Series Code: IIW
Program Code: IIW025291S
00:15 ♪[music ends]♪♪
00:19 ♪[reflective music]♪ 00:21 >>John Bradshaw: In the third chapter of the book of Daniel 00:23 we find a story, an historical account 00:27 that's also prophetic in nature, 00:29 and it speaks directly to earth's last days. 00:32 The book of Daniel was written 2,500 years ago, 00:35 600 years before Revelation. 00:38 It was written to reveal events that would take place 00:40 in the latter days and at the time of the end. 00:44 As Amos wrote, "Surely the Lord God does nothing, 00:47 unless He reveals His secret[s] to His servants the prophets." 00:52 The young man Daniel who wrote the book of Daniel 00:54 was a slave in Babylon. 00:56 Babylon was located in the Fertile Crescent, 00:59 a region that stretches north from Israel and Jordan, 01:02 up to Lebanon, Syria, and southern Turkey, 01:05 and down through Iraq and Iran to about the Persian Gulf. 01:09 Egypt, Lydia, and Medea were also 01:12 significant Middle-Eastern powers. 01:15 But Babylon was by far the dominant nation. 01:18 Nebuchadnezzar came against Jerusalem three times. 01:22 On the first occasion in 605 BC, 01:25 he forced King Jehoiakim of Judah to break with Egypt 01:29 and sign a treaty with Babylon. 01:31 Jehoiakim didn't honor his end of the bargain, 01:34 and things didn't turn out well for him or for Judah. 01:39 "The Lord sent against him raiding bands of Chaldeans, 01:43 "bands of Syrians, bands of Moabites, 01:45 "and bands of the people of Ammon; 01:48 "He sent them against Judah to destroy it, 01:50 "according to the word of the Lord which He had spoken 01:53 by His servants the prophets." 01:55 You find that in 2 Kings, chapter 24. 01:59 God told Judah they would be under Babylonian rule 02:02 for 70 years. 02:04 "After seventy years are completed at Babylon, 02:07 I will visit you and perform my good word toward you, 02:11 and cause you to return to this place." 02:14 And then we read a well-known Bible verse. [whoosh] 02:18 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, 02:22 "thoughts of peace and not of evil, 02:24 to give you a future and a hope." 02:26 Jeremiah 29:11. 02:28 That was said in the context of God assuring a rebellious people 02:33 that the trial, as severe as it was, 02:36 was intended to lead them to a better future, 02:39 to a place of faith. 02:41 The trials God allows to come to you are for the same purpose. 02:46 There might seem to be nothing redemptive 02:48 in a challenging diagnosis or a financial scrape or a job loss, 02:52 but anything God permits He permits to encourage you 02:57 to come closer to Him. 02:59 Too often people allow their trials 03:01 to push them away from God. It shouldn't be that way. 03:04 Hardships are a time to lean in to God, 03:07 not to get angry with God or harden your heart. 03:10 Judah was going into 70 years of captivity. 03:13 God was permitting that for their good. 03:16 [whoosh] ♪[orchestral music swells]♪ 03:20 [tinkling sound of wind-blown sand] 03:22 [whoosh, distant bell rings] 03:26 [wind blowing, sand swishing] 03:31 Without a doubt, one of the most remarkable stories 03:34 in the entire Bible is found in Daniel, chapter 3. 03:38 First, let's recap. 03:39 While a teenager, Daniel was taken from his home in Judah, 03:42 forcibly relocated to Babylon, 03:44 and pressed into the service of the king of Babylon. 03:47 In chapter 1, when beginning their training, 03:50 Daniel and his friends refused to eat the food 03:53 provided by the king, choosing instead of follow a simple diet 03:56 that honored God. They excelled. 04:00 And when the king himself examined them, 04:02 they were found to be "ten times better" 04:04 than all of their colleagues. 04:06 Then in Daniel 2, Daniel interpreted the king's 04:09 remarkable dream of a statue made from gold, silver, 04:12 brass, and iron, standing on feet of iron and clay. 04:16 A stone, cut out without hands, not of human origin, 04:20 crashed into the image and broke it to pieces, 04:23 and the entire thing was swept away, 04:26 while the stone became a great mountain that filled the earth. 04:29 That's the return of Jesus. 04:32 Daniel interpreted this dream to mean that kingdoms would arise, 04:36 first Babylon, then Medo-Persia, 04:39 then Greece and Rome, and then Rome would divide. 04:44 Daniel predicted in around 600 BC 04:47 what would take place in the world 04:49 over the next 2,500 years and beyond. 