It Is Written

Great Characters of the Bible: John The Baptist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW020226S

00:18 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written.
00:20 I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me.
00:23 Less than 20 miles from Leicester and a little less
00:26 from Coventry is the English town of Lutterworth,
00:29 which is in the county of Leicestershire.
00:31 It's the town where Frank Whittle carried out
00:34 much of the development of the very first turbojet engine
00:38 ever created,
00:39 basically singlehandedly invented by Whittle.
00:42 In Lutterworth there's a prominent memorial
00:44 to Frank Whittle, and there's a road named after him.
00:47 Whittle even made the list of the 100 greatest Britons
00:51 of all time, at number 42, way ahead of Tim Berners-Lee,
00:56 the man who invented the internet,
00:57 and far ahead of David Livingston,
00:59 the famous missionary.
01:00 But there's another notable Lutterworth resident
01:04 who didn't make the list, and you might think he should have.
01:08 John Wycliffe was the minister at St. Mary's Church
01:12 in Lutterworth, and it was there in Lutterworth that Wycliffe,
01:15 and likely some assistants,
01:18 completed the first translation of the Bible into English.
01:23 His work was absolutely groundbreaking.
01:26 And although the printing press hadn't been invented
01:28 and just few people could access the Bible,
01:31 Wycliffe was a reformer before the Reformation began
01:35 in the 1500s.
01:36 He died in 1384, and he inspired the Lollard movement,
01:41 which was a reform movement in England.
01:44 Wycliffe has been called the Morning Star of the Reformation.
01:48 He heralded the Reformation, really.
01:50 He was a massive influence on John Hus,
01:53 the Czech or the Bohemian reformer.
01:56 Wycliffe campaigned against abuses and false teachings
01:59 in the church, and he was a precursor of what was to come
02:04 when Martin Luther stood up for the teachings of the Bible
02:07 two and a half centuries or so later.
02:10 We're continuing our series, "Great Characters of the Bible,"
02:15 and we're looking at one of the great influential personalities
02:19 of the Bible, someone who, like Wycliffe from Lutterworth,
02:24 was a forerunner.
02:26 This man was the herald of the Messiah Himself.
02:30 John the Baptist came into the world via a miracle birth.
02:35 He met with a tragic death.
02:37 In between times, he lit up the world as he prepared the way
02:41 for Jesus' ministry.
02:43 His life was a life of faithfulness and an example
02:47 of faithfulness to God.
02:49 John the Baptist was the son of a priest, Zachariah,
02:53 and his mother, Elizabeth,
02:55 was related to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
02:57 The Bible says that Zachariah and Elizabeth
03:00 "were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments
03:05 "and ordinances of the Lord blameless.
03:08 "...they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren,
03:11 and they were both well advanced in years."
03:14 While Zachariah was ministering in the temple,
03:16 an angel appeared to him.
03:19 The angel said to him,
03:20 "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard;
03:25 "and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son,
03:28 and you shall call his name John."
03:31 The angel said, "He will be great in the sight of the Lord,
03:35 "and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink.
03:38 "He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit,
03:40 "even from his mother's womb.
03:42 "And he will turn many of the children of Israel
03:44 to the Lord their God."
03:46 This child was set apart by God for a special mission.
03:50 Zachariah and Elizabeth took that seriously.
03:53 They raised him a certain way.
03:55 They raised him to avoid some of the destructive
03:57 lifestyle practices that are so common today.
04:01 One of the lessons is, if you want your child to do something
04:04 great for God, raise them as though you intend for them
04:07 to do something great for God.
04:08 Raise them as though the service of God is paramount,
04:12 as though nothing could be more important.
04:15 Raise them knowing that God has called them,
04:17 that they're set apart for something special.
04:21 Few people just stumble into greatness.
04:24 Now, the other thing I want you to notice
04:26 is the prophetic fulfillment in John the Baptist's ministry.
04:30 Notice Luke 1, verse 17:
04:32 "He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah,
04:37 "'to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,'
04:40 "and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just,
04:43 to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
04:46 This is a fulfillment of Malachi 4, verse 5,
04:49 the last prophecy of the Old Testament:
04:52 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
04:55 "before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
04:58 "and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children,
05:02 "and the heart of the children to [the] fathers,
05:05 lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
05:08 Just as the prophet Elijah turned the hearts
05:11 of the people of Israel back towards God--remember?
