It Is Written Canada

I Want More Joy In My Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC202219S

00:01 >> Hello and welcome to It Is
00:03 Written Canada.
00:05 Did you know that when you are
00:07 happy, you are actually
00:09 healthier?
00:10 >> It is true.
00:11 When the Bible says, "A merry
00:13 heart does good like medicine,
00:15 but a broken spirit dries up
00:17 the bones," it supports the
00:19 scientific evidence that white
00:21 blood cells develop in yellow
00:23 bone marrow.
00:25 [RENÉ] This is significant
00:26 because white blood cells are
00:28 probably the most important
00:29 part of your immune system
00:31 because they are a whole
00:33 collection of different cells
00:35 that work together to destroy
00:36 bacteria and viruses.
00:39 >> Solomon was inspired to
00:40 write this verse because it's
00:42 true, a merry heart does do
00:45 good like medicine, but a
00:46 broken spirit dries up
00:47 the bones.
00:48 Science has discovered that
00:51 happiness does equal
00:53 healthiness.
00:54 >> In one study, researchers
00:56 gave volunteers a survey to
00:59 measure their levels of
01:00 happiness.
01:00 [MIKE] And then they injected
01:02 them with, get this, a strain
01:04 of the coronavirus.
01:05 [RENÉ] A week later, the
01:07 individuals who were happier
01:08 before the start of the study
01:10 had fought off the flu virus
01:12 much better than the less happy
01:14 individuals.
01:15 >> They didn't just feel better
01:17 either, they actually had fewer
01:19 abjective symptoms of illness
01:21 as measured by doctors.
01:23 Less sneezing, coughing,
01:25 inflammation, and congestion.
01:27 >> So it's true, happiness is
01:30 good for you.
01:31 Both the Bible and science
01:33 proves this.
01:33 >> So the real question is,
01:35 where do we find this
01:37 happiness?
01:38 >> Today on It Is Written
01:39 Canada, you will meet Bailey
01:40 Müller and other healthcare
01:42 enthusiasts who will share with
01:44 you practical, effective ways
01:47 you can experience more joy and
01:49 happiness in your life.
01:54 ♪♪
02:37 >> Welcome again to It Is
02:38 Written Canada.
02:39 Today on our show, we will be
02:42 speaking to our good friend,
02:43 Bailey Müller.
02:45 [RENÉ] Bailey is a personal
02:47 trainer, lifestyle health
02:49 coach, and health enthusiast
02:51 who happens to be in charge of
02:53 our social media at It Is
02:54 Written Canada and our
02:56 health Podcast.
02:58 >> Along with Bailey, other
02:59 healthcare professionals will
03:01 share with you some effective
03:03 ways that you can get more joy
03:06 into your life.
03:07 Bailey, welcome to It Is
03:08 Written Canada.
03:10 >> It's good to be here.
03:11 >> So take us into the
03:13 research, what does the
03:14 research tell us about the
03:16 health benefits of a person
03:18 feeling happy and joyful?
03:20 >> It's actually super
03:21 interesting 'cause as I was
03:22 looking more into it, there are
03:25 two different directions that
03:27 happiness can take in affecting
03:29 your health.
03:30 It can take a direct route or
03:32 an indirect route.
03:33 And what I mean by that, so,
03:34 for example, the direct route
03:35 would be that happiness
03:37 actually directly impacts your
03:39 cortisol levels.
03:40 So it'll lower it.
03:42 Happiness also will affect your
03:44 sleep, it helps you sleep
03:47 better than the average unhappy
03:49 person and it affects your
03:51 immunity.
03:53 So, like you mentioned at the
03:54 beginning, if you gave someone
03:56 a shot, happier people tended
03:59 to fair three times as good or
04:02 better than the unhappy people
04:04 overall in their recovery.
04:07 And then indirectly, it affects
04:09 your health and promotes
04:11 healthy habits.
