IIW Sabbath School

End-Time Deceptions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS022141S

00:00 (uplifting theme music)
00:14 >>Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:16 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:18 We're glad that you have chosen to join us once again
00:21 as we continue on this journey through an important subject.
00:26 We are looking at "On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope."
00:29 And this week we're on lesson number 11.
00:31 We are closing in on the very end of our 14 lessons,
00:34 but we still have some important ones to go,
00:36 not the least of which
00:37 is what we're going to be looking at today:
00:39 "End-Time Deceptions."
00:41 And we're grateful to be able to have with us,
00:43 once again, today Dr. Alberto Timm.
00:46 He is an associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate
00:49 and the author of the Sabbath school lesson.
00:51 Alberto, welcome back.
00:53 >>I am very pleased to be with you.
00:55 >>So, end-time deceptions,
00:57 I wanna begin by reading the memory verse for this week,
01:00 and then we're gonna start talking
01:02 about some of these end-time deceptions.
01:03 The memory verse is found in 2 Corinthians,
01:06 chapter 11, verses 14 and 15.
01:10 I think these are probably familiar passages to many of us.
01:14 Verse 14 says, "And no wonder! For Satan himself
01:18 "transforms himself into an angel of light.
01:22 "Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers
01:25 "also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness,
01:29 whose end will be according to their works."
01:33 So, Satan himself can transform himself
01:37 "into an angel of light."
01:38 That's a pretty good-size deception.
01:40 His followers, his angels, his demons
01:45 can also transform themselves, and, of course,
01:48 the adversary's got plenty of human beings
01:49 who are doing his bidding.
01:52 As we get closer and closer to the end of time,
01:54 we can expect that there are probably going to be
01:56 quite a few deceptions. How far off am I on that?
02:02 >>Well, actually, Paul speaks about
02:05 the last days as being terrible, difficult.
02:12 There are different translations of this passage
02:14 of 2 Timothy, chapter 3, verse 1.
02:21 But anyway, what we will find today
02:26 in our world, I mean, there are many different theories,
02:32 and some people are inclined
02:33 to say that, "Well, this is just a matter of opinion.
02:39 It's just a cultural matter."
02:42 A friend once told me that sometimes culture
02:45 can be excuse for disobedience. So be careful with this.
02:50 The matter is not if it's cultural or not.
02:54 Is it in harmony with the Bible, or is it not?
02:59 If it's not, if it contradicts the Bible teaching,
03:03 the clear teaching from God's Word,
03:05 then we have to be careful,
03:07 and we should not really embrace such kind of ideas.
03:11 But today, our world is really full of mysticism
03:16 and spiritualism and all kinds
03:19 of these paranormal--
03:23 or whatever you want to call it--experiences,
03:26 and this has been spread
03:29 through many of Hollywood's productions.
03:33 You have plenty of books.
03:37 And some of these components also are in the new trend,
03:41 the manga, as it's called, that kind of literature
03:45 with all the drawings, coming from Japan.
03:48 You have video games, and so especially one topic
03:52 that's very popular today
03:54 is the so-called near-death experiences.
03:58 >>And so we're gonna be looking at a lot of these topics
04:02 or these subjects in this week's lesson.
04:05 Let's start with mysticism. What exactly is mysticism?
04:09 What are some things that are associated with mysticism?
04:13 Because the word itself is, well, rather mysterious,
04:16 and maybe somebody who hears "mysticism"
04:19 doesn't know what exactly that is.
04:22 And perhaps there are some things that we never considered
04:25 to be mysticism, we never considered
04:26 that they might be mysticism, that fall under this umbrella.
04:30 So what is mysticism? How can we understand this idea?
04:36 >>Well, the mystic element is basically
04:38 all that that you cannot explain
04:41 from a rational perspective.
04:44 So there is something that goes beyond reason.
04:48 And you have many of this going-beyond-reason,
04:51 there are experiences that you cannot explain
04:57 that are real, but they happened.
05:00 And so in this you have ideologies.
05:03 You have the power--for instance,
05:07 I would put under mysticism
05:10 some kind of...power
05:14 attached to the crystals, to the minerals.
05:20 So let's suppose you bring there a pyramid at home,
05:25 or a obelisk, and this, it has the power
05:29 to attract the cosmic fluids,
05:34 so to say, or the cosmic power to me here.
