It Is Written

A Thanksgiving Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW021241S

00:19 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written.
00:21 I'm John Bradshaw. ThThanks for joining me.
00:24 "It t has pleased Almighty God to prolong our natnal life
00:28 "another y year, defending us with His guardian care
00:32 "against unfendly designs from abroad,
00:35 "and vouchsafing to us in His mercy many a and signal victories
00:39 "over the enemy, who is of ourur own household.
00:43 "It has also pleased our Heavenly Fher
00:45 "to favor as well our citizens in their mes
00:47 "as our soldiers in their camps,nd our sailors
00:50 "on the riversrs and seas, with unusual health.
00:53 "He has largely auented our free population by emancipation
01:01 "and by immigration, while He "of wealth, and has crowned s opened to us new sources the labor r of our working men
01:04 in every department of industry withbundant rewards."
01:08 Isn't that something?
01:09 Thatat's not the kind of language that you hear tay.
01:11 This was part of a declaration
01:13 written by President Abraham Lincoln.
01:15 It was issssued on October the 20th, 1864.
01:18 And it went on to say,
01:20 "Now, therefore, I, Abham Lincoln,
01:22 "President of the United Stas, do hereby appoint and set apart
01:26 "the last Thursday in November nenext as a day which I desire
01:31 "to be obserd by all my fellow-citizens,
01:33 "wherever they may then be,, as a day of thanksgiving
01:37 "and praise to Almhty God, the beneficent Creator
01:41 "and Ruler of the Universe.
01:43 "And I do [further] rerecommend to my fellow-citizens aforesaid,
01:46 "that, on that occasion, they do reverentlyumble themselves
01:50 "in the dustst, and from thence offer up penitent and feent
01:55 "prayers and supplicications to the Great Disposer of events
01:59 "for a rurn of the inestimable blessings of peace,
02:03 "union, and harmrmony throughout the land
02:06 "which it has pleased Him toassign as a dwelling-place
02:09 "for ourselves and for our posterity
02:12 throughout all generations."
02:14 This washe president of the United States of America
02:18 urging citizens s to "reverently humble themselves in the dus
02:22 "and...offer up penitentand fervent prayers
02:29 and supplications" to God, "the Great Disposer of events." or, in t this case,
02:32 And d that's how Thanksgiving was born.
02:34 Of course, the story goes back much furtherer.
02:37 The Pilgrims arrrrived in this land in 1620,
02:40 landing at Plymouth Rock,
02:42 according to the historical accounts,
02:44 and quickly encotering serious challenges.
02:47 Forty-five of the 102 peopople who arrived on the Mayflower
02:51 dieded in the winter of 1620-1621.
02:55 Becoming established in t New World
02:57 was extraordinarily difficult.
02:59 It was brutally cold. Disease took a tererrible toll.
03:03 They didn't have nenearly enough supplies.
03:05 Willlliam Bradford, the leader of the Plymouth Cony, wrote,
03:09 "The dangers we great, but not desperate;
03:12 the fficulties were many, but not invincible."
03:15 That was very optimistic viewpoint
03:17 and offered by one who hadsurvived the hardships.
03:21 You can understand why the Plymouth cololonists celebrated
03:24 after their firstt harvest in 1621.
03:27 God had graciously saved them and prorovided for them.
03:32 They looked to God as ththe Giver of all good gifts,
03:35 understanding what James wrote when he said,
03:38 "Every good gift and every perfect gift i is from above,
03:42 "and comesown from the Father of lights,
03:44 with whothere is no variation or shadow of turning."
03:48 That's's James 1:17.
03:51 It was more than 200 years
03:52 after what we might call that f first Thanksgiving
03:55 that Thanksgiving was officially r recognized.
03:58 It's now celebrated in the Uned States every year,
04:01 initially a time of devotion God,
04:05 but now really a f family event-- which certainly isn't all bad.
