IIW Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS025001S

00:00 [uplifting music]
00:12 [upliftingusic]
00:14 Eric Flickinger: Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:15 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:17 We're glad that you are joining us today.
00:19 We are beginning a brand new quarter
00:22 of "Sabbath School," 13 weeks, 13 episodes delving into
00:26 the subject of God's love and justice.
00:30 How do God's love and justiccoexist?
00:33 What does love loolike, what does justice look like,
00:36 and are r concepts of love and justice
00:40 really biblical?
00:41 We're gointo be delving into that over the course
00:43 of the next 13 lessons, d we're glad
00:46 th you are here with us.
00:48 Let's begin with prayer.
00:50 Father, we thank You for giving us an oppornity
00:52 to delve into Your Word, to delvento Your love
00:56 and Yo justice, and we ask that as we do so,
00:59 You will open our hearts and minds to a clearer picture
01:03 of who You are and Your character of love.
01:06 And we thank You in Jesus' name.
01:08 Amen.
01:10 Well, we're grateful to have with us this quarter
01:12 the author of this quarter's "Sabbath School" lesson.
01:15 That is John Peckham.
01:16 John is an associate editor of the "Adventist Review,"
01:19 and he is also a research professor
01:21 at the theological seminary at Andrews Uversity.
01:25 John, thanks for joining us.
01:27 >>John Peckham: It's a pasure to be with you.
01:28 Thanks for having me.
01:29 >>Eric: So let's talk about this for a momt.
01:31 We're looking at God's love and justice.
01:33 This is something that you've been studying,
01:35 you've been interested in foquite some time.
01:38 Give us a little bit of background
01:40 into what-- where did this birth from?
01:43 Why are you-- y is this something
01:45 that you are passionate about?
01:46 >>John: Yeah, I've been studying divi love
01:49 for many, many years now.
01:50 PhD dissertation was actually on the concept of divine love,
01:54 and that dissertation turned into
01:56 a massive project, 800 pages.
01:58 So I've been studying these things for quite some time.
02:00 I wrote a few books on love and the problem of el--
02:02 how does God's love coexistwith the fact
02:06 that there's so much evil in the world?
02:07 And so when the opportunity came to write the lesson
02:09 a few years ago, I jumped at the chance.
02:12 It's a great opportunity to speak about God's love.
02:15 >>Eric: So thiis-- has been a long time
02:17 in coming, and now we get glean some of this.
02:21 And it's unftunate we only have 13 lessons,
02:23 a book about that thick, to dig into it,
02:26 but we're gog to get the most of it
02:27 that we can in our time together.
02:29 Let me begin by asking this question.
02:32 We take a look at the interaction
02:34 between Jesus and Peter after the Resurrection.
02:38 How do we get-- how do we understand
02:41 the concepts of divine forgiveness
02:44 and restoration in that relationship
02:46 and thinteractions that we see there?
02:49 >>John: Yeah, you have this amazing sce
02:51 ter the Resurrection when Jesus eats
02:54 with the disciples and then He has
02:56 this conversation with Peter where He asks him three times,
03:00 "Peter, do you love me?"
03:01 And three times Peter answers, "Lord, you know all things.
03:05 You know that I love you."
03:07 And Peter is grieved, the text says in John 21,
03:14 that Jesus asked him And three times three times, "Do you love me?" He gives the commission
03:16 to "feed my sheep" or "tend my lambs."
03:19 Now, what's going on here needs to be understood
03:22 in the background of what had happened
03:25 before the Crucifixion.
03:26 Jesus had told Peter-- predicted, "Peter, you're ing
03:30 to deny me three times before the rooster crows."
03:36 Now, of coursenowing Peter, he's like, "No, of course not. I'll never deny you, Lord."
03:38 But sure enough, just as Jesus predts,
03:41 this takes place
03:43 And even according to Luke, right aftePeter denies Him
03:46 the third time, their eyes meet, and I can only imagine
03:51 the way Peter feels at that moment.
03:53 He has betrayed his Lord.
03:55 Jesus goes to the cross.
03:57 And now here we ar after the Resurrection,
04:01 and sus has risen, but Peter is probably
04:03 still deeply ashamed of himself, right?
04:06 He's failed Christ.