05:14 How long are you gonna flip-flop back and forth
05:16 "between two opinions?
05:18 If [God] is God, follow Him," Elijah said.
05:21 John the Baptist would turn the hearts of the people
05:23 towards the heart of the God of heaven.
05:26 John the Baptist was a modern Elijah,
05:29 coming in the spirit and power of Elijah,
05:32 bearing Elijah's message of faithfulness to God.
05:36 Jesus even referred to him as such, telling His disciples,
05:40 "Elijah [is] already come."
05:43 Now, that was John that He was talking about.
05:46 A special child raised for a special purpose.
05:50 Mary spent three months staying with Elizabeth and Zachariah.
05:54 "And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary,
05:58 "that the babe leaped in her womb;
06:01 and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit."
06:04 Elizabeth said that the baby "leaped...for joy."
06:07 She then said those now famous but often misused words.
06:12 To Mary she said,
06:13 "Blessed are you among women,
06:15 and blessed is the fruit of your womb!"
06:18 The Messiah and the forerunner of the Messiah were together
06:22 those three months in that Judean town
06:24 before Mary went home again.
06:26 When John's father named the boy,
06:28 "fear came on all who dwelt around them;
06:32 "and all these sayings were discussed throughout
06:34 "all the hill country of Judea.
06:36 "And all those who heard them kept them in their hearts,
06:38 "saying, 'What kind of child will this be?'
06:42 And the hand of the Lord was with him."
06:44 Luke 1 is the longest chapter in the New Testament,
06:48 and it deals almost entirely with John the Baptist.
06:52 It concludes with Zachariah saying these words:
06:55 "'And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest;
06:59 "'for you will go before the face of the Lord
07:01 "'to prepare His ways,
07:03 "'to give knowledge of salvation to His people
07:05 "'by the remission of their sins,
07:07 "'through the tender mercy of our God,
07:09 "'with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us;
07:12 "'to give light to those who sit in darkness
07:15 "'and [in] the shadow of death,
07:16 "to guide our feet into the way of peace.'
07:19 "So the child grew and became strong in spirit,
07:22 "and was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation
07:25 to Israel."
07:26 And what a manifestation it was.
07:29 This is the one who would say,
07:31 "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away
07:35 the sins of the world!"
07:36 We'll look at the ministry of this remarkable Bible character
07:39 when I return.
07:40 ♪[music swells and ends]♪
07:49 ♪[music, water splashing]♪
07:50 >>Announcer: Baptism is a well-known symbol
07:52 of dying to self, burying the old life
07:55 and rising to a new life in Christ.
07:58 This new life can be yours.
08:00 Our free offer today is "Buried Alive?"
08:03 To receive this free guide,
08:04 call 800-253-3000
08:07 or visit us online at
08:11 Learn what the Bible says about baptism.
08:13 Call 800-253-3000
08:16 or visit
08:20 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joining me on It Is Written.
08:22 We're continuing our series, "Great Characters of the Bible,"
08:26 and we're looking at the life and ministry
08:28 of John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah.
08:32 His was a miracle birth, born to a woman
08:36 the Bible describes as barren,
08:38 with both parents being well advanced in years.
08:42 He was born to call the attention of the people
08:44 to the advent of the Messiah.
08:47 Starting in Matthew 3, verse 1, we read,
08:49 "In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness
08:53 "of Judea, and saying,
08:55 "'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!'
08:58 "For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah,
09:01 "saying: 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
09:04 "Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight."'"
09:09 John announced the Messiah would soon be revealed,
09:13 and he made an impression.
09:15 "Now John himself was clothed in camel's hair,
09:19 "with a leather belt around his waist;
09:21 and his food was locusts and wild honey."
09:25 Now, what about these locusts?
09:27 Locusts, the insect, weren't unclean.
09:30 So it wouldn't have been a problem for John as a Jew
09:33 to eat locusts.
09:35 But looking at the Greek word used there,
09:38 this could have been carob pods; that's pods from the carob tree.
