Jesus 4 Asia Now

The Missiontrek Series

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000093S

00:00 (lively music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and my husband, Jon, is with me today,
00:26 as we share the youth Mission Show
00:28 our young people did a few years ago.
00:31 Hello love. - Hi darling, how are you?
00:32 - I'm doing fine. - Praise the Lord.
00:34 - You know, it's a joy to talk about this show
00:37 because it was such a growth experience for our young people
00:42 but it was also an opportunity
00:44 to show so many varying aspects of mission work
00:48 and missionary life.
00:51 I guess, I'm not sure exactly where we should start,
00:54 but maybe kind of how we ended up doing the show?
00:57 - Okay, all right.
00:59 Well, it started out as a request and an idea,
01:04 there's a lot of missionaries out there
01:07 and a lot of youth don't really,
01:10 I mean, in the past when you and I are growing up,
01:13 there's all these mission stories,
01:14 these books about missionaries and their challenges
01:17 and travels or something like that.
01:18 Hardly anything these days from missionary story,
01:21 and why is that?
01:22 One reason is there's hardly any missionaries out there
01:26 and the missionaries that are out there,
01:27 aren't really on the front lines
01:30 as much as they were in the past.
01:32 The missionaries that we sponsor as a church
01:34 are more in the administrative side of things
01:38 or something like that.
01:40 - Teachers and- - Doctors and stuff like that,
01:43 which is needed but it's not not that same push.
01:45 - It's not front line mission stories as in.
01:48 - Exactly, and so we thought,
01:50 well, what if we had mission stories in the modern media,
01:54 which is television video.
01:57 And so what if we did a video series for the youth
02:01 but instead of having old people talk about it,
02:04 why don't we feature young people
02:06 going into the mission field, interviewing the misters.
02:09 Now originally, we were gonna have them
02:11 see what it was like to be a kid in the mission field.
02:15 - But there aren't a lot of missionary kids out there.
02:18 - No, that's hard.
02:19 The ones that we were thinking about
02:21 when we first had the idea, they kinda like grew up,
02:25 and so we switched it to having in the youth interview
02:29 and meet the missionaries.
02:31 Now I used to work at Pacific Union College
02:34 and I would take youth from our program,
02:37 I was teaching in the video program,
02:39 we would go overseas and we would interview missionaries
02:42 that were over there.
02:44 They were underfunded but making a big impact
02:47 and the impact that it had on my college students
02:52 really inspired me to, hey, this is something
02:56 that makes a difference in the lives of young people.
02:58 - Right, even taking them short-term
03:01 can make such a huge difference, it can open their eyes,
03:03 which is one of the reasons
03:05 we call our short-term mission trips, vision trips.
03:08 We don't call them just mission trips
03:10 because you can't do a lot of mission
03:12 when you're not there very long.
03:14 You don't really get to know the people,
03:16 it's not immersive really,
03:19 and so it's like to have the opportunity to at least see
03:22 and open your eyes to what's out there
03:25 and what the world is really like.
03:27 - Right, exactly, and the biggest takeaway
03:30 or the biggest impact that I saw happening
03:32 was when our youth,
03:34 were seeing people that had been successful
03:37 in the business world for instance,
03:39 and they gave it all up and they moved to the mission field,
03:42 living in bamboo huts,
03:45 and they were happier than the people that were back home
03:48 that had everything that they needed
03:50 and living a normal life.
03:52 In other words, they were told
03:53 that this is how you become happy.
03:55 You get a good job, you go to school,
03:59 you have a nice house, nice car and be secure
04:01 and all that kinda stuff.
04:02 That's the road to happiness. - Financial security.
04:04 - Exactly, and then they're meeting these people
04:06 that had that, gave it all up and they're now happier
04:11 than anyone that they know that went that-
04:14 - The regular way. - The regular way.
04:16 The American Dream so to speak and so-
04:18 - It is a big difference for them.
04:20 - And so we thought, well, let's try that with,
04:23 and we happen to have a couple of teenagers at the time.
04:27 - So our daughter Mary Ann was 14 at the time
04:30 and her best friend also 14,
04:33 and our son James was 16 at the time
04:36 when we went and shot the show.
04:38 - Yeah, and he was the producer.
04:40 And Lilyann-
04:42 - Which was a big challenge for him
04:43 to learn what it really meant to be a producer
04:46 on a show like that and traveling.
04:49 He had producers support.
04:50 - Yes. (both laughing)
04:52 His dad.
