IIW Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS024051S

00:00 [inspiring music]
00:11 [inspiring music]
00:13 >>Eric Flickinger: Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:15 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:17 We're glad that you are joining us.
00:18 We are on a journey through the Gospel of John,
00:21 looking at the great themes
00:23 that run through this incredible book.
00:25 We are at the very-- near the very end
00:27 of our study together, a 13-lesson study.
00:31 This is lesson number 12, and we're taking a look
00:34 at what everything has been leading up to.
00:36 This is "The Hour of Glory: The Cross and the Resurrection,"
00:40 an incredible study, and we're glad
00:42 that you are here to join us for it.
00:44 Let's begin with prayer.
00:46 Father, we ask that You'll be with us today
00:49 as we look at this incredible time
00:51 in Jesus' life and truly an incredible time
00:54 in the history of the universe.
00:57 We ask that You'll bless us with a greater
00:58 and deeper understanding of Christ's glory,
01:01 and we thank You in Jesus' name,
01:03 [together] amen.
01:05 Well, we're happy to have with us once again
01:07 Dr. Tom Shepherd.
01:09 He is the senior research professor
01:11 of New Testament at the Theological Seminary,
01:14 Andrews University.
01:15 Tom, thanks for joining us again.
01:17 >>Tom Shepherd: A joy to be here.
01:18 >>Eric: So we've been leading up to this for quite some time,
01:21 11 weeks, 12 weeks have led us up to this.
01:24 We're looking now at
01:26 "The Hour of [Christ's] Glory:
01:28 The Cross and [the] Resurrection."
01:30 Let's get down to where we are in this story.
01:33 We're leading into the last hours of Christ's life
01:36 and Jesus' encounter with Pontius Pilate.
01:41 Walk us through this encounter.
01:42 >>Tom: Okay, so this is found in John, chapter 18.
01:46 We noted before that throughout the Gospel of John,
01:49 there's these interesting experiences
01:51 where Jesus is one-on-one with another individual.
01:55 We saw Jesus with Nicodemus,
01:57 Jesus with the woman at the well,
01:58 Jesus with the man at the Pool of Bethesda.
02:01 Now we're coming down to the end, and lo and behold,
02:04 Jesus has an encounter one-on-one with the governor,
02:08 Pilate, Pontius Pilate,
02:10 and it's found in John 18, verses 33 through 38.
02:16 >>Eric: "Then Pilate entered the Praetorium again,
02:18 "called Jesus, and said to Him,
02:20 "'Are You the King of the Jews?'
02:22 "Jesus answered him, 'Are you speaking for yourself
02:25 "about this, or did others tell you this concerning me?'
02:29 "Pilate answered, 'Am I a Jew?
02:31 "'Your own nation and the chief priests
02:33 "have delivered You to me. What have You done?'
02:35 "Jesus answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world.
02:39 "'If my kingdom were of this world,
02:40 "'my servants would fight, so that I should not be
02:42 "'delivered to the Jews;
02:44 "but now my kingdom is not from here.'
02:47 "Pilate therefore said to Him, 'Are You a king then?'
02:50 "Jesus answered, 'You say rightly that I am a king.
02:53 "'For this cause I was born, and for this cause
02:56 "'I have come into the world, that I should bear witness
02:58 "'to the truth.
03:00 "Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.'
03:03 "Pilate said to Him, 'What is truth?'
03:05 "And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews,
03:08 and said to them, 'I find no fault in Him at all.'"
03:12 >>Tom: Okay, it's quite an interesting encounter
03:14 that Pilate has with Jesus.
03:16 Roman governors had, when they would try somebody,
03:19 they had a rule that they had to ask them
03:21 three times questions related to the crime
03:25 that they're involved with.
03:26 And you'll see that there's three questions
03:28 that he asks of Jesus.
03:31 And the first one that he says is,
03:33 "Are You the King of the Jews?"
03:35 So this was not the way that Jesus was condemned
03:41 by the religious leaders.
03:42 They condemned him for blasphemy, but they knew
03:46 that with Pilate that wouldn't bear any weight at all.
