Jesus 4 Asia Now

Biblical Foundations Luke 16

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon & Natalie Wood


Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000026A

00:21 Hello, and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and I have my husband Jon here with me
00:26 on the show today.
00:28 Hello, love. Hi, Darling.
00:29 How are you today? I'm doing fine.
00:30 That's awesome.
00:31 You know, we've got second of a two part series.
00:35 Yep.
00:36 And those that joined us last time
00:38 know that we talked about Luke 15.
00:40 Yes.
00:41 So what are we gonna cover today?
00:42 In part two, we're gonna cover Luke 16.
00:45 Okay.
00:46 In this Biblical Foundation Series.
00:49 Okay. Yeah.
00:50 So what we found in Luke 15,
00:53 can you summarize briefly for us
00:55 what we found there, so that people know
00:58 what we talked about last time if they missed it?
01:00 Right, well, first of all,
01:01 Jesus is talking to people
01:03 that are complaining about Jesus,
01:07 eating with publicans and sinners.
01:08 So Jesus gives us three parables
01:10 in chapter 15.
01:12 The first one is the sheep and you know,
01:14 there is a 100 sheep, one is lost,
01:17 leaves 99 to go out and find out one sheep,
01:20 because he values that lost sheep.
01:22 Second one is the 10 coins,
01:25 where the housewife has 10 very valuable coins.
01:30 She loses one, and tears the house apart
01:33 looking for that one lost coin, values that coin.
01:36 And both of those,
01:37 when they find what they're looking for,
01:39 they call all their friends and they rejoice
01:41 and have a party.
01:42 Right. Okay.
01:43 Then the third parable, of course,
01:45 is the prodigal son.
01:47 It starts out, focused on the son being lost,
01:49 the father's heart for the son,
01:51 so happy when the son finally comes home.
01:55 And then it ends
01:56 in a very interesting situation.
01:58 It ends with the attitude of the elder brother.
02:01 Okay.
02:02 Which is really important to me
02:03 because I identify with the elder brother,
02:07 because I'm not rebellious against God.
02:11 I go to church, I follow Him, I love to pray to Him,
02:15 read the Bible, you know, I do all the stuff.
02:18 And so I see myself as the elder brother,
02:20 but there is something
02:21 that the elder brother is missing.
02:24 And that's what we talked about in the previous show
02:26 and that summarized is...
02:28 The heart of the father. The heart of the father.
02:29 He hasn't entered into the heart of the father.
02:33 He sees the father maybe as he's like a slave driver,
02:36 somebody that demands all these things.
02:38 And so he obeys him, he doesn't disobey him,
02:41 he works for him, he serves him,
02:44 all the stuff, but he hasn't entered
02:45 into the heart of the father.
02:47 And because of that,
02:49 he hasn't enjoyed half of what he could have enjoyed.
02:52 In other words, he finds his...
02:55 It's a grudging attitude.
02:56 Yeah, he finds his time with his father as a burden,
03:00 but he's willing to do it
03:01 because of the reward that's in the future.
03:04 And the father says, all that I have is thine,
03:08 meaning now.
03:09 You have it already. Right.
03:11 So he's complaining because the father
03:13 gave a party for his younger brother,
03:16 never gave one to him.
03:18 And the father is basically saying,
03:20 you never asked.
03:22 You know, all that I have is thine.
03:25 He could had a party every night
03:27 with all of his friends,
03:28 everyday the son's been gone his whole life.
03:31 And this father would have been okay with that,
03:33 because the father is so generous,
03:36 so loving, generous to a fault, really.
03:40 He just hadn't asked.
03:42 And so Jesus leaves that parable alone,
03:45 doesn't say what the elder brother's response is.
03:48 Yeah, He doesn't say if he repents,
03:50 doesn't say if he says, well,
03:52 give me mine and I'm leaving, He doesn't say.
03:54 Right, and I think that is because
03:57 it's the Pharisees that He is talking to,
03:59 the church people, the elders, the leaders,
04:02 the people that go to church all the time every week
04:06 and they pay their tithe, they do all the things
04:08 that they're supposed to do, okay.
04:10 He's talking to them
04:11 and they haven't made up their minds.
04:13 I haven't made up my mind. See, I'm the elder brother.
