be right back with more in just a moment.
13:45 Don't go away.
13:47 ♪[Music]♪
13:55 >>Announcer: When an Italian priest told his congregation
13:58 that he was going on a spiritual retreat
14:00 but was later rescued from a sinking cruise ship,
14:03 he learned an important lesson: Truth matters.
14:06 And the truth matters in the church.
14:08 But a whole lot of what gets passed off as truth
14:10 in the church today isn't.
14:13 Don't miss "The Mouth of Truth"
14:15 on
14:17 You'll visit captivating Italy, beautiful Bosnia.
14:20 You'll see historical sites that attract people
14:22 from around the world,
14:24 and you'll discover how the church has been affected
14:26 by teachings that don't originate in the Bible.
14:29 Jesus said, "The truth shall make you free."
14:33 As Planet Earth marches relentlessly
14:36 toward the end of time, deceptions are on the rise.
14:38 But it's the will of Jesus--
14:40 "the way, the truth, and the life"--
14:42 to keep us in the safety of His Word.
14:46 You want to avoid deception.
14:49 Don't miss "The Mouth of Truth"
14:51 on
14:55 >>John Bradshaw: Thank you for remembering
14:57 that It Is Written exists
14:58 because of the kindness of people just like you.
15:01 To support this international life-changing ministry,
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15:18 Our number again is 800-253-3000.
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15:26 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joining me today
15:28 on It Is Written.
15:29 My guest is Julian Archer, international speaker and author
15:33 on the subject of money and personal finance.
15:36 It was Jesus who said that it's easier for a camel
15:38 to get through the eye of a needle
15:40 than for a rich man to enter into heaven.
15:42 Clearly, having wealth brings some challenges,
15:46 and wealth can be the cause of challenges
15:49 to a person's spiritual life.
15:51 Now, Julian, as we've discussed this,
15:52 I sense that somebody's saying,
15:54 "Well, man, that's easy for you to say.
15:56 You've had it, you've been through it,
15:57 and maybe you're in the place where you can just choose
16:00 to turn your back on chasing money."
16:02 Why is it that really it can be difficult for a person
16:07 to maintain a relationship with Jesus
16:09 when financial blessings increase?
16:12 >>Julian Archer: Yeah, look, I, I have, uh,
16:15 I encourage young people to go out and do really well in life,
16:19 whether that be financially or career-wise or whatever it is;
16:22 I encourage them to do that.
16:23 I did the same in my life.
16:26 However, the challenge that I faced
16:29 was that I was losing my spirituality;
16:31 I was losing my relationship with Jesus.
16:33 The higher my wealth went,
16:34 it seemed the less and less time I had to spend with Jesus.
16:36 And so I say to the young people, look, go for it.
16:40 Put everything you've got into it.
16:42 But hang in there with Jesus right the way through
16:45 because you're, otherwise you're gonna get
16:47 to the other end and it's gonna be,
16:48 "Hey, look, I've gained the whole world,
16:49 and I've got nothing; I've lost my soul."
16:53 >>John: So this emphasis that you see
16:54 in some Christian circles about get more, get more, get more,
16:57 "You can have all you want,"
16:58 "God wants you to be rich," and so forth--
17:00 uh, would you see--
17:02 let me just ask you how you would see that.
17:04 Healthy, unhealthy, somewhere in the middle?
17:07 >>Julian: Yeah...
17:10 Gut feeling, single word, I would say unhealthy.
17:13 Uh, but I need to, need to explain that.
17:16 Biblically, we--there certainly are passages and stories
17:19 where Jesus says, and, and God says, you know,
17:21 "Obey me and I will bless you."
17:23 Uh, God wants to bless us.
17:26 However, there's also story after story after story
17:29 of individuals and entire nations
17:32 who turned away from God when they were blessed.
17:35 And if we are going to buy in to a scenario
17:41 of "God wants me to be rich,"
17:44 then you've really got to have in your chest pocket,
17:47 right near your heart, a ticket that says,
17:50 "I'm not gonna let go of You, Jesus,"
17:52 through that process.