03:50 And so, since He is the Messiah--
03:54 that's a kingly kind of terminology--
03:58 so, they are presenting Him as somebody
04:01 who is usurping Caesar's role in the Roman Empire.
04:06 He's a danger to the Roman government.
04:08 So Pilate asks Him that question,
04:12 "Are You the King of the Jews?"
04:14 Now, Jesus' response is interesting
04:17 because He says, "Do you say this
04:19 of your own accord, or do others say it to you about me?"
04:23 Now, why does He do this?
04:26 Because Jesus doesn't give up on anybody.
04:29 He gives them the opportunity, and He's really talking
04:33 to Pilate. He's kind of turning the tables now.
04:37 He's not the one on trial.
04:39 Now, Pilate's really kind of the one that's on trial.
04:41 Is he really interested in truth?
04:44 Is he really interested in knowing who Jesus really is,
04:48 or is this just a question of, you know,
04:51 what the Jews are bringing before him,
04:55 and he has no interest in, you know,
04:57 in a deeper understanding.
04:59 So Pilate answers by saying, "Am I a Jew?
05:06 "Your own nation and the chief priests
05:08 have delivered You over to me."
05:10 Here's his question: "What have You done?"
05:13 So, when Pilate says, "Am I a Jew?"
05:18 he's indicating he's not interested in Judaism.
05:21 He's not interested in who Jesus is,
05:24 in the spiritual sense.
05:26 He's just interested in the facts of the case.
05:30 And so he says, "What have You done?"
05:33 Now, Jesus then responds, "My kingdom is not of this world."
05:38 Now, what that means is, you know,
05:42 sometimes this is taken as the kingdom of Jesus
05:45 has nothing to do with affairs here on earth.
05:48 Not quite. [chuckles]
05:50 Because Jesus was very involved with things here on earth.
05:53 He says, "My kingdom is not of this world."
05:54 It's actually not from here.
05:56 His kingdom comes from God, not from human authority,
06:00 all right?
06:02 But then He says, "If my kingdom were of this world,
06:07 "my servants would have been fighting
06:09 that I might not be delivered to the Jews."
06:11 So He says, "My kingdom is not political in nature
06:16 "like other kingdoms in this world.
06:18 "I'm no threat to you.
06:21 I'm no threat to the Roman Empire."
06:22 That's really what He's saying.
06:24 But He does say, you know, He has a kingdom, right?
06:28 "'But my kingdom is not from the world.'
06:31 "Then Pilate said to Him, 'So You are a king?'
06:35 "Jesus answered, 'You say that I am a king.
06:39 For this purpose I was born.'"
06:41 So He's agreeing with Pilate: "Yes, I am a King."
06:44 See, the kingdom of God is about the rule of God over His people,
06:48 His covenant with them, and their obedience to Him,
06:51 their relationship with Him.
06:52 This was the covenant in the Old Testament;
06:54 the New Covenant has the same kind of concept
06:57 that we're under the rulership of God.
07:00 You see, we are citizens of heaven.
07:03 We are citizens of earthly kingdoms
07:07 and earthly countries here,
07:09 but that's not our primary allegiance.
07:12 Our primary allegiance is to God Himself.
07:15 So Jesus said, "I have come into this world
07:19 "to bear witness to the truth.
07:22 Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."
07:26 Now, Pilate's response has been repeated over the centuries:
07:31 "What is truth?"
07:33 You can say that question several ways.
07:35 [curiously] "What is truth?"
07:37 Or you can say, [contemptuously] "What is truth?"
07:40 Probably Pilate's more like the second one--
07:43 [contemptuously] "What is truth?"--
07:44 because he doesn't wait for an answer.
07:47 "After he said this, he went back outside to the Jews
07:50 and told them, 'I find no fault in Him.'"
07:54 So Pilate has now said, "This man is not guilty.
07:59 This man is not guilty."
08:00 So He actually should be released.
08:04 He should be released.
08:06 But of course, that's not what's going to happen.