04:10 But now Jesus asked him three times, "Do you love me?
04:14 Do you love me?"
04:15 And of course Peter answers, "You know. You know all things,"
04:19 right? Jesus had predicted the denial before.
04:21 "You know. Why a you asking me if I love you?"
04:25 Three times He asked him the same question.
04:27 Why three times?
04:28 Because Peter had deni Him three times.
04:31 And so this is actually an episode of restation
04:34 where Jesus is actually restoring Peter
04:36 ter that episode, providing him forgiveness,
04:40 reconciling him to Himself.
04:42 And amazgly, if you know the story of Peter,
04:44 this wn't the only time that Peter messed up,
04:46 so to speak.
04:47 But Peter's made a leader in the church
04:48 and a nderful champion for Christ.
04:51 But here we see Jesu taking the time.
04:54 "Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you ve me?"
04:56 And that'sthe most important question
04:58 we can answer as well that Jesus as us,
05:00 "Do you love me?"
05:02 >>Eric: , it's a beautiful picture of that restoration.
05:05 Peter messed up, but Jes brought him back
05:08 and restored him, and that gives us
05:09 some encouragement as well if-- for those of us
05:12 who have messed up, and I think that's--
05:14 honestly, th's all of us.
05:15 >>John: All us. >>Eric: That's all of us.
05:17 Let's talk for a moment about Hoa.
05:20 You ver a lot of things in this first chapter.
05:24 In theook of Hosea, chapter 14 and verse 4,
05:27 you find this passage.
05:29 will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely."
05:33 What does this tell us about God's--
05:37 His attitude toward our repentance, our failure?
05:41 Wh insights do we get into God and His character with this?
05:46 >>JohnYeah, this whole lesson,
05:47 this first lesson, is based on
05:49 God loving us freely and the emphasis that
05:52 we don't deserve God's love, right?
05:54 We don't merit it. Like you said, we messed up.
05:56 mess up a lot, and yet God in His love
06:00 freely decides to bestow mercy and love and compassion
06:03 on us anyways, and the book of Hosea
06:05 is a wonderful example of th.
06:07 In Hosea, Gos people have broken
06:09 covenant relatiohip with Him.
06:11 They have egregiously sinned to the point where
06:15 they should be cut off.
06:17 At least according to the y the covenants
06:20 are described earlier, theyhould have been cut off.
06:23 God's blessing should have been removed from them.
06:26 God Himself even wrestlesin the book of Hosea,
06:28 "How can I give you up?" This is in Hosea 11.
06:31 And finally in Hosea 4 you have this statement:
06:34 "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely."
06:39 Now, initially when someon reads that text,
06:42 they might think that it's saying,
06:44 "I will love them without any st,"
06:46 and that would be theologically correct.
06:48 God's love is without cost.
06:50 But that's not the kind of freely-given love
06:53 that is being discussed in this passage,
06:55 and we know that from the word itself.
06:57 The word for "freely" there, thHebrew word "nedabah,"
06:59 it's the same term that's used, fornstance,
07:01 of the freewill offerings in the sanctuary system.
07:04 So it's literally saying, "I will love you
07:07 of my own free will."
07:10 d that is very significant because they have no claim
07:14 on the covenanblessings.
07:15 They have no claim on God's love anymore.
07:18 It should have bn forfeited.
07:19 But God is saying, "Despite what you've done,
07:21 "dpite how far you have gone,
07:23 I will continue to love you freely as my covenant people."
07:27 And this is wonderful news for them,
07:28 it's wonderful news for us because if God'sot willing
07:31 to bear along with them,
07:32 that's going to be bad news for us too, right?
07:34 >>Eric: There's lotsof people today--
07:35 you n into them, I run into them--
07:37 who say, "How could d love me?
07:39 "You know, all thehings that I've done and I've messed up,
07:41 "and I promised this and I promised that,
07:43 and I've dropped the ball so many other ways."
07:48 But God--that doesn't stop Him from loving us.
07:53 He conties to love us, even as we see here
07:56 in the book of Hosea.
07:58 There's another interesting story
07:59 over in the book of Exodus, the story of the golden calf
08:04 Here, God's people really messed up
08:06 in spectacular fashion, and yet d
08:11 still bears with them.
