Jesus 4 Asia Now

God Yearns for Nakhon Sawan

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000109S

00:00 (dramatic music)
00:21 - Hello, and welcome to "Jesus for Asia Now."
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood, and my husband, Jon, is joining me today
00:27 as we share about a new approach to outreach
00:30 and church planting in unreached areas.
00:33 Hello love. - Hi darling, how are you?
00:35 - I'm doing well, thank you.
00:37 I'm looking forward to this show.
00:38 - Yes. - We're talking about,
00:40 is it really a new approach?
00:42 - No. - I don't think so.
00:43 - No, we're trying to be more biblical.
00:46 So in some cases, that might seem like a new approach,
00:51 but it's not really a new approach at all.
00:53 - Okay, all right, so where are we talking about?
00:56 - We're talking about Asia.
00:58 I think that this approach can work anywhere,
01:00 not just Asia, and not just any specific countries,
01:04 but we're trying it out first in the country
01:06 that we're seeing the biggest challenge in.
01:10 - Yeah, okay. - Which is Thailand.
01:12 - Okay, so in Thailand. - Mhm.
01:14 - Now we've talked a little bit
01:16 about some of these challenges in the past, on the show.
01:19 So some of our viewers may remember,
01:20 but just for a refresher, can you share with us
01:23 some of the, why,
01:25 some of the challenge why we're talking about
01:27 doing outreach this way?
01:29 - Right, well one of the biggest frustrations
01:32 that I've experienced in mission work
01:34 is driving through the countryside,
01:37 where you can drive for hours, and hours,
01:40 and hours, and hours, without coming in
01:42 within 100 miles of an Adventist church.
01:44 - Right.
01:45 - And, or an Adventist believer.
01:47 And it seems like there's no plan in place
01:52 to actually reach them, to actually put someone there
01:56 that knows Christ.
01:59 And I felt so discouraged thinking about,
02:05 "Wow, so much that still needs to be done."
02:08 And we're not talking about one or two cities,
02:10 we're talking about hundreds.
02:11 - Right- - Thousands.
02:13 - And not just in Thailand, but in other countries as well.
02:15 There's so many places where there's no Adventists,
02:18 and so many places where there's no Christian at all.
02:20 - Right.
02:21 - And it can be very expensive
02:24 to put somebody in a new place.
02:26 - Well, that's the whole thing,
02:28 because you look at, okay, what's it gonna take
02:29 to plant a church?
02:31 You've gotta develop some, you've gotta rent a place.
02:34 You gotta have somebody that can do a skill,
02:37 or you can do,
02:38 I mean, traditionally we've been thinking,
02:40 "Well, we've gotta come in with some kind of ministry,
02:42 some kind of way, some kind of excuse to make friends."
02:46 So whatever that ministry might be-
02:49 - We often call that tent making, you know,
02:51 like we're gonna go in,
02:52 and we're going to earn our living somehow.
02:54 - That's an option.
02:56 - So that we can connect with the people, or-
02:57 - But even just placing a Bible worker there,
03:00 or a pastor there, or a missionary there.
03:02 What are they gonna do when they get there?
03:04 What's their purpose? What are they?
03:06 You know, all these questions
03:07 were just boiling up in my mind over the many years,
03:11 just like, "What in the world can we do?"
03:13 And over the course of several years,
03:15 and several chance encounters,
03:18 I started to see what the real problem was,
03:21 and to find a solution.
03:25 Number one, what we're trying to do with church planting
03:28 and with raising new believers, is a spiritual activity.
03:34 - Right, right, very much so.
03:37 It's a spiritual battle-
03:39 - It is. - For each one of our souls.
03:40 - Yeah, and so like,
03:42 it's not like we're trying to set up a business
03:45 where we make money, that's the goal there.
03:47 But what we're trying to do, the end result
03:50 of everything that we're trying to do is a spiritual,
03:53 so for somebody to learn about Christ.
03:56 - Right. - And somebody to pray-
03:58 - And to be able to have the opportunity to accept him.
04:00 - Right.
04:01 - And be there for eternity with him.
04:03 - Exactly, a lot of these people don't know
04:05 if there is a God, if there is a God, what's he like?
04:11 Is he a being? Is he somebody you can talk to?