04:17 So my generation, people like me,
04:21 we haven't really fully made up our minds,
04:23 and that's the key, okay.
04:26 Am I going to take the time
04:29 and make the focus
04:30 being to enter into the father's heart.
04:33 You know, to go sit with him on the porch
04:35 to say the elder brother decided,
04:38 I want to see what my father is really like.
04:40 Go sit with him on the front porch.
04:41 Dad, why are you sitting on the front porch?
04:44 I'm waiting for your son.
04:45 I mean, for your brother. Really?
04:47 Why are you waiting for that rascal?
04:49 Because I love him. I miss him. Really?
04:52 What are you gonna do when he comes home?
04:54 Oh, man, I'm gonna throw a party.
04:56 Invite all my friends, we're gonna,
04:58 you've never seen such a big party.
05:00 When that kid comes home, it's gonna be amazing.
05:02 Well, Dad, you love him.
05:03 What about me? Do you love me?
05:07 Yeah, son, I love you so much.
05:10 Well, Dad, could I have a party?
05:12 Yeah, you know, if you've taken the time.
05:17 And so that is the question
05:18 what is our response going to be.
05:20 And this is really a Laodicean end time message,
05:24 because we have a situation where the elder son is,
05:28 he doesn't realize
05:29 the condition that he's in, okay.
05:31 That's true.
05:32 You think you're rich increased with goods
05:35 and have need of nothing,
05:36 but you do not know that you are poor,
05:39 blind, naked, okay.
05:42 So this applies to us today
05:44 because we really don't know our own condition.
05:47 And so this is the question with the elder son,
05:49 and as we move into chapter 16,
05:52 Jesus deals with us,
05:54 basically He has two parables,
05:55 and I think an interruption in the middle.
05:58 Okay.
05:59 So the first parable is the dishonest steward
06:01 or the unjust steward.
06:03 So Jesus says unto His disciples, verse 1,
06:05 "There was a certain rich man, which had a steward..."
06:08 Okay.
06:09 "And the same or the steward was accused unto him..."
06:13 So somebody ratted on the steward to the rich man,
06:17 your steward is wasting your money.
06:19 I would guess that he's probably embezzling, okay.
06:23 Using his master's money for himself.
06:27 Okay, that's called embezzling.
06:28 All right.
06:29 Now we're going to see
06:30 that Jesus applies this principle to us,
06:33 that the money that we think we have that we own,
06:38 Jesus...
06:39 it actually belongs to God
06:41 and Jesus has lent it to us for a time to test us,
06:44 and we're gonna see that in here.
06:45 Okay. That's very cool.
06:46 So the steward is gonna get fired, okay.
06:51 So the steward starts thinking ahead,
06:53 what's going to happen to me in the next,
06:55 in my next situation...
06:57 Right. In life?
06:58 How, what's my next job going to be?
07:00 Exactly. I don't want to dig...
07:02 Right. I don't want to beg.
07:03 Exactly.
07:04 So what are my options?
07:05 So he starts thinking ahead and he starts acting,
07:08 he uses the master's money again
07:10 and basically calls the debtors in,
07:13 his master's debtors and reduces their amount
07:16 that they owe the master, okay.
07:18 And surprisingly the master says, very good.
07:22 He commends the steward for thinking ahead
07:25 because he's making friends, okay.
07:28 He's using his master's money to make friends,
07:31 so that when he loses this job,
07:33 they will welcome him into their homes, all right.
07:37 So that he won't have to beg, he won't have to dig,
07:39 they'll find something for him to do.
07:42 Okay. So then we move on.
07:45 Verse 8,
07:46 "The Lord commended the unjust steward,
07:48 because he had done wisely:
07:50 for the children of this world are in their generation
07:53 wiser than the children of light."
07:54 Now why would Jesus say that?
07:56 Maybe because of the planning ahead...
07:57 Yeah. Thinking about the future?
07:59 Exactly. I believe so, absolutely.
08:03 And then Jesus goes on to say,
08:05 "And I say unto you..."
08:07 Verse 9, this is the punch line.
08:09 Okay. Okay.
08:11 "Make to yourselves
08:12 friends of the mammon of unrighteousness,
08:14 that when ye fail,
08:16 they may receive you into everlasting habitations."