08:09 >>Eric: No, and things get worse from there.
08:12 >>Tom: They do. >>Eric: In fact,
08:13 let's pick this up in John 19.
08:15 I'm going to read verses 1 through 6 here.
08:19 "So...Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him.
08:21 "And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns
08:23 "and put it on His head, and they put on Him a purple robe.
08:27 "Then they said, 'Hail, King of the Jews!'
08:29 "And they struck Him with their hands.
08:31 "Pilate then went out again, and said to them,
08:34 "'Behold, I am bringing Him out to you,
08:36 "that you may know that I find no fault in Him.'
08:39 "Then Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns
08:42 "and the purple robe.
08:43 "And Pilate said to them, 'Behold the Man!'
08:46 "Therefore, when the chief priests
08:48 "and officers saw Him, they cried out, saying,
08:50 "'Crucify Him, crucify Him!'
08:52 "Pilate said to them, 'You take Him and crucify Him,
08:56 for I find no fault in Him.'"
08:59 So what are some lessons about the cost of discipleship
09:02 that we can learn from this passage here?
09:05 >>Tom: All right, so Pilate has Jesus flogged.
09:10 In this setting here in John, it may be to try
09:15 to, you know, let the leaders and let the Jewish people know
09:18 that he's, like, "teaching Jesus a lesson,"
09:21 but he wants to let Him go, and that the flogging
09:25 should be enough, and they will have none of it.
09:29 He brings Him out and says, "'Behold the Man!'
09:31 "And the chief priests and the officers cry out,
09:35 "'Crucify Him, crucify Him!'
09:36 "Pilate said, 'Take him yourselves
09:38 and crucify Him, for I find no guilt in Him.'"
09:41 That's the third time he's said that.
09:44 So he asked Jesus three questions.
09:46 This is the third time he said, "I find him as innocent."
09:50 So then, actually in verse 7, "The Jews answered him,
09:54 "'We have a law, and according to that law
09:56 "'He ought to die because He has made Himself
09:58 the Son of God.'"
09:59 Now, this scares Pilate.
10:02 He's like, "Oh, is this Man a God?"
10:05 He goes back in and talks to Jesus,
10:08 and Jesus won't talk to him, won't say anything.
10:13 And he says, "Don't you realize I have the authority
10:14 to release you or to put you to death?"
10:17 Jesus answers in verse 11, "You would have
10:20 "no authority over me at all unless it had been given you
10:23 "'from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you
10:26 has the greater sin."
10:28 So now Pilate tries to release him,
10:31 but here we really see the cost of discipleship.
10:34 In verse 12, "The Jews [cry] out, 'If you release this Man,
10:38 "'you are not Caesar's friend.
10:41 "Everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar.'
10:45 So when Pilate heard these words"--verse 13--
10:48 "He brought Jesus out and sat on the judgment seat
10:51 "at a place called The Stone Pavement,
10:53 "and in Aramaic Gabbatha.
10:55 "Now it was the day of Preparation of the Passover.
10:57 "It was about the sixth hour.
10:59 "[And] he said..., 'Behold your King.'"
11:01 So this is interesting because Pilate knows
11:04 he's not going to get away with not crucifying Jesus,
11:07 but he's really going to make them pay for it.
11:10 "He said..., 'Behold your King!'
11:12 "They cried out, 'Away with Him, away with..., crucify Him!'
11:15 "Pilate said to them, 'Shall I crucify your King?'
11:18 "The chief priests answered, 'We have no king but Caesar.'
11:21 So he delivered Him over to be crucified."
11:24 Now, this is striking because Caiaphas had said
11:29 earlier back in chapter 12, "It's better for one man to die
11:33 than that the whole nation perish."
11:34 They hated Jesus so much that they were willing
11:38 to set aside their nationhood and say,
11:41 "We have no king but Caesar."
11:43 So, really, they showed their own hatred of Jesus.
11:49 It was worse than their love for their nation.
11:52 And it's a powerful kind of a statement.
11:55 The cost of discipleship, Pilate didn't pay the price, did he?
