Series Code: IIW
Program Code: IIW018181A
00:10 ♪[Theme music]♪
00:19 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written. 00:21 I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. 00:25 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached 00:27 in all the world for a witness unto all nations; 00:31 and then shall the end come." 00:34 Matthew 24:14. 00:36 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, 00:40 baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son 00:43 and of the Holy Spirit, 00:45 teaching them to observe all things 00:47 that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, 00:51 even to the end of the age. Amen." 00:54 That's Matthew 28:19-20. 00:57 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit 01:01 has come upon you; 01:03 and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, 01:06 and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." 01:11 Acts 1:8. 01:13 At the end of 2018, the population of the world 01:16 was closing in on 8 billion people. 01:20 At the same time, the Christian population of the world 01:22 was said to be around 2.5 billion. 01:26 Now, you don't have to be a mathematician of any note 01:28 to work out that that's 5.5 billion people 01:32 living in the world who do not have faith in Jesus Christ. 01:37 While you're familiar with the It Is Written 01:39 television program, I wanna invite you on a journey 01:42 to understand more about what It Is Written is doing 01:45 to impact some of these numbers 01:48 and to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. 01:51 It might sometimes seem like a hopeless task, 01:55 a mission impossible. 01:57 Except that it isn't. It cannot be. 01:59 This is mission possible because Jesus said, 02:04 "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached 02:06 in all the world." 02:08 In fact, He said the end won't come 02:11 until the gospel has been preached to the world. 02:14 And in Revelation chapter 14, there's a remarkable picture 02:17 of the gospel going to the whole world: 02:19 Three angels flying in the midst of heaven, 02:21 having what the Bible calls "the everlasting gospel" 02:25 to preach to the world, 02:26 to "every nation, kindred, tongue, and people." 02:30 That's everyone. 02:32 And the angels cry out with a loud voice, 02:35 a loud voice to be heard. 02:37 Now, the Greek for that phrase "loud voice" 02:39 is literally "mega phoné"-- megaphone. 02:43 Their message will be heard by the world. 02:47 It Is Written is committed to sharing Christ around the world. 02:50 Not only are our programs viewed in the United States 02:53 and all around the planet, 02:55 but It Is Written mission teams regularly visit 02:59 parts of the world where the need for Jesus is great. 03:03 If you can't go there yourself, 03:05 you can be there with It Is Written. 03:08 I want to take you several places. 03:10 We're going to visit India, Mongolia, Guatemala, 03:14 and we'll talk about work being done in South Africa, 03:16 Moldova, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, and more-- 03:19 work made possible by It Is Written missions. 03:24 For several years, 03:25 It Is Written has been ministering in India 03:28 through a powerful, life-changing program 03:30 we call Eyes for India. 03:32 Working with local medical teams, 03:34 generous donors make it possible for It Is Written to provide 03:38 absolutely transformational cataract surgery 03:42 that literally gives the gift of sight. 03:45 People who cannot see or who have severe vision impairment 03:49 are ministered to by our Eyes for India team, 03:53 and they experience the touch of Jesus. 03:55 I've seen it myself. I've been there. 03:58 I've seen people being led into surgery completely blind, 04:02 and then I've visited them days later when they are beaming 04:06 because their life has been changed. 04:08 They can see. 04:11 And for me, a big feature of Eyes for India 04:13 is that this medical work opens doors 04:16 that otherwise would not open. 04:18 While Eyes for India gives the gift of sight, 04:20 it also gives people the opportunity to be blessed 04:23 by believers in Jesus, 04:26 a Jesus they otherwise might never even hear of. 04:30 Eyes for India has ministered in Hindu temples, 04:33 Sikh temples, in mosques, opening eyes to see the world 04:38 and opening hearts to experience the love of God. 04:43 And it's your support that makes Eyes for India possible. 04:46 If you are sighted, imagine for a moment being blind. 04:52 And then imagine receiving your sight. 04:55 Life-changing! 04:57 And over the past few years, 04:58 It Is Written viewers have given the gift of sight 05:02 to literally tens of thousands of people. 