Jesus 4 Asia Now

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000041A

00:21 Hello and welcome to our Jesus for Asia Now,
00:23 end of year special.
00:25 God is so good, and today at the special time of year,
00:28 we wanted to pause and thank Him
00:30 and give glory to Him
00:32 for His blessings throughout the year.
00:34 We want to look forward
00:35 to what He may have in store next year.
00:38 And we also want to thank you our 3ABN viewers,
00:41 for helping to make this year a very special year,
00:44 not only for your financial support
00:46 but also for your words of encouragement
00:48 and your many prayers, they mean the world to us.
00:52 Joining me today is my husband Jon.
00:54 Hello, darling. Hi, darling. How are you?
00:56 I'm doing fine. Awesome.
00:58 How has this been a special year?
01:00 Oh, my!
01:01 So many things have opened up
01:03 and that we've been able to go forward in
01:05 and done just because of the extra encouragement
01:09 that our viewers have given us.
01:11 And the many prayers. Absolutely.
01:13 God has opened so many doors, that's amazing.
01:15 And to be able to watch through some of those stories
01:17 and not only watch through them
01:18 but start to see the fruit already.
01:21 Many years of prayer have gone into
01:22 some of these new ventures that we're starting in.
01:26 And we get to share them today. Absolutely.
01:28 I'm looking forward to that. Yeah.
01:30 Some of them, we just got the news.
01:31 We just got the video yesterday.
01:33 Yeah, absolutely. And so it's like...
01:34 for first time we've seen it.
01:35 So this is happening real time,
01:37 this isn't something that happens six years ago
01:39 or in the Book of Acts, you know, 2,000 years ago.
01:41 This is happening today.
01:43 Right. Right. Yeah.
01:44 And first, we want to talk about financials.
01:47 Yeah.
01:48 What has happened in the last couple years
01:51 financially to Jesus for Asia?
01:53 In the last few years,
01:54 well, actually in the last ten or so years,
01:56 we have been under financial constraints,
01:59 and so we've been praying every single month
02:02 for just the basic needs of that month.
02:04 And God has been providing just barely enough
02:06 and what He's been doing is teaching us faith.
02:09 And He is more interested in us
02:11 developing a character and developing our faith
02:13 than He is in actually us accomplishing a certain task.
02:17 And so in the way, He's been teaching us
02:20 but this last year,
02:22 the Lord has been giving us a little extra.
02:26 And so what do we do with that?
02:27 Do we sit back and enjoy, you know, relax?
02:30 Or do we go forward
02:32 and push this thing as far as we can go?
02:34 And so we've decided to go forward,
02:36 and we've got some stories that are coming directly
02:39 out of that decision to move forward.
02:41 And just to reiterate,
02:43 I know we've said this on the show before.
02:45 Our financial situation is that we've chosen
02:48 that 100% of the donations
02:50 that are dedicated to a specific project
02:52 go to that project.
02:54 You may pay bank fees for that project,
02:56 but it goes to that project.
02:57 Right, so like, if somebody gives $100
02:59 towards our Bible workers,
03:01 we send $100 to the Bible workers.
03:04 None of the overhead, like administrative overhead
03:06 for here in America comes out of that.
03:09 Right. So 100% goes.
03:11 So how do we survive then on?
03:13 We pray a lot because God provides,
03:18 but He provides us.
03:19 We pray and follow His leading.
03:21 So we've been camping out on Matthew 6:33.
03:24 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God
03:25 and He'll take care of your needs."
03:28 And this has been working for the last 12 years.
03:30 It's not always easy.
03:31 No, definitely not.
03:32 But it definitely is better for the work
03:36 and we would rather see the work go forward than
03:38 for us just to be comfortable.
03:40 Right. Yeah.
03:41 To start our topic for today, our thankfulness is,
03:44 this is one of them
03:45 that comes out of where we needed most of the time,
03:48 there's very little that's given
03:49 directly for this project.
03:51 And so this is our Love for Asia foundation
03:53 in Thailand.
03:54 And some of our viewers may recognize some of the...