12:00 When he heard that he would lose his role as governor--
12:05 if everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar--
12:08 he couldn't accept that He would do that.
12:11 And so he sets that aside, and he won't have Jesus
12:15 as his Master or as his King.
12:19 He's chosen Caesar instead of Jesus--tragic.
12:23 >>Eric: And unfortunately, many people's decisions
12:25 are motivated, or there's a catalyst
12:30 very similar to that, and they choose wrong decisions,
12:33 make wrong decisions today about Jesus.
12:36 We have a companion book that delves more deeply
12:38 into what we're looking at right now.
12:39 Share with us a little bit about that.
12:40 >>Tom: The companion book is published by Pacific Press.
12:43 You can buy it there.
12:44 Our friend here, Eric, will tell you how to get it
12:47 at It Is Written. But it gives you more information
12:49 about the study, about the background,
12:53 about information that's interesting,
12:55 about the materials that are being discussed
12:58 in the lesson.
12:59 More information than the lesson,
13:01 more information than the teacher's lesson,
13:04 very good resource to have, pick up a copy.
13:07 >>Eric: And you can pick it up at itiswritten.shop.
13:09 Again, that is itiswritten.shop.
13:12 It goes right along with what we're studying,
13:13 gives you more detailed information,
13:16 the background on Pilate and the judgment hall scene
13:18 and so forth.
13:19 You can pick that up again at itiswritten.shop.
13:21 We're going to come back in just a moment,
13:23 and we're going to continue looking
13:25 at the hour of Christ's glory.
13:28 We'll be right back here on "Sabbath School,"
13:30 brought to you by It Is Written.
13:32 [inspiring music]
13:35 >>John Bradshaw: It's everywhere,
13:37 adorning churches, adorning people.
13:40 There's a season every year commemorating the cross.
13:44 But beyond eggs and rabbits, there's a power,
13:48 the power of a sacrifice, the power of the love of God.
13:52 Be sure you see "At the Cross" and learn about the single event
13:56 that changed the course of history,
13:59 the event that can change your life forever.
14:03 Predicted by prophets and foretold by Jesus Himself,
14:06 what happened at the cross was a demonstration
14:09 of God's love like no other.
14:12 Humanity's fall into sin in the Garden of Eden
14:14 brought upon Adam and Eve and their descendants
14:17 inescapable consequences.
14:20 But into that turmoil stepped Jesus,
14:22 promising the planet a way of escape.
14:25 Don't miss "At the Cross,"
14:28 brought to you by It Is Written TV.
14:36 [inspiring music]
14:40 >>Eric: Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:42 brought to you by It Is Written.
14:44 We're taking a look at the book of John
14:46 and the very closing hours of Christ's life.
14:50 Tom, I'm gonna read a little bit more
14:52 from John, chapter 19, verses 17 through 22.
14:57 It says, "And He"--that is, Jesus--"bearing His cross,
14:59 "went out to a place called the Place of a Skull,
15:02 "which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha,
15:05 "where they crucified Him, and two others with Him,
15:08 "one on either side, and Jesus in the center.
15:10 "Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross.
15:13 "And the writing was: 'JESUS OF NAZARETH,
15:18 "Then many of the Jews read this title,
15:20 "for the place where Jesus was crucified
15:22 "was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew,
15:25 "Greek, and Latin.
15:27 "Therefore the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate,
15:30 "'Do not write, "The King of the Jews,"
15:31 "'but, "He said, 'I am the King of the Jews.'"'
15:34 Pilate answered, 'What I have written, I have written.'"
15:38 What's the significance of this title
15:42 that Pilate has written on the cross?
15:45 >>Tom: Well, of course, this is
15:47 what He was accused of.
15:49 Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.
15:52 He's being crucified as the Messiah,
15:54 as the King of the Jews.
15:56 Now, the reason that the religious leaders
16:00 don't want that on the cross
16:01 but rather "This Man said, 'I am the King of the Jews'"
16:05 is because it would very easily, very quickly become known
16:10 why He was crucified and who got Him
16:14 put on the cross, and it was the religious leaders.