04:13 So a healthy person is more
04:15 likely to eat fruits and
04:17 vegetables and we know that a
04:18 healthy diet is healthy and
04:21 they're more likely to
04:22 exercise.
04:23 I think the actual numbers
04:25 were they exercised over ten
04:27 hours a week more than the
04:29 unhappy person which is quite
04:30 substantial and then back to
04:32 unhappy people, just don't
04:34 sleep as well which has a whole
04:36 host of effects.
04:37 So all in all, happiness has a
04:41 all-encompassing approach to
04:43 affecting our health.
04:45 >> And, Bailey, can you tell us
04:47 what the Bible says about the
04:49 health benefits of being joyful
04:51 or happy?
04:53 >> You actually mentioned one
04:54 of the verses that I wanted to
04:55 share already, but I wanna
04:56 share it again, is Proverbs
04:57 17:22, that a merry heart does
05:01 good like a medicine and a
05:02 broken spirit dries the bones
05:04 and science has proven that
05:06 multiple times.
05:07 But other verses that struck me
05:10 were Nehemiah 8:10 that says,
05:13 "The joy of the Lord is my
05:14 strength," and that makes me
05:16 think, well, what is God's joy,
05:17 and I think we will touch on
05:18 that later, but God's joy is
05:21 our strength.
05:22 And then in Proverbs 12, it
05:24 also says that anxiety of the
05:26 heart causes depression, but a
05:28 good word makes it glad.
05:30 And that just spoke to me so
05:32 much because when we are
05:35 depressed, we need a good word,
05:37 that good word can come from a
05:38 friend, it can come from
05:40 family, and it can come from
05:40 God's word which is The Good
05:42 Word and that will make us
05:44 happy which, as we already
05:46 know, happiness leads to
05:47 health.
05:49 >> So if you say, "Okay, I want
05:53 to be happy," can I make myself
05:55 happy by choosing to be happy?
05:58 >> Oh, that's a really good
05:59 question.
06:00 I know that that's been a
06:03 question that a lot of
06:04 researchers have been trying to
06:05 figure out, too, like, what
06:07 constitutes happiness?
06:08 Can we actually be happy just
06:10 by choosing it?
06:12 There was a lady, a professor,
06:13 from the University of Toronto
06:15 named Brett Ford and she had
06:17 discovered that the Easterners,
06:21 the answer was yes, so that
06:22 would be the Chinese and the
06:24 Filipinos and counter-- and of
06:27 the like, and the Westerners
06:29 which is us Canadians and our
06:30 American friends in this area,
06:33 the answer was no, they
06:34 couldn't make themselves happy.
06:36 And so this baffled her a
06:38 little bit and she wanted to
06:39 get to the root of it, like,
06:40 why is this the case, why can
06:42 Easterners make themselves
06:43 happy, so to speak, and
06:44 Westerners can't?
06:45 So she conducted a study and
06:49 had the two various groups and
06:50 showed them a picture and this
06:53 first picture was a crowd of
06:55 people and a leader standing at
06:56 the front and the Westerners
06:59 described the strength in the
07:01 leadership and the abilities of
07:02 that leader and the Easterners,
07:05 when they looked at the
07:06 picture, they described the
07:07 strength and the unity
07:09 of the group.
07:10 And she was like, "Wow, that's
07:12 so interesting," so she showed
07:13 them another picture and in
07:15 this picture there's a whole
07:16 bunch of sad faces and one
07:19 smiling face.
07:21 The question was, is this
07:22 person happy?
07:24 And the Westerners were like,
07:25 "Of course, of course that face
07:27 is happy, it's smiling, that
07:28 means, you know, smile means
07:30 happy," and the Easterners
07:32 said, "There's no way that man
07:34 can be happy because everyone
07:36 else is sad so they would make
07:39 this person sad, it must be
07:41 they're just putting on a show."
07:43 And these responses that she
07:46 was getting in just blew her
07:48 away and she realized that us
07:50 in the West tend to have this
07:52 mindset of "It's all about me,"
07:54 whereas in the East, it's all
07:56 about us, it's the collective,
07:58 it's the group, it's the unity.