08:20 Now, okay, we're gonna make some definitions here.
08:22 What is the mammon of unrighteousness?
08:25 Well, I think that, yeah, what's that word mammon?
08:28 I mean, it's an old word that we never use,
08:31 and so people don't really understand what it is.
08:32 Yeah. I think it's the main thing.
08:34 A lot of times they get confused
08:35 by mammon of unrighteousness, that mean like
08:38 something of unrighteousness or something,
08:40 but it just means filthy lucre.
08:44 Okay. You know, money.
08:46 The world's goods. The world's goods.
08:48 Exactly.
08:49 That when you fail, we're all gonna fail,
08:51 we're all gonna die, we're all gonna have it.
08:53 There is a judgment.
08:54 There is either the second coming or the grave.
08:57 Those are the two options that we have in our future.
08:59 So sooner or later this life
09:01 as we know it now will end, okay.
09:04 We have to look for a new position.
09:06 Right.
09:07 And what Jesus is saying
09:08 is be like the unjust steward and plan ahead, all right.
09:12 Think about what your future is,
09:14 is your future the second death,
09:15 or is your future eternity.
09:17 Exactly. Okay.
09:18 Eternity in heaven.
09:19 And this is how he says,
09:21 you can plan ahead and set up your next life,
09:26 okay, or invest in your next life.
09:28 He says, make to yourselves friends, all right,
09:33 that they may receive you into everlasting...
09:35 First of all, what's everlasting habitations?
09:38 Well, it sounds like heaven, it sounds like eternal life.
09:40 Absolutely.
09:42 Okay. Yeah.
09:43 So these friends somehow are gonna get to heaven.
09:46 Right. Okay.
09:47 How do they get to heaven?
09:49 Isn't it by you making friends with them?
09:53 Okay. Sounds like it.
09:54 So this is the kind of friend that Jesus is saying we make.
09:59 Friends that end up in heaven,
10:02 so that they can receive you into heaven, okay.
10:05 Wow, okay.
10:06 So, basically it's introducing the...
10:08 use your money to introduce the gospel to people,
10:11 they become your friends...
10:13 Right. The eternal friends.
10:14 Right. Okay.
10:15 And as you do that,
10:17 then you have an entrance into heaven society.
10:22 And the flip side is if you don't do that,
10:24 the implication is
10:26 that you're not gonna have anybody
10:27 to welcome you into heaven,
10:28 and you probably won't be welcomed into heaven.
10:33 So this is the... That's pretty serious.
10:35 Yeah, it's very serious.
10:37 It's life and death.
10:40 This is the right attitude,
10:41 this is heaven's attitude towards wealth, okay.
10:45 You've got the earthly wealth,
10:46 and you've got the heavenly wealth.
10:48 Earthly wealth is money,
10:50 houses, lands, bank accounts, cars, all that stuff.
10:54 So heavenly wealth or heavenly treasure...
10:56 Right.
10:57 people.
10:58 Right, He says,
10:59 "Ask of me and I will give you the heathen
11:00 for your inheritance."
11:01 That's right.
11:03 Our inheritance is what we're going to get.
11:05 That's right.
11:06 Jesus left all the wealth of heaven
11:08 to come down here and find some people.
11:09 To claim His inheritance, right.
11:12 And so we get it backwards,
11:13 we use people to get money, okay.
11:16 And God uses money to get people.
11:20 Or whatever it means he has, talents, you know, influence,
11:24 all these things to get people.
11:26 This is heaven's attitude,
11:28 this is heaven's view of what's important.
11:32 And how we should move, how we should live our lives.
11:35 Okay.
11:36 Then Jesus goes on, He says,
11:38 "He that is faithful in that which is least."
11:41 Okay. What's he talking about here?
11:43 Well, he was just talking about making friends with money.
11:48 Right. So he's dealing...
11:49 So money is the least.
11:51 Exactly. Okay.
11:53 So he that is faithful in the least.
11:55 Yeah.
11:56 What is the least valuable thing in heaven's eyes?
12:00 The money. Money.
12:02 Exactly.
12:03 And what is the world's focus on?
12:06 Oh, riches.
12:08 Absolutely. Power, wealth, fame.
12:10 Exactly. Yeah.
12:12 So money is what?
12:13 The whole world's focused on money.