04:14 How do you pray?
04:16 I mean, just basic, basic things like that.
04:19 And so it's just been really sad to me,
04:22 to drive past, or through all these towns and villages,
04:25 no Adventist church here, no Adventist church here,
04:27 no Adventist church here.
04:29 It's like how are these people ever gonna know?
04:31 How are they gonna learn? - Right.
04:32 - And TV makes a big impact,
04:35 but the people on the ground, you know...
04:39 - Right, right, and Mrs. White talks about
04:42 having memorials in every city,
04:44 you know, having a place that's dedicated
04:46 to the one true God.
04:48 - Yeah, they deserve a witness.
04:50 And another thing that's really challenged me,
04:52 as I drive through these cities, as I stop in these cities,
04:55 as I look around, it's like, how come I don't feel
04:59 more of a burden for these people?
05:02 Why am I not turning my life upside down
05:07 for the sake of these people learning about Christ?
05:10 You know, why am I not burdened?
05:12 Why am I afraid of allowing my heart to break
05:16 for these people that don't know,
05:18 because I look at them and you know,
05:19 they're going about their daily lives.
05:21 They seem to have plenty of food.
05:23 Everything seems to be okay.
05:24 I mean, it's not like a big famine,
05:28 or a crisis in a physical realm.
05:31 But you see them and God is working with them.
05:35 I have no doubt about that.
05:37 But they don't know who he is,
05:41 and the blessings that we have received in our lives.
05:44 Where is my passion?
05:46 Where's my desire for them to know the Christ
05:50 that I have grown to love?
05:52 And it's just really humbled me to see my lack of desire,
05:58 my lack of compassion for these lost souls.
06:00 - Right, so we came to realize something,
06:03 and that is that a spiritual battle
06:05 has to use spiritual tools.
06:07 - Yeah, and this journey kinda began
06:09 with realizing that I don't have, we don't have the answers.
06:14 We don't have the method.
06:16 We don't know what to do to reach.
06:19 I mean, a lot of people have tried really hard,
06:21 in different ways, with different methods,
06:23 to reach this people group.
06:26 It's mainly the central,
06:28 you know, in pretty much any country,
06:31 is the fringes and the islands that we have done well in.
06:36 But the central main groups are very difficult to reach.
06:40 We've not done well in them,
06:41 because they already have their religion.
06:44 They already have everything they need.
06:46 They're pretty comfortable where they are.
06:48 So, but they don't know what they're missing.
06:51 They don't know what they don't know.
06:53 So how do you reach through that complacency?
06:55 And so what you're talking about is a spiritual battle.
06:59 We found a verse in the Bible where it says
07:02 that it's Satan that blinds the eyes and the minds
07:06 of those that are gonna be lost.
07:08 So Satan is actively blinding people's minds,
07:11 and blinding their eyes to the gospel.
07:13 So they may hear the gospel.
07:15 You know, even Nicodemus,
07:17 when he was sitting there interviewing Jesus that night,
07:19 he was sitting there looking at the Son of God,
07:22 looking at God in the eyes, and he didn't recognize it.
07:26 And Jesus says, "Unless you're born from above,
07:28 you cannot see the kingdom of heaven."
07:31 In other words, you can be sitting there
07:33 looking at the kingdom of heaven with your own two eyes,
07:36 and not see it, unless you're born from above.
07:39 So this is what you're saying, a spiritual battle.
07:43 Even before you start meeting people.
07:47 - Right, right, and that's true,
07:49 because God's the only one that knows
07:51 the right time for each place and for each person.
07:54 And he's the only one who can open the doors.
07:56 - Yeah, and the right method, and it's just...
08:01 It's like the power of resurrection from the dead,
08:05 that takes that kind of power to reach a person's heart.
08:08 - Right. - Yeah.
08:10 - Right, and God's the one with that.
08:11 - Absolutely, and plenty of it.
08:13 - Right, and it makes me think of 2 Corinthians 10:3-4,
08:17 "For though we walk in the flesh,
08:20 we do not war after the flesh.
08:22 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
08:25 but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds."
08:30 - Wow, so we've been trying to come up with a technique,
08:33 some kind of method for doing this,
08:35 and not realizing that this is a spiritual thing.
