IIW Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS023013S

00:00 (uplifting theme music)
00:13 (music ends)
00:15 >>Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:17 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:19 We're glad that you could join us today
00:20 as we begin a brand new quarter,
00:23 13 weeks where we're going to be looking
00:26 at one of the most significant messages
00:28 or series of messages in the entire Bible:
00:32 three cosmic messages,
00:34 the three angels' messages of Revelation, chapter 14.
00:37 And yet they encompass, they encapsulate
00:40 so much of what's happening today
00:42 and through the rest of Scripture.
00:45 Before we dive in and I share with you
00:47 who our special guest is for this quarter,
00:49 let's begin with prayer.
00:51 Father, we ask that you'll be with us
00:52 as we study this incredible subject.
00:55 Give us wisdom, give us insight,
00:57 touch our hearts, and move us closer
00:59 to our Savior as we study. We ask this in Jesus' name,
01:03 amen. >>Amen.
01:05 >>So our guest this quarter is Pastor Mark Finley.
01:08 Pastor Mark, we're glad that you could join us.
01:10 >>This is absolutely delightful
01:11 to be at It Is Written again.
01:13 >>Now, you're no stranger to It Is Written.
01:15 You were with It Is Written for 14 years?
01:18 >>Just at 14 years.
01:20 >>Fantastic, and your journey here is--
01:23 you've come back around, as it were.
01:25 >>Right. You know, we just love the It Is Written ministry.
01:27 It's making such a difference, Eric, in the world.
01:30 It is impacting tens of thousands of lives each week.
01:34 We're so thankful for Elder John Bradshaw,
01:37 yourself, and the entire team at It Is Written
01:40 as we see this ministry grow.
01:42 >>Well, we've been blessed by your ministry. Of course,
01:44 you were with It Is Written for a while.
01:45 You've served as a pastor,
01:46 an international speaker, evangelist, author,
01:49 you've served at the General Conference.
01:50 You are an assistant to the president today
01:53 and continuing to travel around in a pseudo-retirement,
01:57 as it were, and sharing the gospel around the world.
02:00 And we're grateful that you could share
02:02 these three messages with us.
02:04 Give us a little bit of background.
02:05 We're looking at three cosmic messages here.
02:07 I know that this is a subject
02:09 that is near and dear to your heart.
02:11 How did we get to hold this,
02:13 this adult Bible study in our hands today?
02:18 >>The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
02:20 has been focusing on the three angels' messages,
02:23 Revelation, chapter 14:6-12.
02:26 There are programs for children;
02:29 there's TV programs that I've done
02:31 called "Three Cosmic Messages."
02:34 We did those with Three Angels Broadcasting.
02:37 There are books that have been written
02:39 on the three angels' messages,
02:41 so just a variety of projects to focus the attention
02:46 of the church and the public on God's last-day message
02:50 in the book of Revelation for us.
02:53 About three years ago,
02:55 the General Conference approached me and asked me
02:58 if I would prepare this series on three cosmic messages,
03:02 the three angels' messages.
03:04 I have a little funny story to tell you
03:06 about how we got the name "Three Cosmic Messages" too,
03:08 so don't let me forget that.
03:11 So when you prepare the Sabbath school study guide,
03:14 it's a major responsibility because Seventh-day Adventists
03:17 around the world study these lessons each Sabbath.
03:22 And they're translated into multiple languages.
03:25 And so I prayed over the series a great deal,
03:28 spent a lot of time praying that God would give me
03:29 the right words, to make it very succinct
03:34 but very clear, powerful.
03:37 You might be interested to know that each lesson
03:40 takes me about seven to eight hours to write,
03:44 not counting the time that you put in research.
03:46 So I would figure for the 13 lessons,
03:49 I have about 110-120 writing hours
03:54 because each day is gonna take you, the seven days,
03:57 an hour, an hour and a half, at least, to write it,
03:59 not counting the research time.
04:00 So you might have 150 hours,
04:02 so it's a real investment in time.
04:04 But sensing this responsibility, Pastor Eric,
04:08 and sensing the sacredness of it
04:10 and the importance of clearly articulating it,
04:13 it's something that I placed priority on.
