It Is Written

Great Characters of the Bible: Isaac

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW021235S

00:15 ♪[music ends]♪♪
00:19 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written.
00:21 I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joioining me.
00:24 Carlo was born in March h of 1883 in the town of Lugo
00:28 in the north oItaly.
00:30 was 21 years old when he arrived in the United d States,
00:33 and after tryi his hand at various jobs and enterprises,
00:37 he fally hit upon an idea
00:39 that he was sure would make him a f fortune.
00:43 Investors poured millionss of dollars into his company.
00:46 Some m mortgaged their homes and invested their lifsavings
00:50 with Carlo.
00:51 Within mths he was bringing in a million dollars a day
00:55 in revenue--in 10.
00:58 But was soon discovered that Carlo's company
01:00 wasn't generating any profits at all.
01:04 Carlo had been using the money from n new investors
01:07 to provide dividends to longer-term investorors.
01:10 When greer numbers of his clients began demanding
01:13 thr money, Carlo, or Charles Ponzi's scheme,
01:19 was realed to be a massive fraud.
01:22 And many people lost everything.
01:25 And it wouldt be the last time.
01:27 In 200the late Bernie Madoff was charged
01:30 with securities fraud for running a massive e Ponzi scheme
01:34 that resulted in actual losses to invevestors
01:36 ofof about $18 billion.
01:39 It was thought to be the ggest fraud
01:41 in the history of Wall Street.
01:43 Even though h 14 and 1/2 billion was returned to investor
01:47 Madoff was sentenced to 150 yearsn prison.
01:51 People trusted Madoff, and Charles PoPonzi decades before,
01:56 to do the right thing with moneyey they invested.
01:59 But that trust was misplaced.
02:03 We live inin a world that is based on trust.
02:06 You mail a a letter, and you trust that if you put it
02:09 in that bobox or through that slot, it's going to maket
02:12 to where it's meant to go.
02:13 e mechanic tells you that your car needs ththis done,
02:16 and you ust the mechanic.
02:18 Your doctor tells you that you need thicertain medication
02:20 or maybe surgery.
02:22 Most of the time you have no idea,
02:25 but you ust the physician, and things work out.
02:28 You trust the person who cuts your ha.
02:30 Mostly it goes to plan. Sometimeit does not.
02:35 I got my hair cut once at the airport in Torononto, Canada.
02:38 Oh man, it was so bad I remember it all tse years later.
02:42 The person who I went to to have the mess fixed up
02:44 said that the woman who cut mymy hair in the first place
02:47 committed mamalpractice.
02:49 I calaugh about it now.
02:51 Truth is, we l laughed about it then.
02:54 Of course, not eveveryone can be trusted.
02:56 In fact, there are times you'd be unwise to trust.
02:59 That phone call when someone tells you
03:01 they're gonna send you a large sum of money,
03:02 but first you need to send money toto them?
03:05 No, don't trust that. Those are e scams.
03:09 But someone who ca always be trusted is God.
03:12 And we see that today.
03:18 We're continuing our serieies and as we look at "Great Characters of the Bible," the life of Isaac,c,
03:20 we see a a life demonstrating trust in God.
03:24 Isaac was born because of t trust.
03:27 HeHe was the child of promise born to Abraham d Sarah.
03:31 Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac c was born. Sarah was 90.
03:36 Wh she heard she was going to have a child
03:38 so late in her l life, Sarah laughed.
03:41 In fact, shehe and Abraham did not trust God to begin wit
03:45 In Genesis 12, God saido Abram,
03:48 will make you a great nation;
03:50 "I will bless you and make your name gre;
03:53 and you shall be a blessing."
03:55 But time passed by, and nohild was born.
04:00 When Abraham brought this up to God in Genesisis 15,
04:03 GoGod "brought him outside and said, 'Look now ward heaven,
04:08 "and count the stars if you are able to nunumber them.'
04:11 And He said to him, 'So shall your desceants be.'"
04:16 The Bible says Abraham "belved in the Lord,
04:20 and He accounted it to him for r righteousness."
04:23 But that belief went only so far.
04:26 Sarah was getting older, and she wasn getting pregnant.
04:30 "So Sarai said to Abram, 'See now,w, the Lord has restrained me
04:34 from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid;;
04:38 "perhaps I I shall obtain children by her.'
04:42 And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai."
04:45 Which wasn't a great mov for any number of reasons.
04:50 The lack of faith in God crcreated friction,
04:52 which is still being experienced toy.