03:57 We've shared about
03:59 the Love for Asia foundation before,
04:01 but this is a new thing that we want to share about.
04:04 Yes, now we got the Love for Asia foundation
04:07 and the Love for Asia media team.
04:09 So the media team has been there
04:10 for quite a number of years,
04:11 been developing and getting stronger.
04:14 The foundation is something that the Lord brought together
04:16 just in the last couple years.
04:18 And He did it for a very specific purpose.
04:21 And that is the laws have changed
04:23 and the missionaries that have been in Thailand
04:25 are no longer able to stay under the same situations,
04:29 same visa that they've had in the past.
04:32 They've had to get a work permit.
04:33 And they can only get a work permit
04:35 from like a foundation or business.
04:37 So the Lord brought this foundation
04:39 into being just in time
04:41 so that these missionaries could now stay in Thailand
04:45 and continue to preach.
04:46 Under work permits. That's right.
04:47 Right. Stay there legally.
04:49 So now we have two people under work permits
04:52 that are there, and we've got another six
04:54 that have just signed up,
04:55 and there's gonna be more shortly that are gonna come
04:58 and be able to stay long term in Thailand
05:00 because of this new foundation that the Lord has raised up.
05:04 And, of course, the foundation was completely out of this
05:07 where we needed most, funding.
05:09 Right. So...
05:10 Okay, so a few years ago, we were praying for a studio
05:15 for our team to work out because we have a media team,
05:17 and they're working in the house.
05:19 Correct.
05:20 So we're praying for a studio
05:21 and then the Lord kind of gave another idea.
05:24 What if we had a mobile production unit?
05:27 Okay.
05:28 We could drive to the church, we could set up the cameras,
05:31 videotape it, come home,
05:33 we could do our work during the week,
05:34 other projects and stuff like that,
05:36 but our sermon library could start be building up.
05:38 Now this is in a country with less than 1% Christian,
05:41 and almost no media whatsoever
05:44 in the Thai language and there's...
05:46 For Christians. For Christians.
05:48 Oh, yeah, absolutely, for Adventists.
05:50 And there is like almost 73 languages
05:52 represented in Thailand alone, 73 languages.
05:57 And the vast majority of those people
05:59 do not speak a lick of English.
06:01 So if we come to them
06:03 with English books and English sermons,
06:06 it's not gonna do anything for them.
06:08 No, yeah.
06:09 So how can we build up the sermon libraries
06:11 like, well, there's mobile studio
06:13 but it's so expensive.
06:14 How in the world are we gonna be able to
06:16 do anything like that?
06:18 Yeah, right.
06:19 Until just earlier this year,
06:22 my team, the Love for Asia foundation
06:24 went and visited another one of our missionary sites,
06:27 and it was a very difficult place to get to.
06:30 So they came back and they said,
06:31 "You know what?
06:32 We really need a four wheel drive vehicle."
06:34 And in my mind, I'm thinking, "Oh, there's no way."
06:36 And you know,
06:38 that's just being lazy, you know, come on.
06:42 But we are borrowing a car,
06:44 our church member's car
06:45 that was kind of on the edge.
06:46 I mean, sometimes to get it into reverse,
06:48 we have to spend five minutes for the transmission
06:50 to warm up, so then it would finally...
06:52 Anyway, so they went
06:54 and they sent me pictures of this truck.
06:57 And I'm looking at this truck, I was like,
06:58 "Man, that's for rich people.
07:00 There's no way we can afford that."
07:02 And so it's like,
07:04 I just was gonna like pass it off,
07:05 just forget about it.
07:07 But for some reason, that vehicle
07:09 kept sticking in my mind,
07:10 kept coming up in my mind from day to day.
07:13 And I started thinking about that.
07:15 And I started thinking about the possibilities.
07:17 What if we could put
07:21 a production switcher into this truck?
07:25 Okay.
07:26 So we could go up to like, for instance,
07:28 Gayle Haberkam's place which is way up there.
07:31 Really bad roads, it's really steep.
07:33 Yeah, it's like, seriously like this steep.
07:36 Definitely need four-wheel drive
07:37 but they'll see some video in a little bit.