09:43 Whatever it was exactly, probably wasn't insects,
09:47 we know that John ate simply.
09:49 His lifestyle was not extravagant.
09:52 And we also know that we are glad that he didn't ask us
09:55 over for dinner.
09:56 But his message is more vital than his lifestyle,
09:59 although without one he probably wouldn't have had the other.
10:02 The Bible says,
10:03 "Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan
10:08 "went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan,
10:11 "confessing their sins.
10:13 "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming
10:16 "to his baptism, he said to them, 'Brood of vipers!
10:20 "'Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
10:23 Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance.'"
10:28 And this is where the ministry and message of John the Baptist
10:32 starts to get a little pointed and very relevant for us today.
10:39 John the Baptist was a reformer leading a revival in Israel.
10:44 Crowds flocked to the river to be baptized.
10:47 People came from near and far,
10:50 and John called the people to repentance.
10:55 The religious leaders had come to John,
10:58 but it was clear to John that they were there for appearances,
11:02 and that repentance wasn't their prime objective.
11:06 John makes something clear here that a lot of modern revivals
11:10 seem to almost ignore.
11:12 When a person comes to Christ,
11:14 that person comes in a spirit of repentance,
11:17 not merely to be filled with the Holy Spirit,
11:20 not just to shout and celebrate, not only for the healing,
11:23 not only to sing or praise or to enjoy the praise team.
11:27 God calls a person to repentance.
11:30 This was Jesus' message.
11:32 He started his ministry by saying,
11:34 "Repent, for the kingdom of [God] is at hand!"
11:37 And John was saying it isn't enough to just look the part;
11:41 it isn't enough to just go through the motions.
11:44 You know, the privilege of a believer is to repent,
11:48 to experience sorrow for sin, and to turn away from sin.
11:53 Back in Luke, John got specific.
11:55 He told them not to say, "'We have Abraham as our father.'
12:00 "For I say to you that God is able to raise up children
12:02 to Abraham from these stones," he said.
12:06 Many people there, especially among the leadership,
12:08 felt that their Jewishness somehow qualified them as holy.
12:13 Their genealogy, their birth certificate,
12:16 that somehow that was enough.
12:19 And it was proof in and of itself that they were
12:21 God's true people.
12:23 That's just like saying today,
12:25 "I'm a church member, and so, therefore,
12:27 I'm a genuine Christian."
12:29 John said that "every tree which does not bear good fruit
12:33 is cut down and thrown into the fire."
12:37 It's important that the life of a believer manifests
12:41 the fruit of faith.
12:43 "So the people asked him, saying, 'What shall we do then?'
12:46 "[And John] answered..., 'He who has two tunics,
12:48 "'let him give to him who has none;
12:50 and he who has food, let him do likewise.'"
12:53 To the tax collectors, he said,
12:55 "Collect no more than what is appointed for you."
12:58 He told the soldiers,
12:59 "Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely,
13:02 and be content with your wages."
13:05 This is what revival looks like.
13:09 John the Baptist was flipping the script on these folks.
13:12 Tax collectors were cheats.
13:14 Soldiers were rough.
13:16 John was calling people to reorder their lives in a way
13:19 that measured with the will of Almighty God.
13:22 Now, it's true: God accepts you as you are. Amen!
13:27 He accepts the worst sinner.
13:29 He welcomes all the prodigal sons
13:32 and all the prodigal daughters.
13:34 In the Bible, Jesus accepted the immoral, the demon-possessed,
13:38 the wasteful, the irresponsible.
13:41 He accepted people of His race and people of other races.
13:45 But what happened next was that Jesus shone light on the pathway
13:50 they were walking, and did two things.
13:52 He urged them to live new lives,
13:55 and He empowered them to live new lives.
13:59 The first chapter of the New Testament says that Jesus came
14:02 into the world to "save His people from their sins."
14:06 Not just from the penalty of those sins,
14:10 but also from the power of those sins.
14:14 Jesus came into the world
14:15 so that sin does not have to rule you.
14:19 That message is all the way through the New Testament.
14:21 "Sin shall not have dominion over you."
14:24 Romans 6:14.
14:26 "Put off...the old man...and... put on...the new man...