04:56 Now, let's say this. They're an elderly couple,
04:59 and they doubted that t Sarah would become pregnant.
05:01 That's fair enough, isn't it??
05:03 I mean, who would have thought that Sarahould conceive
05:06 at that very advanced age?
05:08 But that's where faith comes into it.
05:10 ItIt was God who promised a child would be born,
05:13 d so therefore it's up to God to work that out,
05:17 even if itit seems unlikely from a human standpoint.
05:20 Our faith in God needs to stretchay further
05:24 than the limits of our hun understanding.
05:26 If yr faith in God only goes as far as your faith
05:29 inin yourself--"I could never do a job like th";
05:33 "I just don't know how we could ever afffford to support
05:35 that missionary y family";
05:37 "I can't see howrandma could possibly recover"--
05:44 then that'evidence that God is the God of you don't have faith in God. the impossible.
05:49 It's not easy to explain exactly how God created the world.
05:54 But Hebrews 11 tells us that "by ith we understand
05:57 "that the worlds were framed by the worord of God,
06:01 "so that the things which are seen
06:03 were not made of things which are e visible."
06:07 We understand by faith. HeHebrews 11, verse 3.
06:10 me on, friend, how's your faith?
06:12 Is God big or small?
06:14 Is God able, or is He not able
06:17 A God inhich you can have faith can raise the dead.
06:20 He can turn water into wine.
06:21 He can feed the five thousand, open up the Red Sea,
06:25 bring water out of a rock, and see tot
06:29 that a 90-ar-old woman can have a baby.
06:33 Speaking of Abraham, Paul w wrote,
06:35 "And being not weak in faith,, he considered not his own body
06:39 "n"now dead, when he was about an hundred yearsld,
06:42 "neither yet the ddness of Sara's womb:
06:45 "he staggered not at the promise of Godhrough unbelief;
06:48 "but was strong in faith, givinglory to God;
06:52 "and being fully persuaded thatwhat He had promised,
06:56 He was able also tperform."
06:58 That's Romans 4, verses 19 through 21.
07:02 Now,w, did you see that?
07:03 Abraham simply believed that God cld do
07:08 what God said He could do.
07:10 And that's faith; that's trustst.
07:13 So that't's how Isaac came into the world:
07:16 faith, trust in God,
07:18 belief that God could do what God said He couldld do.
07:21 And bebefore long,
07:23 young Isaac was going to have to exercisfaith of his own.
07:28 I'llll be right back.
07:30 ♪[music swells and ends]♪♪
07:39 >>Announcer: He was the first humabeing ever created,
07:41 the father of thhuman family.
07:43 And in Adam's storory we find some of the highest and lowest poin
07:47 of thehe human experience.
07:48 Our free offer today is "Great Characrs of the Bible: Adam,"
07:52 part o of the ongoing "Great Characters of the Bible"eries.
07:55 To receive this free DVD,
07:57 call 800-253-3000
08:00 or visit us online at
08:03 That's's 800-253-3000,
08:06 or visisit
08:10 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joininme today
08:11 on It Is Writteten.
08:13 Before I go any further in talking ababout faith and trust,
08:16 let me say thihis.
08:18 There arare scams everywhere today.
08:21 In the 1920s, a man named ViVictor Lustig
08:24 sold the Eiffel Tower--twice.
08:27 He fooled people, deceived people,
08:30 and he made a lot of money.
08:31 AnAnd you wonder how someone could fall
08:33 for such a crarazy scheme.
08:34 Well, people do.
08:36 There's no shortage of unscscrupulous people
08:38 who will stop at nothing to separate yoyou
08:41 from your hard-earned money.
08:43 Watch out for phishing scams--that't's phishing,
08:45 P-H-I-S-H-I-N-G.
08:48 If you get an email maki an unbelievable offer
08:50 or asking for personal information, b be very careful.
08:54 Don't reveal any financial deils.
08:56 No guine organization is going to ask for those
09:00 in an emaiail.
09:01 Don't t open attachments or click on links--
09:04 unless you're e 100 percent sure they're genuine--
09:07 as they mit then infect your computer with a virus.
09:09 IfIf something looks too good to be true, it pbably is.
09:13 And if you're really unsure aboutut something
09:16 ask someone that you trust that arrives in your inbox, to look into it fofor you.
09:20 Now,w, back to Isaac.
09:21 Isaac came into the world because hiparents trusted God.
09:25 They had faith i in God. And as a result, Isaac was born.
09:31 But when Isaac was a younman,
09:32 trt in God took on a whole new dimension for him.