16:18 Now, some scholars--years ago I was at professional meetings.
16:22 This is where many scholars from all kinds
16:24 of different universities and denominations come together,
16:29 and they talk about issues like this.
16:32 Somebody said that the disciples couldn't know
16:35 about the events of Jesus' trial
16:38 because they weren't there, all right?
16:41 I had recently come back as a missionary from Africa,
16:45 and I stood up, and I said, "You know, I was in a country"--
16:49 I didn't name the country-- "I was in a country in Africa
16:51 "where the president had one of his ministers assassinated.
16:56 "And the government paper said that he had had
17:00 "an auto accident.
17:02 "Nobody, nobody was fooled about this.
17:06 Everybody was talking about this."
17:09 And I said, "You know, the events of Jesus' trial
17:14 "and death wouldn't be able to be hidden.
17:16 The truth would come out."
17:18 In fact, you see this in the Gospel of Luke.
17:20 When Jesus rises from the dead and He's on the walk to Emmaus,
17:24 you have these two fellows, and they're walking along,
17:26 and Jesus comes to join them.
17:27 Their eyes are held, or being holden by God,
17:30 so that they can't see who He is.
17:32 And He says, "What are these things
17:34 you're talking about?"
17:36 And they stop, and their faces are downcast, and they say,
17:40 "Are You the only stranger in Jerusalem
17:42 who doesn't know what happened?"
17:45 And He says, "What things?"
17:46 And then they tell Him the story. So it's true.
17:49 Everybody was talking about this.
17:52 So that's why they were upset that, you know,
17:55 that this is what was written on the cross.
17:58 Well, Pilate finally gets strength in his backbone,
18:01 and he says, "What I have written stays written."
18:04 So Ellen White says in "Desire of Ages,"
18:07 there was a divine hand that guided him
18:11 in what he wrote.
18:12 Because this is a declaration that He was crucified
18:15 as the Messiah, the King of the Jews--
18:18 very interesting. >>Eric: Fascinating.
18:21 Let's drop down just a few verses.
18:24 We'll read verses 25 through 27. >>Tom: Very beautiful.
18:27 >>Eric: "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus
18:29 "His mother, and His mother's sister,
18:31 "Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
18:34 "When Jesus therefore saw His mother,
18:36 "and the disciple whom He loved standing by,
18:39 "He said to His mother, 'Woman, behold your son!'
18:43 "Then He said to the disciple, 'Behold your mother!'
18:46 And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home."
18:50 >>Tom: This is a very touching scene, actually, very tragic.
18:54 You can imagine Jesus is a young man. He's in His 30s.
18:59 His mother is probably in her 50s or 60s.
19:03 And here she is watching her Son
19:04 die on the cross in shame.
19:07 And it had to be just terribly hard for her.
19:11 There's actually three Marys here:
19:13 Mary His mother, Mary the wife of Clopas,
19:16 and Mary Magdalene.
19:18 In Portuguese they call this "Las Tres Marias,"
19:21 the three Marys.
19:23 So when Jesus saw His mother there at the cross
19:27 and the disciple whom He loved--that's John--
19:29 standing nearby, He says to His mother,
19:33 "Woman, behold your son!"
19:35 And He says to the disciple, "Behold your mother!"
19:38 Now, remember, being crucified,
19:40 it was very difficult to breathe.
19:43 So any statements that you made, you had to make--
19:47 they were short statements.
19:48 So this is very typical, would fit perfectly
19:52 with this idea--"Woman, behold your son." [inhales]
19:55 "Behold your mother."
19:57 And John immediately understood what Jesus was saying.
20:01 He didn't have anything to give for her.
20:04 His clothes were being, you know,
20:06 divided up among the soldiers.
20:08 And so He did have a disciple who loved Him, though,
20:13 and would care for His mother.
20:15 So it's a beautiful expression of His love for His family,
20:21 love for His mother.
20:22 Even when He's suffering, suffering terribly on the cross,
20:25 suffering under the sins of the world,
20:27 He cared for His mother, took care of her.