04:08 FaFamily, food, a day off work for most,
04:11 and that's Thanksgivin
04:13 The Canadian version also started as an pression
04:16 of thanksgsgiving to God.
04:19 So what are you thankful for? Really thankful for?
04:22 If I were tohare with you what I'm thankful for
04:24 this Thanksgiving, I'd have to start by sayingng
04:27 I'm thankful for God,, for family, for you,
04:32 and for freedom.
04:34 Let's walk through some of thahat.
04:36 Many of the Pilgrims who o came to this country
04:38 were in search of religious freedom.
04:41 Mind you, once they got here,
04:42 they weren't espspecially gracious about extending
04:45 that religious freedom to others.
04:47 ThThis is from a report published by SwarthmorUniversity,
04:50 a scho located just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniaia,
04:53 and founded by Quars.
04:56 It's sobering reading.
04:58 "The first known Quakers to arrive in Bostoton
05:00 "and challengege Puritan religious domination
05:03 "were Mary Fisher and Ann stin.
05:06 "These two women entered Boston's harbor onhe Swallow,
05:10 "a ship from Barbadoss in July of 1656.
05:14 "The Puritans of Bosto greeted Fisher and Austin
05:17 "as if they carried the plagueue and severely brutalized them.
05:22 "The t two were strip searched, accused of witchcrt, jailed,
05:28 "deprived food, and were forced to leave Boston
05:32 on the Swallow when n it next left Boston eight weeks later."
05:36 Eight Quakers who arrived after the two o women
05:39 wewere imprisoned and beaten.
05:41 Authorities forc the captain who brought the eight Quakers
05:43 to Boston to take them back to England.
05:46 In his excellent book
05:47 "Roger Williams and the CrCreation of the American Soul,"
05:50 John M. Barry wrote,
05:52 "Massachusetts.imposed fines of ten shillings for attending
05:56 "a Quaker meeting, forty shillings s for speaking at one,
06:00 "and forty shillings for every hour s someone allowed
06:03 "a known Quaker to remain in his home.
06:06 "Quakers themselveves upon first conviction, if a man,
06:09 "lost an ear, upon second conviction, ththe other ear;
06:14 "if a woman, severe whippis for first and second offenses;
06:19 "f"for men and women both, upon third convictio
06:22 "the tgue would be bored with a red-hot iron.
06:26 anishment went without saying.
06:28 "Then, one month after cutting off the ear of one Quaker,
06:31 "Massachusetts spepecifically legislated death for Quakers
06:35 who returned after banishment."
06:38 w, while Quakers certainly did have some intereststing ideas,
06:41 you can't possibly justi persecuting someone
06:46 for their relious beliefs.
06:48 Around the world there are many people who riright now
06:51 are not free to o worship.
06:52 In some places faith in Jesus can cocost you your life.
06:58 But here wre we are free to worship,
07:00 the Pew Research forum publblished an article in 2019
07:04 titled "In U., Decline of Christianity
07:07 Continues at Rap Pace."
07:10 It showed at no matter how you cut it,
07:11 the number of f Christians in the United States is declining
07:16 FrFree to worship, and more and more people are oosing not to.
07:21 How thanul are you for your freedom to worship?
07:25 MiMight not be something you think about on a rular basis.
07:28 But according to the Bible, there's coming day
07:30 when releligious freedom won't exist for anyone.
07:35 This is Revelation, chapter 13, startingng in verse 1.
07:39 The Bible ys this:
07:41 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea,
07:43 "and saw a beast rise up out of the seaea,
07:46 "having seven heads and ten horns,
07:48 "and un his horns ten crowns,
07:50 "and upon his heheads the name of blasphemy.
07:54 "And the beast wch I saw was like unto a leopard,
07:56 "and his feet were a the feet of a bear,
07:58 "and his mouth as the momouth of a lion:
08:03 "and the d dragon gave him "and great authority. And I saw one of hisis heads his power, and his seat,
08:07 "as it were wounded to death;and his deadly wound was healed:
08:11 and all the world wondered after the beast."
