IIW Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS024019S

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:14 >>Eric Flickinger: Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:16 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:18 We're glad that you could join us this week
00:20 as we continue delving into a wonderful theme,
00:23 a wonderful topic; that is "The Great Controversy."
00:26 This week we are looking at lesson number six,
00:28 "The Two Witnesses," a fascinating subject.
00:32 Let's begin with prayer.
00:34 Father, we want to thank You
00:35 for being with us again this week as You guide our study
00:39 of "The Great Controversy,"
00:41 those issues that we have been living in
00:44 throughout history and continue to look forward to
00:48 in the end of time.
00:49 We ask that You will bless us with an understanding
00:51 of these issues so that we can be ready for those times ahead,
00:54 and we thank You in Jesus' name,
00:56 amen. >>Mark Finley: Amen.
00:58 >>Eric: Well, we're grateful once again this week to have
01:00 the author of this quarter's "Sabbath School" lesson
01:02 with us, Pastor Mark Finley.
01:04 He's an international author, speaker, evangelist,
01:07 and a good, good friend of It Is Written.
01:10 Pastor Mark, welcome back.
01:11 >>Mark: Well, again, what a joy to be here.
01:15 >>Eric: This lesson is a fascinating one,
01:17 "The Two Witnesses."
01:18 There's a lot of misunderstandings out there
01:20 in the Christian world.
01:22 It's not the easiest subject, but once you understand
01:25 a few things, it's not the most difficult one, either.
01:29 I wanna jump in where you kind of jump in
01:31 with this week's lesson.
01:33 You share an interesting story about the Bishop of Durham.
01:36 Tell us a little bit more about that,
01:38 and that kind of gets us going into this week's lesson.
01:40 >>Mark: Well, William Tyndale, the great Bible translator,
01:43 translated the Bible into English,
01:45 was tried for his faith.
01:47 During that trial, he was asked,
01:49 "Who aided you most in your Bible translation?"
01:54 He thought for a moment, and he said,
01:55 "Well, the Bishop of Durham."
01:57 Well, the magistrates at the trial, you know,
02:01 almost fell off their chair.
02:02 They said, "What do you mean, the Bishop of Durham?"
02:04 He said, oh yeah, he said, "We sold Bibles to the bishop."
02:09 He bought them, actually bought up these Bibles to burn them.
02:13 But what he didn't know is that he had bought them up
02:15 at a much higher price.
02:17 So, he bought the Bibles at a higher price,
02:19 the Bishop of Durham did, burned the Bibles.
02:22 And he said, "Then we used the money
02:24 "from the Bishop of Durham to print many,
02:26 "many more Bibles that we scattered.
02:28 So, who helped me most? The Bishop of Durham."
02:31 The point of that is this: Truth crushed down rises again.
02:37 You "can do nothing against the truth,
02:39 but for the truth."
02:41 And I love that poem
02:42 by James Russell Lowell that says,
02:44 "Truth forever on the scaffold,
02:46 "Wrong forever on the throne,--
02:48 "Yet that scaffold sways the future,
02:50 "and, behind the dim unknown, [Stands] God...,
02:54 keeping watch over his own."
02:55 One of the things that impressed me
02:57 in studying for this particular lesson
03:00 on "The Two Witnesses" that talk about
03:02 the French revolution, the truth being crushed,
03:06 is that God's truth crushed rises again.
03:09 >>Eric: And that's powerful,
03:11 because we live in challenging times now
03:13 where many people are trying to crush God's truth.
03:16 It hasn't been crushed yet,
03:17 and it's not going to be crushed.
03:19 The subject of the two witnesses is confusing to,
03:22 well, a lot of people.
03:25 What are some things that we can understand?
03:28 What are some characteristics of the two witnesses
03:30 that will help us to understand it biblically,
03:33 rather than some of the other ideas
03:36 that are floating around out there?
03:37 >>Mark: You know, I think it would be helpful
03:40 if you would read for us
03:43 Revelation 11, verses 2 through 6,
03:47 and then I can make some comments on that,
03:49 and just, we can look at the key characteristics
03:52 of the true witnesses. Often, if you let the Bible
03:54 speak for itself, you can see the explanations of it.
03:57 So, go ahead and read Revelation 11:2-6.
04:00 >>Eric: "'But leave out the court
04:01 "'which is outside the temple, and do not measure it,
04:04 "'for it has been given to the Gentiles.
04:06 "'And they will tread the holy city
04:08 "'underfoot for forty-two months.
