IIW Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS023026S

00:00 (upbeat music)
00:16 >>Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:17 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:20 And this week we are starting a brand new quarter.
00:23 We are looking at the book of Ephesians,
00:25 Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus.
00:28 Why does he write the letter?
00:30 What are some of the major themes?
00:31 What's the significance of the book of Ephesians?
00:34 We're going to be looking at all of that and more
00:37 over the course of the next 14 weeks.
00:40 But before we dive into this week's lesson
00:42 and a brand new quarter, let's begin with prayer.
00:45 Father, we wanna thank You for being with us,
00:48 for promising to guide us through our study
00:51 of the book of Ephesians.
00:52 We ask that You would open our hearts and our minds
00:55 and our understanding to the message that You gave to Paul
00:59 to give to the church in Ephesus,
01:01 and through that church, to us as well.
01:03 We ask that You'll bless our time together,
01:06 bless our understanding,
01:07 and we thank You in Jesus' name, amen.
01:11 Well, the author of this quarter's study
01:13 is Dr. John McVay,
01:15 he is the president of Walla Walla University.
01:17 He's also the former dean of the seminary
01:20 at Andrews University.
01:22 He holds a doctorate in New Testament studies
01:25 and we're delighted to have Dr. John McVay
01:28 with us this quarter.
01:29 John, welcome. We're glad that you're here.
01:31 >>I'm delighted to be here, Eric.
01:32 >>Now, this is a really exciting book,
01:34 the book of Ephesians.
01:35 It's right in the heart of the New Testament.
01:38 Of course, Paul is the author of the book.
01:41 Give us a little bit of background
01:43 into how this quarter's lesson came to be.
01:46 Why are we studying the book of Ephesians?
01:49 A little bit of an overview and maybe a little backstory
01:51 in how this study guide came into being.
01:55 How long had you been working on it?
01:57 Things along those lines. >>Sure.
01:59 Well, in a way, this study guide goes back to about 1987
02:06 when I was sitting in an office with my major professor
02:10 trying to decide what I was gonna write my dissertation,
02:12 my doctoral dissertation about,
02:14 and at the time, he was writing a commentary on Ephesians.
02:17 And I was particularly interested
02:18 in the theology of the church,
02:20 and the two came together in that moment,
02:22 and my destiny with Ephesians was set.
02:25 >>Fantastic, so back in the 1980s?
02:27 >>Yes, back in the 1980s.
02:29 >>Some people who are watching this
02:31 may not even have been born
02:33 in the 1980s. >>That's of course correct.
02:35 Someone who's known me for a long time was saying,
02:37 "Hey, I think you started working on this
02:39 back in the mid to late '80s."
02:42 And I said, "Well, yes.
02:43 "But the most important date
02:44 "isn't when I started working on Ephesians.
02:46 "The most important date
02:48 is when Ephesians started working on me."
02:49 >>That's right. Absolutely.
02:51 So, why Ephesians?
02:52 What is the significance of it?
02:54 What are some things--
02:55 we're gonna take a 14-week
02:56 journey together-- >>Sure.
02:58 >>...through the book of Ephesians.
02:59 What are some things
03:00 that we're going to be learning along the way?
03:02 Why do we wanna make this journey?
03:04 There's some good reasons. What are they?
03:07 >>There's a lot of good reasons.
03:08 Someone has written that pound-for-pound,
03:10 Ephesians may be the most influential document
03:13 in human history.
03:15 So that kind of wakes us up a little bit, doesn't it?
03:17 If you ever read through those statements of faith
03:20 on Christian denominations and groups--
03:24 you know, at the end of a statement
03:25 they often give biblical references,
03:27 and it's an interesting project
03:28 to see how often Ephesians is cited there.
03:31 It really is important
03:32 as a foundation of Christian doctrine.
03:35 Paul, here in this letter,
03:37 not so different from Romans, steps aside it seems,
03:42 from some of the local interest stuff
03:46 like you see in 1 and 2 Corinthians
03:48 and 1 and 2 Thessalonians.
03:50 And he's really talking about Christian faith
03:53 very broadly in a way that echoes down through the ages.
03:57 And it's easy for us to identify with it
03:59 and draw it into our own lives right now.
04:02 >>So, a lot that we can apply,
04:04 it's not just theological uselessness
04:09 as someone might say some things are,
04:11 which I don't think anything really is,
04:12 but these are very practical,
04:14 very applicable things
04:16 that we can use in our lives right now.