08:16 The chapter goes on to sayay
08:18 that a s second beast would enforce worship.
08:21 And keep in mind, in Biblele prophecy,
08:24 a beasast represents a nation.
08:27 You'll see that in Daniel, chapter 7, verses 1717 and 23.
08:32 This is Revelation 13 and rse 15:
08:36 "And he had power to give life unto the image of f the beast,
08:40 "that the image of the beast shshould both speak,
08:43 "and cause thahat as many as would not worship
08:45 the image of the beast should be kikilled."
08:48 ToToday I'm thankful for freedom,
08:50 thankful to live in a country where frdom is valued,
08:54 thankful to liven a land where I'm free to worship
08:56 accoing to the dictates of my own conscience.
09:00 I'm m thankful for the Declaration of Independenc
09:02 which says, "That alall...are endowed by their Creator
09:06 withertain unalienable rights."
09:09 If you're thankful for yourur freedoms today,
09:12 what are you doing about those e freedoms?
09:15 I hope you'll utilize the freedom that God h has given you
09:18 and encourage others to know the Savior
09:20 that offers everlasting life to o all.
09:24 In his first letter to the Thessaloni church, Paul wrote,
09:28 "In every thing give thanks:
09:30 for this is the will of GoGod in Christ Jesus concerning you."
09:36 "In everery thing give thanks."
09:39 Everything? How is that possible?
09:42 I'll be right back.
09:43 ♪[music swells and ends]♪♪
09:53 >>Announcer 1: The gift of the HolSpirit.
09:55 But how do we take hold of i it?
09:57 To learn more, request your frecopy
09:59 of the booklet he Gift of the Spirit."
10:02 Simply call 800-253-3000.
10:07 That's's 800-253-3000.
10:10 You may also write to It Is Written,
10:13 PO Box 6, attanooga, TN 37401
10:18 orisit our website at
10:23 ♪[u[upbeat music]♪
10:26 >>AnAnnouncer 2: Planning for your financial fute
10:27 is a vitalspect of Christian stewardship.
10:31 For this rean, It Is Written is pleased to offer
10:34 free planned giving and estatate services.
10:37 For informatn on how we can help you,
10:39 please call 800-992-2219.
10:44 Call today
10:45 or visit our website,
10:48 Call 800-992-2219.9.
10:52 ♪[mususic ends]♪♪
10:54 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joining me on It Is Written.
10:56 What are you thankfufor? If your children are doing well,
11:01 if you're experiencing good health,
11:02 if you've comehrough a difficult medical situation,
11:05 if y have a job, money in the bank, food in the pantntry,
11:09 you're thankful.
11:10 And if you c check all of those boxes,
11:12 then you're in rare company.
11:14 In 2019, 34 million people in the United States
11:19 were said to be living bew the poverty line.
11:22 That's 1 in every 10.5 people.
11:25 The ited Nations reported that in the year 2015,
11:29 about 10 percent of the world's polation--
11:31 or 730 million people--
11:34 lid on less than $2 a day.
11:37 While the numbers of pple in extreme poverty
11:39 have beedeclining, the COVID-19 pandemic
11:42 saw those numbers rise by as much as 15050 million,
11:46 acrding to the World Bank.
11:48 I hope you can join me in saying that you're thanankful for Jesus.
11:53 I've not always been a a Christian.
11:55 I was raised to go to church,
11:57 but we weren't Bible readers by any means.
11:59 We prayed,d, before meals, but there wasn't a focus
12:03 on a personal relationship with Jesus.
12:06 I know what it meansns to be lost.
12:09 And I ow what it means to discover the hope
12:11 that Jesus offers d to enter into that hope
12:13 and claim the giftf salvation.
