Jesus 4 Asia Now

The Gift of Bibles and Song Books

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000072A

00:01 (Inspirational music)
00:21 - Hello, and welcome to Jesus for Asia now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and today, my husband John and I
00:26 want to take you on a trip back in time.
00:29 We're going back to the beginnings of our
00:32 Bible Worker program in a special area of India.
00:35 - Welcome to the show dear.
00:36 - Hi darling, I'm excited about
00:37 what we're gonna share today.
00:38 - Right, it's a bit of old news.
00:40 We thought it'd be kinda fun to go back
00:42 and kinda have a memory time
00:45 of where God has brought this program from.
00:48 - Well, it's like you know when you go into an experience
00:54 and then all of a sudden that experience
00:56 or you go on an adventure or go somewhere
00:57 and all of a sudden something completely bigger than that
01:00 than what you expected happens
01:03 and what we're talking about is
01:05 my first trip to North India.
01:08 - Okay
01:09 - And we went there, our whole family was in India
01:12 and you were with another family visiting India
01:16 and so I took Israel, our JFA director in India,
01:20 we went up north - Right
01:22 - We flew into Deli and then we traveled around
01:27 meeting the president of the upper Gange section.
01:29 - Okay
01:30 - Now in India they do it a little differently
01:32 when a new area is established, they start off as a region
01:38 and they grow a little bit and get to the place
01:39 where then they're a section
01:41 and then they grow further and eventually
01:43 they become a conference.
01:44 - Okay
01:46 - Okay, now this is a section.
01:47 - Okay
01:48 - This is one section in the North India Union.
01:50 - Okay
01:52 - Okay and to give you a perspective on the numbers okay
01:55 cause this is one of the most highly densely populated
01:59 areas of the planet.
02:01 - Okay
02:02 - Okay, in this one little section
02:04 they've got 180 million people
02:10 so over half the population of the entire United States
02:13 is in that one section.
02:15 - Wow - Yeah
02:17 - That's a lot of people - It's
02:19 - And it's not a lot of land mass.
02:21 - No, it's not that big of a place.
02:22 - So it's very crowded.
02:23 - Yeah, but in that section they've got over 110,000
02:26 towns and villages and our church maybe into 1,000 of them.
02:32 - Wow
02:34 - And that means like one member here, one member there
02:35 and stuff like that, now I've heard a lot that you can't do
02:39 ministry in North India, that the doors are closed,
02:42 there's no opportunity up there
02:45 and so you just work in the South
02:48 and the majority of everyone that I know
02:50 that works in India, works in the South
02:52 and so on this trip, we went up doing an exploratory
02:58 what do you call it?
03:00 It's like the Jacques Cousteau of Bible work (laughing)
03:03 - Just to learn, just a learning trip.
03:06 - Yeah, and it started out with we received a message from
03:09 the upper Gange section office saying please come up and see
03:13 our work and please give us Bible workers
03:15 cause they'd heard that we were sponsoring Bible workers
03:18 through our program Jesus for Asia.
03:20 Anyone in America can sponsor a Bible worker in India
03:23 through Jesus for Asia. - Right
03:25 - Pretty simple and not expensive.
03:27 - Right
03:28 - And so we got that message and you know,
03:31 our first thought is you know, who are these people?
03:36 I hear it's not easy to work up there.
03:40 And then the third thought is yeah...
03:44 - Let's try it - Yeah
03:46 - Let's see. - Let's go see.
03:48 - Yeah, it's an opportunity.
03:51 - Yeah, and so it was January, the 1st of January
03:53 and we flew up there, landed in Deli
03:58 it was after dark and I had left all my warm clothes
04:01 in Thailand because you go to India,
04:03 you don't need warm clothes.
04:05 - Right, it's gonna be hot there.
04:06 - I've never needed warm clothes before.
04:09 We landed, it was 33 degrees Fahrenheit.