08:37 And so what do we use in this battle?
08:40 We've gotta start with the spiritual tools.
08:42 And the first spiritual tool is?
08:44 - Prayer. - Yeah.
08:45 - Right. - Yeah.
08:48 - So we have an overview video that shows
08:50 where we're talking about,
08:52 and so we can actually, like go there.
08:56 - Okay, sounds good to me.
08:58 (serene music)
09:01 - In the country of Thailand,
09:02 there are not a lot of Adventists,
09:06 and where there are Adventists,
09:07 they tend to be clustered along the edges of the country,
09:12 in a lot of ways, especially among the Hill Tribe peoples.
09:16 And so here in the central valley of Thailand,
09:19 there's a lot of people, and very few Adventists.
09:24 And in this city, there are none that we know of.
09:39 A few years ago, we went to Sukhothai,
09:41 which is about 2 1/2 hours north of here.
09:44 And there was no Adventists there.
09:47 And so we went to make some videos to share that need,
09:51 because it's very easy to be separated,
09:54 and to not really connect with the needs in the world,
09:58 when we're living our own lives, right?
10:00 So we wanted to kind of just put that out there,
10:03 and pray and ask for people
10:06 to consider coming to this place that needed missionaries.
10:13 And about a year after that, there was a family
10:15 that was planning to come to Sukhothai.
10:19 And so after that, we went and did a prayer walk,
10:22 to pray for God to work in that city,
10:25 to prepare the ground for that missionary family to come.
10:30 And what we've seen happen in that city is amazing.
10:33 There's all sorts of connections
10:35 that we can just look at and say, "That's God working,
10:41 and there's no other explanation."
10:42 (gentle piano music)
10:50 Behind me. Here is the city of Nakhon Sawan.
10:54 It means, in English, the heavenly city.
10:57 And I believe that God wants to put heaven
11:00 in the hearts of the people here.
11:04 As we've been here, I've been reading different things,
11:08 and I was reading about Nineveh,
11:10 and you know, such a great wicked city,
11:12 and God sent Jonah to go to Nineveh.
11:16 And the reason for that was because God saw
11:19 that in that city, there was people
11:23 who were yearning and desiring
11:25 and hoping for something better, a better way of life.
11:29 And so God sent Jonah to give the warning message,
11:33 and then when Jonah went and gave that warning message,
11:36 the Holy Spirit took that message,
11:39 and just set it in the hearts of the people,
11:42 and they responded.
11:44 I believe that that's what God wants to do
11:47 in this city of Nakhon Sawan.
12:03 I believe that God wants us to care about the things
12:07 that he cares about.
12:09 And God cares about these people.
12:11 In his Word, it says that he's not willing
12:14 that any should perish,
12:15 but that all should come to repentance,
12:18 and all should have eternal life.
12:20 He loves them, he cares about them,
12:23 but they don't even know that.
12:26 And they deserve that opportunity to know
12:29 that there's a God in heaven who created this world,
12:31 who created them, who loves them,
12:34 and who wants them to be with him for eternity.
12:45 As we've been here in this city the last couple of days,
12:49 we have seen God working, and we have sensed
12:52 that God is preparing this city,
12:55 and the people in this city,
12:57 for the message that will come here.
13:08 - So during the lockdown, I was trying to figure out
13:12 how I could get over to that city, and do a prayer walk.
13:16 'Cause that's the first thing we did in Sukhothai,
13:18 and I wanted to do the same thing in Nakhon Sawan.
13:21 But before I had a chance to say anything,
13:24 or purchase my ticket to go,
13:27 'cause I had to go through two weeks of quarantine,
13:29 and all that stuff,
13:30 I got a message from Jonathon Hill,
13:32 saying that they were thinking about going to Nakhon Sawan
13:35 to do a prayer walk. - Right.
13:38 - And I was a little jealous, 'cause I wanted to go there.
13:40 But he and his wife arranged, and connected with Jim Castor,
13:45 who's been on our show before,
13:47 good friend from the Philippines, having a prayer ministry.
13:51 And they put together two prayer walks.
13:55 One was with some local people, friends, Adventists
13:58 that came up and walked Nakhon Sawan.
14:00 - So, and we have a video from the first prayer walk.
14:04 - [Jon] Okay.