08:13 Unpack the story a little bit for us.
08:16 >>John: Yeah, I mean, it--
08:18 yohave this golden calf incident in Exodus 32,
08:20 where the people, they've been delivered
08:23 with mighty nders from slavery in Egypt,
08:26 generational slavery, and they go into the wilderness,
08:29 d Moses is up on the mountain with God receiving instructions,
08:34 among other things, to bui the sanctuary,
08:36 which is the way that God is going to dwell
08:38 in the midst of His people.
08:39 Sanctuary hasn't been built yet.
08:41 And while Moses is there, they decide, "We're going
08:44 "to make an idol. We're going to make a golden calf,
08:47 "and we're going to worship that golden calf
08:49 "as the golden calf delivered us
08:52 from slavery in Egypt."
08:53 So, and they do all kinds of other horrible thgs
08:56 based on pagan worship practices
08:58 that I won't paint the picture of here.
09:00 But let's just say when Moses comes down the mountain
09:02 and he sees what they are doing,
09:04 he throws the Ten Commandmts down
09:07 onto the ground and shatters them,
09:09 which tually symbolizes the covenant itself
09:12 being shattered.
09:13 And it looks like the covenant's gog to be entirely broken,
09:16 that covenant relationship will not continue,
09:18 but because of God's grace and mercy, God decides
09:21 to maintain covenant relationship
09:26 wi this people anyways, and Will God be able to go yet there's still a question: in the midst of His people?
09:29 How can the holy God go in the midst
09:30 of a sinful people without stroying them?
09:32 That's one of the reasons why the nctuary is built,
09:34 as alace of God's mediation.
09:36 But there's a question at this point of the story.
09:38 Will the sanctuary even be built?
09:40 And so there's a back-and-forth where ses intercedes--
09:43 actually, God draws out interceson on purpose--
09:45 and Moses intercedes for the people, and God--
09:49 over and over again God assus him,
09:50 "I will continueto go with you,"
09:53 with more specificit and more specificity
09:55 until God says, "I will do everything that you've asked.
09:58 I will still continue to go in the very midst of the people."
10:01 And then Moses asked this question,
10:02 maybe a bit of an audacious question,
10:04 wherhe says, "Lord, I pray, show me Your glory."
10:09 And God promises, will make all my goodness
10:13 pass before you."
10:14 And then He makes this phrase about, "I will grant compassion
10:17 "to who I will grant and show mercy
10:19 to whom I will sw mercy."
10:21 d there God is, again, showing His right,
10:24 at even though they have forfeited
10:26 all the conant blessings, even though the relationship
10:28 has been forfeited God says, "Because I am
10:30 "the God of compassion and mercy,
10:31 "I will show compassion and mercy
10:33 on this people, even though they don't deserve it."
10:36 Again, great news for us.
10:37 >>Eric: Thatassage, that phrase that you just mentioned,
10:40 "I will have comssion on who I will have compassion on,
10:45 I will have mercy on"-- some people take that to-- that God's arbitrary.
10:47 "You know, do thisnd do that with whoever I feel like."
10:51 That's not the picture tt we're getting there, though.
10:53 >>John: No. >>Eric: That's--this is God
10:54 exercising His free will.
10:56 He says, "Even though you don't deserve it,
10:59 I'm going to show compassion on you."
11:01 >>John: Th's right. A lot of people read this passage
11:03 as if Gois saying, "I'm going to have compassion
11:05 "on some arbitrarily and not others,
11:07 that some are chosen to be saved and some are not."
11:10 But acally the context of the passage
11:12 shows something different. God gives evyone a choice.
11:14 Which side are you going to go to
11:16 athe end of Exodus 32?
11:17 And here God is assertg, "No, I am going to bestow mercy
11:21 "and compassn on this people
11:22 because I have the right to freely do it,"
11:24 not arbitrary between some and others.
11:26 They have a decisi to make to respond to that grace,
11:28 but God is saying, "I'm going to do it of my own free will."
11:31 >>Eric: So that's a beautiful picture of God.
11:32 It helps us to understand His character
11:34 a whole lot beer. >>John: Absolutely.
