Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC202414S
00:00 [calm music]
00:06 [theme music] 00:09 ♪♪ 00:40 [calm music] 00:43 ♪♪ 00:49 >> Welcome to 00:50 It Is Written Canada. 00:51 Thank you for joining us. 00:53 Building a budget and sticking 00:55 to a budget means 00:56 financial discipline today 00:58 for the sake of your future 01:01 well-being. 01:03 In order to do this, many will 01:05 have to break the habit of 01:08 dining at expensive restaurants, 01:10 buying new cars 01:11 every 2 or 3 years, 01:13 and spending maybe $10 01:16 or more on smoothies 01:18 or hot drinks. 01:21 >> Financial planning is 01:22 designed not to prevent your 01:24 enjoyment of life, but to help 01:26 you obtain the things you want 01:28 and need. 01:30 The Bible advises us to... 01:46 And this includes trusting the 01:48 Lord in the area of building 01:49 a budget. 01:51 >> On It Is Written Canada 01:52 today, Sven Tornlov, along with 01:55 other financial experts, share 01:56 with us timeless wisdom on 01:59 building a budget and 02:00 sticking to it, 02:02 how the Bible gives us direction 02:05 when it comes to our 02:07 financial planning. 02:09 >> Sven, thank you so much for 02:11 joining us on It Is Written 02:12 Canada again. 02:14 >> You're very welcome. 02:15 It is a joy to be here. 02:16 >> Sven, when we talk about 02:17 building a budget, some people 02:19 might be rolling their eyes, 02:20 kind of breathing heavily, and 02:21 like, "Oh, no. 02:22 Do I really have to do that, 02:24 make a budget? 02:25 That's gonna─ I'm not gonna be 02:26 able to enjoy my life." 02:28 Is that true? 02:29 >> You know, I think there's a 02:31 misconception when it comes to 02:32 building a budget. 02:33 You know, I sit down with people 02:35 like right now, Mike and René, 02:37 could you if I handed you a 02:38 piece of paper, build me 02:40 your budget right now? 02:42 And most likely you would 02:43 say yes. 02:44 People say yes, they can. 02:45 And they go through the efforts 02:46 of taking out a piece of paper, 02:48 writing down their income. 02:49 Well, usually that's 02:50 fairly easy, that's fairly 02:51 straightforward. 02:52 And then they come 02:53 to their expenses. 02:54 So what's the first item they 02:56 put on their expense? 02:57 [MIKE] Food. 02:58 >> The food, exactly, 02:59 because it's a fixed cost, 03:00 it's there─ not a fixed cost, 03:02 but it's there every month. 03:03 We─ it's a need not a want, 03:06 you know, and the next item is 03:07 typically going to be, you know, 03:09 your mortgage, you know, 03:10 or your rent and then so 03:11 far down. 03:13 And then when they get to the 03:14 bottom they subtract their 03:15 expenses from their income, and 03:17 invariably they're in the red. 03:20 Right? 03:21 And so what is the very next 03:22 thing we all do? 03:24 [MIKE] Panic. 03:25 >> Panic, yes. 03:26 Or we reduce food. 03:28 So─ or entertainment 03:30 or something. 03:31 So we really haven't created 03:33 a budget. 03:34 This isn't a budget. 03:35 So... 03:37 ...I think that's why people, 03:38 there's a problem, you know, and 03:40 people don't like to do it 03:42 because maybe they're not doing 03:43 it correctly. 03:44 So at this juncture, when we're 03:45 looking at building a budget, 03:47 we need to be very honest 03:48 with ourselves. 03:50 You know, places where we don't 03:51 like to go, we need to be super, 03:53 super honest with ourself 03:55 and then look at our past 03:57 spending habits for the past 03:59 number of months. 04:00 And off of that history, 04:02 we can now build a budget 04:04 from actuals 04:06 and in good faith, and we can 04:07 control it to stay to that 04:09 month over month. 