04:10 "'And I will give power to my two witnesses,
04:12 "'and they will prophesy
04:14 "'one thousand two hundred and sixty days,
04:16 "clothed in sackcloth.'
04:18 "These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands
04:22 "standing before the God of the earth.
04:24 "And if anyone wants to harm them,
04:26 "fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies.
04:30 "And if anyone wants to harm them,
04:32 "he must be killed in this manner.
04:34 "These have power to shut heaven,
04:36 "so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy;
04:39 "and they have power over waters
04:41 "to turn them to blood,
04:43 "and to strike the earth with all plagues,
04:45 as often as they desire."
04:47 >>Mark: Well, thank you so much.
04:49 Here are some identifying characteristics
04:51 of the two witnesses, some things we know about them.
04:55 One, when you read that, you have an allusion
04:58 to Zechariah, chapter 4,
05:01 that talks about the olive trees sending light to lampstands
05:06 to illuminate the sanctuary.
05:09 So, if indeed these two witnesses
05:13 have something to do with these lampstands,
05:17 Jesus, through David, said in Psalm 119, verse 105,
05:21 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
05:24 and a light unto my path."
05:26 So, that kind of gives you a clue that
05:28 this is the Holy Spirit speaking through the Word of God.
05:31 Then if you look at the fact it says
05:34 these are the anointed ones--
05:36 God's Word is anointed by the Spirit
05:41 to communicate light and truth to us,
05:45 but then it says these two witnesses
05:47 have the ability to cause rain
05:51 to come down from heaven and then shut up the rain.
05:54 They have the ability to cause the plagues
05:57 to fall on the earth. When did that take place?
06:00 Well, in the days of Elijah,
06:02 by Elijah's very word the rain ceased falling
06:07 during that three-and- a-half-year period.
06:09 Then by Moses' word, through God,
06:13 the plagues came on Egypt.
06:15 So, what we're seeing here is the two witnesses,
06:18 the identification, it's always pointing back
06:20 toward the Word of God, the Word of God.
06:23 The word "witness" is "marturia,"
06:26 similar to the word "martyr," and when Jesus is speaking
06:31 about the Bible in John 5, verse 39,
06:34 particularly about the Old Testament, He says,
06:36 "You search the Scriptures;
06:38 "[and] in them you think you have eternal life;
06:39 [but they] are they [that bear testimony or witness] of me."
06:43 So, the Scriptures are a witness of Christ.
06:47 So, when we think about the two witnesses,
06:49 we're thinking about the Word of God,
06:52 or the Old and New Testament.
06:54 That is the very clear identification
06:58 as we look at this.
06:59 If you look, for example, in the Sunday's lesson
07:05 in the second paragraph where it starts out,
07:08 "These two witnesses"-- and would you read
07:13 that second paragraph for us there that starts, Eric, with,
07:16 "These two witnesses can prophesy
07:18 and keep rain from falling"?
07:20 >>Eric: "These two witnesses can prophesy
07:21 "and keep rain from falling for as long as they predict.
07:25 "They can turn water to blood
07:26 "and smite the earth with plagues.
07:29 "By the word of God, Elijah said no rain would fall on Israel,
07:32 "and in answer to his prayer,
07:33 "there was no rain for three and a half years....
07:36 "Then he prayed to God, and rain returned
07:38 "after the false prophets of Baal
07:40 "failed to end the drought....
07:42 "Moses, through the Word of God, brought plagues of all kinds
07:45 "on the Egyptians, including turning water to blood,
07:48 because Pharaoh refused to let God's people go free."
07:52 >>Mark: So, both Elijah and Moses
07:56 by the word of the living God
07:59 were able to not have rainfall and plagues came on the earth.
08:05 So, as we've mentioned, it was the word of God;
08:09 that was powerful.
08:10 If you look at the last paragraph, it says,
08:14 "Who are these two witnesses?
08:15 "In view of these biblical points
08:17 "and the characteristics given
08:18 "in Revelation 11, we can conclude,
08:20 "([but] not dogmatically, however)
08:21 "that the two witnesses are the scriptures
08:24 "of the Old and New Testaments,
08:25 [containing] God's light and truth to the world."
08:28 >>Eric: So now we know who the two witnesses are--
08:31 not as fanciful as some ideas that are out there,
08:35 but much more solid and much more encouraging,
08:38 I think, than some of the more fanciful ideas.
08:41 There's another section here--
08:44 and we touched on it here lightly as we read through--
08:47 about this 42 months or 1,260 years.