11:36 >>Eric: John, 're looking at God loving freely
11:38 here in our firslesson
11:40 of this 13-lesson journey that we're taking.
11:43 You've taken many years of digging into God's ve,
11:48 and you've distilled it into the quartly lesson
11:50 that we have, but there is also a companion book.
11:54 You can't fit all of yr research
11:55 into that little quarterly. would be nice,
11:57 but it would be very fl.
11:59 Tell us a little bitore about this companion book
12:02 th's available and why someone might want to pick that up.
12:05 >>John: Yeah, the companion volume
12:07 gives me an opportunity to delve lot more deeply
12:13 into these issues In this first lesson, of divine love and justice. for instance,
12:14 which is about God's loving freely,
12:16 I'll introduceou to a theologian
12:18 you've probably never heard of but you've actually
12:20 been very impacted by his theology of love,
12:23 but actually that theology of lovturns out to be
12:25 not very biblical.
12:27 And so we walk through some of ose things
12:30 and what the Bible really teaches
12:31 about God's love and later in the quarter
12:33 how we deal with things like the problem of evil
12:35 and God's goodness.
12:36 And so it gives an opportunity to go much deeper
12:39 into the biblical text, much deeper into this
12:42 wonderful message of G and His love, what God is like,
12:46 how God really loves us, how we can wrestleith
12:49 so of the biggest questions that people struggle with,
12:52 about why is there suffering, where is the God of justice,
12:54 and more questions like this.
12:56 >>Er: So make sure that you pick up that companion book
12:59 to this quarter's "Sabbath School" lesson.
13:01 Where can you find it?
13:02 It's very easy to find.
13:03 Just go to itiswritten.shop and you can fi that book.
13:07 You will be blessed indeed as you pick it up
13:10 and as you delve more deeply intohis quarter's
13:13 "Sabbath School" lesson.
13:15 We'll be back in just a moment as we continueur journey
13:18 through looking at how God loves freely.
13:21 We'll be right back.
13:22 [uplifting music]
13:26 >>John Bradsw: Well, it's about that time,
13:27 the time when ople are thinking about
13:29 New Year's resolutions.
13:34 and start over is a good thing, And ally, an opportunity but what we see is that to turn the page
13:37 even the most exciting, meaningful
13:40 important New Year's resutions often don't get kept.
13:44 You've tried to hold your temper, and you faile
13:47 You'veried not to do this thing
13:48 or that thing, and you failed.
13:50 You've tried to be more like Jesus,
13:51 and you've failed.
13:53 And that's because when you think
13:54 for even a moment that you can do it,
13:58 yoare bound for disaster.
14:00 But unlike a New Year's resolution,
14:03 faith in God isn't about what you can do.
14:07 It's aut what God can do in your life.
14:09 Unleash the power of God in your life and you'll meet
14:13 with success, not ilure, as God's power
14:17 becomes the foundation of your life.
14:19 "The Promise You Can Never Keep,"
14:21 watch now on It Isritten TV.
14:26 [uplifting music]
14:30 >>Eric: Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:32 brought to you by It Is Written.
14:33 We're taking a look this quarter at God's love and justice,
14:37 and in our first lesson we are looking
14:39 at how God loves freely.
14:42 John, there'sa very interesting story
14:44 that you draw out in this first lesson
14:47 and it's about Hosea and his unfaithful wife,
14:50 and it's kind of an allego that we see
14:53 with God and His people.
14:55 Help us to understand how does this help us
14:58 to get how God loves freely througthis story.
15:02 >>John: Yeah, this is the-- one of the most common maphors
15:04 about divine love throughout Scripture.
15:07 Througut Scripture, God is presented
15:08 as this faithful husband of a deeply unfaithful wife.
15:14 And in the story of Hosea and his unfaithf wife,
15:17 viously Hosea is representing God,
15:19 and the unfaithfulness of Hosea's wife
15:21 is representing the unfaithfulnessf God's people.
15:23 They're continually ruing after other lovers, so to speak,
15:27 which is a metaphor for them going after
15:29 serving other gods.
15:31 And so you have this picture of God
15:33 throughout the Old Testament, especially in Hosea,
15:36 where He is doing everything for His people,
15:39 everything to drawhem into love relationship,
15:41 everything to take care of them, and they are
15:43 continually rebelling against Him
15:45 and departing from Him.