12:15 We want more money,
12:16 so we can have a better life, you know.
12:19 And Jesus is saying,
12:20 money is the least valuable thing in this world,
12:24 you know, who you know,
12:25 "What profit a man
12:26 if he gain the whole world and lose his..."
12:28 Own soul? "Own soul?" Exactly.
12:30 So there's things more important than money.
12:32 And what Jesus is saying here is
12:34 people more important than money.
12:37 People are earthy treasure, 'cause you know,
12:38 when you get to heaven,
12:40 you've got streets that are paved with gold.
12:43 What good is your money gonna be there?
12:44 Yeah. Sure. And you get plenty.
12:47 Plenty of wealth, way more wealth,
12:49 wealth is the easy part for God.
12:51 It's souls that He is after...
12:53 Right. ..His people.
12:54 Right. Yeah.
12:56 The hearts are the hard part.
12:57 Exactly.
12:59 So "He that is in faithful in that
13:01 which is least is faithful also in much."
13:04 So if we use the money that He's given us wisely,
13:07 then we'll be faithful in much, that's what He's saying...
13:10 Yeah.
13:11 ..or the more important things.
13:12 "And he that is unjust in the least..."
13:14 In other words, he that is unjust or unfaithful in money
13:19 is unjust and unfaithful in much."
13:23 I'm not sure what the much is.
13:24 Let's keep going.
13:25 "If therefore ye have not been faithful
13:27 in the unrighteous mammon, or money."
13:29 If you have not been faithful in the least or the money,
13:33 "Who will commit to your trust the true riches."
13:37 Okay, and I'm not sure what He's talking about here.
13:40 Yeah, but He has just said,
13:42 that what we're supposed to get with the money is the people,
13:46 so maybe the true riches
13:47 has something to do with people.
13:49 Wow.
13:50 And somehow I think this is relating to heaven,
13:52 when we lose this position in earth
13:55 and move into our next life.
13:57 Okay.
13:59 There's something in heaven
14:00 that He considers true riches that He's gonna give us.
14:03 Now check this out.
14:04 The next verse says,
14:05 "And if ye have not been faithful in that
14:06 which is another man's..."
14:08 Remember, He's still talking about money.
14:10 So the money that we have here on this earth
14:12 is not really ours.
14:13 Right.
14:14 It belongs to God to use, you know,
14:16 we're the stewards, He's the wealthy man.
14:19 Okay.
14:21 And how we use this money, it's really a test.
14:25 He's given us a little to see how we're going to use it.
14:28 It's like, I think there's a movie out,
14:30 I don't remember the name of it,
14:31 but this guy was given a huge amount of money,
14:34 and if he could spend it all in a certain amount of time,
14:37 then he would be given like 20 times that amount,
14:42 enough to like just take care of him the rest of his life,
14:45 and all of his family, and everybody he knows.
14:47 Just a huge amount of money,
14:48 but he had to spend it in a certain way,
14:51 first, get rid of that first thing
14:53 and this is the same thing.
14:54 God gives us talents, God gives us funding,
14:56 God gives us money, and He gives it to us to see
15:00 how will we use that money,
15:02 will we value the gift or the giver
15:04 and what He values, which is people.
15:07 And this is what He's saying,
15:08 use earthly treasure
15:11 and exchange it for heavenly treasure.
15:14 Right.
15:15 Invest it in heavenly treasure,
15:17 taking the gospel to people that don't know.
15:20 Okay.
15:21 And then he goes into verse 13,
15:22 "No servant can serve two masters."
15:27 Okay.
15:28 Now Jesus is recognizing two masters
15:30 and these are the only two masters
15:31 that I've seen in the gospels
15:33 that Jesus recognizes.
15:35 One is the father and the other one is...
15:38 Money. Money. Exactly.
15:41 "No servant can serve two masters:
15:44 for either he will hate the one and love the other,
15:46 or else he will hold to the one,
15:47 and despise the other."
15:49 And He just says it plainly,
15:50 "You cannot serve God and money."
15:53 And a lot of people are serving money.
15:56 There's no middle ground. Yeah.
15:57 Sometimes we think
15:58 we can have a little bit of this
15:59 and a little bit of that,
16:01 you know, we can look like we're serving God
16:03 and have money,
16:05 but that's not possible.