05:05 It takes just $75 to open eyes for Christ. 05:10 For less than the vast majority of people pay 05:13 for a month's cell service. 05:15 Just $75--and that provides for not only the eye surgery 05:19 but follow-up medical care, medical supplies, 05:22 Christian literature, and a lot more. 05:26 There are still 15 million blind people in India-- 05:30 a number that's being reduced, but not rapidly enough. 05:35 So thank you for your support of Eyes for India, 05:38 a life-changing initiative of It Is Written missions. 05:43 Your contribution to It Is Written missions 05:45 makes that all possible. 05:48 ♪[Music]♪ 05:57 >>John: Thank you for remembering 05:58 that It Is Written exists 06:00 because of the kindness of people just like you. 06:03 To support this international life-changing ministry, 06:06 please call us now at 800-253-3000. 06:10 You can send your tax-deductible gift 06:12 to the address on your screen, 06:13 or you can visit us online at 06:17 Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support. 06:20 Our number again is 800-253-3000, 06:24 or you can visit us online at 06:28 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joining me on It Is Written. 06:30 I'm John Bradshaw. 06:31 In addition to meeting with you right here on a regular basis, 06:35 our work at It Is Written sees us taking the gospel 06:38 of Jesus Christ to the world, 06:41 a broken world in desperate need of good news. 06:46 The vast majority of people on this planet are not believers 06:49 in Jesus, which means that from a Christian perspective, 06:53 the vast majority of people in the world 06:55 are not looking forward to everlasting life. 06:59 So what can we do about that? 07:01 As well as sharing hope through programming and resources 07:04 on TV and online, 07:06 It Is Written has for years been taking the gospel 07:09 to the ends of the earth, 07:11 not only preaching and teaching, but healing and serving. 07:16 In 2018, Volcán de Fuego, a 12,000-feet-tall volcano 07:22 40 miles from Guatemala's Pacific coast, 07:25 sent a pyroclastic flow-- 07:28 a mixture of ash, rock, and gas-- 07:30 into the town of San Miguel Los Lotes. 07:33 An It Is Written mission team traveled to the area 07:37 and ministered to thousands of people. 07:40 We were met by utter devastation. 07:43 There'd been a town where we were standing, 07:45 with a population of between 12,000 and 15,000 people. 07:49 Three weeks after the eruption, the town was covered over. 07:52 The ground was still warm. 07:53 People were still trying to dig out loved ones 07:56 they knew were buried in the rock and ash. 07:59 Rosa Chacón volunteered with the government's 08:02 disaster preparedness program. 08:04 [Rosa speaking in Spanish] 08:06 >>Rosa Chacón: We had been doing simulations for two months 08:10 before this situation, 08:12 so we were already preparing ourselves for another eruption, 08:16 but we didn't think that the eruption would be 08:19 as big as it was. 08:21 When 11:00 in the morning came, we heard a very loud boom, 08:26 and I started running from one community to another, 08:30 warning people, alerting them to prepare themselves. 08:34 It is very difficult for me... 08:37 because I lived at the epicenter of that place-- 08:41 in the very place where that big monster was coming. 08:44 It came crashing, 08:47 and when we saw that it gained speed, we ran. 08:51 We ran. We ran to save ourselves. 08:55 We continued in a car, and we were yelling, 08:58 "Come! Come! That thing is coming over!" 09:01 I lived through an experience. 09:05 >>John: So the people who've been through 09:06 something like this... 09:08 How do you understand their attitude towards God? 09:14 Has that been affected one way or another? 09:17 >>Rosa: Today, all the people have come closer to God, 09:21 seeking God, especially if we pray with them. 09:27 They may have come from different churches, 09:30 but today when you approach someone and tell them, 09:34 "We want to pray for you," 09:36 they cry, they repent, and they come close to God. 09:43 That is the attitude that the people now have. 09:47 >>John: So what do you do when disaster strikes? 09:51 For the It Is Written mission team, 09:53 the answer was obvious. 09:55 >>Pastor Robert Costa: Today is special day. 09:57 We are here in Guatemala with Brother Danny Garcia. 10:00 Tell us what you are doing in this part of the world. 10:03 >>Danny Garcia: We brought 61 people from the United States, 10:06 a basic mission trip but with a little bit more of a vision. 10:10 So far this week, we've served over 3,000 to 4,000 people. 