09:37 The story is usually told from Abrahaham's perspective,
09:41 but let's see if we can consider ather angle here.
09:44 Genesis 22egins like this:
09:47 "Now it came to pass after these things
09:49 "that God tested Abram, and said to him, 'Abraham!'
09:53 "And he said, ere I am.' Then He said, 'Take now your son,
09:57 "'your only son Isaac, wh you love,
10:01 "'and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him ththere
10:03 "'as a burnt offering on one of the mountaiains
10:06 of which I shall tell you.'"
10:08 agine how Abraham must have felt.
10:11 There'd have been a progression of etions.
10:13 "Take yo son."
10:14 "Ah, my son!" How proud hehe must have been.
10:17 our only son"--God was saying,
10:20 "Take your legitimate heir;take the child of faith."
10:23 "Hmm, my son, ththe one God promised me and gave me.
10:26 Yes, my son."
10:29 "Take now yourur son, your only son...
10:31 "and go to the land of Moriah, and offer r him there
10:35 as a burnt offering."
10:38 Well, now Abram's pride turned to horror.
10:41 Now, what's remarkable is that the Bible saysys,
10:43 braham rose early in the morning and saddled his dodonkey,
10:47 "and took two of his young men with himand Isaac his son;
10:52 "and he split the wood fofor the burnt offering,
10:54 and arose and went to the place of which God had told him."
10:57 Genesis 22, verse 3.
10:59 It was a three-day journey, and it had thave been brutal,
11:03 walking th his son, who now is about 20 years of age,
11:06 and God was s asking him to offer that young man as a sacrice.
11:12 I wonder if there were l long pauses.
11:14 I wonder if Isaac ever said,
11:16 "Dad, you're not yr normal happy self."
11:19 ose had to be three dark days for Abraham
11:22 as they journeyed to wt today is Jerusalem.
11:25 "And Abraham said to his young men,
11:27 "'Stay here with the donkey; thlad [or young man]
11:31 "'and I wi go yonder and worship,
11:34 and we will come back to you.'"
11:36 Now, nice that: "We will come back to you."
11:40 It ss in the book of Hebrews that Abraham concluded
11:43 "that God was ablele to raise him"--or Isaac--"up,
11:47 even from the dead."
11:48 That's Hebrews 11:19.
11:50 But that didn't chchange the fact that he was being asked
11:53 to do something exuciatingly difficult.
11:57 "So Abraham tookok the wood of the burnt offering
11:59 "and laid it on Isaac hison;
12:03 "and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife,e,
12:06 "and the two of them went together.
12:08 "But Isaac spoke to Abraham his father a and said,
12:11 "'My father! ... L Look, the fire and the wood,
12:15 "but where is the lamb for r a burnt offering?'
12:18 "And Abraham said, 'My son, God will prode...Himself
12:23 "the lamb for burnt offering.'
12:25 So the two of them went together."
12:27 That beautiful verse points forward to theeath of Jesus
12:31 for thsins of the world.
12:32 d notice how Isaac was a type of Christ
12:35 in that he carriedthe wood himself
12:38 just like JeJesus carried His cross.
12:40 God would provide Himself a Lamb.
12:43 Divinity itself would be the Lamb slain
12:45 for the sins of the world. Jesusus would die.
12:48 But here at Mount Moriah, Isaac was gog to die.
12:52 Genesis 22:9:9 says,
12:53 "Then they c came to the place of which God had told him.
12:56 "And Abraham built a an altar there and placed the wood
12:59 "in order; and he bound Isaac his son n and laid him
13:03 on the altar, upon the wood."
13:05 We talk about the faith of Abraham,
13:07 but what about the faith of Isaac?
13:12 You know, I had a good dad, He could easily ve overpowered his father. I loved my dad,,
13:16 but if my father had said,
13:18 "Son, I'm going to sacrifice yoyou to God,"
13:22 I don't think I'd have hung around.
13:24 But this young man's faith was stng.
13:27 He laid down on e altar.
13:28 In fact, i it's hard to imagine a 120-year-old man
13:31 picking up his grownwn son and placing him on the altar.
13:34 You'd have to think IsIsaac climbed up
13:37 onto the altar himself.
13:39 He might have sa, "Dad, do you want me here?
13:41 Or, should I move over here a little bit?"
13:44 Additionally, this story suggests that Abraraham
13:47 was the ki of man in whom Isaac could have faith.
13:55 Now, l let me challenge you If you want someone to have faith in God---- a little bit.