04:17 >>So a lot of time, a lot of effort,
04:19 a lot of prayer, a lot of research went into this.
04:22 We're going to be on a 13-week journey together
04:25 with you on this subject.
04:27 Give us an idea of where we're going.
04:30 What are some things that we're gonna touch on?
04:31 >>Sure. But lemme tell you a little funny story first.
04:33 So, "Three Cosmic Messages," how did we get that?
04:37 You are very well aware here in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
04:40 of the McKee bakery. >>Yes.
04:42 >>So one day, a group of lay people were talking.
04:45 And as we were talking about titles,
04:49 we said, "People may not understand three angels' messages."
04:52 And so as we're talking,
04:54 we were talking with Mr. Rusty McKee of McKee bakery.
04:58 And he said to us, "You know, the bestselling brownies
05:02 we have at McKee bakery are Cosmic Brownies."
05:05 We said, "That's it, 'cosmic'!
05:07 It's a great word; people are familiar with it."
05:10 You know, conflict between good and evil,
05:11 conflict between Christ and Satan,
05:13 "Three Cosmic Messages," so that's how we got the title.
05:17 >>So we've got the title from brownies.
05:19 >>Yeah, right. (laughs) >>I love it. That's fantastic.
05:21 So give us an idea of where we're going,
05:22 these cosmic messages.
05:24 Where are they going to take us over the course of 13 weeks?
05:26 >>The book of Revelation focuses on the conflict
05:29 between good and evil.
05:30 It focuses on the conflict between Christ and Satan.
05:33 It has to do with a cosmic conflict in the heavens.
05:37 It's a Star Wars conflict
05:39 between the forces of right and the forces of wrong,
05:43 between Christ and Satan.
05:45 So the book of Revelation focuses on that conflict.
05:49 The three angels' messages
05:50 prepare us for the final conflict.
05:52 They prepare us for the overwhelming events
05:56 that are coming upon our world.
05:58 So we will go through the messages of Christ
06:03 in Revelation, chapter 14
06:05 and look at why these messages are so important,
06:08 so significant in preparing a people
06:10 for the coming of Jesus.
06:12 >>Very good. Well, let's dive into it.
06:14 We are on lesson number one.
06:16 The title of lesson number one is "Jesus Wins--Satan Loses."
06:20 Now, that, of course, is good news for all of us.
06:23 We wanna find out how Jesus wins and how Satan loses.
06:26 But it's interesting, Pastor Mark,
06:27 that you start lesson number one not in Revelation 14,
06:31 where we find the three angels' messages,
06:33 but you start at two chapters earlier
06:36 in Revelation, chapter 12. Why begin there?
06:39 >>Chapter 12 is really the hinge
06:41 upon which the entire book of Revelation turns.
06:44 In Revelation, chapter 1,
06:46 you have an introduction of the eternal Christ.
06:48 He is eternal,
06:50 He's our Savior, our Redeemer,
06:53 and He is our High Priest and coming King.
06:55 You find that in Revelation 1.
06:57 Then there are three sequences of seven.
07:00 You have the seven churches, the seven seals,
07:03 the seven trumpets. That leads up to Revelation, chapter 12,
07:07 which then catapults you
07:09 into the great controversy and end-day events.
07:12 So Revelation 12 introduces you to the chapters
07:16 that will follow the mark of the beast in chapter 13,
07:19 the three angels' messages in chapter 14,
07:21 the seven last plagues in chapter 15 and 16,
07:24 and the woman in scarlet and the beast
07:25 in Revelation 17 and 18,
07:27 and then the coming of Christ in 19
07:29 and the new heavens and the new earth.
07:31 So Revelation 12 is a pivotal chapter.
07:34 Understanding Revelation 12,
07:35 you get the broader view, the larger view
07:38 of the controversy between good and evil.
07:40 And that's why we started there, to give us that context.
07:42 >>So the theme kind of changes
07:44 when you get to Revelation 12. The focus changes.
07:47 What do we find in Revelation 12?
07:50 What is that content that sets it apart,
07:52 that makes it different from chapters 1-11?