04:19 >>Paul has a lot of grand,
04:22 high-flying language here
04:24 in the epistle to the Ephesians.
04:26 And as in most of his letters,
04:28 the first half focuses on that doctrinal--
04:31 it sings with Christ and God
04:34 and what God has done in Christ
04:36 through the church to redeem humankind.
04:39 And so, there's lots of that.
04:41 But then in the second half,
04:43 there's a turn in focus
04:45 and he turns toward, so what?
04:48 What does this mean?
04:50 So he gets down to the nitty gritty of it
04:51 and begins to apply that
04:53 to the lives of Christian disciples.
04:55 So both are there,
04:56 the high ringing, high sounding theological statements,
05:00 but also the nitty gritty of how this walks and talks
05:03 in terms of Christian discipleship.
05:05 >>Very good.
05:07 So lesson number one, "Paul and the Ephesians."
05:10 Why Ephesus?
05:12 What's the significance of the city of Ephesus?
05:15 Ephesus, of course,
05:16 the letter to the Ephesians
05:18 is the people who are in Ephesus.
05:20 Why Ephesus? What's the significance of that city?
05:23 >>Well, that's a very good question
05:24 and Paul nowhere gives us a direct answer to that,
05:28 but we can infer, I think,
05:30 a fairly accurate answer from his mission strategy
05:34 that we see, particularly in the book of Acts, don't we?
05:37 He doesn't tend to go to tiny little out of the way places.
05:42 He is wanting to capture the world for Jesus,
05:47 and so, he tends to operate
05:48 on what one of my friends has called the "hub principle."
05:51 And Ephesus, then, is one of these hubs.
05:55 He's clearly dedicated to it.
05:57 He stops there at the end of the second missionary journey,
06:00 promises to return.
06:02 At the start of the third missionary journey,
06:04 he begins his way moving across 1800 miles
06:07 to get to Ephesus.
06:08 He clearly wants to get to this place.
06:12 It's the capital of arguably the richest province
06:16 in the Roman Empire, the province of Asia.
06:19 It's a transportation hub.
06:22 It's an important center.
06:24 He wants to found and establish Christian faith there
06:28 so that it spreads far and wide.
06:30 I'm, again, intuiting from mission strategy
06:33 and his approach here.
06:34 This place is important to him.
06:36 He wants to found Christianity firmly here
06:39 so that it can spread.
06:41 >>So not an insignificant city,
06:42 in fact, what,
06:44 third, fourth largest in the Roman Empire,
06:45 somewhere in that neighborhood.
06:47 >>It's a little hard, of course,
06:48 to judge cities of ancient times in their size,
06:51 but Ephesus was probably 200 to 250,000,
06:55 not just in the city itself, but in the surrounding area.
06:59 That's a lot of people in its time.
07:02 Now, in our day, 200-250,000 is not a large city,
07:07 but in that time, it came in just behind Rome itself,
07:11 Alexandria, maybe Corinth.
07:13 Third or fourth largest city in the Roman Empire.
07:16 So it's a big, strategic,
07:18 rich, sophisticated place,
07:22 and Paul dares to step into its streets
07:25 and lay claim to the place for Jesus.
07:27 >>And it's not an easy task.
07:29 I mean, you make reference to a few stories
07:32 in the book of Acts that give us an idea,
07:35 a little bit of the backstory
07:37 of what's happening in the book of Ephesians,
07:40 some experiences, as it were, that he references.
07:43 Give us a little bit more in that backstory.
07:45 >>Well, the backstory for Ephesians
07:47 is really in Acts, chapters 18 and 19,
07:49 and there are some great stories here,
07:52 just as stories.
07:53 So, you have seven itinerant
07:57 Jewish exorcists.
08:01 Judaism had quite a reputation in the time,
08:03 and of course, Ephesus is a place where magic
08:07 and the worship of
08:09 scores of deities proved important.
08:13 And these exorcists have obviously made
08:17 a good business out of practicing exorcism,
08:23 using a kind of abracadabra approach,
08:24 naming sort of every deity from A to Z.
08:27 They hear about Jesus, they hear about Paul,
08:30 and so they mingle their names amidst their abracadabra
08:35 and they try to practice
08:38 this newly formulated mumbo jumbo
08:41 on a demon possessed person.
08:44 >>It doesn't go very well.
08:46 >>Does not go well, it does not go well at all.