14:05 (gentle music)
14:14 - Today's a very special day,
14:15 because we're here in Nakhon Sawan, a dark city.
14:19 And we have some friends who have come together
14:22 to pray with us.
14:24 And so today we are doing a prayer walk.
14:27 We're praying in different places throughout the city,
14:30 for the people in this city,
14:32 but also for people to come,
14:35 and share the gospel in this city.
14:46 - I'm here because I was privileged and blessed enough
14:49 to join the prayer walk at Sukhothai before.
14:51 I think that was three years ago.
14:53 And seeing how God mightily works in there,
14:58 I know that he could do mighty things here too.
15:01 And doing the prayer walk, and being in the place
15:04 that you're praying for
15:06 gives you a different inspiration to pray more.
15:10 - For me, I just realized that I have been praying for,
15:14 like I am asking God to give me something,
15:16 or someone to pray for, and to intercede for.
15:18 And I am so blessed to have a experience like this
15:23 for the very first time.
15:25 (serene music)
15:48 For me, like God is changing the way I pray.
15:52 He has been showing me that your prayers
15:55 are just so focused to yourself.
15:57 And there are a lot of people
15:58 who are really in need of prayers.
16:00 - It's refreshing, it gives us a new focus
16:03 on what we are here for, not merely for ourselves.
16:06 - It's a reminder that you have to live outside yourself,
16:10 and that God created you to be a part of a bigger body.
16:14 So you have to pray for others as well, and it's a blessing.
16:21 - We went to eat lunch,
16:23 and we were at this vegetarian restaurant eating lunch,
16:25 and it was wonderful and everything.
16:27 But then Hannah noticed
16:29 that there was 20 baht on the floor.
16:32 And so she thought maybe it was the people next to us,
16:34 and so she asked, and they said, "No, it's not ours."
16:39 Anyway, we started talking to them a little bit,
16:41 and it turns out they speak English.
16:43 So they started talking to us in English,
16:45 and it was just a really friendly,
16:47 warm, wonderful conversation.
16:49 So we got their contact info,
16:52 and we shared a couple of little glow tracks with them.
16:56 And the one lady, she looked at the front of one of 'em,
16:59 and it was something about how to have a better future.
17:02 And she picked it up, and she pointed at it,
17:04 and she said, "That's what I want."
17:09 That's exactly what God wants to bring
17:12 to the people in this city, is a better future.
17:38 - I was in a Sabbath school class,
17:39 teaching a Sabbath school class once,
17:40 and I was expressing my burden for the lost.
17:43 And somebody in the class says, "Aren't their organizations
17:49 that can take care of that?
17:51 And you don't have to worry,
17:52 you don't have to stress so much about it."
17:54 And my reply was, "If I don't allow the sufferings
18:02 of humanity to break my heart,
18:05 then what kind of heart do I have?
18:07 And it's a stony heart."
18:10 And Christ allowed the sufferings of humanity
18:13 to break his heart. - Right.
18:15 - And he did something about it.
18:17 - Yeah.
18:18 - And the end result is gonna be worth it.
18:20 - Right. - Yeah.
18:21 - So that was such a beautiful video.
18:24 So powerful, showing the different places there.
18:28 I mean, it's always interesting to see different places,
18:30 but to think about the people that live there,
18:32 the people that they were walking past,
18:34 the lady in the restaurant,
18:36 and the man that was cooking,
18:37 and you know, the different people that they saw,
18:42 just their lives are real to Christ.
18:45 He has known them since before they were born.
18:47 And they may not be real to us, but they're real to him.
18:53 And so, we should care.
18:57 - And that's where you start, you know.
18:59 One person told me, he says, "How come, you know,
19:01 I don't love the people that are over there."
19:04 And I'm like, "Well, neither do I.
19:05 How can you love somebody you've never met?
19:08 But Christ loves them, and because he loves them,
19:11 already, right off the bat, for my love for Christ,
19:14 I can love them," and then-
19:16 - Right, well, that's where our love comes from,
19:18 is our connection with him.
19:19 So if we're connected with Christ,
19:21 then whether we know them or not,
19:23 we will have some sort of interest in them, you know?
19:27 And his love will grow in our hearts for them.