08:00 And I believe that this follows
08:02 Jesus's example.
08:04 When He was on earth, the Son
08:05 of Man did not come to be
08:07 served, but to serve and I
08:09 believe that encompasses the
08:11 verse I shared earlier,
08:12 Nehemiah 8:10 that says, "The
08:14 joy of the Lord is your
08:16 strength," this is Jesus's joy
08:17 is serving others and when we
08:19 adopt that as our joy, it's
08:21 only then that we'll experience
08:23 true happiness, it's not going
08:24 to be, "I wanna be happy so I'm
08:27 going to do this and this and
08:28 buy this and this and then I'll
08:29 be happy," it's never fruitful.
08:32 >> So let's talk about
08:34 gratitude and expressions of
08:35 gratitude, does that affect
08:37 your health and your happiness?
08:40 >> This-- so when I was in
08:42 working at an academy out in
08:44 British Columbia, I came across
08:46 this verse that said, "The
08:49 works of the Lord establish
08:50 your thoughts," something along
08:52 that line, and I was so
08:53 intrigued, I'm like, "But I
08:55 thought it's your thoughts that
08:56 then affect your works," but it
09:00 was worded the other way so I'm
09:01 like, "Okay, so that means we
09:02 can do something that'll affect
09:04 our thinking."
09:06 So I wanted to conduct an
09:08 experiment and working at a
09:10 high school I could do that, I
09:11 had lots of people that I could
09:13 reach out to to be my
09:15 participants and I put it out
09:18 there for them to sign up.
09:20 Had lots of people sign up, so
09:21 I split them into groups and
09:23 one of the groups that I put
09:24 them into was writing three
09:26 things you're thankful for
09:27 every day, why you were
09:29 thankful for them, and how you
09:31 would picture life if you
09:32 didn't have those things.
09:34 And then there were two other
09:35 groups, one was speaking
09:37 positively and the other was
09:39 writing a thank you note to
09:40 someone every single day.
09:43 So at the beginning of this
09:44 experiment, very unprofessional
09:47 experiment that I conducted, I
09:49 had everyone do a survey at the
09:52 beginning and it was just a
09:55 personal inventory of your
09:56 happiness score so there was
09:58 nothing scientific about it,
10:00 it's just perceived.
10:01 They took the test and then
10:03 they were on this one-month
10:05 plan that I had for them where
10:07 they had to do this task
10:09 every day.
10:10 And I'll cut to the chase, at
10:13 the end there was-- or halfway
10:14 through there was a student
10:16 that came to me and she's like,
10:17 "This isn't working, it's not,
10:19 like, I don't understand what
10:20 you're making me do, but this
10:22 sucks," I'm like, "Okay, well,
10:24 can you show me--" she was in
10:25 the gratitude group, "Can you
10:28 show me your journal?"
10:30 So she brought it to me and she
10:31 set it in front of me and I
10:33 noticed that she had three
10:35 lines of things she was
10:36 thankful for and pages of
10:38 things that were going wrong
10:40 and that she hated and that
10:41 were annoying her or stressing
10:43 her out.
10:43 I'm like, "Okay, I know I said
10:45 only three things you were
10:46 thankful for, but I also want
10:48 you to try to exclude some of
10:51 these negative pages you have
10:53 here, try to just keep it
10:54 positive," and so she continued
10:56 the next two weeks and at the
10:58 end, she came to me, she's
10:59 like, "I don't know what you
11:01 did to me, but I feel so good!"
11:03 [laughter]
11:04 She's like, "I got free
11:05 labour," which is, she was late
11:07 enough to enough appointments
11:08 that she had some disciplinary
11:10 action so she had to do
11:12 something and she was singing
11:14 on the way to go do this task
11:15 and she's like, "I don't know!
11:16 I don't sing when I have to do,
11:17 like, bad things!" and she's
11:19 like, "But it's so different!"
