Jesus 4 Asia Now

Student Missions with Christian Bunch

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon & Natalie Wood


Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000029A

00:21 Hello, and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood, and today we've got
00:25 a very special show for you.
00:27 But first, I want to share one of my favorite verses,
00:30 and I know it's a favorite verse
00:31 of our special guest today.
00:33 James 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled before God
00:39 and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless
00:42 and widows in their afflictions,
00:44 and to keep one's self unspotted from the world."
00:48 There is a challenge in that verse,
00:50 and I know that our young man who is our special guest today
00:53 has answered that challenge
00:54 in a special way in his own life,
00:56 and he's seen God answer that challenge as well.
00:59 You know, normally I have my husband Jon
01:01 on the show with me,
01:02 but today I've got our friend Christian Bunch.
01:05 And welcome to the show, Christian.
01:08 Thanks for having me. Good to be here.
01:09 Nice to have you here.
01:11 We want to a jump right in and ask you who are you,
01:14 and what are you doing now, and let's start with that?
01:18 Like you said my name is Christian.
01:20 I'm a senior business administration major
01:22 at Southern Adventist University,
01:25 and that's my life right now.
01:27 Okay, okay.
01:29 And you recently, last school year, right?
01:32 Last school year. You went...
01:35 To India as a student missionary,
01:37 served in the southern part of India in Tamil Nadu,
01:41 and absolutely I loved it,
01:44 completely fell in love with the culture
01:46 and the people.
01:47 Okay, and what were you specifically doing in India.
01:50 I know your job had a couple of different parts.
01:52 Yeah, so I had a few different roles,
01:55 but probably the main one
01:56 was sort of a stay at home dad for 13 kids,
02:01 who just completely messed me up in a good way.
02:07 And I really fell in love with them
02:09 and consider them family now, but I had other things to do,
02:14 I was doing some interviewing
02:17 of our Bible workers who were there,
02:18 but mainly I was with the kids.
02:20 Okay.
02:21 And what was that like as a business major,
02:24 why would you choose to go and work with kids?
02:27 I mean, what was that like?
02:28 Was that something that you'd always planned,
02:30 always wanted or...
02:32 Yeah, I was little different, I think I'm best at business,
02:38 but I'm passionate about ministry.
02:41 And so finally, I'm meddling between the two of those things
02:45 is sometimes a little bit difficult.
02:47 But the reason I was passionate about kids
02:51 is because of that verse
02:52 that you read at the beginning of the show,
02:53 James 1:27, "Pure religion is loving other people."
02:58 And it specifically mentions orphans.
03:01 And so, when the opportunity was presented to me
03:04 to be with these kids,
03:06 it was just kind of like a light bulb clicked on
03:10 that there was an opportunity that fit what was,
03:12 what I had seen in the Bible.
03:13 It's something that was real and genuine
03:16 and I wanted that for myself, but also for the kids.
03:21 Started out, focused more on myself, I think,
03:23 and then ended up more in the right direction
03:26 focusing on what God wanted.
03:29 So these kids, what kind of background did they come from,
03:33 where they all from good homes or...
03:36 Only about 1% of orphans are...
03:41 come from families where both the mom and dad have died.
03:45 And so the other 99% come from just broken homes
03:48 and broken situations, and India,
03:50 if I understand correctly has more orphans
03:52 than any other country in the entire world.
03:55 And so it's just, just rampant with orphans
03:59 and kids that need love, and it's almost tougher
04:02 when their parents have not died
04:05 because instead of feeling lonely,
04:07 they feel abandoned and unwanted.
04:10 And there were two kids in particular,
04:13 when we first got there who we learned their story,
04:16 and just heard from them
04:20 as I was hearing the translation
04:23 that their dad got drunk one night,
04:27 and was so drunk that he brought
04:29 both of these boys out and put their heads on a stump,
04:34 and raised a rock with the intention
04:37 of killing them, both of them.
04:39 And luckily a neighbor came out and stopped the situation,
04:44 and took the kids and brought them to us.