15:46 And so God is presented
15:48 as the ultimate unrequited lover.
15:53 And we see God's love shine through in thiepisode
15:57 of Hosea and many others, where He is doing
15:59 everything He can, despite His people's unfaithfulness,
16:03 to bring them back to Himsel and not primarily
16:05 for His n good, but because this is
16:07 the best thing for them, the only way
16:10 that they can actually prosper and flrish in the fullness
16:14 of the way that God wants them to prosper and flourish.
16:18 And so you have this picture God, who is not the picture
16:22 of God that many people have.
16:23 Some people think that God is a harsh or exacting God,
16:27 or you have to be good enough for His favor,
16:30 but actually you have the opposi here.
16:31 You have God who is desperately trying to restore
16:36 a relationship with the people who doesn't deserve it at all,
16:38 a God who is pained, a God who grieved,
16:41 a God who is weeping over His people
16:44 and tryingo draw them back into relationship.
16:46 So we get just a beautiful picture
16:48 and beautifuinsight into the heart of God
16:50 in this story.
16:52 >>Eric: So we would never-- at least, I don't think
16:54 most of us would choose to have a relationship like that.
16:57 It's a very strained, a ve difficult relationship
16:59 that makes it a challenge to continue to love
17:03 that other person en they're continually unfaithful,
17:06 and t this picture of God, He says, "I'm not going to stop
17:08 "loving you; I'm going to continue tlove you
17:10 and continue to love you."
17:11 There are some passages here that, again, you draw out
17:15 in this lesson that help us to see the God of creation in this,
17:21 and again we see God's love depicted in creation.
17:24 I'm going to read Revetion 4, verse 11
17:27 and Psalm 33, verse 6
17:29 and then give you an opportunity to comment on these.
17:31 Revelation, chapter 4, verse 11 says,
17:34 "You are worthy, O Lord,to receive glory and honor
17:37 "and power; for You created all things,
17:39 and by Your will they exist and were created."
17:44 d then over in Psalm 33, verse 6 it says,
17:47 "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
17:50 and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth."
17:53 So he is a picture of God as the Creator.
17:58 How does this gi us a picture of God?
18:01 We know He created things.
18:03 How does theact that what we see Him creating
18:07 give us insights into His character?
18:09 >>John: Yeah. Both of these passages emphasize
18:12 that God freely creates the world, right?
18:15 And we know the Bible teaches that God creates the wor
18:17 out of nothing, that apart from God
18:20 the world does not exist.
18:21 Anyou have this very interesting phrase
18:23 in Revelation 4:11 tt says, "By Your will they exist
18:27 and were created."
18:28 And here, again, this is testimony about God's free will,
18:32 God's free will to create the world
18:34 and enter into love relationship with the world.
18:36 And by the world--when I use the phrase "the rld,"
18:38 I mean the universe.
18:39 I me everything that has been created.
18:42 Now, this shows us that me theological views
18:46 that some people have are not quite acrate.
18:48 There are some theological systems
18:49 where God is eternallyin relationship with some world,
18:53 like the world is part of His beg.
18:55 You have panthsm and other kinds of systems.
18:57 But he we see that God creates the world freely.
19:03 within the Trinity God actually enjoys apart from any creation, lo relationship
19:06 but He decides of His own free will
19:08 to bring the world into creationbecause He wants to bestow
19:12 His love on creatures, and He wants to enter
19:14 into relationship with creatures.
19:16 Now, that's awesome enough alrdy.
19:18 That's amazi enough already.
19:20 But when youactor in the fact that this is a God
19:22 who isll-knowing, a God who knows the future,
19:24 and He knows what this world is going to become
19:27 and what the world isprecisely going to cost Him
19:30 specifically, right?
19:31 God the Son becomes human to suffer and die
19:36 to save this world, and yet, knowing all of that,
19:40 the God of theible decides to create this world freely.
19:44 He decides it is worth it, that He's going to create
19:47 the world, He's going to bestow love on us,
19:50 and He's going to create the very context forelationship.
19:53 And so we see from the very beginning
19:54 we don't deserve God's lov
19:56 we don't deserve relationip with Him,
19:58 we don't even deservto exist,
19:59 but God creates us freely.