14:28 in true righteousness and holiness."
14:30 Ephesians, chapter 4.
14:32 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
14:34 "he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
14:38 behold, all things have become new."
14:40 That's 2 Corinthians 5 and verse 17.
14:42 We can't forgot this:
14:44 "The wages of sin is death."
14:48 Sin separates a person from God.
14:52 Christianity isn't a cover for your sinful heart.
14:56 It's the remedy for your sinful heart.
14:59 And that's liberating.
15:02 Most people really don't want to live in sin.
15:05 Most people don't want to go on acting the fool in their lives,
15:08 letting other people down,
15:10 embarrassing themselves and their family,
15:13 hurting other people.
15:15 Yet anyone with any experience at all in church
15:17 realizes there's a lot of sin hidden away even in church.
15:24 There's a lot that's not hidden.
15:26 Now, there's a balance.
15:27 God welcomes the sinner, but once you come to Christ,
15:31 there's some growing to do.
15:33 The religious leaders John was addressing
15:35 weren't inexperienced baby Christians;
15:39 they were hypocrites who knew better,
15:42 but they were using their religion to enrich themselves
15:45 and to lift themselves up at the expense of others.
15:49 John the Baptist was a reformer,
15:51 and inherent in his call to be made new by God
15:56 is the promise that God can make any person new.
16:01 He's one of the great characters of the Bible,
16:03 John the Baptist.
16:05 Unfortunately, he had one of the most unfortunate ends.
16:10 More on John the Baptist in just a moment.
16:13 ♪[music swells and ends]♪
16:22 ♪[music, water splashing]♪
16:23 >>Announcer: Baptism is a well-known symbol
16:25 of dying to self, burying the old life
16:27 and rising to a new life in Christ.
16:30 This new life can be yours.
16:32 Our free offer today is "Buried Alive?"
16:35 To receive this free guide,
16:36 call 800-253-3000
16:40 or visit us online at
16:43 Learn what the Bible says about baptism.
16:46 Call 800-253-3000
16:49 or visit
16:52 ♪[somber music]♪
16:54 >>John: The Bible is filled with stories of people
16:57 who took a leap of faith.
17:00 Gideon was asked by God to lead an army of just 300
17:04 against an innumerable foe.
17:07 And he did, and he was triumphant.
17:10 Noah was asked by God to build an ark, a boat,
17:13 so he and his family could ride out a storm
17:15 in a world where rain had never before fallen.
17:18 And he did, and he and his family and the world was saved.
17:23 ♪[soft music]♪
17:24 Life can be like that.
17:27 Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith.
17:31 ♪[dramatic music]♪
17:32 After you've received all the necessary instructions,
17:36 after the equipment has been checked,
17:39 you take a leap of faith.
17:41 Grow your faith in God and in His Word.
17:45 Don't miss "The Leap of Faith,"
17:48 brought to you by It Is Written TV.
17:53 >>John Bradshaw: Jesus said that John the Baptist
17:55 was more than a prophet.
17:57 He asked one day,
17:58 "What did you go out into the wilderness to see?
18:01 A reed shaken by the wind?"
18:04 The tall reeds that grew on the banks of the Jordan River
18:07 would bend in the direction of the wind.
18:09 John the Baptist wasn't like that.
18:12 He wasn't like the politician who finds the will of the people
18:15 and yields to that, even if it isn't the right course.
18:19 John the Baptist was true to principle,
18:22 and that conviction was what ultimately cost him his life.
18:26 Herod Antipas was familiar with John.
18:29 Herod ruled over Galilee for Rome.
18:33 He'd likely heard John preach.
18:35 John had said to him,
18:37 "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife."
18:40 Herod seemed to have been able to tolerate John's directness,
18:44 but his wife, actually his brother Philip's wife--
18:47 at least in the first place--was livid.
18:51 Both of them, that's Herod and Herodias,
18:54 had divorced their spouses.
18:57 Their living arrangement was well and truly
19:00 against Jewish law.
19:02 John rebuked the king, but the king's wife was furious.
19:07 While "Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just
19:11 "and holy man, and he protected him. And when he heard him,
19:14 "he did many things, and heard his gladly.