04:46 And so for us to teach them about a loving father
04:49 is just such a tough concept for them to grasp,
04:54 but working through that pain and that trauma with them
04:57 and being able to alternately point them to God
05:00 who really does of them brings a lot of joy,
05:04 a lot of joy to everyone involved.
05:07 Yeah, separating the father that they've known
05:11 from a true Father...
05:12 Yeah. The true Father.
05:14 Yeah. That's a hard thing.
05:16 And that was most of these kids
05:19 had gone through similar situations.
05:21 Some sort of trauma. Wow.
05:24 And tough family lives I mean,
05:26 I know some of them are very, very poor.
05:28 Yeah.
05:29 Some of them, their parents just can't afford them,
05:34 and so they have to go.
05:36 That's really hard.
05:38 That's really hard, and for them
05:39 to feel that rejection and to feel like that.
05:44 That's rough.
05:45 And there's such a need there which was why it was,
05:48 it's good to step into that,
05:50 because it wasn't always the easiest year of my life.
05:54 But knowing that kids needed love
05:56 and I could provide it,
05:58 because I had had parents who loved me
06:00 and people who loved me, and I knew a God who loved me,
06:03 being able to share out of that overflow
06:07 was a huge, huge blessing, just awesome.
06:10 So you've mentioned, you had some difficult times.
06:13 Do you have any stories of some of the more difficult things
06:16 that you'd like to share with us
06:17 or would you rather not talk about it?
06:19 I mean, there's quite a few, it wasn't...
06:21 Overall it's really good.
06:23 The climate was probably the worst, so being there...
06:27 The heat. The heat, it was...
06:30 When we went to bed, one night I remember,
06:33 we would usually sleep outside
06:34 just because it was too hot to sleep inside,
06:38 and so the breeze would be running over us,
06:40 and one night I remember looking at the weather
06:43 and the feels like temperature was 104 at 10 pm.
06:50 And so, it was just, it was tough
06:53 to be able to physically function
06:55 in that environment.
06:57 As well as being in a place where the devil
07:00 is just so strong, has such a stronghold.
07:05 People often don't see the Christianity in America,
07:09 but if nothing else you can see the fruit
07:11 of hundreds of years of Christianity
07:15 and the benefits that has brought to our country.
07:20 Because people are honest
07:21 and people have higher moral standards
07:27 and things like that, so the opposite is India.
07:31 And this is tough,
07:33 it's a tough place for people to live.
07:35 And that's hard, that's hard to see, yeah.
07:36 That's one of the biggest causes of culture shock,
07:38 I think it's learning that the world view
07:41 and idea of right and wrong and some of those things
07:44 we take for granted, you know.
07:46 Very much so.
07:47 And we don't realize that it's because
07:49 God was in this country,
07:52 the true God was in this country
07:53 from the very beginning.
07:54 Yeah.
07:55 So not that He's always here now unfortunately.
07:58 But so the...
08:01 The next thing I want to ask is whether or not you went
08:05 because you knew it was safe.
08:07 I know that you have some physical things
08:10 to be aware of when you travel and things.
08:13 And a lot of people think, "Well, I shouldn't go
08:16 because it's not a safe place to go
08:18 or it's not safe for me."
08:20 Did that ever enter your mind
08:21 when you thought about going to India?
08:22 You know, I...
08:25 It did, but I think that we place way
08:29 too much value on this life.
08:32 Like we treat it as the most precious thing in the world
08:37 and that we could never lose it no matter what,
08:40 and it's just not the case.
08:42 Life is completely of no value,
08:48 if it's not lived for God.
08:50 And so, when we find an opportunity
08:52 to spend our life and to live our life for God,
08:55 it just, it devalues our own view of our own life
09:01 and gives us a new perspective.
09:04 And also I remember, you sharing with me
09:07 as well as somebody else sharing with me
09:08 before I went that the safest place to be
09:11 is where God has called us.
09:13 And so, you can be in a cube with 10 feet of concrete
09:20 all around you buried 100 feet, 100 feet beneath the earth
09:26 completely locked in what most people would consider
09:28 the safest place on earth,
09:30 but if God has not called you there
09:32 it's not the safest place.
