IIW Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS024052S

00:00 [uplifting music]
00:12 [uplifting music]
00:14 >>Eric Flickinger: Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:15 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:17 We're glad that you are with us today.
00:19 We are taking a look at the Gospel of John,
00:22 the great lessons that it contains.
00:24 This is lesson number 13, our final lesson
00:29 as we have been exploring this incredible Gospel.
00:32 We're looking today at the "Epilogue:
00:35 Knowing Jesus and His Word," and we're about to dive into it.
00:39 But first, we'll begin, as we do, with prayer.
00:42 Father, we thank You for guiding us along this journey,
00:46 for helping us to understand Jesus better,
00:48 His love for us, and the plan of salvation.
00:51 We ask now that as we take this final journey
00:54 in this particular book, that You will guide and direct us
00:58 into a deeper understanding
01:00 and appreciation for Your love for us.
01:02 And we thank You in Jesus' name,
01:04 [both] amen.
01:06 Well, we're happy one final time this quarter
01:09 to have with us the co-author of
01:11 this quarter's "Sabbath School" lesson, Dr. Tom Shepherd.
01:14 He is the senior research professor of New Testament
01:17 at the Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
01:20 Tom, thanks for being here again.
01:22 >>Thomas Shepherd: A joy to be here.
01:23 >>Eric: We really have appreciated you
01:25 dedicating these 13 weeks to helping us
01:28 understand the book of John.
01:30 And we're now in the very last chapter
01:33 of the book of John, chapter 21.
01:35 In the last chapter, the previous chapter,
01:38 chapter 20, we saw Jesus' resurrection,
01:42 which is phenomenal, amazing.
01:44 It's what Christianity really is all about.
01:47 But then we've got another chapter.
01:50 So what's the point of this extra chapter, this epilogue,
01:53 if you will, bonus chapter, in the book of John?
01:57 Why is it here? >>Tom: Yeah, it's interesting
01:59 because the chapter 20 ends with--you know, you think,
02:02 oh, this is the perfect place to end the book:
02:04 "Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of" His--
02:08 "of the disciples, which are not written in this book;
02:10 "but these are written so that you may believe
02:12 "that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
02:14 and that by believing you may have life in His name."
02:17 And you say, "Well, that's a good ending to the book."
02:21 And then he doesn't end the book.
02:23 He has another part.
02:25 So let's read verses here, verses 1 to 3 of chapter 21.
02:28 "After this Jesus revealed Himself again to the disciples
02:31 "by the Sea of Tiberias, and He revealed Himself in this way.
02:35 "Simon Peter, Thomas (called the Twin),
02:37 "Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee,
02:41 "and two other of His disciples were together.
02:43 "Simon Peter said to them, 'I am going fishing.'
02:45 "They said to him, 'We will go with you.'
02:48 "They went out and got into the boat,
02:50 but that night they caught nothing."
02:53 Now, all of these people that are named are people
02:57 who have shown up earlier in the book.
02:59 You know, Simon Peter, of course,
03:01 Thomas, the one who doubted His resurrection,
03:04 the sons of Zebedee, Nathanael, who was there at the beginning
03:08 of the book, and a couple other of His disciples.
03:12 So you can't tell for sure
03:14 which one is the beloved disciple.
03:16 It is John, but you're like, "Which one is it?"
03:19 And they go out fishing, but catch nothing, all right.
03:23 So in the morning, Jesus is on the shore.
03:26 Now, I've been to the Sea of Galilee
03:31 several times, and I remember once being--
03:34 there's a place on the northern side of the Sea of Galilee,
03:38 where there's a place where you can stay,
03:40 and then there's this dock
03:43 that goes out into the water.
03:47 And I invited students-- we were taking students
03:50 on a tour, and I invited students.
03:52 I didn't--I had one or two students come
03:54 because it was early in the morning.
03:56 I wanted to go out early in the morning at about the time
03:59 that they would be coming in to shore.