04:53 Daniel's predictions have proven to be stunningly accurate. 04:57 Clearly, the Word of God can be trusted and believed. 05:02 And now the incredible Daniel, chapter 3, 05:05 a life-and-death story that prefigures events 05:08 in the end of time. 05:10 It's a story with big implications, 05:12 and if you consider it carefully, it will shine a light 05:16 on the prophecies of earth's final days. 05:20 After the dream of Daniel 2, 05:22 the image made from different metals, 05:24 King Nebuchadnezzar had his artisans construct an image 05:28 made entirely out of gold. 05:31 His dream had made clear that Babylon would not last forever, 05:35 but here, he shook his fist in God's face, 05:38 making it clear that in his mind 05:41 things were going to work out differently. 05:43 The story starts bluntly: 05:46 "Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold." 05:49 And it was like nothing that had ever been seen. 05:53 Its "height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits. 05:57 "He set it up in the plain of Dura, 05:59 in the province of Babylon." 06:01 Sixty cubits high is around 90 to 100 feet, around 30 meters. 06:06 Now, Babylon used the sexagesimal system 06:08 of numbering, a system based on the number six. 06:12 Most nations today use the decimal system, 06:15 based on the number 10. 06:17 The Babylonian system gave us 60 seconds in a minute, 06:21 60 minutes in an hour, 360 degrees in a circle, and so on. 06:26 And if you're wondering about 666 in the book of Revelation, 06:31 you're making a good connection-- 06:33 with that number connecting directly to Babylon. 06:37 So, this image was roughly the height of a nine-story building. 06:41 Whether that was all statue or if the height 06:44 included a pedestal, we really don't know, 06:46 but either way it was tall. 06:49 And being as it was erected on a plain, 06:52 it would have been visible for miles. 06:55 Solid gold, gleaming in the shining Middle-Eastern sun-- 07:00 the king was making a statement. 07:04 He summoned anyone who was anyone to come 07:07 to the dedication of the image, 07:08 something Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did. 07:11 While they knew this was going in a bad direction, 07:15 they did everything they could to comply. 07:18 They were obedient to civil authority 07:21 as far as they were able. 07:23 But then, [whoosh] 07:25 "Then a herald cried aloud: 'To you it is commanded, 07:30 "'O peoples, nations, and languages, that at the time 07:33 "'you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, 07:37 "'and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, 07:40 "'you shall fall down and worship the gold[en] image 07:45 that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up." 07:47 They knew what God had said: 07:50 "Don't make graven images. Don't worship them." 07:53 The king had commanded, but God had forbidden. 07:57 So, what do you do in a situation like this? 08:00 The herald continued: "And whoever does not fall down 08:03 "and worship shall be cast immediately into the midst 08:07 of a burning fiery furnace." 08:09 Now, that upped the ante considerably. 08:12 The passage says that when the people heard the music play, 08:16 they all bowed down and worshiped the golden image. 08:21 Couldn't Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 08:23 have found a workaround? 08:24 Couldn't they have bent down to tie their sandals 08:27 or to scratch their ankles 08:28 or to, to look at something on the ground? 08:31 No. They wouldn't even give the impression 08:34 that they were compromising. 08:35 They didn't want it to even look like 08:38 they were worshiping that statue. 08:40 At that time, someone in the crowd approached the king 08:42 and informed him that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 08:45 did not bow down. 08:46 They were brought before the king, who was furious. 08:51 He told them that if they cooperated, all would be well. 08:54 "But if you do not worship, you shall be cast 08:57 "immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. 09:01 And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?" 09:06 They were facing certain death, 09:09 caught between courage and compromise, 09:12 caught between what they knew to be right and saving their lives, 09:15 between obeying God and paying the ultimate price. 