09:35 If He's called you to in a war zone
09:38 in the Middle East that is safer than that block,
09:43 full of concrete, 100 feet below the ground,
09:46 because safety is not a worldly view of safety.
09:51 Safety is found in doing what God wants us to do,
09:55 because we know that no matter what happens
09:58 we have, we have the greatest gift
10:02 of heaven waiting for us on the other side.
10:05 I want to ask you about one of the young people
10:07 at the orphanage, the little boy named Santos?
10:11 So Santos was, I think about six years old,
10:14 maybe five when we got there.
10:17 And tons of energy, tons of joy,
10:20 never really gets down.
10:22 He would get frustrated,
10:23 but he would never get down on himself.
10:26 And he had a deformity in the left side of his body,
10:30 so his left hand kind of curled up like this
10:34 and his left foot similarly would just kind of curl up,
10:38 so he would always walk on his tiptoes.
10:41 And very difficult for him
10:43 to interact with the other kids,
10:45 but because he was the youngest,
10:47 it didn't seem so bad for him
10:48 to be the slowest or anything like that,
10:51 because normally the slowest
10:53 is gonna be the youngest person anyways.
10:56 So anyways, a donor contacted us
11:01 and asked if we could take him to the hospital
11:03 and see if they could do anything for him.
11:06 I'm like, "Why didn't I think of this."
11:09 Yeah, of course we can.
11:11 So Santos and I,
11:13 and the director in India Israel,
11:16 we rode on a motorcycle to the hospital
11:18 and went in and saw the doctor, he's a Hindu doctor
11:21 and he said, yeah, I can do the operation.
11:23 And oh, he's an orphan, I'll do it for free.
11:26 And so was able to do surgery
11:30 on Santos' leg a few weeks later,
11:33 and just to see him go through the process of the hospital,
11:37 and the pain of getting the cast
11:39 and all of those things, but just super positive
11:42 through the entire thing, huge blessing to me,
11:45 and now he's able to run like the other kids.
11:49 And hand surgery is expected within a couple of years
11:54 when his hand further develops, they can kind of see
11:56 what areas they need to improve so.
11:58 Okay. Wow.
12:00 Yeah, but that's probably why he was orphaned
12:02 in the first place
12:03 is because that's a disgrace to have a child
12:06 who's handicap in anyway,
12:08 and so they didn't want him and we did.
12:12 Yeah. He's of value.
12:14 Yeah, huge value. He's of value to God.
12:16 So you weren't just there at the orphanage,
12:19 you did some other things too, you traveled a little bit.
12:22 Can you explain a little about
12:24 what you did outside of the orphanage?
12:26 So the great thing about Jesus for Asia's work in India
12:30 is that it's very supportive of the church.
12:32 And so there is a great relationship
12:35 with the church leaders and the church pastors with us.
12:38 So when we would say, we're from Jesus for Asia,
12:41 we were invited to speak in all these different churches
12:43 and to work with all these different pastors,
12:45 and to work accepting an opportunity
12:48 to do two weeks of evangelism in a village in Tamil Nadu.
12:53 So we did one week at one church
12:56 and another week at another church.
12:58 And the second week,
13:00 we were able to pray with this one lady,
13:05 after the service she requested special prayer.
13:08 She had been sick for something like a month or two
13:12 and hadn't been able to eat,
13:14 just was really, really struggling
13:16 and she looked very frail and very thin.
13:18 And so we prayed over her, and I just remember getting
13:22 very heavy in the room feeling,
13:25 feeling like there was something more at stake
13:27 than just what we could see.
13:30 And so praying over her and praying for healing,
13:32 and praying for God's Spirit
13:34 and all of those things to come in powerfully.
13:37 And then, the very next night going through
13:42 and we sprinkled water all over her house.
13:48 We prayed over some water and then we sprinkled it
13:50 which was a symbol of removing the demons
13:52 or anything that had been in her house,
13:54 because she was Hindu
13:56 and just cleansing, cleansing it.
13:58 And then a few nights later, we made the call
14:02 and she wanted to accept Jesus into her life.