19:18 Herodias held it against him and wanted to kill him."
19:23 John the Baptist was imprisoned.
19:25 And it's interesting to see that doubt even crept
19:27 into the experience of John the Baptist.
19:29 Luke 7:19.
19:30 "And John, calling two of his disciples to him,
19:33 "sent them to Jesus, saying, 'Are You the Coming One,
19:36 or do we look for another?'"
19:37 But instead of sitting them down and helping them to see
19:40 how Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecy,
19:43 Jesus simply let His actions speak.
19:46 "He cured many of infirmities, afflictions, and evil spirits;
19:50 and to many blind He gave sight."
19:52 And then Jesus told them to go and tell John
19:55 what they had seen and heard.
19:58 And that was enough for John.
20:01 One day Herod threw himself a big birthday party
20:04 and invited a who's who of Galilee to attend.
20:09 Herodias' daughter was brought in to dance for the gathering,
20:13 and Herod made the first of a series of colossal mistakes.
20:20 He promised to give her whatever she wanted,
20:23 "up to half [of] my kingdom," he said.
20:25 Now, that was a seriously rash promise.
20:28 Herod the big talker, showing off in front of his friends.
20:33 Now, the young lady did what any young woman would do.
20:35 When given the opportunity to acquire a fortune,
20:37 she asked her mother.
20:39 College tuition, Mother?
20:41 A nice new car? Land?
20:43 A home? Homes?
20:44 What should I ask for?
20:46 This was her big opportunity.
20:48 She could set herself up for life.
20:52 She was shocked to hear her mother's reply,
20:56 but not as shocked as Herod.
20:58 And here's where he made another mistake.
21:00 When the girl said,
21:02 "I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist
21:05 on a platter,"
21:06 Herod should have said, "Oh, no, I didn't mean that."
21:09 Everyone at the party would have understood.
21:11 They'd have said, "Oh, for sure, you can't go asking
21:13 for something like that, no way."
21:16 But Herod was a coward.
21:19 The Bible says he "was exceedingly sorry,"
21:23 but he dispatched an executioner just the same,
21:25 and John's head was brought on a plate.
21:30 Do you think silencing the voice of John
21:32 settled Herod's heart any?
21:35 Guilt would have eaten away at him.
21:38 That's what guilt does.
21:40 That's why you need to make your peace with God.
21:43 A man in California who was involved in the death
21:45 of a 19-year-old man, 25 years before,
21:49 went to a television station and confessed what he had done.
21:52 He said that since that time he felt absolutely horrible
21:56 every day.
21:57 "Every minute of every day has been a nightmare."
22:00 He said that the 19-year-old who died
22:02 "never even got to have a life, and neither did I."
22:07 That's what guilt will do.
22:08 Do you think you get away with it?
22:10 It'll eat you up.
22:11 In 2016, a 91-year-old man in Canada confessed to murdering
22:17 a young woman in London, England, 70 years before,
22:21 in 1946.
22:23 He didn't even know the young woman's name.
22:25 But a newspaper reported that he wrestled with his conscience
22:29 and wanted to clear his conscience before he died.
22:33 No confession had ever come so long after a crime
22:36 in British legal history.
22:38 That's what guilt does. It's hard to live with.
22:42 It's important to settle things with God.
22:45 And you know what God says:
22:47 "Let the wicked forsake his way,
22:49 "and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
22:52 "let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him;
22:55 and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."
22:59 Isaiah 55 and verse 7.
23:01 Now, you might wonder why Jesus didn't intervene
23:04 to deliver John.
23:06 Jesus knew that John would come through,
23:09 and He knew that John's example would be an encouragement
23:11 for thousands upon thousands who would walk the same road
23:16 in later years.
23:18 It had to be a comfort to John Hus as he languished
23:21 in a prison cell in Constance, in what's now Germany;
23:25 to William Tyndale, the great Bible translator,
23:28 who was executed for his faith just outside of Brussels
23:31 in Belgium in 1536.
23:34 John's example was a, a comfort to Ridley and Latimer,
23:37 who were martyred in Oxford, England.