16:07 Right.
16:08 But serious thing is this is a hard issue
16:10 because does that mean that
16:12 all of Christ's followers have to give up all their money
16:14 in order to follow Him?
16:16 No.
16:18 In their heart they do.
16:19 Right. Okay.
16:20 And sometimes God calls us to do that.
16:23 Right. Many times.
16:24 I think much more often than we actually admit.
16:28 Realize. Yeah.
16:29 So maybe what He's asking for there
16:32 is not just give up your money,
16:34 maybe He's asking for us
16:36 to surrender the guidance of our money,
16:40 or what our money does.
16:42 What our money is for to Him as we learn His heart.
16:46 Exactly.
16:49 And I think that's exactly what He's talking.
16:50 I mean, you can have something but not serve it.
16:54 Right. You see.
16:55 So you might have some wealth, some money, or a little bit,
16:58 doesn't matter how much, you just have some.
17:00 It's just that, is that where your heart is.
17:02 Right.
17:03 Is your heart with the father, serving God
17:06 and seeing this as a gift
17:08 to be used for His kingdom, see.
17:11 Right.
17:12 Yeah, there's people in the world
17:13 that don't even have much money but still serve it.
17:16 Absolutely. You know...
17:17 They would do anything to get more.
17:18 What are we seeking, right? What are we seeking?
17:20 I heard just recently that
17:22 somebody in another country killed somebody, you know,
17:27 did a hit on somebody for like a $100.
17:30 Oh.
17:33 You know, that's like $100 for a life.
17:37 And so this is that attitude of seeking after money
17:42 and using people to get money
17:43 rather than using money to get people.
17:49 We have a friend that we've met
17:51 that has a ministry talking into that.
17:53 Yes.
17:54 And he wrote a book called "Help! I've Been Blessed!"
17:56 Yes.
17:57 And that's Julian Archer, our friend from Australia.
18:01 And he has a ministry and his website is
18:06 Yeah.
18:07 And there's a lot there, I mean,
18:08 his family are wealthy business people
18:11 but there is a lot there for all of us to think about.
18:14 All these blessings God gives us.
18:16 And what's our attitude?
18:18 Are we holding the blessing or are we holding the blesser?
18:21 Right. You know.
18:22 And this is, that book was his journey, you know.
18:25 He started out rather poor, his family was poor
18:28 and then the Lord opened a lot of doors
18:31 and they became very wealthy.
18:32 And so now he's looking at,
18:35 I miss my, I miss that time with God.
18:38 I've got all these destructions that keep distracting me
18:40 away from my time with God
18:42 and my pure connection with God.
18:44 You know, on the cover of the book that he's got
18:47 Jesus knocking at the door
18:48 and he's trying to get to the door to open the door,
18:50 but he's got all, you know,
18:51 these cars and this chotskies
18:53 and all these things in the way,
18:55 that he can't get to that door to open it.
18:57 So this is his story, this is his pathway
19:00 to figure out how to deal with the blessings
19:03 that God gives us.
19:05 Right, and not lose our grip on God.
19:06 Absolutely. Yeah.
19:07 And it's a beautiful book.
19:09 It's very inspiring, and I think it's very...
19:11 It helps us, because this is a hard issue,
19:14 and this is an issue that is for this time,
19:17 you know, because we,
19:19 the western world has enjoyed a 100 years of great blessings,
19:23 economic, prosperity,
19:25 such as very few countries have ever experienced
19:28 in the entire history of the world.
19:31 That's true. And what do we do with that.
19:32 Right.
19:33 'Cause any blessing if not used rightly
19:36 will become a curse
19:37 and bring us unhappiness rather than happiness and joy.
19:41 Right. We need to keep moving.
19:43 Okay.
19:44 So He says, you cannot serve God and mammon.
19:47 You cannot serve God and money.
19:48 One becomes your master if the other one isn't.
19:52 And so this is where we can ask God.
19:55 You know, Jesus in other place says,
19:57 it is almost impossible,
19:58 our earth is very hard for a rich man
20:01 to enter the kingdom of God.
20:02 Why is that?
20:03 Because money does something to you.
20:05 It reaches in and grabs your heart
20:07 without even knowing...
20:08 Yeah.