11:21 And she took her test again at
11:24 the end and her scores were the
11:26 highest out of, I mean, out of
11:29 any group.
11:30 All of the groups got better,
11:32 but hers was exponential and
11:35 that just showed me, like, yes,
11:37 there are things that you can
11:38 do, especially gratitude and
11:40 keeping track of it, writing it
11:42 down actually does make a
11:43 difference because your
11:45 thoughts are kind of elusive,
11:46 they're not very concrete so
11:47 when you write down the things
11:49 you're thankful for every day
11:50 so faithfully, it opens your
11:52 eyes to how good God is.
11:57 >> There's a new field in
11:58 science emerging call the
12:00 "science of gratitude," in
12:01 fact, a book was written by a
12:02 Brendan Kelly called The
12:04 Science of Happiness and it
12:06 shows that when we are actually
12:08 grateful and when we have this
12:10 thankful spirit, it actually is
12:13 contagious.
12:14 What we also found is that in
12:17 the science of gratitude, it
12:18 actually has a synchronized
12:20 activation of some regions of
12:22 the brain where it lights up
12:25 certain parts of the structures
12:28 of our brain.
12:29 Part of that actually has to do
12:31 with helping stimulate the
12:32 brain to release serotonin and
12:35 dopamine which are part of the
12:37 pleasure pathways of the brain.
12:39 So it's amazing what gratitude
12:41 can do, thankfulness can
12:42 actually light up that part of
12:45 the brain and actually promote
12:47 our wellness and well-being
12:49 overall.
12:49 So I really believe that it's
12:51 important that we take some
12:52 time every day to find at least
12:54 one thing, if not more, to be
12:56 thankful for.
12:57 If we start our day on the note
12:59 of thankfulness or gratitude,
13:01 no matter what happens to us
13:03 during the day, we have a
13:04 reference point that we can go
13:06 back to.
13:07 The Bible says that the joy of
13:09 the Lord is our strength and
13:12 there's one more verse that I
13:13 like also, Psalm 30, verse 5
13:15 that tells us that weeping may
13:17 endure for the night, but joy
13:19 comes in the morning.
13:21 So every new morning we can
13:23 experience joy and happiness
13:25 and find something to be
13:28 thankful for.
13:29 Let's move from just
13:31 thanksgiving to what I like to
13:32 call, "thanks-living."
13:38 >> Hi, I'm Arlete Susana and
13:39 this is my sister-in-law.
13:41 >> Hi, I'm Cathy.
13:42 Mood and food really go
13:43 together and they affect each
13:45 other, right?
13:46 And there's something about
13:47 enjoying a meal with family and
13:49 friends.
13:50 But when it comes to dessert,
13:52 that's a whole different level.
13:54 It really creates joy in people.
13:56 >> But the wrong types of
13:57 desserts can really create
13:59 problems in the long run,
14:00 especially desserts that are
14:01 made with refined sugars,
14:03 unbleached flour...
14:04 So today we're going to show
14:05 you a no-bake-- they're
14:07 actually called "donut holes"
14:08 so they're kind of like Tim
14:09 Bits, but a healthy version
14:10 using natural sweeteners.
14:12 So let's get to it.
14:13 >> So right here we have
14:14 already dates that have been
14:17 processed, there's a cup of
14:18 dates here.
14:19 [ARLETE] And then we also have
14:20 a cup of raw cashews.
14:22 You can use raw walnuts as well
14:23 or a combination of the two.
14:25 [CATHY] We have here almond
14:26 flour and that's 3/4 cup almond
14:29 flour here and 1/3 of a cup
14:31 coconut flour.
14:32 [ARLETE] That's right.
14:33 And for your wet ingredients,
14:34 we have 4 tablespoons of lemon
14:36 juice which is pretty much the
14:37 juice of a full lemon as well
14:39 as the zest of that lemon,
14:40 should add up to about a
14:41 tablespoon of lemon zest.