04:55 I kinda knew how much work it really takes
04:58 to put a series together.
05:00 - Yeah, 'cause you have a little bit of experience.
05:02 You kinda knew what we were in for
05:05 trying to shoot this show in six weeks.
05:07 - Right.
05:08 So we just wanted to give people
05:09 a little taste of the different episodes
05:12 and a little bit about how it's impacted our young people
05:15 and other young people around them
05:17 as they came face to face with the missionaries
05:20 and the lifestyles that they have chosen.
05:22 - Right, so the first episode
05:24 was from the travel getting there from China and on the way.
05:28 And then the second episode was when we arrived
05:31 and we went to a floating market and dealt with jet lag,
05:35 and met a missionary from a sensitive area.
05:38 But this clip that we wanna share is from the third episode
05:41 where we were driving North in Thailand
05:43 and we drove eight hours and never passed another Adventist.
05:48 - Right, now just to give you kinda behind the scenes,
05:53 this was hard because this was the third episode.
05:56 This is the fourth that we started the travel from America.
06:02 And so these young people adapted so well
06:05 'cause jet lag, it's 12 hours difference.
06:07 So noon is midnight, midnight is noon.
06:11 - And your meals are in the middle of the night.
06:14 - That's when you're hungry anyway.
06:16 At around noon, you you're supposed to eat,
06:17 but you're like, I don't feel like eating.
06:20 - All right, let's watch this clip now.
06:22 - Okay.
06:23 - We're gonna spend the night in Sukhothai,
06:25 and then in the morning,
06:27 we're gonna take another bus to Chiang Mai.
06:30 And along the way,
06:31 we're gonna stop at different towns and pray for them,
06:35 because like the whole way to Chiang Mai,
06:37 there's like no Adventists.
06:39 So we're gonna claim promises
06:42 and claim those areas for Jesus.
06:47 (calm music)
06:58 - There's over like five million people
07:00 that live in this valley, and over the next five hours,
07:04 we will not even come within 100 miles
07:08 of a single church plant.
07:10 - We're claiming Joshua 1:3,
07:12 that wherever you plant the sole of your foot,
07:14 that have I already given unto you.
07:16 We're claiming that God will send someone here
07:20 to represent Him in this area that doesn't have anyone.
07:26 (calm music)
07:58 - We love and thank you.
08:01 - This was such an experience for our youth.
08:04 Being in a place where there was no other believers
08:09 and being in a bus that long,
08:10 without coming within 100 miles of a believer.
08:15 We don't re kinda think about it but these kids that grow up
08:18 in Adventist churches, Adventist families,
08:21 they don't really get that kind of exposure to ministry.
08:25 And for them to pray,
08:27 they felt like they were like entering in
08:29 and able to do something.
08:31 - And the awesome thing
08:32 is that now there's a family in one of those cities.
08:36 - That's right, the cities we spent the night in.
08:41 - Those young people, our young people,
08:43 have gotten to see the answers to their prayers,
08:45 because we were praying for people to come
08:47 and live in those cities and be a testimony
08:50 to God's power and God's love.
08:55 - Yes, and so prayers make a difference.
08:58 - And so our young people who have had the opportunity
09:00 to see that firsthand.
09:04 - It's a cool thing
09:05 when you go into these areas that are unreached,
09:07 because if something happens, that's like for God,
09:13 for his kingdom, that's like the only thing.
09:16 So like if somebody comes to Christ in those areas,
09:19 that's like 100% church growth rate,
09:22 just one person it's like 100% church growth.
09:25 Whereas if you do something here in America,
09:27 it's cool and it's really good,
09:30 but it kind of blends, there's so much going on.
09:34 And they kinda when they're in that situation,
09:35 they kinda feel like well, it's up to me.
09:38 There's a real need and you can see it,
09:41 and that's impacting also.
09:44 - Right, and the power of prayer,
09:46 we just really want our young people
09:48 to understand the power of prayer
09:49 because when we pray, God can do amazing, amazing things.
09:54 Well, we've got a lot more clips to go through.
09:56 So the next one is from the young people
09:59 getting to go to a people group called the Lahu,
10:03 and we got to go to their church that day
10:05 and this is their experience there.
10:10 - We came to this village,
10:12 that's just a few miles from the media team that we visited.
10:18 - [Girl] So people are from a tribe called Lahu,
10:22 and we went to church here and it was really nice.
10:24 - We got to teach Sabbath School and-
10:26 - For the children, we told them stories
10:29 and taught them to sing "Jesus Loves Me" in English,
10:32 and it was actually really fun.
