IIW Sabbath School

Wait on the Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS024013S

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:16 >>Eric Flickinger: Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:17 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:20 Well, we are here. This is the 13th study,
00:23 the 13th lesson on the book of Psalms,
00:26 and today we're going to bring everything together.
00:29 The title is "Waiting on the Lord."
00:31 How do we wait on the Lord,
00:33 and why is that the very final lesson
00:36 in our study of the book of Psalms?
00:37 We're about to find out. Let's begin with prayer.
00:40 Father, thank You for being with us
00:42 on this quarter-long journey, this 13-week journey.
00:47 We've been on a bit of an odyssey and learned much
00:50 about You through the book of Psalms.
00:53 We ask now that as we bring our study to a close right now,
00:56 You would bless us with a deeper understanding and send us off
01:00 into the future the better for our time with You.
01:03 We thank You in Jesus' name.
01:05 Amen.
01:06 Well, we're glad that you are back, and we're also glad that
01:10 we have our special guest, the author of this quarter's
01:13 "Sabbath School" lesson back with us once again,
01:15 Dr. Dragoslava Santrac.
01:18 You have a PhD in Old Testament,
01:20 and we are grateful for you sharing so much with us
01:23 because your passion for the book of Psalms
01:25 has been very clearly evident through this quarter.
01:28 Thank you once again for being here.
01:30 >>Dragoslava Santrac: Praise God, yes.
01:32 >>Eric: So, let's take a look at this:
01:33 "Wait on the Lord." It's perhaps an interesting note
01:38 to end our study of the book of Psalms on:
01:42 Wait on the Lord.
01:43 What is the significance of waiting on the Lord?
01:46 Why end our study of the book of Psalms
01:48 on waiting on the Lord, and what is that all about?
01:50 >>Dragoslava: Well, Eric, don't we all wish to finish
01:55 our study with lesson number 12, the worship that never ends?
02:01 And not just to end the study with that lesson but to end up
02:06 in that worship that never ends.
02:08 But as we all know, once we accept the Lord,
02:13 once we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
02:16 and become part of His covenantal people,
02:20 we are not automatically transferred from this earth
02:26 into God's heavenly kingdom.
02:29 Our journey on this earth continues.
02:32 And hence the message to wait on the Lord is a crucial message
02:37 from the Psalms to finish our study.
02:40 And I would like to say if there is a final word
02:44 that the Psalms want to impose on our hearts is--and minds--
02:49 is wait on the Lord.
02:53 Waiting on the Lord becomes this spiritual context
02:57 in which we wait, live, and work while awaiting
03:03 the eschatological fulfillment
03:06 of all the Lord's glorious promises
03:09 and Jesus's second coming.
03:11 >>Eric: So that is something that we are most certainly
03:13 looking forward to with great anticipation.
03:16 We wish it would come a little sooner rather than later,
03:18 but yet here we are.
03:21 So how does that help us in our spiritual life?
03:25 We want to be there now. We're not.
03:28 How does a correct understanding of how waiting
03:32 fits into this process, how does that help us today spiritually?
03:37 >>Dragoslava: Yeah, so, well, I believe that waiting
03:41 is one of the greatest stresses in life,
03:45 and especially in these modern times when we have
03:49 everything at the fingertip.
03:51 And sometimes when our, let's say, internet connection
03:55 is slow, we're like, "Oh, when? Come on, hurry up."
03:59 We are impatient in waiting.
04:01 That's a difficult, difficult task for us, for many of us.
04:05 However, when we read the Psalms and the rest of the Bible,
04:10 we realize that the waiting on the Lord is different.
04:14 It's not an idle and desperate bidding over one's time.
04:20 Quite contrary, waiting on the Lord is filled
04:23 with hope and filled with faith in action.
04:28 So there are things that we need to do.
04:31 There is a work on this earth that remains to be done,
04:35 and we are called to participate in it.