09:20 ♪[somber music]♪ 09:22 What do you do when you're a young man, 09:24 you're in proximity to wealth and position, 09:27 you've got a great job in the king's inner circle, 09:30 and the most powerful man on the planet says, 09:34 "Worship an idol or else," 09:36 and when everyone else is doing it? 09:40 Peer pressure is nothing new. 09:42 Whether it's teenagers experimenting with drugs, 09:45 alcohol, or immorality, the culture at work 09:48 and the pressure to go along with the crowd, 09:51 the pressure to lie to get ahead or to misrepresent the facts 09:55 to get more sales, it's real. 09:57 The eyes of a nation were on three foreigners who didn't eat 10:02 the same food or drink the same wine or worship the same gods 10:07 as everyone else there that day. 10:10 What would they do? 10:12 You know, God is looking for people who will dare 10:16 to live their faith, who'll take their cue not from other people 10:20 but from heaven, who rely on the Bible as their guide for life, 10:26 even when other people don't. 10:29 God is looking for people who've looked at the cross 10:32 and decided they want to honor Jesus. 10:34 And if you've ever wondered how that works out, 10:37 watch and see what happens next. 10:40 The boys responded, "O Nebuchadnezzar, 10:43 "we have no need to answer you in this matter. 10:46 "If that is the case, our God whom we serve 10:49 "is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, 10:52 and He will deliver us from your hand, O King." 10:56 Was this bold? Was it courageous? 10:58 No. It's what people of faith do. 11:03 The king asked, "Who is the god who [is able to] deliver you 11:06 from my hands?" 11:07 Well, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego knew who that God was. 11:12 Keep this in mind--when another pagan ruler had sought 11:17 to kill God's people, God opened up the Red Sea. 11:21 Israel escaped, and the pharaoh lost his life. 11:25 They knew that story. 11:26 Only 100 years or so before this, an angel slew 11:30 185,000 Assyrian soldiers 11:35 as they were positioned to attack Jerusalem. 11:37 The boys knew that story. 11:39 Only a couple of years before this, 11:42 they'd been faithful to God when they just arrived in town, 11:44 and subsequently God revealed to Daniel the king's dream 11:48 and what it meant. 11:50 God had come through for the Hebrew boys and for His people 11:54 again and again, and they knew this. 11:57 So they had reason to be confident 11:58 in God's providence now. 12:01 And that's true for you. 12:03 You have the entire history of the Bible demonstrating to you 12:07 that God is faithful. 12:08 You have your own experience of how God time and again 12:12 has come through for you, provided for you, 12:14 done wonders for you. 12:16 When a friend of mine was visiting a prison, 12:19 he spoke to a rough inmate about God. 12:21 The man said he wasn't interested. 12:23 He said God wasn't real. 12:24 So my friend asked him, "Was there ever a time in your life 12:31 when God did something for you?" 12:32 The man thought about that. 12:34 He said, "You know, there was a time, one time." 12:37 He said, "I was fleeing the police 12:41 "when I lost control of the stolen car I was driving. 12:44 "It went up a bank, launched into the air; it flipped 12:47 "and was going to land right on its roof. 12:49 I called out, 'God, save me!'" 12:52 He said, "Everyone who saw the car afterwards was convinced 12:55 there's no way anyone could have made it out of there alive." 12:58 The man walked away without a scratch. 13:01 A week later, after reflecting on that, 13:03 that man gave his heart to Jesus, 13:06 and he's a Christian today. 13:08 You don't want to forget what God has done. 13:11 A friend of mine texted to let me know 13:13 that wildfires were heading towards his house. 13:16 His neighborhood was burning street by street, 13:20 and the flames were now at the top of his street. 13:23 Now, my wife and I, we prayed. 13:25 No doubt others were praying as well. 13:27 We prayed specifically that God would change the direction 13:30 of the wind and spare our friend's home 13:32 and the other houses on his street. 13:35 He got back to me later. The wind changed direction. 13:39 His house and the other houses on that street were spared, 13:44 even though all around them 13:46 houses were completely destroyed. 