08:50 Sometimes it's described as "a time, times, and half a time."
08:54 How does that figure into our understanding
08:56 of the two witnesses
08:58 and the significance of what we're looking at?
09:00 >>Mark: You know, when we read Revelation, chapter 11,
09:05 as you go back to Revelation 11, we started with verse 2
09:10 in Revelation 11, and it talks about the fact
09:14 that they would be tried in the holy city for 42 months.
09:19 When you compare that to Revelation, chapter 12
09:24 and verse 6: "[And] the woman"-- and in Bible prophecy,
09:28 of course, a woman represents the church--
09:30 "fled into the wilderness,
09:31 "where she has a place prepared by God,
09:35 "that they should feed her there
09:37 one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
09:40 It's always interesting to notice
09:42 that the church would flee into the wilderness
09:43 during this period of 1,260 days.
09:46 In the Bible prophecy, one prophetic day based on Numbers
09:51 and based on Ezekiel, Numbers and Ezekiel indicate,
09:58 Numbers 14:34, Ezekiel 4:6,
10:00 that one prophetic day equals one literal year.
10:04 And so, here you have a prophecy of 1,260 years
10:08 that the church would be in a wilderness,
10:10 but God has prepared a place for her, interesting.
10:14 In all times of persecution, discouragement, disappointment,
10:17 God prepares a place.
10:18 But then we look over at verse 14:
10:22 "But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle,
10:24 "that she might fly into the wilderness to her place,
10:27 "where she is nourished
10:28 for a time...times and half a time"--
10:29 the exact same time period--
10:31 "from the [face] of the serpent."
10:33 So 42 months, 30 days in a prophetic month,
10:37 1,260 years; time, times, and half a time.
10:41 Many translations say one time, two times, and a half a time,
10:45 or one year, two years, and a half a year,
10:48 three-and-a-half prophetic years.
10:50 Again, 1,260 days,
10:54 and you have there prophetic days, or 1,260 years.
11:01 When you look at Daniel's prophecy of Daniel 7,
11:04 you have a time, time, and half a times,
11:07 when the little horn power,
11:08 or the medieval church, persecutes.
11:11 Here in Revelation 12, the church is in the wilderness
11:15 because church and state have united,
11:16 and you have this persecution.
11:18 Same thing in Revelation 11,
11:21 in Revelation 11, the church is being persecuted,
11:25 and what has happened?
11:26 Church and state have united,
11:28 and the two witnesses are in sackcloth and ashes.
11:33 Why in sackcloth and ashes?
11:35 Because the medieval church has dimmed the light of the gospel.
11:42 It's set up an earthly priesthood
11:44 rather than a heavenly looking to Jesus as our High Priest,
11:48 the earthly sacrifice of the mass
11:50 rather than focusing solely and exclusively
11:53 on the sacrifice of Christ.
11:54 Tradition has taken the place of the Bible
11:56 rather than sola scriptura.
11:58 So what we're finding here is that this period of time
12:04 when the Bible is minimized, and tradition in the church,
12:10 prelates have exalted their word above God's Word,
12:14 we're finding that the church has dominated
12:19 over the Scriptures, and the Scriptures
12:21 are now prophesying in sackcloth and ashes
12:23 during the Middle Ages, 1,260 years.
12:26 >>Eric: So, this gives us that idea
12:28 of when these things are taking place.
12:31 Pastor Mark, we're looking at some deep things,
12:34 some interesting things, but we don't have time
12:37 to delve completely into this in the quarterly
12:41 and the weekly lessons.
12:42 We do, however, have a companion book.
12:44 Share with us a little bit about that companion book.
12:46 >>Mark: Yeah, the companion book is called
12:48 "The War Between Good and Evil," and if you want to know
12:51 much, much more about the two witnesses,
12:55 much more about this 1,260-year period,
12:58 beginning in 538, ending in 1798
13:01 when the church and state and the papacy united,
13:03 why 538, why 1798, the companion book is for you.
13:08 If you want to understand more clearly the definition
13:11 of these two witnesses,
13:14 look at the chapter in the companion book.
13:16 But most of all, the companion book
13:18 will take you through the entire
13:20 "Sabbath School" lessons and give you
13:22 a wonderful background to each lesson.
13:25 >>Eric: Thank you, Pastor Mark,
13:27 and if you'd like to pick that book up,
13:28 it's very easy to do.
13:29 You can find it at itiswritten.shop.
13:32 Again, that's itiswritten.shop.