07:39 We will be showing some video.
07:40 Okay, so I was thinking
07:41 what if we could go up to her place
07:42 and, you know, it's like I didn't think that
07:44 we would need to,
07:45 because they don't do evangelistic series.
07:48 I don't know who does the sermons.
07:49 Yeah, it's a small village, you know.
07:50 Little tiny church,
07:51 maybe two or three people show up at the church.
07:54 And so why would we need to do that?
07:55 But it'd be nice to have that capability,
07:57 so I kept thinking, I kept praying about this.
08:00 For several months, I was praying about it.
08:01 And for some reason it just didn't go away
08:03 until we went to PYC in May,
08:08 and I was then going to go to Thailand in June.
08:11 And I said, "Okay, now it's the time
08:13 to make a decision."
08:15 I've been, you know, talking to God a lot about it,
08:18 but I needed to have a more concrete answer.
08:22 I needed to have something that was more,
08:23 that I could say, "Okay, this is my Ebenezer.
08:27 This is my memory stone.
08:28 This is what God did for us in this project
08:31 one way or the other."
08:33 So we were in the Philippines,
08:35 and it was about 3 o'clock in the morning.
08:37 I woke up early, everybody else was sound asleep.
08:39 I was tired but I says, "You know what?
08:41 I really need to find out what this is all about."
08:43 So I started praying to God.
08:45 And I was like, "Lord, what do You want us to do?
08:46 Should we do this, should we not do this?
08:48 You know, what about the cost?
08:49 What about the money, about the expenses?"
08:51 This is really, you know, it's $15,000 for this truck."
08:55 Now this truck was worth three times that
08:57 when it was brand new.
08:59 But it's about ten years old,
09:01 but it only has 100,000 miles on it,
09:03 and it's a turbo diesel,
09:04 and it's a Toyota, so it's gonna last forever.
09:08 But still $15,000, it's a lot of money.
09:11 So I was begging God
09:12 and for about an hour, hour and a half,
09:14 I was just going after God, going after God,
09:16 "Lord, what do You want us to do?
09:17 What's Your will on this project?"
09:19 And finally, it's like I ran out of things to say,
09:22 and I just went silent.
09:24 And during that silence, about 20 minutes into that,
09:27 I started thinking about
09:29 what was the last thing that Ellen White said
09:32 that she heard
09:34 in her final days of life on earth.
09:37 She was in her Elmshaven home,
09:40 and she told somebody
09:42 that she would hear voices in the night,
09:45 and these voices would say
09:47 advance, advance, advance.
09:49 Press the battle to the gate.
09:51 In other words, she was nearing the end of her life,
09:53 but don't slow down,
09:55 move forward as hard as you can,
09:57 press the battle to the gate.
09:59 In other words, go all the way, go all the way.
10:02 And so this was in my mind
10:04 and this is what was coming into my mind
10:06 as I was praying, as I was asking
10:08 about this particular situation.
10:10 And I just felt this incredibly warm
10:14 peace just envelop me.
10:17 And they say not to follow emotions,
10:20 but it's nice when God can put an emotion,
10:23 can touch you with an emotion
10:24 to kind of confirm
10:26 the direction that you're going.
10:27 Okay?
10:29 So I'm like, "Okay.
10:30 I recognize that this is God's voice talking to me.
10:33 I didn't hear an audible voice, I didn't..."
10:36 You know, in the Old Testament, they had the Urim and Thummim.
10:39 You know, if God said yes,
10:41 then it was like a bright light here.
10:42 If He said no, there was a dark shadow.
10:44 I need one of those.
10:45 I need a set of those, you know.
10:47 But I didn't have that.
10:48 So this was the next best thing.
10:49 So it's like, you have to go forward by faith
10:52 because you cannot come out in the morning
10:54 and say, "Honey, look what God said," you know.
10:58 There's nothing I can just relate my experience
11:00 but it's easy to even doubt my own experience.
11:03 So I just have to go by faith
11:05 that this was God confirming to me,
11:08 "I want you to go forward."
11:09 And the principle, what is the principle?
11:12 Okay.