20:09 It just hangs on, it's a tough thing to battle.
20:13 We're gonna find that out in the next parable.
20:14 Okay.
20:15 Because Jesus, you know, the Pharisees,
20:17 they laughed at this, verse 14.
20:20 "And the Pharisees also, who were covetous,
20:23 heard all these things, and they derided Him."
20:25 They laughed at Him 'cause they, you know,
20:27 they revealed their colors.
20:29 That they thought it was, you know,
20:31 it was silly 'cause they were doing right.
20:33 Yeah.
20:34 They thought they were okay. Right.
20:36 There's no commandment in the Ten Commandments says,
20:38 thou shalt not love money.
20:39 No, but it does say, thou shalt not covet,
20:41 and it says they were covetous.
20:44 So it's interesting, isn't it?
20:45 Yeah, I used to think that covetous meant
20:47 that I wanted something that somebody else had,
20:50 so I would kind of like get around that by saying,
20:52 well, I would like one like that.
20:55 But I think covetous is wanting the money that God has given us
20:59 to be used for our own life.
21:02 Interesting.
21:03 You know, 'cause if this is,
21:05 if everything that I have belongs to God
21:07 and I start using it for myself above what I really need...
21:10 Really need, yeah. Then isn't that embezzling?
21:14 And now we're back
21:15 to the beginning of the first parable.
21:16 Absolutely. Yeah.
21:18 So this is a hard issue, you know,
21:20 because how can we follow the lamb
21:22 whithersoever he goes as in Revelation,
21:25 you know, the end of the world of this people,
21:28 how can we do that
21:29 if our hearts are into the money,
21:31 if we're covetous?
21:33 So then He goes on and He finishes up this passage
21:35 or these teachings with another parable,
21:38 The Rich Man and Lazarus.
21:39 And we know this parable very well, you know,
21:42 there is a beggar at the gate, the rich man come in,
21:45 came in and went out
21:46 and the beggar is just begging
21:47 for a crumb off the rich man's table.
21:49 And then in the next life, all right,
21:52 same theme, lose your job, get the reward.
21:56 The next life, their fates are the opposite.
22:00 The wealthy man is suffering. Yeah.
22:03 And the man that was suffering in this life
22:06 is no longer suffering.
22:07 Right.
22:08 And the rich man says,
22:10 "Please, I got to go back and tell my brothers
22:12 'cause I've got other brothers that don't know about this."
22:16 And Abraham says,
22:18 "They have the law and the prophecy."
22:19 He says, "No, if somebody came from the dead,
22:22 they would listen."
22:23 So what's this rich man trying to do?
22:26 He's trying to warn his brothers,
22:27 that if you continue in this covetous life,
22:31 you're not gonna be in heaven.
22:32 Living for yourselves. Exactly.
22:35 You know, no matter how religious you are,
22:37 no matter how many tithes you give,
22:39 no matter how many times you go to church,
22:43 if you don't deal with this issue
22:46 is it bridges out.
22:47 You're gonna be, yeah.
22:49 You're gonna lose out on what you think
22:50 you're gonna inherit.
22:53 And so Abraham says,
22:54 even if one rose from the dead...
22:56 You know, because well,
22:57 the next thing was Lazarus said,
22:59 "Well, then send him."
23:00 Right.
23:01 And then he says,
23:03 "Even if one rose from the dead."
23:05 Yeah. They wouldn't listen.
23:07 Yeah, and I believe that Jesus is sharing
23:10 how much a grip this thing has on our heart.
23:13 Okay.
23:14 You know, it's deep in our nature
23:16 and to overcome this takes a miracle.
23:18 Right.
23:20 And it's really, really important.
23:21 Yes.
23:22 But with God all things are possible.
23:24 Right.
23:25 And so God can break this, and I believe
23:27 beyond a shadow of a doubt
23:28 that the way to break this hold,
23:30 that the earth has on our hearts
23:33 is to look at Jesus.
23:35 Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
23:37 recognize the treasure that He is,
23:40 that He has all the wealth not just of the world,
23:43 but of the universe.
23:46 He owns it all.
23:47 So when we own Him, when we have Him,
23:50 and He has us, we have everything.
23:54 Right. So, He is the biggest treasure.
23:56 He is the biggest jewel.
23:57 He is that pearl of great price.