14:05 And so the very next night, she had a...
14:10 There was a celebration for her decision
14:13 and a few others their decision as well.
14:16 And we were asked to give them new names,
14:19 because everyone is born typically with the name
14:21 of a Hindu god or something like that.
14:25 And so when they take on Christ,
14:27 they also take on a new name, which is really cool tradition.
14:31 And so they asked me if I would give her
14:32 and her husband a new name,
14:34 and I thought about it and prayed about it,
14:37 and I selected Rebecca and Isaac.
14:40 And so, Israel gets up there to announce their new name
14:45 and he tells everyone, this is Rebecca
14:49 and so the whole village is pronouncing Rebecca,
14:51 Rebecca, Rebecca.
14:53 And then they, it's like okay,
14:56 setting stone from now on she is Rebecca.
14:58 And then he gets to her husband and he's like,
15:01 and this is Ezekiel.
15:03 Uh-oh.
15:04 And he, and I was like what, what, what happened?
15:08 And so then they all pronounced it Ezekiel, Ezekiel, Ezekiel.
15:14 And so it's done and Israel sits back down beside me
15:18 and I was like, anna, which means older brother like,
15:23 I said Isaac and he was like,
15:26 oh, but it is done what do we do?
15:30 I said, okay, fine.
15:31 So we just moved on and...
15:33 He is Ezekiel.
15:34 He is Ezekiel now, hanging out in the village,
15:38 everyone calls him by name that was never intended for him,
15:40 but I'm sure there's some greater purpose and it was...
15:43 Yeah. It was really funny.
15:45 So did you find out later, how they were doing?
15:48 Yes.
15:50 She's better, physically better.
15:52 Awesome.
15:53 And God healed her in, which is expected.
15:56 Right.
15:57 We don't see those things in America,
15:59 so it's a little bit awkward.
16:01 But over there it's on a daily basis,
16:04 you see things like that,
16:06 because you see people being rescued from a darker world
16:09 into a world of light,
16:11 whereas a lot of us here are sort of in the middle.
16:15 Yeah, which is a scary place to be.
16:17 Yeah, it's a scary place to be.
16:19 And we don't have a recognition of the supernatural,
16:22 because we don't feel like we need it,
16:24 I can provide my own food, put it on the table.
16:28 I have a car to get where I need to go.
16:31 I have glasses and all of those kinds of things.
16:33 But when I need something in India,
16:37 I can't always get it
16:39 and so I really have to have God's power,
16:41 I have to have that faith,
16:43 otherwise my life is gonna be in shambles,
16:45 kind of like up on the mountain, and so,
16:48 just an opportunity to exercise faith.
16:51 Yeah, so that was one of my next questions was,
16:53 what happened to your faith walk
16:55 because of these experiences?
16:58 So I think the biggest thing that affected me was,
17:02 when I first went to India, I had more of,
17:07 more of a selfish outlook on missions
17:10 that it was self growth and self,
17:13 a chance to figure out who I was in Christ,
17:15 which I don't think were bad goals.
17:18 I think we all have to kind of have
17:19 our wilderness experience with Christ,
17:23 wherever that may be.
17:27 But one day, I just kind of had a realization
17:29 that it wasn't, wasn't about me,
17:32 like God didn't send me there to work on my own life,
17:35 He sent me there for those kids,
17:36 and for those people who didn't know Him.
17:39 And that was so freeing for me,
17:43 because I could go to bed in the most hot humid place
17:47 I could ever imagine and not think oh,
17:52 why am I here.
17:53 But I know I am here, God helped me get through it.
17:56 And so that, that paradigm shift for me,
17:59 it was just huge to realize that it really is not about me,
18:03 my whole life, my spirituality everything
18:06 that I'm doing, my education is not for my own purposes,
18:11 it's for God's purposes to advance His kingdom
18:14 and to give other people the joy of knowing Him.
18:17 And it kind of sounds like that would be a setback,
18:21 but it's really so freeing
18:23 because I no longer have to focus on my own needs,
18:26 I no longer have to wake up,
18:27 look in the mirror and think, "Oh, what is wrong with me?"
