Jesus 4 Asia Now

Going on a Mission Trip

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000106S

00:00 (uplifting music)
00:22 - Hello and welcome for Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and my husband, Jon, is joining me today
00:27 here in the studio.
00:28 Hello, love. - Hey darling, how are you?
00:30 - I'm doing fine. - Good.
00:31 - I'm doing fine. Now, what's our story about today?
00:34 - Well, today we are going to India
00:37 and we're going with a group of people.
00:40 And the whole idea for this trip
00:43 took place over 10 years ago
00:45 In 2007.
00:47 We had found some churches that had been closed due to
00:50 lack of personnel to, you know
00:52 Bible workers, Pastors, to keep them open.
00:54 Keep the congregation nourished.
00:56 And so, we decided well what if we,
00:59 'cause we were looking at doing evangelism
01:01 and we thought well, instead of building new churches,
01:03 what if we just reopened the churches that are there?
01:06 It's cheaper. - Right.
01:07 (man chuckles)
01:08 And so, we brought six teams over
01:11 and we did evangelism for two weeks,
01:14 we all stayed in the same hotel,
01:15 we all met together every morning
01:18 and compared notes and everything.
01:19 And then in the evenings we went out and we
01:22 did meetings in every church.
01:24 Six churches.
01:26 It was such a blessing.
01:28 And when we left, we assigned Bible workers
01:30 for those churches
01:33 without any expiration date.
01:35 - Right. - So now,
01:37 last year when I went back to that place
01:40 and I saw what an amazing ministry that had grown.
01:44 I mean, story after story of this Bible worker
01:47 brought this person into the faith and then
01:48 that person then became a Bible worker
01:51 and brought this person and then it's exploding
01:53 and I thought, "Man, is there any other place
01:56 the we could do the same thing?"
01:57 So, I want to do the same thing.
01:59 And the Lord led us to a place in southern India
02:04 with 10 churches.
02:06 And so, we wanted to go and visit them
02:08 and build that work up.
02:09 And so, I was just sitting in church one day
02:11 and I get the inspiration,
02:13 let's do this.
02:14 And so, I texted a bunch of people,
02:17 "Are you interesting in going to India?"
02:19 And a few responded.
02:20 And we went forward by faith.
02:23 And in January of 2020, we got to go.
02:26 Notice it's January not March.
02:29 - Right.
02:30 And everybody was back by March.
02:32 - Yeah. Because of course in March
02:34 is when everything locked down.
02:35 And the sad thing about this year, we can't do that.
02:39 And that's pretty painful.
02:41 But this was a year that we could do that in January.
02:45 - Right.
02:46 Okay we have a video
02:48 of some of the participants talking about their experiences.
02:51 - Yeah. So, in a trip like this, what we do is
02:54 we ask God to be in charge.
02:57 And then he brings the people and he works with them
03:00 individually so the experience is really for them
03:03 as well as for the people that we're ministering too.
03:06 Some of the people that are going
03:07 have some pretty amazing stories.
03:09 And so, this video's gonna be a long one
03:13 but I think everybody will enjoy
03:16 seeing people's experiences while they're over there.
03:18 - Okay.
03:20 (violin music)
03:28 - I got an email for Jesus for Asia.
03:31 And the email said, "You are invited to India."
03:34 - When I went to Faith Camp East,
03:36 especially after Tim Maddocks I was saying,
03:39 "Oh man, you know what, I feel like I need to put
03:42 some time into missions.
03:44 - One day in church service,
03:47 Jon spoke up and said,
03:49 "Is there anyone who would like to go to India?"
03:51 And I raised my hand.
03:53 - We didn't' even think it was possible initially.
03:56 Got started up providing just $20
03:59 and I was reminded how he doesn't start something
04:02 he doesn't finish.
04:03 - So I said, "Okay, if I'm ready to go
04:05 I'm gonna get this Visa without any problems."
04:08 And when I opened my email,
04:10 Visa was granted.
04:12 So, I said, "Yes. I am going to India."
04:15 (piano music)
04:20 - Back in 2007, we found some churches that had been closed
04:24 due to lack of pastoral care.