05:38 So, this comes very close
05:41 to what, in the Middle Ages they had the relics,
05:43 for instance, where things have power
05:48 to help me out on this situation or other.
05:51 This is just an example because this--as you mentioned,
05:54 used the word "umbrella"--and it's a word
05:56 that I like as well--is a very huge element,
06:00 but usually there is some things that goes beyond reason.
06:05 >>So things that are what we might call supernatural,
06:08 unexplained, at least from a human perspective,
06:13 and so they seem interesting.
06:17 They--there's an allure to them
06:20 because of the mystery involved in them.
06:23 You know, one of those things that you talk about on Monday
06:26 is near-death experiences, near-death experiences.
06:32 This is something that is...
06:35 Well, it's a challenge for many people to deal with
06:36 because many people have had near-death experiences,
06:41 or they know someone who has had a near-death experience,
06:45 and the temptation is to say,
06:47 "Well, I see what the Bible says, but I have experienced,
06:52 or I know someone who has experienced..."
06:55 And so the Bible gets sort of shifted down a shelf,
07:00 and the experience can go up on the top shelf.
07:04 What's the danger with near-death experiences,
07:06 and why are they something that we really need
07:10 to pay careful attention to?
07:13 Not the experience itself, but watch out for it.
07:17 >>Strange as it might look,
07:20 the first reference to this kind of experience
07:23 that I know of--maybe there are other ones--
07:28 is precisely in Plato's book "The Republic."
07:33 Because I mentioned before
07:35 you have this one that's called "The Phaedo,"
07:39 you have another one, is "The Phaedrus,"
07:43 that deal very much about this kind of mystical element,
07:47 and so, this dichotomic approach--
07:49 but close to the end of this book by Plato,
07:52 "The Republic"--that's his best-known book--
07:58 he speaks about a soldier,
08:02 a brave Er, E-R.
08:06 And there was a war, he was killed,
08:10 and then his body was not decomposed
08:13 for 12 days.
08:15 And that was strange because the other ones, yes,
08:18 but he remained. And then here it's mentioned,
08:22 then when he went to the afterlife,
08:26 whoever was there to judge the souls,
08:29 his soul was not judged.
08:32 He said, "No, you will not go to the reward.
08:36 "You just wait here.
08:38 "And then...you see what is going on here.
08:43 "And then later on, you will go back to the living ones,
08:46 and you will tell what you saw here."
08:51 And sure enough, according to what is stated there,
08:54 12 days later, he went back,
08:56 and then he could tell what he saw.
08:59 So what I see in this case is a parallel.
09:03 These experiences are not grounded in the Bible
09:07 because of all people that were resurrected in the Bible,
09:11 there is no near death-testimony
09:15 whatsoever. It's absolutely out of the Bible.
09:19 But in this book here, I found a experience.
09:23 You know, it started really to become more popular
09:27 in 1975
09:30 when Raymond Moody Jr.
09:33 published his famous book "Life After Life"
09:37 with several accounts on this to this extent.
09:42 And there they had basically all the similar stuff,
09:46 like a tunnel with a light,
09:48 I mean, a light being at the other side,
09:53 welcoming the person, and then later on he came back
09:57 and could then explain exactly what happened.
10:01 But it's interesting that there are many books
10:04 on this matter, but there is one that claims
10:08 to be the scientific approach
10:13 to near-death experiences in the broadest studies,
10:17 and it's the book that I have here in my hands.
10:20 And it says that finally
10:23 we actually know that this is something for real
10:28 because some people used to claim
10:30 that they were just psychochemical experiences,
10:34 like when you have the LSD or some other kind of drug,
10:39 and that it really has that kind of effect
10:42 with that kind of hallucination.
10:47 But in this one, it says clearly--
10:50 and I am reading from page 51--
10:54 it says that the near-death experiences,
10:57 the studies show that 45% of those
11:02 surveying said to "had 'psychic,
11:06 "'paranormal, and other special gifts'
11:10 that they did not have prior to [that] experience."
11:14 So this kind of near-death experiences, in my understanding,
11:19 seems to be opening the doors, the gates
11:23 for the mystical, spiritualistic paranormal world
11:28 for many people. So during those experiences
11:32 there is no reference to the gospel,
11:34 of how to really be closer to God,
11:37 but only the experience by itself
11:42 and the results you can see. In this case,
11:45 people become mediums and so on.
11:49 So I don't see this as having any Bible ground,
11:53 but exactly part of the final deceptions
11:57 that the Bible speaks of.