13:48 Now, come on. How good is our God? 13:51 So when you hear stories like that 13:53 or you experience something like that, 13:55 remember those stories and let them grow your faith 13:58 and strengthen your confidence in God. 14:00 That's what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did. 14:04 They remembered God's greatness. 14:08 And notice what they said: 14:10 "Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us 14:14 "from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us 14:18 "from you hand, O king. 14:20 "But if not, let it be known to you, O king, 14:23 "that we do not serve your gods, 14:26 nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up." 14:30 That is faith! 14:34 "God can deliver us. We believe God will deliver us. 14:38 "But if He doesn't, 14:39 we're still not going to worship your image." 14:42 That's one of the greatest stands made in the entire Bible. 14:46 It's like Joseph: I'm not sinning against God. 14:49 It's like Jacob: 14:51 "I will not let You go unless You bless me!" 14:53 It's like Abraham: 14:55 "God [shall] provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering." 15:00 God is able. 15:04 "But if He chooses not to, if we burn, 15:08 we're still not bowing down." 15:11 What an example! 15:12 Anyone can have faith when things are going smoothly. 15:15 The test of your faith is what you do 15:17 when you don't get what you ask for. 15:21 Does the fact that someone was not healed 15:22 mean that God isn't God? 15:24 You didn't get the job, and, and now God stopped being God? 15:27 Your spouse leaves you, your kids make poor decisions, 15:30 you were victimized somehow, and God is no longer God? 15:34 That cannot be true. 15:35 Even when things are rough, God is still God. 15:41 So what does the most powerful man in the world do 15:44 when three teenagers defy him? 15:48 And what does God do? 15:49 Nebuchadnezzar was so mad the expression on his face changed, 15:53 and he gave the command 15:54 to heat the furnace seven times higher than usual. 15:58 Now, whether that's actual seven literal times high 16:02 or symbolic doesn't really matter. 16:04 He made it hotter, and in Iraq, with its abundant resources 16:08 of oil and so forth, he had the means to do so. 16:12 He gave the order for the young men 16:13 to be cast into a fiery furnace. 16:15 And the heat was so intense that the soldiers, 16:19 who threw those young men into the flames, 16:21 were themselves killed. 16:23 In those boys went. 16:26 Three young men, likely still teenagers, 16:30 cast into a furnace like garbage might have been. 16:34 Their lives sacrificed because of the arrogance and pride, 16:39 because of the rebellion in the heart of a man 16:41 who one chapter earlier had said, 16:44 "Truly your God is the God of gods, 16:46 the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets." 16:50 But none of that is what's most fascinating about this story. 16:54 As I said earlier, this story is history--and prophecy. 16:59 It's a story about what happened about 600 years 17:01 before Jesus was born. 17:03 And it's a story about what is going to happen 17:06 in the end of time before Jesus returns. 17:10 As we've learned, the book of Revelation is built 17:13 upon the book of Daniel, and because history repeats, 17:18 we're going to see the same scenario 17:20 repeated in the close of time. 17:22 In Daniel 3, a king makes an image and commands people 17:27 to worship it, contrary to the Word of God. 17:30 In Revelation 13, in the heart of the global end-time conflict, 17:36 there's another image, an image to the beast. 17:40 Verse 15 says, [whoosh] 17:42 "He was granted power to give breath 17:43 "to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast 17:46 "should both speak and cause as many 17:48 as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed." 17:53 An image again--this time, not an actual statue 17:59 but an image of a likeness to the beast of Revelation 13, 18:04 combining the trappings of religion 18:07 and the might of the state. 18:09 just as we see in Daniel 3. 18:13 Just as Nebuchadnezzar compelled the conscience of all, 18:16 the same will happen again. 18:18 And just as the king of Babylon threatened the faithful ones 18:21 with death, Revelation 13 says 18:23 the same scenario will play out once more. 18:27 Those who won't worship the image of the beast 18:30 will be threatened with death. 18:31 No, God's not trying to scare anyone--that's the devil's MO. 18:35 God's trying to prepare everyone. 