04:12 >> If you were to look 04:13 forward over the next 04:14 5, 10, 15 years 04:17 of the things in life 04:19 that were most important for you 04:21 that you'd want to achieve, 04:23 that if you didn't... 04:26 don't wanna kick yourself 04:27 in the bum. 04:29 You'd be just devastated for not 04:31 being able to achieve these 04:34 particular events in your life. 04:38 What would that look like? 04:41 Make a list, 04:43 put a date, 04:45 and then prioritize them. 04:48 I've met very few people 04:50 that have done that exercise. 04:51 that have done that exercise. 04:54 The second part of the exercise 04:57 is once you have 04:59 those priorities... 05:01 now take them, 05:03 put them on the refrigerator, 05:04 put them in places that are 05:05 visible, that they just, 05:07 so won't go from your mind. 05:10 And then now look 05:13 at your current spending. 05:16 And then ask the question... 05:19 ...are the things that I'm 05:21 spontaneously purchasing now... 05:26 I willing to postpone 05:28 these events I said were 05:30 so important 05:32 based upon what I'm 05:33 spending today? 05:38 In other words, I'm not─ 05:40 we're not telling the person no. 05:44 What we're really saying is... 05:47 your money to what's 05:49 most important to you. 05:52 And for our partners 05:54 to be able to make that list 05:56 and compare it and then 05:58 prioritize it... 06:02 all of a sudden, 06:04 when it comes time to deciding 06:06 how you wanna spend your money, 06:09 you now actually have a guide 06:11 of why you're making the 06:14 decisions you're making... 06:16 ...versus having absolutely no 06:19 thought or idea around it. 06:23 >> Sven, can you give us some 06:24 top reasons why you think 06:26 a person would be better off 06:29 to make a budget and 06:31 stick to it? 06:33 >> So there are a number of 06:34 reasons why we need to and 06:36 should want to have a budget. 06:38 Especially if you bring in 06:39 the whole family, 06:40 you know, on a budget. 06:41 When a corporation makes a 06:42 budget, the entire team is 06:44 focused on that budget. 06:46 Let's emulate that with 06:47 our own personal budgets. 06:49 Let's bring the family together 06:50 Let's bring the family together 06:51 so that we are focused on the 06:52 common goals, the things that 06:54 are really important to us. 06:56 That's what we need to highlight 06:58 so it does bring, you know, 07:00 us focused. 07:02 It also is going to help us not 07:04 overspend in areas and whereby 07:07 we might be wasting money. 07:10 And looking at future 07:12 to help us to cover 07:15 our future expenditures, 07:17 our emergencies. 07:19 And when we've taken care of 07:20 this, I think that we are going 07:22 to have a lot less stress, 07:24 you know, in life, because 07:26 we're gonna know the position 07:27 that we are in financially 07:30 and if it's not a good position, 07:32 it's okay because that budget 07:34 is going to see us out of it, 07:35 going to see us through. 07:37 And that's gonna bring less 07:38 stress into our life ultimately. 07:41 And, you know, 07:43 who likes stress? 07:45 Right? 07:46 >> So let's talk about, 07:48 perhaps there are some 07:49 advantages, health advantages, 07:52 relationship advantages. 07:53 Have you seen that? 07:55 That when someone makes a budget 07:57 or a family makes a budget, 07:58 individual makes it budget, 07:59 there's─ it improves their 08:00 relationships, it improves 08:01 their health? 08:03 >> Well, just right off the bat, 08:05 you know, stress. 08:06 Stress is not good on 08:07 anyone's health. 08:08 And there again, if we are all 08:11 together on to a common goal 08:12 with the budget, there's not 08:15 gonna be this arguing and 08:16 bickering, maybe, between, 08:18 you know, husband and wife. 08:20 Children are gonna be on board 08:22 with, because they're, again, 08:24 they're gonna have to have their 08:25 own ledger, their own budget. 08:26 So I think it just brings us all 08:28 pulling together as a team. 08:30 When we talk about actually 08:32 building a budget, sitting down 08:33 with pen and paper, that's the 08:36 way, you know, my mother and 08:38 grandparents did it. 08:40 How I do it today is I do it on 08:41 Excel because that is much 08:43 easier for me to come up and be 08:45 able to change and to reconcile. 