04:03 And it was just really something
04:06 to be out there on that pier
04:09 about the distance they would have been to the shore,
04:11 from the shore, when Jesus called out to them,
04:14 "Lads, have you caught anything?"
04:16 You know, so it was a nice experience.
04:19 And He says, "Have you caught any fish?"
04:21 And they said, "No."
04:23 "'Cast the net'"--verse 6-- "'on the right side of the boat
04:26 "and you will find some.'
04:28 "So they cast it, and now they were not able
04:30 to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish."
04:33 So this is reminiscent, actually,
04:35 of what we see in the Gospel of Luke,
04:37 chapter 5, where Jesus, when they have
04:42 He's used Peter's boat,
04:44 and He says, you know, "Go out into the deep
04:46 and," you know, "let down your nets for a catch."
04:50 And Peter says, "Master,
04:52 we fished all night"--which is the right time for fishing.
04:56 The fish can't see the nets then.
04:58 "We fished all night, we didn't catch anything,
04:59 but, at Your word, I'll," you know, "let it down."
05:03 They catch so many fish it fills, like, both boats,
05:06 his and James and John's boat.
05:10 So now when this happens at the end of this experience,
05:14 verse 7, "That disciple whom Jesus loved
05:16 "therefore said to Peter, 'It is the Lord!'
05:20 "When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord,
05:23 "he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work,
05:26 "and threw himself into the sea.
05:27 "The other disciples came in the boat,
05:29 "dragging the net full of fish,
05:31 "for they were not far from the land,
05:32 ...about a hundred yards off."
05:34 So they get out, you know, there's a charcoal fire,
05:37 there's 153 fish, a big catch of fish,
05:41 big ones, too, yet the nets weren't broken.
05:43 So it's like a miraculous catch of fish.
05:46 Now we come to this section
05:48 where Jesus questions Peter about his discipleship.
05:54 So we want to read John 21, verses 15 through 19.
05:58 >>Eric: "So when they had eaten breakfast,
06:00 "Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of Jonah,
06:04 "do you love me more than these?'
06:06 "He said to Him, 'Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.'
06:08 "He said to him, 'Feed my lambs.'
06:11 "He said to him again a second time,
06:13 "'Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?'
06:15 "He said to Him, 'Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.'
06:18 "He said to him, 'Tend my sheep.'
06:21 "He said to him a third time,
06:23 "'Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?'
06:25 "Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time,
06:28 "'Do you love me?'
06:30 "And he said to Him, 'Lord, You know all things;
06:32 "You know that I love You.'
06:34 "Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep.
06:37 "'Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger,
06:39 "'you girded yourself and walked where you wished;
06:42 "'but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands,
06:44 "'and another will gird you and carry you
06:46 "where you do not wish.'
06:48 "This He spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God.
06:52 And when He had spoken this, He said to him, 'Follow me.'"
06:55 >>Tom: Hmm! It's a very interesting story.
06:58 So this story begins
07:00 with Jesus asking a question of Peter:
07:04 "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?"
07:09 Now, we'll first mention what the "these" refers to.
07:11 It's probably the other disciples.
07:13 "Do you love me more than the other disciples?"
07:17 He answered Him, "Yes, Lord, You know that I love You."
07:20 Now, he doesn't say, "I love You more than the others,"
07:23 but he says, "You know that I love You."
07:24 Now, if you look at Greek in this, it's really interesting.
07:27 There's two different verbs for "love" that are used here.
07:31 The verb that Jesus uses is "agapao," which is--
07:36 everybody knows the word "agape" is God's kind of love;
07:39 it's that high love that's typical of the love of God.
07:44 Peter answers, "Yes, Lord, You know that I love You."
07:47 He uses a different word.
07:49 He uses "phileo," which is a friendship kind of love.
07:55 We get the word "Philadelphia," "the city of brotherly love"--
07:59 we get that word from this word.