18:39 Christianity is surrendering your heart to Jesus 18:42 so that when things are going well, 18:44 you're turning to Him like a flower turns to face the sun. 18:47 And when things are not going so great, you'll do the same. 18:52 And in all things, you'll be faithful, 18:54 according to God's Word. 18:56 But this story that overshadows events 18:59 to take place in the world at the end of time, 19:02 how did this story turn out? 19:04 What became of the three young men thrown into a kiln 19:09 heated seven times hotter than usual? 19:14 "These three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, 19:18 "fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. 19:23 "Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished; 19:26 "and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors, 19:30 "'Did we not cast three men bound into the midst 19:34 "of the fire?' They answered and said to the king, 19:36 "'True, O king.' 'Look!' he answered, 19:41 "'I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; 19:46 "'and they are not hurt, 19:48 and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.'" 19:54 The three worthies, as they're often called, 19:57 weren't harmed by the flames of that furnace 20:00 or troubled by the intense heat. 20:03 Instead, when they stood for God, 20:06 Jesus appeared and stood for them. 20:09 The pagan king was able to say he saw a fourth person 20:12 who was like the Son of God 20:15 because he had seen Jesus in them. 20:18 He called to them to come out of the furnace, 20:20 "these men on whose bodies the fire had no power; 20:23 "the hair of their head was not singed 20:25 "nor were their garments affected, 20:27 and the smell of fire was not on them." 20:31 All that was damaged by the fire 20:34 were the Babylonian ropes that bound them. 20:36 See, when God allows you to step into the furnace of affliction, 20:40 it's to burn out of your life whatever is Babylonian. 20:44 As Malachi wrote, "He shall purify the sons of Levi..., 20:48 "that they may offer unto the Lord 20:50 an offering in righteousness." 20:53 Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, 20:55 "'Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, 20:58 "'and Abed-Nego, who sent His Angel and delivered His servants 21:01 "'who trusted in Him, and they have frustrated the king's word, 21:05 "'and yielded their bodies, 21:06 "'that they should not serve nor worship any god 21:10 "'except their own God! 21:12 "'Therefore I make a decree that any people, nation, 21:16 "'or language which speaks anything amiss against the God 21:19 "'of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 21:22 "'shall be cut in pieces, 21:24 "'and their houses shall be made an ash heap; 21:27 "because there is no other God who can deliver like this.' 21:31 "Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 21:36 in the province of Babylon." 21:38 Looking ahead to earth's last days, we can say with the king, 21:42 "There is no other God who can deliver like this." 21:45 That's 100 percent undeniably true. 21:50 With an eye on the end of time, Daniel 3 reveals that God 21:53 is faithful, He is able, and that He's a great deliverer. 21:58 Three captives revealed to the world, 22:00 in a story that survived more than 2,500 years, 22:04 that when you make a stand for God, Jesus stands with you. 22:11 Are you willing to make a stand today? 22:14 Is there an area of your life 22:16 you need to surrender more fully to God? 22:18 Maybe it's a matter of making a decision for the first time. 22:21 Amidst the prophecies and the symbols and the stories, 22:24 we see that Daniel is a book of salvation. 22:28 Three chapters in and we see that God is doing all He can 22:31 to reach a pagan king. 22:34 This idolater was special to God, 22:37 as are all the sinners of the world. 22:41 Judah was in Babylon so God could get through 22:43 to their hard hearts, and while they were there, 22:46 God wanted to use them to reach this hardened 22:51 Middle-Eastern monarch. 22:54 What would become of King Nebuchadnezzar? 22:57 Would he give his heart to the God of heaven? 22:59 We'll find that out next time. 23:01 But what will become of you? 23:04 Jesus died for you. 23:05 God wants for you to be in heaven. 23:10 The Spirit of God is speaking to your heart, 23:13 inviting you to make a decision for Jesus. 