08:48 The nuts and bolts of doing this 08:50 is we have to be able to have 08:51 our expenditures so that we can 08:53 then enter them onto our budget, 08:55 because we have to have built a 08:57 history first before we can 08:59 start building a budget. 09:02 And so... 09:04 home office, 09:05 the top left hand drawer, 09:07 in the side of the drawer 09:08 is a box. 09:09 Any time I make an expenditure, 09:11 any time my wife does, that 09:13 money comes out of our account, 09:16 there's a receipt. 09:17 When you come home from work or 09:18 come home from that day or come 09:19 home from shopping, you take out 09:21 of your wallet or out of your 09:22 purse those receipts, 09:24 and they go into that box. 09:27 So once a week, we all waste 09:28 time, and once a week, 09:31 let's say you like watching 09:32 hockey Saturday night. 09:33 Well, between the first and 09:34 second period or the second and 09:36 third period, we waste 09:37 this time. 09:39 But that's how quick it is just 09:40 to enter those week's receipts 09:42 into your budget. 09:43 So you just go to the office 09:44 really quick, you grab those 09:45 receipts, you enter them into 09:47 the right categories. 09:49 If it's─ if it was food, if it's 09:50 entertainment, if it's mortgage, 09:53 you enter those items in. 09:54 And after you've done that, 09:55 you know, for three months, 09:57 you now have good history 09:59 you now have good history 10:00 to be able to then in 10:02 good faith, being very honest 10:04 with yourself, putting together 10:06 a budget then. 10:07 And from those numbers you can 10:09 then control it. 10:11 And since you do it every week, 10:13 after week one, you should have 10:15 expended 25% of your 10:17 food budget. 10:18 After week two, 50%. 10:20 So let's say after week two, 10:22 you're at 75%. 10:24 Well guess what? 10:25 You know what you need to do 10:27 up until the end of the month. 10:29 You have to start 10:30 watering down the soup. 10:31 You know, conversely, if you 10:33 have only spent 40% and you're 10:35 at the end of week two, 10:37 guess what? 10:38 You might go buy a cheesecake at 10:39 the grocery store or something 10:41 like that to celebrate, but you 10:42 can keep weekly control 10:45 over your budget so at the 10:46 end of the month, you have... 10:49 ...met your budget goals. 10:52 >> Where am I going 10:53 in my future? 10:54 What are my priorities? 10:56 Because if I have that clear... 11:00 which I've brought my 11:01 future into my present... 11:04 enables me to be 11:06 disciplined. 11:08 If I consolidate, 11:10 giving myself breathing room... 11:14 ...but I don't stick to the plan 11:17 and then in turn, 11:18 just do more spending... 11:21 ...and I find myself back 11:22 to where I started from... 11:26 ...then consolidated─ 11:28 consolidating the debt 11:29 did me no good. 11:31 So I always come back to 11:34 what are the priorities in which 11:35 you're looking at and where you 11:36 wanna be in five, ten, 15 years. 11:39 And to do that, backing in to 11:42 what that means in the present. 11:46 And then it becomes a little bit 11:48 of self awareness of saying... 11:52 "...Am I really that... 11:53 Am I really that disciplined? 11:56 Can I actually do that? 11:59 Well, if the answer is... 12:02, we're not good at that. 12:04 Well, then don't do 12:06 the consolidation, 12:08 because now you're putting 12:09 yourself in a bad situation. 12:10 So this is all... 12:12 As I'm, you know, I hope, 12:14 you know, as you're listening 12:15 to me, what I'm really saying is 12:18 there is no cookie cutter. 