13:57 a friend, a child, a cocolleague--
14:01 then live in such a wa
14:03 that if ey were basing their opinion of God on you,
14:07 they'd be attracted to God.
14:09 Isaac knew that Abrahaham his father loved God.
14:13 Isaac waconvinced that Abraham loved him.
14:16 And so then he could trurust Abraham. This was faith.
14:21 His own father was going to tatake his life, and Isaac said,
14:25 "Go right ahead. I trustGod, and I trust you."
14:29 He could trust his fatherr because he knew his father;
14:31 he was acquainted th his father.
14:34 This story is in the Bibible to prompt you to emulate the faith
14:39 of both Abraham and Isaac.
14:41 And while God definitely doe not want anyone sacrificing
14:45 eir children, He does want us to be obedient to H Him.
14:49 Sometimes lifefe challenges you. Sometimes life is difficul
14:53 Sometimeyour faith is shaken. Sometimes you want to give u up.
14:57 But faith enables you toto hang in,
14:59 remembering that life, and a life of fait isn't a sprint,
15:06 In 2021, golfer Bryson but 's a marathon. DeChambeau got backk
15:10 to the clubhouse after the second round of a a tournament
15:12 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and dedecided he would go home.
15:16 He was sure that hwasn't going to make the cut.
15:19 He was in 90th place,
15:22 and only 65 goers would go on to play in the third round.
15:26 He was on his way y home to Texas when he found out
15:28 that a number of oth players had dropped
15:30 down the leaderboard, , and he actually had made the cut.
15:35 So he got back on a plane in the early hoururs of the morning,
15:38 made his way back to the golf cose,
15:40 and on just a couple of hours' ' sleep,
15:42 played in the third round.
15:44 He endnded up finishing the tournament
15:52 tied for ninth and earningaround $228,000. Not a bad weekend's work..
15:54 You see?e? It wasn't over even when it looked like it w over.
15:58 And th's how it is in your walk with God: faith.
16:03 Hang in there with God.
16:05 Let God dodo His work in your life.
16:09 Believe that God is able because He is ab.
16:15 Abraham was out to take his son's life
16:17 when an Angel intervened.
16:18 "Abraham!" the Angel excxclaimed. Abraham responded.
16:22 The Angel thenen said, "Do not lay your hand on the lad,
16:25 "or do anything toto him; for now I know that you fear God,
16:29 "since you have nott withheld your son,
16:31 your only son, from me."
16:34 And day that story stands as one of the great storieies
16:37 of faith in the Bible,
16:38 the faith of Abraham-- and d the faith of Isaac.
16:42 HeHe trusted his dad. He trusted God.
16:47 And you can trust God, too.
16:50 I'll be right t back.
16:51 ♪[music swells and ends]♪♪
17:00 >>John: Thank you for remembering that It IsIs Written
17:02 exists because of the kindness of people just like you.
17:05 To support this ininternational life-changing ministry,
17:08 please call l us now at 800-253-3000.
17:13 You can send your tax-deductible gift
17:14 to the addss on your screen,
17:16 or you can visit us line at
17:19 Thank you for your prayers andfor your financial support.
17:22 Ounumber again is 800-253-3000,
17:26 or you can visit us onli at
17:30 >>Jo Bradshaw: So how is faith seen
17:32 later in Isaac's experience?
17:35 One of the biggest decisions of Isaac'sife
17:37 s guided by faith in God.
17:40 Where would Isaac c find a wife?
17:43 Now, that's a big decision.
17:44 And we see herethat it's a decision
17:46 that should be guided by G.
17:48 You know, if more people brout God into that decision,
17:52 there'd be a whole lot less heartache inin the world.
17:55 Is God able to find the right someone, t right life partner?
18:01 Abraham didn't want his s son to fall in love
18:03 with a woman who didn't serve the ly true God.
18:06 RememberAbraham was promised that the Son of God,
18:09 the Messiah, would be born throughis lineage,
18:12 through Isaac. It was essentia Isaac marry a believer.
18:17 Abraham woulsend a servant to his home country,
18:20 and he commissioned thatat servant to bring back
18:22 a suitable wife for Isaac.
18:24 And IsIsaac, about 40 years old now,
18:28 went along with his ther's plan.
18:31 Back in Bible times, parents usually had a sayy
18:34 in whom their children married.
18:37 Looking at how marriages roinely fail today,
18:39 it's hard to say that that wouldn't be a good idea now.
18:43 And we remember God's counsel is fou
18:45 in 2 Corinthians 6 in rse 14, where it is written,
18:49 "Do not bebe unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
18:53 "For what fellowship has righteouess with lawlessness?