04:39 And by doing that, it is a time for self-reflection
04:44 and time for drawing near to God our Lord.
04:48 And maybe, Eric, if we have time,
04:50 we can read some texts from the Psalms, which tell us
04:55 about waiting on the Lord.
04:57 And first one I would like to share
05:00 is Psalm 39, verses 4 and 7.
05:04 And maybe, Eric, if you would like to read.
05:07 >>Eric: Sure. Psalm 39, verse 4 says,
05:10 "Lord, make me to know my end,
05:12 "and what is the measure of my days,
05:14 that I may know how frail I am."
05:17 And verse 7 says, "And now, Lord, what do I wait for?
05:21 My hope is in You."
05:23 >>Dragoslava: So the first aspect of this waiting
05:26 is drawing near to God in self-reflection.
05:30 The psalmist says, "Make me know my end."
05:33 Let me understand my life.
05:35 And what I wait for is my hope in You,
05:38 is the hope of righteousness,
05:40 of renewal, and closer relationship with God.
05:44 Another text in 37, verse 34.
05:48 >>Eric: It says, "Wait on the Lord,
05:50 "and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land;
05:55 when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it."
05:58 >>Dragoslava: So another aspect of waiting of the Lord
06:02 is when, while we wait, we keep His way.
06:06 And we will remember from couple weeks ago
06:10 we spoke about the way.
06:12 The way in the Psalms is the way of the Lord's law,
06:16 of His righteous revelation,
06:19 of His righteous will for our daily living.
06:22 So while we wait, we walk in the path of righteousness,
06:26 keeping the Lord's righteous precepts and laws.
06:30 Then chapter 40, verse 1 tells us about another thing
06:35 we do while we wait on the Lord.
06:38 >>Eric: "I waited patiently for the Lord;
06:40 and He inclined to me, and heard my cry."
06:42 >>Dragoslava: "He heard my cry." He heard my prayer.
06:46 So while we wait on the Lord, we pray for ourselves,
06:50 for the Lord's kingdom, for the Lord's work on this world.
06:55 So we pray. Waiting time is filled with prayer.
06:59 Then another one, and in 37, verse 7.
07:03 >>Eric: "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."
07:06 >>Dragoslava: Ha, so while we wait on the Lord,
07:08 we are called to rest in the Lord.
07:12 So it means that we have this peace and reassurance
07:16 that the Lord is coming.
07:18 We are not to fret and worry but instead rest in the Lord.
07:22 And maybe one final text in Psalm 126, verse 6.
07:28 So yes, we work for the Lord, but we also rest in the Lord.
07:32 >>Eric: "He who continually goes forth weeping,
07:35 "bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again
07:38 with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."
07:42 >>Dragoslava: Yes, so while we wait on the Lord,
07:44 we bear this wonderful news of bringing in the sheaves
07:48 of the plentiful mission fields of the Lord's mission. Yes.
07:54 >>Eric: So this waiting is not a sitting by,
07:57 twiddling one's thumbs, and saying,
08:00 "I sure do hope Jesus comes soon,"
08:02 but this is a very active waiting.
08:04 It's a very engaged waiting rather than just kind of hoping
08:10 for the best in the near future.
08:13 Can you think of any other benefits of waiting?
08:16 What would--what else could we be doing while we're waiting,
08:20 instead of just wishing He would come?
08:23 >>Dragoslava: Yes. >>Eric: Anything else we can do?
08:24 >>Dragoslava: Yes. Waiting is an act of faith.
08:28 We can recall Jesus's parable of the 10 virgins,
08:33 five that were wise and those that were unwise.
08:37 The wise one had their lamps filled with the oil,
08:41 the precious oil that represents the Holy Spirit,
08:45 and the unwise ones, well, they thought,
08:48 "Well, we don't need that much preparation.
08:51 "Everything is going to go smoothly and according
08:55 to our plan."
08:56 But the bridegroom was a bit late--
09:02 from their perspective, all right?