08:03 So people wonder,
08:05 well, why does Peter use a different word than Jesus?
08:10 Now, some scholars will suggest that there's,
08:13 you know, it's just there's no big difference here,
08:16 and there's some evidence to point that way.
08:18 But I actually think there is a difference going on here.
08:22 So it really shows up when you notice
08:25 how Jesus asks the question.
08:28 So first He asks, and the first question is in verse 15:
08:31 "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?"
08:34 So He's making a comparison between Peter's love for Him
08:39 and the other disciples' love for Him.
08:41 And does he have more love for Jesus than those others?
08:45 He says, "Lord, You know that I love You."
08:47 So He says, "Feed my lambs."
08:50 Then He says, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?"
08:52 He's dropped the "more than these," still using "agapao."
08:56 Peter responds almost exactly the same:
08:59 "Yes, Lord, You know that I love You."
09:01 It's the same words.
09:02 And he again is using "phileo," all right?
09:05 Now, then He says, "Tend my sheep."
09:09 Then He says to him the third time in verse 17,
09:12 "Simon, son of John, do you love me?"
09:14 And now He uses "phileo"-- Jesus does.
09:18 And it says, "Peter was grieved because
09:23 "He said to him the third time, 'Do you love me?'
09:26 "And he said to Him, 'Lord, you know everything.
09:29 You know that I love you.'"
09:30 Still using "phileo."
09:33 Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."
09:35 [laughs] People say, like, "What in the world is going on here?"
09:39 Well, Peter had denied Jesus three times,
09:43 and he's asked three times if he loves Jesus.
09:47 Now, before he denied Jesus,
09:51 he probably would have answered this question differently.
09:56 "Do you love me more than these?"
09:57 "Yes, though all else"--he says this elsewhere, you know--
10:00 "though all else forsake You, I will not.
10:03 I'm ready to die with You." [laughs]
10:05 He didn't know himself very well
10:07 because he falls flat on his face.
10:09 Notice that when he responds, he says,
10:13 "You know that I love You."
10:16 His point of reference has shifted to Jesus,
10:19 not referring to himself, but now to Jesus.
10:22 And Jesus says, "Feed my lambs."
10:24 It sounds like, you know, "Feed my lambs"?
10:26 Lambs would be like the children in Sabbath school, okay?
10:31 So He's actually restoring Peter to ministry here.
10:34 And He does it in steps.
10:36 The first step seems to be, like,
10:37 "Okay, you can teach the children's Sabbath school.
10:39 "Maybe you can tell the children's story.
10:41 "We're not making you the pastor yet,
10:43 but you can feed the lambs."
10:45 This would really refer to the new believers, okay?
10:49 You can feed the lambs.
10:51 So He says to him a second time,
10:52 "Simon, son of John, do you love me?"
10:54 Still using "agapao." Peter replies again with "phileo."
10:57 And now He says, "Tend my sheep."
10:59 Okay, now we're going to send you out in the--you know,
11:02 maybe you can go do some evangelistic meeting someplace,
11:04 you know, and do something like that.
11:07 Third time, He uses the word "phileo," and Peter is grieved,
11:11 but he still uses "phileo" in response.
11:13 He says, "Lord, You know everything.
11:15 You know that I love You."
11:16 "Feed my sheep."
11:18 Now it sounds like full restoration to ministry.
11:21 Somebody says, "I don't get it.
11:23 "Why doesn't Peter, you know, why doesn't Peter respond with,
11:28 "you know, some kind of better response?
11:30 Why doesn't he use 'agapao'?"
11:32 And the answer to that question is
11:34 because he dared not use that word.
11:39 Because he had fallen flat on his face.
11:42 And what he knew was now he wasn't better than anybody else,
11:47 and he was humble.
11:49 You see, it's like the prodigal son,
11:52 the story of the prodigal son, when he comes home,
11:54 he doesn't say, "I'm home, let's have a party," you know?