07:56 Now we begin this new journey.
07:58 What makes it a new journey there?
08:00 >>The neat thing about Revelation 12
08:02 is you have four episodes. You have the first episode,
08:07 and I like to look at it as like vignettes,
08:11 as if I'm watching a video, and I see scene one,
08:14 scene two, scene three, scene four.
08:16 The uniqueness about Revelation 12
08:18 is that it takes you down through the ages
08:22 in this conflict between good and evil.
08:25 It starts with Lucifer's rebellion against God in heaven;
08:28 he's cast out. Time goes on.
08:31 Lucifer then attacks Christ when He's born on earth,
08:34 tries to destroy Him. Time goes on.
08:38 There's a period of the Middle or Dark Ages
08:41 where Satan tries to destroy the followers of Christ.
08:44 And then it catapults you
08:46 right into the last days of earth's history
08:48 where the dragon, Satan, tries to destroy
08:50 God's last-day people, the remnant.
08:51 And it's from that vantage point
08:54 that we then go into the beast from the sea
08:59 and the beast from the earth in Revelation, chapter 13
09:01 that tries to destroy God's people.
09:03 We go into the message that prepares God's people.
09:06 So you have that Revelation, chapter 12:17,
09:09 which shows you Satan's attempt on the remnant.
09:13 And then the rest of the book shows
09:15 how he has tried to destroy the remnant
09:17 and how they've stood loyal and faithful and true to Christ.
09:20 >>So you have four episodes here,
09:22 as you mentioned, in Revelation, chapter 12.
09:25 We've got a general idea of where that's going,
09:28 but dig us into that a little bit more.
09:30 We're talking about Jesus winning and Satan losing.
09:33 Revelation 12 brings that all together.
09:36 Help us unpack that a little bit.
09:37 >>Sure, let's just actually go to our Bibles
09:40 and look at Revelation, chapter 12.
09:42 We're gonna start there in Revelation 12 with verse 7.
09:46 So this is the first great episode.
09:49 Revelation 12, verse 7 says, "War broke out in heaven:
09:53 "Michael and his angels fought with the dragon;
09:56 and the dragon and his angels fought."
09:58 Now, notice now, Pastor Eric, the next few verse,
10:03 the next verse in chapter 8.
10:05 And let's also look at chapter 9.
10:07 Why don't you read verse 8 and 9?
10:08 >>It says, "But they did not prevail,
10:10 "nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
10:13 "So the great dragon was cast out,
10:15 "that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
10:18 "who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth,
10:21 and his angels were cast out with him."
10:24 >>So here is a cosmic conflict between good and evil,
10:26 between the forces of good, the force of evil,
10:28 between Christ and Satan. And here in this conflict,
10:32 we're gonna notice something that happens.
10:34 Every angel has to make a decision,
10:36 similar to the final conflict
10:38 when every human being on Planet Earth
10:40 has to make a decision.
10:41 And it says that Satan does not prevail;
10:45 he's cast out of heaven. So in episode number one,
10:48 Jesus wins; Satan loses.
10:51 We come down the stream of time, and we come here now,
10:57 let's go back to Revelation 12,
11:00 and we, again,
11:02 read about this dragon who is cast out of heaven,
11:08 and we get another picture of him
11:10 in chapter 12, verse 3, 4, and 5.
11:14 Go ahead, pastor, and read those.
11:16 >>Sure, verse 3 says, "And another sign appeared in heaven:
11:19 "behold, a great, fiery red dragon
11:21 "having seven heads and ten horns,
11:23 "and seven diadems on his heads.
11:25 "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven
11:28 "and threw them to the earth.
11:29 "And the dragon stood before the woman
11:31 "who was ready to give birth,
11:32 "to devour her Child as soon as it was born.
11:35 "She bore a male Child who was to rule
11:38 "all nations with a rod of iron.
11:40 And her Child was caught up to God and His throne."
11:43 >>So here's scene number two.
11:45 In scene number two, Satan, who has been cast out of heaven,
11:50 focuses on destroying Jesus.
11:53 A decree is passed that all male children under 2
11:56 should be killed or annihilated.