17:53 And that's what Jesus was talking about;
17:55 He was talking about the camel...
17:57 having to go through the eye of a needle
17:59 like a rich man getting into heaven.
18:02 It's not easy.
18:03 It may sound easy.
18:04 You may think, "Well, if I had money,
18:05 then I wouldn't have any problems,
18:06 and that would be easy."
18:08 It, it may, may seem to be easy, if you don't have God.
18:11 But if you want to hold on to a saving relationship
18:13 with Jesus Christ during those years, it's, it's--
18:17 I was gonna say it's hard work, but that sounds legalistic.
18:19 But it's, it's a daily battle.
18:21 You know, Paul says, "I die daily."
18:23 And if we go into the, the Greek of that,
18:26 uh, the word for "I" in his, where he says, "I die daily,"
18:30 is epsilon gamma omega,
18:32 E-G-O: Ego dies daily.
18:35 And when you're being blessed, when you're saying,
18:37 "Yeah, God wants me to be rich,
18:38 and here I am-- look, I am being rich now,"
18:40 ego just rises up because you get proud.
18:44 You become a Pharisee; you become self-sufficient.
18:47 But your ego has to die daily.
18:49 And I, I, I can tell you,
18:50 killing your ego daily is not easy.
18:52 It's a battle.
18:53 >>John: Let's look at this passage,
18:55 the story where Jesus addressed someone
18:56 who is doing really well financially.
18:58 He came to Jesus.
18:59 I'm gonna read in Matthew chapter 19.
19:01 It says, starting in verse 16,
19:03 "Now behold, one came and said to Him, 'Good Teacher,
19:06 what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?'"
19:08 And Jesus said, "Why do you call me good?
19:10 No one is good but One, [and] that is God.
19:12 But if [you'll]...enter into life, keep [my] commandments."
19:15 The young man said to Jesus, "Which ones?"
19:18 And so Jesus enumerated a number of the commandments.
19:20 The young man then said,
19:22 "I've done that ever since I was a kid.
19:24 What do I still lack?"
19:26 And Jesus said in Matthew 19 and 21,
19:28 "If you want to be perfect, go,
19:31 sell what you have and give to the poor,
19:34 and you will have treasure in heaven;
19:36 and come, [and] follow me."
19:37 And what's really interesting, what's tragic is verse 22 says,
19:41 "The young man heard that saying,
19:43 [and] went away sorrowful,
19:46 [because] he had great possessions."
19:49 He was a wealthy young fellow.
19:50 >>Julian: Hmm.
19:53 >>John: What was Jesus really getting at here?
19:55 Did He really mean "sell everything,"
19:57 or is this allegorical?
19:58 Why did he say that to the rich young ruler?
20:01 >>Julian: Well, it's interesting that Jesus
20:03 right up said five commandments.
20:05 He said don't do this; don't do this; don't do this.
20:07 And the guys says, "Well, I've done that since my youth."
20:09 And then Jesus says, "One thing you lack."
20:11 Well, what was the one thing?
20:12 Well, it happened to be the sixth commandment
20:14 that He hadn't quoted out of the last ten.
20:16 >>John: "Thou shalt not covet."
20:18 >>Julian: Exactly. "One thing you lack."
20:19 And, uh, He was speaking the truth.
20:22 I mean, Jesus knows, knows this guy's heart.
20:25 But then He comes along and He says,
20:26 "Sell it all. Give it away and come and follow me,
20:29 and you'll have treasure in heaven."
20:31 You know, when I, when I was in business,
20:34 and I was still very actively involved in church,
20:38 this story was the worst story in Scripture for me.
20:45 As, as a rich young ruler,
20:46 you know, as an affluent young businessman,
20:49 I just hated it because I kept thinking that God was telling me
20:54 that I've got to give away everything in order
20:55 to be a disciple.