11:56 He says, "Make me like one of your servants."
11:59 He doesn't dare ask for something better 'cause
12:01 he figures that's the best he could ask for, and he's humble.
12:05 Peter is humble in the same way. And this is a great lesson.
12:08 One of the greatest-- one of the greatest
12:12 kind of qualifications for ministry
12:17 is humility. And Peter got it.
12:20 [chuckling] He got it, he understood it,
12:23 and he became humble.
12:25 >>Eric: It took him a little while.
12:28 It was a lesson hard learned, but he finally did learn it,
12:32 and one that, by the grace of God, we will learn
12:34 without perhaps having to fall quite so far as Peter did.
12:37 >>Tom: Hopefully so.
12:39 >>Eric: If someone wants to dig more into this final portion
12:42 of the book of John, there's a companion book
12:45 that they can pick up. Share with us a little bit about that.
12:47 >>Tom: The companion book is published by Pacific Press.
12:49 It gives you more information, more detail than the lesson,
12:52 gives you more detail than the teacher's lesson,
12:54 valuable for class members, valuable for teachers,
12:57 valuable for pastors.
12:59 Get the companion book,
13:00 and Eric will tell you how you can get it.
13:03 >>Eric: You can pick it up at itiswritten.shop.
13:06 Again, itiswritten.shop.
13:08 Just look for the companion book
13:09 to this quarter's "Sabbath School" lesson.
13:11 You will be glad that you have it.
13:13 We're going to be back in just a moment with
13:15 the very last half of the last lesson of the book of John.
13:21 We'll be back in just a moment.
13:22 [uplifting music]
13:26 >>John Bradshaw: We're drawn to the Christmas story
13:28 for numerous reasons.
13:30 The story of a baby being born in a stable
13:32 and then placed in a feeding trough to sleep,
13:35 there's something almost exciting about the whole idea.
13:39 [Scott Michael Bennett] ♪ Mary, did you know ♪
13:42 ♪ That your baby boy ♪
13:45 ♪ Would one day walk on water? ♪♪
13:50 >>John: But we're really drawn to the Christmas story
13:52 by the wonder of it all.
13:54 [Claudia Ramirez-Treiyer] ♪ O night divine, ♪
14:02 ♪ O night... ♪♪
14:06 >>John: God has given us so much.
14:08 I hope that you'll give Him the best possible gift
14:12 and allow Him to unwrap your heart.
14:16 [Emmanuel Quartet] ♪ Hark! The herald angels sing, ♪
14:21 ♪ Glory to the newborn King. ♪♪
14:27 [uplifting music]
14:31 >>Eric: Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:33 brought to you by It Is Written.
14:34 We are taking a look at the very tail end of the book of John,
14:38 the Gospel of John, and learning some valuable lessons.
14:41 Tom, this last chapter, this epilogue, there's a lot here.
14:46 What else do we want to make sure we don't miss?
14:48 >>Tom: Okay, so we've already seen
14:50 how Peter is restored to ministry.
14:53 He is humble, and Jesus completely restores him.
14:57 Actually, this is one of the evidences that Jesus
15:00 rose from the dead, is that Peter was one of the leaders
15:03 of the early Christian church, because if it wasn't Jesus
15:07 who restored him in front of the other disciples,
15:10 he probably wouldn't have been an early leader.
15:12 They would have said, "Nah, nah, nah, go back to fishing.
15:14 Do something else." [laughs]
15:15 "You've messed up too bad."
15:17 But Jesus restores him to ministry.
15:20 And at the end of this, Jesus says to him, "Follow me."
15:23 Now, that's the call of discipleship.
15:26 Again, at the end of the Gospel, He said, "Follow me."
15:28 But He's not just saying, "Follow me,"
15:31 but, "Walk with me down the beach.
15:33 I have something more to tell you."