11:59 Scripture says that the woman
12:02 bears a male Child, obviously Christ,
12:05 who is "to rule all nations with [the] rod of iron....
12:08 Her child [is] caught up to God and His throne."
12:12 Jesus wins; Satan loses.
12:14 He faces Satan's temptation, and He overcomes.
12:18 He is eventually crucified.
12:21 His death provides salvation for all mankind.
12:23 And then He rises. So that's the second episode.
12:28 Third episode we find here
12:31 is in this next verse, verse 6.
12:34 >>Verse 6 says, "Then the woman fled into the wilderness,
12:38 "where she has a place prepared by God,
12:40 "that they should feed her there
12:41 one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
12:44 >>Then the woman, the church, flees into the wilderness--
12:47 the long period of Dark Ages,
12:50 this 1,260 days in Bible prophecy;
12:53 one prophetic day is a literal year,
12:57 Ezekiel 4, verse 6,
12:59 and Numbers 14:32 and through 34.
13:04 So you have here the idea
13:06 of the woman fleeing into the wilderness,
13:08 but I'm interested in this expression;
13:09 it says, "She has a place prepared by God."
13:13 In the trials of life, in the heartaches of life,
13:16 difficulties, God always has a place prepared for us.
13:19 >>Amen to that.
13:21 So we've looked at three of these vignettes.
13:23 We've still got one more to go.
13:24 We're gonna take a quick break, but before we do,
13:27 we have a companion book that's available
13:30 to this quarter's Sabbath school lesson.
13:31 It's called "Three Cosmic Messages."
13:33 Of course, you're the author of this,
13:34 as well as the study guide.
13:37 For somebody who's considering whether
13:38 they ought to pick up the companion book or not,
13:41 what would they find in this companion book
13:44 that would add more to their study of the quarterly
13:48 of the Sabbath school lesson?
13:49 >>Sure.
13:50 One of the reasons, Pastor Eric,
13:52 for the companion book is that
13:55 when an author does research
13:57 and spends literally tens of hours on that research,
14:02 there's so much more than you can put
14:04 in the Sabbath school lessons. So, Pacific Press,
14:07 the publisher of the Sabbath school companion books,
14:14 always publishes a book that gives you additional resources.
14:17 So if you're interested in the book of Revelation,
14:19 if you want to have a deeper view
14:21 of the three angels' messages,
14:24 if you want stories and illustrations
14:26 that illustrate these lessons,
14:29 if you really desire to understand the meaning of the text,
14:33 where we break down the text
14:34 and look at the meaning of words and background of words,
14:37 if you are a layperson, a pastor,
14:41 this will enrich your life immensely.
14:44 >>So that is "Three Cosmic Messages,"
14:46 the companion book to this quarter's Sabbath school lesson.
14:50 You can find a copy of this at itiswritten.shop.
14:53 Again, that's itiswritten.shop,
14:55 the companion book to this quarter's study,
14:57 and it is called "Three Cosmic Messages,"
15:00 of course, by Pastor Mark Finley.
15:02 We're going to take a quick break,
15:04 and when we come back, we're going to be looking
15:05 at the last of those four vignettes.
15:08 And then we're going to dig more deeply into Revelation 12
15:11 and see how it connects with Revelation 14.
15:14 We'll be right back.
15:15 (uplifting theme music swells and ends)
15:19 >>[John Bradshaw] It's everywhere, adorning churches,
15:22 adorning people.
15:24 There's a season every year commemorating the cross.
15:28 But beyond eggs and rabbits, there's a power,
15:31 the power of a sacrifice, the power of the love of God.
15:35 Be sure you see "At the Cross"
15:38 and learn about the single event
15:40 that changed the course of history,
15:42 the event that can change your life forever.
15:46 Predicted by prophets and foretold by Jesus Himself,
15:50 what happened at the cross
15:51 was a demonstration of God's love like no other.
15:55 Humanity's fall into sin in the Garden of Eden
15:58 brought upon Adam and Eve and their descendants
16:01 inescapable consequences.
16:03 But into that turmoil stepped Jesus,
16:05 promising the planet a way of escape.