12:15 I know what it means to looook in the mirror
12:17 and see a lost sinner,
12:19 and then to look at Jesus and see a Savio
12:22 and to know that through faith in Him,
12:24 yoyou possess everlasting life.
12:27 So I'm thankful for Jesus.
12:29 I'm alsoso extremely thankful to be able to share theospel,
12:32 as thankful as I've ever been.
12:35 I've expienced the blessing
12:36 of seeing people turnn their lives around,
12:38 to begin living with hope and purpose,
12:40 to leave behind an old life that was leading them
12:43 down a dead-end street, and to step in a life
12:46 filled with hope and with the promomise of an eternal future.
12:49 I've had tt experience around the world.
12:51 I've seen witch docts come to faith in Jesus--
12:54 and medical doctorss and teachers
12:56 and moths and fathers and young people and elderly people,e,
13:00 many of whom have gone on to impact still others
13:02 for Christ and the gosospel.
13:04 And I'm ankful to be able to do what I do right here,
13:07 to join with you week after week
13:09 to look at the inciples of the Bible.
13:12 I love heang from people whose lives are impacted
13:14 through these e programs,
13:15 people who finhope in Jesus or grow in their faith
13:19 or invite Jesus into theirlife for the first time.
13:22 It's why we do what do.
13:24 And I want to say I'm thankful for ouream
13:26 here at It Is Written.
13:28 God still has us on ththe frontlines of ministry together.
13:32 I'm thankful my team c continues to get me home alive.
13:36 They've had me walking with lions, ha gliding,
13:39 ice skating--heywhich for me could have ended very badly--
13:43 standing in the shadow of a smoking volcano.
13:46 We've been in Sarajevo,
13:48 Manila, Berlin,
13:49 Melbourne,
13:50 Brussels,
13:51 Rome,
13:52 Ulaanbaatar,
13:54 Jerusalem,
13:55 Auschwitz.
13:57 WeWe've preached the Word of God in Africa andsia
13:59 and NoNorth America, South America, and the Caribbe,
14:02 d other places besides. And I'm thankful for thahat.
14:09 I'm thankful f a team that quite literally, to bring a saving knowlededge of Jesus has gone the extra mile,
14:12 to people that they'll neverknow this side of heaven.
14:16 I'm thankful f our mission teams,
14:17 who'veone around the world so that others can hear
14:20 the good news d be touched by the love of God.
14:23 I have a lot to be thankfuful for.
14:25 I have a wonderful family, a wonderful family.
14:29 I lilive in a free country.
14:30 And God has been good to me.
14:32 You know, , it's biblical to be thankful,
14:34 and it's literally good for you.
14:38 According to the Mayo Clinic, daily gratitude practice...
14:42 "has been shown to significantly incrcrease
14:44 yourur happiness--and your physical health."
14:48 Practicing gratitude improves sleep, booststs immunity,
14:53 and decreases the risk ofisease.
14:55 The Bible says, "A merry heart does good, like memedicine."
14:59 That's Pverbs 17:22.
15:02 And it's hard to be joyful if you're not thankfkful.
15:06 Thankfulness is a Christian duty.
15:08 What does say about your faith in God
15:10 if you canan't be thankful?
15:12 NoNot long after Israel had been liberated froslavery
15:15 in E Egypt, the people began complaining in the wderness.
15:19 Let's take a look at Numbersrs, chapter 21 and verse 5:
15:25 "And the people oke against God and against Moses:
15:29 "'Why have you brought u us up out of Egypt
15:32 "'to die in the wilderness? For there iso food and no water,
15:37 and r soul loathes this worthless bread.'"
15:41 That's true; they were wandering in a dert.
15:44 BuGod had just freed them from servitude.
15:47 He sent 10 maculous plagues,
15:49 a pillar of cloud, and a pillar of fire.
15:51 He opened up theed Sea.
15:52 He got them safely across the ocean flooror,
15:56 saved them from advancing Egyptian army.