15:35 So we read now the very last verses of the book,
15:41 which are interesting, starting in verse 20:
15:43 "Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved
15:46 "following them, the one who also had leaned back
15:50 "against Him during the supper and had said,
15:52 'Lord, who is it that is going to betray You?'"
15:54 Of course, that's the apostle John.
15:56 "When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus,
15:59 "'Lord, what about this man?' Jesus said to him"--
16:04 now, remember, Peter had just been told
16:06 what was going to happen, you know,
16:07 "you'll stretch out your hands"--he was crucified.
16:11 But he said, "'What about this man?'
16:13 "Jesus said to him, 'If it is my will
16:15 "'that he remain until I come, what is that to you?
16:19 "You follow me!'
16:21 "So the saying spread abroad among the brothers
16:24 "that this disciple was not to die;
16:28 "yet Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die,
16:32 "but, 'If it is my will that he remain until I come,
16:36 "what is that to you?'
16:37 "This is the disciple who is bearing witness
16:40 "about these things, and who has written these things,
16:43 "and we know that his testimony is true.
16:46 "Now there are also many other things that Jesus did.
16:49 "Were every one of them to be written,
16:51 "I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books
16:55 that would be written."
16:56 I like the ending.
16:59 It's so, you know, this kind of hyperbole, you know,
17:01 "and the whole world couldn't hold the books."
17:04 It's just sort of a beautiful expression.
17:06 You know, there's so much more to know about Jesus.
17:09 But the reason for this epilogue in this last chapter is twofold.
17:15 One is to restore Peter to ministry,
17:20 and it's very clearly expressed.
17:22 And Jesus foretells what's going to happen to him,
17:26 that he'll stretch out his hands, another will dress him
17:28 and carry him "where you do not want to go."
17:30 The tradition of the church is that when Peter
17:33 was to be killed in Rome, they were going to crucify him.
17:37 And he requested that he be crucified upside down, because
17:41 he didn't feel he deserved the honor of being crucified
17:44 in the same way as Jesus-- again, that humility.
17:47 Peter never forgot this.
17:50 If you turn over to 1 Peter, written by the apostle Peter,
17:54 1 Peter, chapter 5, 1 Peter 5,
17:58 and the first verses of 1 Peter 5,
18:03 we read the following words: "So I exhort the elders
18:07 among you, as a fellow elder"--
18:09 notice he doesn't say, "as an apostle"-
18:11 "as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ,
18:14 "as well as a partaker in the glory
18:16 that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God"--
18:19 remember Jesus said, "Feed my sheep"--
18:21 "shepherd the flock of God that is among you,
18:24 "exercising oversight, not under compulsion,
18:27 "but willingly, as God would have you;
18:29 "not for shameful gain, but eagerly;
18:31 "not domineering over those in your charge,
18:34 "but being examples to the flock.
18:37 And when the Chief Shepherd"-- the Good Shepherd--
18:39 "appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory."
18:44 What a beautiful expression of ministry.
18:48 You're supposed to be in ministry not for the push
18:51 of men, "not under compulsion," but because of the pull of God
18:54 that He's pulled on your heart.
18:56 "Not for shameful gain"-- not for the money--
19:00 "but eagerly"--for the mission.
19:02 Not domineering, not to be a master over people,
19:05 but be an example to the flock, to be a mentor, not a master,
19:09 but a mentor. He got it, you know.
19:12 He understood what Jesus was teaching him,
19:15 and it shows up in his writing.
19:16 And then this thing about John, the beloved disciple.
19:20 Now, he wrote this book probably at the end of--
19:24 at the end of his life, probably around 80, 90.
19:28 He's an old man.
19:30 And people, you know, had been saying,
19:33 oh, this is the one who's going to live until Jesus comes back.
19:37 And he wants them to know, "No, no, that's not what Jesus said.
19:40 "Jesus said, 'If it is my will that he remain until I come,
19:43 what is that to you?'"