10:14 We've bought several barrels of medicine, 10:17 3,000 pairs of glasses, and for this particular community here, 10:21 we're going to be donating 100 barrels of water 10:25 with the partnership that we established with It Is Written. 10:28 >>Maggie Reed: It Is Written has provided a huge blessing for us. 10:33 I mean, it's just amazing how with that we've been able 10:36 to buy medications locally here. 10:39 They can get seen by the doctors and get seen by the eye clinic 10:43 and everything. 10:44 >>Danny: You know, we planned this about a year ago, 10:46 and, uh, during that year, as you know, 10:49 the volcano erupted just a couple of miles from here, 10:53 and that changed our plans completely. 10:55 >>Dr. Omar Chavez: I thought they were going to cancel 10:57 the trip, but I talked to the leader of the group, and I say, 11:00 "What are we going to do?" 11:01 And he say, "Well, actually, the need is greater. 11:04 They need, they need us more." 11:07 So I am excited because we found a new, uh, motivation 11:12 to help people, and it has been exciting. 11:15 >>Maggie: The experience is like nothing you'll ever have. 11:18 To be able to go to a country and help people in, at-- 11:21 when they are at their greatest need-- 11:23 you're being the hands and feet of Jesus to these people. 11:27 So I would highly recommend it to anybody 11:29 who gets the opportunity to do it. 11:32 >>John: San Miguel Los Lotes has been designated 11:36 a national cemetery by the government of Guatemala. 11:40 There are people in the area who experienced the touch 11:42 of the love of God, 11:44 and they were assisted in putting their shattered lives 11:47 back together. 11:49 For several years, It Is Written missions has been working 11:52 in the country of Mongolia. 11:54 North of China and south of Siberia, 11:57 Mongolia is a vast country with a population of around, 12:01 or maybe just over, 3 million. 12:03 A little over 2 percent of Mongolians are Christian. 12:08 To minister to the people of Mongolia, 12:10 It Is Written mission teams have not only shared 12:12 the good news of the gospel, 12:14 the good news of the Bible with the people of Mongolia, 12:17 but medical teams have brought health and healing 12:19 to many people in need of medical care. 12:22 >>Dr. Gordon Guild: I've been going to Mongolia 12:24 since 2015 with It Is Written, 12:27 and it's just fun to treat their medical needs. 12:29 So we see everything from hypertension 12:31 to a lot of eye problems, skin problems, uh--you just name it. 12:34 >>Sonia Bain: It's challenging, but it's rewarding, you know, 12:36 'cause you know that people really need it. 12:38 It's not readily available like it is to us in the States, so. 12:40 >>Dr. Bradford Emde: Here we are in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12:43 and this is the vision clinic. 12:45 We brought about 2,000 pairs of eyeglasses with us 12:48 in a variety of prescriptions, 12:50 and we are happy to serve these people in this community 12:54 that need vision care desperately. 12:57 >>Elizabeth Chung: My goal here is to share the love of Jesus 13:00 while helping to fill their physical needs, 13:03 show them that people do care, 13:05 and we are motivated by the love of God. 13:08 >>Enkhe Mishigdorj: It Is Written medical mission team, 13:10 when they serve to the community, 13:12 it gives a big difference because people start thinking, 13:16 "Oh, they are not bombarding us with, uh, Bible, 13:19 and they're serving us." 13:21 And this is the way, as I can see, that Jesus made, 13:24 that first He mingled with the people, 13:27 and after, He said, "Follow me." 13:30 >>Dr. Guild: It's in line with what Jesus set up for us, 13:32 and that's where He took care of the patients' physical needs, 13:35 and then their emotional needs, 13:36 and then their, uh, their spiritual needs. 13:39 >>Pastor Darkhanbaatar: We are so thankful that 13:40 It Is Written team is here in our community. 13:44 Our people so blessed with the medical service, 13:48 and this ministry is a great blessing to the people. 13:53 >>John: The work of It Is Written missions 13:56 has seen hundreds of people come to faith in Christ in Mongolia. 14:01 >>Dr. Guild: When Pastor Bradshaw was there, 14:02 and they were winding up their, their series 14:04 at the convention center, 14:05 someone tapped me on the shoulder and said, 14:06 "Would you make a, uh, house call?" 14:09 So we arrived at this very, very poor part of town 14:11 and went up to her apartment, 14:12 and there she was, this young mother, 28 years of age, 14:15 laying in bed there with these massive tumors bulging 14:18 from each side of her neck and oozing blood. 14:21 Terminal cancer. 