09:04 And when the time of his arrival came,
09:07 those who were prepared, therefore those who were
09:10 waiting in the Holy Spirit, in faith, they were ready
09:14 to come in. And waiting, as I said, is an act of faith.
09:19 When you wait on something, you know and you confess this trust
09:24 that it is coming.
09:26 Eric, when I was coming to Collegedale on Sunday,
09:31 I waited on my airplane for almost 13 hours.
09:37 It was delayed and delayed and delayed for 13 hours,
09:44 but I sat there because I knew I had to be here.
09:48 I felt that the Lord wanted me to be here.
09:52 So I knew that the plane, that the transportation somehow
09:56 will come, and I waited.
09:58 And I could--I can tell you many people just gave up,
10:02 bought a ticket for another day, but I waited for my place.
10:07 So when we wait in faith, we confess to the world
10:11 that we trust that the Lord is coming.
10:15 >>Eric: And the good news is God is even more reliable
10:18 than the airlines are. >>Dragoslava: Absolutely.
10:20 >>Eric: So we can be absolutely certain that when He promises
10:23 He's going to come, He will indeed come.
10:26 And I think we've kind of touched on this,
10:27 but maybe we can elaborate a little bit more on it,
10:30 the--about how it's done in the Psalms.
10:32 We looked at several different things.
10:34 What's the ultimate goal in our waiting?
10:37 What's the ultimate hope in our waiting?
10:40 It's, I think you just--you said it to some extent--
10:43 it's in Jesus' return.
10:44 It's in Him fulfilling His promises.
10:47 Any other thoughts on that?
10:47 >>Dragoslava: Yes. It's exactly that.
10:50 It is meeting our Lord face to face.
10:54 Now we meet Him in faith.
10:56 Now we see in faith many things that are promised in the Bible,
11:02 in the Scripture, but we are waiting for this grand
11:06 fulfillment of all His promises, but it doesn't mean
11:10 that we do not have things fulfilled even in this life.
11:14 And they give us strength to continue waiting.
11:19 And waiting encourages us to become humble,
11:23 to become patient; and these are great qualities
11:27 in the Lord's side, especially being humble because
11:30 when we wait, we acknowledge that God has His own time
11:35 and that He is wise in His doings.
11:39 And our waiting becomes a testimony to other people
11:43 as well.
11:44 >>Eric: I think you're absolutely right.
11:46 And speaking of waiting, if you have waited to pick up
11:49 the companion book to this quarter's
11:51 "Sabbath School" lesson, don't wait any longer.
11:54 You want to pick that one up because
11:56 it won't be around forever.
11:58 You can find it at itiswritten.shop.
12:02 Again, that's itiswritten.shop.
12:04 And why should you get it now
12:06 when the quarter is well-nigh over?
12:09 Well, because we hope that your study of the book of Psalms
12:12 will not end with this quarter, with this week in the quarter.
12:16 We hope that your study of the book of Psalms
12:17 will continue and that you will grow in your relationship
12:20 with Jesus and that His--
12:23 your love for Him will grow as you continue
12:25 to spend time in the Psalms.
12:27 As we're waiting for Jesus, one of the greatest things
12:30 that we can do is learn more about Him,
12:32 and one of the best ways to do that is to learn more about
12:35 what the book of Psalms has to say about Him.
12:38 So you can find that book very easily at itiswritten.shop.
12:42 Again, itiswritten.shop.
12:44 The author is Dr. Martin Klingbeil.
12:47 And you will gain a deeper understanding
12:49 and incredible depth of the book of Psalms
12:52 as you read that companion book.
12:55 We're going to be back in just a moment or two
12:56 as we have our final segment in the final episode
13:00 of the book of Psalms
13:02 here on "Sabbath School" with It Is Written.
13:04 We'll be right back.
13:05 ♪♪♪
13:09 >>John Bradshaw: Most everybody wants to live a little longer,
13:13 a little healthier, and a little happier.