20:01 And as we've alrea seen in the show
20:03 through many passages, don't deserve God's love
20:05 after we'vfallen, and yet God decides
20:08 to bestow it on us freely again.
20:10 Anso really many people, again,
20:12 struggle with this concept.
20:13 They think, "I have to be good enough."
20:15 They think that somehow God's love is rooted in me,
20:17 but we see over and over again that it's really rooted in God
20:20 and who He is, which is wonderful news.
20:22 >>Eric: This is part of His character,
20:24 part of His being.
20:26 I don't even know a better way of saying that.
20:27 He is. He is love. >>John: He is love.
20:30 >>Eric: You know, kind of buildi on that concept,
20:33 God created everything here knowing what was going to come.
20:37 It's not like it caughHim by surprise. He knew that.
20:40 There's a fascinating parable that Jesus shares
20:44 of the wedding banquet in Matthew, chapter 22,
20:47 and it gives us this picture of God's invitatio
20:53 and human response or lack thereof. What does it mean?
20:59 In this passage it says, "Many are called,
21:01 but few are chosen."
21:03 Again, there are so theological misconceptions
21:06 out the in areas of Christianity.
21:09 Help us to unpack and understand
21:11 this parable of the wedding feast
21:13 >>John: Yeah. Th's right. This parable,
21:15 coistent with the rest of the teachings
21:20 of Scripture, shows us that but He also invites us God loves us freely, to respond.
21:23 So there's a lot of people who have these misconceptions
21:25 that God's love is unilateral, it's only one way,
21:29 and when they speak of things like election or God's choe,
21:32 they think that God chooses some people to bsaved
21:35 and others to be lost.
21:37 And if God chooses you to be saved, then you're saved,
21:39 and you can't do anything about it.
21:41 And if God chooses you to be lo, then you're lost,
21:43 and you can't do anything about that either.
21:45 But this passage paints a very different picture.
21:48 Not only does God love freely, but He also grants creatures
21:52 free will to accept His loveor to reject His love in return.
21:56 So in the parable you have
21:57 this parable of a great lord
22:00 who invites people to this feast,
22:03 and he goes out with his invitation.
22:07 He sen his servants out and the byways into the highways and goes to invite people.
22:10 And that word for "invitation," the Greek word, is the same word
22:14 that is used throughout the New Testament
22:15 for calling people.
22:17 So if it talks about those who are called,
22:18 it's the same Greek word.
22:20 It just means to invite, right? Which is significant because,
22:23 again,ome people have a theological misconception
22:25 that the called are autotically
22:28 But in this parable you see the called are those those who are chosen.
22:30 who e invited, and then the question is
22:32 whether you respond to that invitation.
22:35 Sadly, in the parable many of the people
22:37 who are invited, they reject the invitation.
22:40 They don't come to the wedding feast. They dismiss .
22:44 And so the man sends his servants out again
22:47 to others, to the highways and e byways
22:49 bring anyone in who is willing, to invite them.
22:52 And, again, people have a choice.
22:54 Will you accept the invitation or not?
22:56 You and I have the same choice.
22:57 Will you accept the invitation or t?
23:00 And so many do accept the invitation,
23:02 and they come in to thwedding feast.
23:04 And at the end of that parable, you have that phrase, right?
23:09 "Many are called, but few are chosen."
23:13 And, again, that is sometimes misunderood to mean that God
23:17 is cosing some unilaterally, that the elect
23:21 are some special group that God has decided by Himself.
23:26 But according to the parable, if you understand
23:28 the word "called"-- many are called,
23:29 just means "invite-- it's the same word
23:31 that's used all throughout the parle--
23:33 then what determines who are finally osen?
23:36 Who are those thatre elect?
23:37 And it's very simple if you read it in context,
23:39 which is usually the case in many cases of the Bible.
23:41 If you don't understand something,
23:43 read the ctext.
23:44 Pay attention to what is bng taught.
23:46 And in the parable itself, those who are finallchosen
23:51 are the on who respond favorably to the invitation.
23:54 It's as simple as that.
23:55 Many are called, meaning many are invited.
23:57 Inact, according to the Bible, all are invited.