19:29 And that's one of the reasons we pray,
19:32 is to have care, like the young lady was saying.
19:36 'Cause our prayers are selfish,
19:38 they're focused on our needs, on ourselves.
19:40 And this is something
19:41 that we can intercede for someone else.
19:44 And, you know, we may never meet them this side of heaven,
19:47 but God can come in, because of our prayers,
19:50 and make huge changes in their lives.
19:52 - Yes, exactly.
19:54 Also wanted to talk a little bit
19:55 about what a prayer walk is.
19:57 It's not anything magical. - Right.
20:00 - But being there with our feet on the ground,
20:03 we can claim Joshua 1:3,
20:05 "Wherever you put the sole of your foot,
20:07 that have I already given to you."
20:09 And seeing the people, seeing the environment,
20:11 seeing the city-
20:13 - The way they live, what the city looks like.
20:16 - It becomes priority in your mind.
20:18 - Right. - It becomes more real.
20:21 And that encourages you to pray more, with a bigger burden.
20:25 - Right. - Yeah.
20:26 - Right.
20:27 - So, that's the reason for the prayer walks.
20:29 - Right, so that was from the first prayer walk.
20:32 - The in-person one. - Right.
20:33 And then they scheduled a Zoom one, and invited everybody.
20:37 And so we have three videos coming up.
20:40 The first one is from before prayer started.
20:43 - [Jon] Okay.
20:44 - Good morning, fellow missionaries.
20:46 Welcome back to Mission Viewfinder.
20:48 It is about six o'clock, seven o'clock, sorry,
20:50 in the morning here, and we are headed out to pray.
20:54 To pray where?
20:56 Here in Nakhon Sawan.
20:57 (gentle music)
21:02 - Be stronger than that,
21:04 and a full treasury of (indistinct)
21:10 And just imagine something, the beautiful promises
21:12 that we will somehow believe (indistinct),
21:16 as we wrestle with the Lord, for the lives of the people.
21:19 - That building, where they have rented, and are opening,
21:25 that is like 150 feet from two of the places
21:31 that we prayed at the prayer call in Sukhothai.
21:34 Like, it's so amazing the way God works.
21:45 - Okay, so that was kinda before running into
21:48 the actual prayer call, but this next video
21:50 is what it looks like in the prayer call.
21:52 - Right, and I just wanted to mention,
21:54 when Hannah came on the screen,
21:56 that's Hannah Hill, Jonathan's wife.
21:58 When she came on the screen, she was talking,
22:00 "Hello, welcome to Mission Viewfinder."
22:02 And I just wanted our viewers to know
22:04 that Jonathan and Hannah have a YouTube channel,
22:07 called Mission Viewfinder.
22:09 And there they share a little behind the scenes,
22:12 and they share spiritual thoughts,
22:14 and things that they've gone through in the mission field,
22:17 different things like that.
22:18 It's more of a personal vlog kind of thing, a video blog.
22:22 And so if our viewers are interested,
22:24 it's on the YouTube channel.
22:26 - Yeah, Mission Viewfinder.
22:27 - Right, so let's go ahead with the next video.
22:29 - Okay.
22:31 - My brother, Jonathan Hill,
22:32 who's there already in Thailand right now.
22:34 Friends, do you know why we're excited?
22:38 Because last year, was it last year, Brother Jon?
22:44 Our brother, Jon Wood, is here in the line as well.
22:46 Was it last year when you did,
22:47 oh no, not last year, 2019,
22:50 when you did that prayer walk in Sukhothai?
22:53 Is it last year, yes?
22:55 And they did not do something like this,
22:57 there was no online prayer call.
23:00 There was just like less than five of you,
23:03 Brother Jon, wasn't it?
23:04 Five or six of you? - That's correct.
23:07 - I think there was five of us.
23:11 Jonathan Hill was there,
23:14 and we just walked through the town, the city,
23:16 and prayed for the city,
23:17 stopped at different places in the park,
23:19 in the center of downtown, and one of the temples.
23:22 We just lifted up the city, for God to intervene,
23:26 and to open doors.
23:29 And it's amazing what God did.
23:31 - [Gem] And, for to build up, for to build up the prayers
23:35 that has been offered.
23:38 - So that's just a little taste.