12:20 It's a lot of self-awareness 12:22 of knowing yourself and what 12:24 your habits are. 12:26 And then based upon knowing what 12:28 your habits are and the 12:30 discipline you're willing to 12:32 apply, then choosing, 12:34 making the choice that reflects 12:37 the person you know you are. 12:40 >> I think that it is a myth 12:43 believing that budget holds you 12:44 back from living an exciting, 12:47 a free life. 12:49 Sometimes people can think that 12:50 it imprisons you with your money 12:52 and it doesn't allow you 12:53 to have fun. 12:55 But I actually think 12:56 the opposite. 12:56 I think that having a budget 12:58 actually gives you so much more 13:00 freedom, because without a 13:02 budget, you can find yourself 13:04 spending carelessly and 13:06 finding yourself in debt. 13:08 Whereas when you have a budget, 13:09 it allows you to actually 13:11 visually see how much money 13:13 you have coming in and how much 13:14 you can afford to actually 13:16 spend on your needs, 13:17 and sometimes even your wants. 13:19 So there's actually something 13:20 that has kind of blown up on 13:22 social media lately. 13:23 It's called "girl math." 13:25 So with girl math, there's this 13:27 thought that, "Okay, if I'm 13:28 spending cash, I'm technically 13:30 not spending money because it's 13:32 not lowering the number of my 13:34 bank account." 13:35 Or if I bought something and I 13:36 returned it, now I have this 13:38 refunded money, so that's money 13:39 I would have spent anyway, 13:40 so it doesn't count if 13:41 I spend it again. 13:43 So you just have to really steer 13:45 away from these ideas about, 13:47 "Okay, I'm spending something 13:49 that's on sale, 13:50 I'm saving money." 13:51 No, that money is still 13:52 coming out right? 13:53 So you just have to ground 13:55 yourself when it comes to your 13:56 spending and really look into 13:58 saving and investing 14:00 specifically. 14:01 Saving is great and investing is 14:02 great as well. 14:03 Save for the rainy day. 14:05 They say that, you know, if 14:07 an emergency comes up or 14:08 by any chance, maybe you lost 14:10 your job, you should have 14:11 savings for around 3 to 6 months 14:13 that can cover your living 14:14 expenses if you were to lose 14:16 your job. 14:17 So keep that in mind as well 14:18 when you're doing a budget, 14:19 to have money set aside 14:21 in the case that, God forbid, 14:22 you lose your job. 14:24 One of the biggest positives 14:27 is savings. 14:28 So, should there be specific 14:31 items that a family or an 14:32 individual should save for? 14:35 Otherwise you get these savings, 14:36 like, where does it go? 14:37 You know, 72,000 different 14:38 things you could save for. 14:40 What should they be saving for? 14:43 >> You know, so typically if you 14:44 ask someone to build their 14:45 budget, just as we alluded to at 14:46 the top on the expense side, 14:48 is going to be food and mortgage 14:49 or rent. 14:50 And then at the very, very 14:51 bottom, you know, they're gonna 14:53 put savings and it's whatever 14:55 they have left goes into there. 14:57 That shouldn't be the case. 14:58 You know, up at the top 15:00 you need to have saving 15:01 for your retirement. 15:03 You're gonna be retired too long 15:04 to not have planned for it. 15:06 That's where you're gonna be 15:07 saving for your child's future 15:08 needs, that's where you're gonna 15:09 have future expenditures. 15:11 And if your emergency fund isn't 15:12 fully funded, that's where 15:13 you need to fund your 15:15 emergency fund. 15:15 So if you start young 15:17 and you start it systematically 15:19 every month, those four line 15:21 items don't amount to a lot, 15:24 but you have to be consistent. 15:26 So those are the future items 15:28 that you must put 15:29 in your budget and you must be 15:31 systematic about it every month. 15:35 >> Sven, now the family has come 15:36 together and they've created 15:38 their budget and they are 15:40 so excited because it looks like 15:41 they're gonna be able to 15:42 make ends meet every month. 15:44 But now they have to 15:45 stick to it. 15:47 And I guess sticking to that 15:49 budget is easier 15:51 done than what we've 15:53 planned and said. 15:54 So can you give us some 15:56 practical guidelines on how to 15:58 actually stick to that budget? 