12:00 >>So, if we choose to allow our senses
12:04 to determine what's truth,
12:06 we can put ourselves on some pretty dangerous ground;
12:08 it sounds like a slippery slope
12:10 because some who have experienced this, as you mentioned,
12:12 have gone into other elements or other areas of mysticism.
12:17 But the good news for us
12:18 is that if we want to know what the Bible teaches
12:20 on the subject--or what the truth is on a subject;
12:22 maybe I should say it that way--that the Bible
12:24 actually teaches us the truth on that subject,
12:27 and we can trust it. And so that's why we've been studying
12:31 this subject in the Bible
12:33 over the course of the last 11 weeks,
12:35 and we still have a few weeks to go.
12:37 But if you would like to dig into it more deeply,
12:40 get more out of it, understand it better,
12:42 and share the encouraging truth on this subject with others,
12:47 I wanna encourage you to make sure
12:49 that you pick up the companion book
12:51 to this quarter's Sabbath school lesson:
12:53 "On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope" by Alberto Timm.
12:57 And you can pick that up at the It Is Written Shop.
13:00 That's itiswritten.shop.
13:02 Again, itiswritten.shop.
13:04 The name of the book is
13:05 "On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope" by Dr. Alberto Timm.
13:11 This subject, if rightly understood,
13:13 can give us so much hope, so much encouragement,
13:17 so much peace and allay so much anxiety.
13:21 God has given it to us for such a time as this
13:24 to give us encouragement.
13:26 We're gonna be back in just a moment
13:27 as we continue looking at this very important subject,
13:30 "End-Time Deceptions." We'll see you back in just a moment.
13:33 (uplifting theme music swells and ends)
13:38 >>[John Bradshaw] Crystals, yoga, Ouija boards,
13:41 witchcraft are back in vogue.
13:44 What the Fox sisters popularized is now part of pop culture.
13:48 Books and movies about witchcraft, wizardry, and magic
13:52 are everywhere. What's often said to be just entertainment
13:56 is part of something much larger and darker.
13:59 Don't miss "Dancing With the Devil,"
14:02 where we'll explore the rise of the occult,
14:05 and you'll meet a young woman who overcame her involvement
14:07 with the occult through the power of God.
14:11 In a world where the media is saturated with occult imagery,
14:14 in a society where ghosts and demons
14:16 are treated as trivial and fun,
14:18 it's never been more important to discern
14:20 between the sacred and the profane.
14:23 In "Dancing With the Devil,"
14:24 you'll learn there's nothing new under the sun
14:27 and that the roots of what we see today
14:28 go all the way back to the origin of sin.
14:32 "Dancing With the Devil,"
14:34 brought to you by It Is Written TV.
14:39 (uplifting theme music)
14:43 >>[Eric] Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:45 brought to you by It Is Written.
14:47 We are taking a look today at "End-Time Deceptions"
14:51 and the importance of understanding them
14:52 in the light of what happens when a person dies.
14:55 Alberto, I wanna come back to the lesson here on Tuesday;
14:59 you talk about reincarnation.
15:03 Most people that I know don't believe in reincarnation,
15:07 but you go to other parts of the world,
15:09 and that's not exactly the case. Where does the whole idea,
15:12 the whole belief system of reincarnation originate?
15:16 How did it come into being? What lays the foundation for it?
15:20 And how can we know that this is not
15:22 a biblical belief or a reality?
15:28 >>If you ever pick up "The Book of the Dead,"
15:31 the Egyptian "Book of the Dead,"
15:34 you will see there that there are some kind of prayers.
15:38 If you become a falcon, you should pray this one,
15:41 to become another one, and so on.
15:44 So this idea of reincarnation is very clear
15:47 in Egyptian pagan religion. Of course,
15:51 it's a complete mystical and complex way.
15:55 One of the most difficult religions, in my understanding,
15:58 to understand is the Egyptian religion
16:01 because it has so many trails and so on,
16:04 but I don't want to go into this.
16:06 But really, the reincarnation,
16:10 and this one is also present in Plato.
16:16 What, when I went through Plato, one thing that surprised me
16:19 is that very few of the new ideas
16:23 in regard to that we have today
16:27 are not grounded in some way or another one
16:31 in Greek philosophy.
16:32 But, of course, the world is so complex,
16:35 and yet you have so many different expressions.