23:39 This went on for about a full hour.
23:42 Yeah, and people really, really enjoyed it.
23:45 - Right.
23:46 - And the outpouring of prayer,
23:47 and lifting up that one city,
23:49 that you know, who knows how many of our viewers
23:53 have prayed for Nakhon Sawan before?
23:55 - Right, yeah, most people had never heard of it.
23:58 - Exactly, I hadn't heard about it,
24:00 until I drove through it a few times.
24:01 - Right.
24:03 - And it's like the biggest city in Central Thailand.
24:05 - Yeah. - Yeah.
24:07 - All right, so now we have a video
24:08 of Jonathan's reaction after the prayer call was over,
24:12 for Mission Viewfinder.
24:14 And just wanna invite everybody, keep a look on his eyes.
24:19 - Wow, that was amazing.
24:21 We just got off the prayer call,
24:24 and you know, it's just really amazing.
24:28 We're here, two people.
24:30 Yesterday, there was five of us,
24:31 but today there's only two people.
24:34 And it can seem like what can we do?
24:39 What, you know, we're praying, yes, and God works.
24:42 But sometimes, just two,
24:48 feels like not so much.
24:51 But we just got off a prayer call with 57 people
24:54 pouring their hearts out for God to work in this city.
25:02 And that was,
25:05 that was a precious thing.
25:09 And I know, I know God is working in a mighty way.
25:16 I just can't wait to see what it's gonna look like
25:18 in a year, or six months.
25:22 - (laughing) 'Cause you know what happened right after that?
25:26 - I know what happened. - Yeah.
25:29 - God sent Jonathan and Hannah there.
25:31 So be careful what you pray for,
25:34 and what you pour your heart out for,
25:36 because he will honor it. - Yes, that's right.
25:40 They were living just on the outskirts of Chiang Mai,
25:42 and the statistic is that 75% of all missionaries
25:45 that go to Thailand, go to Chiang Mai,
25:48 'cause it's nice, it's beautiful, and it's just-
25:51 - Pretty easy to work.
25:53 - And so they just felt the burden, "Why don't we move?"
25:55 So now, praise God, there are two people,
25:59 two Adventists living in Nakhon Sawan.
26:02 - Right.
26:03 - So you might think, "Well, two people,
26:05 that's not very much."
26:06 But think about it a percentage,
26:08 if you go from one to two,
26:09 or 100 church members to 200 church members,
26:11 that's 100% growth.
26:13 But if you go from zero to two,
26:16 that's infinite growth, percentage wise.
26:19 - Right. - You know.
26:20 Before there was nobody, and now there's two,
26:23 worshiping God on the Sabbath, in that city.
26:27 - Right, and God is opening all sorts of opportunities.
26:31 I mean, I know they have a lot of stories,
26:32 and we've heard some of them
26:34 on their Mission Viewfinder channel,
26:36 because Jonathan loves to run.
26:39 They have met people that are running.
26:41 They have met people
26:43 that have gone biking with, cycling with.
26:46 They're meeting people in the market,
26:48 you know, different things God has led in different ways
26:51 to specific places.
26:53 You know, just the way God is guiding,
26:57 and even to the house that they're living in,
26:59 it was very definitely a God thing,
27:01 because the place was not for rent.
27:03 It was for sale, but it was not for rent.
27:06 And God told the lady that she was to rent to them.
27:10 And so it's like, God really has a purpose and has a plan.
27:14 - Yes, yes, and the only way we can make a difference
27:17 is to pray. - Right.
27:20 - And the beautiful thing about prayer
27:22 is that you don't have to go there to pray.
27:25 - Right, you can pray from anywhere, for anywhere.
27:29 - Yes. - And God has big plans.
27:31 - Yes, absolutely.
27:34 - I would like to invite you to pray
27:36 for Jonathan and Hannah,
27:37 and for the people of Nakhon Sawan,
27:39 that they would come to know God,
27:42 the one who loves them so very, very much.
27:44 If you would like to contact us,
27:46 you can reach us at Jesus for Asia, P.O. Box 1221,
27:51 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:55 Call us at 423-413-7321,
27:59 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you until we see you next time,
28:07 on "Jesus for Asia Now."
28:09 (dramatic music)


Revised 2021-12-28