16:08 Don't miss "At the Cross,"
16:11 brought to you by It Is Written TV.
16:16 You know that at It Is Written,
16:18 we are serious about studying the Word of God
16:20 and we encourage you to be serious as well.
16:23 Well, here's what you do
16:24 if you want to dig deeper into God's Word.
16:26 Go to itiswritten.study
16:28 for the It Is Written Bible Study Guides online,
16:31 25 in-depth Bible studies that will take you
16:33 through the major teachings of the Bible.
16:36 You'll be blessed, and it's something you'll want
16:38 to tell others about as well:
16:40 itiswritten.study.
16:41 Go further: itiswritten.study.
16:45 (uplifting theme music)
16:49 >>[Eric] Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
16:51 brought to you by It Is Written.
16:53 We are on a journey through
16:57 the three cosmic messages of Revelation, chapter 14.
17:00 And we're looking especially right now at chapter 12.
17:03 And we've been going through a series of four vignettes
17:06 that you mentioned are described in Revelation, chapter 12.
17:10 Before we get to that fourth one--
17:12 we've covered three of them--
17:13 but before we get to that fourth one,
17:15 the Bible makes very plain
17:16 that there is a great conflict coming.
17:19 We can maybe see elements of it now,
17:22 hints of it right now, but we're certainly not there yet.
17:25 There is a great conflict coming
17:28 that many people alive today are probably going to face.
17:32 What kind of hope, what kind of counsel,
17:35 what kind of practical things can we learn from the past,
17:38 from what people have gone through in the past
17:41 that might prepare us for some events
17:43 that are very shortly to come on the earth?
17:45 >>Revelation 12 is our chapter. (chuckles)
17:48 It is just remarkable.
17:50 It not only presents this historical overview
17:52 but these practical hints.
17:54 First, notice that Satan was cast out of heaven.
17:58 He did not prevail. Jesus won; Satan lost.
18:02 Secondly, Christ was victorious over Satan in His life.
18:06 He triumphed over the principalities and powers of hell.
18:09 Again, Jesus won; Satan lost. But notice a couple things
18:14 I think that are very, very helpful.
18:16 If you look at Revelation, chapter 12,
18:21 and you read verse 10,
18:23 through 10 and 11 and 12.
18:27 Go ahead and read 10, 11, and 12.
18:29 They're really helpful, very practical.
18:31 >>Verse 10 says, "Then I heard a loud voice
18:33 "saying in heaven, 'Now salvation, and strength,
18:36 "'and the kingdom of our God,
18:38 "'and the power of His Christ have come,
18:40 "'for the accuser of our brethren,
18:42 "'who accused them before our God day and night,
18:44 "'has been cast down.
18:46 "'And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
18:48 "'and by the word of their testimony,
18:50 "'and they did not love their lives to the death.
18:54 "'Therefore rejoice, O heavens,
18:55 "'and you who dwell in them!
18:57 "'Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea!
19:00 "'For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath,
19:03 because he knows that he has a short time.'"
19:06 >>Well, let's unpack those, pastor.
19:08 >>There's a lot there. >>There really is.
19:10 Verse 10, it says he hears a loud voice saying in heaven,
19:16 "Salvation, strength, and the kingdom of our God,
19:18 and the power of His Christ have come."
19:20 So this is speaking about the coming
19:24 of Jesus Christ. When Christ comes, salvation comes.
19:29 We are saved by the grace of Christ.
19:31 Satan can tempt us, he can try to discourage us,
19:35 but salvation has come in Christ.
19:37 Strength has come in Christ.
19:41 Everything we need to overcome the powers of evil,
19:46 we find in Christ. There is strength in Christ;
19:49 there is power in Christ; there is victory in Christ.
19:52 "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God"--
19:55 what does it mean, "the kingdom of our God"?
19:56 Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is within you."
19:59 When we look at Christ,
20:00 we see the principles of the kingdom of God:
20:02 love, joy, peace, longsuffering.
20:04 So what this text is saying is that,
20:07 although you live in a world of wickedness
20:09 and sin and rebellion,
20:11 in your heart, you can still have God's kingdom.
20:13 In your heart, you can still be at peace
20:15 and filled with joy.