04:13 One degree above freezing and they picked us up in this
04:16 little van that had no, the seals in the door
04:19 were all worn out and had no heater.
04:21 - Oh
04:23 Cause who would need a heater in India right?
04:24 - Right
04:25 - Well, we did that night.
04:26 - Wow
04:27 - It was so painfully cold but we survived
04:32 and we did our tour and it has absolutely broken my heart.
04:36 North India, the numbers, the people, the need,
04:41 the opportunity, so much opportunity I found
04:44 up in North India, it's just amazing
04:50 the kind of doors
04:53 that are open in North India
04:54 and I've been just recently and massive doors are open
04:58 in North India if we're smart about it
05:01 and if we go in with a pure heart
05:04 to do Gods work.
05:05 - Right
05:07 - Because there's a lot of forces at work up there
05:09 but still huge, vast numbers of people
05:13 and vast numbers, how many people would you like to know
05:17 about Jesus, how many people?
05:18 - All of them - Yeah
05:20 - I would like all of them
05:21 - But a good share, at least a third, would accept Jesus
05:27 if somebody would tell them.
05:29 - Wow, so we need to tell them.
05:31 - We need to tell them.
05:33 And so we did a little tour around North India
05:36 and I just wanna share a few of those things.
05:38 - Okay
05:39 - First of all, I wanna share a little bit of footage
05:41 that I took of a little girl and a lot of people
05:46 may not like this footage but in fact one time
05:51 we published a picture of a young boy
05:54 that was in a slum and we got emails back saying
05:58 we don't wanna see this.
05:59 Next time you take a picture of a child,
06:02 please clean him up before you photograph him
06:06 but the truth is, in my mind I'm thinking you know,
06:09 these are people that are over there.
06:10 They're real people.
06:11 - This is their reality. - Yeah
06:14 - I mean, we may not like it, we're not used to it,
06:16 but this is their reality. - Yeah
06:18 - And it's very unfortunate
06:20 but how are we gonna know the need if we refuse to look
06:23 at what their reality now is? - Right
06:25 - How are we gonna know what they need?
06:28 - And if it makes us uncomfortable to look at them
06:30 you know, how Christlike is that if we turn away?
06:35 You know, Christ sees them every moment of every day
06:38 and then He sees us over here
06:40 in our clean, sterile environments
06:43 and He says I've given you my Spirit.
06:46 I've shed my blood for you
06:49 so that you will go and help them
06:53 and so I think that this uncomfortable feeling
06:57 should stir us and provoke us to do something
07:00 out of the ordinary. - Right
07:02 - Out of our selfish nature, more in line with
07:05 Christ's nature - Right
07:07 - And so I wanna show this up front
07:08 to just kinda like say this is the kind of environment
07:12 that we're going into.
07:14 - Okay
07:16 (dog barking)
07:26 This was in someones home
07:29 and this was in the courtyard of the home.
07:31 - Yes
07:32 - And we'll see footage later
07:34 of what else was in that courtyard
07:37 but they just don't understand the germ theory.
07:39 They don't understand that they need to protect
07:41 their children from these hoards of flies
07:45 because it's unhealthy for them and they can get sick
07:48 and have runny noses like this poor baby has.
07:51 - Right
07:52 - So, you know, that's part of what we want to see
07:55 as an opportunity
07:57 - Absolutely - To share with them the need for cleanliness
08:00 and the reasons why hygiene is important,
08:03 things like that.
08:04 - Yes and you may wonder, how can I over here
08:07 on this side of the earth affect somebody
08:09 on the other side of the earth
08:11 well, it's not that hard.
08:13 Number one if we care,
08:15 number two if we send help,
08:17 or if we go - Right
08:20 Why don't you tell us what this next video shows?
08:22 - Okay, well we had received a request for Bible workers
08:25 in this place, now just to give you an idea
08:28 of the perspective okay.
08:30 180 million people in this one section.
08:33 Guess how many pastors?