18:29 I don't even focus on it, I just look to Christ and...
18:33 Well, I mean, I tried.
18:35 I've looked to Christ and say, "What can I do for you?"
18:39 And then come what may,
18:43 I'll be okay because I'm not here for me.
18:46 And that plays into my next question.
18:48 What about love, what did you learn about love?
18:51 Or what did you see about love while you were over there?
18:56 Yeah, love is difficult.
19:01 Not easy,
19:03 but the kids really exemplified it,
19:09 because we would come, we would come back from working
19:13 or whatever and we're just sweaty and nasty and dirty,
19:19 nobody would want to touch us, and these kids are just like,
19:23 they just surround you.
19:24 And I saw a picture of God in that way,
19:28 no matter how filthy we are, He wraps His arms around us.
19:31 Additionally, I just...
19:34 Before I went out 1 Corinthians 13
19:36 really stuck out to me.
19:38 And if I do all of these things,
19:40 but if I don't love, I have nothing.
19:43 And so without sounding like we get salvation by works
19:49 that's not what I mean,
19:51 I just mean that if all of our religion
19:53 is in our heads,
19:55 if it doesn't translate into something better,
19:58 it's not really doing a lot of good.
20:00 And I see such a great need
20:07 in our church for people
20:10 to take what they have in their head
20:13 and to transfer it to their hands
20:15 and their feet and say,
20:17 "How can I alleviate this suffering
20:20 that is in the world."
20:22 And maybe, a lot of people don't realize it,
20:25 it's our own ignorance, and that's where travel
20:27 and missions really opens us up to the vast needs
20:31 that are in the world.
20:34 And I don't think it always has to come from a plan.
20:36 It doesn't always have to come from a different country.
20:38 It doesn't have to come from
20:41 some student mission's experience.
20:44 It can just be simply saying, "Okay, Lord,
20:46 I want to be Your hands and feet.
20:48 Truly I want to be Your hands and feet."
20:51 Not just throwing that in a prayer
20:53 but how do I do that?
20:55 And really living that out is the life blood
20:59 of spirituality for me,
21:02 because if my faith just stays in my faith,
21:06 well, then it's gonna die.
21:09 We have this kind of philosophy that I just get Jesus
21:14 and then it's done, period.
21:16 So you're converted, now you're in the faith,
21:18 you're going to church,
21:19 you're regularly attending, awesome,
21:22 but if that just means you get to warm a pew
21:25 the rest of your life, what is, what is that?
21:28 It only benefits you. Right.
21:30 But if you take what you've learned
21:32 and you take how God has led you
21:34 and you say, how can I change this dark world around me?
21:38 Then it's gonna make waves.
21:41 And so love in action really is Christ in action,
21:48 and it's a picture of Christ
21:50 that the world really needs to hear.
21:53 So can you share with us a little bit
21:55 about a difficult thing that came,
21:58 it started before you left
22:00 and then it came after you left,
22:02 it sort of finished, well, it's not finished yet,
22:06 because God hasn't been glorified,
22:07 but before you left,
22:10 we started having challenges at the orphanage.
22:12 Yeah, so orphanages in non-Christian countries
22:19 are very, very difficult to run.
22:22 And we started learning more and more of the problems
22:27 and of all of the red tape and the things
22:30 that the government wanted us to do for our orphanage
22:34 that were just financially impossible
22:37 and logistically impossible.
22:40 And so the government started checking in on us,
22:44 and it never went well, it never went well,
22:49 but we tried to comply with their regulations,
22:52 and I remember saying goodbye to the kids
22:55 when we left in May, and realizing
23:00 that I might never see them again.
23:02 And how hard, how hard that was and also just saying,
23:06 God I have no control, I have no power.
23:09 And that's exactly what happened is we left
23:12 and about a month later the government came
23:15 and they took our kids back to some orphanage,
23:19 which I'm sure is not giving them the home
23:23 and the family and the community
23:25 and the space to run
23:26 and play cricket that the kids needed.