16:39 But the reincarnation
16:41 is the notion that you can reincarnate
16:45 into a lower level of life or another one.
16:52 When I was starting to work after finishing college,
16:57 one day I went--somebody came to my place,
17:01 and he said--or better to say,
17:03 I went to the place of somebody, and that person said,
17:06 "Well, in this life, you are a human being.
17:10 Next reincarnation, you might be even a sound system."
17:16 I never heard about this before.
17:18 I thought always that people would believe in living beings
17:23 and not something else. But that is what the man mentioned.
17:27 And I will not mention his religious background
17:30 because I don't want to be offensive in this way.
17:33 But anyway, this is a notion.
17:35 The notion of reincarnation is absolutely against the Bible.
17:40 First of all, you improve or you grow--
17:45 not by God's grace--by coming
17:50 from one stage of life to another one,
17:53 and so it goes basically in Hinduism,
17:57 as this is one of the forms.
18:01 Another one really is that the morality
18:05 of our life depends of evolution in a certain sense.
18:10 And then you have other ones.
18:12 For instance, the idea that the destiny,
18:18 my destiny is not decided forever and ever
18:21 during this lifetime
18:23 because I have several chances later on.
18:27 I can go backwards, or I can progress,
18:31 whatever is the case. Also in this case,
18:35 the Second Coming does not make much sense. And specially
18:39 when you go to Hebrews 9:27,
18:44 it says very clearly that for the human beings, us,
18:50 we die once, and then later on we will face judgment.
18:55 So there is not a second chance after that.
18:59 So the whole idea of reincarnation
19:01 is in direct opposition to the Bible text.
19:06 >>So we see some problems with mysticism.
19:09 We see some problems with reincarnation.
19:12 We see some problems with near-death experiences.
19:15 The next one that you address here in the study
19:18 is necromancy and ancestor worship.
19:21 Now, "necromancy" sounds like
19:23 a very long, mysterious word.
19:26 What is necromancy? Break that down a little bit.
19:29 And how does that have to do with ancestor worship?
19:32 Because, again, in some parts of the world,
19:34 there's a great deal of ancestor worship,
19:37 and other parts, maybe not so much. But what is necromancy,
19:41 and how does that fit in with ancestor worship?
19:44 >>Well, actually necromancy
19:47 is the communication with the dead.
19:50 So this communication usually takes place
19:53 when somebody who died
19:56 shows up in your front and appears.
20:01 You go, for instance, into a mediumic experience,
20:07 and then you can see your grandpa,
20:09 who passed away many years ago,
20:12 and he speaks to you and so on. This is very attractive
20:16 for people that really miss
20:21 their beloved ones.
20:23 And the other one is basically this idea that they believe
20:27 that the dead have something,
20:28 can provide some kind of advice for us,
20:33 help us in our lives, and so on.
20:36 So, in some of the...
20:40 of the Asian religions--
20:45 some of our Western world, the older you become,
20:50 the more obsolete you are, and you need to be replaced.
20:54 But in other places, especially in Asia,
20:57 they believe that you are more reliable
21:00 because you build more knowledge, you have more experience,
21:03 and soon you will become an ancestor.
21:06 So they praise the old people and especially the ancestors
21:11 because they can learn from them and be blessed by them.
21:14 But all this has to do with some kind of conscious
21:19 or unconscious communication with them.
21:23 >>So, communication with the dead,
21:25 there's an interesting story,
21:27 and this is a story that often gets brought up
21:29 when we're talking about this in the Bible.
21:31 The story, it's found in 1 Samuel, chapter 28.
21:35 So, it's the witch of Endor, as it were.
21:38 Share a little bit about that story
21:40 and what we can learn from it
21:42 and what we ought not to take away from it.
21:46 >>Well, this is a very, very
21:48 self-explanatory experience because, first of all,
21:54 you remember that Saul destroyed
21:57 many mediums and spiritists in Israel,
22:01 according to the commandment that you find
22:03 in the Pentateuch. So he followed it clearly,
22:08 so he did not spare them.
22:12 But later on, he departed from the Lord
22:16 and was rejected by the Lord.
22:20 So the Lord was no longer with him.
22:22 And so he stopped his communication with the Lord.
22:26 So he himself now went to Endor
22:30 and spoke with this lady,
22:34 who was a mediumic person. And in that case,
22:40 he had a special request:
22:43 that prophet Samuel should appear.