14:43 Then we have 2 and 1/2
14:45 tablespoons of chia seeds and
14:47 then 2 teaspoons of beautiful,
14:50 natural vanilla.
14:51 We're gonna go ahead and add
14:53 the cashews.
14:54 >> Okay.
14:57 >> As well as the--
14:58 both flours.
15:00 So you have your coconut flour
15:02 and your almond flour and then
15:03 you process that, pulsing it,
15:07 for about 20 to 30 seconds
15:09 until you get a fine meal.
15:11 [blender whirring]
15:16 >> Just what-- yeah, just a
15:17 little bit more...
15:19 ...just to make sure.
15:20 Let's check.
15:21 >> We don't want it to get it
15:21 into a butter, just process it
15:23 so that it's a nice meal.
15:25 Let's try it with a spatula.
15:26 >> Yeah, check
15:27 underneath if it's...
15:28 >> Yep, it's perfect.
15:30 So you want the consistency of
15:32 a fine meal, almost like a
15:34 flour so that your cashews are
15:36 blended in and what we're gonna
15:37 do is we're gonna add the
15:39 processed dates back into it
15:41 and then add our wet
15:43 ingredients.
15:44 So we're gonna go ahead and add
15:47 the 4 tablespoons of lemon
15:48 juice as we mentioned, just add
15:51 it all together, zest...
15:53 Actually, let me borrow that,
15:55 that would be helpful.
15:56 [CATHY] Absolutely.
15:57 [ARLETE] Thank you.
15:58 And so we have the lemon zest,
15:59 it smells so fresh.
16:00 >> Yeah.
16:02 >> And then the chia seeds...
16:06 ...and the vanilla.
16:07 [blender whirring]
16:12 >> Okay, let's see how
16:13 this looks.
16:14 >> And it looks like this.
16:15 I don't know if you can see it
16:16 very well, but it's a nice
16:18 thick...
16:20 ...cakey mixture, even though
16:22 it's not baked.
16:23 And that's the texture that the
16:24 ground almond flour and coconut
16:26 flour will give you.
16:27 And we're going to scoop our
16:30 mixture, our dough mixture,
16:31 into Tim-Bit-sized-- shape it
16:33 into a nice little ball.
16:35 You roll it into a ball.
16:36 >> It's a lot easier with
16:37 the hands.
16:39 >> Until you have something
16:40 like that.
16:40 >> Okay, now we've brought our
16:42 donut holes from the freezer,
16:44 they're set, and now they're
16:45 ready for our glaze.
16:46 [ARLETE] To make the glaze,
16:47 it's quite simple, we're using
16:48 4 tablespoons of coconut oil
16:50 that's been melted, you can
16:52 melt it just in some warm
16:54 water, and...
16:55 >> Should I put it in?
16:56 >> Yeah, you can put it in.
16:57 A tablespoon of maple syrup, a
16:59 tablespoon of lemon juice, and
17:01 about a teaspoon of lemon zest,
17:02 just to give it that nice
17:04 fresh flavour.
17:05 You stir it in nicely and what
17:07 we're gonna do is we're
17:08 basically going to take each
17:11 donut hole, dip it into the
17:12 glaze, and set it back on the
17:15 baking tray.
17:16 And you're gonna repeat this
17:17 process with each of the donut
17:19 holes until they're all coated
17:21 and we're gonna put them back
17:22 in the freezer to set for
17:24 another ten minutes or so,
17:25 until they're nicely set.
17:26 Now, just as a note, you can
17:28 eat the donut holes as is
17:29 without glaze, you can add
17:31 them-- you can eat them with
17:32 one coat of glaze, or you can
17:34 just keep repeating the glazing
17:36 and setting between steps until
17:39 the glaze is done, depending on
17:41 how much of that coating that
17:43 you would like on them, but no
17:45 matter how many times you put
17:47 it, you're still going to be
17:48 enjoying a lovely, guilt-free,
17:51 naturally sweetened dessert
17:53 that's no-bake and that you can
17:54 enjoy with your breakfast or
17:56 even as a dessert.