20:16 Then it says, "And the power of...Christ has come,
20:20 "for the accuser of our brethren,
20:22 "who accused them...day and night
20:24 [before our God and night], has been cast down."
20:26 Incidentally, I don't wanna be a accuser of the brethren.
20:27 (chuckles) I don't wanna be critical of other people.
20:29 I may see the faults of other people,
20:32 but when you begin to criticize others,
20:34 you then become one of Satan's allies.
20:38 I don't wanna be a Satan's ally. But that be what it may,
20:42 we look here at the passage; it says,
20:44 "The power of His Christ has come,
20:47 because the accuser of the brethren is cast down."
20:50 If Christ had such power to cast Satan out of heaven,
20:53 He has equal power to cast him out of my life.
20:56 So these are very practical things.
20:58 The first principle we know
20:59 is that in Christ there is salvation,
21:01 there is power, there is strength,
21:03 and there is the kingdom of God coming into my heart.
21:05 Then it tells you in verse 11,
21:07 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb."
21:10 Notice it doesn't say they hoped to overcome,
21:13 they were struggling to overcome.
21:15 If we fully understand the sacrifice
21:18 of Christ on the cross for us,
21:19 love is the greatest motivator. We go to the cross--
21:22 we find that the Christ who loves us most
21:27 gave His life for us, bearing the condemnation,
21:30 the shame, and the guilt of sin on the cross.
21:32 It says, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
21:34 ...by the word of their testimony."
21:36 There are some people that say, "Oh, life is so tough.
21:39 "Oh man, I got so many problems in my life.
21:42 "I got financial problems. I got problems with my kids.
21:45 "I got problems in my-- I got so many problems.
21:46 I got problems in the church."
21:48 They're so problem-focused that a dark cloud is over them.
21:52 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
21:54 and by the word of their testimony."
21:55 We speak out God's goodness; we speak out God's grace;
21:59 we speak out God's power. If you want faith, talk faith.
22:03 If you want courage, talk courage.
22:05 If you want joy, talk joy.
22:07 We not only reflect what's in our heart,
22:11 but the words that we speak impact ourselves,
22:14 not only others.
22:15 So, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb."
22:18 Christ died for me; Christ lives for me;
22:20 Christ's power is mine.
22:22 I should be the most joyful, happy person in the world.
22:25 And it says, "They loved not their lives to death."
22:28 In other words, they gave their lives in service.
22:30 So here's the key of overcoming: coming to the cross,
22:33 finding His grace, His mercy, His goodness,
22:36 speaking out joy to encourage others,
22:39 and giving my life in sacrificial service.
22:41 >>So those are things that we can very much do today,
22:44 can be an integral part of our lives.
22:46 We simply have to choose to live that life
22:50 with His power and for His glory.
22:54 So that kind of leads us into, I think,
22:56 our fourth vignette, as it were.
22:59 Where do we go from there?
23:01 >>Yeah, so we've seen that Satan was cast out of heaven.
23:05 We've seen that Satan tried to destroy Jesus
23:08 and he was unsuccessful.
23:10 He tried to destroy God's people in the Middle Ages,
23:12 persecution, fierce persecution,
23:15 many martyred, but the church still grew.
23:17 Even in the Dark Ages,
23:18 there were those that were faithful to God.
23:20 Although you don't have a lot of numerical church growth,
23:23 you do have spiritual growth in the hearts of those few,
23:25 what we'd call the remnant.
23:27 In Revelation, chapter 12, verse 17,
23:31 it comes down to the last verse in the chapter,
23:34 the dragon, which the Bible has identified as Satan,
23:38 was enraged with the woman.
23:41 In Bible prophecy, a pure, chaste woman
23:45 represents the true church.
23:48 Jeremiah 6, verse 2 says,
23:50 "I have likened the daughter of Zion"--
23:52 which is the church, ancient Israel--
23:54 "to a pure and delicate woman."
23:57 In Ephesians, chapter 5, it talks about the bride of Christ.
24:02 So in the book of Revelation, a pure, chaste woman
24:05 is united to her true Lover, Jesus Christ.