13:35 We're going to be back in just a moment
13:36 as we continue looking at "The Two Witnesses"
13:39 in this week's lesson here on "Sabbath School,"
13:42 brought to you by It Is Written.
13:43 ♪♪♪
13:48 >>Announcer: If you'd like to deepen your understanding
13:50 of the powerful themes brought out in this program,
13:52 we invite you to explore the book
13:54 "The Great Controversy."
13:56 For more information, simply text the code "GC24" to 71392.
14:01 This book delves into critical end-time themes,
14:04 offering profound insights into historical events,
14:07 Bible prophecy,
14:08 and spiritual preparation
14:09 essential for today's unique challenges.
14:12 Discover how "The Great Controversy"
14:14 can illuminate your path in these uncertain times.
14:18 >>John Bradshaw: Hi, I'm John Bradshaw
14:19 from It Is Written,
14:21 inviting you to join me
14:22 for "Finishing Strong."
14:24 It's a four-part series designed especially for students,
14:28 so grab all the students you can and join us on the journey:
14:32 May 6, May 7, May 8, and May 9
14:36 at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
14:39 We'll dig into the Bible, and we'll be inspired
14:42 to finish strong in preparation for Jesus' return,
14:45 "Finishing Strong" on It Is Written TV.
14:48 ♪♪♪
14:53 >>Eric: Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:55 brought to you by It Is Written,
14:56 as we are continuing our journey
14:58 through this great controversy theme,
15:01 looking at lesson number six, "The Two Witnesses."
15:04 Pastor Mark, when we look at the two witnesses,
15:06 it says that they are killed, and they lie
15:08 in the streets for three and a half years.
15:11 If this is the Old and New Testaments, the Word of God,
15:14 how can they be killed and lie in the streets
15:17 for three and a half years?
15:18 >>Mark: Well, you know, the Bible uses symbolic language,
15:20 particularly in the book of Revelation.
15:22 You know, in Revelation, say, 13, verse 1, we read,
15:26 "And I saw [another] beast [rise] up out of the sea,
15:28 "having seven heads and ten horns,
15:30 "and [upon] his horns ten crowns, and [upon the crowns]
15:32 "[the] name [of blasphemy]. [And] the beast
15:34 [that] I saw was like a leopard, ...a bear"--and so forth.
15:36 That's symbolic language, same in Revelation, chapter 11.
15:40 The reason the Bible uses symbolic language
15:42 is because somebody said
15:43 a picture is worth a thousand words.
15:46 So, what we have here is the Word of God being trampled
15:51 and crushed down, and being destroyed
15:55 by civil powers at the end of the 1,260-year period.
16:01 The 1,260 years begins in 538 A.D.,
16:06 and we have a note in the lesson,
16:08 under Tuesday's lesson-- do you want to just read
16:10 that first paragraph for us?
16:12 >>Eric: "By A.D. 538, the pagan Roman Empire had collapsed.
16:16 "Justinian, the Roman emperor, surrendered civil,
16:19 "political, and religious authority to Pope Vigillis.
16:22 "The long period of the medieval church's domination began.
16:26 "It continued until A.D. 1798.
16:29 "The French general Berthier, on orders from Napoleon,
16:32 "marched unopposed into Rome on February 10th, 1798.
16:37 "Pope Pius VI was taken captive and brought back to France,
16:41 "where he died. This date marks the prophetically predicted end
16:45 "of the Roman Church's secular authority,
16:47 "the 1,260 days or years as depicted in Daniel
16:51 and Revelation."
16:52 >>Mark: You know, so we have that long period of 1,260 years,
16:55 but right at the end of that period,
16:57 we have the French Revolution,
17:00 and in the French Revolution that began in 1789,
17:05 by 1793, the Cult of Reason was established,
17:11 a woman was marched through the streets--
17:14 actually an illegitimate prostitute woman--
17:16 was marched through the streets of Paris,
17:21 the Bibles were burned at the streets,
17:24 thousands are massacred,
17:26 and for that three-and-a-half-year period,
17:30 the Cult of Reason dominated, and churches were turned
17:34 into social centers
17:37 and amusement and entertainment centers.
17:40 And when the Bible uses the term "for three and a half days
17:45 in the streets," that's the three and a half years
17:48 of the Cult of Reason in the French Revolution.
17:51 And then the Bible talks about Sodom and Egypt.
17:56 Sodom represented immorality.
17:59 Egypt--you remember Pharaoh said, "Who is God?"