24:00 He is that one thing that
24:01 we could sell everything that we own,
24:03 and if we get Him,
24:05 we have done our huge trade up.
24:09 And so as we look at Jesus, as we look at Him,
24:12 as we see His beauty and His love
24:14 and His master's graces,
24:16 and His wealth and everything,
24:18 everything that He is,
24:21 then these things start to lose their grip on us.
24:24 Yeah, they fade. Yeah.
24:26 And then we start to see other people
24:28 in their true value as Jesus sees them.
24:31 And we start to be able to see,
24:33 oh, I can help here, I can help there.
24:36 And that's what we've enjoyed so much in our ministry here.
24:40 We get to see how these blessings
24:44 bring people to Christ.
24:47 That's true. And that's awesome.
24:49 Yeah. It really, isn't? Yeah.
24:51 You know, just thinking about these things is so important
24:54 because it's life and death issues
24:56 and it's attitudes we don't even think about.
25:01 You know, we hold these attitudes,
25:03 and we don't even realize it.
25:04 Yeah. And it, yeah.
25:07 It's life and death. Yeah, absolutely.
25:09 Yeah, it's salvation.
25:11 Right. Yeah.
25:12 But then He doesn't leave us there.
25:15 Right. He's showing us ourselves...
25:16 Yes.
25:17 So we can choose the other side.
25:19 This is what I love about Jesus.
25:20 He brings up the truth
25:21 and He shows how we are
25:23 standing condemned in God's eyes.
25:26 And yet He opens the door, you know,
25:29 I'm showing you this condemnation
25:30 not because I hate you,
25:32 not because you're going to end up ultimately condemned,
25:36 but so that you can find salvation.
25:38 Change and choose not to be ultimately condemned.
25:41 Absolutely. Yeah.
25:43 And that's what's beautiful about this message.
25:44 Right. Yeah.
25:45 Time is not up.
25:47 Yeah.
25:48 There's opportunity. Absolutely.
25:50 Opportunity for change.
25:51 And that's why, you know,
25:52 a lot of times people see the great work
25:54 that still has to be done in other parts of the world
25:56 and they say, oh, man, it's a lot of work.
25:58 How can we just get it done? No.
26:02 This is our opportunity for joy,
26:04 to use the means that God has given us as a blessing,
26:08 as an opportunity, it's a,
26:11 what's the word?
26:13 It's a gift... Right.
26:14 To be able to use what God has given us.
26:17 There're still people our there.
26:18 Right. We can still do this.
26:20 Right. We can still find friends...
26:22 We don't have to... ..for eternity.
26:23 Right, it doesn't have to look like a huge burden.
26:26 Right.
26:27 Because with God, then we have all of the wealth,
26:31 all of the Holy Spirit, all of the salvation,
26:36 all of the words from the scripture
26:39 to speak in due season, we have everything.
26:41 Right.
26:42 You know, we have everything that we need
26:45 to take the gospel to the world.
26:46 We don't have to think of it as this overwhelming task.
26:49 Yeah, it's impossible. Yeah.
26:51 But with God, all things are possible.
26:52 Amen.
26:54 And in Malachi 3, Jesus says,
26:56 "When you bring all the tithes and offerings
26:59 into the storehouse.
27:01 Prove me now,
27:03 whether I will not pour out the riches of heaven upon you,
27:07 so that you won't have room to hold it all."
27:09 Right.
27:11 You know, so God is giving us this test,
27:14 and what will we do with it?
27:15 Will we trust Him or will we not?
27:18 Right.
27:19 Well, it has been a challenging show,
27:22 and I would like to invite you to seek the Father's heart
27:25 to look at some of these things and say,
27:28 is this what's got hold of me?
27:30 Does money have a hold on my heart?
27:33 Is there some other god that's in the way?
27:35 Because, if we're not choosing God,
27:38 then we've chosen something else.
27:41 If the Lord has impressed you to be a part of the work
27:43 He's doing through Jesus for Asia,
27:45 you can send your tax deductible love gift
27:48 to Jesus for Asia.
27:50 PO Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
27:56 Call us at 423-413-7321.
28:00 Or visit our website at
28:04 May God richly bless you
28:06 until we see you again on Jesus for Asia Now.


Revised 2017-10-16