17:57 Well, we hope you've enjoyed
17:59 learning how to make these
18:00 easy, tasty, guilt-free
18:02 desserts.
18:03 >> Try it at home and share.
18:05 >> Enjoy!
18:09 >> Mm, that raw dessert really
18:11 looks delicious.
18:12 So, Bailey, can you tell us
18:14 what kind of food brings joy to
18:17 your life?
18:18 >> Oh...
18:20 I have some guilty pleasures.
18:22 I mean, when I-- when you first
18:23 asked that question, what came
18:25 to mind is, like, chocolate,
18:27 dried mango, I have a really
18:29 sweet spot for dried mango.
18:31 But when I was actually looking
18:33 into it, so sugar is generally
18:37 what we turn to, sugar or
18:38 carbs, that's what our idea of,
18:41 you know, a happy treat would
18:42 be, but science actually shows
18:44 something different.
18:45 They did a study with 14
18:46 different varieties of fruits
18:48 and vegetables and sweets as
18:50 well and it came out that
18:52 vegetables actually give you
18:54 the highest happiness boost
18:57 which is shocking to me because
18:58 people think of broccoli and
18:59 they're like, that's the last
19:00 thing they want on their plate,
19:02 right?
19:03 But it's the most long-lasting.
19:05 Sugar and these sweet things
19:07 that we love so much, they give
19:08 you, like, and in-the-moment
19:09 boost and then it quickly
19:11 fades, leaving you less
19:12 happy later.
19:13 But vegetables and fruits as
19:15 well, when they're incorporated
19:17 in a healthy diet and chosen
19:19 well, reap benefits for
19:22 years even.
19:24 >> So you said earlier that
19:26 serving others is actually a
19:29 way in which I can choose to be
19:31 happy by serving someone else.
19:33 So what about volunteering?
19:35 How do people, how do their
19:37 levels of happiness affected by
19:39 volunteering?
19:41 [BAILEY] Initially, you may
19:42 have this dread [laughs] like,
19:44 "I have so much to do, it's the
19:45 last thing on my plate, like, I
19:47 have this and this, and the
19:48 house and--" but when you do
19:52 go, not only do you feel better
19:55 afterward because you've helped
19:56 people, you've had some social
19:58 engagement, you've moved, you
20:00 got out of-- off the couch and
20:01 out of your desk chair.
20:03 There's actually a Harvard
20:06 study and this just blew me
20:07 away, there's a Harvard study
20:09 that said that volunteering
20:11 once a week creates the same
20:14 happiness level equivalent to
20:16 doubling your annual salary.
20:19 That's just insane!
20:21 Like, if you make $50,000 a
20:23 year, you're now making
20:24 $100,000 a year and if your
20:26 boss told you that tomorrow, I
20:27 guarantee you'd have a big
20:29 smile on your face.
20:31 But, unfortunately, that's not
20:32 something we can control, but
20:33 volunteering is something we
20:35 can control and not only does
20:37 it make us happy, it benefits
20:39 and makes other people happy,
20:41 too, so it's all around one of
20:42 the best things you can do.
20:44 >> So, Bailey, what about
20:45 people who express a faith,
20:48 they express some kind of
20:50 religion or spirituality, are
20:52 they happier than people who
20:54 don't and if so, why?
20:58 >> Yeah, what comes to mind is,
21:00 what is expression?
21:02 Is it a verbal expression,
21:04 like, "I go to church," is that
21:06 what we're referring to or is
21:08 it an expression of prayer, is
21:09 it an expression of singing,
21:11 because all of these things
21:13 have benefits on your happiness
21:15 and on your joy and on your
21:17 health, but also the active
21:20 things that people of faith do,
21:22 like volunteering, like
21:24 following Jesus' example and
21:26 serving others, all of these
21:29 things have a very positive
21:31 benefit to your overall
21:33 happiness and to your health.