13:16 But the question is, how can you experience that life?
13:20 Jesus said that He came into the world that we might
13:23 have life more abundantly.
13:26 Evidently, it's what God wants us to have.
13:29 So don't miss "Life and Longevity"
13:32 with special guest Dr. David DeRose.
13:35 We uncover simple secrets of the Bible,
13:38 attainable secrets, the things that God presents to us
13:43 that are guaranteed to enhance our lives
13:46 and at the same time open up our hearts and minds
13:49 to receive more of the Holy Spirit of God.
13:52 "Life and Longevity," Bible secrets to living
13:56 the abundant life that God wants you to have.
14:00 Featuring special guest Dr. David DeRose,
14:03 "Life and Longevity" on It Is Written TV.
14:10 >>John: Thank you for remembering that
14:11 It Is Written exists because of the kindness
14:13 of people just like you.
14:15 To support this international, life-changing ministry,
14:18 please call us now at 800-253-3000.
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14:29 Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support.
14:32 Our number again is 800-253-3000.
14:36 Or you can visit us online at itiswritten.com.
14:41 ♪♪♪
14:45 >>Eric: Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:46 brought to you by It Is Written.
14:48 We are in the very tail end of this quarter's study
14:51 on the book of Psalms.
14:52 Slava, the Sabbath, it is a part of our weekly journey
14:59 all around the world.
15:01 Unfortunately, many Christians are missing out
15:02 on that blessing, but for those who have found it,
15:05 it is indeed a blessing.
15:07 When it comes to waiting on the Lord,
15:09 what role does the Sabbath play in an appropriate
15:13 type of waiting?
15:14 >>Dragoslava: Yes, well, we mentioned earlier
15:17 Psalm 37, verse 7:
15:20 "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."
15:25 So there is this connection between waiting on the Lord
15:31 and resting in the Lord.
15:34 And what a wonderful rest we have in the Sabbath rest
15:40 that the Lord has creating at the creation of the world
15:44 and granted this gift of rest to us as His loving, caring gift.
15:51 The Sabbath rest is crucial as we wait on the Lord
15:55 because no amount of human enthusiasm will help us
16:01 against the strain of this endurance
16:05 and the waiting that will pause on us.
16:08 And that's why this call to rest in the Lord while we wait
16:13 is so important, and here comes Sabbath rest.
16:16 And Psalm 95 is a psalm for the Sabbath day.
16:22 It is traditionally read on Sabbath,
16:25 and well, because the topics mentioned in these psalms
16:32 are the Sabbath topics.
16:34 The psalm speaks about creation,
16:37 about praising the Lord for His wonderful works of creation,
16:43 and also praising the Lord for His work of redemption
16:49 as our covenantal Lord.
16:52 And when we read the Ten Commandments
16:55 in Exodus and Deuteronomy 20 and Deuteronomy 5,
17:00 Exodus 20, we see these two aspects of the Sabbath rest:
17:05 creation in Exodus
17:07 and redemption in Deuteronomy.
17:10 And this is exactly what this psalm has.
17:13 So as we wait on the Lord, we don't wait in our own strength
17:19 because we don't have enough strength to endure this waiting,
17:23 but we wait in the Lord's rest.
17:26 However, I would like to-- us to come to verse 8 and 9
17:33 because there is a warning in this psalm that speaks
17:38 about Sabbath rest.
17:42 So while we rest and wait on the Lord,
17:45 there is a warning.
17:47 And, Eric, I don't know if I can ask you to maybe read verses,
17:51 maybe the last line of verse 7
17:55 and then verses 8 and 9.
17:57 >>Eric: "Today, if you will hear His voice:
18:00 "'Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion,
18:03 "'as in the day of trial in the wilderness,
18:05 "'when your fathers tested me;
18:07 they tried me, though they saw my work.'"