08:36 - I don't know.
08:37 - There were eight.
08:38 - Oh boy.
08:39 - Eight pastors for 180 million people.
08:42 - That is not enough.
08:44 - Not a good ratio (laughing) - No
08:48 - And so we told them we would give them 25
08:50 or stipends for 25 Bible workers.
08:54 - Okay
08:55 - And this is when we first met the president
08:57 and the main pastor in that section
09:01 the morning after we arrived.
09:03 - Okay
09:07 - So these are the names.
09:08 - These are the names
09:19 - Okay and what is that right there?
09:25 Yeah, why did you write down 25 volunteers?
09:28 - 25
10:20 - Because we have received the application of 43 people.
10:23 How will I satisfy them?
10:25 - Right
10:26 - So what is your first choice?
11:37 - Oh really?
11:45 I see.
11:46 - Well that's really neat that he took you by
11:48 and he says this is where we stopped off an prayer.
11:50 - Yes
11:52 - Because they were so thankful, he's so happy.
11:53 His joy is just obvious, so obvious
11:58 and sometimes you see he's almost got a tear in his eye.
12:01 - Yeah, it's neat and that's kinda the reward that we get
12:06 is seeing the thankfulness and it encourages our faith.
12:12 You know, Christs faith was encouraged when he was
12:15 with the woman at the well.
12:16 He says I have meat, I have bread, I have food
12:18 that you don't know of.
12:20 You know, this is the food, doing my Father's will,
12:23 seeing people accept Jesus, seeing the joy,
12:24 that encourages me, that feeds my spiritual life
12:28 and we get some of that too
12:30 as we do Gods work, as we go out and we see people accept it
12:33 and people and what a difference it makes in their life
12:36 it encourages our own faith
12:38 and that feeds us and our spiritual life
12:40 and helps us to grow too. - That's true.
12:42 - So, but this is a beautiful thing.
12:45 - So the next video that we have,
12:47 we actually go into someones home.
12:49 - Yes
12:50 - All right do you wanna tell us a little about that
12:52 or should we just play the video?
12:54 - Yeah, well let me just set that up.
12:55 We're going through town
12:57 and then we're gonna go and visit a Bible workers home.
13:00 Again, it's an extended family.
13:02 We're gonna see a little interesting little story
13:04 and some people of our viewers might be a little bit
13:08 grossed out by this but this is real life
13:10 and it's kinda humorous to me.
13:14 - Right, and it's also, well, we'll talk about it afterward
13:16 but you definitely claim a specific promise
13:19 for situations like this.
13:21 - Yes
13:23 (car horns honking)
13:38 - There's different sections of this house.
13:41 Here's where the cows are
13:43 and there's the ladies cooking their meal.
13:48 Today we're having chapatis
13:51 and they're using cow dung for cooking.
13:55 May I video?
13:57 Can I take pictures?
13:58 - Yes, yes.
13:59 - Okay, thank you.
14:00 Is that chapati? - Yes
14:06 - Okay, watch her hands.
14:09 And doing this patting of the chapati by hand
14:13 and she takes some more fuel,
14:16 breaks it up, puts a piece in the fire,
14:21 brushes off her hands over the chapati
14:24 same hands patting the chapati,
14:27 putting it on the pan
14:29 and then they bring that over and offer it for us to eat.
14:36 Now, I had seen this so I knew it was coming up
14:38 but our director Israel Prasad,
14:41 he's from South India.
14:43 He had not seen this happen.
14:45 He didn't witness how they made it
14:47 and so I didn't tell him
14:48 because I knew he would have a problem
14:51 but I had claimed a promise
14:54 and my goal there, our goal was to connect with these people
14:59 - Right
15:00 - And if we had refused to eat with them,
15:02 you saw the effort and the care and the love
15:04 that they put into making that food.
15:06 - It's a lot of handmade food.
15:09 I mean, it takes them hours - Yeah
15:11 - To make food.