18:56 And what communion haslight with darkness?"
18:59 Abraham kn that an ungodly woman
19:02 could totally changethe family tree.
19:05 It was imperative that Isaac marrrry a believer.
19:08 He also knew that if Isaac traveled far away toto marry,
19:11 the family of the bride wod try to persuade him
19:13 to remain there,
19:15 and God had specifically told Abraham thahat Canaan
19:18 was the land that he and his descendants would d inherit.
19:21 Abraham would send his mosttrusted servant, Eliezer,
19:23 to search for a wife for Isaac. And Eliez prayed.
19:28 He prarayed a very specific prayer,
19:30 and God answered Eliezes prayer exactly.
19:34 When h he met Rebekah,
19:36 he had no doubt she was the answer to s prayer.
19:40 He gave her gifts and found ouwho she was.
19:43 The Bie says, "The man bowed down his head
19:46 and worshiped the Lord
19:48 And then Eezer gave God the glory.
19:50 He said, "Blessed be thehe Lord God of my master Abraham,
19:55 "who has not forsaken Himercy and His truth
19:58 toward my master."
19:59 This was aajor answer to prayer.
20:02 This had consequences for e kingdom of heaven.
20:05 And notice: Abraham and Isaac tookhis seriously.
20:09 Where would they find the woman
20:10 who would become o of Jesus' own ancestors?
20:14 She e was a prayer away.
20:16 They chose to do things God's way,
20:19 to praand ask God to lead the entire process,
20:24 and God swered their prayers in a dramatic way.
20:29 And God hasn't changed.
20:31 What are the big dececisions you are facing?
20:34 What school too to?
20:36 WhWhether to buy or sell a house?
20:37 What career to pursue? Who to marry?
20:40 Life is a constant stream of decisions.
20:43 And which huhuman being is capable
20:47 So when you're facing a of always making major decision, turnrn to God. the right dedecisions?
20:51 Consulult God and allow God to lead the way.
20:54 God will answeyour prayers in the same way
20:56 He answered the prayerof Abraham and Isaac and Eliezer.
20:59 We have been promid as much.
21:02 In the Sermon on the Mount,
21:03 Jesus s said, "Ask, and it will be given to you;
21:07 seek, and you will find; knock, and it w will be opened to you."
21:12 Matthew 7, verse 7.
21:13 This is trust in God.
21:16 Isaac's life came to be as the resesult of faith.
21:20 His later life was aracterized by faith.
21:27 "I am the God of your Later, God visited Isaac and said, father Abraham;
21:30 "do not fear, for I am with you.
21:31 "I will ess you and multiply your descendants
21:35 for my servant Abraham's sake."
21:38 And Isaac did exactly what his father would have done.
21:42 "He ilt an altar there and called on the name of the LoLord."
21:46 You'll notice that i in earth's last days, the experience
21:49 of God's people characterized by trust or faith.
21:55 Revevelation 14:12 speaks about God's people
21:57 saved in thend of time, and it says,
21:59 "Here isis the patience of the saints:
22:02 "here are they that keep e commandments of God,
22:05 and the faith of Jesus."
22:07 Which shows us, among other things,
22:10 that obedience to God is prpredicated upon faith in God.
22:15 Faith ads to submission to the will of God.
22:21 Yes ago, I got myself in a tangle
22:24 that taught me something about faith.
22:27 I was inviteted to participate in a circus act.
22:30 When a circus came to town,
22:31 they advertised on the radioio station where I worked,
22:35 and they wanted one of the radio station personalalities
22:38 to particite in a circus act--for publicity.
22:42 I s volunteered by the rest of the radio station s staff.
22:45 I thought I'd have a great time.
22:46 Maybe I'd drs up as a clown;
22:48 maybe d put my head in a lion's mouth.
22:51 I goa shock when I arrived at the circus on the big n night
22:55 and was introduced to
22:57 "The Great Luigi," I think k his name was.
23:00 He was a knife throwower.
23:03 I was going to have to stand in front of a boarard
23:06 whe the Great Luigi threw knives near me, past me-e--
23:11 hopefully not at me.
23:13 It's one of those,ne of those "wow" events,
23:15 kind odangerous, kind of a daredevil thing to do,
23:18 and I, I was terrified.. What if he missed?
23:22 He stood much further back than I I wished,
23:28 whwhich I thought may well My heart was pounding jeopardize my existenc in my chest.