18:10 >>Dragoslava: Yes, so while we wait on the Lord, we are tempted
18:14 and we can be tempted to rebel against the Lord.
18:18 When we go back and read this event in Numbers,
18:22 we realize that the people rebelled against the Lord
18:25 because the 40-year journey in the wilderness
18:30 was too long for them.
18:33 And in the course of that journey they rebelled
18:36 against the Lord; they couldn't patiently wait for the Lord
18:40 to bring them to the Promised Land.
18:42 And verse 10 says,
18:44 "For forty years I was grieved with that generation,
18:48 "and [I] said, 'It is a people who go astray in their hearts,
18:53 and they do not know my ways.'"
18:56 So we can stray away from the Lord
18:59 in our heart by becoming impatient and giving up
19:03 on everything, giving up on the Lord.
19:06 And because of that, the Lord says in verse 11,
19:09 "So I swore in my wrath, 'They shall not enter my rest.'"
19:16 And this is a solemn and serious warning for us,
19:21 that we may miss the Lord's rest as we become impatient
19:28 and give up on this faith while we are waiting.
19:31 And the book of Hebrews also cites this psalm
19:36 and has something important to tell us.
19:39 >>Eric: So let's go take a look at that,
19:40 and that's over in Hebrews, chapter 4,
19:44 Hebrews, chapter 4. And let's see,
19:47 looks like we got it in several different verses here.
19:50 Verse 3, Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 3 says,
19:54 "For we who have believed do enter that rest,
19:57 "as He has said: 'So I swore in my wrath,
20:00 "[that] "They shall not enter my rest,"' although the works
20:04 "were finished from the foundation of the world.
20:07 "For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day
20:10 "in this way: 'And God rested on the seventh day
20:13 "from all His works';
20:14 and again in this place: 'They shall not enter my rest.'"
20:18 >>Dragoslava: This is very interesting.
20:20 The author of the book of Hebrews
20:23 mentions in verse 4 the Sabbath day;
20:26 "And God rested on the seventh day from all His works."
20:30 In the book of Genesis, we read that that's the Sabbath day,
20:34 Saturday, His holy day of rest.
20:37 But then although God gave that as a gift to His people,
20:42 the reality very often is, as mentioned in verse 5,
20:48 "They shall not enter my rest."
20:51 So here are several things important for us to notice here.
20:55 Number one, whose rest is Sabbath?
21:00 It is God's rest.
21:03 Sometimes we may forget that and we may think
21:07 that Sabbath rest is something that we create for ourselves.
21:11 We don't work on Sabbath, we go to church,
21:14 maybe plan some nice outings with friends in nature,
21:19 maybe we take a long nap after a nice lunch.
21:23 And these are all nice activities,
21:25 I don't want anyone to misunderstand me,
21:28 but in doing that, in trying to create this nice rest
21:32 for ourselves and our families, we must not forget that
21:37 the Sabbath rest is a bit different type of rest.
21:42 It is connected to this physical, mental,
21:46 but it is a different type of rest.
21:48 It is--the Lord says, "It is my rest." It is God's rest,
21:52 that only He can create for us and give it to us as His gift.
21:59 And for that reason, we see that some people--
22:03 and we see, for example,
22:05 in Hebrews, chapter 3, verse 19,
22:11 "So we see that they could not enter in
22:16 because of unbelief."
22:20 Through unbelief, through the lack
22:22 of our wholehearted commitment to the Lord,
22:27 we may miss receiving His Sabbath rest.
22:31 And though we cease from our usual work,
22:34 we can miss on His Sabbath gift.
22:38 And so the question is, how do we miss the Sabbath, Lord?
22:45 Hebrews says through unbelief.
22:47 Psalm 95 says, verse 8,
22:52 "Do not harden your hearts, as in...rebellion,"
22:56 through hardening of our heart.
22:58 If the Holy Spirit is speaking to us throughout
23:02 the week and we neglect and we keep repressing
23:06 that voice, we allow our heart to become hardened and hardened.