15:13 - Yeah, you don't just buy it at the store
15:14 and heat it up in the microwave.
15:16 - No
15:17 - So, I wasn't about to refuse their food.
15:20 - Right
15:21 - And I claimed a promise, a verse in the Bible
15:23 where Jesus is talking about the great commission
15:26 and He says these signs shall follow they that believe.
15:28 One of the things that He says in there
15:30 is that they will drink any deadly thing
15:32 and it will - Not hurt them.
15:34 - Exactly, so I claimed that promise,
15:37 I'm there on Gods mission, I'm not on mine.
15:39 I'm not there on a pleasure cruise.
15:40 I'm there to advance the kingdom of God
15:43 so I claim that promise
15:45 and I don't get sick. - Right
15:47 and Israel doesn't get sick either.
15:48 - Yes
15:49 - But afterward when you told him,
15:50 he wasn't very happy with you.
15:52 - I show him the video and he's like what?
15:54 How come you didn't tell me.
15:55 - I says cause you wouldn't have eaten it.
15:57 He's like yeah... (laughing)
16:00 He didn't get sick. - God is good.
16:01 - And those friends, our brothers and sisters
16:04 live like that all the time.
16:06 - Right, it's normal, completely normal.
16:09 - And the truth is that even India nationals
16:11 that live in America for quite a number of years
16:12 and then go back to visit, they usually get sick also.
16:15 - Yes
16:16 - So, it's really that promise.
16:18 - It is, Gods protection.
16:21 - Yes
16:22 - This next video starts out with
16:23 just some pictures of people and then we got into a church.
16:27 - Yes, now this church is kinda unique
16:29 because when the sun went down and we started the meeting
16:31 it was pitch black inside so they didn't get out the
16:35 LED light, they didn't get out the flashlight,
16:37 they got the lantern, the kerosene lantern
16:39 and we had a meeting, wonderful meeting,
16:42 good singing, amazing prayer
16:45 at the light of a kerosene lantern.
16:47 - Okay
16:49 (inspirational music)
17:04 (foreign language)
17:13 - Then the next year, decided to go back up to North India
17:16 and we wanted to go and interview a Bible worker of ours
17:21 to see what his family life was like and see what kind of
17:24 experiences or needs that they had.
17:26 - So this is Sanjay Singh, one of our Bible workers.
17:28 - Yes then the next year decided to back up to North India
17:32 and we wanted to go and interview a Bible worker of ours
17:37 to see what his family life was like and see what kind of
17:40 experiences or needs that they had.
17:42 - So this is Sanjay Singh, one of our Bible workers.
17:44 - Yes
17:46 (sober music)
17:54 - What is this area district.
18:01 22 villages
18:03 Do you have any Bibles to give to the people.
18:07 How many of his church members have their own Bible?
18:11 (foreign language)
18:15 Some people have Bibles.
18:16 Does he have any Ellen White writing?
18:20 (foreign language)
18:23 - No sir
18:24 - No, would you like?
18:26 (foreign language)
18:31 What about song books?
18:33 (foreign language)
18:37 No song books.
18:38 (foreign language)
18:47 Okay, so he baptized 36,
18:48 how many total church members?
18:51 (foreign language)
18:58 I don't know, in this village.
19:01 (foreign language)
19:07 150 and how many song books
19:12 5 song books
19:15 How many church members in the 22 villages?
19:17 (foreign language)
19:34 And how many song books?
19:48 - So, lets just get these numbers in our heads.
19:51 - A little mind boggling isn't it?
19:53 - Right, so he's got about 1,300 church members.
19:56 - 1,300 church members
19:57 - 22 villages
19:59 - Scattered throughout 22 villages
20:01 - And he had at the time, five song books
20:03 - Five song books
20:05 - And he had his own Bible and a few of the church members
20:07 had Bibles - Yep, and a bicycle.