08:49 The man rises up, overpowers them,
08:52 and they flee, kind of half naked,
08:54 into the streets of Ephesus.
08:56 Now that's a crazy story,
08:59 but the wonderful thing about it is
09:01 it works out grandly for the reputation of Jesus,
09:05 Paul, and the gospel,
09:08 and as a result, scripture says,
09:10 you know, the whole region gets to know about Jesus,
09:14 begins to think about Him.
09:16 >>And that's not the only story.
09:17 There's another story in the book of Acts,
09:19 also about a silversmith.
09:22 Give us a little
09:23 story of Demetrius. >>Yes, there's a riot.
09:25 I mean, this is fascinating.
09:27 And what these stories together tell us
09:29 is that Paul's missionary work in the city
09:34 makes a dramatic difference
09:36 and shakes the very political and economic foundations
09:40 of the third or fourth largest city in the Roman Empire.
09:44 That's really quite fascinating.
09:47 But yeah, Paul is, according to the story,
09:51 and according to Demetrius, the silversmith himself,
09:54 kind of turning the world upside down with this idea
09:57 that these gods are not gods.
10:00 So, Paul is preaching
10:03 about Christ.
10:05 Paul is preaching about God.
10:07 Paul is preaching about the creator God,
10:09 and in service of that, he's going after idolatry.
10:13 He's saying, "These are not really gods."
10:16 And that actually maybe didn't bother Demetrius that much
10:20 until it started hitting his pocketbook.
10:23 And when those trinkets
10:25 that went along with the cult of Artemis,
10:28 the greatest goddess worshiped in Ephesus,
10:32 and you know, those little silver shrines
10:34 and all the rest of it,
10:36 when sales plummeted, that's when he got excited.
10:39 >>And it caused no small uproar.
10:41 >>He convenes a meeting, he lays out the problem,
10:48 and folks get excited and they scream and holler,
10:50 the name for Artemis,
10:53 "Artemis of the Ephesians,
10:55 Artemis of the Ephesians," for a couple of hours, right?
10:58 And it's a major ruckus, it becomes a riot.
11:03 Paul is not immediately around,
11:05 but they're looking for scapegoats for all of this.
11:07 And the town clerk steps in and says,
11:09 "Hey, you know, we've got a problem here,"
11:12 and calms the crowd down.
11:15 But this is a story that tells us
11:18 that Paul had done real gospel work.
11:22 He'd been there three years and he had been preaching
11:25 and speaking for two of those years in a classroom setting.
11:29 Sounds kind of boring, right?
11:32 The evangelistic meeting that he's holding
11:34 in a specific hall that we're told about there in Ephesus.
11:38 But it's effective, it makes a difference.
11:40 >>So Paul is making inroads, most clearly.
11:44 So the book of Ephesians,
11:46 that's what we are taking a look at this quarter.
11:49 You will want to pick up the companion book
11:52 to this quarter's study guide.
11:54 It is entitled "Ephesians" by of course, John McVay.
11:57 Now, John, give us a little insight
12:00 into why the companion book is important.
12:03 What would someone get from this companion book
12:06 that isn't in the study guide itself?
12:09 What's the meat in here?
12:11 >>Well, in the companion book,
12:13 I try to take the book of Ephesians,
12:17 deal with it section by section,
12:20 and have a chance to tell a few stories,
12:23 to share some of the scholarship around the letter,
12:27 but do that in a candy-coated fashion
12:29 that makes it really accessible.
12:31 And we have a chance to really explore
12:34 why this is such a dynamic, powerful, and important letter
12:38 and I especially have the chance to spend time
12:40 on what difference does it make in our lives today?
12:44 So, I like to think of it
12:45 as a kind of narrative story commentary
12:48 on the epistle to the Ephesians.
12:50 I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
12:53 >>So you wanna pick up the companion book
12:55 to this quarter's study guide.
12:56 It is called "Ephesians" and you can find it
12:59 at itiswritten.shop.
13:01 Again, that's at itiswritten.shop.
13:04 Just look for the companion book
13:06 to this quarter's study guide.
13:08 It is called "Ephesians."
13:10 And we are going to continue looking at week number one,
13:14 "Paul and the Ephesians," as we dive
13:18 into this brand new quarter on the book of Ephesians.
13:22 And we look forward to seeing you again in just a moment
13:25 as we come back and continue our study.