23:31 And I got a call from the girls,
23:33 when they, when they were leaving that,
23:37 that just were saying, they're taking us,
23:40 like what do we do and just praying with them
23:42 one last time.
23:43 And trying to have some sort of strength
23:47 to tell them that God would be with them
23:49 and He would be their Father and that was, it was hard.
23:55 So yeah, the government in Tamil Nadu requires
23:59 for 25 orphans,
24:02 they want 13 full time staff, which is ignorant of...
24:06 Wow that's...
24:07 Yeah, especially when the kids are in school most of the day,
24:10 that's a lot of people.
24:12 And they want this building for eating
24:13 and this building for worship and this building for study,
24:16 and all of these different things
24:17 that are just impossible
24:18 and ignorant of the fact that right down the road,
24:21 there are families living in ten by ten houses
24:24 with six people and that's okay.
24:26 But somehow, we have orphans and therefore,
24:29 it's not okay for them to live in these environments,
24:32 and they have so many regulations,
24:34 which we believe are primarily just to keep Christians
24:36 from having an influence.
24:39 India does not value Christian non-profits coming in
24:44 but they do value education
24:47 and they really value international education.
24:50 And so just learning about this and kind of doing some research
24:54 while I was over there, what alternatives did we have
24:57 because it was impossible to meet all of the regulations
25:00 for an orphanage, translated into a school.
25:04 We can have a school, and these kids will come in
25:08 instead of as orphans,
25:09 they will just come in as boarding students.
25:13 And the plan is to only accept orphans,
25:16 so we won't be doing it for the ritz,
25:19 for the ritzy and for the high class people,
25:21 it'll be the lowest of the low class
25:23 that will be a part of our dorm.
25:26 And there we can educate them and we can share with them
25:31 the love of Christ in a way
25:32 that is sustainable over the long term,
25:36 and hopefully bring those kids back hopefully, hopefully,
25:40 praying about that, believe that God can do it.
25:42 Yeah.
25:44 So how much would it cost to do a school?
25:47 It's about anywhere from 80,000 to 120,000
25:52 so, we're trying to raise 100,
25:54 but really want to give these kids a life
26:01 that is so awesome compared to what they have.
26:05 I mean, they deserve so much after all they've been through,
26:08 and the positivity that they have,
26:10 and it's such a great environment for them
26:12 to grow up in.
26:13 And I want to give them the opportunity to have a life
26:18 that so many of us have deserved,
26:20 or not deserved, not deserved but received anyways,
26:23 and they do deserve it and they haven't received it.
26:28 And, so that's the plan,
26:30 Lord willing we'll be able to build a school
26:33 and bring in kids.
26:36 Now the other thing, the other reason
26:38 that we would like to have our own school
26:40 anyway is the challenges with the government schools
26:43 and testing and things like that.
26:45 Can you share a little bit about the Sabbath issues?
26:49 Yeah, so when we were there,
26:51 many of the kids had Sabbath exams
26:54 that they were not allowed to go to.
26:56 And these are final exams or very important exams
26:59 that can hold them back a grade.
27:04 And so, if we had our own school,
27:07 we get to set our own schedule, which prevents them from having
27:10 to go to school on Sabbath,
27:13 which would make a huge difference.
27:14 And we think that
27:16 with an international quality education,
27:21 we would be well supported by the government,
27:22 and the locals, and the community,
27:24 and it could be, has potential
27:27 to do wonderful, wonderful things.
27:31 All right. Well, I appreciate you coming and sharing with us.
27:33 Christian, I know you've got a class coming up soon,
27:35 you've got to go to.
27:37 So we want to finish here. I'm sure we could keep talking.
27:40 You have a lot more experiences and stories to share.
27:43 But I just want to challenge our viewers.
27:45 If you would like to be a part of making this a school,
27:49 please send your tax deductible love gifts
27:51 to Jesus For Asia,
27:53 PO Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
27:59 Call us at 423-413-7321.
28:04 Or check out our website at
28:08 May God bless you richly
28:09 until we see you again on Jesus for Asia Now.


Revised 2017-10-16