11:13 Where you're taking a financial risk,
11:15 but we may win people to Christ, okay.
11:18 What's the greater value?
11:21 The people, you know, okay.
11:24 So I went to Thailand,
11:27 we went and test drove it
11:28 to make sure it felt solid.
11:30 I says, "We're buying this.
11:32 We're gonna do this."
11:33 And now the dealer had said that
11:35 we, the foundation could get a loan for it
11:37 because we didn't have the $15,000,
11:40 we had $7,500 that we scrape together
11:42 that we could put down on it.
11:44 But then, when we finally made the deal,
11:46 we found out that the bank wouldn't loan to a foundation.
11:49 So it wouldn't loan to a foreigner either.
11:52 So we had to take out a loan
11:53 in the name of our local worker.
11:55 So even though, we are paying for it,
11:58 it's in his name.
11:59 So if we default, then it's...
12:02 It's on him. It's on him.
12:03 So he has a lot of trust in us
12:06 to move forward and not to default,
12:08 and we're not gonna default.
12:09 I mean, I would give my life.
12:10 God will provide.
12:11 I mean, honestly, I would give my life
12:14 to see this team continue to operate.
12:16 Why? 'Cause nobody else is doing it.
12:19 Okay.
12:20 And this is a country of less than 1% Christian.
12:23 And nobody is going forward and doing,
12:26 so somebody's got to do it.
12:28 Well, absolutely, we have to.
12:30 We have to go forward
12:31 which is why we're excited to share pictures.
12:34 Yes. And video for the viewers.
12:35 Yeah.
12:36 So we have a couple of pictures of the truck itself.
12:38 Yeah. There's the first one.
12:40 So, obviously it's got lot of ground clearance,
12:42 so we can go over big ruts and stuff,
12:44 and big rocks and stuff,
12:45 and it's four door,
12:46 it's a seven passenger vehicle.
12:48 This is Daniel Bair, he's our director over there
12:51 of the foundation.
12:52 And then Gop Zion,
12:53 he's the officer there that is the Thai.
12:57 He's Thai, born and raised Thai,
12:59 and his wife Frame.
13:01 So these are the officers,
13:02 and we're here standing next to the truck
13:04 that we have purchased.
13:05 Wow. Yeah.
13:06 Okay. And then you started outfitting it for...
13:09 Yes, for production, television production.
13:12 First thing is we need a large screen TV.
13:15 As you can see, this is a multi view.
13:17 You can see all cameras,
13:18 plus your preview and your program,
13:20 what's going out on air, all in one monitor.
13:23 So we had to have a big one.
13:24 So we went and bought a 32 inch TV.
13:26 And this is kind of a set up.
13:27 We're gonna have the director sit in the middle seat
13:31 with monitor off to the side.
13:34 And he'll be switching.
13:35 And so then, it's like how do we build something
13:38 that's gonna hold the TV.
13:39 So we went to a mod shop.
13:41 Okay.
13:42 As you can see the shop, we got some
13:44 really awesome cars.
13:45 This is the guy that actually built the stand.
13:47 You can see the stand there between the front
13:49 and the center seat,
13:51 the stand that the TV is mounted on.
13:53 And he just went in there, he did the measurements,
13:55 he did the cuttings, it's all made out of wood.
13:58 And he just did a fantastic job.
14:01 And so now this is the end result.
14:03 And so we can pile into this truck
14:05 all of our equipment, all of our people
14:08 and go shoot something.
14:10 That's great. That's great.
14:11 And you got to be there... Yes.
14:13 For the first Sabbath it was used.
14:15 This next video shows the very first Sabbath
14:18 in which we actually utilized this truck.
14:20 Okay. Here we go.
14:21 Okay.
14:31 Today, we're at the village of Wat Doi,
14:33 and now it's up in the mountains
14:36 in northern Thailand.
14:38 And this is a really exciting day for us
14:41 because it is the first time,
14:42 we are taking our new, to us, production truck.
14:46 And this is a fully
14:49 self contained production vehicle.
14:52 So this is designed that we roll up to a church,
14:55 roll out the cables, set up the cameras,
14:57 and shoot and produce.