10:35 Even me when I've been on trips before,
10:38 I was like, "Well, I can't really do anything."
10:39 So I'd just need to sit and watch,
10:41 but then we got to teach them something
10:44 and tell them stories.
10:46 And it was really fun and it was really good.
10:49 I think that definitely,
10:52 you're never too young to be a missionary.
10:55 - That insight that she had, that's huge.
10:58 - Yeah, it was a neat opportunity for them.
11:00 Really, really wonderful.
11:02 Now, we took them to another place.
11:05 This is from episode four
11:07 and this one's a little bit different because it's a temple.
11:14 - So the reason we took them here
11:16 is because we wanted to kinda step over
11:18 the line of cultures.
11:24 We wanted to give them a sense
11:27 of what the local people believe,
11:31 how they worship, how they seek God.
11:34 So we wanted to see, this is a whole different worldview,
11:38 when you come to a church, a Christian Church,
11:42 it's very different
11:44 than when they go to one of their temples.
11:47 - Very much so. - Yeah, this is kinda cool.
11:52 - We looked at trying to decide
11:53 whether we should come here or not,
11:55 and we're like, oh, that looks really, really pretty
11:57 and really cool, we should go.
11:59 When we got here, we're like, oh wow,
12:01 the picture didn't do it justice at all.
12:05 - This temple was actually made by an artist
12:07 not not like a priest or anything.
12:09 It was an artist who,
12:11 this is their interpretation of like heaven and hell.
12:15 It's got like white and then like silver outlines and stuff.
12:21 - You can notice on this sidewalk,
12:24 there's like imprints of flame
12:27 and there's hands, kinda creepy.
12:31 This part is the hell I guess and the temple is heaven.
12:39 - Can you imagine how that would affect
12:41 our young people's minds
12:42 seeing there are people that grow up
12:44 in that kind of mindset, that kind of understanding.
12:49 - It makes the beauty of Jesus so much more beautiful.
12:54 So yeah, that was an artist's interpretation
12:57 and so it wasn't an actual temple.
12:59 I mean, it was a temple- - But we went there later.
13:01 - It wasn't built by the monks and all of that.
13:05 - So it's more accurate probably to their mindset
13:07 of how life and salvation works and everything.
13:11 - Right.
13:13 Well, the next video,
13:15 this is one of our young people's favorite parts,
13:17 especially James.
13:19 And Mary Ann talks about it,
13:21 she still wants to go back and finish the ride
13:23 because you all had to cut it short,
13:26 we call this the Ride to Pie.
13:28 (both laughing)
13:30 - 'Cause that's the name of the town
13:33 that we spent the night in.
13:35 It was a long ride, it was two days.
13:38 We should have done it in three but we crammed it into two,
13:40 and along the way, my shift lever broke
13:43 so the Lord performed a miracle
13:45 and got that thing going again,
13:46 and this is very intense days.
13:49 - Yeah, yeah.
13:52 (lively music) (motorcycle engine roaring)
14:04 - [Girl] The Northern part of Thailand
14:05 is mostly untouched by the gospel.
14:08 As far as we know,
14:09 we did not pass any missionaries on the whole way.
14:12 (lively music)
14:22 - See right here, this is my shift lever
14:28 and it's supposed to go on right down there.
14:34 I rode one motorcycle and Lilyann was behind me,
14:38 and James wrote a motorcycle and Mary Ann was behind him.
14:41 We swapped off a couple of times but that was kinda like,
14:44 in the first day it was like eight hours
14:47 and the second day was 12 hours.
14:50 - Oh, on motorcycle.
14:53 I remember how tired you were
14:54 when you got to the other end.
14:56 We took a minivan then got there more quickly.
14:59 - You guys went straight and went loop.
15:01 So the reason why we drove so hard
15:03 is we wanted to get to Leroy's place,
15:05 in the refugee camp the next day before he left.
15:09 - Right, so here's a video of that.
15:12 (lively music)
15:21 - We're in the Maeramoo Refugee Camp
15:23 and we finally got to Mr. Sharon where he's teaching.
15:27 He has like a classroom
15:29 and so you can hear them in the background.
15:32 He's currently teaching a class
15:35 by using the Bible to teach them English.
15:37 So we are here just to learn
15:40 kind of more about what he does
15:41 and what life is like in refugee camp.
15:44 - [Sharon] As though they have been waiting ages, ages.