14:22 I examined her, 14:23 and I just assured her that there wasn't anything more 14:24 that we could do for her. 14:25 She needed at this point comfort care and pain relief. 14:29 And so I took that little Bible out, 14:31 and I gave her what I call my 5-minute sermon, 14:33 from Genesis to the cross, 14:35 and explained to her that Jesus died for her, 14:36 and if she would accept Him, 14:38 everything would be well for her. 14:39 I handed her the little Bible, and I said, 14:41 "Would you like to accept Jesus as your personal Savior?" 14:44 And in perfect English, she said, 14:45 "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior." 14:48 [chokes back tears] Wow. That was golden. 14:52 That was the icing on the cake. 14:54 But the whipped cream and the cherry followed that. 14:56 Her 3-year-old daughter got down and came over to me and says, 14:59 "Dr. Guild," in perfect English, 15:01 "thank you for praying for my mother." 15:04 I mean, I had tears running down my eyes. 15:06 [starts to cry] It was, it was, it was fantastic. 15:11 >>John: It Is Written missions is made possible 15:14 by It Is Written viewers who wanna see the gospel 15:18 go to the world. 15:19 I want to ask you to be part of this life-changing work. 15:23 Eyes for India continues; people are receiving the gift of sight. 15:27 It Is Written continues to serve in Mongolia. 15:30 In Zimbabwe, thousands of people have heard the Bible 15:33 being proclaimed, 15:34 and hundreds and hundreds have come to accept Jesus 15:37 as their Lord and Savior 15:38 through the work of It Is Written missions. 15:41 The same is true for the Philippines, 15:43 where thousands of people surrendered their lives 15:46 to Jesus Christ as a result of the work 15:49 of It Is Written missions. 15:50 Now, they live in the hope of eternal life. 15:54 Thank you for making that possible. 15:56 To support the life-changing work of It Is Written missions, 16:00 please call to donate now on 800-253-3000. 16:05 That's 800-253-3000. 16:08 If the line is busy, you can call later. 16:10 You can call anytime, but I want to encourage you to call now: 16:13 800-253-3000. 16:15 Be part of the work It Is Written missions is doing 16:18 to bring Christ to people all around the world. 16:22 Or you can visit us online at, 16:29 16:36 Thank you for your support of It Is Written missions. 16:40 Every penny, every dollar you contribute to the work 16:44 of It Is Written missions changes lives somewhere 16:48 around the world. 16:49 It's a vast work, it's a vast world, 16:52 but Jesus said, "Go." 16:55 And we're going, and you can go with us 16:57 through the work of It Is Written missions. 17:00 I'll be back with more in just a moment. 17:03 ♪[Music]♪ 17:11 >>Announcer: It Is Written's life-changing mission work 17:13 in countries like India, the Philippines, South Africa, 17:16 and many more is bringing people to Jesus every day. 17:20 Your gift to support It Is Written missions 17:22 will make a profound difference in the lives of many 17:25 who may otherwise never hear the gospel. 17:27 For a limited time, 17:28 we will send you this beautiful It Is Written Bible 17:30 in genuine black leather for your donation of $100 or more. 17:34 To receive this Bible and support 17:36 It Is Written's mission work around the world, 17:38 call 800-253-3000. 17:42 >>John Bradshaw: In Guatemala, Central America, 17:44 a volcano had been erupting on and off for many years. 17:48 In June of 2018, everything changed for the people 17:52 living beneath it. 17:54 "Danger on the Doorstep" from It Is Written 17:56 takes you to Volcán de Fuego, the "Volcano of Fire," 17:59 in Guatemala. 18:01 We speak to survivors of the devastating eruption 18:03 and join heartbroken people looking for their families 18:06 in the aftermath. 18:07 Join It Is Written on location in Guatemala 18:10 for "Danger on the Doorstep." 18:12 As we visit those rebuilding their lives 18:14 after they'd lost their homes, possessions, 18:16 and even their families. 18:18 And could it be that you're living 18:19 with danger on your doorstep? 18:21 The Bible speaks of the spiritual danger 18:23 confronting our world 18:25 and helps us to take concrete steps to be spiritually safe. 18:29 "Danger on the Doorstep," brought to you by It Is Written. 18:32 Watch now on It Is Written TV. 18:35 Go to 18:38 That's 18:42 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joining me on It Is Written. 18:45 Jesus identified a significant challenge for the church 18:48 in Luke 10:2-- 18:50 "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; 18:56 therefore pray the Lord of the harvest 18:58 to send out laborers into His harvest." 19:02 Big harvest, few laborers to bring in the harvest. 