21:36 >> Final question: can you give
21:38 us some practical strategies of
21:41 how people can experience more
21:44 joy in their lives?
21:46 >> Yeah, as I mentioned, I have
21:49 about six that-- takeaways that
21:51 people can have.
21:53 The first one would be
21:54 gratitude.
21:55 We just need to be more
21:56 thankful, we need to express
21:57 it, we need to write it down,
21:58 we need to share it however,
22:00 whatever method works best,
22:02 whether it's writing three
22:03 things or writing a thank you
22:05 letter to someone every single
22:06 day or once a week, however you
22:07 wanna do it, but that expression
22:09 of gratitude will make a huge
22:11 difference in your happiness.
22:13 I can't go way for the second
22:14 one without mentioning
22:16 exercise.
22:17 As a personal trainer, I feel
22:18 it is my duty to let you know
22:20 that exercise will affect your
22:22 happiness.
22:23 It makes you more energetic, it
22:25 makes you more positive, it
22:28 affects your sleep which is
22:30 all-encompassing, so getting
22:32 outside.
22:33 The third one would be nature,
22:35 getting outside.
22:36 I know we live such
22:37 stress-filled, busy lives and,
22:40 you know, as I was preparing
22:41 for this and my work and I'm
22:43 planning a wedding, all of
22:44 these things have kept me
22:46 inside on my computer, like,
22:48 night and day.
22:49 But I know for myself, when I
22:51 can disconnect and get outside
22:54 and even just sit under a tree,
22:57 it doesn't have to even be
22:58 exercising, but just being in
23:01 nature, hearing the birds
23:02 singing, closing my eyes and
23:03 just letting go of the stresses
23:06 that have been, you know,
23:07 rattling around in my brain, it
23:09 makes a huge difference.
23:11 Number four would be social
23:13 connections.
23:14 So just like volunteering
23:16 offers, getting out and being
23:17 with people.
23:19 Serving specifically makes an
23:22 even greater impact, but just
23:24 meet new people, they'll
23:25 challenge you in different
23:27 ways, they'll grow you, they
23:29 will-- they'll make you laugh
23:30 which in and of itself is a
23:33 really huge blessing.
23:34 And the fifth one would be
23:38 spending time with God.
23:40 Faith, you can't be happy
23:42 without faith.
23:43 The Bible says that, "Happy are
23:45 those whose God is the Lord,"
23:47 and so I know for myself having
23:50 the Lord in my life has
23:52 dramatically changed who I am
23:54 as a person.
23:55 I can handle the stresses that
23:59 come to me every day and when
24:01 I'm faced with a big issue or a
24:05 big life event that comes my
24:06 way, I can say, "God, Thy will
24:10 be done."
24:11 And that's not a dismissive
24:12 thing, it's not like, "Okay,
24:13 God, just do what You want,"
24:14 it's like, "God, I trust You
24:17 and I'm leaving this in Your
24:18 hands and whatever the
24:19 outcome's gonna be, I know I'll
24:21 be happy because You say You
24:22 give good things to those who
24:23 love and trust You and I love
24:25 and trust You and I know You'll
24:26 give me whatever is best."
24:28 So it's a peaceful resignation
24:31 that my faith gives me.
24:33 And for our last, number six
24:35 is smiling.
24:37 And I remember I was working in
24:39 the office one day with René
24:41 and she asked me for a health
24:43 nugget for our news letter and
24:46 then we got talking about life
24:48 and I sent her the health
24:48 nugget and the health nugget
24:51 gave directions to go and smile
24:54 and she was having a stressful
24:56 day and so she literally was
24:59 like, "Okay, I'm gonna go do it
25:00 right now!" and so she went to
25:02 the bathroom, she said what it,
25:04 you know, what it was supposed
25:05 to do and she came back, she's
25:06 like, "I feel better!" [laughs]
25:08 And in my mind, I'm like, "Oh,
25:10 that was the health nugget, but
25:11 I'm glad it works for you!"