15:58 And now, instead of thankingod for all that
16:01 and for r water out of a rock and for the bread
16:04 that was literally saving theieir lives, they pipe up
16:08 and y that they actually hate the bread from heaven..
16:13 Another translatn says,
16:14 "We are disgusted with this miserable food."
16:19 Unbelievable.
16:20 It was then that God allod venomous snakes
16:22 to m move among the people in the hope
16:24 that they would turn their attention back to Him.
16:28 In Jesus' day prosy was a dreaded disease.
16:33 When Jesus healed 10 leprous men,
16:36 only one returneto thank Jesus, and he was a Samaritan,
16:40 hated by the Jews.
16:42 The nine Jews dididn't thank Jesus.
16:45 Just that Samamaritan.
16:47 And so Jesus saidd in Luke, chapter 17,
16:51 "'Were there not tenleansed? But where are the nine?
16:56 "'Were there not any found w who returned to give glory to God
17:00 "except thisoreigner?'
17:02 "And He said to him, 'Arise, go your way.
17:06 Your f faith has made you well.'"
17:12 to be healed of leprosy How hahard a heart and not be thankful?l? do you have to have
17:16 Now, do you thank God daily for Hiblessing in your life?
17:21 Try this. Make a list of thingngs that you're thankful for.
17:25 t some time into it.
17:27 And then when you pray in the morning,,
17:29 pray your way through thatat list.
17:31 You'u'll start to realize just how much God does r you,
17:36 and it'll l give you plenty to pray about.
17:39 When you see how muc God is blessing you,
17:41 how much He's doing for yo
17:43 it'll strengthen yr faith; it'll open your heart.
17:46 It'll help you to alize just how good and how powerful
17:49 God is in your life.
17:52 Now, how can you be thkful in all things?
17:56 In a moment, I'll tell you about a mawho was grateful
18:00 when most people would not have been.
18:03 I'll be right back.
18:05 ♪[music swells and ends]♪♪
18:14 >>Announcer 1: The gift of t the Holy Spirit.
18:17 But how do we take holof it?
18:19 To learn more, request your freree copy
18:21 of the booklklet "The Gift of the Spirit."
18:24 Simply call 800-253-3000.
18:28 at's 800-253-3000.
18:32 You may also write to It Is Written,
18:34 PO Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401
18:39 oror visit our website at
18:45 >>John: You know that at It Is Writteten we are serious
18:48 about t studying the Word of God,
18:49 and we encourageou to be serious as well.
18:52 Well, here's what you
18:53 if you w want to dig deeper into God's Word.
18:55 Go to
18:57 for the It Is Writtenn Bible Study Guides online,
19:00 25 in-depth Bible studies that will takeou
19:03 through the major teteachings of the Bible.
19:05 You'll be blsed, and it's something
19:07 you'll want to tell others about as well.
19:10 Go fururther:
19:15 >>John: Miracles--events that can only be explained
19:19 as thehe actions of an all-powerful God.
19:22 If y you look at the Bible,
19:23 yoyou'll find it's full of miracles:
19:27 ♪[soft music]♪
19:28 parting the Red Sea, healing the blinind,
19:31 walking on water, raisg the dead.
19:35 Many have claimed these events ner happened. But did they?
19:40 Is it important for Christians to believe imiracles?
19:44 And do they still happen today?
19:46 Join me fofor "Do You Believe in Miracles?"
19:49 We'll meet some remarkableeople
19:50 and hearar some incredible stories.
19:53 We'll l learn what miracles are and what they're n.
19:56 And we'll discuss the greatest miracle of all time,
20:00 one that has significance for every human beining on earth
20:04 and the potential to changnge your life entirely.
20:08 "Do You Believe in Miracles?"
20:10 Brought to you by It Is itten TV.
20:13 ♪[musicnds]♪♪
20:16 >>John Bradshaw: It's easy to be ankful to God
20:18 when things are going well.