23:18 Why don't you make that decision for Jesus now? 23:21 Invite Him to take your sins and give you the gift 23:25 of everlasting life, knowing that He will. 23:28 Jesus died for you. God loves you. 23:32 And if you'll make the decision right now, 23:34 you can become a saved child of God. 23:39 Now, there's something I want you to see, 23:40 something I'd like to give you. 23:41 It's a little book that I've written to go along 23:43 with this very series of programs. 23:45 It's absolutely free, and I'd love you to get it right now. 23:50 >>announcer: To get today's free offer, 23:52 "The Stories of Daniel," 23:53 call 800-253-3000. 23:56 That's 800-253-3000. 23:59 You can request "The Stories of Daniel" 24:01 online at 24:05 You can write to the address on your screen 24:06 or text "freedaniel" to 71392. 24:10 "The Stories of Daniel," faith-building stories 24:14 given by God to prepare you 24:15 for the major events of earth's last days. 24:18 "The Stories of Daniel," 24:20 call 800-253-3000. 24:23 Go to 24:26 or text "freedaniel" to 71392. 24:30 Grow your faith as you prepare for the return of Jesus. 24:36 >>John: He was a troubled child and a troublemaker, 24:39 but when he gave his life to God, 24:41 George Müller became a global sensation 24:44 whose life of faith in God 24:46 has been an example to people all over the world. 24:50 Don't miss "Men of Faith: George Müller." 24:53 We'll visit Bristol in England where Müller was a church pastor 24:57 before building orphanages which raised, educated, 25:00 and provided vocational training for thousands of children 25:04 without Müller ever asking anyone for money. 25:07 He was the man who relied on God for everything, 25:11 the man whose father begged him not to be a missionary. 25:14 We'll visit the museum dedicated to his life and ministry 25:17 and speak to those responsible for preserving his legacy today. 25:21 Learn how you can have faith in all circumstances at any time. 25:26 Don't miss "Men of Faith: George Müller," 25:29 brought to you by It Is Written TV. 25:35 >>John: Thank you for remembering that It Is Written 25:37 exists because of the kindness of people just like you. 25:41 To support this international life-changing ministry, 25:43 please call us now at 800-253-3000. 25:48 You can send your tax-deductible gift 25:49 to the address on your screen, 25:51 or you can visit us online at 25:55 Thank you for your prayers and your financial support. 25:57 Our number again is 800-253-3000, 26:01 or you can visit us online at 26:06 >>John: Let's pray together now. 26:07 Our Father in heaven, in Jesus' name we come to You, 26:10 thanking You that You are a great deliverer, 26:12 thanking You that You would even go after the heart 26:14 of a hardened Middle-Eastern monarch, 26:17 and grateful that in time of huge distress, 26:21 You delivered the three young men who were faithful. 26:25 We are grateful that You deliver us. 26:28 And right now there's somebody in the midst 26:30 of a, a fiery furnace experience. 26:33 Deliver that one right now, 26:35 or keep that person's faith strong, 26:39 even in the midst of difficulty. 26:42 Lord, we look forward to the day when Jesus returns. 26:45 We're thankful that one day gravity will lose its hold 26:48 on the soles of our feet, 26:49 and we will go up to be with You forever. 26:54 So now take our hearts, make us Yours. 26:58 We believe You're coming back for Your own. 27:00 Friend, would you make that decision to Jesus right now? 27:03 Would you say, "Jesus, be my Lord and Savior. 27:05 I trust You with my life. Change my heart. 27:08 I give it to You now." If you pray that prayer, 27:10 you know that God will do what only God can do. 27:13 Then when we say "amen," you can know that your burden 27:15 has been taken, your sins have been assumed by Jesus, 27:20 and they were borne to the cross for you. 27:23 We thank You, dear Lord. 27:24 Keep us, we pray. We trust in You. 27:27 And we believe that the God who saved Shadrach, Meshach, 27:30 and Abed-Nego saves us now through faith in Jesus. 27:34 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 27:38 Thank you so much for joining me. 27:39 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time. 27:41 Until then, remember: 27:43 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, 27:46 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" 27:50 ♪[dramatic, triumphant theme music]♪ 28:26 ♪[music ends]♪♪ |
Revised 2025-02-27