19:45 So who's the real Master here?
19:46 Well, it's Jesus. And what did He say?
19:49 He said, "If I want him to stay alive until I come, so be it."
19:53 Well, we know that wasn't the case, but John wanted to
19:56 prepare people so they wouldn't say, "Oh, Jesus was wrong.
20:00 "Oh, this is, you know, this is not--
20:02 we can't trust the gospel message."
20:05 No, that's not the case.
20:07 You can trust the gospel message, okay?
20:10 >>Eric: So, encouraging notes to leave at the very end
20:13 of the book of John.
20:14 There are a couple of things that we want to make sure
20:17 come through very clearly, though.
20:19 Let's go over to John, chapter 12.
20:22 John 12, and I'd like to take a look
20:26 at verses 31 and 32.
20:30 In John 12:31-32, it says,
20:36 "Now is the judgment of this world;
20:39 "now the ruler of this world will be cast out.
20:41 "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth,
20:44 will draw all peoples to [me]."
20:47 So what's the key here to the focus of the Gospel of John?
20:54 What's the Gospel of John all about?
20:56 >>Tom: Okay, so we noticed at the beginning--
20:59 we talked about this--
21:00 that the book of John divides into two halves.
21:03 John 1 through 12 is called "the book of signs,"
21:07 and we've seen we have these signs of miracles
21:10 that Jesus do that point to the power of God,
21:13 point to His glory, and point to who Jesus is.
21:16 Then we have the second half of the book
21:18 is called "the book of glory" by scholars, and that's
21:22 because it focuses on His hour and the hour of His glory.
21:26 And the hour of His glory, surprisingly, is the cross.
21:30 Now, in the ancient world, the cross was not glorious.
21:34 It was ignominious. It was terrible.
21:37 And people didn't like the idea of the cross.
21:39 So the Christians have taken the idea of the cross,
21:42 and they've turned it on its head.
21:44 They've made it something glorious.
21:46 And John, as he describes this, Jesus is enthroned as the King.
21:50 And Jesus Himself here says,
21:54 "Now is the judgment of this world.
21:56 Now will the ruler of this world be cast out."
21:59 It is at the cross that Satan is defeated in the eyes
22:04 of all the heavenly universe.
22:06 Now, for people in this world, they haven't quite
22:08 all caught it yet, but in the eyes of the heavenly universe,
22:13 Satan is unmasked; he is cast out; he is cast down.
22:17 The New Testament makes a big deal of the resurrection
22:22 of Jesus and His ascension to the right hand of God.
22:24 All His enemies are under His feet,
22:26 the spiritual forces are underneath Jesus now,
22:29 He is in charge, He is the King,
22:31 and so it's a really big issue.
22:34 He says, "Now he is cast out, and I, when I am lifted up
22:37 from the earth, will draw all people to myself."
22:40 We're reminded of John 3, where He says, "As Moses lifted up
22:45 "the serpent..., so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
22:48 that [all who believe] in Him... [might] have eternal life."
22:51 That's the big point of the Gospel of John.
22:53 It's the glory of the cross and how it brings us salvation.
22:58 >>Eric: So that glory of the cross,
23:00 we've talked about glory; we've spent some time
23:02 talking about light, the importance of light.
23:06 If we, living today, want to remain in that light,
23:10 to walk in the light, how do we do that?
23:13 >>Tom: All right, we just go back to John, chapter 1,
23:16 and we'll take a look and see words there,
23:21 and then we'll also go to John 15.
23:23 So John, chapter 1 in verses 4 to 10:
23:26 "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
23:30 "The light shines in the darkness,
23:33 "and the darkness [hath] not overcome it.
23:36 "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
23:38 "He came as a witness, to bear witness about the Light,
23:41 "that all might believe through him.
23:42 "He was not the Light, but came to bear witness about the Light.
23:47 "The true Light, which gives light to everyone,
23:51 "was coming into the world.