20:20 You get that raise; you find that bargrgain;
20:22 you get into that college you want to attendnd;
20:24 the weather is good fofor the outdoor wedding;
20:26 you got the job;
20:28 the report came back from the doctor all clearar.
20:30 You're thankful.
20:32 At Thanksgiving, w when you get with family,
20:33 if you do the thing wherere you go around the table
20:36 and ask people what they're thankful for,
20:38 it's the same kind of thing year aer year:
20:39 happy for the new baby,
20:41 happy Grandma could be wi us this year,
20:43 thankful the job is going well.
20:45 thankful that we wked away from that accident--
20:47 all veryeal, very legitimate, no doubt about that.
20:51 Now, let's rememberr that while Paul wrote,
20:54 "In every thing give thanks,
20:55 he didn'n't say, for everything give thanks.
20:59 You'rere probably not going to be that thankful thatrandma died
21:03 unexpectedly at the age of 73 in appently good health.
21:07 But you're gonnae thankful that you had your mother
21:09 until you were in your 5 50s
21:10 or that Granandma was such a big part of your life.
21:13 It's really hard to be thankful when n you lose a job,
21:15 but you can ank God for the way He has provided for you
21:18 and for ththe experience that you gained in that job
21:21 and for the friends you made..
21:23 You u can be thankful in all things.
21:26 Romans 8:28 says,
21:28 "And we know that all thin work together for good
21:32 "to those who love G, to those who are the called
21:35 according to His purpose."
21:38 You can be thankful that God d has a way through this--
21:41 or around this oout of this.
21:44 Life isn't all about getting our own way all l the time.
21:48 It's about allowin God to have His way
21:51 and trustingim in every circumstance.
21:54 There was a power outage,
21:55 and you lost everything in your freeze
21:58 You trusust God.
21:59 The r broke down, and you're not sure how in the worlrld
22:01 you're going to be able to affd the repair bill?
22:04 You trust God.
22:05 Thank Him in all things,
22:07 because He is still on the throne in heaven.
22:11 "[His mercies] are new everery morning;
22:14 great isis [His] faithfulness!"
22:16 That's Lamentations 3, verse 23.
22:20 But you u don't often hear people say,
22:22 "I'm thankful for this illness. I'm thankful I I got sick."
22:26 But let me tell you abouout a friend of mine.
22:28 Mike called me one day and tolde that he had cancer.
22:31 As he was plaining the situation,
22:33 the reception faded out.
22:35 I didn't catch all of what he said.
22:37 Wh I heard him say sounded like things
22:39 really weren't too serious, as farar as cancer goes.
22:43 At least, it sounded like situation
22:45 where he might have ha a lot of hope.
22:47 But when the reception sort of drififted back in,
22:51 I heard him say that medicine offered him hope at all.
22:56 I asked him how he t thought he was going to be.
22:59 He was upbeat--upbeat tohe point that I had to wonder
23:03 whether or not he acally got it.
23:06 Now, whenever you'd ask Mike how he was doing,
23:08 he'd answer by saying, "Graful."
23:11 "Mike, greato hear from you! How you doing?"
23:13 "I'm grateful."
23:14 "Mike, good to see you. How are things?"?"
23:16 "I'm grateful." Every time
23:20 Of cours his reply was just an invitation for you to ask h him
23:23 what he s grateful for, and he was always grateful
23:26 for the goodness of d, grateful for God's blessings.
23:30 Even as the cancer gotorse and worse, Mike was grateful,
23:36 always grateful.
23:38 "You wouldn't believe how many ors this has opened up
23:40 for me to share my faith," heould say.
23:42 He said to his mothe
23:43 "This cancer is the greatest witnessing t tool I've ever had."
23:48 He said, "If I mention t this"-- meaning his cancer--
23:50 "even the hardest heart is going to have
23:52 "a moment of symympathy for me, and that's long enough
23:55 for the e Holy Spirit to get through."