20:57 And at first reading, you could say, "Yeah, well, it does."
21:02 I then said, "No, no, it's just for him.
21:06 One guy, one point in time."
21:07 And it was like, whew, that was close, you know?
21:10 I nearly had to sell everything.
21:11 And then I went across to Luke 12:33,
21:14 and here's Jesus saying it again.
21:15 He's saying if, you know, unless you sell everything,
21:17 "You can't be my disciple,"
21:18 and this time He's talking to the disciples,
21:20 the twelve disciples.
21:22 Two chapters later, Luke 14:33, Jesus is at it again.
21:26 But this time He's talking to an entire multitude and He says,
21:28 "You've got to sell everything you've got
21:29 to come and follow me."
21:31 [exhales loudly]
21:32 And I'm like, "Yeah, this is, nah, this is really heavy."
21:36 So, I got in and I studied the Greek on it,
21:39 at that, where He was talking to the rich young ruler.
21:42 And I found that where He says,
21:45 "Sell all that you own and come and follow me,"
21:48 can also be translated,
21:50 "Sell all that owns you and come and follow me."
21:56 And I believe that's what Jesus was saying.
21:57 And we know--
21:58 I, you know, I knew in my heart the things that owned me.
22:03 And I think what Jesus was saying was,
22:06 "Take everything out of your life
22:08 that is getting between you and me, that is getting--
22:13 that is distracting you
22:14 from this eternal saving relationship.
22:17 Whatever owns you,
22:18 get rid of that and then come and follow me."
22:20 >>John: This is gonna, this is gonna differ
22:22 from person to person, obviously.
22:23 >>Julian: Exactly. And that's the thing.
22:24 Isn't that the beautiful thing about salvation?
22:26 Salvation--that relationship with Jesus is different
22:28 for every person.
22:30 I don't believe Jesus is telling every Christian
22:32 to sell everything so that we can follow Him.
22:34 It, it would just be a whole crazy different religion
22:38 that we're involved in.
22:40 But I do believe He's telling us to get everything
22:42 out of our lives that's getting between us and Him.
22:45 >>John: So the fact of the matter is
22:46 the guy who has the Lamborghini parked in his garage,
22:48 that might be just perfectly fine for one guy,
22:51 destructive for another.
22:53 >>Julian: Absolutely.
22:54 >>John: The person who's got the magnificent holiday home
22:55 wherever he has it-- or the homes--
22:57 or he or she, wherever--
22:59 that might be okay for one person.
23:01 And we mustn't judge people, right?
23:03 Because somebody may have an expensive car
23:04 that ultimately is an investment,
23:06 or properties that they're gonna liquidate and give to the Lord.
23:08 It's not for us to judge anybody.
23:10 So it differs from person to person.
23:13 Couldn't that be just giving a person an escape hatch
23:16 where that person now says,
23:17 "I heard what Julian said,
23:18 but, you know, my fleet of fancy cars doesn't own me.
23:21 Everything's okay."
23:22 >>Julian: Yeah.
23:23 >>John: Could be an escape hatch, right?
23:24 >>Julian: It could be.
23:25 The--and it is individual, person to person, very true--
23:28 but what is not individual, person to person,
23:31 is when Jesus says that it's easier for a camel
23:34 to go through the eye of a needle
23:35 than for a rich person to get into heaven.
23:37 So, the person might have the Lamborghini
23:40 and all the homes and all the rest of it.
23:41 If they do, it will be extremely difficult for them
23:45 to get into heaven.
23:46 Jesus said that; I'm not saying that.
23:48 That's, that's what Jesus said.
23:49 He said that's the fact,
23:51 and then He had period at the end of it.
23:52 He didn't say, "But if..." or anything.
23:54 He just said, hey, look, if, if you're rich,
23:57 if, you know, even if God's blessed you with your riches,
24:00 it's gonna be really difficult for you to get into heaven.
24:02 Because riches have this little thing that they do
24:04 on your heart, and you tend to get distracted by them,
24:07 and you, you lose that saving relationship.