04:26 And we were looking at wanting to do some evangelism.
04:29 We thought well, maybe we should just revive some churches
04:31 instead of building new ones.
04:33 So, we did a six village effort.
04:36 And last year, in 2019, I was looking around that area,
04:41 Bible workers were still there, it was growing
04:43 and just exploding and it kind of felt like
04:46 it had reached a critical mass.
04:48 And I thought, "Man, this was so successful.
04:51 I'd like to do this again.
04:52 There's no reason why we can't do it again."
04:54 (piano music)
05:00 - In preparation for coming to India,
05:04 I was advised by our director,
05:07 Kibidula, in Tanzania that
05:10 okay, when you go through immigration
05:12 you don't let them know in any way that you're a missionary.
05:15 So, when I landed in India,
05:19 I went through immigration
05:21 and the fella at the desk started asking me questions.
05:25 And I was trying to dodge but then we finally asked me,
05:29 he said, "Are you a missionary?"
05:31 I said, "Yes."
05:33 There was no way I could have answered any differently.
05:36 And he got this disturbed look on his face,
05:39 stamped my passport and says, "Go."
05:42 And he let me go.
05:44 (piano music)
05:55 - Think of it as a family.
05:59 Just give me a second.
06:00 - We wanted to do something different.
06:01 A lot of times we bring the evangelism
06:04 that we do in America over here.
06:07 But here, don't know who Jesus is,
06:09 they don't know who God is,
06:10 they don't know there's one God,
06:12 they have around 300 million gods.
06:14 And so, we wanted to give them the big picture,
06:17 the overall picture of the story of redemption.
06:19 And so, we started this series from before Lucifer's fall
06:24 and we're gonna end it after sin has been eradicated
06:27 completely from the universe.
06:28 And so, it gives people a big picture of how to see
06:32 and how to fit the details of the
06:34 individual teachings of Christianity in.
06:37 (soft music)
06:45 - When I came here I was told I would be preaching.
06:49 That's way out of my comfort zone. Way out.
06:53 But I kept on telling people, "It's the Lord, not me.
06:57 He's gonna do the preaching."
06:59 So, the first night I was very nervous
07:02 and I made it through it.
07:04 We have nine nights.
07:06 And the people are eager to learn.
07:09 They're out on the porches,
07:11 they're pulling extra chairs in,
07:14 the children are sitting down in front,
07:17 they're taking notes.
07:19 It's been an awesome experience to see these children
07:23 and the people hungering after the message.
07:26 (piano music)
07:29 - By American standards,
07:31 we would hardly consider it a church it was so small.
07:34 But there were quite a few people who came.
07:38 We actually found out that
07:40 70% of the people who were coming
07:42 weren't actually Adventist.
07:45 There's a lot of other Christian groups kind of in the area.
07:48 So, people from those other Christian churches
07:51 were coming to the meetings
07:53 and learning things about the Bible
07:55 that they said that they'd never really seen before.
07:58 Our translator told us that there were a couple
08:00 girls we had met and interacted with
08:03 that ended up having a Bible study with him
08:05 until 11:00 one night.
08:07 I don't know, when I heard that, I was just
08:10 so happy just to be a part of that is really special.
08:13 (piano music)
08:18 - There were small children,
08:19 there were young people,
08:21 there were old people from Hindu backgrounds.
08:25 They came for prayer, they asked the preacher
08:28 to pray for them.
08:29 - There were so many in need of prayer.
08:32 So, we would pray with them.
08:34 We would pray with the children.
08:35 Families would come over and they wanted
08:37 prayer for their whole family.
08:39 (soft guitar music)
08:45 - So sabbath night, right after the meeting,
08:49 the pastor had us, me and Sarah, praying for people.
08:53 So, the first lady who came to me,
08:55 someone in her family was sick.
08:57 It was very vague.
08:58 I didn't know the details.
09:01 So, I just prayed for her and I asked the Lord
09:04 to heal her family member.
09:06 And you know, I didn't really think anything of it.