16:02 >> You know, we all love our 16:03 hobbies, don't we? 16:05 And our hobbies, we do them 16:07 often. 16:09 Well, we have the joy and the 16:11 pleasure of adding a hobby, 16:12 and that is finance 16:13 and budgeting. 16:15 And I think we get discouraged. 16:17 You know, we do them 16:18 once a month, we sit down and 16:19 we work on our budget 16:20 once a month, but we forget 16:22 the history and so we get 16:23 discouraged and we just 16:25 crumple up the piece of paper 16:26 and throw it in the garbage. 16:28 But if we do it once a week, 16:29 set a time once a week that 16:32 you are going to sit down and 16:34 reconcile your budget to your 16:36 actual expenditures, I think it 16:38 makes it so much easier. 16:39 And if you have a regular time 16:41 in the week when you always 16:42 do it. 16:43 So again, if you do watch 16:44 hockey, maybe it's always 16:46 Saturday night, you know, 16:47 between the second and third 16:48 period is your time to do 16:49 the budget. 16:50 Maybe it's Sunday morning, 16:52 you know, before anyone else has 16:53 gotten up and you quickly work 16:55 through your budget, 16:57 which doesn't take very long, 16:58 you know, 15 minutes maximum, 17:00 and then you go into the kitchen 17:02 and start making pancakes 17:03 for the family. 17:04 So if you have that set time 17:06 every week where you just take 17:08 a small amount of time, then it 17:10 doesn't become this massive job. 17:14 >> So, Sven, can you tell us 17:16 what the common areas are 17:18 where people usually overspend? 17:22 >> You should be asking my wife 17:24 this question because she could 17:25 tell you top of mind areas 17:26 where I overspend. 17:28 But yes, areas that are commonly 17:31 overspent, you know, food. 17:35 Food is a big one and not food 17:36 that you go to the grocery store 17:37 and then you come home 17:38 and prepare. 17:41 People decide that they are too 17:42 busy for whatever reason and 17:45 they just go grab lunch 17:48 somewhere as opposed to bringing 17:49 a lunch from home. 17:50 That's gonna cost you 17:51 significantly more money 17:53 than making something from home. 17:54 And especially, you think day 17:56 in, day out, week after week, 17:58 the monthly amount, you know, 18:00 on that. 18:02 Speeding through the 18:03 drive through to grab something 18:04 on the go. 18:05 These are areas in where you can 18:08 be quickly out of hand because 18:09 it's convenient. 18:11 You know, other areas... 18:13 Poor purchases 18:15 that maybe aren't going to last. 18:18 Maybe they're just a little bit 18:19 cheaper and so you decide to 18:20 make those type of purchases. 18:21 They're not well thought out. 18:23 And areas that you buy something 18:25 that you already have six of. 18:27 You know, those are areas 18:29 in which we need to take 18:30 a lot of control over. 18:32 Typically, we're very good when 18:33 it comes to large purchases 18:35 because we do our due diligence. 18:37 But somehow we have a disconnect 18:39 when it comes to the daily 18:41 purchases, the small purchases. 18:44 >> And I think what makes it 18:45 difficult is that it's so easy, 18:48 you know, and so we... 18:51 And it's so─ it's, you know, 18:53 even today in society, you push 18:55 a button and something happens. 18:57 And so we have that struggle 18:58 with trying to delay that 18:59 gratification and saying, okay, 19:01 just hit the pause button 19:03 and wait. 19:04 >> You're right. 19:05 Amazon is very easy. 19:07 [laughter] 19:09 >> So tell us about the Bible. 19:11 Is there something in the Bible 19:12 that can help us with 19:13 making a budget? 19:15 >> Yeah. 19:18 Let's turn in our Bibles, 19:20 and I would like to... 19:23 a verse found in 19:24 Matthew 6. 19:25 A little bit longer of a verse, 19:27 but I think it is so important 19:29 and it brings good perspective 19:31 into everything. 