15:48 Ages were long time, ages and ages.
15:53 - We're still at the refugee camp,
15:54 we just talk to the principle of the school here.
15:58 It's actually junior college
16:00 and he told us a little bit about the camp.
16:03 It was founded in 1985.
16:06 They can't actually leave the camp
16:09 because they are refugees from Buma.
16:11 - It's really hard for them to get an education.
16:14 They aren't really allowed to work outside of the camp
16:17 so they don't have any money really.
16:23 - It's really that they have school here.
16:25 (calm music)
16:29 - [Girl] As we watched Mr. Sharon teach English,
16:30 we were impressed by his enthusiasm and commitment.
16:34 He uses Uncle Arthur's, My Bible Friends,
16:36 to teach English along with Bible stories.
16:39 We can tell he loves sharing the truth in this simple way.
16:45 - So then we went to see some people
16:48 that had flown in to do some dental training
16:50 for some students at a local school there.
16:53 (calm music)
16:57 - Even visiting a lot of missionaries
16:58 and like just seeing like how they do everyday life
17:01 and they seem really happy, really content,
17:06 of course they have struggles.
17:09 I assume like when they first came over here, it was harder
17:12 'cause like they probably missed home
17:13 but they seem really happy
17:16 and it's exciting to just see what they do
17:20 and difference that they're making in the world around them.
17:22 So I've enjoyed having a privilege of meeting them
17:26 and seeing them, yeah.
17:31 - This is so profound to me that a young person can see
17:35 that those people that are following the path of service,
17:38 path of Christ, that's where the happiness is.
17:41 That's huge. - In spite of struggles,
17:44 trials, whatever else they have to go through,
17:47 difficult circumstances,
17:49 they find happiness and they find great happiness.
17:52 - It just exposes Satan's lie
17:55 and living for yourself is where the happiness is.
17:57 - Right, exactly.
18:00 Well, this next one is branch Sabbath school class
18:03 that was in the same area.
18:05 (calm music)
18:13 - You know these babies
18:14 have their diapers no? - Yes.
18:15 (both giggling)
18:18 - It feels like you stepped right into like a mission book,
18:22 a story like out of the house kind of,
18:24 'cause like there's all the pigs
18:26 and animals underneath the house
18:28 and you climb up a little ladder,
18:30 you're in like a little hut thing, house.
18:38 It's quite an experience but it's good.
18:43 (man speaking in foreign language)
18:47 (calm music)
18:56 It's like a huge culture shock, I don't know.
19:03 It's just like wow, kind of.
19:08 You read about stuff like this but to actually be here
19:11 is just like you get all the smells and everything.
19:18 (pig snorting)
19:22 - You like that shot of the pig at the end there?
19:25 - Yeah, that's pretty funny.
19:26 But again, it was like a total,
19:31 you're like in the mission story book as she was a saying,
19:33 and it was really an eyeopening experience.
19:39 - Yeah, and that's what's so needed.
19:41 I mean, our kids grow up in this bubble
19:46 and they think the whole world is like America
19:48 and to take them outside that bubble
19:50 so they can see what the world is really like.
19:56 Those concepts and those visions or those understandings,
20:00 may like go underground for years,
20:03 but they're never completely forgotten.
20:07 And so when they think about America,
20:08 now they think about America as being one way
20:11 or one kind of life,
20:13 there's many people that don't have that art
20:15 and they now know that by experience, not just theory.
20:18 To me, it's like every single child
20:22 should have that experience.
20:25 - And that's one of the reasons we shot this show
20:28 is to share it with those that won't be able to go.
20:31 We know that there will be young people that can't go
20:34 and so to make sure
20:35 that they have the opportunity to see this also
20:38 and see others experiencing this will help them as well.
20:42 - And maybe encourage them to go.
20:44 - To take the opportunity to go.
20:45 - Right, because it's a matter of priorities really.
20:50 - So then our next section is we went to Gail's
20:53 and some of our viewers might know who Gail is.
20:56 She's a nurse and we'll see her in a little bit,
20:59 but the road to her place is quite intense.
21:01 So the first video is of the road to Gail's place.
21:07 - This is Auntie Gail's truck.
21:09 We were wondering why such a small sweet lady
21:12 would need such a big, tough truck, but we soon found out.
21:15 The road to her house is rough and steep
21:19 and it's much steeper in real life
21:21 than it looks in the video.
21:24 Basically we are right in the back of the truck,
21:27 we've had a lot of steep corners and stuff, yeah.