23:31 I thout of how I wasn't gonna be able to say goodbye
23:33 to my mother.
23:34 Luigi saw that Ias terrified,
23:36 so he came up to me and he said to me,
23:39 "You'll be okaif you do two things."
23:42 I said, "What are thosose two things? I'll do them."
23:43 He said, "Listen to what I tell you, and do anytything I say."
23:49 No doubthat helped. [fanfare and drumroll]
23:51 There was a drumroll,, a cymbal clash,
23:55 a kne was thrown, and it hit...
23:58 the board behind me. [knife strikes wood]
24:00 That was good, but I look at Luigi,
24:01 and he h five knives left. ♪[dramatic music]♪
24:04 And theyll came, one after another
24:05 after another afafter another,
24:07 one of them so closese to my head
24:10 that I felt the breeze as it flew by.
24:13 But you know what did?
24:14 I did exactly what he told me, anI listened to what he said.
24:20 Faith in God is ju like that.
24:22 Faith is listening to God and trusting God
24:26 to do ththe right thing in your life.
24:28 Faith is believing Godnd expecting God's Word to do
24:33 what it says it will do.
24:35 Isaac's life was a lifef faith.
24:39 Let your life be a life of faiaith.
24:42 You u can trust God, and as you do,
24:45 expect Him to do great things in you.
24:50 >>Announcer: He was s the first human being ever created,
24:53 the father of the human family.
24:55 And in Adam's story we find some the highest and lowest points
24:58 of the human expernce.
25:00 Our freeffer today is "Great Characters of the Bible: Adam,m,"
25:03 part of the ongoing "GreatCharacters of the Bible" series.
25:07 To reive this free DVD,
25:08 call 800-253-3000
25:11 or visit us online at
25:14 That's 800-253-3000,
25:17 or visit
25:21 ♪[sofmusic]♪
25:22 >>John Bradshaw: There are some things
25:23 you dot want to forget, and there are some things
25:25 God specifically tells us to rememr.
25:29 At the dawn of time, thehe Creator of the universe
25:32 gifted to the human family a didivine prescription
25:35 r combating stress, busyness, and the pressures ofof daily life,
25:40 a regular blessing of time spent in the hea of God.
25:44 Don't miss "A Day to R Remember."
25:49 We'll travel to the largest in the world and rediscover heaven's purposese for your life. Ten Commandmts
25:53 "A Day to Remeer,"
25:54 a peonal God seeking a meaningful connection
25:57 with His children, a way forward for spitual renewal.
26:01 We'll open the Bible together
26:03 and learn that God hasblessings for His children
26:06 that are being overlooke and neglected.
26:09 Get more from God. Go dper in your faith.
26:12 "A Day to Rememember,"
26:14 watch now on I It Is Written TV.
26:17 ♪[music ends]♪♪
26:21 >>John: Let's pray together now.
26:23 Our Father in heaven, we thank You tay
26:25 for the example given us both Abraham and Isaac.
26:29 thank You for Isaac's life brought about by faitith
26:33 and thenen lived by faith.
26:35 He demonstrated faith as he turned to Yo
26:37 in life's big decisions.
26:39 Would You u give us grace to do that same thing?
26:41 Right now there's somemebody struggling with an illness,
26:44 with financial cllenges, with interpersonal issues.
26:48 And d I pray for that person at this moment,
26:51 asking You to move int her life, his life,
26:53 anand bring Your peace and Your presence.
26:56 And right now ere's somebody struggling
26:58 with an even bigger decision
27:00 Should I trust God with my life?
27:03 Should I surrend my life to Him?
27:06 Friend, if that's you, would youlift up your heart to God?
27:09 If you're able to, lift up your hand to God right now.
27:13 ReReach out to God and say,
27:14 "Lorord, I believe. I want to believe.
27:17 "Let Jesus live His lifefe in me.
27:20 I accept Him as my L Lord and Savior."
27:23 We thank You, Father in heaven, foforgiveness of sin.
27:25 We t thank You for a new life.
27:27 We thank You for the privilege of beingng able to call ourselves
27:31 the children of God Most High.
27:34 And, Father, keep us i in the hollow of Your hand,
27:36 not just now but forever.
27:38 In Jesus' name we prpray.
27:40 Amen.
27:42 Thank you so much for joining me.
27:43 m looking forward to seeing you again next time..
27:46 Until then, rememb:
27:48 "It is written, , 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
27:53 but byvery word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"'"
27:56 ♪[dramatitic theme music]♪
28:25 [music ends]♪♪


Revised 2021-09-18