13:27 (upbeat music)
13:32 >>You know that at It Is Written
13:34 we are serious about the study of the Word of God,
13:37 and we encourage you to be serious about God's Word also.
13:41 Well, I wanna share with you another way
13:43 that you can dig deeper into the Word of God,
13:46 and here it is,
13:48 itiswritten.study.
13:51 Go online to itiswritten.study
13:54 and you can access the It Is Written Bible Study Guides,
13:58 25 in-depth Bible studies
14:01 that will walk you through the Bible.
14:03 It's gonna be good for you and it's the sort of thing
14:06 that you will want to tell somebody else about
14:10 so that they can dig deeper into the Word of God
14:13 and come to know the things of the Bible intimately.
14:16 As you get into the It Is Written online Bible study guides,
14:20 you'll understand the prophecies of the Bible,
14:22 the plan of salvation, and more.
14:24 So don't forget itiswritten.study,
14:27 itiswritten.study.
14:31 (upbeat music)
14:36 >>Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:37 brought to you by It Is Written.
14:39 We are continuing our study of the book of Ephesians.
14:44 And John, let me jump back in by asking this question.
14:47 What's the purpose of Ephesians? Why do we have the book?
14:52 What's it there for?
14:54 >>Well, Eric, usually when we write something,
14:56 at least something important and intentional,
14:58 there's some reason why we've taken the time to write it.
15:01 And it's an interesting question to say,
15:03 "Okay, so assuming that to be the case,
15:06 why does Paul spill so much ink and passion in this letter?
15:10 "Why does he go to the trouble,
15:12 "particularly in ancient context
15:14 "where writing a letter was not nearly
15:15 as simple as typing out an email is today."
15:18 So, why?
15:19 You know, I think
15:20 probably the best indication we have of that
15:24 comes in chapter three near the center of the letter
15:30 where Paul is going to offer a prayer report
15:33 and talk about why he's praying for them.
15:36 And there's a little line here
15:39 that I think is helpful for us.
15:42 Verse 13.
15:44 "So I ask you not to lose heart
15:48 over what I am suffering for you."
15:51 And I think that may get us pretty close
15:53 to the intention of the letter.
15:57 So, Paul ministers in Ephesus,
16:00 he wins converts to Christ,
16:02 that was six or seven years ago,
16:05 but six or seven years have intervened.
16:08 Christianity has taken a little bit of a dive
16:11 in terms of its reputation.
16:13 It was kind of cachet, it was the thing back in Paul's day,
16:17 it was winning friends and influencing people.
16:20 But now, it's gotten a bit lost
16:23 amongst all the faiths.
16:25 To be a Christian no longer holds
16:27 the, you know, the honor and the aura
16:31 that it once did when Paul was around.
16:33 And Paul, the great champion of Christian faith,
16:37 is himself in prison.
16:40 And Paul's worried that they're losing
16:44 a sense of the significance
16:46 of what it means to be a Christian.
16:48 And they're discouraged by his presence and mission.
16:51 So, he's writing a letter to steel their nerves
16:55 and to raise their horizon of what it means
16:58 to be part of God's great actions in the world,
17:00 what it means to be part of the church.
17:02 >>So it's gonna be a letter of encouragement
17:05 among other things,
17:06 of propping them up and giving them hope, as it were.
17:11 >>He's gonna sketch out the big stuff
17:13 God is involved in the world
17:15 and wants them to see their lives
17:18 as part of God's grand plan.
17:20 >>So let's spend a few minutes
17:22 and look at the theological message of Ephesians.
17:25 What's some of the theological meat that we find in there?
17:30 >>You know, I always like it
17:31 when I'm reading a book or something,
17:32 when the author takes time to say,
17:34 "This is what this book is about."
17:36 And really, Paul does that here.
17:40 Ephesians 1, verses 9 and 10.
17:43 And by the way, Eric,
17:46 Ephesians is known for something
17:47 that someone has labeled "tapeworm sentences."
17:51 They just kind of go on and on and on and on.
17:53 So a lot of times when we read passages in Ephesians,
17:56 we kind of have to break
17:57 into one of those tapeworm sentences,
18:00 and that's the case here in verses 9 and 10.
18:04 Paul writes, "Making known to us the mystery of His will,
18:09 according to His purpose, which He set forth in Christ."
18:13 So Paul's setting us up here to hear,
18:16 well, what's the big plan?
18:17 What's God's purpose?
18:19 What's He about in the cosmos?
18:21 "As a plan for the fullness of time."