24:08 A harlot woman is united to the kings of the earth
24:13 and commits spiritual fornication with them.
24:17 So it says, "The dragon was enraged with the woman,
24:20 ...[goes] to make war with the rest of her offspring"--
24:23 now, the King James version says "the remnant"--
24:26 "who keep the commandments of God
24:28 and have the testimony of Jesus."
24:30 So we have a description in Revelation 12:17
24:34 of God's final end-time people.
24:37 They have, they keep the commandments of God.
24:41 They are faithful, and they have the testimony of Jesus.
24:44 What's this testimony of Jesus?
24:46 Well, Revelation 19, verse 10 helps us to understand that.
24:52 Revelation 19, verse 10,
24:53 and why don't you read that, pastor?
24:55 >>It says, "And I fell at his feet to worship him.
24:58 But he"--that is, the angel--"said to me,
25:00 "'See that you do not do that!
25:02 "'I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren
25:04 "'who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!
25:08 For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.'"
25:11 >>So we find here a definition of the testimony of Jesus,
25:15 which is the prophetic gift speaking through the prophets.
25:19 You find something very similar to that
25:21 also in Revelation, chapter 22,
25:25 where John falls at the feet of the angel
25:30 that's revealing truth to him.
25:31 And look at Revelation 22, verse 8 and 9.
25:35 >>"Now I, John, saw and heard these things.
25:38 "And when I heard and saw,
25:39 "I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel
25:42 "who showed me these things.
25:43 "Then he said to me, 'See that you do not do that.
25:46 "'For I am your fellow servant,
25:47 "'and of your brethren the prophets,
25:49 "'and of those who keep the words of this book.
25:52 Worship God.'"
25:53 >>So notice, "I am your fellow servant,
25:57 of your brethren the prophets."
25:58 So what is the testimony of Jesus?
26:00 The testimony of Jesus is the gift of prophecy
26:03 that beats in the breast of every prophet.
26:07 It is the testimony,
26:08 it is Jesus' testimony through that prophet.
26:11 So Revelation 12:17 says that God would raise up
26:15 an end-time people, a prophetic movement
26:18 that would be faithful to the teachings of Scripture.
26:21 It would be a Christ-centered,
26:22 biblically-based, truth-proclaiming movement
26:27 that would be characterized by two unique features:
26:31 Its love for Christ would lead them
26:33 to keep the commandments of God,
26:34 including the Bible Sabbath;
26:36 and it would be guided by the gift of prophecy.
26:38 Satan would hate that movement
26:41 and therefore attempt to destroy it,
26:44 Revelation 13, the mark of the beast.
26:46 So God would have an end-time message
26:48 to prepare the world
26:50 to be part of His end-time movement
26:53 to get a people ready for the coming of Jesus.
26:55 >>And that's what we're spending
26:57 the next 12 weeks looking at,
26:59 looking at these three cosmic messages,
27:01 this incredible overarching message
27:04 that God has for this time, for His people
27:08 to prepare a remnant
27:10 to be ready to meet Jesus when He comes.
27:12 And the good news is
27:14 we've got 12 more weeks to dig into this.
27:16 So if not everything makes sense right now,
27:19 if you've got some questions right now,
27:21 you are in the right place
27:23 because we are going to be delving into this in great detail
27:26 over the course of the next 12 weeks.
27:30 This message, this series of messages is for our day.
27:34 If you were to take your finger
27:36 and put it in a portion of the Bible
27:38 that specifically applies to our day,
27:41 it would be right in the heart of Revelation, chapter 14.
27:44 And, Pastor Mark, we're delighted that
27:45 you're going to be guiding and directing us
27:47 through this journey into "Three Cosmic Messages."
27:51 And we are delighted that you're going
27:52 to be joining us as well.
27:54 So make sure that you have the Bible study guide,
27:57 make sure that you have the companion book,
27:59 and make sure that you come back again next week
28:01 to join us for week number two, lesson number two,
28:04 as we look at "Three Cosmic Messages."
28:07 God bless you, we'll see you next time.
28:09 (uplifting theme music)
28:27 (music ends)


Revised 2023-03-24