23:52 "He was in the world, and the world was made
23:54 through Him, yet the world did not know Him."
23:57 Continuing on in verse 11: "He came to His own,
23:59 "and His own people did not receive Him.
24:02 "But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name,
24:06 "He gave the right to become children of God, who were born,
24:09 "not of blood nor of the will of the flesh
24:11 nor...the will of man, but of God."
24:13 So coming to the light, accepting the light
24:16 is how you find eternal life.
24:18 And now turn to John 15:1-5
24:22 because we want to end these lessons with a good focus
24:26 on what it is that we as Christians need to remember
24:31 in order to stay healthy, to stay a healthy Christian.
24:34 So please read for us John 15:1-5.
24:37 >>Eric: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.
24:41 "Every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes away;
24:44 "and every branch that bears fruit He prunes,
24:47 "that it may bear more fruit.
24:48 "You are already clean because of
24:51 "the word which I have spoken to you.
24:53 "Abide in me, and I in you.
24:55 "As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
24:58 "unless it abides in the vine,
25:00 "neither can you, unless you abide in me.
25:03 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
25:05 "He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
25:10 for without me you can do nothing."
25:13 >>Tom: Okay, so Jesus is using here
25:15 a vineyard illustration.
25:17 He says, "I am the true vine,
25:20 and my Father is the vinedresser," okay?
25:24 So the Father in heaven, we're seeing more about Him here.
25:29 And He says, "Every branch that does not bear fruit,
25:32 He takes it away." So I'm not--
25:35 I'll have to say I'm not much of a farmer,
25:36 I'm not much of a gardener, I kind of have a black thumb,
25:39 one thing I do know how to grow is blackberries,
25:42 and that's because blackberries grow very easily on their own.
25:45 Now, the one thing that you have to do for blackberries
25:49 to grow okay is you have to prune them back,
25:51 take away the canes that have already borne fruit.
25:55 Blackberries are such that a cane will bear fruit once,
26:02 and then it dies. So you've got to cut it away and clear it out,
26:05 otherwise it becomes a big bramble,
26:09 and then, of course, you've got to pick the berries
26:11 and make the blackberry jam that I make at home.
26:15 But Jesus says with grapevines,
26:19 this is the same kind of thing, that you have to prune them.
26:22 Because if you don't, they just become a bramble,
26:24 and you don't get much fruit, right?
26:26 You want fruit, so you've got to know how to cut them back.
26:28 I live in Michigan.
26:30 It's a big fruit area.
26:31 And the farmers are always out there early in spring
26:34 cutting back, you know, cutting things off,
26:36 so that the fruit trees will bear really nice fruit,
26:39 and that's what you find in the grocery stores.
26:42 So Jesus is illustrating Christian life here,
26:45 and He shows that you have to stay connected with Him,
26:48 and if you do, you'll bear wonderful fruit for God.
26:53 >>Eric: So the key here, remembering that the key
26:57 to the focus of the book of John is the gospel.
27:01 How do we remain with Christ?
27:03 Well, we stay with Him.
27:04 How do we bear fruit? We stay with Him.
27:06 And He guides us into all truth.
27:10 We are grateful that you have chosen
27:12 to join us on this journey.
27:13 We trust and pray that it has been a blessing to you.
27:17 Don't stop studying your Bible.
27:19 Don't stop studying the book of John.
27:21 Don't stop learning more about Jesus.
27:24 He has much to share with you and encouragement to give.
27:28 Tom, thank you for joining us for these 13 weeks.
27:31 It's been a privilege.
27:32 And thank you for joining us as well.
27:35 We will continue our study of the Bible next week
27:38 with a brand-new season of "Sabbath School,"
27:41 brought to you by It Is Written.
27:43 [uplifting music]
28:24 [uplifting music]
28:26 [Captions provided by Aberdeen Captioning www.abercap.com]


Revised 2024-12-12