09:08 I continued praying for other people
09:11 and then, the next night she told him that
09:15 her grandson had a tumor
09:18 and she had come to our meeting that night,
09:21 she's a church member and she had asked up to pray
09:23 that the tumor would go away.
09:26 And so, the next day
09:28 they got some test results
09:30 and the tumor is actually completely gone
09:33 and no longer there.
09:35 So, we just definitely praised God for that.
09:37 (soft guitar music)
09:40 It was kind of unexpected but it definitely showed me
09:43 that my faith is very small and I need to
09:46 believe that when we ask that we will receive.
09:49 (soft guitar music)
09:54 - The first night of our meetings,
09:55 we had a young man that
09:58 I introduced myself to him and asked him his name.
10:01 He said his name was Shiva
10:03 which I thought was rather strange name for a Christian
10:09 because I assumed he was one of the members here.
10:12 And he came back the next night and the pastor's wife
10:16 introduced him to me as the priest in this little temple
10:20 right here about 50 feet from us.
10:24 And he wanted to talk with me, wanted me to pray for him
10:30 and for his little boy who was with him.
10:34 And so,
10:35 we visited a few minutes and then we had prayer together
10:39 and dedicated his little boy to Jesus.
10:43 (soft piano music)
10:46 - After the first night, the pastor at our church
10:50 had been in a motorcycle accident.
10:53 We were told that he had been having trouble sleeping
10:56 for a really long time and so he was really exhausted
10:58 and fell asleep on his motorcycle and crashed it.
11:01 But he was wearing a helmet and
11:04 he came to the church even the next day,
11:05 he had been in the hospital but he came to the church anyway
11:08 and his hand was all super swollen
11:11 and he had cuts and scrapes on his face and his arms
11:14 and his foot.
11:16 We really felt like it was a miracle that he was okay
11:18 and that the prayers we'd prayed
11:20 for everyone who's going to be involved in the trip
11:23 from the translators, the people driving the vehicles,
11:26 the participants, the people who were coming to the meetings
11:31 and those prayers that we prayed days and months in advance,
11:36 God worked a miracle because of those prayers.
11:40 And that was really impactful.
11:43 (soft music)
11:50 - When we found out we were coming,
11:51 Luke was real excited to speak.
11:52 He was talking about it and
11:55 planning to and, you know,
11:57 real excited to do it.
11:58 And then when we got to our actual village,
12:01 we get a lot of attention
12:03 and it overwhelmed him.
12:04 And so, he got scared and didn't wanna speak
12:07 and our church was full.
12:09 The first night, probably 80 to 90 people
12:11 with people outside.
12:13 And so, he didn't wanna do it.
12:16 But then I got sick and
12:18 he went with a friend but then he was also not able
12:21 to speak that night, got really scared again.
12:23 And he'd been praying this whole time
12:25 'cause he really wanted to and he was trying to surrender
12:28 and wanting to but I could see
12:30 there was a real battle going on
12:32 between fear and him letting go of the fear
12:36 and being willing to just let God use him.
12:39 And after some talking and some more praying,
12:43 he had decided we was gonna do it.
12:45 And so, he did the health thing,
12:46 which is the first 10 minutes or so
12:50 and he did it, he was scared but he did it.
12:53 And then I got up to preach
12:56 and I got about 20 minutes in
12:59 and started coughing really bad
13:02 and then I broke out in this cold sweat and got all clammy,
13:05 I felt like I was gonna pass out.
13:06 As decide to sit down and Luke had to get up and just finish
13:09 and he did a wonderful job.
13:11 God just used him and it was a beautiful thing.
13:14 (soft piano music)
13:18 - We're all staying together in one place every night,
13:20 eating together and sharing our
13:23 learning experiences and praises and challenges
13:26 and everything together everyday.
13:28 Every evening, we have 10 teams going out.
13:30 This is one.
13:32 Myself and Brother Jason are ministering here
13:34 at this small church.
13:36 It's a very active church. Powerful pastor.
13:39 And we're having a wonderful time here.
13:42 (soft piano music)
13:54 - The way they do things is a little bit different.
13:55 They way they talk is a lot different.
13:58 But when you move into their environment,
14:02 you realize very quickly that
14:05 people are people.