20:29 It's beautiful.
20:31 >>Eric: And that love and care, as you said,
20:33 extends right to the very end of Jesus' life.
20:35 Let's look at verses 28 through 30.
20:38 "After this, Jesus, knowing that all things
20:40 "were now accomplished, that the Scripture
20:42 "might be fulfilled, said, 'I thirst!'
20:45 "Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there;
20:48 "and they filled a sponge with sour wine,
20:50 "put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth.
20:53 "So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said,
20:56 "'It is finished!'
20:57 And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."
21:00 >>Tom: Okay.
21:01 >>Eric: So what does this statement "It is finished" mean?
21:05 What was finished here?
21:07 >>Tom: All right, so what was finished was--
21:08 what was accomplished was our salvation.
21:10 Jesus said back earlier in chapter 4
21:14 that He came to complete His Father's work,
21:17 and His work is the salvation of the world.
21:18 "God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,
21:21 "that whoever believes in Him should not perish
21:23 but have [everlasting] life."
21:24 That's what He accomplished.
21:27 In chapter 10 and verse 18 He makes
21:31 a significant statement, Jesus Himself.
21:33 He says, "No one takes it from me"--His life.
21:37 He says, "No one takes it from me,
21:39 "but I lay it down of my own accord.
21:41 "I have authority to lay it down,
21:43 "and I have authority to take it up again.
21:46 This charge I have received from my Father."
21:49 So, He came to redeem the world, and He accomplished that work
21:54 at the cross, so, "It is finished"--
21:56 that means the plan of salvation is secure.
21:59 It's beautiful.
22:01 >>Eric: If that was where the story ended,
22:03 it would be powerful, but not as powerful
22:06 as what happens when we get to chapter 20.
22:08 >>Tom: That's right. >>Eric: In chapter 20,
22:09 verse number 1, it begins with this:
22:12 "Now on the first day of the week
22:13 "Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early,
22:15 "while it was still dark, and saw that the stone
22:17 "had been taken away from the tomb.
22:20 "Then she ran and came to Simon Peter,
22:22 "and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved,
22:24 "and said to them, 'They have taken away
22:26 "'the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know
22:28 "where they have laid Him.'
22:30 "Peter therefore went out, and the other disciple,
22:32 "and were going to the tomb.
22:34 "So they both ran together, and the other disciple
22:36 "outran Peter and came to the tomb first.
22:39 "And he, stooping down and looking in,
22:42 "saw the linen [clothes] lying there; yet he did not go in.
22:47 "Then Simon Peter came, following him,
22:49 "and went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths
22:51 "lying there, and the handkerchief
22:53 "that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths,
22:56 "but folded together in a place by itself.
22:59 "Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first,
23:01 "went in also; and he saw and believed.
23:04 "For as yet they did not know the Scripture
23:06 "that He must rise again from the dead.
23:08 Then the disciples went away again to their own homes."
23:13 There's an empty tomb, which is not what you expect
23:17 after someone has been laid there.
23:18 >>Tom: That's right.
23:20 And of course, the first supposition
23:22 that Mary makes is that somebody
23:25 has stolen the body, right?
23:27 So she ran, and she says, "They have taken the Lord
23:30 "out of the tomb, and we do not know
23:32 where they have laid Him."
23:33 She doesn't think He's risen from the dead.
23:36 She believes that somebody has moved His body,
23:38 and this bothers her, of course, and the other disciples
23:41 are concerned about this as well. So they run there.
23:44 And then they come into the tomb,
23:47 Simon Peter is the one who goes in,
23:49 "And he saw the linen cloths lying there,
23:52 "and the face cloth, which had been on Jesus' head,
23:54 "not lying with the linen cloths,
23:56 but folded up in a place by itself."
23:59 Now, remember, we've said before that any detail
24:02 that appears in Scripture is almost always important
24:05 to the story, right?
24:07 So this is important to the story
24:09 because it indicates that Jesus rose from the dead.