15:08 Today is a fulfillment of many years of dreaming,
15:11 and planning, and praying,
15:13 and begging God for reaching...
15:18 New ways to reach people
15:20 that don't have access to the gospel.
15:23 We're here in Thailand,
15:24 and less than 1%
15:25 of the entire population is Christian,
15:28 and much less than that is Adventist.
15:31 So how are they to hear of this message?
15:33 We have such a small work force
15:34 to share the message to so many people.
15:37 And today is like a fulfillment of a huge dream.
15:41 God has given us this truck,
15:44 and we've been able to outfit this thing
15:48 with a broadcast quality video switcher,
15:52 and monitor, and a recording device.
15:55 But in addition to that we've got this little tiny box
16:00 that then takes that signal and broadcast it to Facebook.
16:04 So here I am with this phone,
16:08 and I've got the Facebook app open right now.
16:11 And you can see, if I click on this...
16:20 This is coming from Facebook,
16:22 streaming the sermon that's happening right here
16:24 in the middle of Thailand.
16:26 Now anybody in the world can watch the sermon
16:30 that's coming out of this little tiny church
16:33 here in Northern Thailand.
16:36 It's crazy.
16:38 This truck, okay,
16:40 all tooled with everything, including cameras
16:43 which we're borrowing,
16:44 about 27,000, so less than $30,000,
16:48 entire self contained mobile production unit.
16:55 Now, this is just amazing.
16:57 The new technology, combining things,
17:00 the way things are coming together.
17:02 This is broadcast quality production
17:04 for neglected languages in the world.
17:10 Think about the implications.
17:12 We could have one of these for every language,
17:14 and get a team going,
17:16 a team of about three people
17:18 can run a truck like this, production truck,
17:21 it could go anywhere.
17:23 I can't believe how exciting this is.
17:25 I mean, just...
17:28 I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight
17:31 because the people that this is gonna reach
17:33 is probably never be able to reach them in any other way
17:37 and no one's really trying.
17:39 But look what you can do now.
17:41 Just look what you can do. Look what God has done.
17:46 Thank you for your help, for your donations,
17:49 and for your prayer
17:51 in allowing this and making this thing happen.
17:53 And praise be to God
17:55 who has given us the courage to try new stuff.
18:16 God is so good. I know.
18:17 And He's so amazing. That was in the Hmong language.
18:20 So that's one of the languages that has so few resources.
18:24 And now we get to give them some sermons on video.
18:28 They don't have to learn to read,
18:30 they just listen and watch.
18:32 Yeah. Yeah.
18:33 So the modifications to the truck at the mod shop,
18:36 the special TV stand and stuff.
18:38 How much did that cost?
18:39 Well, it's not only the stand
18:41 but also we had three invertors,
18:43 so we can power everything off of the engine of the truck.
18:47 So the three invertors, the modifications,
18:49 everything, the stand,
18:50 as you can see that
18:51 it's covered with a nice vinyl also.
18:53 Okay. Eight hundred dollars.
18:54 Wow. Yeah.
18:56 And we're borrowing the cameras,
18:58 we already own the switcher, we had bi cables,
19:02 and do the mod and buy the truck,
19:04 and then it's ready to go.
19:05 So that 27, $30,000 thing
19:07 that includes the truck as well as
19:10 if you had to replace all the other equipment.
19:12 That's about how much another one would cost.
19:15 Wow. Yeah.
19:16 Oh, God is good. So good.
19:19 And it gives me so much joy
19:22 because it's like God confirmed this
19:23 and then it's like...
19:25 Or God directed this and then God confirmed it
19:28 by actually seeing it in action.
19:30 So many times it's like the projects
19:32 that are started like long term, year,
19:35 but this is like so quick, we could see what happened.
19:38 See results. Okay. Yeah.
19:40 So broadcasting to the internet you were using an iPhone?
19:43 Yeah, so this little box,
19:45 it connects to the internet through your cell signal,
19:49 okay, your data signal on your cell phone.