14:07 They have the same emotions, the same joys,
14:09 the same fears,
14:10 same concerns
14:13 and that's what I discovered here.
14:15 When we went into our church
14:17 and became aquatinted with the people
14:19 it was very easy to relate on a personal level with them.
14:23 It was very easy to just consider yourself
14:27 a part of the family.
14:28 It makes it very difficult to come here for a short time
14:32 and then pull up stakes and leave.
14:34 (uplifting music)
14:37 - So we started last sabbath
14:39 and went throughout every night of the week.
14:42 And then this sabbath, we brought everybody together
14:45 from all the 10 different villages.
14:47 We all came together and had a
14:48 mini camp meeting type of thing.
14:50 It's just sabbath morning
14:52 but he had over 850 people there.
14:55 And it was an amazing thing.
14:57 The local people are telling me
14:58 that it's such an encouragement
14:59 because a lot of these people are in just little,
15:01 tiny, tiny churches and little tiny villages.
15:03 They think that they're the only ones
15:05 that believe the way that we do.
15:06 An it's so encouraging for them to come together
15:08 and see the bigger group.
15:10 You know, our focus isn't on baptisms,
15:13 our focus is really encouraging the local Bible workers
15:16 that are here day in and day out
15:18 and the pastors that are really working with the people.
15:22 And that has definitely been a success.
15:24 - We were so surprised and blessed
15:27 to have 24 people
15:30 accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
15:33 They took baptism.
15:35 It was an amazing moment.
15:37 A blessed day.
15:38 And by the grace of God, we were able to conclude
15:41 the meeting that evening.
15:43 But most of the churches,
15:45 the pastors, the JFA workers, the members,
15:48 the people who attended, the people who took baptism
15:51 were very, very sad because that was our last day meeting.
15:55 But we have assured them, by the grace of God,
15:57 if we have a faithful walk,
15:59 if it is not here, we will meet in Heaven.
16:03 (uplifting music)
16:14 - The look that I see on the faces of the people
16:15 that have been doing this, that have come on this trip,
16:17 it tells me that people are satisfied
16:19 'cause they've got this taste of sharing Jesus with others.
16:24 - If you have a chance
16:27 it would be such a blessing to come
16:29 and experience the mission trip.
16:32 It changes your heart
16:35 and it draws you nearer to God.
16:38 - It's not as easy as staying home would be.
16:40 It's not as cheap as staying home is.
16:43 But definitely has some value
16:45 and definitely has some rewards.
16:48 Even now,
16:50 not to mention what it's gonna look like
16:52 when we get to Heaven.
16:53 - The thing that keeps ringing in my head,
16:55 man, through everything away
16:59 and get into the mission field,
17:01 get in to soul winning.
17:02 Change your job, change your career,
17:05 whatever it takes to do,
17:07 but get into soul winning for Christ.
17:09 Because when it's all said and done,
17:12 and he comes in the clouds of glory,
17:15 everything else is gonna be burnt to ash
17:18 except for the people that you've won
17:21 to the Kingdom.
17:22 (soft music)
17:37 - That's really beautiful to see
17:38 and to hear their testimonies.
17:40 - Yeah.
17:42 - God did some amazing, amazing things to take them there.
17:44 - Oh yeah. Yeah.
17:46 And people were so moved.
17:49 Everybody that went just really,
17:52 we just had a wonderful time.
17:53 And I wish that we could have them all on the show here
17:57 talking to them but many of them,
17:59 they have their own places and stuff.
18:00 - Right, they're not from here.
18:02 - Yeah. They were moved
18:03 and every single person is like,
18:05 "We should do this again."
18:08 - So, some of the people that went on this trip
18:10 only had two weeks off of work
18:11 so they had to come back
18:12 right after that series was finished.
18:14 But then some of the people didn't.
18:16 And so, they were there, you all were there
18:19 and you were waiting because
18:21 there was a special event coming up
18:23 that you had to be at and that was the grand opening
18:26 of our TV studio in Chennai.
18:28 And so, in the meantime, you said,
18:30 "We have a few extra days,
18:32 what can we do to build up the church
18:34 in another area?"