19:33 So Matthew 6 verses 31 19:35 to 34. 20:12 >> So how does that tell us 20:14 about making a budget? 20:17 >> So when we make a budget, 20:18 first and foremost, we need to 20:21 be so emotionally honest 20:22 with ourself. 20:24 And we need to have the... 20:28 ...understanding and the asurety 20:30 right here in the Bible 20:31 that when we do a 20:33 full needs and wants analysis 20:36 and make our budget based on 20:37 our needs with prayer, 20:40 we can have faith that they 20:41 will be assured. 20:43 >> Well, I think what's 20:44 important to remember is 20:47 the importance of celebrating... 20:51 ...everything that's... 20:54 ...that moves you in the 20:55 direction you wanna go. 20:57 Again, this is a journey. 21:00 So everything's not 21:02 going to go... 21:05 ...according to plan. 21:06 Life happens. 21:09 We have lapses. 21:10 That's just what happens. 21:12 And like any other skill 21:15 that you, that we develop... 21:18 takes repetition and 21:20 practice of like strengthening 21:22 a muscle, 21:24 that the more that you keep 21:26 repeating it over and over 21:27 again, because the 21:29 individual's gonna find out 21:31 that they created this 21:33 spending plan. 21:34 So remember I said at the 21:35 beginning, we're just gonna take 21:38 one month. 21:40 And now that we have 21:41 where we wanna be, 21:44 at the end of month two, 21:46 we're gonna look at 21:48 how did we do. 21:50 Then we'll go back again and 21:51 look at, okay, again, 21:54 these things where we spent, 21:55 well, what... 21:56 It's kind of this process 21:57 of discovery... 21:59 what are the things that, 22:02 gee, I really like? 22:04 I can think of one of 22:05 my clients where 22:07 they love food. 22:08 They love to eat well, 22:10 they love to cook. 22:12 Right? 22:13 And asking them based on 22:15 where they were now and 22:17 what adjustments they could make 22:20 so that they could move where 22:21 they wanna go, they said, "Well, 22:23 you know, I can make this 22:24 adjustment because this over 22:26 here is really important to me." 22:29 And... 22:31 they did it the 22:32 first week. 22:33 Then the next, I mean, 22:34 the first month. 22:35 Then the next month comes. 22:37 Ah, they start falling off... 22:41 ...the bike, per se. 22:43 And they say, "Oh, well, 22:46 okay, let's renew the effort. 22:47 Because, no, I'm not changing 22:49 my priorities." 22:51 Well, compared to where 22:52 they started, they're moving 22:55 in the right direction. 22:57 It's okay. 22:58 That's kind of how you're 22:59 discovering kind of the emotions 23:02 that go with it and beginning 23:04 to manage that. 23:05 You just don't [snaps fingers] 23:06 snap your fingers and think that 23:08 you're there. 23:09 That's one of the big flaws 23:12 of what people are 23:15 missing when they talk about 23:16 budgeting. 23:17 It's a journey. 23:20 You're not gonna go from zero 23:24 to 90 miles an hour 23:26 in two seconds. 23:30 So be kind to yourself. 23:32 Be kind to your partner. 23:35 You're gonna discover things 23:36 about yourself and you're gonna 23:38 have to focus on, 23:40 so are they. 23:42 How do how do you want 23:44 to be encouraged? 23:46 How do you want to encourage 23:47 someone else? 23:50 And to be able to say, "Wow... 23:54 ...look at the progress we've 23:55 made from where we were 23:57 three months ago, 23:59 four months ago. 24:01 We're we're staying the course. 24:03 That's the kind of environment 24:05 that is conducive for being able 24:08 to be successful. 24:11 It's not an all in, 24:13 all out... 24:16 ...scenario. 24:18 It's a journey. 24:21 >> So you have to be realistic 24:23 with what you can set aside, 24:25 and you just have to look 24:27 specifically towards your needs 24:29 as well. 24:30 You know, as much as you want to 24:31 cut back, there's just certain 24:32 things that you are going to 24:33 have to spend on. 24:35 So you also don't want to live a 24:36 life where you're being too 24:38 frugal, that now, you know, 24:39 you're not buying healthy food 24:41 for your family because you want 24:42 to save, right? 