20:09 - And he had a bicycle.
20:11 I asked him, I says what you do on Sabbath
20:13 with 22 different churches.
20:14 - He said oh, I'm so sorry,
20:17 I can only get to five or six churches
20:19 in a Sabbath (laughing)
20:21 - Imagine having to go and be the leader
20:23 for five or six church services every Sabbath year round.
20:28 - Yeah
20:29 - And this illustrates something that we see in other
20:31 areas of India also, our Bible workers
20:33 because of the lack of pastors, our Bible workers
20:37 end up functioning as pastors.
20:39 - Yes
20:40 - They actually lead the churches,
20:41 they lead out in the church services
20:43 and other things and so it's very much
20:46 a shepherding role as though they are the pastors.
20:50 - Yeah, so you can see the vital role
20:54 that these Bible workers play.
20:55 - Right
20:57 - Now, one thing I noticed about the song books,
20:59 to us, song books are nice okay?
21:02 But we went to several villages
21:04 where the people didn't read or write.
21:07 And so when our Bible workers did a worship with them,
21:13 they sang, they sang songs I had never heard before.
21:16 When I asked them what it meant,
21:17 they were teaching them the gospel and the Bible
21:22 through song okay?
21:24 So the song books became in my mind
21:27 I realized that these song books are the lesson studies,
21:30 they are the Bible, they are what people...
21:32 - It's an important part of worship.
21:34 - Not just worship but teaching the people about Jesus.
21:37 - Right
21:38 - And then the songs would go over in the believers minds
21:41 throughout the week, they would sing these songs
21:43 and keep reminding themselves and keep learning
21:45 about the Bible and about Jesus and about salvation
21:49 through the songs so the song books are very important.
21:53 - Right
21:54 - And they're not expensive. - No
21:56 - And for him to have five song books
21:58 between 1,300 church members
22:00 - Yeah
22:01 - How can this exist in this day and age?
22:04 - Right
22:05 So, we shared this news with friends and family
22:11 and people came forward and gave money
22:14 so that we could provide additional song books
22:16 and Bibles for these church members.
22:19 - Yes, 1,000 Bibles and 1,000 song books.
22:22 - Okay, and we have some pictures
22:24 from when they went to give them out.
22:25 - Yes
22:26 - So, lets go through the pictures
22:27 and you can just tell us what's happening.
22:28 - Okay, so we're back at the office.
22:32 They're hauling the boxes and the cartons of books
22:34 out to the van and they're loading it up in this van.
22:38 They did several trip in several different days
22:40 cause they have to go to different places.
22:42 Now, like I said transportation is very expensive over there
22:44 so we praise God that Jesus for Asia's donors
22:47 were able to donate a van to this section.
22:51 Here it is all packed up ready to go.
22:54 And come to the first church, people are praying.
22:57 They're very thankful to God.
22:59 These hands up in the air in response to
23:01 who would like a Bible, who would like a song book.
23:05 - Everybody's hand went up
23:06 and we started giving them out.
23:08 Now, in India, they stand on ceremony.
23:10 Ceremony is very important - Right
23:12 - And so we have the local Bible worker giving out
23:15 the Bible's and songbooks and each person coming up
23:19 and receiving them and getting their picture taken.
23:22 Can you imagine handing out 1,000 of these?
23:25 It'd get tiring after a little while.
23:27 - That's why they take turns.
23:28 - Yeah
23:29 - Besides, everyone gets to share the joy that way.
23:31 - Absolutely, and the people that are receiving
23:34 the Bibles and song books appreciate that also
23:36 that somebody of important gave them a Bible, a song book.
23:41 You can see the smiles on their faces
23:44 knowing that now they have the word of God
23:47 in their hands, in their homes, and in their hearts.
23:51 - Right
23:52 - And of course, they open them right away.
23:54 - Yes
23:55 - Started looking up scriptures
23:56 - Yes
23:57 - And reading them for themselves.