22:47 And the lady was afraid, saying, "But why do you come to me?
22:51 "You have been--you kill the other ones,
22:55 the other mediums and so on. Why do you come to me?"
22:59 And then he promised that he would not really do
23:01 anything with her. "Just bring me Samuel."
23:05 And then Samuel comes up,
23:09 you know, does not come down from paradise,
23:12 but comes up and then appears there
23:17 and speaks to him, saying that,
23:20 "You will be with me tomorrow.
23:23 Tomorrow you will be with me."
23:26 Well, this is a very strange record
23:30 because of something.
23:34 Samuel died.
23:37 I mean, later on. But if Samuel
23:40 supposedly would be in paradise,
23:45 how could he promise Saul that he would be with paradise
23:51 since he was absolutely against God?
23:53 He was in apostasy, so to say, does not make any sense.
23:57 You see immediately that there are contradictions there.
24:00 But this is a word of warning to us, this whole chapter,
24:05 not to get involved with this kind of experiences
24:09 because they are absolutely misleading,
24:12 and actually they are part of Satan's strategy
24:16 to mislead people because it contradicts completely
24:19 the Bible and its teachings.
24:22 >>So when it tells us in that story
24:24 that the witch brought up Samuel,
24:27 that was not actually Samuel who was brought up
24:30 because that would be completely contradictory to the Bible.
24:32 >>That was a personation.
24:35 >>All right, impersonation is actually what we get to
24:37 on Thursday's lesson.
24:40 And I wanna read again 2 Corinthians 11, verse 14. It says,
24:44 "No wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself
24:47 into an angel of light."
24:49 All of these deceptions that we've been looking at this week
24:52 have been leading toward a master deception
24:56 that is one day going to come.
24:58 What's that big deception going to be?
25:01 >>Actually, let me just mention:
25:03 If Satan is able to transform himself
25:06 into an angel of light, can he not transform himself
25:10 also into other human beings,
25:14 especially the ones that are deceased,
25:16 the ones that died already?
25:19 Actually, if you read the book "The Great Controversy,"
25:22 you'll see that over there
25:24 it's mentioned that in the last days,
25:29 demons will even personify or personate
25:35 the apostles of Christ.
25:38 And in this case, it will be not so difficult
25:41 for one to say, "Well, I am the apostle John.
25:45 When I wrote my gospel in the book of Revelation,
25:47 "that was for that time.
25:49 But now we have another, we are in another world;
25:52 we have a better light." So in this case, the climax of it
25:57 is when Satan
25:58 will really appear
26:02 as if was Christ Himself
26:06 and to mislead.
26:07 And if you are not grounded in this whole package,
26:11 this huge menu of different strategies that Satan uses
26:16 to misguide people, it will be a difficult time.
26:20 Our only assurance is to be faithful to the Bible.
26:24 >>And that's really why we're spending 14 weeks
26:27 looking at this subject so that we can be prepared
26:31 and guard against these deceptions that, in truth,
26:35 are going to cause a lot of people to stumble and fall
26:38 and probably in the very end be lost
26:41 because they haven't placed their faith in the Word of God,
26:44 and instead they've listened to their heart,
26:47 they've followed their eyes, they've followed their ears,
26:51 and they've fallen victim
26:52 to a lot of these end-time deceptions
26:54 that we've been looking at here this week.
26:58 Alberto, I wanna thank you once again
26:59 for making this lesson very, very clear,
27:02 making it very practical,
27:03 and helping us to see some of the deceptions
27:06 that are taking place in the world,
27:08 sometimes in other parts of the world,
27:10 sometimes very close to where we are right now,
27:13 because the adversary is preparing the way
27:15 for a great deception, which is to come.
27:18 And if he can get us to believe
27:20 some of the smaller deceptions right now,
27:23 then he is preparing us for that time
27:25 when he's going to deceive a great many people
27:29 and cause many people to be lost.
27:32 But we don't have to be lost.
27:33 You don't. I don't. We can be ready. We can be prepared
27:37 for those days by being prepared today.
27:41 So I hope and trust that you have been enjoying this study
27:44 on this subject of "Death, Dying, and the Future Hope."
27:48 We're going to continue it again next week,
27:50 as we have three more lessons left this quarter.
27:53 We look forward to seeing you again next time
27:55 on "Sabbath School," brought to you by It Is Written.
27:58 (uplifting theme music)
28:27 (music ends)


Revised 2022-12-01