24:09 >>John: Two questions-- we don't have a lot of time.
24:11 Two questions.
24:12 Uh, let's make this as practical as we can.
24:14 Somebody's wealthy-- and wealth varies, you know--
24:18 somebody's doing well,
24:19 and they know that their stuff's starting to own them
24:22 and that they're struggling in their relationship with Jesus;
24:24 focus is in the wrong place.
24:25 What's your advice what to do?
24:27 >>Julian: Uh, work out some way of--
24:32 and it will depend on what, on what situation they're in--
24:34 if they're owning a business,
24:35 then they may have an opportunity
24:36 to give half of the business to God--
24:39 or 90 percent, 95, 99.
24:42 I've seen people give 100 percent of the business to God
24:44 and just be paid a wage out of it.
24:45 So there, there are things that you can do along,
24:47 along those lines that is sort of the practical accounting
24:50 nuts-and-bolts sides of things.
24:52 Uh, but ultimately, it's get down on your knees.
24:56 It's get down on your knees more and more and more.
25:00 That's, that's the solution to trying to sort this out.
25:04 Because ultimately, the riches are somewhat irrelevant.
25:08 You can, as we've already discussed,
25:10 you can be affluent and still have
25:12 a really strong daily relationship with Christ,
25:14 but they do tend to get in the way,
25:17 so we've got to get back to that relationship,
25:19 that "first love," as Jesus called it.
25:21 >>John: Second question for you: Why does God give wealth?
25:25 What's the purpose?
25:26 Just to bless us for our faithfulness,
25:28 or is there a greater purpose?
25:29 >>Julian: Yeah. He loves us,
25:31 and He wants to bless others through us,
25:34 and at the same time we are blessed.
25:35 "It's more blessed to give than to receive."
25:37 So He's giving us a privilege, an opportunity to feel
25:40 those blessings of giving to others in need.
25:42 >>John: Some people don't want to give away what they've got.
25:44 What would you say to them?
25:46 >>Julian: Go down on your knees. [laughs]
25:48 It's really, yeah, it's really, it's God's.
25:52 It's God's, and He wants you to give it.
25:53 And you will be so blessed when you do.
25:56 >>John: So wealth is okay?
25:59 >>Julian: Yes.
26:00 >>John: Being rich is okay?
26:01 >>Julian: Mm-hmm.
26:02 >>John: You can be a successful Christian and be wealthy?
26:04 >>Julian: Yes.
26:05 >>John: But at the end of the day,
26:07 we have to remember it all belongs to...?
26:09 >>Julian: God.
26:09 >>John: It all belongs to God.
26:11 And if we keep that in mind, then we might see some camels
26:15 squeezing their way through the eye of a needle.
26:18 ♪[Music]♪
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26:57 >>John Bradshaw: Julian, thank you.
26:58 It's really been a blessing. Thanks for joining me.
27:00 >>Julian Archer: Thank you, it's been great to be here.
27:02 >>John: Let's pray together now.
27:03 Our Father in heaven,
27:04 we are grateful for Your many blessings.
27:06 They come in so many different ways.
27:08 Frequently, You bless us financially,
27:12 but we see the danger of allowing our blessings
27:14 to be anything but a blessing.
27:16 So grant that we will keep things in focus,
27:18 that however we do financially, materially,
27:21 we will remember that everything belongs to You,
27:23 that we are Yours, and Jesus is ours.
27:27 Grant us the opportunity and the desire
27:30 to allow our blessings to be a blessing to others.
27:33 Work through us, both to will and to do,
27:36 for Your good pleasure.
27:37 We thank You, and we pray in Jesus' name.
27:40 Amen.
27:41 Thanks so much for joining us today.
27:43 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
27:45 Until then, remember:
27:47 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
27:51 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
27:56 ♪[Theme music]♪
28:07 ♪[Theme music]♪


Revised 2025-02-07