23:58 - Yes
23:59 - What a blessing.
24:00 And they're still there and this will be a powerful tool
24:03 to grow the church in ways you cannot see
24:07 but will continue to strengthen the church
24:10 for many, many years, not just that church
24:12 but in the area, 1,300 churches,
24:14 that's gonna grow with the word of God
24:20 in their hands. - Right
24:21 and after they received their Bibles and song books
24:23 they would come and ask for prayer
24:25 and so here's the president praying for someone
24:28 and other people praying together.
24:29 - Yes
24:31 - And of course the obligatory picture all together
24:34 and the little boy saying thank you.
24:38 So, we go to another place that's a house church
24:41 and we hand out Bibles and song books there.
24:43 - Okay
24:44 - I love this place, I love the people that are there.
24:46 I've preached there several times
24:48 and I just...
24:51 Something about it, I can't explain it,
24:53 but I love this place and now we're traveling across country
24:57 going to another church.
24:59 This is normal life in that part of India.
25:03 - This is things you would see on the road.
25:06 Things you would see in their lives.
25:08 - Yes
25:09 - And here we are at another place.
25:11 - Yes, again, have the song service,
25:14 have the little sermonette,
25:16 then break open the books and start handing out.
25:21 This is - A blessing
25:23 It's an awesome day. - Yes
25:25 and everybody's so happy to have their song books
25:28 and their Bibles in hand.
25:30 Then of course, this is the president.
25:32 Now, traveling in India is very expensive
25:34 so the president doesn't get out very much
25:37 but when he does, there's always somebody there to baptize
25:41 and so here we have a baptism in the local river.
25:44 On the way to the next church we had little flat tire.
25:46 - Okay
25:47 - Not a problem, we just fix it and keep going.
25:49 I love this little Bible stand.
25:52 The purpose of this is so that if a Bible lays flat
25:55 it's more likely to break the binding.
25:57 This keeps it kind of at an angle
25:59 so that the binding is preserved longer.
26:01 - Right
26:02 - So, here we have more handing out of Bibles
26:05 and song books and people so happy to have them
26:07 in their own hands and we just praise God
26:10 that somebody here in America had the foresight
26:13 and the heart to provide the funding
26:17 to be able to do this.
26:18 Now, this isn't all that's needed.
26:21 - Right
26:22 - You know, this was quite a number of years ago.
26:24 - Right
26:25 - More people have come into the church
26:28 and into the faith and more people need song books
26:30 and more people need Bibles
26:32 and not just in this location, in many other locations also.
26:36 This is representative, but it's by far
26:39 not all that there is to do.
26:41 - Right
26:42 - So, this is a powerful way to extend the gospel
26:44 through a very simple way.
26:46 - Right
26:47 I love this picture of this little boy
26:48 just hugging his Bible
26:50 and then he looks up and he's got this serious look
26:53 on his face and you know he's cherishing it
26:56 and he's so thankful.
26:57 What a privilege.
26:59 - I can't wait to get to heaven
27:01 and hear his whole story.
27:03 - Right, right.
27:05 And we've got a few more pictures of just traveling back.
27:08 Little road scenes and we've got the horse drawn cart
27:11 and Cadillac and that little boy
27:15 - Sitting on the median of the highway
27:18 with a look on his face like
27:21 is there anything to live for?
27:22 - Right
27:23 - You know, what am I doing here?
27:25 Miserable, dirty, poor, my heart just goes out
27:28 to people like that.
27:31 I mean, that little kid is one.
27:33 - There are millions like that.
27:34 - There are millions like that
27:35 and if we could reach just the one, make Christ so happy.
27:43 - Yeah, if you would like to be a part of giving the Bible
27:45 to people that don't have their own copy,
27:47 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia
27:49 PO BOX 1221 Collegedale Tennesee 37315
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321
27:59 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:06 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:09 (inspirational music)


Revised 2019-11-26