18:24 So He sets forth a plan in Christ.
18:26 It's a plan for the fullness of time.
18:28 And here's the punchline, here's what He's about.
18:31 "To unite all things in Him."
18:35 To unite everything in Jesus.
18:38 "Things in heaven and things on earth."
18:42 So God's grand purpose in the world
18:45 is to wrap up everything, unite everything in Jesus.
18:50 That's the great theme of the letter, you see?
18:53 >>There's not a much bigger theme out there to try to tackle
18:56 that I can think of.
18:58 I mean, that's an enormous theme.
19:00 >>It's cosmic scale,
19:01 it's huge.
19:03 This is not some tiny version of unity,
19:06 this is unity writ large,
19:08 this is big stuff.
19:11 And he's taking their lives of these disciples,
19:14 threatening--who are becoming discouraged,
19:16 worried about, is this really for me?
19:19 Perhaps being drawn back into the worship
19:22 of one or more of those deities
19:25 of which there were so many on offer in Ephesus.
19:28 And he's saying to them,
19:30 "You wanna be part of the grandest thing in the universe,
19:34 "you need to be a Christian.
19:35 You need to be a member of God's church."
19:38 >>And this book, it's not a huge book,
19:41 I mean, it's not a Psalms or something like that.
19:45 It's a relatively small book, all things considered,
19:48 and yet Paul packs into it
19:52 this grand theme
19:54 and desires that we should understand it.
19:58 >>Yes, the letter was designed, as we learned at the end,
20:01 it was designed apparently to be read
20:03 in those house churches in Ephesus.
20:06 We should probably think of the movement as having grown
20:10 and now there are a number of house churches
20:13 scattered throughout the greater Ephesus area,
20:15 and this letter is designed to be read
20:18 in those house churches from start to finish.
20:21 It's a kind of sermon, if you will.
20:23 And we assume that Tychicus,
20:27 who is mentioned at the end,
20:28 chapter six, verse 21,
20:30 is probably the one who carries the letter
20:32 and reads it to these congregations.
20:35 So no, it's not very long
20:36 because it's meant to be read in a single sitting.
20:40 Yeah, and he's unpacking this grand theme
20:43 of what God is doing,
20:44 uniting everything in Christ.
20:47 >>So, you've touched on this grand theme,
20:49 in fact, you've unpacked it nicely,
20:52 but let's dig a little more into Christ.
20:54 How does He figure into this?
20:56 What's His role?
20:58 I think we've got--
20:59 >>Sure. >>...a general idea,
21:00 but let's pull that apart a little more.
21:01 >>Well, Christ is the focus of God's plan
21:03 as we learn in chapter one, verses nine and 10,
21:06 Paul's thesis statement for the letter.
21:09 It's all about Jesus, isn't it?
21:12 But then as we move through,
21:14 this is truly a Christ-saturated letter.
21:19 More than 30 times,
21:21 Paul uses phrases like "in Christ,"
21:25 "by Christ," "in Him," "in the Beloved."
21:30 And so, he's training us to understand
21:33 that Christian faith and discipleship
21:36 is all wrapped up in Jesus.
21:38 It's all about Jesus,
21:40 and we see that in every segment,
21:43 in every section of the epistle to the Ephesians.
21:47 Christ is present.
21:48 Christ is at the heart of what God is doing in the world.
21:52 >>So, we're gonna see Christ
21:53 as we journey through the book of Ephesians.
21:57 But as you've mentioned before, it's not just Christ,
22:00 we also see that Christ has His church here,
22:03 that occupies a significant part of Paul's heart
22:08 and his desires to see the church thrive.
22:10 How do we see the significance of the church
22:12 in the book of Ephesians?
22:14 >>Well, Paul spends a great deal of time
22:16 on the theme of the church here.
22:17 The church is important to Paul, in Ephesians,
22:21 in a way that's probably not true of any other document.
22:24 It's Christ-saturated and it's church oriented.
22:28 So again, Paul's interested in resurrecting the faith
22:33 and the engagement and investment of these Christians,
22:36 believers in Ephesus.
22:38 And so he wants to highlight the significance of the church,
22:42 this enterprise in which they're engaged and involved.
22:45 So, he has four large metaphors or images
22:50 that he uses in Ephesians to talk about the church.
22:53 So back in chapter one--chapter four,
22:56 he uses that metaphor that he has used
22:59 in his earlier letters,
23:00 the church as the body of Christ, eh?