24:43 Like at the end of the day, 24:44 you still want to take care of 24:45 yourself, take care of your 24:47 spouse, take care of your kids, 24:49 but also save. 24:50 So you have to look at that 24:51 balance between being realistic 24:54 while also living a life that is 24:56 not, you know, one that you want 24:58 to escape from. 24:59 You should still be able to 25:00 live a fruitful life and a 25:01 healthy one for your family. 25:04 >> Sven, before we let you go, 25:06 do you have any final thoughts 25:09 for our viewers on making 25:11 and sticking to a budget? 25:14 >> You know, by utilizing 25:15 a budget, it's gonna make 25:17 the family come together 25:19 cohesively so that we can 25:21 realize our goals. 25:23 And that's going to, you know, 25:25 eliminate stress and so forth. 25:27 But ultimately, I think the joy 25:30 in actually having a budget and 25:33 utilizing it well is it also 25:35 frees up your ability to be able 25:37 to give and to help others. 25:40 And that truly brings 25:42 ultimate joy and 25:43 ultimate freedom. 25:45 You are being blessed because 25:46 you're being able to give and 25:48 then they are being blessed 25:50 by you as well. 25:51 >> Sven, that's so encouraging. 25:53 We've come to the end of our 25:54 time together. 25:55 I wonder if you could pray for 25:56 our viewers, to pray for them, 25:58 that they'll have the wisdom and 26:00 the willpower to make and stick 26:02 to a budget? 26:04 >> Absolutely. 26:05 [calm music] 26:06 Dear Father, I wanna thank You, 26:08 you know, for Your love 26:09 and for our viewing audience. 26:11 I would just like You to wrap 26:13 Your arms around them, 26:14 to give them the courage 26:16 and the willpower to be able to 26:19 work through a budget 26:21 together with their history 26:24 and help them to be able to be 26:26 consistent and do it every week 26:27 so it doesn't become 26:29 over burdensome. 26:31 So thank You, Lord, for Your 26:32 love and Your watch care 26:33 and Lord, thank You for 26:36 Your Bible promises 26:38 that we know that our 26:40 needs are sure, Lord. 26:41 needs are sure, Lord. 26:42 So thank You again, Father, 26:43 for Your love. 26:45 Your name I pray, amen. 26:46 [MIKE] Amen. 26:47 >> Sven, thank you so much 26:49 for joining us on 26:50 It Is Written Canada again. 26:52 >> You're very welcome. 26:54 It's been my pleasure. 26:56 >> Friends, our free offer is a 26:58 most powerful little book on 27:01 how Christians relate to money, 27:04 and it is entitled 27:05 Jacob's Pillow, written by 27:07 our friend Shawn Boonstra. 27:10 >> Jacob's Pillow is a treasure 27:12 of practical advice and 27:14 instruction from God's Word, 27:16 and includes a simple 27:18 budget outline in the back. 27:21 >> Before you go, we would like 27:23 to thank all of you who have 27:24 supported the ministry of 27:26 It Is Written Canada 27:27 with your prayers and 27:28 financial contributions. 27:30 Without your support, this 27:32 television ministry could not 27:34 have reached so many people 27:37 for so many decades. 27:39 >> Yes, thank you. 27:41 And we would like to invite you 27:43 to follow us on Instagram and 27:46 Facebook and subscribe to our 27:48 YouTube channel, and also listen 27:51 to our podcasts. 27:52 And if you go to our website, 27:53 And if you go to our website, 27:55 you can see our latest programs. 27:57 [MIKE] Friends, if you want the 27:59 kind of wisdom that God longs to 28:01 give you, even in the financial 28:03 areas of your life, we recommend 28:06 that you open this book, 28:07 the Bible, where it is recorded 28:09 that Jesus found His assurance 28:12 to defeat the Devil through 28:14 the Word of His Father 28:15 when He declared... 28:26 [calm music] 28:29 ♪♪ |
Revised 2025-01-04