25:13 So the smiling health nugget
25:16 that we shared on the news
25:18 letter that is so important is
25:20 your brain doesn't actually
25:21 know the difference between
25:25 just the facial muscles making
25:27 a smile or actually smiling
25:29 genuinely and so if you go into
25:31 a bathroom and shut the door
25:33 and you smile in front of the
25:34 mirror, your brain registers
25:36 that as being happy because the
25:38 muscles tell your brain, "Oh,
25:40 she's happy," and it'll release
25:42 all of these happy chemicals in
25:44 your body.
25:45 So I'm really glad it worked
25:46 for René, I know it'll work for
25:48 everyone else, too, just simply
25:50 smiling and even if you have to
25:51 force it, you'll either look at
25:54 yourself and think, you know,
25:56 "Oh, this is stupid," or you'll
25:57 look at yourself and laugh at
25:58 yourself because you look
25:59 funny, so...
26:01 >> And that's what happened, it
26:02 was the second one, right, I
26:03 remember going into the
26:04 bathroom, closing the door and
26:05 just smiling and I was like,
26:07 "Oh no, this looks so
26:08 ridiculous!" and then I just
26:10 burst out laughing and so I
26:12 felt so much better afterwards
26:14 so...
26:15 So, Bailey, unfortunately, we
26:16 have come to the end of our
26:19 time with you, but before I let
26:22 you go, I wonder if you could
26:23 please pray for our viewers,
26:25 that they could experience more
26:27 joy in their lives.
26:29 >> I'd be happy to.
26:30 Let's bow our heads.
26:32 Lord Jesus, we are so
26:35 privileged to have such an
26:36 awesome God who blesses us
26:39 bountifully every single day
26:41 and, Lord, I know sometimes we
26:42 get bogged down with life and
26:44 stress and all these other
26:47 things that are going on in the
26:48 world, but, Lord, help us to
26:49 remember to be grateful, help
26:52 us to remember Your mission and
26:53 purpose on this earth, to seek
26:56 and serve and save those that
26:57 were lost and, Lord, may we
26:59 have that same mission
27:01 ourselves.
27:02 We love You so much and we are
27:04 so grateful for this
27:05 opportunity to come before You.
27:07 In Your name we pray all of
27:08 these things, amen.
27:10 [MIKE & RENÉ] Amen!
27:11 >> Thank you very much, Bailey,
27:12 for coming and sharing these
27:14 thoughts on how we can be more
27:16 happy and joyful and how that
27:18 affects our health here on It
27:20 Is Written Canada.
27:21 >> My pleasure, thank you.
27:25 >> Friends, if you wanna get
27:26 more joy in your life, we have
27:29 a book for you, our free offer.
27:32 It is entitled I Want More
27:34 BLANK In My Life.
27:36 >> So you fill in the blank.
27:38 I want more joy in my life or
27:40 confidence, peace, freedom,
27:42 hope, rest, relaxation, you
27:45 name it.
27:46 This little book can help you
27:48 find what you are searching for.
27:53 >> Friends, if you want more
27:54 joy in your life, we would like
27:56 to recommend you to turn
27:58 to God.
27:59 [MIKE] Open the Bible where it
28:02 is recorded that Jesus found
28:04 His joy in the word of His
28:07 Father when He declared...
28:19 >> A strategy that I would
28:20 suggest for someone to get more
28:21 joy in their life is exercise.
28:25 Exercise increases dopamine
28:26 levels, serotonin levels...
28:29 This is why individuals who are
28:30 depressed, they find benefit
28:32 when they exercise.
28:33 In fact, studies show that
28:34 exercise and antidepressants
28:36 might actually work almost
28:37 equally as effective.
28:39 So exercise is really important
28:41 for stimulating, bringing joy.
28:44 There's obviously a lot of
28:44 factors, but exercise is
28:46 definitely scientifically
28:47 proven to really enhance joy
28:51 and so I wanna encourage people
28:52 to really tap into the benefits
28:54 of exercise.


Revised 2023-03-08