24:00 God wants to save everyone.
24:01 He's not wling that any should perish.
24:03 But it's only those who will aept the invitation,
24:06 only thoseho will freely accept God's love
24:08 and also reflect God's love
24:11 who are finally among that group
24:13 that is known as the elect.
24:14 And so it's not decided just by God.
24:16 God wants everyone to be a part of that group,
24:18 but we all have a decion about whether we will
24:21 accept God's love and be a part of that group.
24:24 >>Eric: So we get to pticipate in this.
24:27 >>John: That's right. >>Eric: We don't save ouelves.
24:29 God's thone who saves us, but we have to respond
24:31 to His invitation to be saved. >>John: That's right.
24:33 >>Eric: I want to touch on something inhe few moments
24:35 th we have left, and that's this imagery of God
24:38 as an unrequited lover.
24:40 Help us to understand that little bit more clearly.
24:42 >>John: Yeah, so you have Go as the one who is pained
24:47 by His people. He--you ha--
24:49 in theook of Jeremiah, for instance, you have Jeremiah,
24:52 who's often spoken of as "the weepinprophet,"
24:56 the weeping prophet. Why is he called the weeping proet?
25:00 Because in many of the prophecies,
25:01 he is lamenting over his belov people.
25:05 He's lamenting theact that they have strayed far from God.
25:09 But actually if you read the book of Jeremiah carefully,
25:12 it's not just the prophet who is weeng--
25:14 it not just the prophet who is lamenting
25:17 this broken relationship; it's actuay God
25:20 who is grieved, God who is deeply stirred
25:23 with emotion for His people.
25:25 And so I wld say that actually you don't just have
25:27 the eping prophet in Jeremiah and elsewhere
25:29 in the Old Testament; you have the weeping God,
25:32 God who is weeping over His people
25:34 who are used-- who are described, again,
25:36 with this metaphor of a bride, but an uaithful bride,
25:40 a bride who goesfter other lovers,
25:43 o's been so unfaithful that even in some texts
25:45 it says that she's kind of picted
25:48 almost like a prostitute.
25:50 But it says unlike a prostitute, e actually pays her lovers,
25:53 right? This isow far she has strayed.
25:56 This is how far d's people have strayed from relationship
25:59 with Him, and yet God in His great love
26:02 wants to be in relationship with them anyways.
26:05 And so He is the great unrequited lover
26:08 who is doing everything He can to restore this relationship
26:12 with His people, and He does erything He can
26:14 restore relationship with us as well,
26:16 if we are willing to respond favorably.
26:18 >>Eric: So that's our part. Our parts to respond.
26:22 And if wget a clearer, better picture of who He is
26:25 and how much He loves us and how much He wants
26:28 to be with us and wants us to be with Him,
26:31 maybe it would make it a little bit easier
26:32 for us to respond favorably.
26:34 >>John: That's right. This is a key.
26:36 When you see love--
26:37 I often say, to know God is to love Him, right?
26:40 And a lot of people, I think, struggle to understand
26:43 God's character because they've been shown pictures of God
26:47 who is actually not very loving, who is hsh and exacting.
26:50 But when you comto know the real God,
26:51 the God of the Bible, He dra us into relationship.
26:54 To know Him is to love Him.
26:55 >>Eric: And that's what we're going to be studying
26:57 and lening more about as we continue this journey
26:59 through looking at God's love and justice, and we're glad
27:04 that you are joinings on this journey as well.
27:06 It is a deep journey.
27:08 It is an awe-inspiring jrney, and you're going to find
27:12 some answers to estions that perhaps you've had
27:15 in the past and perhaps some people who you know have had.
27:19 Maybe they have a somewhat off-base picture of who God is.
27:24 Thisuarter as we look at God's love and justice,
27:27 you're going to see clearly what a God of love He is.
27:31 We're glad that you are joining us on this journey.
27:34 We're going to be back again next week as we continue
27:37 our journey through God's love and justice.
27:41 God bless you, and we'll see you again next time
27:43 here on "Sabbath School," brought to you by It Is Written.
27:46 [inspirational music]
28:24 [inspirational music]
28:27 [Captions provided by Aberdeen Captioning wwwbercap.com]


Revised 2024-12-17