18:03 And so, although they were polytheists,
18:05 they were totally contrary to the true God,
18:09 and that's exactly precisely what happened
18:11 in the French Revolution.
18:13 So, we see in that French Revolution,
18:16 prophecies fulfilled that were written
18:20 hundreds of years before in Scripture.
18:25 >>Eric: So, what we see happening in history
18:29 bears out the identification that we've made
18:32 of these two witnesses being the Word of God.
18:35 >>Mark: Exactly, exactly, and, you know,
18:38 one of the other things that I think, to me,
18:39 is quite interesting--
18:41 you see a society that rejects the Word of God,
18:45 and you see the godlessness, the immorality,
18:49 society riddled with crime revolution.
18:53 And when I look at our world today and I see a drift
18:58 and a departure from the Word of God,
19:00 I see a society, particularly in America and Western culture,
19:05 European society, that's drifting from the Word of God.
19:10 If we drift from the Word of God,
19:12 we erode the moral, ethical values of society
19:16 and have no basis for that morality, no basis for law,
19:21 and there is a chaos and calamity that follows.
19:26 The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation.
19:30 So, where this society is headed is to moral collapse,
19:35 and when we as individuals do not live in harmony
19:39 with the Word of God by the grace of God,
19:42 we see as well lives that go astray,
19:49 lives that collapse morally or ethically.
19:53 >>Eric: In this chapter also, Pastor Mark,
19:56 we read about Moses and Elijah.
20:00 Is this a literal Moses and Elijah
20:03 that are being described here?
20:04 If we're talking about symbolism in many other areas,
20:06 are we looking at a symbolic Moses and Elijah?
20:09 Help us to understand who these two individuals are.
20:13 >>Mark: Well, one thing we know about Moses and Elijah is this,
20:17 that Moses and Elijah were both faithful to the Word of God.
20:23 Moses, you remember, led Israel out of Egypt
20:29 based on the Word of God.
20:31 God led him there.
20:33 Moses came to the sea, and God opened up the Red Sea
20:39 based on the word of God.
20:42 God's word spoke.
20:43 So, Moses and Elijah represent the solid foundation
20:51 of God's Word.
20:52 That's what Scripture says.
20:54 It says that they spoke, they spoke,
20:58 and it didn't rain--Elijah in the days of Ahab and Jezebel
21:03 and the Baal Carmel experience.
21:05 They spoke then, and--Elijah spoke, and then rain fell.
21:10 Moses spoke, and plagues came.
21:13 Moses spoke, and God told him to speak,
21:18 and water would come out of the rock.
21:20 So, you look at both Moses and Elijah
21:22 and they're representing the spoken
21:25 and written word of God,
21:28 not a literal Moses or Elijah that will return to earth.
21:32 >>Eric: So, this chapter is helping us
21:34 to understand the significance of the Word of God,
21:36 the importance of the Word of God,
21:37 the durability of the Word of God,
21:40 and hopefully the importance of the Word of God to us today
21:45 living in the final days of earth's history.
21:47 >>Mark: Right, right. >>Eric: Revelation, chapter 11
21:50 comes to an end, of course,
21:52 before we dive into Revelation, chapter 12.
21:55 How does Revelation end,
21:57 and why is the way that it ends so significant?
22:01 >>Mark: Well, you know, it's significant for this reason.
22:04 If you looked at the French Revolution
22:06 and you saw the persecution of believers
22:10 and the burning of Bibles in the streets,
22:12 you would think that truth would be crushed out.
22:15 But we come to the end of this period called
22:18 the Dark Ages or the Middle Ages in 1798,
22:21 and there's a great mission movement.
22:24 Millions of Bibles are now spread around the world.
22:30 I've made a quotation--
22:31 you know, you look at Revelation 11, verse 11.
22:34 Go ahead and read Revelation, verse 11,
22:36 and it's great prophecy.
22:39 >>Eric: "Now after the three-and-a-half days
22:41 "the breath of life from God entered them,
22:43 "and they stood on their feet,
22:45 and great fear fell on those who saw them."
22:47 >>Mark: Yeah, so at the end of this 1,260 years,
22:51 the Word of God rises again, and Voltaire, the infidel,
22:56 boastingly makes a statement.
22:58 I've quoted Ellen White, "Great Controversy," page 288.
23:04 Under Wednesday's lesson,
23:05 it's the last paragraph just before the last question,
23:08 and it says, "The infidel Voltaire once boastingly said:
23:12 "'I am weary of hearing people repeat that twelve men
23:15 "'established the Christian religion.