19:06 There are people all over the world who must be reached 19:09 with the good news, with the hope of the return of Jesus, 19:12 with the reality of forgiveness of sin and of removing guilt, 19:15 and of God's promise to give people a new heart 19:17 and a new life. 19:19 Our time on this earth is incredibly short. 19:22 It was James who said that our life was simply a vapor 19:26 that appears for a moment and then vanishes away. 19:30 We are here, and then we're gone. 19:32 If there's no eternity, 19:34 life on earth seems pitifully inadequate. 19:37 A loving God wants to see as many of His children as possible 19:40 saved into His eternal kingdom, 19:42 which is why you're seeing this It Is Written program. 19:45 I wanna encourage you to know the God of heaven 19:48 and to follow Him, 19:49 to love Him who has done so much to save you. 19:52 And every day there are people going down to Christ-less graves 19:56 who've never had the chance to hear about Jesus. 20:00 You know, there isn't a single person who can't do something 20:03 to encourage someone to know God and to know eternal life. 20:06 There are many unlikely heroes in the Bible. 20:08 A little boy gave Jesus his meager lunch. 20:11 Jesus turned it into a feast for thousands. 20:13 A captive young servant girl in Syria told Naaman's wife 20:18 that if Naaman wanted to be healed of leprosy, 20:20 he should see the prophet in Israel. 20:22 Naaman went, and he was healed because of the witness 20:25 of a little girl who'd been taken from her country 20:28 and forced into slavery in a foreign land. 20:31 It's like the parable Jesus quoted in Luke 19. 20:34 The question on the minds of the people 20:36 was the coming of the Messiah. 20:38 Luke 19:12-13 says, 20:41 "He said therefore, 20:43 'A certain nobleman went into a far country 20:46 to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. 20:49 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, 20:53 and said unto them, "Occupy till I come."'" 20:57 Now, this is a clear reference to the return of Jesus 20:59 to this world. 21:00 He gave his servants pounds--money-- 21:02 and told them to occupy until He returned. 21:06 The amount of money differed from person to person. 21:08 One was given five, the story tells us, 21:10 another two, and another one. 21:12 And Jesus says, "Occupy until I return." 21:15 One version says, "Do business with these." 21:18 Another says, "Trade with these." 21:20 The point is clear: 21:22 "I've entrusted something to you, 21:23 and I want a return on my investment. 21:25 Grow this. 21:26 When I come back, I'm wanting to see more." 21:29 God has given us pounds-- 21:31 talents, capabilities. 21:32 And while there are many ways that we can honor Him, 21:35 what He asks all of us to do is to do something 21:38 to reach someone. 21:40 There are people in your sphere of influence 21:42 that you can introduce to Jesus, 21:44 and then there are others that you might never see, 21:47 but you can reach them through It Is Written missions. 21:50 The work of It Is Written missions in South Africa 21:53 saw physicians and other health care professionals 21:55 ministering in AIDS clinics, ministering in public places, 21:59 working alongside gospel ministers 22:01 who shared hope from the Bible. 22:04 One young lady visited one of our team in an AIDS clinic, 22:07 knowing that the news that she was about to get 22:10 was not going to be good. 22:12 She looked into the eyes of one of our team, and she said, 22:16 "I need God in my life. 22:19 Would you help me to know God?" 22:22 And yes, we could. 22:24 When it comes to sharing Christ with others, 22:26 not only are those we minister to blessed, 22:28 but those who do the ministering are blessed as well. 22:31 It Is Written missions travels each year to Moldova, 22:36 a small country between Romania and the Ukraine, 22:40 and there we share the good news of Jesus Christ 22:43 in a variety of ways. 22:46 >>Dr. Emde: When we went to Mongolia with Yves Monnier, 22:49 my wife, who is a teacher at the local high school 22:52 here at Greeneville Adventist Academy, she says, 22:54 "We'd love to take our high school students 22:56 on a mission trip." 22:57 And Yves is like, "You know, Moldova, 23:00 we've been working there, and that's a perfect spot." 23:03 >>Angela Emde: After months of planning with Yves, 23:05 we came up with a very all-encompassing plan 23:08 for our students. 23:09 >>Katie Jane Emde: I worked in the vision clinic, 23:11 where we saw 787 patients and dispensed 767 pairs of glasses. 23:16 >>Judah Brass: We also did some community service 23:18 in the local communities. 23:20 We shoveled snow and cleaned houses. 