19:51 So your iPhone,
19:52 it can connect up to four iPhones all together
19:55 and multiplex a stream
19:57 that we were able to use just one,
19:59 and broadcast from that little tiny Hmong church to Facebook.
20:03 Wow.
20:04 And once we broadcast, then it stays on Facebook
20:06 and other people come and watch,
20:08 and we can then edit and put it up on YouTube,
20:10 whatever, it's just...
20:12 I mean, Facebook is free.
20:15 In the past we'd have to go up to satellite and, you know,
20:18 its just expense is just out the roof
20:19 but this is free.
20:20 Right. Right.
20:22 And it's gonna be a blessing elsewhere.
20:24 Absolutely.
20:25 How many different languages can we reach, I mean, boom!
20:28 Yeah.
20:29 Materials in other languages
20:31 will become a lot easier this way.
20:32 Correct. Yeah. Okay.
20:34 So right after that,
20:37 you got a phone call from Gayle Haberkam.
20:40 Yes.
20:41 She was planning to put together
20:43 an evangelistic series.
20:45 And first time ever in that entire area,
20:48 they've done an evangelistic series
20:50 for the local people.
20:51 And she just was talking...
20:54 She had heard, she says,
20:55 "I heard that you got this new truck together.
20:57 And I know it's way too expensive
20:59 and you're not gonna send it up to my place.
21:01 It's so rough roads and everything and...
21:03 But it should be neat."
21:04 I'm like, "Well, I was just wondering if I...
21:06 I was just gonna call you and ask you for permission
21:08 if I could send my truck to your evangelistic series."
21:11 She's like, "What?
21:12 You're kidding me. No way! You're gonna do that?"
21:14 I'm like, "Yeah, absolutely.
21:15 That's one of the reasons we built this truck."
21:18 She was so excited. Yeah.
21:21 She was so excited.
21:22 And so just a little while ago,
21:24 the truck went up and I couldn't be there.
21:27 I was so disappointed.
21:28 But the truck went up there with a local team,
21:30 from Love for Asia media team.
21:32 And here we have a video.
21:34 Now, this video was edited mostly
21:36 by Jonathan Hill in a vehicle, in a moving vehicle.
21:39 So he just threw this together and send it to us
21:42 just a few days ago.
21:43 Yesterday? Yes.
21:49 We're thinking,
21:50 "Oh, man, it'd be so much better
21:51 to have a 4x4 truck
21:54 that we could have all our gear
21:56 and roll up to any site, anywhere.
21:59 Pull out the cameras, the gear and then record."
22:02 It seem like a pipe dream, it seem like too much.
22:05 And then along comes this year,
22:08 actually it only dawned on me this week that,
22:11 that was the dream we had four years ago.
22:14 It's really amazing how God brings things about.
22:19 I cannot tell you
22:21 how excited I was to hear
22:24 that the media team with this new truck
22:26 would actually come to my village.
22:29 There is so much potential with what we're able to do now.
22:33 I just pray that hearts will be changed,
22:35 and that many, many of the people hear,
22:38 and everywhere that that media truck goes
22:40 can be in heaven because it is a great work.
22:48 Well, that just brings tears to my eyes.
22:50 Mine too.
22:51 It just... God is so good.
22:54 These people in their hearts are gonna...
22:56 You know, a lot of them,
22:57 they never are able to hear the Word of God
23:00 unless they go to a church,
23:02 and a pastor happens to show up to read it to them.
23:05 And now they can have it in their homes.
23:07 They can listen to it throughout the week.
23:09 They can be fed.
23:10 They can have their personal devotions.
23:12 You know, if they don't read,
23:14 how do they get their personal devotions?
23:15 How do they grow
23:17 unless somebody comes and talks to them, tells them.
23:19 So here, now with these materials,
23:21 this is in the Karen language, so we did one in Hmong,
23:24 one in Karen, in between those two events
23:26 we've gone to several Thai churches.
23:29 So we've already hit three languages with this truck
23:32 that we just started this last summer.
23:34 Actually you just started it in October.
23:37 Yeah.
23:39 So it's been two months. Yes.
23:41 And it's already worked in three languages.