23:10 And isn't it awful and so tragic to miss this Sabbath rest
23:17 of the Lord that empowers us to wait on the Lord in faith?
23:23 >>Eric: So a gift that He gave us all the way back at creation
23:26 that helps us to be ready for Him to return--powerful.
23:31 There is a lot of symbolism in the book of Psalms,
23:33 and it talks a lot about the morning.
23:36 What's--what is the morning in the book of Psalms?
23:38 How does that help us?
23:40 >>Dragoslava: Yes, many psalms will tell us that
23:42 the "joy comes in the morning."
23:44 "I have waited on the Lord, and in the morning
23:48 He has reached out to me."
23:50 There is a nice symbolism here.
23:52 Just as the sunshine, the light of the morning,
23:57 reverses the darkness of the night,
24:00 so the deliverance,
24:01 the redemption of the Lord will reverse whatever darkness
24:06 we are going through, and ultimately the darkness
24:09 of sin and death in this world.
24:12 It points us to the morning of resurrection of Jesus
24:16 that we read--in the morning,
24:18 that early in the morning, the stone was removed,
24:23 and our resurrected Lord exited the grave gloriously
24:28 to give a victory to all those who trust in Him.
24:32 >>Eric: So that's something that we can look forward to
24:35 with great anticipation as we see the morning being referenced
24:38 through the book of Psalms.
24:41 Slava, we've been on quite a journey here
24:43 for the last 13 weeks, and we've had
24:46 quite a few people join us in the journey.
24:49 Any final thoughts or words that you'd like to share
24:53 as we draw this to a close?
24:55 >>Dragoslava: Yes, my dear co-journeyers and co-pilgrims
25:00 to the heavenly Zion,
25:02 for the very end of our 13-week journey
25:05 through the book of Psalms,
25:08 I would like to share several verses with you
25:11 from Psalm 37 to serve as an encouragement to all of us,
25:17 Psalm 37: "Trust in the Lord, and do good;
25:23 "dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
25:28 "Delight yourself also in the Lord,
25:31 "and He shall give... the desires of your heart.
25:35 "Commit your way to the Lord,
25:37 "trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass....
25:43 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."
25:48 Our desire and prayer is that your journey
25:53 with the book of Psalms does not stop here
25:57 but continues on a daily basis.
26:00 I promise you you will find encouragement,
26:03 an entirely new world of faith will be opened up to you,
26:09 and you will see that you get matured and strengthened
26:14 in the Lord's Word and in His prayers.
26:17 Also, we hope that as we meet with our God daily,
26:25 heart-to-heart in the Psalms, that one day soon
26:29 we will meet with our Lord Jesus face to face.
26:34 This is our prayer. This is our desire.
26:37 And may God bless us all as we continue praying and singing
26:42 the psalms in the strange land. Thank you.
26:47 >>Eric: Slava, thank you so much for spending this time with us
26:50 and guiding us through this journey of an incredible book,
26:54 a much-loved book, a much-quoted book,
26:58 and a book that has brought a great deal of encouragement
27:01 and comfort to many people over the years.
27:03 We appreciate the time that you have spent in studying this book
27:06 and the time that you have spent with us to share with us
27:09 some of the wonderful beauty of the book over the course
27:13 of the last 13 weeks.
27:14 And we want to thank you also for joining us on this journey.
27:18 We trust and pray that it has been a blessing to you.
27:22 And please do not keep this blessing to yourself.
27:25 Share what you have learned with others so that they
27:28 may be encouraged on their journey as well.
27:32 May God bless you and keep you.
27:35 May His face shine upon you.
27:37 And we look forward to seeing you again next time
27:40 for a brand-new study here on "Sabbath School,"
27:43 brought to you by It Is Written.
27:45 ♪♪♪
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28:26 [Captions provided by Aberdeen Captioning www.abercap.com]


Revised 2024-03-22