23:23 >>Kiran Finley: We went and delivered food to people 23:24 who are shut in, or they were poor. 23:26 They were so happy to see us. 23:28 They were like, "You know, no one loves me. 23:29 My children, they don't visit me anymore." 23:31 Just seeing the love from you guys made them so happy, 23:35 and they didn't want us to leave. 23:37 >>Angela: So the final service that we were there, 23:38 Pastor Alex gave an altar call. 23:41 At first, no one came up. 23:45 And then, all of a sudden, whoosh. 23:47 A whole bunch of kids came up-- I bet 30 or 40 kids or more. 23:52 These were the kids that we had worked with 23:55 in Vacation Bible School all week long, 23:58 and these kids had gone up to commit their lives to Jesus. 24:03 And I kept thinking to myself, 24:05 "We made a difference. We really made a difference." 24:09 >>John: It Is Written missions is taking Christ to the world. 24:12 Look around you. 24:13 You'll see it's a dying world, a hurting world. 24:16 And what the world needs is hope, 24:19 the hope of the gospel. 24:20 I was in South Africa recently. 24:22 A man came to one gospel presentation. 24:24 He said, "Thank you, It Is Written, so much." 24:27 His life had been in a downward spiral. 24:30 He said, "I can leave this place tonight having hope." 24:34 He found hope in the Word of God. 24:36 The hope offered by Jesus in India, 24:39 where people are receiving the gift of sight, 24:41 sees lives being completely changed. 24:44 And that's because of people like you who are saying, 24:47 "I want to be part of giving the most incredible gift to someone 24:50 who won't get that gift without my help." 24:54 And as you give someone the gift of sight 24:56 through It Is Written's Eyes for India, 24:58 you're giving someone the opportunity to see Jesus. 25:02 In Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ethiopia, Zambia, 25:05 Peru, Australia, in many countries around the world, 25:10 people are hearing the good news, 25:12 and their lives are being impacted by people 25:15 who share Jesus in words and in actions. 25:19 I'd be so grateful if you'd be part of the work 25:21 of It Is Written missions. 25:23 Please call us to donate, to invest in souls for eternity. 25:28 Call 800-253-3000. 25:30 That's 800-253-3000. 25:34 Or donate online at 25:40 Your gift will enable mission teams to reach the unreached, 25:44 to take hope where there isn't hope, 25:46 to share the gospel with people 25:48 you might never meet on this earth, 25:50 but people you'll meet in heaven because they learned about Jesus 25:53 through your kindness. 25:55 Just call 800-253-3000, 25:58 800-253-3000. 26:00 If the line's busy, please try again later, 26:03 or visit us online at 26:08 Your support will change lives. 26:12 Your support will save lives. 26:15 On behalf of the thousands and thousands of people 26:18 who are being and who will be reached 26:20 by the work of It Is Written missions, thank you. 26:24 Thank you, and God bless you. 26:28 >>Announcer: It Is Written's life-changing mission work 26:30 in countries like India, the Philippines, South Africa, 26:33 and many more is bringing people to Jesus every day. 26:37 Your gift to support It Is Written missions 26:39 will make a profound difference in the lives of many 26:41 who may otherwise never hear the gospel. 26:44 For a limited time, 26:45 we will send you this beautiful It Is Written Bible 26:47 in genuine black leather for your donation of $100 or more. 26:51 To receive this Bible and support 26:53 It Is Written's mission work around the world, 26:55 call 800-253-3000. 26:59 >>John Bradshaw: Let's pray together now. 27:01 Our Father in heaven, 27:02 in the beginning God created a wonderful world. 27:06 He placed two holy people in a perfect garden. 27:10 And then sin came. 27:12 And Jesus said, "Go, therefore..." 27:16 Thank you, Lord, for the work of It Is Written missions 27:19 and for those who are making this work possible. 27:22 Our Father, bless our teams. 27:23 Bless Your work around the world, 27:26 and as You work through It Is Written missions. 27:28 Lord, we pray, continue to do a great thing 27:30 and bless those who give that many, many lives, 27:34 more than we could ask or think, will be touched for eternity. 27:37 Bless us and keep us as we together work in this great work 27:42 of reaching a lost world for Jesus. 27:45 In Jesus' name we pray. 27:47 Amen. 27:49 Thanks so much for joining me. 27:51 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time. 27:53 Until then, remember: 27:55 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, 27:59 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" 28:04 ♪[Theme music]♪ 28:14 ♪[Theme music]♪ |
Revised 2025-02-11