18:35 - Yes, well we were camped out a the orphanage
18:38 which has no kids because
18:41 long story. - Right.
18:42 And we thought is there any more evangelism
18:45 we can do around here?
18:46 Are there and Adventist churches here that we can
18:48 go and meet our brothers and sisters in the faith?
18:51 And yes.
18:52 So, there was me and Gabe and Hannah.
18:56 And the three of us, each one of us had
18:59 a church.
19:01 - Okay, let's watch the video then.
19:03 (uplifting music)
19:13 - So, some of our plans fell through
19:15 and this week we had a few extra days
19:17 so we thought instead of just hanging out
19:19 and waiting for our next plans to materialize,
19:23 let us do something useful for the Kingdom.
19:26 And so, we talk with the president of this conference
19:28 and he helped us arrange evangelism in three small churches.
19:32 We started out Monday night,
19:33 Tuesday night and Wednesday was our last night.
19:35 So, just three days.
19:37 But in those three days, we did a unique approach.
19:40 We told the story of the Bible from before sin
19:43 to after sin.
19:45 The entire great controversy in just three nights.
19:47 - It really all fit together in the end very well
19:52 and it really told the story of God's love
19:56 and Jesus' sacrifice
19:59 and what that means for us and how much
20:03 God has worked to save us.
20:06 (soft guitar music)
20:14 I found out that I was going to be one of the ones
20:17 giving the messages and that I'd have my own church.
20:20 And even though I had just done
20:25 an Evangelistic series in Erode,
20:27 I had a partner there and I felt a little bit more secure
20:31 and this was something new again.
20:34 Public speaking is something
20:35 that is very out of my comfort zone.
20:37 And so, the whole idea of it
20:39 kind of made me nervous.
20:40 But I knew that if anything were to come out of it
20:43 that it would be God anyway.
20:44 (soft music)
20:48 I could see in the eyes of the people
20:51 that they were impacted by it
20:52 and I know that it has to be God.
20:54 It 100% absolutely has to be him.
20:56 And I'm just amazed to see
20:59 how God can work despite me.
21:02 (soft music)
21:06 - The devil has been attacking me, personally.
21:09 Even though God himself is doing amazing things here.
21:13 The devil has been trying to downcast my spirits
21:17 and my hopes.
21:19 But as the Bible says
21:22 in Matthew 11:28 and through 30,
21:25 how to lay all our cares and burdens upon him
21:29 and take up his work.
21:30 The Lord has been teaching me that.
21:32 That it's not my strength
21:35 that I can present the message, the gospel to these people,
21:38 but it's only through Christ himself
21:41 that I'm able to actually do what I need to do
21:43 in order to preach the gospel.
21:45 (soft music)
21:48 - When you get a chance to tell people about Jesus
21:51 and talk about the Bible, the life of Christ,
21:54 what an uplift that is for my own spiritual life.
21:57 But seeing the people's response as they
22:01 grasp the concepts as, you know,
22:04 even if you tell the life of Christ poorly,
22:07 it's still an amazing story.
22:09 And so, being able to see the people come alive
22:12 and see their eyes light up and see the joy
22:15 and the thankfulness that they had in their eyes
22:18 and to see the hope, as we talked about
22:21 the second coming and the Earth made new and Heaven.
22:25 The hope that that inspired in them,
22:27 that there's more to life than
22:29 just what we experience here.
22:32 (piano music)
22:41 - The Lord has been making miracles.
22:44 And specifically, there was one girl
22:48 who was having issues with her family
22:53 and she's going back and forth of whether or not
22:55 coming to church or not going to church.
22:59 But I prayed for her last night
23:02 and she started to weep.
23:05 And I could just see it in her face
23:07 that the Lord, he's calling for her.
23:10 That he's convicting her.
23:12 (piano music)
23:15 - I saw this one lady come in to the church
23:20 at the beginning and as she came in
23:23 she knelt down to pray
23:25 and she kelt down and she lifted her hands up to God
23:29 and I couldn't hear a word she said,
23:33 let alone understand it,
23:35 but just the look on her face broke my heart.