23:17 I will prove that one man may suffice to overthrow it.'"
23:20 Well, "Generations have passed since his death.
23:23 "[And] millions have joined in the war upon the Bible.
23:26 "But [it's]...far from being destroyed,
23:28 "that where there [are] a hundred in Voltaire's time,
23:32 "there are now ten thousand, yes, a hundred thousand copies
23:35 "of the book of God.
23:37 "In the words of an early Reformer
23:38 "concerning the Christian church,
23:40 "'The Bible is an anvil that has worn out
23:42 many hammers.'"
23:44 You know, and I read an interesting fact,
23:46 that Voltaire's old house is now a Bible depository
23:52 where Bibles are printed, at least it was for many years,
23:55 and they stored Bibles in that very house, you know.
23:58 So, I think the key thing here is that the Word of God
24:03 would triumph, and at the end of the Dark Ages,
24:07 or the Middle Ages, the late 1700s,
24:11 late 18th century, early 19th,
24:12 that's when you have the great missionary movements.
24:16 You have the Bible translation movements.
24:19 Bibles are being translated,
24:20 tens of thousands of copies are going to the ends of the earth.
24:23 So again, truth crushed down will rise again.
24:27 God's truth is gonna triumph,
24:29 and that encourages us at the end time.
24:31 Because what happened in the French Revolution is
24:34 a very microcosm of what will happen at the end of time.
24:38 And at the end of time,
24:40 God's people once again will be oppressed,
24:42 church and state once again will be united,
24:44 once again people won't be able to buy or sell,
24:47 and God's truth, apparently crushed down, will triumph,
24:51 and the light of God's truth will fill the earth,
24:55 as it says in Revelation 18, verse 1.
24:58 It says, "I saw another angel [descend] from heaven,
25:01 ...and the earth was lightened with [its] glory."
25:03 Habakkuk 2:14 says that the glory of God
25:07 will cover the earth "as...waters cover the sea."
25:09 So, God's Word is going to triumph at end time.
25:14 >>Eric: So, if somebody is watching this program,
25:16 and they're studying, or they're listening,
25:17 or they're hearing this for maybe the first time,
25:20 or they're struggling with the Bible,
25:24 and they look around and they see here in the Western world
25:26 Christianity is shrinking; it is not growing.
25:30 We wish it was otherwise, but that's the reality of it.
25:34 And there's so-called evidence out there from science
25:37 and from history, as it were, that the Bible is just a,
25:42 it's just a book--it's not anything special.
25:46 What encouragement would you give to someone
25:48 based on what we've been looking at here
25:51 about the longevity of the Word of God,
25:54 the authority of the Word of God,
25:56 and the way that the Word of God can indeed endure
25:59 and change a person's life?
26:01 >>Mark: You know, Pastor Eric,
26:03 I think what I say to that person--
26:05 and you may be watching today and wondering about the Bible.
26:08 Look, has any other book been around for 2,000 years
26:15 and had the ability-- when you look
26:17 at the Old and New Testaments together, 2,000 years--
26:21 and has the ability to change lives?
26:23 Think of the life-changing power of the Bible.
26:26 Think of the prophecies of the Bible.
26:28 I mean, the Bible has minute, specific prophecies.
26:32 Think about the fact that you have a Bible
26:35 with more than 40 different authors,
26:37 66 books, many of these authors don't know one another,
26:41 but yet they agree; there's this cohesive unity.
26:45 And think about the fact of the life-changing power
26:49 of the Bible.
26:50 I would say to you, give the Bible a chance.
26:52 Read it with an open heart. Let the Holy Spirit touch you.
26:56 Let Christ transform you, and you will find,
26:59 as tens of thousands and millions have,
27:03 that this book, the Word of God, has life-changing power.
27:08 >>Eric: Pastor Mark, thank you once again for joining us
27:10 this week and helping us to understand the two witnesses.
27:13 We want to thank you also for joining us again this week,
27:16 and we want to encourage you to join us again next week.
27:20 We are about halfway through our study
27:24 of "The Great Controversy,"
27:25 this theme that runs from Genesis to Revelation
27:29 that helps us understand the days in which we live,
27:31 the days that are coming ahead
27:33 and gives us encouragement and hope for those times.
27:36 So, we look forward to seeing you again next time
27:39 here on "Sabbath School,"
27:40 brought to you by It Is Written.
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28:26 [Captions provided by Aberdeen Captioning www.abercap.com]


Revised 2024-05-06