23:44 Praise God. God is so good.
23:45 And this is what happens
23:46 when God's people start to give into
23:49 where it needed most, these things happen.
23:52 Yeah. God is so good. Absolutely.
23:55 Okay, we don't have a lot of time left
23:57 but we want to share a little bit
23:58 about another country
23:59 that's heavy on our hearts,
24:01 deep in our hearts as well, and that is India.
24:03 Yes.
24:04 And our director in India,
24:06 Israel had asked for a long time
24:09 if he could do a TV show.
24:11 Yes.
24:20 We are reaching people
24:22 who are Hindus, Muslims, and Christians
24:25 apart from Seventh-day Adventists.
24:28 God is doing mighty, miraculous things
24:31 in so many of their lives.
24:35 This media ministry,
24:37 it is opening doors of many religious people.
24:41 When they watch the program in the TV,
24:43 when they see the number, when they call us,
24:46 we are getting connected.
24:48 And not only that, we ask our Bible workers,
24:52 when we give them their address,
24:54 when we give them their phone numbers,
24:57 when they are connected, they go in person,
25:01 go visit their house, sit with them,
25:04 sharing the love of Jesus.
25:08 Through this program,
25:09 God has given this beautiful whole family.
25:14 He called us over the phone and he said,
25:16 "Please pray for my wife, she's very sick."
25:19 So the lady, she started praying for her.
25:22 And also with the prayer,
25:24 she started even telling the truth about the Bible,
25:27 about Jesus Christ, about the true Sabbath.
25:30 Everyday she calls,
25:32 God has been answering the prayer.
25:34 People came and asked her, "What is happening?
25:37 We can see a lot of changes in your family,
25:39 changes in your physical health.
25:41 Your husband has given up drinking.
25:44 He has given up smoking, chewing tobacco.
25:47 What is happening?"
25:49 And she said, "I have accepted the true Jesus Christ
25:52 as my personal Savior.
25:54 He is leading us, He is giving us this strength."
25:58 Today, the head of this house, he took baptism.
26:04 I thank the Lord for this beautiful ministry.
26:08 We are reaching many people who are very thankful
26:12 that they can hear about Jesus,
26:15 the name which they have not heard
26:16 before at all.
26:19 Wow.
26:20 So after just a couple months, this is the fruit
26:23 that we're already seeing from this ministry.
26:26 And there is another... God is so good.
26:27 There is another village where he visited,
26:29 and in that village,
26:31 there is an opportunity for a daily one hour broadcast,
26:37 daily one hour broadcast with our pastors in the area.
26:40 And I'm like, "How much is that gonna cost?"
26:43 He's like, "It's gonna cost $110 a month."
26:47 A hundred and ten dollars a month
26:48 for seven days a week,
26:51 seven hours a week, one hour a day.
26:55 He's like, "Should we go forward with that?"
26:58 I'm like, "Well, yeah, okay, just go, just do it."
27:01 Yeah.
27:02 But the question I have is
27:03 how many other towns and villages
27:05 throughout India are gonna have that same kind of door open,
27:09 same kind of opportunity?
27:11 You know, and there's so many towns
27:12 and villages within India.
27:14 Last I heard there is over 400,000 towns and villages
27:18 that nobody has ever preached the gospel
27:20 in any kind of denomination in before.
27:23 So how are we gonna accomplish all that?
27:25 It's got to be through mass media.
27:26 It's like we have the ground force with our Bible workers,
27:29 and the air force with our media work.
27:33 And it's just so exciting. Yeah.
27:35 It's always good to see what God has done,
27:37 and think about
27:39 what He's going to do in the future.
27:40 Amen.
27:41 And I would like to invite our viewers,
27:43 if you have been impressed to be a part of this,
27:45 to get involved, please pray,
27:48 but please also if you would like
27:50 to send a tax deductible love gift,
27:52 please do so to Jesus for Asia,
27:55 PO Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
28:00 Call us at (423) 413-7321
28:04 or visit our website at
28:09 May God bless you until we see you again next time
28:11 on Jesus for Asia Now.


Revised 2017-12-15