23:58 Anyone who called hihim on the phone or saw him on the street
24:00 couldn't possibly have heard a ppier voice
24:02 or seen a more genuine smile ththan the one on Mike's face.
24:05 Even though, even thouough he knew that his time was short,
24:10 he'd'd say, "Why wouldn't I be grateful?
24:13 "After I die, the xt thing I'm going to know
24:17 is the presence of the Lord."
24:19 Grateful.
24:21 As time went by, it became increangly obvious
24:23 that Mike really did get it.
24:26 Maybe it was the rest of us who were the onenes who didn't.
24:30 He was dying of a disease
24:31 that he ew was going to take his life,
24:34 and he was grateful.
24:36 I spoke at his funereral. It was a happy occasion.
24:40 ♪[soft music]♪
24:42 Don't wait for certain day to be thankful to God.
24:46 Don't wait f for your fortunes to improve
24:48 or your health to turn ound.
24:50 Remember tt 2,000 years ago,
24:52 a Man who'd been born and raised in a town
24:55 you otherwisise would never have heard of,
24:58 died on cross for you, the divine Son of God,
25:02 bearing your sins upon H heart.
25:05 He died so that you could live forever,
25:07 so tt whatever happens, you can have hope.
25:11 I'm grateful today because my life wiwill extend on
25:14 beyond this s world and into eternity
25:16 because of what Jesus has done,
25:18 because of the love that God hasin His heart for you and me.
25:23 How can you be anytything but grateful
25:25 for what God has done for you,
25:27 for what He'll do in you, what He is doing in you,
25:31 and for what He offers you as eternity draws nearer?
25:36 What are you grateful for today?
25:40 >>John: Thank you for reremembering that It Is Written
25:42 existsecause of the kindness of people just like you.
25:45 To support this international life-chahanging ministry,
25:49 please call us now at 800-253-3-3000.
25:53 You can send your tatax-deductible gift
25:54 to the address on your screen,
25:56 or you can visit us online at itiswritten.m.
26:00 Thank you for r your prayers and for your financial support
26:02 Our number again is 80253-3000,
26:07 or y you can visit us online at
26:11 >>John: You know that at Its Written we are serious
26:13 about studyiying the Word of God,
26:15 and we encourageou to be serious as well.
26:17 Well, here's what you do
26:18 if you wanant to dig deeper into God's Word.
26:21 Go to
26:23 for the It Is Written Bible Study Guides online,
26:26 25 in-depth Bible studies that will takeou
26:28 through the majorr teachings of the Bible.
26:31 You'lle blessed, and it's something
26:32 you'll want to t tell others about as well.
26:36 Go further:
26:41 >>John: Let's pray together now.
26:44 Our Father in heaven,
26:45 today we thank You in all things.
26:48 No matter our circumstances, You are God.
26:52 You offer hope and life
26:54 and eterl life.
26:56 You are forgiving and gracacious, and Your mercies endure forever.
27:00 You'rere always with us. You only want the best fors.
27:04 While we live in a world of sin and s sadness
27:06 anand far-too-frequent tragedy,
27:09 grow in us such trust, suchfaith, such love for You
27:13 that we'll turn to You in n faith, no matter our circumstances,
27:18 anthat our hearts will be full of thanks for the O One
27:20 who has s given everything so that we might live.
27:23 Friend, I encourage you toy to trust God,
27:26 to lean on the hope in His Word,
27:28 and to continunue looking in faith to Him.
27:32 Keep us now, ar Lord, we pray,
27:34 in Jesus' name,
27:37 amen.
27:38 Thanks so much f joining me.
27:39 I'm looking forward to seng you again next time.
27:42 Untitil then, remember:
27:44 "It is writt, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
27:48 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
27:52 ♪ramatic theme music]♪
28:23 ♪[music ends]♪♪


Revised 2021-11-18