23:03 So that's an important one.
23:06 Chapter two, particularly the end of chapter two,
23:09 the church as building/temple.
23:12 The temple of the Living God,
23:13 a dwelling place for God in the Spirit.
23:16 And the third one would be a bride,
23:20 the church as bride,
23:21 the bride of Christ, the bride/wife of Christ.
23:25 Chapter five, particularly the verses 25 through 27.
23:28 What does that mean? That beautiful intimate portrait?
23:32 And finally, we come to the end of the letter,
23:34 chapter six, verses 10 through 20,
23:36 that famous armament passage,
23:37 "Put on the full armor of God."
23:39 And here the church is displayed
23:42 as the militia of Christ,
23:44 the army of God.
23:46 So he uses these really well-developed images,
23:49 he develops these and identifies elements of them.
23:56 He uses these to talk about how important it is
23:58 to be part of the church, to be a Christian.
24:00 He's trying to resurrect their faith, reengage,
24:03 reignite their Christian faith.
24:06 >>So the significance of Christ,
24:08 the significance of the church,
24:10 and the various metaphors that Paul uses
24:12 to help us understand the purpose
24:14 and the significance of the church.
24:15 You know, there are some Christians today
24:17 who kind of wanna live
24:18 a autonomous relationship with Christ,
24:22 but apart from a church or an organization.
24:24 Paul doesn't seem to echo
24:25 that theme very much here, does he?
24:28 >>No, he's not real big
24:31 on individualistic Christianity here.
24:34 He's big on being part of the body of Christ,
24:37 part of the temple,
24:39 being part of the bride, being part of the army,
24:42 and that's important to him.
24:44 >>If somebody were watching this program right now,
24:47 whose faith has become kind of mundane,
24:52 they're going through the motions,
24:54 they've been a Christian for a while,
24:56 but it's not--
24:59 it doesn't involve every element of their being,
25:02 every aspect of their life,
25:03 it's just kind of routine, become routine.
25:07 What would you tell that person
25:09 as we're beginning this journey
25:11 through the book of Ephesians,
25:13 to give them encouragement and hope
25:15 that there's something more to a walk with Christ
25:20 than perhaps what they've been experiencing
25:22 for a little while?
25:24 >>Well, Eric, I'd probably use
25:26 the language of Ephesians itself and say
25:30 God is about something grand in the cosmos.
25:34 God is about heading up everything in Jesus.
25:38 If you want to be part
25:39 of the grandest plan in the universe,
25:44 you need to be part of God's plan for the cosmos.
25:47 You need to be tight with Jesus.
25:50 You need to know who Jesus is.
25:52 You need to be in Christ.
25:54 Christ needs to be dwelling in you,
25:57 as the letter talks about.
25:59 You need to be one with Jesus.
26:01 And you're gonna do that, that's gonna work best for you
26:05 if you are part of the grand project
26:09 that God is working on through Christ
26:12 and the Spirit in the world, and that is the church.
26:15 And the church is the center and the focus of God's plan.
26:20 It's an illustration of what he wishes to do
26:24 in the cosmos as a whole.
26:26 You want to be a part of this.
26:28 If you wish to live a life of significance,
26:31 you want to be a part of what God is doing, through Christ,
26:35 in His church, as we look toward the end of all things,
26:39 when everything will become united in Jesus.
26:43 >>John, thank you very much for that,
26:45 for giving us some encouragement, some hope,
26:46 and an idea of where we are going.
26:49 So, today begins a 14 week journey,
26:55 a 14 week odyssey,
26:57 a huge journey from one end
27:01 of the book of Ephesians to the other.
27:04 And really ultimately, in 14 weeks,
27:06 we're going to get the high points,
27:09 but there is so much more.
27:10 Why is Jesus so important?
27:13 What did Paul understand about Him
27:15 and what does he also understand about your needs?
27:19 About my needs?
27:20 Well, over the course of the next 14 weeks,
27:22 we are going to be delving into that
27:25 and we invite you to be a part of that journey as well.
27:29 We're looking at the book of Ephesians,
27:32 Paul's letter to the church of Ephesus
27:34 and we look forward to having you join us
27:37 on this journey as well.
27:38 God bless you, have a wonderful day,
27:40 and we look forward to seeing you again next week
27:42 on "Sabbath School," brought to you by It is Written.
27:45 (upbeat music)
28:25 (music ends)


Revised 2023-06-21