21:31 That's where these little thing 'cause it's so dusty.
21:36 It's like you pass these trucks
21:38 and you're like this far away from hitting them.
21:42 So that is not good.
21:45 (lively music)
21:56 These roads are rough from the dry season,
21:58 but in the rainy season,
22:00 all the dust and dirt turns into deep slippery mud.
22:03 (calm music)
22:07 When the truck won't make it, they take a motorbike.
22:10 But even that can be a lot of hard work.
22:15 - So we finally arrived at Gail's
22:17 after going through the bumpy road,
22:18 and the next day we went to a village.
22:22 (calm music)
22:27 - Is he swollen at all?
22:33 - Not really a lot of people have come,
22:35 but those who have come she's treated them.
22:37 It's just cool to watch her check on them and stuff.
22:43 And so now we're gonna have worship
22:45 and a lot of kids have come, few kids have come, so yeah.
22:50 (singing in foreign language)
23:21 - I'm the most fortunate person in the world
23:23 because I have the very best job of anybody
23:26 because I get to meet people and help them physically
23:29 and that makes a bridge to their heart
23:32 so I can help them understand more about God.
23:34 And I get to tell people about God every day,
23:37 some that never heard before.
23:40 So this is the biggest joy
23:43 you could ever have this side of heaven.
23:47 - We love Gail.
23:49 - Yeah, we do.
23:51 - But for her to share, the young people just love Gail too.
23:57 To go there and see what she does
23:58 and how she treats the people
23:59 and then they have worship together with them
24:01 and it just brings of joy.
24:03 - Very inspiring for our young people.
24:06 - All right, the next part, we go to a slum
24:08 in the big city of Bangkok.
24:10 - Yeah, so from the jungle to the concrete jungle.
24:14 (Jon laughing)
24:16 - The kids are getting here and stuff so.
24:21 When we arrived at the slum, Josh Bauder greeted us
24:24 and showed us into the building they're renting for church.
24:31 (speaking in foreign language)
24:33 (lively music)
24:38 (speaking in foreign language)
24:52 We asked Josh to tell us
24:53 how they started to connect with the kids.
24:56 And he told us this little girl's story.
24:59 - This is Nong Toi.
25:01 (speaking in foreign language)
25:09 - So the rest of that story about the little girl,
25:11 you have to watch Mission Trek to get,
25:13 we don't have time to share it here.
25:14 - Right, and that's that
25:17 Just so we get that in there so people know where to watch.
25:20 - not,
25:25 - .net, right.
25:26 - The next clip,
25:27 we're gonna go to a large temple in downtown Bangkok.
25:31 (lively music)
25:52 - This is the Reclining Buddha
25:54 that is as old as the United States.
25:57 It measures 150 feet long and 50 feet high, it's really big.
26:03 (lively music)
26:07 The ordinate paintings on the wall were originally there
26:10 to teach the general public the stories of Buddhist search
26:13 for enlightenment as well as Thai history.
26:16 I don't know how to read this kind of textbook,
26:18 but we were intrigued by them.
26:26 I don't know if you can hear the clink,
26:29 the little dinging, whatever it's called,
26:32 but people are putting money in these buckets like penance,
26:38 so they're trying to earn merit
26:40 by giving money for their sins.
26:45 - After shooting this and seeing the impact
26:47 that it has on the young people,
26:49 we would like to do more of these kind of vision trips.
26:53 In fact, we had one planned for the summer of 2020,
26:57 and we kinda got derailed.
27:00 But we're hoping in the future to be able to do this
27:02 and not only do it as a vision trip
27:05 but an educational vision trip.
27:07 So that we bring like a classroom curriculum to our students
27:14 but not in a classroom with four walls,
27:16 but we take them into the actual environment of missions.
27:20 - To educational experiences like this.
27:22 - Exactly, because the biggest impressions
27:25 really are seeing number one, the need
27:28 and number two, the happiness of those that are serving.
27:33 - Well, unfortunately that's all we have time for today.
27:35 - We're only about halfway through the trip.
27:36 - I know we've got a lot more to cover.
27:38 - So we're gonna have a part two, Mission Trek,
27:41 JFA now Mission Trek part two.
27:43 - Right, I'd like to thank you for joining us today
27:46 and if you would like to be involved,
27:47 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia,
27:50 P.O. Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
27:56 Call us at 423-413-7321
28:00 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:06 on Jesus For Asia Now.
28:08 (lively music)


Revised 2020-10-13