24:13 Because thieves will not take the body,
24:17 they'll take the expensive perfume
24:19 that's there.
24:20 They will not fold grave cloths
24:22 because they're in a hurry to get away.
24:24 So this says something else has taken place,
24:28 and that something else, of course,
24:29 is the resurrection of Jesus.
24:32 And it's interesting-- John goes in; it says,
24:35 "And he saw and believed."
24:37 Hey, he seems to have been the one more open
24:40 to these kinds of experiences.
24:41 But then they go back, and Mary is left there at the tomb.
24:44 So we should read that part, verses 11 to 18.
24:47 >>Eric: "But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping,
24:50 "and as she wept she stooped down
24:51 "and looked into the tomb.
24:53 "And she saw two angels in white sitting,
24:55 "one at the head and the other at the feet,
24:57 "where the body of Jesus had lain.
24:59 "Then they said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?'
25:02 "She said to them, 'Because they have taken away my Lord,
25:05 "and I do not know where they have laid Him.'
25:07 "Now when she had said this, she turned around
25:09 "and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know
25:12 "that it was Jesus.
25:13 "Jesus said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?
25:16 "Whom are you seeking?'
25:17 "She, supposing Him to be the gardener,
25:19 "said to Him, 'Sir, if You have carried Him away,
25:22 "'tell me where You have laid Him,
25:23 "and I will take Him away.'
25:25 "Jesus said to her, 'Mary!'
25:27 "She turned and said to Him, 'Rabboni!'
25:30 "(which is to say, Teacher).
25:32 "Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to me,
25:34 "'for I have not yet ascended to my Father;
25:37 "'but go to my brethren and say to them,
25:39 "'"I am ascending to my Father and your Father,
25:41 "and to my God and your God."'
25:43 "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples
25:46 "that she had seen the Lord, and that He had spoken
25:48 these things to her."
25:50 >>Tom: That's a great story. That's a great story.
25:52 Now, here's the interesting thing.
25:54 He said one word to her.
25:56 We're reminded of Nathaniel at the beginning of the Gospel,
25:59 who, when Jesus said, "I saw you under the fig tree,"
26:02 a small, little revelation that led to this amazing declaration
26:07 of Nathaniel that He's the Messiah.
26:09 And when Jesus says, "Mary,"
26:12 she immediately recognizes that it's Jesus
26:15 who was risen from the dead.
26:17 The small revelation, one-word revelation,
26:19 changed the world, that she said, you know,
26:22 He's now the risen Lord.
26:25 And He says, "Don't hold me back because I haven't gone
26:28 "to the Father yet, but go tell my brothers
26:30 what has taken place."
26:32 And she goes and says, "I have seen the Lord."
26:35 It's a wonderful, wonderful ending to the story.
26:39 But of course, we're not really at the total end of the book.
26:42 We are closer to the end of the Resurrection story.
26:47 You know, we have stories about Him appearing
26:49 to the disciples and appearing to Thomas.
26:51 And then it concludes that chapter
26:54 with the purpose of the book.
26:56 But surprisingly, the book's not quite over yet.
26:59 There's still yet another chapter to come.
27:01 But now we have the good news of the risen Lord from the dead.
27:06 >>Eric: And with that news we get to be led
27:09 into the very tail end of the book,
27:11 the epilogue, if you will.
27:13 And next week we are going to be looking at, finally,
27:16 lesson number 13, the very last lesson
27:20 in our study of the book of John and the great themes
27:23 that run through this book.
27:25 If you happen to have missed any of our preceding episodes,
27:29 lessons, you can find them
27:30 at itiswritten.tv, they're archived there,
27:33 or on the It Is Written YouTube channel.
27:35 But don't miss the very last lesson.
27:39 That's going to be next week.
27:40 We're looking at the epilogue tying everything together
27:42 here on "Sabbath School,"
27:44 brought to you by It Is Written.
27:46 [inspiring music]
28:23 [inspiring music]
28:26 [Captions provided by Aberdeen Captioning www.abercap.com]


Revised 2024-12-11