23:38 Just how incredible the need is
23:41 for Jesus in these places and how much they want him.
23:44 (piano music)
23:53 It's incredible and I want to share that with more people
23:56 and glad to be able to share that with more people.
24:00 (piano music)
24:04 - It's something that you don't understand until you
24:07 actually are there experiencing it for yourself.
24:10 That there is someone out there that cares for these people.
24:14 And not just for you and me
24:17 but for people who you've never even met before.
24:19 People you don't even know of.
24:21 And that's what's been happening here at this church.
24:24 (piano music)
24:28 - What an amazing event that was.
24:30 We didn't call for baptism,
24:32 we're leaving that up to the local pastor
24:35 and the local Bible worker.
24:36 They're gonna continue at these churches
24:39 for an indefinite period of time
24:41 and keep growing the churches,
24:43 keep growing and nurturing the faith that's there.
24:46 So, it's an amazing thing to do.
24:49 I wanna do a lot more of that
24:50 and I encourage you to get involved also.
24:53 You don't have to be a preacher,
24:54 you don't have to have a degree in theology,
24:57 you just have to have a willingness to put yourself
24:59 where the Holy Spirit can use you.
25:01 (soft music)
25:13 I wanna go back so bad.
25:14 - Yeah and with the current situation, we can't.
25:18 I'm thankful that the Bible workers are still there.
25:20 - [Jon] Praise God for that.
25:22 - But it's really sad to em that we can't do that.
25:24 Because there is so much need.
25:26 - Yeah, in fact,
25:27 I think that this could be a sign, like a wake up call.
25:30 You know how when the Romans first came
25:33 to surround Jerusalem?
25:35 They surrounded it
25:36 and then they backed off
25:38 and then they came back and they surrounded it
25:39 and then they conquered it.
25:41 That back off period, that was Jesus' signal
25:44 to his people to leave.
25:48 And I just wonder if this is not some kind of,
25:51 if it's gonna relax and then that's gonna be our chance,
25:54 the last chance.
25:57 One of my favorite authors says that,
25:59 "The work which the church has failed to do
26:01 in a time of peace and prosperity,
26:04 she will have to do in a terrible crisis
26:06 under most discouraging, forbidding circumstances."
26:10 So, there's a certain amount of work
26:12 that we are called to do.
26:14 Of source, that's Matthew 24:14.
26:16 - Right. - A gospel into all the world.
26:18 Every known language,
26:21 kindred, people and tongue.
26:22 And so, this work needs to be done before Jesus can come.
26:27 And I believe that the world will continue to get worse
26:30 and worse and worse until this work is done.
26:33 And so,
26:35 we've been used to relative prosperity and ease
26:38 in this country but there are places in the world
26:40 where it's already tribulation time.
26:43 - Right.
26:44 - I've heard this statistic that just this last year,
26:46 there was around 100,000 Christian martyrs.
26:49 - Wow. - And so, for them
26:51 this is not a time of prosperity and ease.
26:53 And they've been moving forward.
26:55 And so, this is the time that we need to do the best
26:58 that we can.
27:01 Even now, it might get worse than it is now.
27:03 Might get harder than it is now.
27:05 I really depends, I don't know the future.
27:07 But I do know that this work needs to be done.
27:11 And we have the opportunity now to do,
27:14 from a distance
27:17 that it would be very difficult to do locally.
27:18 We have missionaries over there,
27:20 we have local missionaries over there already
27:23 and more are willing to join this workforce.
27:27 And so, this is really a time still, right now,
27:29 to wake up and say, "Lord,
27:32 how can you use me?
27:34 How can I most effectively advance your Kingdom
27:37 to fulfill Matthew 24:14
27:40 before it's too late?"
27:41 - Right.
27:42 Right. And I would like to invite you
27:44 to help this work go forward.
27:47 You can contact us as Jesus for Asia
27:49 PO Box 1221
27:51 Collegedale, Tennessee
27:53 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321.
27:59 Or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you
28:04 until we see you next time
28:06 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:08 (uplifting music)


Revised 2021-02-23