23:39 It's said that Latimer said to Ridley,
23:41 "Play the man, Master Ridley:
23:43 "we shall this day light such a candle by God's grace
23:46 in England, as, I trust, shall never be put out."
23:50 They were going where John had already been.
23:53 Patrick Hamilton, who was burned at the stake
23:55 in St. Andrews, Scotland.
23:57 The martyrs' memorials you see around the world,
24:00 they commemorate that people really gave their lives
24:03 for their faithfulness to Jesus,
24:06 and the experience of John the Baptist would have encouraged
24:10 every one of them.
24:12 John the Baptist's experience shows us that sometimes,
24:15 well, sometimes it just doesn't work out in this world
24:18 as we would like it to work out, or as we think it should.
24:22 John the Baptist accepted the call to herald the Messiah.
24:26 He did just that.
24:28 Was it a disappointment that he died?
24:30 Of course.
24:32 But God never leads you anywhere that you wouldn't choose to go
24:36 if you could see the end from the beginning.
24:39 His was a lonely life.
24:41 His was "the voice of one crying in the wilderness."
24:44 He never filled a hall or a stadium,
24:46 didn't write a best-selling book.
24:49 He didn't see the blind receive their sight.
24:51 He didn't see the, the dead raised to life.
24:54 But he was an example of what a life of faithfulness looks like.
24:58 John the Baptist was committed to God.
25:01 God was honored by his life.
25:04 And if you embrace God's special call for your life,
25:07 whatever that is, wherever you are,
25:11 your life can be a life of faithfulness,
25:14 carrying out God's purposes for you.
25:17 John approached life with a certain attitude.
25:20 You might remember that John once said, speaking of Jesus,
25:25 "He must increase, but I must decrease."
25:29 John the Baptist came to lift Jesus up,
25:32 to direct people to Jesus.
25:34 Now, how is it with you?
25:36 Have you reached out to that same Jesus?
25:40 Have you surrendered your life to Him?
25:42 Oh, no, don't think that Jesus wants to take anything
25:45 away from you.
25:46 He wants to add:
25:48 peace, real happiness, confidence, eternity.
25:54 He wants to forgive you and give you everlasting life.
25:58 Jesus said that there was none "greater than John the Baptist."
26:03 One day you'll get to meet him for yourself,
26:05 if you'll take hold of Jesus and believe that God's grace
26:10 is for you today.
26:13 >>John: Thank you for remembering that It Is Written
26:15 exists because of the kindness of people just like you.
26:19 To support this international life-changing ministry,
26:22 please call us now at 800-253-3000.
26:26 You can send your tax-deductible gift
26:28 to the address on your screen,
26:29 or you can visit us online at
26:33 Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support.
26:36 Our number again is 800-253-3000,
26:40 or you can visit us online at
26:44 >>John Bradshaw: Let's pray together now.
26:46 Our Father in heaven, the life of John the Baptist
26:48 stands as an example,
26:51 a life cut short, tragically,
26:53 but a life dedicated to You.
26:55 We learn from John the Baptist.
26:57 We learn from his doubt;
26:59 we learn from Your patience with him
27:01 that God knows that sometimes our faith gets shaken.
27:05 But as long as we trust in the living Christ,
27:08 things will be okay.
27:10 We learn from the message of John the Baptist,
27:13 who called people to repent of their sin
27:16 and to live lives of faithfulness.
27:19 Friend, let me ask you today, how is it with you and the Lord?
27:22 How are things between you and God?
27:24 If they're not great, why don't you pray a prayer right now
27:27 that says, "Lord, let's fix things."
27:29 If you aren't standing in the right relationship with God,
27:32 how about we say to God right now,
27:34 "Lord, save me, change me,
27:35 "pick me up, transform me,
27:37 give me a repentant spirit."
27:38 Lord, we pray for those things now.
27:40 And we can go from this place, from this moment,
27:42 knowing that You hear us, that You would change us,
27:45 that eternity is ours through faith in Jesus Christ.
27:48 In Jesus' name we pray,
27:50 amen.
27:51 Thanks so much for joining me.
27:53 Looking forward to seeing you again next time.
27:55 Until then, remember:
27:57 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
28:01 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
28:05 ♪[dramatic theme music]♪


Revised 2020-11-20